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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 486x524, KimJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4871273 No.4871273 [Reply] [Original]

i dont get it. Is there anyone thats even close to this?

>> No.4871277

line art is for babbies

>> No.4871284

t. rendermonkey

>> No.4871288

because he dedicated himself to a fairly unique genre of performance art that doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the finished drawings.
his drawing is forgettable without the performance aspect.
also there's some nip who does the same thing.

>> No.4871289

He's been doing pretty much one thing day in and day out for 30+ years, it's no surprise he's by far the best Superani but all of his buds and students, Jisu, Kopinski, Eleeza and so on are all fucking phenominal.

I think if you asked HIM who is better than him he'd point to Moebius, Terada etc. but to me that's very debatable.

>> No.4871291

it's okay little feller, you'll get there someday

>> No.4871294

You know he doesn't just do the live big drawing thing you saw on youtube right?

>> No.4871296

He found the perfect niche for him and capitalized on it. The guy just loves drawing. Even he gets jealous of other artists though. He mentioned seeing stuff on Instagram and saying “how do they do that? I wish I knew how.”

>> No.4871297
File: 391 KB, 300x550, Yusuke_Murata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4871308

The dude is immune to carpal tunnel and RSI.

>> No.4871311

yes, but you would not know who he is without his ability to just dump images onto a blank page. it's absolutely what makes him famous.

>> No.4871318

>He mentioned seeing stuff on Instagram and saying “how do they do that? I wish I knew how.”
Sauce? Curious to see which artists he likes.

>> No.4871322

I'm with you there, he's famous for being really fast at doing something really good, but he definitely also has unique style, killer taste, great ideas and so on. His more polished works are surreal.

>> No.4871324
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>> No.4871329
File: 828 KB, 2038x1500, 32e40ed1b6ecfcadcc8c436f7c0f4b59[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what made him mega-famous but people (mainly other artists) would still know who he is without the gimmick. His sketchbooks are really fun to look at whether you know how he created the images or not.

>> No.4871335

will watch, thanks anon

>> No.4871349

I love his fucking sketchbooks. I own 2, one has a quick signed illustration he did inside the front cover, definitely one of my very favorite books and I'll never let it go.

>> No.4871395
File: 1.56 MB, 1826x2560, 03485-20200518-레일역무원파란색기차-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his drawing is forgettable without the performance art aspect
Says you, you gargantuan homofag. His drawings are great. The characters are expressive and fun, and his sense of perspective is absolutely phenomenal. Not to mention that they're just so full of weird and silly shit that makes them really enjoyable to look at, like some sort of batshit insane Where's Waldo illustration. Gi is an absolutely unpretentious fucking goofball and I love him.

>> No.4871409

>Not to mention that they're just so full of weird and silly shit that makes them really enjoyable to look at, like some sort of batshit insane Where's Waldo illustration
that's why i find it forgettable, it's a lot of zany stuff going on and i feel zero connection to any of it, unless i watched the journey of it being drawn.
and i'm not pretending he isn't really fucking talented, i do like watching him draw.

>> No.4871415



>> No.4871417

So it's just asian genes.
He's just born to be special, that's it.

>> No.4871440

That doesn't make any sense. If you're not getting it all in a glance, just... look at the drawing longer. Take in all the details. I know that if I had one of his sketchbooks I would be poring over it for hours and hours. I study animations frame-by-frame too. Shit's mad interesting.

>> No.4871474
File: 115 KB, 711x520, 1588302462741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon, but nothing he draws is ever particularly gripping or expressive

>> No.4871494

>If you're not getting it all in a glance, just... look at the drawing longer.
what are you clowns even on about at this point, do you not understand what forgettable means?
if you ask me about him a month from now, i will not remember this drawing. it will leave no lasting impact on me regardless of how many silly gags and details he has included in it. i have formed no attachment to it, and will not think about it ever again in my life.

>> No.4871545

There is no one out there who rivals X. People look up to others who have supernatural talents for a reason.

