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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 400x524, VENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4897193 No.4897193 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4897196

i hate my art

>> No.4897197

Some days I feel doubt in what I do. But even on those days, I just gotta keep on drawing and keep on moving

>> No.4897204

what does sakimichan do with her $60000/month income

>> No.4897208

i don't even make that much in a year. i legitimately would have no idea what to do with all that money. although im sure a lot of it is taxed anyways

>> No.4897211

I literally kicked a child to death because he told me that drawing boxes is lame.

>> No.4897218

When did 14 year olds get good at art

>> No.4897221

I want to be like those people who can use thier craft as an escape from reality.
When my life goes down,my art goes down and vice-versa.

>> No.4897360

I know that feel

>> No.4897368

I hate how whenever I get into drawing again I get sucked into a hellhole of posting online for likes/follows/views/comments. It starts off as "oh that's nice" to even get 1 like and then because of my addict personality it ends up consuming my brain until it burns away everything else art-related and even starts affecting my schoolwork/day job and I end up hating my life. I wish it would just stay at that first stage.

>> No.4897460
File: 8 KB, 240x160, not supposed to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend more than like 15 minutes just focusing on drawing and my brain goes haywire demanding for me to go do something else. I want to be able to focus

>> No.4897500
File: 619 KB, 884x1405, D0FBED6E6B66422A927B6A91DC8D3444 Copy~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw but my hands and feet are shivering so hard. I've layered to shit but my body is ice cold.
My head fucking hurts too.

>> No.4897613

>tfw I discovered I like drawing a lot on my 20s
>realize all that time wasted on my teenhood
>could have been a great artist now If I started earlier
How does one cope with this? I know this is a meme and it's never late to learn but right now college takes most of my days and on my few free times I feel fucking exhausted to even grind anything

>> No.4897624
File: 15 KB, 326x250, cupid bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like /ic/ hates intentional stylized cartoony art and I hate that there's no entire board to post that sort of content and get the right kind of critique from people who also make art that way, the closest could be /i/ but they mostly suck.

>> No.4897626

Theres no real way to overcome this I get the same feeling. Also in my 20’s. I just know if I don’t start now and get into it im going to regret it when im older.

>> No.4897629

october is comming. Inktober is ruined and idk if the effort of Drawtober is worth it or if I should post my work at a normal pase instead
I just want to use it for the social media growth

>> No.4897630

Going through the same thing, except instead of going to college i wagecuck and live with my parents. There is no cope. You just work hard until you die.

>> No.4897638

I think most of /ic/ is in their 20 to mid 20s, myself included. You just have to work hard now or regret it when you're in your mid 30s to 40s as you lose your testosterone.

>> No.4897643

>half of /ic/ whines about how much they suck and how they're not gonna make it
>other half of /ic/ will be super nitpicky or hyperdismissive even of pretty good art

>> No.4897646

Why is inktober ruined?

>> No.4897663
File: 25 KB, 546x300, 4c7643a6d115bbe2b5e33f44b14a8c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i'm fucking awful. 2 years of grinding and i still can't even draw a head consistently. Every stroke still feels wrong, i'm wind up guessing on antaomy despite always having a reference. All i do is studies, and any original work i try to make, ends up half finished and rushed because all i see from my work is SHIT. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.4897716

Finally got a replacement pen and am ready to start posting frequently on my art twitter, but idk what the hell to draw

>> No.4897803

Are you me?

Hire and train others to do shit for her.

>> No.4897919
File: 62 KB, 504x500, Ee1mj9YWoAAwD0Q (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the fun in drawing anymore

>> No.4897924

the redpill is that those are both the same half.

>> No.4898006

same here
just draw

>> No.4898024
File: 13 KB, 208x243, C824B173-6E01-45ED-8001-BCC52AD096D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 19

>> No.4898025

It'll flash before your eyes and you'll be 25 before you can even blink

>> No.4898028
File: 168 KB, 672x950, LF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm dealing with severe depression. before this i was drawing constantly and now i can barely manage once a week. things inspire me but i feel like my creativity is gone. does anyone have any tips on how to get the creativity back? what works for you? i'm wondering if i should stop taking my meds. even if im miserable i feel worse when i cant draw.

>> No.4898030

i just deal with the pain and draw shitty until the lines start running smoothly on the page. that your work? kudos that's dope

>> No.4898034
File: 232 KB, 486x598, 1E2978D2-0A8B-4604-B396-FAA699353D38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ever since I picked up the dumbbell for the first time all those days ago, I’ve been addicted to self improvement. I can only imagine what a talented chad I will be midway through my fruitful 20s. My hope will keep me going as long as it takes.

>> No.4898036

>even if im miserable i feel worse when i cant draw
tell your psychiatrist exactly this.

>> No.4898039

Why does no one here draw or act like an actual community?

>> No.4898106

>post fanart of something I like
>finally a new follower on Twitter
>unfollowed a few hours later, probably because I retweeted porn
>meanwhile, 100 new followers on pixiv
Why is Twitter so hard to use

>> No.4898112

>"PYW!!!!" They crabs screech
>Only because they plan to call my art shit regardless of my skill level unless I'm god tier
It's so fucking stupid how the crabs try and disregard your deconstruction by saying "pyw" like it means anything. If I can fully explain what was wrong with an image, you either counter it with the positives/how my points are wrong or fuck off. There are top dollar editors that can barely draw, but just have the knowledge and know how to critique and said critique leads to good results.
Then they decide to try and bait you by making assumptions about you that come out of nowhere. I know it's trollshit, but some people actually believe it. It's fucking stupid.

Just to say, no I won't post my work here and no, I'm not /beg/tier. Far from it, but I'm no god tier korean artchad either.

>> No.4898113

we're a hivemind sort of
like crabs

>> No.4898125

>post something that sounds stupid
>get asked to prove it
>head to /vent/
sasuga, kani-kun

>> No.4898126

I wake up and go to bed in a malaise. It hurts that I've realized I've sunk so much time into something I don't know if I ever enjoyed. Drawing was a causal interest, but I'm realizing that I have no inspiration. I'm just doing it to do. Sometimes I feel like a submarine and I'm slowly crushing under the weight of the ocean. My goal was to monetize a hobby, and while I've done this, I do not enjoy the things I do, but I do them because it's all I have. I have no mouth and I must scream.

>> No.4898129
File: 1.60 MB, 2005x2008, Christian Birmingham -Бирмингем, Спящая красавица 18_744190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I draw, I just dont post anything here. Im also one of like, 3 people?- I think- who contribute to the classical and ref threads.
About community- most good artists leave when they break into the industry, find other active comms, and realize this place is just a meme factory.
I'm nearly there myself. Gonna give this place another 2 weeks and then Im gonna jet to someplace else.

>> No.4898134

Prove what? I don't know what you're talking about, but what do you expect? A redline? I pointed out issues with a piece and explained why they were issues as constructively as I could.
If what I said was a bad deconstruct and/or bad concrit, then elaborate on that instead of yelling "PYW!!!!!" like it changes anything or makes the issues somehow disappear from the core piece of discussion.

>> No.4898136

probably invest in art stuff and bonds.

>> No.4898148

People draw here all the time, but there are countless crabs here. I wish there were fun drawing communities here, but /ic/ just isn't good for it.
Best I do is come here for immediate-ish advice, getting/sharing resources from OPs/Resource threads, and sometimes posting my work here just because. You unironically find better communities on Discord than you do here. I can't see anyone making /ic/ their community hub. It's a board you lurk in for maybe a month tops, then fuck off for a while to do your own shit, and then peek back in occasionally just to see what's up.

>> No.4898156

>I can't see anyone making /ic/ their community hub. It's a board you lurk in for maybe a month tops, then fuck off for a while to do your own shit, and then peek back in occasionally just to see what's up.
Is it bad if I do this? Im addicted to imageboard culture, the memes, the social interaction and the ability to say nigger.

