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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.76 MB, 1659x1612, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4909657 No.4909657 [Reply] [Original]

Post your OCs, talk about great designs, share resources.

Help each other make your designs, don't hug box.

>How can I make my OC better?
>What is the best method to better designs?
>Is my design too generic?

Lets help each other out.

Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/njqAyjt

>> No.4909664
File: 183 KB, 692x1220, unknown (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good pose?
trying to design an Oc, but i want a good pose

>> No.4909665
File: 60 KB, 1242x779, minioncatharsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I always feel pain whenever I cum inside my anime girls?

>> No.4909675
File: 90 KB, 1280x954, norasuko_1129882947480379392_20190518_185421_img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm /beg/ and I almost don't draw from imagination whats the best way for me to start, full body or only the face?

>> No.4909683

I'd fuck her

>> No.4909690

>post your OCs
i'm not retard anon

>> No.4909693

Boring as shit

>> No.4909698

>don't draw from imagination
What's even the fucking point then

>> No.4909703

you've never done that

>> No.4909706

grinding fundies?

>> No.4909725

Love that sketchy art style

Character first, pose second. You need to have a reason for that cool pose. Get in their head and show their personality through body language.


Humble bragging? I love that face, it is super cute. I was told by a very famous comic book artist who worked on the 1980s teen titans I was lucky to meet as a teen you should fill the page with a scene and always complete your work. Not just a full body, do a full environment around them. You practice non organic and organic forms, perspective, shading, all at once. I was horrified and embarrased because my dad just gave them one of my sketch books and told me who he showed it to and what he said afterwards.

>> No.4909729

I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but >>4909675 it's not my work lol, its just the level that I'm aiming for.

>> No.4909746

what can make it more interesting?

>> No.4909766

What's the point of making OCs? Why not just draw fanart and become more popular like that?

>> No.4909772

This is the worst board to ask 'what's the point of doing X' on.

>> No.4909775

But seriously, isn't the point of drawing for most of you ppl to just become popular?

>> No.4909802

If you are a good coom artist it can make your brand.

>> No.4909809

the term OC is a pet peeve of mine, just say my/your character. everyone will understand what your mean. also it has such a bad connotation.

nice thread tho.

>> No.4909834

>tfw I have a good character design
>pun name and interesting story
>cant share it because some fucker might steal it
All I will really say that it's a combination between the pistol shrimp and a female boxer

>> No.4909841

How does one steal an idea?

>> No.4909845

they can steal the design, especially since I ain't got it anywhere else aside from my tablet

>> No.4909850

A design is just an idea.
You can't steal an idea.

>> No.4909858

>making coom art

>> No.4909863

okay anon, it's actually just a blue hedghog that runs really fast

>> No.4909868

What do you think "steal" means?

>> No.4909873

a) because you can
b) because sometimes you need a character to put in a situation and using other people's stuff all the time is boring
c) because you can project all your insecurities on to them
d) because they're like helpless little puppets that you have total control over, so if you create one with the sole purpose of experiencing misery, that's all they have in their entire world.
e) Even if you feel bad about d), not drawing or thinking about them anymore effectively kills them which isn't a happy ending either

>> No.4909885

sounds like you have some issues anon

>> No.4909890
File: 100 KB, 496x701, akujobong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man's gotta eat.

>> No.4909892

Sure I'd like more followers, but I don't think that's true of most of /ic/ since a ton of the people here actively put down everyone who says they want followers.

>> No.4909894
File: 777 KB, 600x600, 1600558412740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they're like helpless little puppets that you have total control over, so if you create one with the sole purpose of experiencing misery, that's all they have in their entire world.


>> No.4909895

>draw OC
>1 like, if im lucky
>draw fanart
>100+ likes
man, fuck dat

>> No.4909900


>> No.4909901

The idea of a blue hedgehog or boxing shrimp is always up for grabs you fuck, that's just innovation when you take the base idea and make it better, but stealing the fucking drawing I already have is a real possibility since I dont have a social media and I ain't gonna be associated with this site cause of business reasons

>> No.4909910

Are you physically incapable of answering a question?

