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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 90 KB, 750x1000, 2e5bf960ab044565308c61d61d9bee49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4877041 No.4877041 [Reply] [Original]

What is a "female" and "male" art style, exactly? Why does one gender tend to go one way and the other the other way? Is this idea baseless conjure? What makes up a female and male art style?

>> No.4877045

male style is vigorous, muscular, honest, fundamental, expansive and bold.
femoid style is angsty, weak, timid, deceitful, soulless, cold and conformist.
tranny style is suicidal and ugly.

>> No.4877046
File: 1013 KB, 990x1400, 74ab23b9ebed6a5f48afc512bdc33dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the most depraved coomer art I've ever seen was drawn by females

>> No.4877049

My art style is male. All others are female. Simple as.

>> No.4877052
File: 215 KB, 953x1344, BC17DFBD-5037-4D1C-9565-D9EFA32E8B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and gaypilled

>> No.4877056

This concept is bullshit. People didn’t know Arakawa and Wani were female till they came out and said they were female, and nothing about their art styles suggested they were female at all, especially since Arakawa’s art style is very similar to Soul Eater’s and that’s written by a guy.

>> No.4877068

should females be allowed?

>> No.4877071

From what I've notice women have better colors in general. They also draw clothes more intricately than males do in a fashion sense. And the characters are generally softer. A lot will draw characters that will resemble them, look at Janna Schimer all her characters have variations of her nose. In general they are worse artists. Same could be argued for black artists

>> No.4877072

This board probably has the highest female user ratio on 4chan. It's close to, if not over 50% at times.

>> No.4877073

>I can find a counter example so the general rule is bullshit
This is stupid. The same way you could say blacks don't have dark skin because albino blacks exist.

>> No.4877078

How much of the 50% could be asian
Asking for a friend

>> No.4877080

That explains all the petty bickering and jealousy.

>> No.4877082

there are preferences, that's all. and the different genders often have different preferences, but that's not always the case either.
a lot of it also comes from their influences, which might or might not be targeted towards one gender or the other.
but again, it's just a generalization. males often read shoujo manga and vice versa, it happens all the time.

it's not really worth thinking about.

>> No.4877085

Probably less than 5%. And no, they won't be your art gf.

>> No.4877086

I can think of hundreds of examples. Dorohedoro is another one. In fact there’s probably more examples of art styles NOT matching sex since that’s more a matter of taste than genetic predispositions, than there is examples where it lines up.

Also, your stupid analogy is totally irrelevant to the point being made you pea-brained imbecile.

>> No.4877106
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>> No.4877107

that's were the jealousy, lack of fraternity and spite comes from

>> No.4877192

retards, how long have you browsed this site? /ic/ is considerably less toxic than any other board I've been on, I suspect because of the gender ratio here. I've talked about this before. the fact that it isn't a sausage fest of dudes trying to convince each other to commit suicide and posting pedo shit is palleteable if you spend a couple days here (both still exist here just considerably less than other boards)

>> No.4877220

lol no. Perhaps you adore the galore of passive aggressive art “tips”, malicious advice and endless nagging because you’re either a tranny or a femoid. Every other hobby board I’ve been in is both more entertaining and valuable than this shithole.

>> No.4877230

no, that would be /cgl/ actually

>> No.4877237

Oh so that’s why this place is useless and no one will ever make it

>> No.4877249

which boards would those be? boards with 20 total unique users and boards that also have high ratio of females don't count.

