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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4922504 No.4922504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discuss and share art resources and tactics to mislead and harm the progress of aspiring artists across the internet.

>> No.4922505
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>> No.4922506
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>> No.4922509

Recomend Bridgman to beginners. Share Jazza videos. Give them deviant art info graphics with incorrect but believable information. Tell them to just draw and not worry about knowledge just practice

>> No.4922512

This thread reminds me of this dude


>> No.4922519

My personal goal is to ensure that around 90% of my art ‘buddies’ end up like him

>> No.4922522
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>> No.4922534

I find two particularly good resources to make sure /beg/s stay /beg/ forever.
1) DAB or drawabox:
>Pro's :
It proposes an extremely restricted and frankly gimmicky approach to drawing with low quality instructions and the instructor himself is a middling artist even though he's been at it forever and received formal training. The culture surrounding this site is ideal for stagnation, frustration and procastination. Drawing there becomes a chore to be avoided and be done with quickly instead of a meaningful process that combines analysis and intuition.
>Cons :
There are some small gateways to legit resources like Vandruff's perspective and Proko's anatomy which get pushed in the site. This is problematic and i've been trying to negate this by spreading false rumours about them within the DAB community. Thankfully not many escape ngmism throught said gateways.

>> No.4922540

Pathetic fucks. I offer redlines and advice for all my followers as well as personal library of resources. I may not be a pro but I can bring few people from stick figures to int-level, and actually mentoring two newbies. For ever person you crabbed I’ll bring two up, so everything you’ve done is naught. You’ll fail both at getting better at art and sabotaging others, change your ways until it’s too late or die bitter and skilless.

>> No.4922545

Here's some tactics

>Watch a video on "how to draw mechs" instead of learning industrial design

>Watch "how to draw dragons" before learning to draw animals

>Watch"how to draw heads" videos that teaches you 3 angles at best.Learn them by heart.

>Never study perspective,because "muh sounds like math",just watch some tutorials on it if you want to draw a town or stuff

>Jump into anatomy before everything else,even gesture

>just draw,practice everyday even if you have been hit by a car or if you must taking care of your mental health

>don't learn realism,instead just pretend that this style is overrated.Also dont draw from life or people will judge you

>You suck at drawing landscape?Men?Women?Vehicules?Fine just don't draw it

>there' s nothing wrong with using 947362746 layers,it's okay we don't learn in the same way

>> No.4922546

2) Facebook study groups:
>Pro's :
The social formality that's not entirely lost on facebook boomer groups ensure that real criticism stands back in favour of validation. They tend to spread very poor taste and 'humor-based' styles. The low output of work and the very strict guidelines kill creativity and honest self-assesement. They are also really bad at finding fee learning materials and are impressed by boomer watercolourists top 10 tips videos.
there's a limited range of action and you have to dedicate too much time to sway the culture of these groups (although it is already close to ideal ngmist). The scale of these groups is small and therefore might not occupy as much time as DAB.

Recommending either of these two should be default for anyone who wants to crab in easy-mode.
/asg/ deserves a special mention, its approach guarantees perma-ngmi, however it is a heavily autistic place and you could always accidentally come across loomis or vilppu.

>> No.4922552

You mentoring anyone is probably the greatest gift to the /crab/ community. I hope you keep it up and recommend the other /begs/ that follow you to do the same. That would make my work that much easier.

>> No.4922554

>videos that teaches you 3 angles at best.Learn them by heart
> dont draw from life or people will judge you
>You suck at drawing x ?Fine just don't draw it
These are golden anon and low-risk high-reward. Thank you! i'll make sure to put them into practicel

>> No.4922563

>related channels
The drawing database ( double edged sword tho its good for perspective )
Marc Brunet
Kim Jung Gis tutorial

>> No.4922567

you can also include pretty much any art learning subreddits including the dab one.

>> No.4922570

They'll take care of themselves anon, it's not worth paying mind.

