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4930024 No.4930024 [Reply] [Original]

How do I develop the superpower of photographic memory?

>> No.4930147

no such thing

>> No.4930152

>How do I develop the superpower of photographic memory?
you don't need that to make a living at art

>> No.4930157

Put 4 C batteries into a condom and insert them rectally

>> No.4930164

You were suppose to pick that trait at birth.
Like talent and asian genes if you didn't get them when you started you're better off saving yourself a life of failure and rerolling.

>> No.4930172

Become one with the machine.

>> No.4930242

Don't forget to shove a lightbulb in your mouth. You need to have flash photography

>> No.4930267
File: 51 KB, 795x765, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. Nice thumbnail though

>> No.4930272
File: 421 KB, 1024x1686, NPCTest3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its somthing you are born with.

High test womb + ligameme = Potential to become mastery artist

>> No.4930280

FAKE tweet chain, I'm 1 but without a leaf, c'mon man have we gone this low?

>> No.4930286


its not https://twitter.com/premium__heart/status/1225610677177520130

>> No.4930290

>lying on an anonymous indian street cleaning board

>> No.4930298

Well, fuck, I have HFA though, could be related to that but idk.

>> No.4930305

When I close my eyes and imagine an apple, I end up thinking about touching the apple, the texture of the apple, and how it tastes. But I cant conjure up an image of the apple.
is that normal or am I just retarded?

>> No.4930309

take DMT and LSD and strip down in a cold shower

>> No.4930422

>i’m 1 but
another delusional 5fag

>> No.4930433

Won't give you magic autist powers but look into active recall, it's the most researched method of study and works great for learning to draw from imagination

>> No.4930435

If I can recall properly there is no such thing, what people actually do is associate ideas with numbers or colors.

>> No.4930445


lol no. Some people really do see images in their head

>> No.4930469

You are both fucking retarded, it's one single fucking apple, being able to imagine that doesn't make anyone special morons. If you visit the link https://twitter.com/premium__heart/status/1225610677177520130 there's a lot others giving one nothing special

>> No.4930476

>source: twitter posts
you've convinced me

>> No.4930480

you're welcome

>> No.4930485

Yes there is. There's also people with more than photographic memory, where their memory and imagination feel even more real than real life.

>> No.4930493

What's HFA?

>> No.4930503

>People like Lu Chao, who holds the record for the longest string of pi digits a person ever recited from memory, use mnemonic techniques to help them record information. Although he could remember 67,000 digits in the right order, Chao is no genius. In 2009, researchers gave Lu, along with several other people that matched his age and education, a ‘digit span’ test — how well they could remember a sequence of random digits which were presented a rate of one digit per second. Lu had a digit span of 8.83 while the average for the rest of the group was 9.27.

Lu doesn’t have an innate ability to encode vast amounts of information. He knows a good trick to make up for it, though. In order to remember thousands of digits, Lu used a memory technique called loci, which is Latin for ‘places’. The method, also known as the memory palace method, employs spatial or environmental cues to help learning and memory.

The method works something like this: you use a familiar environment, such as your home, and walk through the environment associating information (like words or digits) you want to remember with various objects or scenery. In order to recall the digits in the right order, you simply have to do a mental walk through your mind palace. In Lu’s case, he devised an intricate story, and assigned images such as a chair, a king or a horse to two-digit combinations of numbers ranging from “00” to “99.”

So, even people who can barely remember where they put their car keys can perform seemingly superhuman memory tasks — if given the proper training.


>> No.4930514
File: 58 KB, 630x601, 1582213841841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on so you're telling me you guys aren't able to imagine any apple of any color at will, even unreal colors like blue, with or without any amount of leaf, make it spin and fly around, change shape or transform into any other object ever?
Are you fucking with me or just brain damage?

>> No.4930516

I can do 1 and imagine the apple in different positions/scenery, but I can't conjure a clear image for more than a millisecond. Or maybe I'm just tricking myself into believing I see something when I actually have Aphantasia.

>> No.4930529


>> No.4930538


>> No.4930547

I can definitely see it. Not with my eyes but I can see it. It’s like day dreaming. You can still see with your normal eyes but you can’t really focus on both your real eyes and your minds eye at once. If I think of a cake I can see a cake in milliseconds. It isn’t a perfect photo but literally everything is there. Like a dream, it’s all there in your head but when you wake up there are crucial details missing that should have made you question it being real. But you never do

>> No.4930566

Exactly, see? Someone else gets it.

>> No.4930582

high functioning autism,