>> No.4909919

>to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force
>to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
What point are you even trying to make

>> No.4909923

do you know where we are? If people didn't have issues they wouldn't post here at all.

>> No.4909927

>to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force
This is stealing.

>to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
This is not.

Copying is not stealing. If someone copies your design or idea, you still have access to it. An idea cannot be stolen.

>> No.4909935
File: 638 KB, 2000x1788, akira character sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catboi oc, ffxiv inspired.

>> No.4909943

by that logic your personal information and data can't be stolen because you still have access to it? You're fucking retarded dude, also I got that definition off dictionary.com so fuck off with your copying isn't stealing bullshit, it's the main reason why copyrights, patents, and trademarks even exist.

>> No.4909946

>post picture of OCs for the first time on brand new twitter
>get 5 likes
D-did I make it?

>> No.4909948
File: 3 KB, 199x371, my oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4909950

the term OC triggers you? lel

>> No.4909956


>> No.4909957

not that anon but yeah, makes me cringe really hard

>> No.4909958

gay af

>> No.4909960

literally why, it's like saying the word "graphic design" bothers you

>> No.4909961

not him but I get why OC can be a peeve, online it's fine but hearing OC irl is like hearing someone outside say "lol"
A lot of artists do it though, I just think it's better to outright say character in and out of the internet

>> No.4909966
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 6a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4909968

Your personal info and data can't be stolen.
It can be USED for illicit purposes that personally harms you, but it cannot be stolen.

>I got that definition off dictionary.com

>your copying isn't stealing bullshit
Copying isn't stealing. They are completely different concepts.

>it's the main reason why copyrights, patents, and trademarks even exist.
You have it backwards. Copyright exists because of greed, and because copyright exists, greedy cunts have convinced idiots like you that copying is the same as stealing.

>> No.4909970

>I just think it's better to outright say character in and out of the internet
This right here. OC specifically refers to fan characters of other fictional universes.

A character that is not a part of someone else's fictional universe is just a character.

>> No.4909972

This is why I have OCs too.
I don't know why people think it's cringe because I thought this was common with people who have OC. Maybe it's just a writers mindset? Writers are just people who write about their OCs in intense detail.
I guess there's two camps of people who have OC, autists like me and normal artists who just like character designs.

>> No.4909974

>OC specifically refers to fan characters of other fictional universes

I kinda get that, but original characters are called "original" for a reason. It doesn't always involve fan art of other existing trademarks

>> No.4909984

it took me this long to realize that you're one of those 20 year olds who believes communism is a good thing, I'm done and if you think copyrights are made for greed you're actually stupid. A copyright helps keep someone from taking your design and using it for whatever the hell they want, hence copy-right = the right to copy, that's not an idea that is your creation, your design, etc. and it helps make sure the market isn't flooded by cheap knockoffs. A patent actually seals an idea and makes it yours to keep for a few years, no one can touch that idea or even use it without getting your permission or paying you a fee. Sure patents are shitty, but copyrights are necessary.

>> No.4909988

Looks like lots of other characters mixed in one, impressive

>> No.4909990

I started with writing before learning to draw, so you might be right. I never got the people saying stuff like "there's no reason to make an OC without putting them in a story" because most of the time an OC at least has some kind of supporting background. It's not usually like someone just shits out an empty vessel and calls it good, there's something in that character that made the artist want to create it.

>> No.4909992

Hey before you blame the commies they seem to agree with you, USSR had both patent and copyright systems.

>> No.4910005
File: 85 KB, 640x800, IMG_20200217_162953_523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use OC's when needing somebody to dress in a design I want to draw, that way I don't have to think in a new concept every time

>> No.4910011

>20 year olds who believes communism is a good thing
No and no, but cool strawman.

>if you think copyrights are made for greed you're actually stupid
Copyright exists for nothing BUT greed.

>A copyright helps keep someone from taking your design
No, not taking, copying.

>and using it for whatever the hell they want
What difference does it make what other people do?