>> No.4877254


>> No.4877262

Kek, her art is literally embodiment of regress

>> No.4877270

/fit/ has a better, more numerous, more active community with a better sticky/moderation and actually successful and culturally influential users. The same can be said for /lit//his/ and so on.
/tv/ /asp and /sp/ have little technical content but they’re at the very least entertaining. /ic/ is as useless as /sp/ but dull and full of resentment.
This board is shit and women are to blame

>> No.4877278

And don’t forget /v/ had Pewdiepie Notch etc among its active base.
For all its bad rep it’s a place where stuff actually happens unlike this gigantic bawwchamber

>> No.4877286

>This board is shit and women are to blame
dude come on stone tablet general was good, that was the hardest I've laughed in a while. this board is fun to shitpost on, see art memes, and see people's art get roasted. critique is literally in the title. it's not gonna be super friendly or handholding like Reddit. sticky is good

anyway, I don't visit any of those boards, do they really have that many users? i get fit, but otherwise those are never what i had known 4chan to be. /ic/ is still way less cancer than g, pol, s4s, bant, a, b, v, and most boards on 4chan. if those are all you visited, it's not representative of 4chan, and you would probably fit better in at Reddit

>> No.4877302

From what I’ve seen, a lot of male artist tend to draw in this abstract, exaggerated style even when it’s largely realistic. Women on the other hand tend to be more grounded and tend to stylize less in their art, barring more cartoony styled stuff (which still feel grounded to me).

Now, this isn’t to say it’s true for both men and women, but it’s just something I’ve noticed on my Twitter feed a lot of the time.

>> No.4877311

On a related note, are there more female watercolourists than male or am I imagining this? I swear it's like 4 to 1

>> No.4877337

>There are no women on /ic/ it's all men larping
>This board is shit and women are to blame
>There are no women
>Men lapping as shitty women
>This board is going to shit
>Trannies are to blame

>> No.4877356

It is both because trannies are valid women.

>> No.4877537

>anyway, I don't visit any of those boards
Oh so you’re a 2016 redditfugee acting like an oldfag lmao.
Long winded way of saying you don’t know what you’re talking about.
And we were discussing hobby related boards retard, not /pol/ or fucking /b/.
Goes to show how rotten boardculture gets whenever trannies and cunts like you get in.
/fit/ and /tv/ are so representative that the majority of meme culture adopted across the site comes from those places, not like you’d know of course. The absolute state of this board is pathetic and that’s because the excess of femoids. And no this place is not less cancerous than /pol/ it’s just less relevant.

>> No.4877554


>> No.4877556

>/ic/ is considerably less toxic than any other board I've been on
/ic/ is literally the most toxic board I have been on, and I browsed /pol/ and /r9k/ for years back in the day.

>> No.4877558

Not possible.

>> No.4877559

/ic/ is toxic in a petty, feminine, passive aggressive way, but other places are blunter.

>> No.4877568

>>anyway, I don't visit any of those boards
>Oh so you’re a 2016 redditfugee acting like an oldfag lmao.
yeah because i don't visit the most normie boards on this website I'm from Reddit. idk I've been browsing for like 9 years or something what you want from me.
>And no this place is not less cancerous than /pol/
you sound pretty retarded bro idk if i trust your opinion. and you sound pretty toxic and triggered, seems like you're the one dragging down the board. your whole arguement is people are nagging and give bad art advice. you prolly just don't know how to read the sticky and asked some dumb shit and got troll answers.

>> No.4877579

Females are good only when they're asian

>> No.4877583

Or eastern european and italian.

>> No.4877584

I guess the fact that you can hit someone in a very personal way on here is what makes the toxicity feel a lot more powerful than anywhere else.
Usually it's "lol kill yourself" but here it's "this is why you should kill yourself and by the end of this thread you will agree"

>> No.4877599

>And no this place is not less cancerous than /pol/

>> No.4877602

I still stand by what I said.