>> No.4922573

Bringing them to /ic/ is unironically more harmful

>> No.4922576

stfu faggot.

>> No.4922583
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forgot n1 lol

>> No.4922590

Waah. Some bully you make lol

>> No.4922595

You guys are some of the saddest fucks on the whole internet, I don’t even draw I just came here out of curiosity, hilariously pathetic

>> No.4922596

nobody actually uses these tutorials

>> No.4922597

I thought that was the joke?

>> No.4922599

We get it fag your fee fee's are baww. There's nothing you can do to stop us from sabotaging and making /beg/tards waste years of their life doing nothing.

>> No.4922600

This is good advice tho, am I getting meta crabbed?

>> No.4922605

You decide

>> No.4922611

This crabbing scheme only works for absolute idiots, there's always something useful that can be absorbed from most known resources.

>> No.4922612

>Kim Jung Gis tutorial

I actually just finished it and thought it was interesting. Granted it’s mostly watching him draw quietly for like 4 hours but the little things he does say are good. It’s more of an insight into his approach than anything. I wouldn’t say it’s useful for a complete beg but if you’re capable of watching someone’s process and learning from it then it’s actually pretty cool. Ultimately his whole point is “observe” and that’s reflected in the course. Also hilariously the other points I’d take from it are “draw a box” and “know perspective”. Beyond that it’s pure visual library building

>> No.4922619

>am I getting meta crabbed?
This thread itself is a meta crab. This is a bitter shitter thread.

>> No.4922627

>this thread exists
>openly talking about how to sabotage other artists
>begtards now knows who to not listen to
>me laughing because i already had to figure all of this out on my own before coming onto /ic/ and am GMI

>> No.4922629

this is the most pathetic thread i've seen on here and that's saying something

>> No.4922637

Agreed. There is another thread up right now about the exact same topic. Really pathetic what /ic/ is right now.

>> No.4922643
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EXPECTATION: /int/s and pros suppressing /beg/s

REALITY: Just gay /beg/s tearing each other down

>> No.4922645

why the fuck???

>> No.4922646

nice Reddit post

>> No.4922649

nice because it's true :)

>> No.4922651

keep coping

>> No.4922656
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>> No.4922657

Real GMI's lift others up, attitude is part of being a GMI folks, can't make it by being gay like this lol. Just remove your butt plugs, it's getting in your heads lmao.

>> No.4922660

keep being delusional, you're not above anyone skill-wise, you know it deep inside

>> No.4922666
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comfiest and chillest thread on the board
good job guys, don't let the haters put you down

>> No.4922668
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Dangerously based

>> No.4922669

But that's what the whole "crabs in a bucket" metaphor comes from. It's not the fucking fishermen keeping the crabs from escaping, its the crabs keeping one another from escaping. This thread from the very concept was just people who suck at drawing trying to ensure that other people will also suck at drawing.

>> No.4922674

Yes, real gmis help each other crab the competition. The absolute seethe this thread has caused is one of the reasons why /ic/ is ngmi

>> No.4922679

How the fuck can someone fuck up with such precision?!

>> No.4922685

that makes sense, what a pity

>> No.4922688
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these image is really frustrating to me, but I can't quite pin point why. I think I have interacted with someone who draws exactly like that sometimes in the past and I think they are a very frustrating individual.

>> No.4922732

It has a strong correlation with extremely online subcultures, weebs particularly.

>> No.4922858

I would hope this is a shitpost, but considering the place i'm browsing right now, i bet there are some pathetic faggots who unironically spend their time doing this for some retarded reasons instead of spending their time improving.

>> No.4922891

>get reccomended loomis by retarded crabs like ones on this thread
>try to understand that boomer shit
>can't because /beg/
>decide fuck it, i'm gonna go to a mentor
>progress skyrockets
thanks for kickstarting my evolution crabfags!

>> No.4922925

Wow, who would have thought getting a teacher is better for you than self studying.

