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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4910739 No.4910739 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always like this?

>> No.4910741


>> No.4910744

Opposite for me. Thinking about starting can feel like a drag some days, but once I do I can go for hours.

>> No.4910771
File: 110 KB, 750x721, 16011794774716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.4910774

I dislike doing studies but feel good after accomplishing them. I like freestyling but only until I get stuck on something I haven't studied.

>> No.4910775

cause you cant fking draw, so learn how to draw

>> No.4910776

the drawing half should just be blank.

>> No.4911333

It’s like this because we enjoy creating ideas in our mind more than actually executing them.

>> No.4911366

why draw if you don't like it

>> No.4911447

for me is the very opposite
i'm always procrastinating and feeling guilty for not taking time to drawing eg in a whole week, but once i finally do it, it's actually very comfy and i can go for hours

>> No.4911453

i swear i didn't read this >>4910744 before posting mine, but iwrote almost the same thing, even using the same words. guess i'm not such a unique snowflake after all

>> No.4911455

drawing isn't for you if this is true. when you find your niche, you can get into a zone state where time flies and you don't even realize it. usually my pictures come out better than i expected them to. i'm not here to brag, to me what you are describing is exercise. every time i go to the gym or even just try to do some pushups i feel like im dying. its the worst most painful disappointing difficult unenjoyable experience in the world. but some people are just naturals. im telling you maybe drawing isnt your thing. more power to you if you suffer through that anyway but i dont understand why you would go against your nature

>> No.4911460

you would cry too trying to learn to ride a bicycle but failing every 2 seconds

>> No.4911470

from the first line i can tell this guy is full of shit

i have never heard of a single artist who didn't hate drawing at some point. there are countless artists who feel the way you do in the image you posted ,OP.

just because its hard doesn't mean its not for you.

>> No.4911509

Like my dick

>> No.4911516

something can be hard but if the person does not enjoy the challenge then it becomes a problem, its called passion you numbnuts.

>> No.4911626

I have never hated drawing...doesn't mean I'm always in the best mood for it, but hate? No, never once since I was a kid. Not endorsing the other anon's statements though.

>> No.4911660

>How to determine drawing isn't for you the image.

>> No.4911666

Imagine liking only the idea of drawing.

>> No.4911681

i've never hated drawing, maybe at some point i liked doing somethings more than others but i enjoy fundies and drawing from imagination even copying artists i like, it's like that anon said, people tend to be natural at somethings and i believe thoses are the ones that progress the most and reach amazing levels, if you hate all the process of drawing then look for another hobby because art is ALL about the journey and not the final destination

>> No.4912081

no dude. you're wasting your time fighting against the current.

>> No.4912100

the current can fuck itself, i'm a fucking walking mountain

>> No.4912103

This => >>4911516

And >>4911455 is right. I've come across people who absolutely detest going to the gym, to the point where they starve themselves and eat shit just to maintain a "healthy" waistline (at the expense of healthy everything else). I will never understand this mentality, because while lifting isn't easy especially when you get into heavier weights, it doesn't really matter much because I keep at it and over all I enjoy the lifting in and of itself.

I imagine the NEETs here who are banking their future on one thing, _drawing_, and finding out they don't actually like the process, are in for a rude awakening that's slowly dawning on them.

Keep in mind - everyone wants to have money and do things with it, not everyone likes the work it takes to get there.

>> No.4912119

i hate drawing, i live off of it, i draw 3 times a month tops, life is easy, life is good, so i'll continue doing something i hate to keep it that way because i'm too lazy to learn something new

>> No.4912125
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>> No.4912148

This is also typical because people have jobs they hate but they keep doing them because it pays the bills or is easy enough that they can coast or whatever.

Having said that I don’t agree with it. I’m just an anon so don’t take this as life advice, however you would do well to find if you haven’t already things to do with your time that intersect financial benefit with some kind of enjoyment or fulfillment. Doesn’t have to be your life’s mission, but something that you don’t dislike.

This pandemic is going to lead to a lot of office workers killing themselves or going through a period of severe mental distress especially with the winter in tow, because whereas before they spent maybe 1-2 hours a day working and the rest chitchatting, walking around the office getting coffee etc, now they’re shackled to their overpriced apartments. I’ve already seen this movie. It doesn’t end well.

Basically, don’t be like them. They’re screwed because they have no transferable skills and this is their livelihood, 8 mentally gruelling hours a day.

>> No.4912152 [DELETED] 


>> No.4912157
File: 320 KB, 750x721, typical d.ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4910771 #
>>4910776 #

>> No.4912165
File: 322 KB, 750x721, typicaldadfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4912204
File: 281 KB, 750x721, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4912229
File: 467 KB, 750x721, 9y2dathm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4912236

>Existential crisis
Seems right

>> No.4912293
File: 83 KB, 748x533, 1223543657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.4912316
File: 53 KB, 655x509, DbF1l6dUMAAU0u_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becomes pro
>too deep into it
>cant do anything else for a living
>keeps drawing asking every night why i kept grinding all those loomis heads for this godawful way of life
>still virgin

>> No.4912320

It's because you're bad.

>> No.4912675


It's a struggle between what your brain sees and what your skills allow you to put to paper. It gets easier the more you improve.

>> No.4912741


>> No.4912752

>still virgin
Did you think your drawing would jump out and ass rape you?

>> No.4912756

if you were you wouldn't turn into a crying little girl because drawing pictures is too stressful.

>> No.4912765

then how am i supposed to draw convincing little girls crying

>> No.4912768 [DELETED] 

I don't believe everyone has a thing that just comes naturally & you were meant to do, if you want to be an artist, if you want to succeed and fight the current go for it, what else is there? it's much better than riding a hopeless hampster wheel that most people are on in life. For me art has been a lot of ups and downs, I didn't enjoy it at first but I knew I wanted to express myself, and I knew I wanted to achieve something great, but I'm really glad I started doing it years ago despite all the depression and battles.

Some people hate the gym at first then grow to love it, so if art is like the gym then you're wrong.

>> No.4912775

I don't believe everyone has a thing that just comes naturally & you were meant to do, if you want to be an artist, if you want to succeed and fight the current go for it, what else is there? it's much better than riding a hopeless hampster wheel that most people are on in life. For me art has been a lot of ups and downs, I didn't enjoy it at first but I knew I wanted to express myself, and I knew I wanted to achieve something great, but I'm really glad I started doing it years ago despite all the depression and battles, I've accomplished a lot, it gives me hope for the future where there would be none.

Some people hate the gym at first then grow to love it, so if art is like the gym then you're wrong.

>> No.4913224

I agree anon. Everyone hates doing something at first but then otherwise grows to love the more they keep at it despite not having fun. I used to hate drawing because i'm utter shit and hated looking at my work. But now that i'm improving and consistently getting out of my comfort zone, my art is improving. Thus i look forward to drawing whenever.
It also helps that i look at others progress because you can relate to their progress alot.

>> No.4913425