>> No.4898167
File: 215 KB, 664x513, 4B3810BE-0640-4A00-88CC-EBF0D7AD84EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social interaction

>> No.4898170

It sucks that i know what i'm looking at but can't put it into practice.

>> No.4898175

there's no point in debating with words like gaylords.
either you know your shit and can demonstrate some level of competency or you don't and you can't.

>> No.4898177
File: 92 KB, 1000x570, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't even deconstruct a drawing and explain it's good and bad points, I'd say you have more to prove. Only people stuck in /beg/ tier can't competently do so.

>> No.4898187
File: 47 KB, 800x532, 1d7bd4bd535f533e00f41cf35de16a94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agghhhh, I want Zen3 to come out so I can update my ancient-ass desktop!! I want to learn 3D alongside my trad skills.
Why cant AMD hurry up?! AGGGGHHHH!!

>> No.4898189

the Inktober book was a plagiarism from another artist or something and the entire community is canceling him and replacing Inktober with other stuff

>> No.4898193


Adding to this- the Inktober guy is a literal Jewish devil who has been suing people for using the Inktober moniker without his permission (read: money).

>> No.4898194


>> No.4898196

Goretober is an option. People have made many lists for pretty much every month at this point for many years. Just pick an old one you haven't done and use that.
But also literally just create your own prompts and draw in ink for the month. It doesn't take long to pick a theme you like and then think up 30 open ideas/prompts based around it.

>> No.4898200

who plagiarized off what now and what does it have to do with drawing stuff in ink for a month?

>> No.4898224

me too bud
it's hard to work alone tho

>> No.4898227

Yeah, I can see why you’re social outcast.

>> No.4898312

I spent the day sorting my coom folder for curations to back up. It was pretty sad.

>> No.4898315

it's some gay cancer, fuck twitter and 2020 man

>> No.4898324

Inktober guy plagiarized everything from alphonso dunn's book, just shuffled chapter order around and ran some shit through a thesaurus to change wording up a little though the sentence structure is the same. Straight up lifted diagrams from his book directly too. He doesnt even ink in this style, he's a light line work copicfag. Alphonso got upset and called him out, his book has since been delayed because of the plagiarism, probably is going to change it and actually write his own book if he's smart.

As far as this shit affecting inktober participation, the idiot sent out DCMA letters to anyone using the word "inktober" or the logo (which was given out before for free use) because it meant copyright infringement or something. He says his lawyer acted without his knowledge but I've had to deal with legal shit and your lawyer will absolutely call and ask you or at least update you on things like this so there's no way he didn't ok it or at least know about the situation.

>> No.4898373
File: 30 KB, 539x412, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start smoking weed a year ago
>my art skill skyrockets
>I can project and see form before I start drawing
>Barely have to do rough sketches
>Can just jump right into the action
>I can actually draw the shit I vaguely see in my head without thinking too hard
>I can even see how I'm supposed to shade metals before I even start shading
>Feels like a fucking cheat item that brings out my "hidden potential"
>Art gets more attention from friends, family, online... Everywhere.
>Feels near effortless and I actually enjoy drawing again
>Feel proud of my art and confident after years and years of not feeling good enough for anything
>Grow reliant on it
>Too reliant
>Depend on the weed too much
>be poorfag
>Can barely draw unless I'm stoned
>Haven't drawn in weeks because I don't have the cash to buy more carts

A blessing and a curse... Always remember to smoke in moderation anons...

>> No.4898393

try a change of scenery? go some place new and chill

>> No.4898511

Yeah I already picked my prompts. my worry is about it reaching less audience than usual bc of this gay shit, or that maybe inktober is a rather bad time to post work because everyone is posting content

>> No.4898519

Just use the inktober tags like usual and it'll be fine. It's heated "competition", but if you play the pander card a little or spice things up with some lewds, you'll have an edge.
I say just post it and ignore the numbers. Inktober is about practicing with ink, don't worry about the reach. Just have fun with the prompts and that's what matters.

>> No.4898534

Artist source for that drawing?

>> No.4898543

i was feeling so confident in my improvement through studies, but then i started seeing younger artists who figured out what i'm learning right now already
how do i stop feeling depressed about that stuff dudes

>> No.4898554

It's so difficult to teach myself. I really want to take classes at my local atelier, but I'm not in a financially viable position to do so.

I finally have (barely) enough money for a cintiq, but I worry that transitioning to digital when I'm still /beg/ is a mistake.

>Figure drawing
My quick pose drawings are garbage, but my ability to quickly construct a figure has significantly improved. What is this discrepancy?

>> No.4898603

Popular artists with generic styles having more followers than popular artists with unique styles makes me kind of depressed.

>> No.4898606

if you become popular enough and people copy your unique style, does that make you generic?

>> No.4898856

I get really angry when people call me good.

>> No.4898989

>it's another "stopped drawing for a while so now you've got to spend a few hours/days practicing just to get back to where you were before you took a break" episode

>> No.4898994

Black pill, it does. Remember in the past no one could render like sakimichan or cutesexyrobutts? Because their popularity they created they clones that exactly draw and render like them.

>> No.4899078
File: 60 KB, 528x620, ELkYXo-WsAExwci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't use the power of the internet to min/max childhood/teenage ability gains

>> No.4899093

There were no resources online in the late 00s. My teenage mind just didn’t grasp vilppu. Now you have everything and more that you could ask for.

>> No.4899107

Ok, i have a weird theory.
So, your brain is a slow as fuck processing machine.
You basically queue a hell lot of information for the brain when you draw.
This is why you can actually grind plenty of practices, so much that you are thinking about it when you're trying to sleep (kinda like when you played vidya whole day, and when you closed your eye, you can feel like you're still playing the game).
Then you just wait for a few days for the brain & subconscious to process the information, it will then turn into useful information and store in your brain.
That way, you can get more gains that repeatedly drawing the same shit again.
Because you aren't drawing anything new, you're just drawing the same shitty old information in your brain.
Give your brain some time to process the information and improve, then you can draw better.

Grind hard, then take a few days off to absorb knowledge is more effective than constant small grinding.

>> No.4899117

This is some good autism, but if it teaches the /beg/s to take more breaks so they don't fall into burn out then it's good.

>> No.4899124

I promise you it's hard to learn there too. It's hard to learn anywhere. You might be better off or worse off depending on the actual school.

You can start digital and transition to trad if you want what matters is that you're drawing a lot (but it's good you've picked trad because)...

>Quick pose vs. constructed figures
These are two very different (but somewhat inter-related disciplines). You need to learn gesture and construction separately and then combine them to get a figure that feel natural in terms of pose (gesture) but which is also grounded effectively in 3D space (construction).

One of the best ways to learn is to go to life drawing classes if you can, and you'll want trad skills for that (I've seen people do it digitally, but as a digital artist I wouldn't want to use it for life drawing class).

>> No.4899133

this is called spaced repetition learning and is used by the cia to learn new languages

>> No.4899136

Same. Feelsbadman.

>> No.4899141
File: 233 KB, 640x480, waiting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely cannot draw heads, throws bobbleheads or shapeless copypaste anime shit on 'realistic' bodies
>really tenuous grasp of perspective
>gives up or indulges on shortcuts on anything 'too hard' (hands), even in major pieces
I swear to god, this every artist on the internet nowadays

>> No.4899147

At least they're doing those placeholders and not not drawing it at all. Eventually they'll get into it and study those lacking parts and because they at least got for vague form and size of the parts, it will be easier to learn than if they didn't draw it at all.