>that's not an idea that is your creation, your design
Which are ideas.

>and it helps make sure the market isn't flooded by cheap knockoffs
1. No it doesn't, because this happens regardless.
2. So what if it did?

>but copyrights are necessary.
For what? What do they actually provide the world? Copyright restricts art and creativity, for the exclusive purpose of monopolizing a given idea.
You've been tricked into thinking it's for the good of the creator, but it is just for making more money.

>> No.4910016

Yeah, it turns out that there's a difference between personal and private property. What this dipshit is describing is literally just stealing someone's intellectual property and saying "huhuh but my speedy blue hedgehog named sarnoc is totally different from that other very famous blue hedgehog, please purchase my suspiciously similar merchandise."

Ideas can be stolen. That should be incredibly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain and a reasonable handle on reality. The idea of a blue hedgehog can't be stolen, but the idea of a blue hedgehog portrayed in a specific style is definitely something you can steal. Don't believe me? Try drawing anything that vaguely resembles mickey mouse and then put it on a t-shirt. You'll get a bullet from disney's hit squad before you can even call the printing company.

>> No.4910017

>even the commies agree
then why is this argument even happening, what mindset does this dude even have

>> No.4910022

You sound like the kind of person who will complain about people not giving him free art

>> No.4910023

He's either baiting or actually fucking stupid.

>> No.4910024

>>>>>intellectual property
Oh, you mean the concept that only exists within the context of copyright law? There is no such thing as intellectual property.
You cannot own an idea.
You cannot have an idea taken from you.

> and saying "huhuh but my speedy blue hedgehog named sarnoc is totally different from that other very famous blue hedgehog, please purchase my suspiciously similar merchandise."
There go thise strawmen again. I don't even like making derrivative art. I never even make fanart.
But I believe it has a right to exist.

>Ideas can be stolen

>That should be incredibly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain
In other words, you don't understand why you believe this, so you think it's 'just common sense'.

>Don't believe me? Try drawing anything that vaguely resembles mickey mouse and then put it on a t-shirt. You'll get a bullet from disney's hit squad before you can even call the printing company.
Jesus Christ, that circular reasoning.

>> No.4910026

EXACTLY right. This is the exact same kind of person who says things like "Why do you charge? Just do it for the love of art!"

>> No.4910027

Because I am opposed to the concept of 'copyright'. It is a cancer on creativity, art, and culture.

You sound like the kind of person that makes wild accusations when you cannot think of an argument.

>> No.4910028

I never said anything of the sort.

>> No.4910044

dude I know you think you're some sort of intellectual but you're actually incredibly stupid, dont know if you're from tumblr but you're definitely from reddit, you're probably in high school or just haven't taken even the basics of an econ class.
>inb4 baseless accusations
yeah dude, but I have no doubt that I'm spot on.
Also pyw so we can copy the shit out of it

>> No.4910052
File: 2.16 MB, 2049x3000, Ejb3_COWsAIsYee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my favorite artist norasuko's oc's

>> No.4910057

Wrong on all fronts.
Keep seething though, brainlet.

>> No.4910081

why not both? using fanart to bring eyes to your own IP.

>> No.4910100

>Ideas can be stolen

Let's say, hypothetically, that you've created the perfect character. you take to twitter and post it, getting a decent reaction. What's to stop somebody with a much bigger following from taking said character and running away with that character and effectively appropriating them as their own? They'd be directly profiting off of your good idea and leaving you with almost nothing, because they were able to appeal to a larger audience. That's sort of stealing by definition anon.

>> No.4910104

I wouldn't say it triggers me, I just think that some people use it without thinking. like people using waifu to mean anime girl.

or maybe lack of confidence? once I saw someone say something like "those are not characters those are just my OCs"

>> No.4910109

And what part of your hypothetical prevents you from using that same character?
In what way does someone else succeeding harm you? Are you just jealous of other people being successful?

>That's sort of stealing by definition anon.
No, it isn't. Nothing was taken from you, it isn't stealing.