>> No.4877603

no such thing nigga, just fem and masc traits in different amounts
one of my friend who's a catholic chad draws soft women, almost chinese style
another one who is a trad latina, she draws like mike turner
another, an autistic/adhd weeb, draws wholesome cute shit
one who is 1st gen indonesian, draws monsters almost exclusively, but has a very soft, detailed style
don't worry about that shit, it's about skills not hype

>> No.4877612

Lurking for 9 years and you don’t know how much of the site’s culture originates from /fit/ or /tv/ ferr suure i believe that.
And no they’re not “the normie boards” retard, /pol/ is the normie board packed with redditors, trannies and tourists all of which describe you and your petty, ignorant opinions.
No one’s got an issue with hostility. /ic/‘s
problem is that it is flooded with dirty femoids who are mentally weak and can’t recognize their skill deficiency yet can’t really shitpost either nor create anything of value be it artistic or otherwise.
>you sound pretty retarded bro
>you sound pretty toxic
>you sound pretty triggered
Thanks for providing an example of how weak and effete this place is. Looping a “you sound pretty x” is nothing; It isn’t insulting nor funny, not even provocative. It’s just a passive aggressive 14yo girl’s (that’s the mental age of all woman) attempt at being edgy and “belonging to 4chan”.
> your whole arguement
I’m not having an “arguement” with you. I’m educating you. Nothing that you have to say here has any weight at all and I don’t even consider it a valid opinion.

>> No.4877620

Yes this is an interesting take. Here everything is personal and the hatred is never fully covered by the veil of irony.
Something like nigger hate doesn’t even phase me >>4877599 although I’m black and hispanic. However post a semi-good piece in the /beg/ thread and you’ll see people personally and unironically attacking you for the mere reason of being slightly more experienced than them.

>> No.4877641

>"ive been lurking for 9 years trust me bro" vs the anon who unironically sounds like a femoid larping as an incel
the absolute fucking state of /ic/

>> No.4877673

>Probably less than 5%.
Statistically impossible.

>> No.4877678

"Hobby" boards are not akin to artistic boards for the sole reason that for the later the gatekeeping is performed by the activity in question. All of the boards you listed are hot shit because there's nothing preventing retards from getting in. Look at /mu and /v, any retard, including myself, who has lurked long enough will see that the boards are shit. Any retard can play videogames or listen to music. Now, activity based boards like 3DCG or /lit, albeit slower, carry a more enjoyable flow simply because to lurk you need to be into said thing, which takes a minimal ammount of willpower and thus filters out coomers and other retards.

>> No.4877684

oh ok /ic is more cancerous in the form of hostility i get that. it's a critique board on 4chan though, it's to be expected, don't take it so seriously anon. just brush it off and take it constructively if possible, instead of typing pages to them like you're doing to me and getting so worked up over it.

i personally would rather wade through people shitting on me as I'm trying to learn than shit like nigger hate threads on pol, that depresses me way more, imo way more toxic

>> No.4877796

It really says something about the men that use this Senegalese impala hunting image sharing forum when, despite having a more equal male to female ratio, the level of misogyny (especially compared to misandry) in this board is still insane.

But we are the spiteful and hateful ones lol

>> No.4877805
File: 323 KB, 1320x1164, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877813
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>> No.4877863
File: 34 KB, 254x277, A+goddamn+work+of+art+_0defd476152c0ac789de72c693643f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the best

>> No.4877871

just post in the draw thread, you're not going to get real advice in /beg/ in the first place.

>> No.4877873

Who draws this?

>> No.4877875

Hirame aka Fishine

>> No.4877880
File: 88 KB, 639x354, fma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.4877904

sauce for left?

>> No.4877923

always reminds me of jdotkdot and vice versa

>> No.4877925

ok trannie

>> No.4877933
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>> No.4877941


>> No.4877949

Haha but seriously, I need a gf guys help

>> No.4877954

Wait, Fishine is a grill?

>> No.4878008
File: 1.03 MB, 1656x1080, 1584210231119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878020

Asians have their own version of 4chan. A fraction of their world population are in western countries so only a fraction would feel more comfortable here.

>> No.4878029

and she's cutie too...bros...

>> No.4878389

anymore pics of her?

>> No.4878417

>In general they are worse artists.


>> No.4878420

You sound like a desperate loser. You are never going to a gf at this rate.