>> No.4871548

>do you not understand what forgettable means
They don’t this is a low iq board full of women and mtf, always remember that whenever you feel frustrated

>> No.4871550

His art kinda sucks, its soulless and generic.
The appeal is his gimmick that he doesn't do contruction or something right? (I wouldn't know I have no interest in his art, its boring to me like I said)

>> No.4871560

Why aren't obvious bait threads like this being deleted?

>> No.4871572

Him and Karl Kopinski have a cute relationship

>> No.4871580

His art positively OOZES soul but to each his own I guess. The appeal is that his art is insanely good but the gimmick is that he skips right to the final product with no prior stages, yes.

>> No.4871865

dude, 99% his drawings read terribly and you are a /beg/ caught up in 'le zany' aspect of it like a scene emo girl watching invader zim. please PLEASE just shut the fuck up and go to reddit nigger

>> No.4871881

We have proko.

>> No.4871887
File: 178 KB, 540x720, 228F741F-FD4F-4A86-93B1-7089BD8E76DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it's asian genes
do anons really believe this? if anything it's asian culture; grind, grind, grind, grind, and not good enough. grind, grind, grind, grind, grind; half a percent better, not good enough. grind, grind, grind, grind...30 years later, gi. asian culture is just american culture on steroids. brute force your way into goodness by sheer unwillingness to give up even though every piece screams ngmi. can any anon post a single piece on gi's level made by an azn that they made six months after taking up a pen? didn't think so. azn artist success is all mindless grind and not any natural talent, just look at 18th century japanese art vs. 18th century european masters.

>> No.4871894
File: 51 KB, 517x516, DC27FD3C-1A56-498B-8B1E-CB03201F5227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brute force your way into goodness by sheer unwillingness to give up even though every piece screams ngmi
Based and reinvigorating my willpower pilled, I could be the lowest of the low, but I would still make it because I refuse to let all the cocksucking pricks in this world look down on me, and it’s my responsibility to put them in their place

>> No.4871896

spite is a very powerful motivator. just genuinely hate everybody and everything and you'll do great.

>> No.4871897

Asian genes strikes again

>> No.4871924

>it's not genes it's culture

>> No.4871940

his drawing is kind of unreadable but keep in mind that his performance drawings arw built for walls. Looking at it on a phone or a monitor , unless it's on a monitor as big as the wall he draws on, you wouldn't really be able to judge, if it's truly unreadable. But, his sketches are smaller size and the amount of details does make it too garbled. This is a critique that I think he does acknowledge, he mentions trying to draw with as simple and few lines as possible but he isn't there yet. As for appeal he also mentioned he does not have a lot of female fans which shows how low the appeal his art may be. His art doesnt appeal to half the population. Males usually find highly technical stuff appealing simply because of the complexity, amount of logic and technique applied to it. As opposed to female taste which is usually simple, cute, and has strong first impression and emotion involved. You can tell which characteristics Jung Gi's art possesses. This is why Jisu's art is like female jung gi, because the strokes , materials used, and vibe is the same but the appeal is different. The subject matter is also different and far limited. Bit jisu is much younger so that's expected.

I've been deconstructing him and his art ever since I met him at a con. And tried to really understand where he is coming from and what characteristics I want to adopt from him.

>> No.4871946

>that black caricature

>> No.4871954

Karl Kopinski is the only person I can list off the top of my head with skills comparable to KJG.

>> No.4871962

needs a toothbrush.

>> No.4871982

Don't forget about Dongho Kim

>> No.4872022

>female taste
lol ok

>> No.4872033

Why wasn't Osamu Tezuka as impressive as KJG? The dude slept 3 hours a night an drew for the other 21...

