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4902094 No.4902094 [Reply] [Original]

I only drew and hour today.

>> No.4902098

Nice blog post

>> No.4902149

Ok well just go back and draw some more. Don't give up stay motivated.

>> No.4902204

Good. Keep drawing fag.

>> No.4902208
File: 26 KB, 640x691, 7272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reads like a post i could have made every night for the past year

>> No.4902222

>drew an hour a day for the past year
keep it up, anon

>> No.4902225

I'm in a similar boat op I think I just can't fucking stay focused the motivation is there. Someone delete this internet thing so I can stay focused, please. I realized reading this that I was drawing 5 minutes ago but somehow got sidetracked AGAIN.

>> No.4902234

It's not about time, it's about quality and enjoyment anon.

>> No.4902239

I only drew 7

>> No.4902240

The tragedy of the zoomer brain

>> No.4902262

I legitimately stopped caring about what other people think of my shit and now I just draw whenever I feel like it
It feels liberating

>> No.4902263

I was just drawing and I ended up back here AGAIN. Someone give me some fucking Ritalin or something meditation and exercise is not helping!!!

>> No.4902275

did you really draw for an hour though

did you sit there and really concentrate for an hour straight, drawing intensely?

if so, you should have a couple nice sketch pages done. oh wait, you didn't did you? you drew for 15 minutes total over the stretch of an hour.

for shame anon, for shame.

>> No.4902342

Post your work

>> No.4902348
File: 389 KB, 1080x1160, 06000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the OP, but i track my hours drawing autistically to where if my pen stops moving for more than 10 seconds i stop my timer. i consistently hit around 3 hours a day before giving up, every so often i get a burst of motivation and do anything from 8-12 hours in a day, (happens around 2 times a month)

i've got a spreadsheet tracking the past 2 years of my hours, i've tried stopping tracking my time drawing but somehow i've gotten addicted to it, like i equate the amount of time i spend drawing with more value than what actually comes out at the end of the day. I don't think it's a negative thing though, i'm always pushing myself during the 'on' time and never drawing for the sake of drawing, but i feel better seeing a fat '8' at the end of the day than a good drawing that does successful on social media with a measly '3' on my chart

>> No.4902360

This is unironic autism, isn't it?

>> No.4902367

never diagnosed, and i do fine socially. i just got it in my head early on that i need to get 10,000 hours to get good, and after 2 years of doing it, habits kept for that long are hard to break, especially when i feel that i owe pretty much all of my gains so far to that method

>> No.4902399

Now I’m curious - Post your work

>> No.4902407

just get this bro

>> No.4902592

if he's trad he's going to need the timer

>> No.4902619

>open up photoshop
>alt tab and shitpost for 8 hours
>close photoshop
another hard day of practice in the log boys.

>> No.4902664

Post your blog anon, I really wanna se your gains, genuinely inspiring <3

>> No.4902665

Hey, Anon, an hour is still better than no hours! Keep it up. You'll get there.

>> No.4902713

Fecking draw more

>> No.4902745

>havent drawn in 2 years

>> No.4902753

Post your blog anon, I really wanna se your gains, genuinely inspiring <3

>> No.4902762
File: 11 KB, 208x212, aj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this, I needed a manic replacement.

Not op but you guys think that it's low test? Are there any supplements I should start taking to rejuvenate my male vitality? Men shouldn't be limp dicked over not drawing for 1 hour--I'm supposed to be mentally stronger than this.

>> No.4902763


Post your blog anon, I really wanna se your gains, genuinely inspiring <3

>> No.4902769

it's a lack of a sense of urgency that you have, not hormone imbalances. Is your home life particularly comfy at the moment? do you have anything motivating you to pursue drawing?

>> No.4902793

My home life is as good as it'll be. It might not be my ideal living situation but the present probably is the best time of my life to draw while I still can (still living at home with parents). I guess being 26 (almost 27) is starting to get to me and that I feel like I should have a place of my own by now, but at the same time the urgency should be that I need to take advantage of what I have now.

I'm aware of this but I just shutdown and feel like not doing anything. I slept nearly the whole entire day yesterday. I'm not depressed or sad I just keep losing the drive to do things.

>> No.4902849

living with your parents will pretty universally be a demotivating factor (i'm in the same boat as you) and when you're in a situation where there's no pressure to do things, it's incredibly easy to just fuck about refreshing social media and masturbate the day away.

i'd recommend sitting down and writing out a realistic plan month to month of what you want to achieve by a specific date, let's say your 28th birthday next year?. write down in detail where you would be in life at 28 if you successfully followed that plan, do a doodle the version of yourself who did exactly that. Now write down where you will be at 28 if you don't follow the plan. It probably isn't fun to think about, but think in detail how miserable you would be, draw it, really feel how it would feel to be 28 in that position, and what would you tell your current self?

i have 2 post-it notes each with one of these eventualities on it, right above my computer, just as a reminder that the time will pass, and i will end up at either one of those situations no matter what, so i better put in the effort.

>> No.4902867

>i have 2 post-it notes each with one of these eventualities on it, right above my computer, just as a reminder that the time will pass, and i will end up at either one of those situations no matter what, so i better put in the effort.
Send pics

>> No.4902878
File: 1.30 MB, 4032x1958, B60B8E80-8117-485C-8AAF-060D17D9834B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.4902918

I drew like 5 mins today lmao

>> No.4903043
File: 91 KB, 468x624, 1601422780391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shitty copy from one of the artist that I like.

>> No.4903183
File: 29 KB, 400x400, KbRJII7A_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An hour is great if you actually have a life and bills to pay unlike most of the NEETs here who have all the time in the world and still draw less than that

>> No.4903258
File: 1.42 MB, 498x498, 1597324364015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drew for 8 hours
>all mindless doodling

>> No.4903266
File: 33 KB, 640x642, 1599260625146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 2 hours drawing in the past 30 days
anyone else /ngmi/?

>> No.4903331

>tfw only draw 5 minutes every day.