>> No.4878447

Are you a woman. post feet

>> No.4878683

why does this bitch think she has any business teaching others art

oh well, at least it nips potential competition early

>> No.4878810

do you mean /cgl/ lol

>> No.4878995

This bitch is thick af I'd pork her no regrets

>> No.4879005

Women do have lovely colors and details. I love you ladies.

>> No.4879034

I visited an post modernist exhibition back im 2010. I was there with one of the most toxic and feminist lecturer. Short hair, fat and very masculine kind. I saw this painting on huge canvas, it is an abstract painting, executed in 1 one single brush strokes with high velocity, creating a on stroke splatter that looks like someone painted the canvas with a decapitated head. The stroke was long and of high energy at the impact point and loses energy as it streaks across the canvas. The length of the stroke was far. The artist name was not common and of a different language.

I commented "the length of the brush strokes and the energy seems to be made by a male artist."
The comment was direct to my friend, who is also an art student.

This feminist lecturer then butt in and say "that is a very sexist thing to say. it could very be a FEMALE artist"

I smile and shrug. And walked away.

>> No.4879204

>Is this idea baseless conjure?
Yes, what a fucking stupid thread.

>> No.4879362

Off the top of my head, Uziga Waita is worse than any female coomer art.

>> No.4879407

The cursed loli touhou ryona artist is a female and has a child, very weird

>> No.4879519

the western female artstyle™: more wobbly , roundish shapes and traditionally cute stuff. rendering is often limited to cel shading or lots of sparky stuff. very uwu , much kawaii. abundance of pastels or extravagant color palettes. style itself is often a mix of anime and westers cartoons (western cartoon facial features + anime ish eyes for example . bodies tend to be chunkier and chest is often not pronounced) or very anime ish but still with a very western feel to it (mostly due to proportions , eyes are often wayyy to big) . often it's just straight up cartoony like OP image. ineart is simple , often colored (dark brown , deep purple etc etc depending on what color palette she's striving for). in short , generally rounded shapes and a cuter feel to it.
the male western artstyle™: often very anime-ish , very "sharp" and often tends to strive for a more pixie type of look. rendering is often either complex or simple but the colors tend to be pretty boring or luckluster. it doesn't have the same roundness to it like girls' art does which makes it look less cartoony imo and more like authentic anime art. bodies are often very emphasized , with obvious focus on tits , ass , hips or feet (ew). lineary generally not colored but is more detailed. alternatively , they can have a very cartoony style (lacks anime features and cute elements so it looks more disney-ish) . or straight up buff jojo dudes.
conclusion: no artstyle I'd better than the other. men's art often has better technical skill , women's often has more soul and is more pleasant to look at.
this is just my speculation from what I've seen , though

>> No.4880459

Sachin Teng is female

>> No.4880465

Oh look it's a Crystal Cafe cross poster. Go back to your female board cunt.

>> No.4880467


>> No.4880468

No it's just a Faggotō Female that came from the female side of 4ch called Crystal Cafe. Its easy to spot them over time.

>> No.4880551

women experience color differently than men do, men get better hearing.
women care about clothes, men care about what's underneath them.
>In general they are worse artists. Same could be argued for black artists
absolutely true.

>> No.4882538

>niggas ITT complaining about /ic/ being "toxic"
>never been on /3/
I will say that this board has seemingly gone down in quality in the last few years, im guessing most of the good people moved on. Or maybe it's the same and I just noticed cause I used to stick to the drawthreads

>> No.4882546

/3/ is less toxic but A LOT lower in IQ

>> No.4882584

in general, i'd say women tend to draw with round shapes and bright or pastel colors compared to men
i wouldn't say it's a golden rule, because there are men who draw cute shit and women who draw conan the barbarian type of shit, but i think it happens enough times for you to form a stereotype

>> No.4882832

I’m an art professor and this is 100% true.

>> No.4883009

don't do this to yourself

>> No.4883688

>lack of fraternity
This is an anonymous website, not every board needs to be /vg/

>> No.4883719

Well Im 2 art professors and this is false, what now?