>> No.4872055

I think it depends on how you draw and what you are practice.
KJG did a lot of perspective drawings that's for sure and he practised many things from various angles.. drew too many gestures, bones, mechanics and so go on... and at the en it all will get fused and you will find your way of intepretation and drawing will become like eating your favourite snack... but ye, that takes time

>> No.4872073
File: 157 KB, 650x637, 787F9A50-6216-48C8-9CF8-982AA70E5834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dynamite by BTS
Based Kim Jung Gi

>> No.4872074
File: 44 KB, 635x600, its-not-enough-that-i-should-succeed-others-should-fail-quote-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anything it's asian culture; grind, grind, grind, grind, and not good enough. grind, grind, grind, grind, grind; half a percent better, not good enough. grind, grind, grind, grind...30 years later, gi. asian culture is just american culture on steroids. brute force your way into goodness by sheer unwillingness to give up even though every piece screams ngmi
Wisest anon on /ic/

>> No.4872079

Technical drawing skill wasn't the end all be all for Tezuka. He was a mangaka so that involves a bunch of stuff that KJG doesn't really deal with. If you compare just their drawings, then KJG is better but if you compare Tezuka's manga with KJG's Spy Games then the difference is apparent.

>> No.4872082

What the fuck ever. KJG is a self admitted lazy person, he never says anything about having wanted to be the best. He just draws compulsively. Whatever dopamine button in your brain gets smashed by gaming all day for most people KJG has wired up to drawing.

>> No.4872104

this is so pathetic

>> No.4872108

He clearly works hard af, anon. No one gets that good accidentally.

>> No.4872119

Yeah but is it because he fucking loves his craft or because "AZN CULTURE"

>> No.4872139

There is they're just not freelance. Loads of mangaka are probably around that level, you just don't see it because you don't read their series and there's no videos showing them drawing something fancy.

>> No.4872254

What the fuck are you smoking OP? A lot of professional artists are exactly like him, you think professionals have time for all the constructions shit? They just sit down and draw because they have a deadline by tomorrow and they need to do 10 more pages of work.

>> No.4872309

You said you draw 1 hour a day, and it's probably not even that. Stop being delusional

>> No.4872756

Yes, indeed . His problem is that he doesnt really do any personal art, he just does regurgirated popular shit thats good in the west and asia.
That's the problem with asian artists desu. They can get good at the technique, but they will only make unoriginal , empty ,colourful collages of garbage that the normies of course , will eat up.
Only the White Man has the capacity to put great emotions ,and technique into art. A godgiven gift of balance.

Yet again, it's up to the White Man to save the art world from its decrepit state. Jeez, sometimes it's really tiresome to be one of god's true chosen people.

>> No.4872793

Obviously the love of the craft, otherwise every asian out of the 500 gorillion of them who wishes to be an artist would be as good as or better than kjg

>> No.4872924

That's just what niggers look like

>> No.4872932


>> No.4872947
File: 68 KB, 853x453, IMG_20200917_183033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872955
File: 125 KB, 489x475, 3DDC5989-0BA5-4CA4-9338-B4BC47967E97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You said you draw 1 hour a day, and it's probably not even that. Stop being delusional
I never said that. Is this what they call ‘projection’? Why else would a NGMI crab so hard?

>> No.4872965

The vast majority of professionals do some sort of preliminary "rough" before committing to ink.

>> No.4872998

Not the best ones.

>> No.4873004

No they definitely do. Have a good day though.

>> No.4873015


Both Kapinski and Gi are recorded doing block-ins. Kapinski did it with his Proko interview, and Gi did it in one of his videos as a trip down the memory lane of what he did over the years.

>> No.4873017

Kopinski - I'll never learn to spell that fucker's name.

>> No.4873066

i really liked him until he went pro blm. now i just think he's a nigger and i don't care about his art at all. i won't support him, proko, peter han, karl kopinski, they're all dead to me. anti-white, virtue signalling frauds.

>> No.4873071
File: 631 KB, 1537x2048, hbss2j12jhq41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also miss jisu, but i already didnt like her because every character she draws has a fucked up mouth. idk who taught her to make those black blobs in the corner like that on every single face. and the valdimort nose.

>> No.4873085
File: 229 KB, 1200x1194, EYs6X3hUEAE8hmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn victim lips

>> No.4873132
File: 192 KB, 708x824, GigaChadSkull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aware me?

>> No.4873167

are they expensive? worth not pirating?

>> No.4873168


>> No.4873178

Why does she draw the eyes five and a half miles apart?

