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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4870823 No.4870823 [Reply] [Original]

I need to make it by next September, otherwise my parents are gonna send me off to some shitty university and my hopes of becoming a freelance artist will be crushed. I've been practicing for about 6 months, still a low level beg but I have a lot of free time at my disposal, about 10 hours a day ez. What is the most efficient plan to achieve my goal(at least 500-1k$/month from comissionbux)?

>Inb4: read the sticky
>Inb4: Loomis

>> No.4870824

Post your work and we can tell you if you’ll be able to make it by then judging by the progress you’ve made so far

>> No.4870826

go to university

>> No.4870829

Go to university get a degree you can always make it later bro just grab a safety net its not worth it to try to do this in a year

>> No.4870830


>> No.4870834

Bobby Chiu said you could make it in a year, working on movies and stuff, if you do studies 8 hours a day.

>> No.4870840

>>Inb4: Loomis

you can but not with OP's attitude.

>> No.4870843

I already have a job, the pay is shit(although i still saved up enough to get a cintiq), but it's easy and I get to have about 4 to 6 hours of free time once I'm done.

>> No.4870860

Start making art right now and start posting it on every blog and social media you can. You need to build up a following before money will come. Doesn't matter what you post as long as you are consistent with art and have a niche. Fanart (lewd or otherwise) makes it easier to make a following a long as you can add some spin on it or have a distinctive style. You can try fanart trend hopping that usually works but you need to be up to date with current popular releases. Also make a patreon, Paypal and any other crowdfunding platform you can afford immediately and start to prepare some minor support goals to have some passive income besides commissions.

>> No.4870862

>GMI in a year
You don't need to make it in a year, you just need to fucking be way better so your parents think you've made it.

Here's your approach:

A. Stop fucking around - I don't know your parents but maybe if they saw you were fucking dead set on making this a business (which is what you are if you're a freelancer) and they thought you had the capacity to make something of it, they would get out of your way or encourage it. Maybe they just don't see art as a career... or maybe you're a lazy shit and they know it. Either way you need to convince them by getting fucking really good.

B. Sell some art / do some art jobs. Legit 6 months in start doing some art for indie games, book covers, something. Do the best you can and show your parents you're already making at least a little money.

You CANNOT master art in a year, even if you have 24 hours a day. You can get better than 99% of people in the whole world, escape the beg category, and get good enough that non-artists think you're fucking Michaelangelo.

>> No.4870869
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>Sell some art / do some art jobs. Legit 6 months in start doing some art for indie games, book covers, something

>> No.4870873
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Stop giving these "imma make it in 1 year" shitpost attention.

>> No.4870880

BAIT is not good enough.

>> No.4870888

he can definitely do indie games in 6 months
only way I could see book covers if he was airbrushing abs onto topless men wearing cowboy hats for romance novels

>> No.4870904

At least wait until the last thread dies.

>> No.4870960

>he can definitely do indie games in 6 months
Depends on where he is now, definitely not if he is a true beginner.

>> No.4870970

>GMI in a year
at this point this should be a general

>> No.4870976

anon, I don’t think you have a very realistic idea of what an indie game is

>> No.4870989

I play indie games all the time, I have a realistic idea of it.

>> No.4871000

>It's a gorgeous game...a fun, complicated RPG that has brilliant moments backed up by unique art and music.”
but seriously, you’re beyond ngmi if you think 6 months of focused practice can’t get you ready to produce assets for the average indie game
most of them don’t even get an artist with 6 months of grinding, the one guy making the game manages to shit out the assets or it gets thrown at a random team member with time on their hands

>> No.4871027

I guarantee you that indie games that look like this don't have a single dollar in the art budget and were made by the dev themselves.
I guess I am beyond ngmi tho, I don't believe you can do that unless you specificly practice for that purpose instead of learning to draw overall.

>> No.4871029

It takes a whole year just to get used to drawing everyday consistently mate

>> No.4871033

That's not so hard, I don't have much to do anyway besides shitposting and playing vidya

>> No.4871043

>unless you specificly practice for that purpose instead of learning to draw overall.
I mean, no shit you won’t be ready to do a specific job in 6 months if you instead spend the time practicing something else.
Grinding perspective, anatomy and floating loomis heads won’t do shit for you for 99% of these games, whereas you could definitely get to a usable state if you spent the time figuring out meme “retro” “pixel art”

>> No.4871052

Then how would OP work for these indie studios if he wants to learn how to draw?

>> No.4871061

The reply that started the discussion was telling him to forget gitting gud in a year and focus on making it a job in that time so his parents would think he’s a genius and not send him to military school or whatever.

>> No.4871561

> if you do studies 8 hours a day
What studies in particular?