>> No.4883741

Did you get 10$ too?

>> No.4883749

Was she wrong? I mean your comment was kinda stupid

>> No.4883750

The duality of man

>> No.4883766

Trannis are, on a fundamental level, either men with a fetish for women clothes or women with a fetish for homos, however, the first outnumbers the latter by 10:1, so people here are essentially complaining about men
Also i've never seen any man complain about toxicty at all, like nigga do you know where you are?

>> No.4883832

I enjoy this kind of posts because they are great screencap material when wanting to make fun of stupid people

>> No.4884148

Cringe. Fuck off back to >>>/r9k/.

>> No.4884281


>> No.4884309
File: 715 KB, 3000x2264, dwight_impalement2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i'm curious, does my art style read as female or male

>> No.4884322

a little feminine, but I'd say male overall

>> No.4884345
File: 34 KB, 576x484, 1594395616485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the 3rd most toxic board only bested by /b/ and /pol/

>> No.4884348

there are great bords like /fit/ /diy/ and /lit/

>> No.4884351

actually is the opposite

>> No.4884388

>I smile and shrug. And walked away.

>> No.4884395

theyre both mtf trannies

>> No.4884537

This honestly makes the most sense. Left is too much cumbrain for a woman. The right I could believe to be a woman for sure though, they always decorate everything but this is probably not even enough decoration for a female.

>> No.4884935
File: 64 KB, 540x360, who cares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, yeah. It is surprising how easy it is to tell that a woman drew something, regardless of skill level. Sometimes im fooled, but very rarely. I wouldnt call womens work soulless implicitly, but their work does tend to be conformist side on the whole, or lack conviction in one or more aspects, such as having really strong design and composition, but fucking up all that good shit because they are too afraid to do anything other than soft blending. it seems almost endemic with women to be really good at a few things with art, but to completely fall flat in the areas that matter like consistency. At least with mens art they make it clearly evident that they are producing shit. They put that garbage on display, someone will notice the garbage and tell them how to rectify it. Whether or not you think silently begging for help is a good quality to have is up to you to decide.

This isn't something to resent either sex for, or something to target them over either. Each person is an individual unto themselves, and unless you are talking directly to a classroom full of people, you should treat every person as an individual in your field. They have knowledge you dont, and you have knowledge they dont. maybe that person has soulless art but they make dosh on twitter, ask them for tips on how to market yourself, but they dont know how to buildings in the appropriate perspective. you can trade your knowledge for theirs. reciprocity is all that matters at the end f the day, anything else is a waste of time in this field.

>> No.4884939

It's an open secret. I'd sum woman's art up as lame, tame

>> No.4884949
File: 97 KB, 500x367, women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much

>> No.4884952

You just can tell this anon has a giant penisaur

>> No.4884966

There are exceptions, but those artists seem to have their natural narcissism crushed by trauma or mental disorders.

>> No.4885314

How would posting my work help you accept my truthful words and observations friend ?

>> No.4885326

It would help with attacking you

>> No.4885347

As a female, all you've taught is what not to do. Good look trying to figure out if my art is female from now on, fags

>> No.4885756

i would say someone's art style will reflect what they like to look at. so it isn't that there is one dead giveaway female art style, but that some art styles are common among females and males respectively.
If i had to generalize, maybe females prioritize being expressive, males prioritize being technical. if there's one thing females tend to reliably love in particular, it is EDGY shit.

