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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 34 KB, 599x351, 1395886_10151768726144352_1400096862_n - old man at war memorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4889563 No.4889563 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys not worry that all the time you are spending drawing the world is passing you by and you are missing out on real life experiences?

>> No.4889568

If I had the opportunity to get some quality real life experience I’d do it in a heart beat but, as it stands, I just sit at home all day so may as well draw

>> No.4889569

I think you are ugly and your opinion does not matter.

>> No.4889570

i have autism

>> No.4889572
File: 91 KB, 750x515, Victor-Lundypromenadedeck-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean drawing porn, becase if you draw properly (which implies going outside) you'd be participating in life experinces, and your art will become part of history

>go to concert, sketch musicians
>travel abroad, draw architecture
>go to park, paint trees
>enlist into army, sketch fellow servicemen
you get the idea

>> No.4889574

Real life experiences like watching all your friends die at war? Or pic unrelated?

>> No.4889575

sometimes i think dying in war is the best thing that could've ever happened to me

>> No.4889577

Shame you didn’t get to. What now? draw I suppose

>> No.4889578

If I had to worry about every single thing in the world then nothing will get done. My conscious is clear, I have no fears and responsibilities. The only thing standing between my goal and me is myself.

>> No.4889582

But i can multitask

>> No.4889590

You're always missing out on something. There is no way around making sacrifices in life. I spent my 20's on having "real life experiences" and by that I mean partying, traveling and chasing pussy to compensate for being a shut in during my teenage years. It's nice to know you can get laid but most of it was a waste of time. Now I'm in my late 30's and wish I spent a lot more of that time drawing.

>> No.4889594

No because art has given me more true fulfillment and independence any of the other shit every did.

>> No.4889596

Like what?
people who say this always try to sound above X activity but then when they give an exemple and it's something retarded like partying kek

>> No.4889599


>> No.4889608


>> No.4889626

Becase.. Aha. Learn grammar first.

>> No.4889630

That's not the silhouette of a soldier from one of the wars this old guy could have fought.
I wonder if it's intentional or a stupid mistake.

>> No.4889642

I will not, fuck you

>> No.4889667

I don't think it's meant to be taken as a literal illustration of any particular generation, it could depict a old man in the future

>> No.4889673


I can't enjoy any real life experiences right now
I am constantly worried about other things

>> No.4889727

Call me a sexist, but one of the biggest redpills you can take as a man is realizing that women are an absolute meme and aren’t worth a significant effort. You’re better off disregarding them and putting your life energy toward more rewarding things. The end result of a woman is marriage, and that’s hardly a winning situation for a man no matter how you try to slice in.

>inb4 virgin
No actually. Believe it or not. And several male friends of mine who’ve gotten laid even more than me share the exact same opinion. You waste so much of your previous time on Earth dealing with/chasing women. Learning that you don’t actually need them is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Definitely never chase them. Only pump and dump of you can do it effortlessly.

>> No.4889738


>> No.4889744

Ive fucked my share of girls and had several year+ relationships. Been with my current for 5+ years. Can’t fault permanent companionship, if you cant land a decent woman and hold it down thats on you. You have to be good enough that cheating on you would be retarded. That’s all. Tradwife should be the goal, not give up on women or make it your only pursuit in life

>> No.4889754

sounds like you're a loser and no good woman wants you for long lmao

>> No.4889758

Art creation is the most valuable life experience, the highest goal of humanity.

>> No.4889762

Shut up faggot.

>> No.4889776

why porn """artists""" so fragile?

>> No.4889875

I don't draw porn, but you're a faggot.

>> No.4889987

Shut up faggot

>> No.4889994

Buddy I draw explicitly because no matter what I already have and continue to miss most stuff in the world, reflecting the lives of others is all I have left, I am a empty broken man inside.

>> No.4889996

We live in a society

>> No.4889999

Shut up.
Check em'.