>> No.4873184

Proko doesn't surprise me, dude seems weak in every sense of the word. Karl I unfollwed on Insta for his nonsense. I don't need anti-whites making art for me, there are enough people of that poisonous belief system already.

>> No.4873192

>Karl I unfollwed on Insta for his nonsense

>> No.4873194

Gotcha your skills are insufficient to engage with them artistically so you have to engage with them politically.

>> No.4873200

I'm not sure you can even pirate them (I'm aware of a PDF of one with a sadly low resolution), but they're definitely worth owning, there's nothing like flipping through them for inspiration / to do studies - they're huge, hundreds of pages long and awesome all the way through.

>> No.4873210

How is Karl anti white?

>> No.4873239

>I'm angry that you wrote something I disagree with, so I will now construct a fictitious narrative in my head, reflexively, in vain effort to paint you as the person at fault
Gee, sounds like the one with the emotional problem here is you. Looks like textbook projection.
I said nonsense in Karl's case.

>> No.4873242

Didn't they just post a black picture on their insta and call it a day? Once this is all over i'm sure they'll return to whatever the fuck they care about. Pretty sure they don't care and only do it to garner more followers

>> No.4873252

kenneth rocafort and james stokoe blow him out of the water honestly

>> No.4873259
File: 106 KB, 700x843, aGdAXr0_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter. that black square was enough to tell you they are evil.

>> No.4873260

its all of it
better upbringing that enforces hard work at a young age
parents with resources and support to put him towards his dreams
this game him the education at a young age that allowed him to be a better artist in the future
and yeah, genes do play a role, some concepts can make sense more and faster to certain people

>> No.4873274

her name is literally jizz
Ms Jizz

>> No.4873275


not even close. Undersketch Pencil lackeys

>> No.4873284


>> No.4873289


slave to the pencil.

Straight pen to paper without a rough undersketch mogs all.

>> No.4873324

>45 years old
>type 2 diabetes

I wonder what his diet was like in general. What the fuck.

>> No.4873414
File: 352 KB, 600x693, c1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fuckin' serious? Calm your damn tits and think for just one second before you pick up the torches and pitchforks and go on a spergfest denouncing a nice, middle aged autistic Korean drawfag as an enemy of the white race. For fucks sakes. You're on 4chan, you of all people should know that most everyone thinks that BLM is just a nice sentiment you can post on your twatter or instafag to "spread awareness" and "fite hoe-pression" or some slacktivist bullshit like that because the BLM org, Antifa, and their cronies in MSM are gaslighting everyone with an extensive disinformation campaign. Kim Jung Gi is fucking Korean, he definitely doesn't know anything about this shit and I doubt he can be bothered to care all that much either because he's just a simple guy that's absorbed in his craft and can't be arsed to concern himself with much else. Not to mention that he's not even the one running the damn account because whoever posts on it talks about him in the third person.

>> No.4873416

im not reading your fan fic bro

>> No.4873418

maybe you should be a little more concerned about the parasites in your own brain first.

>> No.4873471

Seethe and/or cope

>> No.4873515

default is don't get involved. I am an American. I don't make political posts about Korea on my art account. It's his own fault if he picks a side and it's the wrong side. He's dead to me.

>> No.4873550

LOL this is some boomer level tryhard shit.

>> No.4873578

>st one second before you pick up the torch
you are living in your own world, hope you realize he is managed by Superani/kazone (the US team) and every artist under that posted a black square. Getting mad over something politically correct is immature. imagine thinking the whole world needs to think the same way you do.

>> No.4873580

shit quoted by accident

>> No.4873590

He doesn't even know you exist, delusional brainlet

>> No.4873750

The only people who who believe in the "asian genes" meme are actual weeaboos who think anime girl pinups are the pinnacle of art. Literally 95% of all artists who people consider to be "masters" are European.

>> No.4873753

That may be the case, and that's a fair point, but I would say that from my perspective, one who would latch onto such a poisonous movement, especially feigning so just for popularity, well that would be a worse crime than actually believing the crazy rhetoric of that movement. So, not an artist or person I would respect.