females also tend to be needlessly self-doubting and insecure, which can affect their art sometimes. it makes them want to be like extra punk, or to be 100% correct.
I feel like female artists tend to be perfectionist, so it becomes easy to possibly undermine oneself by either a wild, reckless, intentional rejection of perfectionism, or by stifling your creativity through excessive turd-polishing, consistency (sameface to varying degrees), rigidity, being way too worried about their art being good enough or pleasing the audience, etc.
rejecting perfectionism is a better path since the other one guarantees your art will be soulless. but you still have to push yourself or you won't improve, so don't reject the concept of improvement or pushing boundaries.
girls are also very competitive and don't like other people beating them at their own game, hence a proclivity for unproductive shitflinging and drama.
then you have the naturally uninhibited female artist, typically some autistic horsegirl who just draws the most retarded shit ever. the only main difference between the retarded female and the retarded male is that the male is spamming fetish art as though he expects to see through the fabric of reality and gaze upon the face of god if he draws the same ritualized image enough times in some form of abstract digital coomer mandala, and the female is spamming art of herself and her harem of fictional boy toys as if she can will her tulpas into being if she asserts her ownership of someone else's IP hard enough.

>> No.4885815

>she changes her style solely so that it doesn't look female
Why would anyone do this.

>> No.4886162

Because fuck you that's why. Clearly no one likes female drawings, so I'll just learn better play better.

>> No.4886193
File: 1.28 MB, 1535x2126, 1581824828972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly no one likes female drawings

>> No.4886205

Can you all just shut the fuck up? Fucking cringe

>> No.4886296

Look at the thread, fag. I was referring to the tells they have.

>> No.4888222


>> No.4889487

As a general rule male art style is more focused on mechanical accuracy/ technical proficiency. If you want to find "the best" most technically advanced art of whatever its 90% of the time a male artist. Mecha artists or ones who draa detailed machinary are usually guys. I think its the testosterone driving guys to want to be the be the very best
Like no one ever was to catch them is my real test to train them is my cause. Female artists are more concerned with being cute and fitting in. They think more about the character's faces and their emotions. Where a male artist may be technically advanced their characters might still look dead behind the eyes but because females are hypersocial and really understand humans their character expressions often have more life.

>> No.4889527

Cool art, blog?

>> No.4889795

I'm asian and I'll be ur gf anon...

>> No.4889805

Fun fact, women actually have better color vision than men do.
They also have a tendency to remember and use more color names, which helps them identify differences in color more easily.
But on the flip side, men have better spatial reasoning.

>> No.4889809


>> No.4889858
File: 84 KB, 271x186, 2Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better to start a couple relationship irl. Trust me on this. Long distance relationships are expensive and emotionally painful if you are not ready.
Source: my own experience, as a former idiot who did that.

>> No.4889931

Looks transgender

>> No.4889937

>Nyyyyaaaaa cringeee, I don't like this thread, this is cringeeeee

>> No.4890274

Definitely feminine. Some people might be fooled by the gore, but the emotion is a dead giveaway.
Men normally react to extreme pain with anger, not sadness.

>> No.4890365

kill yourself faggot

>> No.4890373
File: 175 KB, 900x675, Martyrdom-of-Saint-Sebastian-Coxie-Michael-van.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men normally react to extreme pain with anger, not sadness.
I'm sick of midwits like you

>> No.4890449

>calls someone a midwit
>can't even comprehend the meaning of the word "normally"
>posts an example of another piece of art go try to prove a point about how people react to pain IRL

Good job, retard.

>> No.4890454

to*, not go, obviously

>> No.4891081
File: 738 KB, 687x1018, faggot stop crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts an example of another piece of art go try to prove a point about how people react to pain IRL
Yes, this is an art thread. Which is why saying that his art is "feminine" for depicting a man in pain crying (found across all ages) is peak redpill spouting midwit.

Next time, please, tell me that greek tragedy is "feminine" because men are crying in it.

>> No.4891097

i say nigger

>> No.4891102


>> No.4891163

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>can't even comprehend the meaning of the word "normally"

>> No.4891170

That's a child, you moron.

>> No.4891423

Do autistic females draw like males then?

>> No.4891444

It's bullshit is what it is. Especially since weebs will tell you most coom artists are women.

>> No.4891479

no, that's a drawing

>> No.4891483

the only point of reference this board has for anything anymore is all asian stuff.