>> No.4922939

>I offer redlines and advice for all my followers
>I may not be a pro
Thanks for holding them back anon that helps me a lot

>> No.4922942

Ya seethe

>> No.4922943

What’s the point? You can’t get good without art school or mentors, and people with access to such resources are immune to crabbing. Waste of time and cope.

>> No.4923053


>> No.4923174

>and people with access to such resources are immune to crabbing

>> No.4923206

These are funny, but what does this have to do with crabbing?

>> No.4923304

I guess they’re shared as legit resources

>> No.4923333

I fantasize about crabbing someone so hard they reach their 30s with nothing to show. I really really want to see them depressed knowing they have wasted their youth away in a trivial pursuit.
Sometimes i dream of having a young art gf that i personally crab till old age.

>> No.4923340

blessed by crab digits

>> No.4923348
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>> No.4923352

Honestly, just encouraging someone to pursue art is crabbing most of the time.

>> No.4923356
File: 2 KB, 190x31, AIEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing you can do to stop us from sabotaging and making /beg/tards waste years of their life doing nothing.

>> No.4923368

Bridgman isn't beginner-friendly and Jazza sucks dick, you're getting meta crabbed.

>> No.4923372

those perky tits look like two fucking bananas

>> No.4923374

Reminder to fellow crabs, you don't need to crab them indefinitely, just fuck them up during their youth while they have peak neuroplasticity. Do not be discouraged, the 30+ y/o boomers will come out on top in this age war.

>> No.4923375

Dude don’t troll him

>> No.4923381

seems like we won't figure whos the real troll here

>> No.4923401

I crab around i go on fb and the subr*ddits I sometimes pay for resources behind a paywall and continue spreading misinformation inside the private forums. Also givebad advice on YouTube and Twitter

>> No.4923404

Fucking amateur, I have paid patreon membership where I give bad advice.

>> No.4923412

I didn’t know moderndayjames lurked

>> No.4923447

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To troll them is my real test,
To crab them is my cause!
I will travel across the net,
Searching far and wide.
Each ngmi to waste their time,
To be a perma/beg/
Gotta crab em' all!

>> No.4923453

What’s wrong with modern
dayJames? Honest question

>> No.4923516

i have never meet a single /int/ who has been helpful
they are only capable of saying pleasentries at most
pros you'll almost never reach but the ones who want to help will try to help as many people as they can

>> No.4923519

Never gonna make it, crab. Never. I mean it

>> No.4923530

>instead of spending their time improving.
Why do you idiots pretend like these things are mutually exclusive? It takes anywhere from 2-10 minutes to crab, you can literally do it while you take a shit or watch netflix.

>> No.4923552

Sycra is legit though.

>> No.4923566

DAB helped me

>> No.4923573

delicious banana titties

>> No.4923600


>> No.4923633


>> No.4923665
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>> No.4923683

NMA more like NGMI

>> No.4923705

t. can't feel the forms

>> No.4924356

Uncanny valley as hell

>> No.4924399


>> No.4924915

The human condition is absolute trash, this delusion of competition has to stop. I would happily put a bullet between your eyes OP, there's no need to be an asshole, how about you fucking draw?

>> No.4924919

>I would happily put a bullet between your eyes OP, there's no need to be an asshole
Are you that spastic /beg/ who kept saying he was going to leave /ic/?

>> No.4924935

No, I lurk and this conversation is over.

>> No.4924944

>Oh wait you really tell your students about math equations? Wow nice handholding there

>> No.4924963

Okay edgelord.

>> No.4924973

What a sad and bitter person. Hope you'll find your happiness and learn to have fun one day :)

>> No.4924989
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>> No.4925019

Even if hypothetically you meme some retard into dumb shit, there are still millions of people who outsmart and outskill you boomer neuroplasticity schizos a thousand times. How does it feel to cope with that crabfags?

>> No.4925033

I don’t really see how that’s relevant.