>> No.4910131


>> No.4910273

Don't waste your time. He's a lost case

>> No.4910280

The phrase is "lost cause", retard.
And it's no one's fault but your own that you are incapable of arguing your point.

>> No.4910312

calling me a retard doesn't help you neither. I'll admit that I fucked that up but my point stands. You don't understand how the world works.
I could understand your worldview if you were a child tho

>> No.4910394

>doesn't help you neither

>but my point stands
What point?

>You don't understand how the world works.
Are you suggesting I don't believe copyright laws exist?

>> No.4910494

This thread went well

>> No.4910533

I'm suggesting you think stealing is not real and there's nothing wrong about somebody taking your idea with no consequences and making money with it.
Sounds like the biggest cucking ever

>> No.4910551

>I'm suggesting you think stealing is not real
Oh, so you're illiterate.

>> No.4910622

Don't argue with this tard anymore, he's denser than the set of irrationals and trying to pick apart whatever convoluted reasoning he has for overturning the precedent on intellectual property that's existed in every single first world country in the last hundred or so years (at least) is probably a waste of time.

>> No.4910634

You haven't made an argument this whole time.
And lol @ you two idiots repeatedly telling each other not to talk to me, and then talking to me anyway.

>> No.4910652

literally no imagination grind monkey

>> No.4910750

>t. attention whore
You're not a real artist. Fuck off.

>> No.4910756

What do you do if your OC isn't popular, but you really like drawing them?

>> No.4910758
File: 592 KB, 800x800, galaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'm designing a character and my main goal is for her to be EXTRA cute. What should i improve so that she's cuter?
The whole idea is for her to be a being of another galaxy.

>> No.4910790

Less lines schizo

>> No.4910828

You know, it does come off cute. But the presentation is really messy

>> No.4910850

you being a fag is a pet peeve of mine

>> No.4911069


>> No.4911084

>pistol shrimp and a female boxer
do you mean like that terraformer guy but female?

>> No.4911106

>Sure patents are shitty
patents are just has necessary has copyright, it is there so people have a reason to invest money in creating new stuff. there are better alternatives like you can use it but you have to pay royalties.

>> No.4911172


not him but, what is so bad about copyright? it protect your brand and allow you to make money. also limitation improves creativity, instead of just writing fanfics writers have to write a whole new world if they want to make money of it. and if they don't care about money they can just stay creating fan work.

>> No.4911549
File: 185 KB, 1033x899, abaddon body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm /beg/ but what do you guys think of this fellow? What does he need to be cooler.

>> No.4911556

since he's shark themed why not make his build more of an 'ottermode', or something that seems more characteristic of a swimmer? if you want to make him seems hungry, you can show his ribs or make his abdomen more concave. you can also stress his mouth/teeth. also, placing the gills at the very front of the throat is pretty cool/scary. these are just some design choices you can consider taking

>> No.4911622
File: 46 KB, 578x718, a'baddon coloured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's part of an exiled race known for their huge part in a terrorist attack prior to the events of the story. they're looked at as monsters more than anything so front gills could be a cool idea, thanks.

>> No.4911886

It puts restrictions on creatitivty. If an artist has a good idea that uses a pre-existing fictional setting or character as a framework, they should be allowed to make it.
Moreover, say an artist creates a character while under the employ of a major company. Under contract, that company retains all of the rights to that character, and if that artist breaks away from the company, he is no longer allowed to use that character for anything. Say the artist isn't happy with the direction the company is taking the character. In that case he just has to grit his teeth and bare it, because he is not legally permitted to show his own version of the character, his own vision for the character he created.
And, if you're worried about an idea being stolen, that is something that can ONLY happen so long as copyright laws are in place. Say an artist creates a character, but doesn't date or publish the creation. Another artist working for a major company sees that idea and copies it, and that character gets published under the name of that company. The original artist is now no longer allowed to publush his own character, because a company he never even worked for published it first, effectively stealing the idea away from the artist. Again, this is only possible while copyright laws are in place.