>> No.4891488

Honestly It's hard to explain in general.
I can distinguish with subtle details when a ~biologically~ male draws and same with females, but they're pretty much subjective and don't have a strong fundation to be catalogued
However, my theory is that we can tell if the artist is male or female because:
1- Males take way longer to achieve fine motor skills and are very heavy-handed, most male artists choose the comfort of thicker lines or sturdy brushes because of this.
Females on the other hand are the opposite, they rely on their light hand to make smooth lines with intrincate details and the like
2- Females, biologically, see more shades of colours than men. We've got quite a few more receptors, so it makes a difference in the long run.
Males tend to rely on lights and shadows for their hue shifts, while females base their lights and shadows on the hue shifts they make
3-It's very common to see struggles when drawing the other sex's body. Most males that do draw females usually tend to be too generous on how flexible we are or where our organs are etc. Females, me included, find it difficult to stick to male proportions, a common mistake I see is on hips and chins/jawlines.

>> No.4891496

>the best post ITT was made by a woman
Also checking those Hitler trips

>> No.4891504
File: 1008 KB, 900x600, gone fishin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's my style?

>> No.4891506

So not a man, then?

>> No.4891512

>best post
>feels the need to clarify "biological"
>posts "muh organs" shit
Also those aren't trips.

>> No.4893833
File: 1.36 MB, 1747x1193, ddwm770-044072db-0b10-4fe5-b553-3761d5a57346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to know what my depraved art reads as: male or female

>> No.4893838

The mark making is experiential rather than representative, which leads me to believe female.

>> No.4893851

based. women shouldn't even be allowed to make art. they should have to work in coal mines
look at that ugly shit in the op. all idea stolen from a man and done poorly

>> No.4893857

how about: there are no women, it's all trannies and men, but women are still to blame anyway. any time i see utter chaos and full on warfare i know that a woman is responsible

>> No.4893861

Women should be forbidden from wearing clothes, except the ugly and old ones.

>> No.4893863

it reads as normie

>> No.4893979

>Females, biologically, see more shades of colours than men.
There's one study with 58 participants that only shows that in general women tend to have better color vision than men. That's not a hard biological difference between men and women.

>> No.4893990

meant for

>> No.4894315

/co/mblr womanchildren on suicide watch

>> No.4894379

Female.Very rounded anatomy.Men tend to have it sharper.
This is my guess.

>> No.4894380


>> No.4894384

30 year old male

>> No.4894388

Feminine by the colorchoice, might as well be a man painting it though

>> No.4894396

I remember seeing an article on this and checking the studies, one was a fucking vocab test which was retarded, the other didn't show better color vision or sensitivity, the claim was that there's a gender difference on which frequency is identified as which color.
science news is always fake news.

>> No.4894404
File: 99 KB, 736x986, Albino in purple flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a specific style, senpai.It depends on your dedication for art. if 2 artists both male and female are lazy, their art will stink same with if 2 male and female artists are hardworkers , theyr art will be great.Art styles are just your visions family album of what it loves and created it , so everyone is going to have an family album differite and unique.It's stupid to want everyone to be a clone dystopia of only one art style. Everyone got their own life experiences to express to a campfire story gathering.

>> No.4894408 [DELETED] 

Let me fix something
>If 2 are hardworkwers their art will be great.
Got distracted

>> No.4894774

That's not true, there is obvious "female" looking art that even most men would really enjoy looking at. Obviously I usually prefer male styles since I am a guy, but there are more women looking at art anyways so that's not a problem anyways.

>> No.4894800
File: 54 KB, 346x482, 1599439603517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REEEEE muh evil patriarchy!!!!!!!!!
Instead of acting like a bitch , try making your art style good with what is feminine
>no vag or period blood or whatever femifreaks ill in the head do

>> No.4895240

This post is incomprehensible.

>> No.4896096

>imagine being this retarded.
Embrace the femininity in your art, there's, literally nothing wrong with that. Being ashamed of it just paints it as inferior instead of simply different.