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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.55 MB, 2430x1719, stab-stab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4913656 No.4913656 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good content?
If not how to make better ones? Help pls.


>> No.4913661

drawing videos aren't good content unless you're god tier
or you're sharing good tips or something
either get good or do something else with videos

>> No.4913665 [DELETED] 

If you have to do a pencil under drawing you;re beg tier.

Straight ink to paper Gung Gi style or beg4lyf

>> No.4913668

stop trying to make your audience other artists, they don't give a shit about you

>> No.4913678

Stop ban evading.

>> No.4913685


>> No.4913687
File: 40 KB, 486x524, KimJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to do a pencil under drawing you're beg tier.

Straight ink to paper Jung Gi style or beg4lyf

>> No.4913978
File: 998 KB, 1216x1244, E250F08B-0F6E-4E47-A078-45E75D18911B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>among us art
>imposter is some weird monster
This is getting real old REAL fast

>> No.4914159

Yeah the flash in the pan on this already happened. Get ready for another "I'm Sorry Jon" garfield style meme that expands endlessly as more and more artists jump into the fray trying to be part of the trend and score some followers. In an attempt to stand out, characters and elements from other IP's will start to be inserted to get that this-thing-you-like-mixed-with-something-else-you-like crossover appeal and scrape up the last half a dozen followers from the people who still aren't burnt out on it.

>> No.4914221

Do you want to be an artist or a youtuber? You need to decide. If it's youtuber, this video has poor lighting, distracting greasy desk / reflections, bad editing (you should clip all the little parts where your hand covers the drawing for an extended period). You should make it a point to move your hand occasionally so that when you time lapse it your progress can be seen (currently, with the angle you've chosen, it's just a hand wiggling and then moving away to reveal art has been done).

Consider placing the camera differently so that the actual spot you're drawing can be seen, or better yet changing angles throughout the video. The bubbling sound overlaying this video gets old incredibly quickly, I'd literally switch videos to avoid having to listen to that for 5 mins.

If you want to be an artist, consider whether you really want to think about art in corporate media terms like "content", organic reach, followers, interactions, engagement etc. or whether social media is the only way you know to build an audience so you're just defaulting to that.

Drawing "on-trend" art and trying to do the social media guru thing sounds fucking soul crushing if what you really want to do is create, and it's truly, truly a lottery. Unless you're already really good it's going to eat into the time you could be using to get good so that when your moment comes your art is ready.

It's up to you but getting into that rat race sounds terrible when what I got into art for was to create.

>> No.4914398

I agree.

>> No.4914473

Yes lightning is terrible lmao.