>> No.4899149

I wish jannies could do their work, the only thing this place needs is cleanse from the shitty bait threads

>> No.4899157

>OP has rules like "wait for page 10"
>trolls come and make the new threads immediately
>People point out the issue
>Thread is 90% unrelated drama
>Jannies don't do shit and leave it up for days
What do the jannies even do at this point. I've peeked into the /lsg/ general to watch the chaos and sometimes it's nice, and then sometimes the jannies are triggered over a pixel. A single pixel. I just don't get it.

>> No.4899173

iodine deficiency

>> No.4899180
File: 264 KB, 1970x2048, EVesqlAU0AA5yxZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised my psychiatrist i was going to show him my sketchbook, but 70% of it is shota drawings. How do i explain it without causing suspicion?

>> No.4899188

If there are any lewd ones, remove the pages. If it's just drawings of children, it shouldn't be too much of an issue if you just say you're studying their proportions/body sizes. If your style is extra animu, just say they're adults and blame your art style. Odds are he is a normie, so try and keep any explaining basic and stay confident. If you keep your chin up and say things without hesitation, the odds of him believing you without question skyrocket.
Alternatively, you could try and pull some fancy sounding artist exclusive excuse so that he doesn't understand, but it sounds bigger and more important than it really is.

But definitely remove the drawings that are pornographic. It'd be too bothersome to explain those.
If you have time, you could also get a small sketchbook and grind in the meantime. Fill as much as you can and pretend that's your sketchbook instead of your shota one.

>> No.4899192

Tell them that its ok because you self insert as the shota

>> No.4899204

Big brained move but would probably cause him more problems in the long run if the psychiatrist is a Twitter-tier moralfag.

>> No.4899208

If so, based moralfag.

>> No.4899210
File: 28 KB, 499x481, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4899215

Have you considered simply not being a pedo?

>> No.4899216

>trying to post on instagram more
>failing miserably
>feels bad
>at least my mom likes all my posts

>> No.4899219

How are you failing? Are you tagging properly? Consistently posting once a day? Pandering?

>> No.4899231

Assuming that anon is talking about an actual, licensed psychiatrist it wont cause problems. Standard ethical practices dictate that short of a patient saying theyre going to commit a crime and showing true intention to do it, the patien'ts privacy must be respected and nothing said while in a session can be disclosed.
If his psychiatrist got him in problems because of some drawings anon could sue his ass, win thousands and get the psych's license to practice revoked.

>> No.4899233

Yes, yes, yes.

I get consistent follows every day from this but cap out at like 15 likes and no comments.

>> No.4899234

I have no idea how people justify this shit to themselves. An hero pedoman

>> No.4899235

Can someone tell me how the average skill of artists has somehow gotten worse with time?

>> No.4899238
File: 118 KB, 576x572, reallybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these years of art....

>> No.4899239

You're completely right, I was more thinking future visits could become awkward. The psychiatrist could steer issues towards the drawings and make them a bigger issue than they really are and requesting a new psychiatrist wouldn't solve anything. Saying you self insert as the shota could make him think there are issues where there may not be.
Aim for more audience interaction then? If you get consistent growth, your likes should also be rising. Are you just posting things without a caption? Perhaps your work is pandering enough, but just isn't striking enough.
You're biased. Seek artists that fit your standards and curate your experience better.

>> No.4899240

Lately i've been asking myself what is the point of drawing.

Don't get me wrong, i enjoy the process, i have fun with it and that's cool. But outside of that i just ask myself "why?". Maybe i'll draw something and post it to twitter or something, i'll get some likes and that's it.

And that's it. Maybe i'll just keep posting and getting 2 or 3 likes for the next years until i eventually start spamming for more even tho what i create is not good, and then die believing i was better than i really am to comfort myself. Just like that on the ground.

I have fun, but when i ask myself "why do i do this?" i get a little feeling of shame out from it.

>> No.4899243

Give yourself goals and/or projects. Tell a story/draw a comic, join group projects, try new challenges, interact with other artist, do themed sets, try new mediums... If you find yourself lacking a purpose with your art, then simply give yourself one. Most people's main goal is just improvement, but if you've reached a comfortable spot that you feel like your stagnating, the only person holding you back is you.

>> No.4899245

It hasn't. It might seem that way because there's more space in the world right now for mediocre artists, but overall, I mean, you've seen that furries are drawing michelangelo-tier shit now right? Anatomically correct, beautiful renderings of the human form for some guy's rainbow colored big dick wolf fursona.

>> No.4899246
File: 453 KB, 255x144, 1505505195209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to fix one tiny aspect of sculpture
>end up ripping the entire head off and rebuilding it.

>> No.4899247


>> No.4899264

I'm not convinced artists are anything except super wealthy with how quickly their commission slots are perpetually full.

>> No.4899270

Sometimes I wonder if some artists just pretend a slot or three are filled purely to make it feel more limited? It's a pretty smart, but bold move when you think about it like this.
I've also had people try to commission me, fill a slot, then offer payment in exposure. Not every filled slot is a good filled slot.

>> No.4899294


It's pretend to appear you're more in demand than it looks to actually get more interested people.

>> No.4899295

If you don't have a big project you're working towards making real then you're going to be asking yourself that forever imo. Any time I ask myself why I draw, or do anything creative, I've got an answer.

>> No.4899307

I started in 2016 and I feel like I wasted 2015 because I was animating in sfm during that year while I could draw

>> No.4899308

i save images of peples OC's to draw porn of but most the time i cant think of anything

>> No.4899323

DO NOT show him your sketchbook if its filled with pedophilia/shotcon or whatever the fuck, he will snitch to the cops and you will become a registered offender.
NEVER trust a psychiatrist like this.

>> No.4899327

This is false and fear mongering. See >>4899231
The fact you label it as "pedophilia" proves what you say shouldn't be taken seriously. You cannot become a sex offender if you do not commit a crime and drawings are not crimes.

>> No.4899331

Letting some guy get himself put on a sex offender list for sketching is maximum trolling. Sketchbooks have been used as evidence of intent.

>> No.4899334

You literally cannot be put on a sex offender registry if you do not offend or commit a crime. The psychiatrist may judge you for the fiction you create, but it is just that, fiction. If you do not and will never commit a crime, it doesn't matter what sort of fiction you create. Fiction does not directly cause harm or imply intent to commit a crime.
If someone writes a murder mystery, they are not planning to commit a real murder. The same principle applies here.

>> No.4899338

>You literally cannot be put on a sex offender registry if you do not offend or commit a crime.
Yes you can. If I showed a sketchbook full of art suggesting I want to stab my wife, that would absolutely be enough to go to the police. You severely underestimate how crooked modern therapists are.

>> No.4899340

I do have projects, and i like doing them, they are the reason i am able to draw 3-4 hours a day and not hesitate of whether i'll do something today or not, just jump and do it.

But at the end when i stop drawing after those hours i ask myself why. I know i'm just bitching at this point, maybe i ask myself that because i'm not really open about it with my friends and family, most of the time i just rather not tell to people that i draw.

>> No.4899343

My biggest interest that kept me drawing consistently (fanart) and also was a factor in the attention I received on my old social media, I've begun to hate after my partner kind of ruined it for me. Now I can't even look at it without it leaving a sour taste. I'm trying to avoid it and move onto things only I enjoy but nothing's sticking and it's having an effect on my art... Should I be upfront about my feelings or is it just time to start making original content :/ How do you make original art/story when you lack creativity?

>> No.4899347

Please provide sources for such extreme actions. If you are drawing your wife specifically, you are having thoughts of harming someone close in your vicinity and it can be cause for further investigation. Because the thoughts and ideas to harm your very real wife are there. That said, you are not a murderer or to be put on public registries for the drawings because no crimes would have been committed. You may be monitored for some time, but you would not be put in prison for drawings.
If you are drawing characters that do not exist in reality, i.e. fiction, you cannot be put on a sex offender registry for it. Even if said characters are lolis/shotas. You just cannot because it is not real and no crimes are commited.
Again, see >>4899231

>> No.4899349

>Please provide sources for such extreme actions
The U.S. legal system, now stop posting.