>limitation improves creativity
SELF IMPOSED limitation improves creativity, censorship stifles it.
Take Inktober, for example. One of the rules of Inktober is that you can only use ink, and artists that participate in it can come up with interesting concepts and images because they willingly imposed a restriction on themselves. But now imagine that instead of a fun thing people can do, this restriction is now a law. From this day forward, all art must be done only with ink. This stifles creativity.


>> No.4911891

>and if they don't care about money they can just stay creating fan work.
That's bad though. You should still be allowed to make money off of your own work. Look, under international copyright law, commissions of pre-existing characters aren't really legal. This is a massive portion of the commission market and a massive source of income for self-employed artists, and any company that owns those IPs by law is well within their rights to sue the pants off of any artist that does so.

>> No.4912055


> say an artist creates a character while under the employ of a major company. Under contract
This has nothing to do with copyright law. And everything to do with the contract, had the terms of the contract being different he would walk away with the right to the ip. Even if the copyright law didn’t exist it would still be possible sign a contract where you give up the right to write about those characters, something like a non-compete agreement. How well that would hold up in court is up to discussion tho. Even with copyright, he could just write a similar story but different enough to not break the copyright.

>if you're worried about an idea being stolen, that is something that can ONLY happen so long as copyright laws are in place.
Not really, if you write a book, without copyright law, anyone can print and sell your book. Granted, you can still print and sell your own book, but it will be much less profitable for you than for them, because you had to put much more work.

>SELF IMPOSED limitation improves creativity, censorship stifles it.

What is the difference? Just look at pixel art, it was a technological limitation, now it is self imposed, is there any difference?

Also copyright is not censorship. But I would even argue that censorship stimulates creativity too. Because artists have to use much more creativity work around it.

>under international copyright law, commissions of pre-existing characters aren't really legal.

Couldn’t find anything about it.

But my point is that if you don’t care about copyright, you already can use copyrighted material as long you are not selling it, which would be pretty hard to do without copyright anyway. Sure, it is a gray area, and with some IPs you can get away with more than with others. But in this case you don’t need to be anti-copyright. Just pro-fanwork.

>> No.4912113

>This has nothing to do with copyright law. And everything to do with the contract
The contract negotiates the copyright, you don't know what you're talking about.

>without copyright law, anyone can print and sell your book.

>Granted, you can still print and sell your own book
And that's the whole point.

>but it will be much less profitable for you than for them, because you had to put much more work.
1. You can't demonstrate that
2. So what? What difference does it make? There's always an easier way to do things, and just because you choose to do them the hard way, doesn't mean that it is bad for others to do them the easy way.

>What is the difference?
What is the difference between being forced to do something and choosing to do something? Think about it.

>Also copyright is not censorship
It objectively is.
>Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient."

>you already can use copyrighted material as long you are not selling it
1. That isn't even true, as fan works that make no money can still be taken down if they are published
2. Like I said, it is still bad that an artist could be prevented from making money off of their work just because of the content of their work.

> Sure, it is a gray area
It isn't a gray area legally.

>But in this case you don’t need to be anti-copyright. Just pro-fanwork.
The two are mutually exclusive.

>> No.4912163
File: 1.21 MB, 3948x1884, bun stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide on a few things. The bunnies are all supposed to be based on one main bunny and they are all clone workers.

Top left is each of them having their own clothing design, bellow that is they all share same body but slightly different heads.

Bottom right more dress potential designs (they do have red eyes like albino bunny clones, albeit I started pondering if red/black was just way too generic as a color scheme, so was trying out some orange). If i go that route however, the eye color would get rid of the whole albino clone thing.

>> No.4912307

You draw them

>> No.4912312

Nice, might steal later.

>> No.4912455
File: 410 KB, 506x612, Untitled329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical girl

>> No.4912477

>The contract negotiates the copyright, you don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, that is my point, he sold his property.

>1. You can't demonstrate that
can take years to write a book, and hours to retype it. How is that even a question? Not to mention the money that you had to pay for illustrations etc.