>> No.4873757

Boy, that's quite the emotional rant.
Also impressive that you based the whole thing on a goofy-sounding strawman representation of your opposition.

>> No.4873772

Random unsubstantiated non-sequitur name calling, netspeak, shitty grammar, complaining as if everyone but himself is extremely old and thus bad.

Ok, Zoomer.

>> No.4873819

He said he does coke

>> No.4873825

I am asking
Forgot the?

>> No.4873830

coca-cola not cocaine lmao

>> No.4873880

the only parasites i am concerned with are niggers and commies.

>> No.4873882

they made their beds. they will get fucked in them.

>> No.4873884

just like every other dead person.

>> No.4873887

Nobody even know who the hell he is.
Yes, his art is THAT forgettable.
He only get exposures because you retards are shilling for free.

>> No.4873920
File: 323 KB, 750x1115, teradamonsterboy04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4874026
File: 101 KB, 500x383, EabBoFtVAAEVApZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's dead to me
>they made their beds, they will get special huggies in them
>just like every other dead person
Sweet baby jumpin' bean Jehoshaphat on a hot tin roof. You're such a delusional, melodramatic autist that I can scarcely believe what I'm reading. I really hope you're doing a bit, because it's hilarious if so. But on the other hand, Poe's Law is making me sweat more than a little bit right now.

>> No.4874035

it's an anti-white, communist terrorist organization. People supporting it, can not be allowed to slip by under the radar. They must be held accountable. There will be consequences for doing something so evil and so stupid. I'm just saying I don't follow the fucking guy on instagram and I don't care about his art anymore. I will not be exacting revenge on anyone. I'm making a prediction. History will not view these people kindly, and idiotic sheep like you will grift right away and pretend that you were against it all along when it becomes fashionable to do so because you're a spineless faggot.

>> No.4874039

Terada is great but the muzzle is kind of fucked up. Look at the perspective of the top row of teeth compared to the nose. And doesn't like bottom jaw look like it's off to the right? Maybe that's on purpose. idk. Weird mistakes for terada. I agree he's better than KJG though.

>> No.4874059
File: 171 KB, 1316x307, 65509CD0-1787-4E8E-A43C-961AA46C7F7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mocks another person’s opinion and political position
>doesn’t deny that BLM is, for all intents and purposes, an anti-Western organization

So, BLM wants to dismantle the nuclear family and make “villages” to raise children? Sounds like a sub-Saharan, chimpanzee way of raising a family. What’s next? Everyone has a go at impregnating each other’s wives and nobody knows who the father is because everything is “socialized?”

>> No.4874090

Literally what they are gunning for with polygamy.

>> No.4874168

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. But like I said in >>4873414 normies don't know that because of the extensive gaslighting of the public by the media. Some dipshit posting a black square on instagram isn't an enemy combatant, they're a fucking bystander that doesn't really know what's actually going on. Quit being an aggressive warmongering retard attributing evil to cluelessness and peer pressure and choose your battles better.
Same goes for you. I know what BLM is already. Fuck off.

>> No.4874211

ignorance is not excusable.

>> No.4874253

Ignorance means they don't know better. So yes, it is excusable. Fuck you and your unforgiving, self righteous attitude, you cunt.

>> No.4874349

>Same goes for you
What do you mean? You were mocking the guy’s opinion without denying BLM is anti-West.

>> No.4874360

Forgot to add, it seemed like a dig at the guy just for the sake of landing a dig. That is all.

>> No.4874450

Lol whites are pathetic.

>> No.4874498

It is my greatest joy to go 4chan and see them sperg out at BLM and mediocre black people getting recognition just cause they're black

>> No.4874520
File: 301 KB, 1200x766, EECxvwBXkAAa8e8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the top Japanese animators got very clone to his level.
They just don't get seen drawing live.

>> No.4874530
File: 136 KB, 1300x956, A5KCJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is my greatest joy to go 4chan

>> No.4874540


>> No.4874568

Your greatest joy is mocking people? Nigger, you need a better hobby. Mocking people is low-hanging fruit.