>> No.4925043

Your brain's too old to realise that. Stick to tracing, joe biden.

>> No.4925048

Crabbing might make sense if people on the internet didn’t have a MASSIVE boner for correcting people who are wrong. Human nature completely undoes any tiny impact you may have even had, try it yourself, give some misleading advice. It will be minutes before you get a (you) correcting you

>> No.4925049

Go to bed.

>> No.4925050

seems i was correct it isn't relevant

>> No.4925058

textbook dementia.
Crabbing makes no sense in itself because it is just an /int/ level cope. HOWEVER, you shouldn't fall at the other end of the horseshoe: don't give all your insights as advice to randos. If you can, sell it, if not keep it to yourself. But going out of your way just to mislead some rando is textbook schizo stuff.

>> No.4925061
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>> No.4925081

If people actually do this: Sad!

>> No.4925099

No, crabbing is a superior position.

>> No.4925103

Who tf wants to be an artist nigga, i just get off at the thought of crushing people’s artistic aspirations

>> No.4925113

Stop crabbing

>> No.4925129

>no u
have sex

>> No.4925130


>> No.4925145

The seething retard id also a /pol/fag. Go figure

>> No.4925147

>If you can, sell it, if not keep it to yourself
Now THIS is crabshit.

>> No.4925150

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4925153

>w-what do u m-mean

>> No.4925158

It seems to me crabs are trying to create a friendly and productive community of likeminded anons where they help each other reach their desired goals.
Why are you people so bitter about this thread? It’s pathetic.

>> No.4925186

>plays /pol/ boogeyman card when he has no argument
Reddit is that way.

>> No.4925187

>It seems to me pedophiles are trying to create a friendly and productive community of likeminded anons where they help each other reach their desired goals.
>Why are you people so bitter about this? It’s pathetic.

>> No.4925190

read my post again and then reply illiterate faggot.

>> No.4925193

It is strange indeed. I suppose negative people are scared of the sheer positivity, friendliness and unity displayed in this thread. Such sad people.
But we shouldn't let such negativity get in the way of our goals.

>> No.4925200


>> No.4925203

I'm above arguing with /pol/tards, you're all very low IQ

>> No.4925204

>Implying crabs are even past /beg/

>> No.4925206

(you) farming general

>> No.4925211

based crabs are taking the board back from the /r9k/ and /pol/ newfags, using powerful ment magic.

All those tryhard newfags going out of their way to show how much they don't care are pathetic
>"w-who gives a fuck if someone else makes it"
>"I-I don't know anyone who's g-gotten crabbed"

sorry your "whats the best book for perspective" and "is loomis a meme?" threads keep sinking you /beg/ newfag.

A lot of us are skilled pros. I get over 16 commissions a month, you think I can't out-draw you with my hands tied behind my back? Think about it. Think about that for a minute. based crabs are here to stay basically haha

>> No.4925214

>inb4 "I cant people will recognize my style or reverse image search it"

Ok so change your style up a little or post something here that isn't posted on your social media. Alternatively make a quick study to post here, if youre pro level this is easy as pie.

>> No.4925215
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>> No.4925217

>trying to get a free commission
/pol/ newfags are so predictable haha . No sorry i don't do requests for brainlets. I'll continue being based and being a crab and hopefully clean this board up from /beg/ shitters like you.

>> No.4925219

Yeah you're just larping. Have fun with your fantasies about being a pro with 16 commissions a month. I hope they make you feel good and forget about being an ngmi crablet for a moment :)

>> No.4925220

Do people commission you to do studies? You never do them on your own? Ooookay

>> No.4925221

I'm pretty sure he's just shitposting to drum up (you)s and drama

>> No.4925222

There is no amount of crabbing or encouragement that can change your path in life. Whether you make it or not is already written in stone, your fate have been decided and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.4925224

>larp larp larp
Cookie cutter internet insult o noee11!1. I guess I can’t expect much more from a /pol/ kiddie.