>2. So what? What difference does it make?
It is bad that everyone else is able to profit from the author’s work except the author.

>What is the difference between being forced to do something and choosing to do something? Think about it.
See my example. What difference did it make?

>It objectively is.
By your definition it isn’t?

I am curious, leaving the currently legality of fan work aside.
if you could make fan work but everything you make is public domain. Would you be happy?

>> No.4912486

How is the OP image an example of good character design. It looks like someone's shitty fetish objecthead.

>> No.4912488

Doesn't matter it's hot so it's good

>> No.4912491
File: 705 KB, 719x879, mg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.4912554

This Skull Girls coomer art style is a blight, its the other side of the Tumblr vitiligo beanmouth 'wacky anime-inspired' coin.

>> No.4912577
File: 51 KB, 600x450, 1589991130943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know at least two people who have mantis shrimp characters that are boxers. Its a very obvious idea. Mantis shrimp make a quick motion resembling a punch that packs a lot of force, therefor a humanized version would likely do the same. What type of people do a lot of quick punching? Boxers.

This doesn't make your idea bad uninteresting - but it isn't that unique.

This is your brain on OC donut steel Deviantart mentality.

>> No.4912585
File: 35 KB, 453x453, tumblr_pmn8gbfj1f1vre61b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet all of your characters are bland emo tryhards just like yourselfm

>> No.4912593

Cartoony, sharp angles, bright colors what else could you want

>> No.4912596

>17 likes on a drawing of my OC
Did I make it yet

>> No.4912601

He a cute, would lift with and cuddle on a pool floatie afterwards.

>> No.4912629
File: 841 KB, 1908x1908, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he's right the best part about having your own characters is projection, makes you feel less alone, the rest of what he said was pretty emo tryhard tho

>> No.4912689
File: 302 KB, 855x641, Ollie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my donut steel

>> No.4912727


>> No.4913090
File: 219 KB, 900x1200, mimmi vs swede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimmi, the CEO of /int/.

>> No.4913125

I want coom art of her

>> No.4913231

how do you do anthros without being furry or kemono

>> No.4913234

>Yes, that is my point
That you don't know what you are talking about?

>can take years to write a book, and hours to retype it.
Copying and distributing is just as easy for either party. You don't make money from creating something unless you were comissioned to do it, you make money from distributing it.

>except the author.
How do you figure?
You don't think aurhors can profit from their own work just because someone else can?

>See my example
Your example of what?

>By your definition it isn’t?

>if you could make fan work but everything you make is public domain. >Would you be happy?
I have no desire to make fan work of anything because it doesn't interest me, and yes, everything I make is public domain as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4913302

>don't hugbox
>bans people from the discord for telling the resident f*male to stop being an attention whore
lol you dumb fuck how you gonna advertise on /ic/ but then cry when people don't act the way you want them to.

>> No.4913330
File: 223 KB, 1341x1341, maia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempt

>> No.4913349

Comical or animalistic proportions and shape design.

>> No.4913410

draw them antro, but don't stylize the head/face. Make them actual animal faces.

>> No.4913578
File: 107 KB, 1476x541, 94f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4913585

>Let me act like a retard in peace

>> No.4913586
File: 115 KB, 600x900, 260047_5_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to make an anhro character and not have them be furry?

>> No.4913616

>That you don't know what you are talking about?
Rude! You don’t have to sell your copyright to the employer, some people don’t do that. That is not a copyright problem it is a contract problem.

>Copying and distributing is just as easy for either party.
Can you copy something without it being created?

>You don't make money from creating something unless you were commissioned to do it, you make money from distributing it.
But creating it will cost you money regardless.

>You don't think authors can profit from their own work just because someone else can?
Creating anything cost money, only the author is paying for the creation, he has huge amount of books to sell, before he can recoup his cost and start profiting. And without copyright he doesn’t have licensing deals to help either.

>I have no desire to make fan work of anything because it doesn't interest me, and yes,
My point was more if you would be OK with the copyright law if it allowed people to do this, since this seems to be your biggest concern.