>> No.4874680


no! not even close!

>> No.4874925

You're wrong. It is a sin.

>> No.4874937 [DELETED] 

Another thread ruined by seething cumskins, good job.

>> No.4874942

>even though I only ever interact with women on social media I know they are all the same
>even though I will turn around and say s○yboys don't represent all men when they have the same amount of presence as thots online.

>> No.4874945

You summed up exactly how I feel about it anon.

>> No.4874950

i'd say terada is undoubtably the better artist if it was just his pre-2000 work.

>> No.4874955

I see it too, but i feel it's on purpose, there's a lot of similar aesthetic around dogs / wolves in ancient culture having particularly flat perspectives. i think the arms look goofy as fuck tho

>> No.4875072

Spot on. Good technical execution but otherwise fairly shallow. There's no real impact beyond "wow, those are great fundies"

>> No.4875121
File: 2.09 MB, 2800x1680, 19cd6296542279.5eb0db058a033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antonio Reinhard in better than KJG, and not just because he uses beautiful colors, not just because he can compete with the level of detail, but his character design is way more aesthetically appealing. It is both cute and serious. KJG's drawings look like garbage pale kids or Mad magazine covers compared to AR.

>> No.4875127
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1358, 3cda6871028179.5bb705f12ab19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also crushes KJG in terms of soul. Tell me this shit doesn't hit you in the feels.

in before
>but but but muh curvalinear perspective

>> No.4875164

Spade face

>> No.4875185

>Antonio Reinhard
Apples and oranges. KJG is definitely and objectively a stronger draftsman, however. What end result you prefer is up to you.

>> No.4875216




>> No.4875244

You know, on a surface level it’s so chaotic I almost brushed it off but after looking at it for a minute there’s a lot of really nice stuff going on in there

>> No.4875247

The only thing I don't like about KJG is his work and style
tends to be repetitive. It's like he's working off on an
artistic mathematical formula in his head whenever he draws.

The subject matter could be different but he tends to draw it with
the same vibe and feels that I can't put my finger on.

>> No.4875280

<tfw you'll never be asian
should i kill myslef?

>> No.4875286


>> No.4875294

flip a coin

>> No.4875520

just ugly and very bad drawn.

>> No.4875567

Forgiveness is a virtue.

>> No.4875827


>> No.4875856

ten gallons of white out later

>> No.4875876

For some reason, I really can't understand the appeal of Nemiri. I know the other Superani artists (incl. Gi and Hyunjin Kim) really fucking like him for some reason and have praised his work etc. But I just... can't.

>> No.4875980

his work is expressive and dynamic

>> No.4875982


for real tho why do all of the superani artists work look like all they reference from is each other?

>> No.4875984

you think just drawing without fixing the mistakes, like kim young gi is betther or what?

>> No.4876053


perfectionism is gay

>> No.4876096

no its a way to be taken advantage of. commies aren't people.

>> No.4876098

space fade

>> No.4876099

i think he should just use a pencil underdrawing instead of working on top of half an inch of whiteout.

>> No.4876403

He was born with 3 ligamemes. The rest of the world dont have any chance. There is a video in his studio where he shows it.

>> No.4876409

It looks like a two-dimensional childs drawing. There's no sense of perspective, characters are always standing with the same pose, everyone looks similar etc.

>> No.4876430

Because they do.

People who practice a skill in a closed group environment tend to get similar results. (people who study music together tend to have similar influences, have played same songs etc.)

Plus they're all somewhat Gi's and Hyunjins students

>> No.4876437

No sense for aesthetics or design. ngmi

>> No.4876785

A big difference between these two is that Terada doesnt like live drawing, and doesnt plan for it either. Theres a good video with him on Archipels channel and he says he never goes into it with a plan or idea. For his performances, murals, events etc, KJG plans things out beforehand so he knows what hes going to do.
I think theyre both really skilled, Id prefer to watch KJG live, but Id prefer to have a Terada framed on my wall.

