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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.35 MB, 3492x4656, 0920202000_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4880792 No.4880792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not killing myself, just saying goodbye.

In cleaning up my act, my art, my life, I've come to the realization that poverty is an addiction, a mindset, a circumstance, and most of all a tragedy.

I've never been poor, but I have lived the life of a poor man for most of my twenties. That's all over today however. Now that I'm 28, and finally out of that cursed 27 club of famous dead musicians, I feel calm for the first time in probably 10 years.

This means we can't be friends anymore anonymous, I'll never forget all the shitposting we shared. The good times, the bad times, the ugly times. All of it. I'll tell my kids about this place someday. I'll never forget that angry red haired smoking pantsless mongrel, because I was him for a really, really, REALLY long time.

It's funny, well, I guess It's not really funny but I'm gonna miss you bullies. You taught me not to be such a egomaniac and what a real artist should strive for. I don't know what that it is, but It's the feeling around this place right? Like we're all trying to make it together even though every night ends up the same. Damn. Life's a bitch, aint it? Well I think that's all I have to say then, I've made my peace.

Thanks /ic/.

Not trolling.

(this time)

>> No.4880797

Who the fuck are you? No one cares. Kill yourself.

>> No.4880798

see you tomorrow

>> No.4880803

take meds and go back to /beg/ you spastic fuck
nobody cares about your blog

>> No.4880804
File: 1.55 MB, 500x250, DBA332DD-B4C2-4334-AB98-9361A3E68C34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t matter as much as me, but certainly more than the average d/ic/k. Good luck, I unironixally hope you make it just to piss off everyone one here, they’re so mean for no reason, especially to genuine guys like you or me

>> No.4880805

you look pretty hot

>> No.4880816
File: 684 KB, 1620x1620, 1593573728719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fucks feel the need to create these threads, just leave and you will be memory holed just like the others that "left" you're all just a shit stain as far as I'm concerned. Fuck off.

>> No.4880831

>I've never been poor, but I have lived the life of a poor man for most of my twenties.

If you're in America or a 1st world country you are automatically not poor. Just by walking on the very soil beneath your feet you are much better off than most people in the world. Actual poor people cross the ocean and evade cartel gangs just to make it across the boarder for a better life. You have access to high speed internet meanwhile people in Guantanamo have to tether cords on top of their homes or buy phone cards and be on their best behaviors per their government.

You're not poor, you're an entitled spoiled white male shitposting from the comfort of his home with access to clean running water and a personal toilet you can actually flush the shit and paper down the drain without clogging the system up. You're minutes away from a Best Buy where you can buy all the electronic goods you need meanwhile everyone else has to import those goods at high taxes. Fuck you.

>> No.4880842

haha seething 3rd world anon strikes again

>> No.4880843

I'm an American in America you idiot.

>> No.4880846
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 42CD052E-2D4F-494E-AA1E-5C9C224B1B72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> entitled spoiled white male

>> No.4880848

inb4 this poster lives in England

>> No.4880849


>> No.4880854

is this reddit? cause I don't want this to be reddit.

>> No.4880856

I feel proud of you anon! It's great that you're trying to change yourself.

>> No.4880859

Not him but if you're also living in the first world then who the fuck are you to get on some moral high ground and speak for the third world? You're just as bad as OP if not worse since you're also sounding like a virtue signaling leftist blaming the evil racist sexist hu-white male nazi boogeyman for all the convenient appliances that makes your life comfortable.

>> No.4880861

take a hint: I'm shitposting to get a rise out of OP

the "white male" thing should have given it away

>> No.4880868

I didnt read any of it lmao

>> No.4880926

See you next week, bucko

>> No.4880932

Take off the mask and he will look like a flaming homo.

>> No.4880940

Who the fuck are you again?

>> No.4880987
File: 44 KB, 250x250, slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't realise that anon is everyone on earth as a collective but nobody wants to admit it in public

>> No.4880992

At least pyw before you go so we can laugh at you

>> No.4880993

see ya next week faggot

>> No.4881007

Mods should help this namefag achieve his dreams with an ip ban.

>> No.4881017

Good luck with your future endeavors lad.

>> No.4881045

I second this motion

>> No.4881054

You’re lucky enough to have internet access.

That’s how privileged you are. Set your priorities straight.

Most people in the world don’t even access to clean water.

>> No.4881074

what the fuck are you even sayin boxman

>> No.4881091

Lol 80IQ subhumans dont deserve clean water. Clean water is for winners.

>> No.4881109

>, you're an entitled spoiled white male
Was based up until this point. Fuck off back to tumblr, AIDS Skrillex

>> No.4881278

Sorry to hear that, man. I know everyone's memeing on you right now but I really enjoyed your art. Good luck with whatever's coming up next!

>> No.4881288

No one cares, you will come back tomorrow for your attention whore dosage, it really blows my mind how you manage to fuck up so badly while living life on ez mode

>> No.4881309

thanks for being honest. GMI