>> No.4899352

That's not evidence? Please provide actual cases where people were put on a sex offender registry for drawings alone.

>> No.4899373
File: 156 KB, 647x900, boys-bathing-1908-henry-scott-tuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, drawing cute boys is my mayor motivation to make it

>> No.4899382

Can confirm that at least a few of them do this, including posting regular art and saying it was commissioned haha

>> No.4899384

>posting regular art and saying it was commissioned
Can confirm, I've done this many times. It makes your comms look more desirable.

>> No.4899416

>>Feels like a fucking cheat item that brings out my "hidden potential"
It's true and I just don't understand how it's such a top tier item that just works

>> No.4899420

Thank god I always get full slots or I would be like you fags.

>> No.4899424

I get full slots eitherway now. I used to pretend drawings were comms for a while and as I grew my audience, the need for it dwindled. At most, I use it as an excuse to draw something for a series I normally wouldn't OR want more people to comm me for.

>> No.4899498

I haven't gotten any bites for commissions after a week and feel pretty shitty about it. Not even someone asking for a freebie or someone saying good luck or anything. I dunno if my art is just low quality or I'm charging too much or not reaching enough people. How much did you guys charge for work when you first started out?

>> No.4899501

I guarantee if you havent gotten any requests for commissions its because your art is sub-par. People who can draw well literally have to fight off commission requests with a pitchfork. Post your art to prove me wrong, you wont.

>> No.4899523

Guess I'll just have to keep at it until I'm better.

>> No.4899535

Hmm, interesting. I can't help but fall for the allure of having an instructor guide my process.

Thanks for the construction+gesture advice. I think I do this when drawing from imagination but ignore it during quick pose drawings. Perhaps this explains the differences in my figures

>> No.4899542

go back to learning the fundamentals then

>> No.4899553

Don't forget most posters here are underage or young adults, so they tend to have very extreme black and white opinions on things. For them it's not possible to criticize art without being really good and so on.

>> No.4899698

is just draw really enough. like what do i need to do to guarantee my progress because sometimes i feel paranoid that i'll look back in a year and realize that i haven't improved at all

>> No.4899757

The animation industry sucks and its slowly killing my passion for art. Should have just gone into a trade and made art a hobby.

>> No.4899769

>painting doesn't get any (you)s
>lose all motivation to finish it
just draw is the starting point & the bare minimum.
you should actively be doing things that move you towards your goals . if long term is too vague or uncertain, than give yourself a short term project eg 1 illustration a week, a comic every month etc.

>> No.4899773

i wish i was that shota

>> No.4900347

>For them it's not possible to criticize art without being really good
It's so stupid. If person A gives concrit, you don't yell "pyw!!!!"
You should counter their point and explain why they may be wrong. You review this info, you educate others, and the original artist getting the concrit gets even better help. Everyone benefits.
But no. Crabs gonna crab. "Pyw" usually derails the discussion if replied to and then the poster ends up with less help because some tard wants to try and invalidate concrit purely based on their own opinions on the concrit giver's work and it takes the focus away from the original poster that needed the concrit to begin with.

It's one of the things I hate most about /ic/.

>> No.4900389

you can see the threads they're actually culling on warosu, it's kind of funny. but not haha funny.

>> No.4900397

Just more random happenings, but there were two /lsg/'s today (not counting the dying one). One was full of spammers that derailed the thread extremely, it's mostly trolls. Another one was up, and it was peaceful and people were having nice discussions and some art was posted.

Guess which one the jannies deleted.
It's really sad. I don't know what's going on with threads nowadays and trolls are being given too much free reign. It's kinda funny, just not haha funny.

>> No.4900449
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I got nerve damage in not just one, but both of my hands for completely different reasons. My right hand from drawing too much, and now my left for using my phone too much. What luck, i should by some scratch-offs!

>> No.4900456

I'd been on the same road. Switch to another company again and again until you find the one that click; if you don't this soon you'll burn out in a year or two.

>> No.4900485

look dunninggers. you're anonymous, you have no credibility and you have no accountability. you're not an editor or a coach or whatever else, and nobody takes their word for it absent any background; those "can't do it but provide useful advice" professions are also judged by their body of work.

>b-but some troll will still say i suck
you're not trying to give advice to trolls in the first place.
if you don't have any work that would satisfy a reasonable person, why should they listen to you? it's smart to verify that you aren't some /beg/ bullshitter, of which we have MANY, and most anons are satisfied after postings of work unless it's mikufag's work.

>> No.4900486

I try my best to make sure that my mindset is that I draw for myself, and I dont care about how much engagement each drawing gets when I post them. But still cant help but seethe whenever I see shitty artists with works that have engagement that dwarfs mine. Not posting it would help obviously but I enjoy people looking at my art and having it make their day better. But the FUCKIN numbers man... shit is cancerous as FUCK especially when you fucks here start bragging about how many followers you get from 1 drawing or whatever. Fuck me.

>> No.4900492

my biggest weakness is impatience but I don't know how to go about fixing it

>> No.4900539


>> No.4900544


>> No.4900551

just relax lol take a nap anon walk away from the screen

>> No.4900552

I'VE HAD this for 10 years now, off and on, if only i could walk away from a screen, just took a bunch of paper and stabbed it, punch myself in the face, maybe ill be able to draw now

>> No.4900596 [DELETED] 
File: 600 KB, 1142x430, 1586848084907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an art vent, but mental illness ruined me in almost everyway and I couldnt be able to bounce back for the last 6 years, everything from my body, my mind, my studies, work, everything went to shit and I lost all my willpower to bounce back, pic is just what happened to my body, a similar decline happened to me in every area of my life. I was in a looney bin and thats when everything started going downhill

>> No.4900647

Because as much as reddit and twitter are not conducive to a good learning environment, neither is 4chan. Ironically, 4chan's format would be perfect for this kind of community, but the anons here hold any effort from making /ic/ truly great. Crossboarding shitposters constantly making bait threads, jannies not doing their jobs, gossip niggers, eternal /begs/ crabbing each other, people that are filled with jealousy and tear down better artist, following them around to a scary degree and just the general venomous nature that a lot of anons have. /ic/ can't work as a community because of the people that come to 4chan prevent it from being a net positive. I'd be real fun if someone took the format of 4chan and made a website for artist.

>> No.4900748

I think artists in general can just be bitter and toxic people

>> No.4900924
File: 43 KB, 500x501, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree with you on that, but add anonymity to that you get blatant aggression instead of the usual passive aggression that exist inside of the art community. Probably the only way to avoid the bitter faggots that most artist seem to be is to just gatekeep.

>> No.4900928

wtf are you talking about
weed just relaxes you and makes you sleepy

>> No.4900933


>> No.4900934

I can't seem to draw....

>> No.4900935

Basically any artist worth their salt should post here infrequently and speak at minimum. The most cherished artists on this board are the ones long gone or who post once in a blue moon. Posting frequently to the point where you are all but namefagging is enough to warp love to envy to then hatred, especially if you don't have a "pure" anime style.

>> No.4900936

dont forget everyone is different anon

>> No.4900939

okay I'm officially going to go to work and not do anything each day until they fire me

>> No.4900997

Starting to think art has no other purpose than showering everyone with how much chosen by God you are. There is no message to be told if not everything is as bad as it could be.

>> No.4901069

I don't know why you guys draw. I have a compulsion to draw. If it wasn't socially acceptable I would see a therapist to help me quit. People are always complaining that they get bring themselves to draw. I can't stop. I don't understand why you're even looking for reasons to make art. I'm obsessed with it. Some people get really into video games and get really good at them. I haven't touched one in about 15 years. Couldn't give any less of a fuck, but I understand the obsession I just put that time and effort into drawing instead. Just be good at something. Just improve at something.