>> No.4890002

damn nvm

>> No.4890029
File: 17 KB, 474x223, 1600853662487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world is passing you by
look at the state of modern affairs and double check if you actually care
>cultists and the mentally ill claiming ownership over normal people's children
>commies replacing legacy culture and media with niggers and faggots
>w*men in charge of government and legislation
>universities no longer care for the brilliant minds but happily give priest status to the victimized and the homosexual
you owe the current world nothing, much less if you are a man.

>> No.4890034

If I wanted my own come back I'd ask your mom.

>> No.4890039

>doing stuff that I love that allows me to do other stuff that I love
nah, I am fine

>> No.4890085

ok faggot

>> No.4890087


>> No.4890092


>> No.4890119

What if I'm drawing life?

>> No.4890136


>> No.4890163

I'd be a shut in even if I didn't draw, but at least with art I can pretend that I'm accomplishing something.

>> No.4890182

No. I don't have friends.
Drawing is all I have.

>> No.4890191

It’s the opposite with this board. Most of the fuckers here don’t draw.

>> No.4890193

Why are coomers so fragile?

>> No.4890200

>you're always missing out on something
This. This is why FOMO should carry no weight and shouldn't be a reason to do something. Every single second of your life, there is always something better than what is currently happening to you. Always. You could be rich, you could be famous, you could be partying, you could be sleeping soundly in a nice house, you could be going out and getting new experiences. Opportunity cost is absolute, and no matter what we do, we will always miss out on something. And the sooner we accept it, the sooner we can just sit down and do something we like without having our life controlled by fear.

>> No.4890215

Never once did I mention cheating or getting dumped. Stop projecting. If you think those are the biggest issues when dealing with women and not their nagging, idiosyncrasies, cognitive dissonance, and slew of other bullshit, then you’ve still got several years left to experience before we can talk. Till then, keep on pretending you’re the one guy who’s different to all the rest, and that you actually “understand” women. I too was 23 once.

>> No.4890240

I think thats his point, you dont have friends so you draw instead of finding friends.

>> No.4890243
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, 1598924720838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre literally asking this....IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING QUARANTINE? What are the discord trannies trying to psyop now?

>> No.4890244

But finding friends past college is hard anon.

>> No.4890248

Kill yourself you fucking Redditor.

>> No.4890357

This is something i think a lot about. I'm a professional artist and so this is my livelyhood but is it all worth it? Would I be happier if I did something else? Probably, but that wouldn't be me so it's kindof impossible to tell.

One thing I do that I find helps me feel validated in the countless hours of art making I've spent is that I try to focus on illustrations that are really important to me. I'm lucky in that I "got good" early and so don't have to "waste" time training later in life. I can get right to illustrating and my time is rarely wasted as a result.

But still, is it worth the time investment? Generally yes. I can make things that no one has seen before and bring my imagination to life/express myself in ways few people can. I don't know if that objectively translates to "time well spent" but it does feel like it at least.

>> No.4890932

Unless youre normie trash or rich af those real life experiences are as mundane as watching paint dry

>> No.4890942

Learn to read what you write down

>> No.4891051

The calling card of the coward

>> No.4891062

The calling card of a Redditor.

>> No.4891182


Making compelling narratives with artwork unironically requires high amounts of life experience, either through observation or interaction.
So, no.

>> No.4891341

>nagging, idiosyncrasies, cognitive dissonance
you are finding the worst girls possible lmao
"cognitive dissonance" my ass just dont date a retard

>> No.4891345


So wait, are you saying you need to be exceptional in order to have your shitty, mundane life?

I'm glad I'm a normie then, if you special snowflakes' real lives are "as mundane as watching paint dry"

>> No.4891366

im not that guy but it seems a lot of normie shit is just fake and vapid because of coomsuming without having any real substance as a person hence the incessant bitching about fake and gay relationships etc. but our world isnt really designed for people to be moderate on either side sooo

>> No.4891403

FUCK no art has been enriching my life for pretty much my whole life. I've been a musician since young teens, got to party, fuck, tour, hang out and jam with cool music people. It's been awesome.

