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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4914947 No.4914947 [Reply] [Original]

>all the time in the world
>all the resources and books
>don't know where to start
>been 2 years like this
>everybody is getting better while I keep drawing the same 2 poses
>try to learn gesture but I fail
>line quality is shit
>figure is off balance
>s-sure I just have to try harder
>they look the same
How do I cope bros?

>> No.4914950


>> No.4914951


>> No.4914952

I truly hated Walter in this scene. Such a pointless, undignified, death, done in such a childish fit of rage. Yet I still rooted for him. Great show.

>> No.4914957

How much do you draw a day?, if you are doing excercies to grind fundies and then aplying them to your drawings for 2 years and haven't improve yet, then you simply are just a brainlet.

>> No.4914958

You will literally never improve nigger unless you get out of comfort zone.
Its an undeniable fact

>> No.4914962

I draw 1-2 hours sometimes, never daily because I just don't know where to start

>> No.4914971

Go outside to a nearby park when it's sunny. Look at a tree, and try to draw it. Separate the dark side of the tree from the light side. Look carefully at how the tree curves, and look for a mixture of straight movements and hard breaks vs. curves.

Stop drawing same figure shit, draw other things to expand repertoire and then go back to figure and apply it.

>> No.4914975

I am almost certain that you're not enjoying yourself. This shouldn't feel like work - it should be fun.

Take a step back and throw all that rigid, clinical fundies shit out the window, and start making work that is actually fun for you to make. Make it as dumb and as stylized and as fundamentally flawed as you want. If there's an artist/illustrator that you really admire, then stop trying to make work like them.

>> No.4914977



>> No.4914988

>can't learn gesture
Vilppu's drawing manual
Bert dodson exercises

>how do I cope
you are coping right now because you are lazy and don't want to read or probably draw for that matter. The only one to blame is yourself, don't try to learn to draw well if you aren't willing to put in the effort. Go enjoy life and stop wasting time beating yourself up over something you'll never accomplish.

>> No.4914994

Says the crab who can't draw despite being commited day and night ;^)

>> No.4915004

>Vilppu's drawing manual
>Bert dodson exercises
Grinding this shit will kill your enjoyment of the process of drawing & painting. If you already are struggling to practice this stuff, forcing yourself to go through these is a death sentence for your motivation.

>> No.4915009

Draw a comic.
Doesn't matter if it's good. All that matters is that it's a clear goal every day that will challenge your perspective, composition, anatomy, landscape etc skills.
Just keep it simple. x character walks from point A to point B. The goal is just to give yourself an idea to draw every day.

>> No.4915010

I dont need more competition

>> No.4915015


>> No.4915045

add Force by Mike Mattesi to that list. People meme it but it clicks for some people. The idea of the leading edge is especially helpful for /beg/s.

>> No.4915048

I totally disagree. These books were a lot of fun. Dodson is great fun for beginners. I don't know why you didn't enjoy them. Perhaps you are in the wrong mindset, or grinding too hard. Both are bad for learning and art. It's a shame you think this really.

>> No.4915095

Stop fapping and use those dick energy to draw coom porn. Works everytime.

>> No.4915220

copy stuff and don't worry if it's good or bad just observe and do a drawing every day, time yourself and when done don't keep drawing, move onto the next one.

>> No.4915597

vilppu isn't something you grind, he's a cheat engine that makes all your other drawing efforts easier.
and retarded blooks still make me chuckle when i draw them.

>> No.4915654

If you grind the cheat engine you make exponential gains

>> No.4915847

Literally struggle and practice more, read more books, also sit less on ic.

>> No.4915848

Can you do 4 hours, 2 is literally nothing, in this time tou cant draw something good or make good studying.

>> No.4915849

Show us your tits

>> No.4915851

Suka blyat, bump.

>> No.4915855

>can't learn gesture
Try Kimon Nikoladis book
Good shit about gesture

>> No.4916099

I have no sympathy for you. You don't deserve to succeed.

>> No.4916106
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>> No.4916194

do you copy all the drawings in that book?

>> No.4918975

i miss him bros

>> No.4918986

How much fun do you have when you are drawing? Do you have any hobbies outside of drawing?

>> No.4919042

Pyw and I'll be the judge