>> No.4877367

It looks like doodles on the margin, lmao

>> No.4877396

He is good, but really
There are only two great things about him that makes him "exceptional".
He is really good when it comes to perspective
He doesn't use construction

That's all

I don't think that he is some magical genius, it's just his way of drawing takes more time to learn, cause it's more effective to just, you know, use constructions.
There are also plenty of artist who are great when it comes to perspective.

Other than that, his lines are jaggy, they look like rough sketch, not finished drawing.
If not for live performance, i doubt people would really care that much.
Though I still admire him.

>> No.4877474

>being this insecure

Doubt you'll ever get as good as any of them so stay mad whitey.

>> No.4877726
File: 58 KB, 645x773, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you'll never be at GI's skill level

>> No.4877988 [DELETED] 

why is this mayo monkey so mad

>> No.4877994 [DELETED] 

because you niggers make it hard for a slavery comeback

>> No.4878002

An anti-white communist terrorist group trying to overthrow the country. Zero tolerance.

>> No.4878109 [DELETED] 

ok whitey
now go jack off to anime girls

>> No.4878133 [DELETED] 

Зaткниcь, нигpa.
Are you really this stupid?

>> No.4879115

It's because he doesn't gorilla grip his pen like a tard.

>> No.4879133

I mean whites are 3/4th the USA if just the commie part of the last 25% takes over y'all probably deserved it lol.

>> No.4879213

Holy based

>> No.4879227

>he doesn't use construction
t. dunning-kruger that doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Construction and perspective are so closely related that they might as well be the same thing, for one. For another, yes he does use "construction". If you watch some of his teaching you'll see him demonstrate drawing figures with boxes and things like that. Your fundamental misunderstanding of construction is that you have to make a mannequin out of cylinders and boxes and then draw over that to be "construction drawing". Instead of constructing the figure out of simple forms first, he constructs the entire thing from the get-go. His way of drawing isn't foregoing construction, it is actually the highest peak of its evolution.
He used to do sketches, but doesn't do so now because his skill level is just that high.

>> No.4879745
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Based and GMI ChaDIO poster

>> No.4879762

lol at the amount of replies to the bait thread.
Anyway i found someone that is kinda similar to him. He's another asian called alienbinbin

>> No.4883196

ruan jia

>> No.4883455
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>negroids don't have posterior tilted forheads and monkey tier muzzles

>> No.4884710

good, but autistic/10

>> No.4884726

But not immune to diabeetus

>> No.4884827

Looks bad and generic. The color are nice though.

>> No.4886362

I dont think he is great. He is good at what he does. Great will mean you done something that made art history. Andy warhol is great, picasso is great, dali is great. Each of the said artist done something important for the art world, they created movements that still influence the world beyond their lifetime.

>> No.4886447

KJG is a meme
All he does is draws ugly line art in 3 point perspective.

>> No.4886667

He’s only 45. Give him time. I think that he has a global following and he can reach out directly to people and be seen as a normal person and not some fucked up “artist” zany type like Dali is a boon for his ability to inspire - which he has done. Each generation shapes itself in its own way. What Picasso did was a product of his time.

The thing I’m saddened about is finding out he has health issues like T2D from decades of drinking Coke, junk food, etc. His energy level took a big hit as a result.

>> No.4886742

i agree, only time will tell.

>> No.4888080

Yeah, cause guess where the institutions that gave them those "master" titles are based

>> No.4888085

Really? You’d think someone so dedicated to their craft would have the self control and motivation to look after themselves to a basic extent

>> No.4889081

I really like his stuff, but his finished drawings are kind of meh.

>> No.4889160

He mentions it in this interview.

He was diagnosed earlier this year with type 2 diabetes. He mentioned he excessively drank coke - would chug an entire can before he started his day. Look up how much sugar is in one can of coke. And that's only the beginning.

Then you have all the junk food that he ate on top of that.

Luckily now he is drinking black coffee and he goes for a walk first thing in the morning and after lunch.