Now I'm a visual artist, I carry a sketchbook every damn where I go and I'm never bored. I have an enriched appreciation for everything I see. The fulfillment I used to get from gaming or other worthwhile (but not exactly productive) pursuits I now get from drawing all the damn time. My house is full of framed graphite, charcoal and oil pieces that I loved doing and I can't wait to do more. My girlfriend also is an accomplished artist and my house is basically a studio where we hang out and create.

I draw my family, friends, friends families, strangers, art for a small game I'm working on with my brother, commissions, comics and anime shit.

I fucking ONLY use social media to post art, that's it, and that alone has been a big improvement in my life because social media is a hellhole designed to make you feel bad.

The fulfillment of doing a craft that I love is unbeatable. I will never ever stop trying to improve and spending tons of time on it. What "real life" am I missing out on other than various less cool ways to push my dopamine button over and over? I hope to eventually die satisfied with a life's absolute work to be proud of.

>> No.4891463

Stopped reading at
>got to party, fuck
Nobody cares pyw

>> No.4891465

60 posts and I'm still waiting
What are the "real life experience" that you're missing out by doing something that you love? As always retards that say this can't come up with anything and just say it in an abstract way

>> No.4891476

Not really, drawing has always been my escape from this fucked up clown world.

>> No.4891485

That part made you mad, huh? You too can party and fuck my man, get wild. Bring whoever is drawing the futa sex monsters in the porn thread they seem cool as hell.

>> No.4891493

Career in the arts can open all sorts of experiences normal jobs can’t. You have to decide if it’s worth it, but if you do then it doesn’t really matter what it costs.

>> No.4891529

Did most people here forget that there's a MOTHERFUCKING PANDEMIC HAPPENING AT THE MOMENT or what? Most things are still closed and it's not getting better. If anything, right now it's the best time to grind until you can't, to go out more once corona is done if its ever done.

>> No.4891538

Exactly this. It's a fucking madhouse out there, most of us have more time alone to practice than we'll ever have again. My skills have gone way up since this all started.

>> No.4891584

So if there wasn't corona, what would you do? please provide exemple of real life experiences that people miss out by practicing their passion

>> No.4891586
File: 830 KB, 500x750, 1587325523969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, I don't want to spend my youth and pain-free joints by missing out on real life in exchange of simulating life through art. I believe that you got to live life to draw inspiration from anyway. For example, some of the best writers didn't become good writers by circlejerking with other aspirationals in an ivory tower, they got their hands dirty.

There's drawing as a technical skill, which I see more as a trade and the more you draw the better you get at it - and then there's drawing as in ART, and you don't have anything to say if you're not in touch with the world.

>> No.4891596

>best time to grind until you can't
more like best time to grind until US election year is over. i wonder what they're gonna do on 2024

>> No.4891649
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what you're trying to depict and if you're trying to do it realistically. It only makes sense that if you want to draw tanks, military weaponry, soldier's apparel you would probably want to visit a museum and see it for yourself. Pictures online aren't the same as seeing something in real life. In real life you can walk away from the reference get closer to it move around it. You can not do this with a static picture. If you want to write a convincing graphic novel involving much of the human experience realistically it would only make sense to go out and experience it in real life so you fully understand your reference.

>> No.4891652

Is that your work? That's pretty fucking rad.

>> No.4892115

Lose what? I can't hold people as friends even if i'd stab myself.I don't want to be a stick in someone's sandals ,all i got is random walks when i feel that the room's walls are going to fall on me.I rather mind my own stuff then attempt to approach someone, i ain't interesting for all sort of folk.

>> No.4892162

yes im sure a 9-5 will truly enrich my life and open my eyes

>> No.4894255

>you are missing out on real life experiences
nigga everyone's at home playing among us

>> No.4894257

I have no social skills with which to get those experiences. I'm becoming a wizard that draws.

>> No.4894266

creating art, whether its for you or for yourself. ur making the world a better place, thats the life experience itself

but it all depends, what kind of life experience do you want to have

>> No.4894269

based and gmi

>> No.4894271

Why are coomers so fragile?