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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 850x1206, sample_2c01040da8c99fe3818af15116fc81b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4915705 No.4915705 [Reply] [Original]

What gives more chances for success? Drawing human or anthro lewds?

>> No.4915707

Furries are scum.

>> No.4915708

What is your definition of success?
If it's money, become an accountant.
If it's fame, become a streamer.
If it's making good art, just draw what you like and work hard.

>> No.4915717
File: 381 KB, 1254x998, 1599120897939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i get social media numbers thread #5465413546541544
get a job, faggot

>> No.4916068


>> No.4916071


>> No.4916075


>> No.4916222


>> No.4916238
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>> No.4916259

Why cant I be an artist but also get money and fame?

>> No.4916273

Landscapes for mental health and inner peace.

>> No.4916293

pledging your immortal soul to jesus christ your savior

>> No.4916297

Work on your reading comprehension. If your definition of success relies on money or fame, then being an artist isn't the best career path for you.

>> No.4916742

no reason to force yourself to draw furshit unless you're still /beg/ and desperate for money

>> No.4916761
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human x anthro lewds

>> No.4916765
File: 142 KB, 960x1358, IMG_20200820_190547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I actually like furshit tho?

>> No.4916788

Fucking this

>> No.4916790
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>> No.4916824
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>> No.4916895

Draw whatever you want. Just saying furries are annoying to deal with and you won't make more money drawing furshit than humans if you're not active in the community.

>> No.4918362

Objectively, the #1 most popular thing to be drawing is vaguely-anime, technically pg-13 pinups of conventionally attractive pinup babes. That's the art that will get 20k retweets and hit normie site (reddit/pinterest) front pages.

That means no furries, no shortstacks, no fatties, no bodybuilders. Absolute max tit size, Christina Hendricks. Absolute max ass size, Nicki Minaj. And these better be RARE occuranes in your work.

This is what most of the sky-high follower count artists produce.

Of course, you are probably not a good enough artists to compete with them, so you can try your luck in a niche, but even there, most of the rules that are not specifically broken by the target niche are still going to apply if all you care about is popularity/money.

>> No.4918372
File: 635 KB, 680x1088, 6a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even OP but I have this to share, sorry don't know source, maybe try reverse searching the pics.

>> No.4918387

Allahu snackbar!

>> No.4918397

Anthro is unique in that there's less people into it overall but they're far more dedicated to their niche and have a tighter (albeit more concentrated autism) community. drawing humans will bring in more people but your actual dedicated fan base will be a lot more unceremonious. Furries on 4chan are contrarian. they hate themselves and will bitch about your existence while at the same time begging for more. it's better not to interact with them.

Honestly I think do both. gay furries specifically I've noticed draw better shit than literally all subgroups of artists though. Not even bullshitting I'm not sure why. I think being both gay and furry makes them way more dedicated to their sexuality so they stick around longer than average straight artists added on top of drawing male muscles and forms and unique body shapes or color schemes and shit. They're a weird superpower in the community that people don't realize outclass a majority of lewd artists.

>> No.4918406

Gay furry art looks awful. Generally a lot of surface-level popular furry art is trash. The cuter more stylized anthro art is superior.

>> No.4918408

>Absolute max tit size, Christina Hendricks. Absolute max ass size, Nicki Minaj.
People draw bigger than either and it's not even hard to.

>> No.4918448

I think you've missed the point of my post. I'm not talking about the difficulty of drawing something, I'm talking about how drawing certain things will limit your potential audience.

I laid out the common traits that the artists whose work gets shared all around the internet all have.

>> No.4918459

Option 3: Drawing Cars.

>> No.4918555

>i only draw for money

>> No.4918600



>> No.4919964

god i want to fucking nut on those tree trunk legs

>> No.4920074
File: 920 KB, 800x888, 20040293323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4921714

do both, stupid
maximize your market
go to biz if your concerned about your product

>> No.4922180

holy shit its the 1000th time you're making a thread like this
please , i beg you , shut the fuck up , youre never getting social media famous because of your attitude , all you want is to be the centre of attention and all you do is think youre better than everyone while youre just a NGMI autist , go get a job

>> No.4922194

>Skills can't be tooled for accomplishing different goals.

Anon, that's dumb. You can be an artist, and also famous and wealthy. Yeah, some skills are better suited for specific desires, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible, or even difficult with other skills.

>> No.4923134

>Blue eyes
We Wuz Europeans N shieeeeet wid blu eyes n shieeet.