>> No.4901077

Can totally understand that.
All my life all I have been trying to is getting good at something. I wasted so much time with video games and I got extremely good at them but when I realized that it's all a waste of time and I started drawing that obession switched over. Now I'm just constantly drawing since months, and I finally feel like I'm actually doing something productive.
I'm not nearly good yet but I'm learning new things daily, and it's a great feeling.

>> No.4901105

i forced myself to quit drawing to spite my mother when I was 13. now i’m 24 with two useless degrees and i’ve never recovered despite multiple attempts in my life to get back into art
it’s all my near-sighted young-self’s fault and if I could I’d go back and beat the shit out of myself but the cruel thing is that there’s no fixing the past
all you can do is do stuff now

>> No.4901124

trying to learn to use MSpaint

>> No.4901200

>only been making about 10k a year doing illustration full time
>im exhausted-...from poor.
>can't stop thinking about maybe quitting and getting a 9-5, or working part time
>but how can I justify that when anything but changing old people's diapers' pays so much less per hour
>tell myself I just need tow ork more, start a project and finally get popular on instagram and make a brand and all that shit
>how do i know if thats even going to work
>what havei gotten myself into

>> No.4901205

Eh,I think its the politics of it all and just like.. getting bullshit calls on tight ass schedules. Also haven't worked on anything cool in awhile. It's always kids show.

>> No.4901230

>New day
>Try to draw, practice and improve
>Keep trying
>Keep failing
>No progress
>Rinse and repeat daily
How do I fight against the fact that despite my best efforts reality keeps reminding me I'm apparently peak NGMI material while just about everyone else just shits out amazing progress and art non stop

>> No.4901295
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I woke up this morning with the intention of watching blender tutorials and practicing with the application all day so that I can finally learn how to model and render.

So far i've just been watching random yt videos, pacing back and forth from my kitchen and bedroom, and checking my discord notifications even though no one ever talks to me or sends me messages on the servers (unless its a random @everyone).
Can't focus for shit.

I think I might have ADHD.

>> No.4901335

you have anxiety sweetie

>> No.4901340

You're me and I don't know what to do

>> No.4901341

I'm pretty sure i don't.

>> No.4901343

me neither. But i can't keep living this man. It's really interfering with my goals. I can't accomplish anything with whatever disorder I have.

>> No.4901377

There's a passive observer somewhere in the back of my head, he's there for a few minutes every now and then; in these moments, I'm aware of the depth of the shit I'm in, but most of the time it feels like I have no conscious presence in my own head, I'm only driven by outside influences, every single one of them pulling and pushing me in some different direction. They aren't even strong forces, just momentary distractions, I feel that I can't resist even that, it's like a bad dream that doesn't end. No will to live, no will to stop living such a "life" either, no focus, no commitment to anything.
Well, this post was my moment of self-awareness for today, I'll forget it in an hour or so, back to wasting my time with nothing.

>> No.4901387

I feel the same most of the time.
It's as if im standing in the middle of an oncoming train, but refuse to get out of way despite it headed straight for me.

>> No.4901389
File: 1.02 MB, 1789x1918, CE528DC6-0B5B-46AD-BA1B-1267E9A957ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes impossible
>bodies impossible
>symbol drawing
>same hands/feet as always
>follow forms but art still flat
>still going through loomis
>cry about it
i want to get better each month but i fear i’m already breaking down and i haven’t even gotten through september yet

>> No.4901395

why isn’t it promoted here, then?

>> No.4901459

I've started early with art and had a relatively active social media presence when deviantart was new and even when instagram had ajust appeared. Then i've sorta given up art for a while, never doing anything I liked and never posting.
Returning now I can barely get 2 likes regardless of where I post if it's not fanart or some trendy hashtag... I dont do art for the likes but getting some visibility and occasional commissions was good and I could use the extra money again. Funny how it was easier to find clients when I was shit simply because there was less users and I had more views, and how doing poorly made fanart gets so much attention while original drawings I spend much more time on get none.

>> No.4901485

all good artists do

>> No.4901675
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>> No.4901684


That’s childish thinking. You should help your fellow man so that one day you may potentially work side by side or perhaps the other guy might create a story the world needs.

>> No.4901692

This has been the mentality of /ic/ for a long time.

>> No.4901988

What >>4900936 said. What it does will vary on your type of weed too.

>> No.4901992

Don't let one jackass speak for the whole

>> No.4902002

This, most people here are trying to help /beg/s for real, everyone will make it one day as a community

>> No.4902004
File: 684 KB, 220x220, ear chewing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update nobody cares about:
I got weed and things are getting better... Shame I've grown too reliant but whatcha gonna do. It just works.

>> No.4902142
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>i fed my addiction
>things are getting better

>> No.4902160

I meant my art is getting better again. I'm aware it's an addiction, but not one I plan to quit. Besides drawing, I still have a successful job. I'm no neet.

>> No.4902162 [DELETED] 

Just got a $1000 commission and my anxious perfectionist procrastinating self kicked in and client backed out because it took me too long to start. He hired another. I'm so anxious and kept starting over because it's my forst $1000 commission. I want to cry a river of nails.

>> No.4902213
File: 1.07 MB, 548x307, 294abc130c2117efb656073e528819eb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been contacted for a really high profile commission as of two nights ago, and I know I should be happy, but actually I'm terrified.

The job isn't especially hard, nothing overly complicated, but it's for an individual with a significant global fanbase (over a million followers on Instagram alone), and my art is going to be being seen by millions of people. I'm so anxious to get it perfect for them that I feel sick.

Three years ago I was told I was beg, and I listened, and went away and studied, and got better, and now I've wandered into this and I'm wondering how the fuck I got here. I wouldn't say I've made it by any standard, but this is like, a big job. Kamisama preserve me. Guide my lines.

>> No.4902215

Remember: They commissioned you. They like your art, regardless of if you did your best on not. They looked at what you posted, and they loved it enough to commission you. I'm sure you're art will be loved by their fans as well. Just be yourself, don't worry about it, and try to enjoy drawing it how you normally would. Just you as you are is enough, you don't have to push yourself.

>> No.4902220

Thanks anon, really. I feel sick with anxiety about the whole thing, but this is actually reassuring. It's easy to forget that the client already knows what to expect and chose you based on the fact that they liked your pre-existing stuff. I really hope this turns out well, because if it does it's going to be one hell of a boost for my social media.

>> No.4902224

Best of luck. You'll make it. Just continue drawing how you enjoy drawing and everything will be fine.

>> No.4902237
File: 456 KB, 750x803, 1523321999879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it anon. This place is a fucking shithole that no self respecting artist should take seriously after they've gotten to an /int/ level. The amount of good artist I've seen chased out by salty begs and weapons grade autism wielding anons is depressing.

>> No.4902293

Which mayor are we talking?

>> No.4902321

90% of them are like that. The remaining 10% are actively driven away

>> No.4902326

Don't pull random numbers out of your ass eith nothing to back it up either.

>> No.4902327

You are right, otherwise, there would be more constructive criticisms and encouragement than toxicity in this board which we all know is the other way around.

>> No.4902334

worst part is among those 90% are actually professional artists probably who have made a name for themselves, coming here to stifle future competition. YIKES

>> No.4902343

if you can be chased off by autism then you didn't belong here to begin with.

>> No.4902345

Big doubt, it’s mostly /beg/tards or people who don’t draw.

>> No.4902372
File: 24 KB, 288x252, 1440309391647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't like shit being flung at you every time you try to help some people out, then you don't belong here
I sincerely hope your happy with the state of this board and 4chan in general you fucking nigger.

>> No.4902428

not 100% happy, because it's full of cunts who shouldn't be here.

>> No.4902662

My artist name contains a common word, which is the shortened name I go by 99% of the time. I just found another artist with a similar name who also goes by the same shortened name who has been around for a shorter period of time than me but is better and more popular. Should've seen this coming, but...