>everything I make is public domain as far as I'm concerned.
Do you explicit say that in the work it self? If not it isn’t public domain at all tho.

>Your example of what?
Pixel art was a technological limitation now is a self imposed one. What difference did it make it?

How does copyright fit in the definition of censorship?

>> No.4913626
File: 255 KB, 968x1000, Captura_color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a portfolio piece than an OC, but still

>> No.4913632

like looney tunes?

>> No.4913637

oh my this is very cute

>> No.4913645

I love it. blog?

>> No.4913695

>Can you copy something without it being created?
This theoretical may have been an issue before the first art in history was created, but otherwise yes.

>But creating it will cost you money regardless
Well no, not necessarily.

>Creating anything cost money

>My point was more if you would be OK with the copyright law if it allowed people to do this
I don't understand the question.

>Do you explicit say that in the work it self? If not it isn’t public domain at all tho.
That is not how that works.

>What difference did it make it?
Okay, stop. Are you seriously, legitimately asking me to defend freedom as a virtue, or are you just being argumentative for argument's sake?

>How does copyright fit in the definition of censorship?
I already explained that, dude.

>> No.4913701

i'm no furry, but this is kinda hot

>> No.4913710

Wtf is this autism?

>> No.4913721

It's called an argument. New to the internet?

>> No.4913744

>unironically arguing with an anonymous user on a taiwanese cross-stitching forum
Yeah, its autism

>> No.4913752

i just mean how to do a unique head design that isn't western furry style, eastern furry style, or just anatomically correct animal heads

>> No.4913900


>> No.4913917
File: 402 KB, 1008x1636, abaddonvsgabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a big guy..

>> No.4913933

it's a nice feeling when someone makes a fanart of your OC

>> No.4914299


>> No.4914830
File: 893 KB, 1171x1008, Necromancer Sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some random sketchbook sketches. I've been trying to concept out a necromancer, but I don't think it fits anymore.

Nose ring is hard to see.

>> No.4914966

>This theoretical may have been an issue before the first art in history was created, but otherwise yes.
You can’t copy a book that doesn’t exist yet.

>Well no, not necessarily.
Aside from the materials that you use that cost money(like electricity, the depreciation of your tools etc). Wouldn’t you agree that your time is worth something?

>I don't understand the question.
I am trying to find a middle ground; I don't really like copyright laws but I think it is a necessary evil.

>Okay, stop. Are you seriously, legitimately asking me to defend freedom as a virtue, or are you just being argumentative for argument's sake?
I am asking you to explain why self-imposed limitation stimulates creativity but externally imposed don’t.

>I already explained that, dude.
You posted a definition that, in my view, does not include copyright.

>> No.4915117

Be more creative, or do whatever you want to

>> No.4915119

nigga why you so retarded

>> No.4915226
File: 629 KB, 1984x2806, Redesign of 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tring to create a outfit that has elements that relates to the concept of "Good Luck" but out side of featuring "777" on the side of the outfit i feel like i'm at a miss.

In terms of the feel of the out fit i want to keep it kinda athletic feeling

>> No.4915230

>You can’t copy a book that doesn’t exist yet.
See the sentence you just quoted.

>like electricity
Electricity is not a material.

>Wouldn’t you agree that your time is worth something?
You can be paid for time without copyright law.

>I am asking you to explain why self-imposed limitation stimulates creativity but externally imposed don’t.
One is a choice, one is not. This question is absurd and I think you know that. I will not humor it again.

>You posted a definition that, in my view, does not include copyright. Your view is not worth much in this situation. If you can reason how it does not apply, then that's one thing, but if you can't then you don't have an argument.

>> No.4915254

luck isn't visual you need a motif like dice or a clover

>> No.4915269

I wanna try incoperating a slot machine/casino theme would that work?

>> No.4915293

Yes of course. Anything heavily associated with luck will communicate the idea.

>> No.4915523

Looks like a Pokemon character

>> No.4915658

has there ever been someone whos bad at art but good at character designing? im pretty bad but I do love making characters

>> No.4915671

fuck TW you still working on this?