>> No.4889360

>T2D from decades of drinking Coke
america wins again

>> No.4890663

holy based

>> No.4891037
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its hard to compare artists. KJG has no shortage of ideas. he crams so many things in a single image and most artists focus on a single thing. so idk if you consider that to be what sets him above others. personally, idk how many times i can see a person with an animal head or an astronaut. i will list a few of my favorites. im not saying they are definitely somehow objective better artists but i prefer their art.

First is pic related Thomas Elliott.

>> No.4891038
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Lucian Stanculescu

>> No.4891052
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Steven Wen

>> No.4891068
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>> No.4891069
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And Asukafag

>> No.4891599
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Takahiro Imai

>> No.4891603
File: 226 KB, 1080x1080, b64efe48858bc23d91e92df0b764a19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ernest tsurukyan

>> No.4891612
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Robbie Trevino

>> No.4891615
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>> No.4891617
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maciej kuciara

>> No.4891623
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Olly Jeavons

>> No.4891628

I like how everyone who replied to you is either a total crab, a clueless beginner, or both.

>> No.4891700

Krenz is better than kjg

>> No.4891788
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>> No.4891814

Just one can a day fucked him up that bad?
Damn, do Americans just have a high natural resistance to sugar or something?

>> No.4893247

Toshiyuki Inoue shits on KJG

>> No.4893263

Stop gaming, stop getting dopamine at all, cut off junk food, porn and all that shit, you can get it back later, just make being bored your default brain regime, and fix it with drawing, you will get used to it

>> No.4893275
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b b b but I want to argue with strangers on the internet and tell people better than me that they suck

>> No.4893279
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wait i do that too let me join.
your shoe doesn't compliment your outfit i am sorry

>> No.4893280

Is Kim Jung ji professionally trained or just obsessed and self taught? I know nothing about the dude except his drawings. I could see it being either way but I’m just curious

>> No.4893294

Krenz is beg. Don't let the shiny rendering fool you

>> No.4893296

im better than kjg

>> No.4893300

a lot of mangaka are better than him . off the top of my head i'd say tatsumoto nihei, kentaro miura and yusuke murata are far better artists

>> No.4893683

most established comic book artists have his skills
he just decided to use his skills for a career that's actually profitable

>> No.4893864

he's been obssessed with drawing since he was a kid, parents eventually decided to put him into an art school even though initially they don't want him to because "if you're going to do it then do it right" Considering his drawings method is very much based on observation "sit on a park and draw everything around you" but he ascended to that so he just draw from imaginary parks he built inside his head now, you might as well say that his art today is mostly just fuelled by his obssession and not professional training.

>> No.4893871

If there is a path to GMI you’ve put it into much simpler words than I ever could.

Put another way, a person who struggles and takes some unduly pride in how hard they worked will not ascend anywhere close to his level, not only because they will find climbing a single step on their way to a mountain to be a massive undertaking, but because they’ll never find the simple joy in simple drawing in a park.

I remember KJG said in his interview that he gained a newfound sense of confidence one day in his apartment in his 20s when his girlfriend left him and he was drawing to pass the time, realizing he was able to draw anything. Imagine having that as a core belief, having no apprehensions about omg I suck at this omg I suck at that I’m not practicing anatomy enough or whatever. The guy is absolutely unhinged and loves it.

Be like KJG. Go draw shit and enjoy the sunlight modelling form for you everywhere you go. I’d post some sketches from backyard today but I’m posting from a phone. Another time.

>> No.4893900

>in after this is bait
That's because the predominant art tradition is uniquely western, even when asians attempt it they can only bring technical skill and not personality, emotion, and invention.

>> No.4893988
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there are other korean artists that have insane technical skill and can work without reference, Stonehouse comes to mind although i dont personally like his work much. kjg is one of the greatest generalists alive though, he doesnt just make pretty pictures, which plenty of other artists can do and frankly better. He's a living 3d modeling program. He can create anything of any complexity in his head and project it on paper as easy as breathing. what he choses to do with that ability is kind of irrelevant

>> No.4894047

Studio Mondead is full of unique Korean talent, would pick up their art books over superani any day.