>> No.4902742

I'm very early into learning art, so naturally all my drawings, especially the "just for fun" ones look shit.
And I know that that's precisely the point. Having fun drawing and being able to finish a drawing even if you hate how it looks, bit it still can feel demoralizing at times.

>> No.4902758
File: 54 KB, 600x870, don'tsmotherpls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, imma show you something.

Picture related is one of the first pictures I ever posted to /ic/. >>4902122 is my most recent drawing. The beautiful thing about learning a new hobby or skill, as with most things, is that you don't really notice when you're getting better. Sure you realise little things like your flow has improved, small delights like "hey, my construction went a lot smoother this time round", but "better' feels like this impossible, far-away thing, and in a way it is, because when it comes to art you're constantly moving the goal posts.

You have to realise that in this game there is no goal, no end point. Right up until your last breath you will ALWAYS be learning, always be improving, so it's important that you learn early on how to be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey, not the destination.

I think a little bit of that imposter syndrome, or that sense that you'll never be "good enough" never leaves you—this is something that most artists struggle with their entire lives. Imagine if I had gotten demoralised and given up when I first posted this abomination to /ic/, where I was shat on for the belligerent little beg I was. Me giving up would have been like smothering a baby in its crib. Baby murder is tragic precisely because it is the theft of what could have been from the world. Don't smother your baby, anon. Nurture, suckle it with the nutritious milk from your teat, and let it grow. I believe in you.

>> No.4902761

make a priority of commiting to literally anything you make, and focus on building a set of values/principles/philosophy to cling to in hard times.
to be able to polish a turd by way of commiting to something is far closer to "making it" than say having a good foundation but not being able to move forward.
By the time you bruteforce something once or twice you will have already come up with a better approach and that will give you momentum. This upward spiral can continue for as long as you let it.

As for principles/philosophy these will forever give you an answer to the question "why?" and will be reinforced by every success.
>"why x?"
>"I am a man of principle, etc."

Failure becomes a failure of sticking to principle. Success becomes a by-product of sticking to principle.
It's an unsophisticated strategy but many effective people we admire are somewhat unsophisticated so i feel this checks out.

>t. functioning depressive person

>> No.4902976

wholesome posts

>> No.4903008
File: 40 KB, 540x521, wagbga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redraw over my old work
>all mistakes discovered

I'm improving. I'm finally improbing after so long and itds only theb beginning ;______;

>> No.4903018

/beg/ to professional in three years
you give me hope, anon

>> No.4903024
File: 302 KB, 220x124, 7327A643-631B-4695-9EEA-37C59DEA4428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orkamaw shows up in thread

>> No.4903028
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>/beg/ to made it in 3 years

>> No.4903029
File: 21 KB, 336x188, 4992057B-DD15-40CF-9350-11560FB3C297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No excuses /ic/

>> No.4903148

I fucking hate working with colours so much. I love doing the lines on figure drawings and portraits but having to pick the exact right colour and then fucking grinding away for hours trying to fill a huge block space with one colours sucks so much shit. I want to be a well rounded artist but colour work is so fucking draining and annoying, I'd rather just make everything in black and white. I see how easy this shit is in digital as well and it makes me want to kms

>> No.4903327

Googling my nickname autofixes it to some music band

>> No.4903329

Someone just downright tried to steal my name.

>> No.4903330


>> No.4903347

just specialize in BW, you dont need to do colored art

>> No.4903378

Legit? Story?

>> No.4903392
File: 27 KB, 539x518, xxb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too major. The first instance someone just wanted the name. More recently (as of last month) some faggot is using accounts with my name.

>> No.4903395
File: 66 KB, 719x706, 1490977021245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding an artist that draws the same shit as you but much better:
>stage1: despair
>stage2: "fuck it, I'll just study his work then"
>stage3: realizing you can't reproduce the results anyway
>stage4: posting sad cat images on /ic/ instead of practicing because IT'S ALL USELESS

>> No.4903402

why would I do that when I can just encourage someone and groom them to be an editor for the comic I want to make

>> No.4903418

You're trying to imitate what you THINK your art style will become, not what it WILL become. You're trying to skip steps and force yourself to become something you aren't. Just study the little things and try to apply it a little to your own art as you go along.

>> No.4903422
File: 1.19 MB, 2689x3872, Sad Pepe Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way "professional" flatters make a living from flatting.
Trying to get paid work is like being constantly reminded you're not needed unless someone was really desperate or didn't bother to look for someone better.

>> No.4903424

>"professional" flatters

>> No.4903443
File: 173 KB, 500x281, harder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do bring myself to imagine an original world with it's own characters? Any good books for fighting this artist's block? Making OC is much harder than I anticipated...

>> No.4903447

more like apu girl trying fit that fork into that socket

>> No.4903449

I've posted in different threads on /ic/ many times in the past two weeks and never gotten a single reply. I can't tell if this means my art is extremely average and nobody has anything to say about it, or I'm outstandingly bad and people just don't bother to respond someone as bad as I am.

>> No.4903450

You’re probably good, most of these retards are just retards anyway

>> No.4903456

I've seen at least one refer to themselves as such.
Even though all it really takes is a lot of patience.

>> No.4903461

No, like what is that? Do you mean there are people paid just to put flat colors down? Are you talking outside of animation?

>> No.4903466

There are plenty of character design exercises. Make characters out of 3 random nouns/emojis/memes/animals/etc. Turning random non-character objects into characters. Drawing random squiggles/shapes and turning that into something... Sites and blogs for daily character development questions. Same for world development. You don't have to keep every design you do, you don't have to find an exact use for them right away. So it's find to just combine random shit until you find something that you like a little. Then you just have to refine it from there over time.
The way someone begins creating a world will be different for everyone. Geography, cultures, goals, story arcs, genre... You can start anywhere, so just start thinking about shit you find cool and go from there. You don't have to create a polished character/world/story from the get go. Everything in your worlds and stories will evolve over time. You'd do best deciding what genre(s) you want it to mostly reside in the meantime. Do you want a highly advanced world? Magically advanced? Little to no advancements? Based in reality?
What is your character's jobs? Goals? Favorite things? Is your character design mostly pointy and straight lines, or more rounded and soft? A combo?

It just depends on what you want. Write down whenever you get an idea for anything. Then figure out how to piece it all together, not minding if things have to be changed or removed.

>> No.4903472

Flatters can get hired to speed up the process of colouring for other artists. Typically, for comics.

>> No.4903480

Interesting, thanks for the info.
I could see them making decent money, but that's only if they have consistent and fast work. It's pretty easily replaceable though... Unless you worked in some big company, I see it more like an on-call sort of gig perhaps.

>> No.4903483

Much appreciated! I'll definitely take that into account.

>> No.4903486

From what I've seen (And experienced) it's really difficult for flatters to find work because they're not really all that needed unless some artist has a deadline coming up, and they're behind on the work they need to hand in.

>> No.4903490

What makes a professional though? For me, it's working with a big company. Which means flatters would be a constant part of the process/team.
If you aren't part of something like that, then no way, you couldn't make a living with it on your own unless you get really lucky and find an artist that just wants to save time. I've worked as an all around colorist, but not a flatter.

>> No.4903497

>there are streams of women just sleeping

Uhmmmm uhh oddly comfy

>> No.4903499

Are they monetized streams though

>> No.4903503

On twitch so I assume so

>> No.4903505
File: 724 KB, 960x960, no please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I yearn to be a conventionally attractive woman and get paid just to let people watch you sleep

>> No.4903508

Probably what you said. I'm not sure how else a flatter could have steady work any other way apart from having multiple clients they built up throughout their advertising.