>> No.4915679

That doesn't seem possible..
Not to be a crab, but if you can't draw, I can't imagine your character designs would look any good.

>> No.4915687

desu the trainer designs have played a big influence on me

>> No.4915697

There are elements of character design that are not reliant on technical ability, so it is definitely possible for a good design to come from a poor draftsman, but since so much of character design relies on interesting visual relationships, someone with a small visual library is unlikely to come up with a strong design.

>> No.4915772

Fuck off nigger, eat shit, go to pol.
Fucking ngmi crab.

>> No.4915775

Pose is good, but make char des first for real.

>> No.4915778

Fuck it i prefer soul before fame.

>> No.4915787

Well, if you refuse to develop your arguments; I guess that is it then.

>> No.4915795

Refuse to develop my arguments? You want me to just argue with myself for hours on end? You need to make an argument yourself if you want any further elaboration. If that argument has already been covered by something I have written, I will direct you to that once again.

>> No.4915883

Posting a definition of a word is not an argument. Repeating “because it is” over and over also isn’t an argument.

>> No.4915908

Okay retard.

>> No.4916525

looks good

>> No.4916531

It's a little too obvious that you want to have sex with this character imo, unless that's the intention I might dial it back a bit

>> No.4916532

why would anyone want to steal this trash? gross.

>> No.4916728

what made you think that?

>> No.4916756

who are some really good character design artist?

I'm not talking about stupid faggot online artist, I want artist like Tex Avery or Disney influential tieir level.

>> No.4916762

>calling yourself an artist

>> No.4917016

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.4917105

This is one of the most confusing pieces of advice I've seen on this board anon. Not only is the other anon's piece not any more sexually loaded than a countless standard ok-drawn OCs, which never gets them in any trouble, but dialing it back isn't going to do anything either because it's not negatively interfering in any way. It won't make his art better or worse, and it definitely won't get him more attention if he wants that.

>> No.4917119

Lol you are such a raging loser faggot.

>> No.4917166

Good shit.

>> No.4917181

for you

>> No.4918378

She's adorable

>> No.4918487 [DELETED] 

Drew this for a friend, he wanted a cyberpunk themed hacker girl who can climb walls using specialized gloves and shoes

>> No.4918497
File: 485 KB, 1080x2047, IMG_20201006_235206_742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this for a friend, he wanted a cyberpunk themed hacker girl who can climb walls using specialized gloves and shoes

>> No.4918511

Thank you!

>> No.4918744

the feet look like all toes are the same size and length and too boxy

>> No.4918760

>How can I make my OC better?
Building context around them
>What is the best method to better designs?
Creating them in service to an actual point
>Is my design too generic?

>> No.4918833

>This is your brain on OC donut steel Deviantart mentality.

People have forgotten that there's more to a character than their appearance and occupation. It's who they are and how they interact with the world and the people in it. The right context can make a concept we've seen before fresh and memorable.

>> No.4918929


>> No.4920370
File: 546 KB, 1928x2116, Mgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.4920410
File: 1.15 MB, 1606x1502, X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give the best critique you have

>> No.4920415

Its really flat. Were you trying to make this look like it was cut out of construction paper? If not you seriously need to learn about forms and values and try again.

>> No.4920417

>I'm /beg/
>whats the best way for me to start
Still life, drawing interiors and furniture.
Leave figure drawing and gesture for when you'll understand a bit more about perspective.

>> No.4920481
File: 16 KB, 388x462, 1602158618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4920539
File: 358 KB, 1144x891, a'baddon suit 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4920560


>> No.4921718

>I know I'm /beg/ but what do you guys think of this fellow? What does he need to be cooler.
if you consider yourself as /beg/ because of this you're probably drawing shit you're only comfortable with, start posting the bad stuff or you won't improve

>> No.4921814

the values look fine, crab

>> No.4921836

No, he's right, and you're a sensitive /beg/.

>> No.4922145

I meant with her design

>> No.4922219

probe it.

>> No.4922227

where do you think we are?