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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4910894 No.4910894 [Reply] [Original]

>midway through the session, things are going great, i'm making great breakthroughs
>starting to feel the form for the first time
>model is super hot, not an old granny for once, hot chick around my age with perfect tits
>everyone is sat in a circle around the 'stage' where the goddess is doing her thing in the centre
>everyone in the room is female, apart from me and a boomer

>see a random flash from across the room
>source was the old guy scrambling to put his phone in his pocket and picking up his pencil as cover

>everyone is death staring the poor hornybro, he just sits there bright red in the face trying to play it cool until 3 people speak out asking him what he was doing at which point he got up and left without saying anything

felt pretty awkward to be the only dude in the room after that

>> No.4910904

Holy fucking shit, what the fuck was he thinking? this is so painful to read

>> No.4910905

Learn a lesson from the old man, trust your drawing skills, you don't need a camera.

>> No.4910907


>> No.4910913

Based old geezer. I hope to have a coombrain as strong as his when I get old.

>> No.4910931

you should have used him as a distraction to take a few pics or maybe even quickly rub one out

>> No.4910934

oh sweet christ I think I can feel my soul leaving my body.

>> No.4910936


almost wish i followed him out so he could send me over the pic, i'd give anything to see those milkers again.

after he left my chi was gone and i could no longer feel the form, all i could think of was his bright red raisin looking retarded poker face

>> No.4910941

if it makes you feel better i can feel your pain even tho this never happened to me because i only draw from pics (so i can cum if i need to)

>> No.4911374 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 320x294, lizardyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to fuck with my fav art teacher, and my friend J who's taking his course
>got off work, grabbed pizza, eat slices
drove to life drawing with partial pizza in a box, still in work uniform
>busted into class by swinging the door open, yelling "PIZZA DELIVERY! *pauses* *checks receipt*, FOR J"
>whole class, engulfed in their drawings, all turned toward me with confusion, an awkward pause where you can hear dad rock in the background (teacher likes bob dylan)
>students then turned to J with anger, some muttering "wtf dude?"
>model visibly confused and upset "h-hey i'm working!"
>teacher took a second, then started laughing his ass off
>leave pizza and dipped while J had to clumsily explain to the class that his friend is mental (he has some problems public speaking)
>fucking worth it

>> No.4911383
File: 54 KB, 719x511, apujoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to fuck with my fav art teacher, and my friend J who's taking his course
>got off work, grabbed pizza, eat slices
>drove to life drawing with partial pizza in a box, still in work uniform
>busted into class by swinging the door open, yelling "PIZZA DELIVERY! *pauses* *checks receipt*, FOR J"
>whole class, engulfed in their drawings, all turned toward me with confusion, an awkward pause where you can hear dad rock in the background (teacher likes bob dylan)
>students then turned to J with anger, some muttering "wtf dude?"
>model visibly confused and upset "h-hey i'm working!"
>teacher took a second, then started laughing his ass off
>leave pizza and dipped while J had to clumsily explain to the class that his friend is mental (he has some problems public speaking)

>> No.4911418

Your class sounds cringe
Your teacher is based
You sound like a cowardly bitch though

>> No.4911445

>You sound like a cowardly bitch though
? it's just for fun m8. J is bff and doesn't give a shit

>> No.4911715

I only went to a single life drawing class so far.
The model was a dude and since I'm bi that was pretty hot. Most people there were women, only a few were men.

At the end I went to look at other people's work and I shit you not literally only me and another chick there clearly knew how to draw. The rest was like polished turds by people that don't even know what gesture is.

It was really surreal being there with a bunch of people that have no experience in drawing. Like whats in it for them? I'll have to try it again and see what happens.