>> No.4903616
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, D49g84EWAAAobzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally force myself to draw after almost a year
>one of the biggest heartbreaks/disappointments of my life rolls into a depressive episode where I feel paralyzed and can do almost nothing but work shitty job
>my first scribble is not as bad as I feared all along, better even, still don't think it's good but it's okay
>look at my old work and see the improvement, realize my old work wasn't the worst either

Even if I'm still not that good, there's something inside me that I can only get out through art. I tried so hard to give it up and move on but I can't. I'm an artist after all.

>> No.4903686

>I didn't even want it anyway

>> No.4903690


>> No.4903718

Am I retarded/paranoid for not wanting to post any of my oc's because i don't want some rando to try steal them and call me the thief?

>> No.4903721

Yes, you are being extraordinarily paranoid. Post your characters brah

>> No.4903722

Anon, first of all, you have timestamps on your side. Second, nothing is original anymore. If your designs are good, people will draw inspiration from them. The only right way to go is to post your OCs and post them often to establish their presence.
A lot of people worry too much like you do, but once you get over that, you're on the right track.

>> No.4903725

>post my work on the /beg/ thread

>the thread die right after

>> No.4903728

Repost it and pay better attention next time.

>> No.4903759

If you're posting in /beg/ nobody would care about your art anyway

>> No.4903769

Watching an older anime and can't help but see the whole "looks female, sounds like female, dresses like a female, but is actually a male" trope as just mental illness and the character "questioning" their sex. Boy did this trope age really badly in current year.

>> No.4903790

>strong feeling of apathy with anger and sadness sprinkled here and there
>people around me saying they feel Im more 'distant'
Ah, depression my old friend. I knew quarantine would drive me mad but I was hoping the mental illnesses would wait until the year was over at least.

>> No.4903951
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I don't know what happened to me but I made more progress in the last 3 months than in the last 4 years. Something just clicked.

>> No.4903956

It's obvious that a lot of time has passed between 1st and 2nd messages.

>> No.4904152

>Sure you realise little things like your flow has improved, small delights like "hey, my construction went a lot smoother this time round"
So what happens if after 2 years I have never felt any of this? Feels like Im a stillbirth baby

>> No.4904212

Than you have either two problems:
a. you are improving but imposter syndrome is preventing you from recognising it.
b. you are studying ineffectually.

>> No.4904276
File: 1.20 MB, 284x207, 91199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow den/ic/ens. Hear my cry. We spend all day on the internet, plugging ourselves into a virtual world that feeds us dopamine like an iv drip. We're the generations raised on technology that enslaves us to a screen no larger than a sandwich. We must fight and prove that we can be just as good, if not better than the generations before us in art. Gone are the days of strolling into an office and showing your work, gone is the newspaper comic strip. We were born into a rat race with ten times the competition of previous year, because of an oversaturated market of cheap garbage art. We are better than that! We must improve and become the next titans of our chosen art field. We will make it! And when we do, I'll be proud to call you my brother's in art! Now show me your fucking warface.

>> No.4904436

some things are easier for some, and harder for others. If you feel like you're failing to make progress that might just mean that you require a creative approach that's perhaps atypical or unorthodox.
The art path might be a lot more difficult for you as opposed to an arbitrary someone but this should bring a sense of comfort because there's no longer a mystery; "this shit is just gonna be really hard for me i guess". Constantly think of ways to 10X your output's quantity and quality. Let the harder shit figure itself out slowly over a long period of time.

I'd say invest in a "marathon" mentality where energy is totally depleted at 1% progress. Even something as small as moving the pen to make a stroke should be treated like a decision to stay in a boxing ring for 5 more seconds. When sailors are in the ocean surrounded by water with no land in sight, all 360 degrees of the water plane are identical. Without proper tools there is essentially no way of orienting oneself in the water. The quicker you can get used to this feeling, the more significant being able to last just 5 more seconds becomes.
I'd say it's good to foster a belief that's something along the lines of "even though I can't see where I'm going, I trust this is the right direction." Anything to keep moving, anything to keep drawing.

The work will always be the source of what you're seeking, but the mental barriers that interrupt the work, stifle the progress.
There's always a better way to do anything, but method oftentimes undermines the greater point of completing a task, and getting things done.

>tl;dr just draw

>> No.4904603
File: 68 KB, 800x733, 15754754674589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I'm getting followings from some 2k /beg/ randoms and after checking their gallery I realize that I fapped to their drawings like 5 years ago. Sad!

>> No.4904615

i didn't make it....

>> No.4904621

You should always make your bed first thing in the morning! If you can do small tasks like that then it'll build towards bigger tasks....like drawing!

>> No.4904624

i'll go... clean my room...

>> No.4904628
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That's the spirit!

>> No.4904777

i keep subconsciously drawing characters with my receding hairline

>> No.4904794

is that why everything i draw is ugly

>> No.4904876
File: 277 KB, 695x1000, 81673101_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool drawing ruined by a single detail
Why some people can't notice such obvious mistakes

>> No.4904882

Actually a lot of times when I'm finished with something it's only when I post it do I finally see the mistake. I even see some stuff missing/unfilled in pros works.

It's probably best to wait a day on finished stuff to refresh your eyes.

>> No.4904909

>It's probably best to wait a day on finished stuff to refresh your eyes.
Not who you're replying to, but it is! It's also good to see it on another device/screen. It's a "new setting" for your brain and that helps with checking too. I usually upload it to a Discord server with my friends first and that's where I notice mistakes. Always wait a little bit before posting, even if you're sick of working on it, because you can always have more energy to fix them the next day.
My personally favorite is when one of the eyes tries to fly away

>> No.4904914

Low on the DK-cycle again :(
I neglected fundamentals and it didn't help that people were commissioning me
But I hated every commission I delivered and felt like I'm scamming them

>> No.4904996

Why the fuck is art school so useless.It's a fucking circle jerk, and from what I hear, that's how animation studios are. I just want to make shit.

>> No.4905000

Schools are just for easier access to IRL peers, but most of all, to make connections. That's it. You can learn everything you want and more online. Pixiv tutorials, MangaMaterials, SkillShare, Youtube, most any good art books can be found online... The hardest thing is just having a set path. But even then, you can find student's uploading what all their assignments are in detail, so there are "classes" you could semi follow.
Schools are a joke nowadays.

>> No.4905019

I keep asking questions and getting snubbed. It's probably because I'm not a clam diver.

>> No.4905038
File: 496 KB, 500x250, 34FFD69E-A660-4182-94A1-BB25C3E29801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the occasional upticks in mood and good periods give me bits of hope, it’s become increasingly obvious to me that there is no salvation to be found here, nor there, nor anywhere. There is not a single man on this world I could trust. There is not a single woman who’s hole is enough to warm up the cold, dead organs in my chest. I have seen through the human species and have been driven mad. There will always be a subtle, nagging pain in me because I will always be surrounded by others. No matter how successful I become, no matter how much money I make, no matter how many women I bang, no matter how well I paint, I will always have a subconscious recognition of the dark void that beckons to me in this heartless world. My anguish is only exacerbated by the fact that I must continually wear my mask in front of others for the sake of keeping up appearances. I wish humanity to end.

>> No.4905045

Sorry bud. Sometimes I think like that, but I forget dogs, the most loyal creature and friend, exists

>> No.4905059
File: 111 KB, 583x485, 82385ED4-76BB-4D93-9B14-E88F628F9EA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think pic related would be a good comrade and loyal ally, I’ll be sure to snag one at some point down the line in my journey. It does bother me that they might only be with us because we made them like that, but you can’t win them all. Perhaps it will be enough to stave off some of the spite and hatred I feel towards the rest of our kind.

>> No.4905121

maybe look up a what a narcissistic personality disorder is and seek therapy buddy. or wait a year and you'll grow out of this phase

>> No.4905122

What do you ask? What are the replies you get? Not sure what you mean by "getting snubbed"

>> No.4905152

I live on the west coast, and I do feel a glimmer of hope when I see an absolute wreck of a drug-addicted homeless person holding on because of their loyal furry friend who doesn't judge them.