>> No.4925225

True, I'm just going to watch netflix and chill. Art is better as a hobby.

>> No.4925226

>doing studies
lmao back to /beg/

>> No.4925228

How retarded do you have to be to take such obvious bait., he isn't even trying to hide it for the lords sake.

>> No.4925234

What if you’re destined to be a crab

>> No.4925254

then you will be a crab throughout your life

>> No.4925265

So someone destined to be a successful crab will successfully crab people.

>> No.4925269
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dumbest thread i've seen in my life.
if you had any skill whatsoever you wouldn't bother with this kind of pointless garbage.
seeing you retards trying to act all high and mighty is just the cherry on the cake, it's laughable. the only thing i'm seeing here is beginners shitting on other beginners out of spite.

absolutely pathetic. this crab meme is the worst.

the funny thing is that the OP images are about the things you should think about when drawing. it's just that the artist probably doesn't practice and can't apply it for shit.

>> No.4925281

Nothing, James, now go back to giving bad advice.

>> No.4925284

Undoubtedly based.

>> No.4925290

No one is destined to be a successful crab, the effort is futile. But that's what you're destined to be, so a crab you shall be. Forever down, forever talentless, forever worthless.

>> No.4925301

You yourself said you can’t control destiny. Im destined to successfully crab and there’s nothing that you can do about that.

>> No.4925308

Holy coperoni

>> No.4925322
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>> No.4925401

When I look at most instagram art tutorials, I'm pretty convinced that they are straight out of this thread.
Those people can't seriously believe this stuff... right?

>> No.4925410
File: 61 KB, 736x869, 120034601_336741724103535_7706754753700204259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one, i especially like how the detail views on the left implies that you get a huge skin welt/fat roll when you fold your joints.

>> No.4925414

>When I look at most instagram art tutorials, I'm pretty convinced that they are straight out of this thread
Being unintentionally normie/NPC/delusional or simply unskilled and making "tutorials" is a different league from autistically organising millitias to downtrod the beginners in art.

>> No.4925428

>autistically organising millitias to downtrod the beginners in art.
this sounds based af tho

>> No.4925457

We diamond crabs now

>> No.4925466

Good luck with your flavor of the week meme, see you in /beg/ after this thread dies forever

>> No.4925538

>he’s still in /beg/
how embarrassing

>> No.4925544

itt a bunch of failed artists pretend they aren't failed artists

>> No.4925641

unbelievably based

>> No.4925707

The only thing that makes a crab bad is how many beginners fall for them, and for beg artists this thread is kind of a holy grail

>> No.4925773

what's based about seething?

>> No.4925776

Op here. I love all my /ic/ brothers but realistically the people here are below average on almost everything and most of them won't make it either way. I want a better discourse for crabs to follow. Better strategies and tactics to take out and deploy into the world.

>> No.4925781

I don't understand this place. Is this ironic shitposting or do you people genuinely go out of your way to sabotage the development of others? Why should anyone come here?

>> No.4925824

Ok, this is hilarious. But I can't help but be constructive and put people on the right path. It's the righteous thing to do and it gets me respect.

How do I stop being a pussy bitch and learn the art of the crab bros??

>> No.4925833

God damn, I knew you guys existed and nothing can be done to stop you/stop more people from becoming like you, but damn. I never thought I'd catch you blatantly admitting to it.

Kinda makes me not downplay the whole thing, thanks for the heads up. I'll pay attention to more reputable resources. Fuck the comments and posts.

>> No.4925892

>Comparing being shit at art to touching children
KYS crab

>> No.4925928
File: 282 KB, 500x778, intervention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent too long trying to make sense of this stupid image. It's obvious that's not how skulls work or look....I think this board needs an intervention.

>> No.4925943

Loomis doesn't know what skulls look like either.

>> No.4926030
File: 78 KB, 718x718, 120465112_118250793198867_1367896104752153637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4926102

who this