>> No.4911740


>> No.4912008
File: 77 KB, 740x542, eS7MLjI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>University studio drawing class
>Professor takes us into figure room to do academic nudes
>Probably my third figure class sans audits.
>Be senior at 4000 level everything.
>I hover between my own easel and assisting underclassmen
>Mostly grills, a handful of guys
>No phones out. Period. For obvious reasons.
>Professor leaves the room
>Community college transfer guy takes out phone
>Says he's going to record the model's pose
>Entire class tells him to put the phone away in unison
>Puts phone down on table and leaves room (to go to bathroom)
>Girl takes his phone and slides it down the hallway floor
>Comes back and asks where his phone is
>No one says anything, just keep drawing
>He freaks out and starts yelling about who took his phone
>No one even looks at him
>He runs off to complain to professor
>Professor comes in and asks where phone is
>"In the hallway"
>Professor: lolok
>Asks the guy why his phone is out.
>He says he was setting a 15min alarm for poses.
>Everyone in the room tells him not to have phone out in unison again. Prof included.
>He begins to complain and decided to just leave the class.
>Everyone in the room starts laughing
>Model is visibly relieved

>Later that year
>In critique
>He cant handle objective criticism
>Gets hostile and lashes out at professors and students
>I tell him to chill tf out
>Snaps at me
>I tell him to relax and accept his mistakes
>He challenges me to fight (I'm not a "big guy" or anything, but I grew up wrastling granite. This guy is built like a teenage grocery bagger)
>Everyone in the room visibly cringes
>My younger sophomore friend laughs at him
>He challenges him to fight
>Half the room is terrified and half the room is hype af.
>A handful of us remind this skinny young man that he has picked a fight with a kid raised on bowls of neglect and galvanized nails.
>Kid leaves again
>I pull the professor aside and discuss the possibility that this guy is probably not "neurotypical"

Good times

>> No.4912035

Oh you just know he had /ic/ open on his phone

>> No.4912063
File: 73 KB, 745x767, 08w51cx841h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably closer to DA actually. I'm still not sure if he was actually capable of self awareness. I worry about him, but moreso for the fact the he insists that he has a degree and it makes him qualified to give advice. Granted it was some kind of associates degree in some general studies equivalent. His work was really strange, like the way a child would draw. Not in the execution (which was ROUGH), but in the ideas themselves, like some whimsical innocence where objects exist without grounding in reality. Somewhere in the blurry line between fascinating and terrifying.

>> No.4912069

he got a photo, you got a shitty drawing. someone is the winner here

>> No.4912072

Nice excuse
Being a little bitch and throwing your friend under the bus because you're a coward

>> No.4912080

this is why boomers are still running things.

>> No.4912661

Aight finally get to tell this story:
>took an intro figure drawing class in the summer at a local art school
>model for the day is a black dude with an average body
>we all start warming up with 1-2 minute gestures, then afterwards we take a break while the model uses the bathroom
>he returns and we start doing a longer 15 minute pose
>a few minutes in the guy pops a fucking boner
>I've gotten to the pelvis area of the drawing at this point and its super distracting
>i keep making eye contact with my friend who silently acknowledges he's seeing the same thing
>by now the model is fully torqued and I notice something else
>theres leftover piss from bathroom break dribbling out the tip of his dick (or it could've been fucking precum for all I know)
>by the end of the 15 minute pose there's a pool of yellow liquid underneath the chair he was seated on, but he's at least flaccid
>the class (mostly girls) as well as the teacher pretend nothing happened and get ready for critiques
>my drawing is the only one where the figure has an erection

>> No.4912694

horny brain mixed with not knowing his flash was on.

>> No.4912711

Boners happen in figure drawing class. But I've never heard of a teacher allowing the model to keep sitting with one, so you're almost certainly making this up. Nor would any teacher allow a model to "dribble" onto the floor/platform.

>> No.4912724

I dont know the protocol either, it was my first live figure drawing class ever. And no I'm not lying or exaggerate, the model had a boner for nearly 10 out of 15 minutes of the pose, and I guess he didn't do a shake after his piss in the bathroom because there was indeed a small puddle on the floor. Shit was awkward as fuck.

>> No.4912740

There's a guy in my local that regularly tries to talk to the models WHILE THEY'RE POSING, simps about their tattoos and so on. It's fucking heinous.

>> No.4912754

Post work

>> No.4912762

>go to figure drawing
>literally draw black dicks

Thanks, I was thinking about trying live models and now I know not to bother.

>> No.4913010

>start doing life drawing at uni
>very uncomfortable but kind of find my groove
>model in skirt is other student and goes to pose
>very flexible poses and does the splits looking straight across the room at me
>eye contact
>face is fucking burning red

>> No.4913081

You must have a lot of friends, swing how confidently you say that