>> No.4905183

Hell yes

>> No.4905263

All the jobs of jumped to in animation are through connections from school. Whether they be teachers or peers. Thats what you're really paying for... besides good work ethic if you actually want to be in this garbage industry.

>> No.4905291

I fucking hate social media, it's a terrible invention.

>> No.4905372


>> No.4905423

Without it, then so many coom artist would he on the streets.

>> No.4905432

I miss the old days before the smartphone. Before mobile devices couldn't use flash and the web looked like ass and unattractive to the masses. Before consoles had web browsers.

Social media was fine until the fire nation showed up.

>> No.4905502

You pay to make network and make connections. An autist like you shouldn't bother.

>> No.4905602

So it's basically like weight lifting, work out 1 day take a break the next.
Basically AxBxAxx, seven days where x is your rest day, I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.4905627

I was drawing people at my usual place and saw this girl and wanted to sketch gesture stuff. She said she didn't want to be drawn and for some reason I got upset because it's gesture stuff, I can't even draw faces accurately. But okay. I didn't draw her.

It takes getting use to when I'm out drawing people. Some days are good and some are not.

>> No.4905643

Did you really get alphad by the random female walking by? What is she going to do if you draw her, call the police?

>> No.4905651

Why would you be upset? There will always be other strangers to draw, no need to feel like a whiny faggot. A stranger would also have no idea what your skill level is, at least take it as a compliment if she implied you can draw faces accurately.

>> No.4905657

>spent years learning to animate
>finally able to do it at the level i wanted to
>cant come up with a good idea to animate because i keep changing/rewriting the character/theme/world over and over and over
Feels bad man.

>> No.4905679

Set aside this big project. Create a short story instead. One that is far more simple, even if it's just a nursery rhyme with a twist. Something that doesn't have to be perfect. Accept it if there are minor imperfections. You just need to start creating and finishing things.

>> No.4905683

I've done countless animations with other peoples ips (parodies and whatnot) for a while, and never really had problems coming up with stuff there. But once i decided to make up my own world (i had ideas in my head about what it would be like), and put it down on paper, it became an undecisive mess,.

It's not even a big long animation, i'm trying to come up with something thats just a minute long, but every time i start writing it i cant decide on a few key things. Albeit as you said, i just need to finish it once and get the ball rolling, but since ive been tinkering with it for so long, if it doesnt go well from the getgo and people dont like it, i feel like people wont give it a chance.

>> No.4905708

You can always revisit the project.
Even if it doesn't go well at launch, you can't let that deter you. You need to keep up the momentum and just get things finished. Talk with your friends and peers about it. Get their thoughts and input on the details. It can be very helpful to get that added input from somewhere outside of your own head.

Decide the core parts of your world at large. Define very strict rules that should only be changed if they really really need to. Set some ground rules for yourself and stick to them. You can always go back and revisit an old project. What matters is you get them done and out there so you can improve more and more. And once you do put it out there, whether you like it or not, you will get critiques from your viewers. It's good to listen, but don't let it hold you down. Stick strong to your decisions and just do your best to make sure everything connects properly.

>> No.4905755

Why is construction so hard for me? Why can't I make my darks black enough? I feel awful for struggling so much with the fundamentals.

>> No.4905798

Fundamentals are a meme, just draw

>> No.4905803

Don't listen to this guy. Learn your fundamentals.

>> No.4905825

But which one is telling the truth? Which door always leads to death?

>> No.4905830

Anime has drawn away people
who would grow into their own beautiful styles
by being an easy shorthand to make people beautiful
like an aspiring chef who gets gifted a deep-fryer

>> No.4905833


You just have to take it seriously and not dick around. Treat it as if you're going into a 4 year college program and when you get out you must be job ready or you'll be working at Starbucks till you turn 45.

>> No.4905946

have only posted to my main account twice this whole year so far. both drawings look like shit.
all my older stuff looks really bad as well
draw every day but prefer drawing fast and loose doodles than more rendered stuff i normally post to my account. the minute i start rendering my silly loose drawings i just over render and stiffen them up to shit. but by the same token my loose drawings are too unpolished to really post online i feel.
Friend of mine who isn't in the art scene goes through my old account into some of my drawings from 10 years ago and finds all the cringy LUL SO RANDUMB scene/ emo comments i use to trade with people. laughs at how cringy i am (as he should)
have grand plans of doing some animation or a series of some sort, but too inept at it to post anything nice.
Feel like im at a crossroads now. do i settle for a more cartoony/ simple style, or do i keep at it and try to develop a more realistic and rendered style? either way i feel like i just hate everything i draw and it leads me to not posting any of my 'art'.

>> No.4906162

I dunno, I don't like people approaching me while I'm drawing.

>no need to feel like a whiny faggot
Oh you think I'm a guy.

>> No.4906188

started drawing when i turned 16 and i still hate myself for not starting earlier/studying harder

>> No.4906191

Begone roastie
Based poem

>> No.4906239

Roastie is a newer term created somewhere after 2012-possibly even later- since 4chan always had females since /cgl/ was created, and even earlier in the beginning of 4chan when /y/ and /cm/ were introduced. People don't talk a lot about it and it's always been an inside joke that 4chan was a seckrit boy's club. Some boards were male dominated hobbies, but /ic/'s userbase had always been varied. The roastie term doesn't do much to stimulate conversation, and it deflects the reason why anon relates people being approached as whiny faggot unless the addition of 'girl' caused him/her to jump into the masculinity of the conversation.

>> No.4906252

Anyway what I'm saying is that name calling doesn't magically win arguments, surprisingly.

>> No.4906268

Shut up, roastie.

>> No.4906273
File: 107 KB, 380x366, spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find myself uninspired for months on end, trusty cintiq getting dusty
>feel bad, lazy and stupid
>decide to take a break from life for a while
>find extremely powerful new inspiration
>get home
>begin drawing a massive backgroun piece that I'm actually proud of
>computer suddenly closes down
>bricks entirely
>I don't have a computer anymore

it hurts bros

dunno how I'm gonna afford a new one, can't do commissions due to it all- and now my room looks like shit because something is out of place

god is punishing me

>> No.4906280

I see that you're at a loss for words and struck dumb, and take it as a compliment. Good day to you anon.

>> No.4906367

I loathe myself for not staying consistent. I've been away from the pen for MONTHS at a time throughout my life. The thing is, I'm still slightly ok, but I don't want to die mediocre and not see what I'm capable of.

>> No.4906575

yo wtf did I wake up in the twilight zone?

the potus has the kung fu flu? what is going on???

>> No.4906944

I am so motherfucking disappointed in myself. I did inktober yesterday and holy shit in the year that I’ve began drawing I haven’t done enough figure drawing. I really haven’t. I haven’t done enough quick sketches, I haven’t learned bodily proportions. I’ve just been focusing on the head. The body challenges me and like a pussy I’ve subconsciously avoided it. I’m fucking over it now. After seeing the atrocity I made yesterday for inktober, I’m gonna be doing a ton of figure drawing and gesture daily as well as perspective. I also haven’t learned as much ink rendering as I should. I’m super unhappy with where I was yesterday (I’ve made some decent stuff but I was still highly upset about it) but I’m not giving up. It just shows I need to work harder

>> No.4906960

You don't need to be a gay guy to be a 'faggot', but if you prefer, 'whiny bitch' works just as well here.

>> No.4906964

One is saying you don't need to learn the basics to become skilled at something.
Think about it.

>> No.4907120

Keep trying anon, I believe in you

>> No.4907143

begone tranny you're just looking for people to call you female

>> No.4908773

since internet

>> No.4908968

taking a break is a part of the process too anon