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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 768x768, qweqweqwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4869192 No.4869192 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit?

>> No.4869201

how is this fucker so popular

>> No.4869207

I always have trouble with ribcage and shoulders

>> No.4869210

do something that looks so easy even tho it's not effective. people love easy things

>> No.4869216

Yeah, don't think about and just copy it, Its good.

>> No.4869217
File: 39 KB, 647x689, EbtIOnqXYAAGfSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit again?

>> No.4869251

No tools, only rules

>> No.4869255

Wait shit I fucked up, I meant "No rules, only tools"

>> No.4869264


This anon >>4869210 got it right. He’s so popular amongst the masses because his simple style allows people to imagine themselves drawing it (hence, the “instructions”) without being intimidated by more complicated, anatomically-correct work.

>> No.4869267
File: 355 KB, 500x491, 635C6661-9F2C-4AD4-9017-6FADD7764725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Ngmi.

>> No.4869282

What does it mean if I study Vilppu, Huston and Hampton but this guy still draws better anime than me?

>> No.4869288

he's not even an art tutorial person, doesn't he make comics for reddit so they can insert their text into his "templates"?

>> No.4869294

It means you haven't gotten enough mileage and you'll be better than him in no time, especially since he's completely stagnated for god knows how many several years.

>> No.4869299

where can I see the first 183

>> No.4869321

Not sure what's going on in this thread. I am an animetard and I find this ""anatomy"" abhorrent, is this considered passable or even good by the masses? What the fuck?

Even worse, it looked 3 times better on the redline phase, the detailing made it flatter/robloxer.

>> No.4869324

It means you have no talent and are ngmi

>> No.4869352

He's explicitly doing it as an "everydays"-ish attempt to learn something. It's not a tutorial it's just him explaining that he learned the pillow / bean concept.

>> No.4869356
File: 382 KB, 592x593, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was legit bored and curious how I would have gone about it, so did a quick edit, nothing amazing, but here you go anyway, a bit more visibly interesting I believe, even if anatomy is still off.

>> No.4869373

Based satanachia poster

>> No.4869397
File: 2.78 MB, 500x282, 1590715422790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's a larger part of the reason why he has a following.

>> No.4869404


>> No.4869421
File: 40 KB, 500x787, 1582085437994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha he draws like me...oh...

>> No.4869422

the guy probably has been stuck in the same shithole of a skill for years considering he's been drawing dumbed down comics for quite awhile

>> No.4869433

He’s good at drawing hands, but that’s about it.

>> No.4869434

I tried so hard...
and got so far...
in the end...
it doesn't even matter...

>> No.4869454

It means you got better at drawing that than this.

>> No.4869508


>> No.4869515

Nicely done anon. Originals lack of ribs and torso shape was giving me pedo vibes and looks like a 12-14 year old who just got boobs but no figure yet.

Pedo opinion discarded

>> No.4869517

just draw a box

>> No.4869526

way better

>> No.4869582

That looks like crap, look up for real art masters and no meme crap.

>> No.4869592

Ah shit, here we go again

>> No.4869686

why are one of her tits in the middle of her sternum, why did he draw guidelines if he didn't use them, why does every little crease and groove on her body have a black line, why is he telling people how to draw if he doesn't know how to draw

>> No.4869719

Appeal > realism.

>> No.4869880

Nah m8 it looks quite subpar tbqh

>> No.4869881
File: 752 KB, 800x864, ddeb3ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4869887

really though some 75% of us could do so much fucking better than this trash, yet somehow he's incredibly popular.

>> No.4869890

significantly better

>> No.4869897

Because we're busy drawing than shilling

>> No.4869902


Could MAAAAYBE have to do with the fact that he's got an incredibly prolific long running comic strip, hundreds of 1 off four panel funnies, and he posts the anime girl like every day. Turns out... regular content might be better than painstaking content for building an audience.

>> No.4869911

if you ever tried to draw a figure in every perspective, especially with the standard poses, straight, arms down, you know that the shoulders are real troublemakers, because hard to point out the correct position. if they're off, the whole pose looks off.

I found something that works for me, nothing fancy. These very organic figure drawing mannequins like loomis for instance are 2 organic to draw it faithfully in every perspective.

The image op posted could barely work, but normally there is a bigger gap between the ribcage and where out visible part of the shoulder begins (the ball)

>> No.4869916

Everyone wants to do it the easy way. Why not just learn anatomy it really isn't that mentally complicated its just a lot of work. But the end result will be far more visually appealing due to your newfound knowledge and experience. I'm not saying do nothing but grind fundies. Just don't look for shortcuts. The saying that you get out what you put in is very true with art.

>> No.4869938

I wonder how many calls this method bad without testing it. This is kinda the anime version of the Riley abstractions and it works great as a supplementary construction tool.

>> No.4869939

i tried this method and it's pure dogshit, he doesn't even use gesture

>> No.4869941

this one's pretty gud

>> No.4869948

I can't stop laughing at those cartoon tits.

>> No.4869952

it's like the torso bean
but his anatomy is incorrect

>> No.4869958

why the FUCK is this dude going crazy on some new secret method in every new drawing he makes?

>> No.4869970

He wants to be anime loomis but failing horribly at it.

>> No.4869984

Don't analyze the model, copy the model

>> No.4870047

>final result looks weird as fuck, almost as if it was traced
>does it work?

>> No.4870071

Drawing Practice #185: Pillow Shading

>> No.4870086

good luck using this in different angles and poses

>> No.4870120
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 3ht038a7xlh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ourguy/ made a new character finally
Looks pretty similar to the other one

>> No.4870141

Who cares about reddit "artist"
Fucking neo 4chan

>> No.4870274

the problem with all these "draw anime girl simple style" artists is that begniggers watch their tutorials and think that they're good to draw their own stuff already.
Reality is, these tutorial guys know how to make simple good looking drawings because they've studied anatomy, construction, gesture and all that other stuff.

>> No.4870382

nice work, looks much better

>> No.4870399
File: 52 KB, 564x906, e758740a2e269d55a20358180d964da5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the easiest way to go from box to ribcage with shoulders?
this gives me huge trouble always

>> No.4870418

I see mid-chest boob is still at its rightful place

>> No.4870433

draw a box, unironically

>> No.4870445

What the hell is wrong with the arms.

>> No.4870463

This guys a fuckin retard

>> No.4870468

Kek grafo sucks dick

>> No.4870517

draw the ribcage without the box.
Thanks me later.

>> No.4870530
File: 15 KB, 108x77, Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.44.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice work. the breasts especially on the original are inaccurate in a creepy way.

how would you define the emotion in this expression? without using the word "reddit" because you can't use the thing itself in a definition.

>> No.4870531

it's the deltoids, the guy doesn't know how they work, same with the pecs hence why his tits always look shit

>> No.4870567

Congratz you now know how to draw this one pose but only with reference.

>> No.4870610


>> No.4870656

Yikes... he should stick to simple rimworld comics

>> No.4870659

>once she gets her sub
What and egomaniac lmao

>> No.4870666

I prefer the term /beg/ros.

>> No.4870743

Draw anime stuff on the side, learning all the realism stuff wont do much good if you dont incorporate it into the anime style.

>> No.4870783

The subreddit Zoe already exists, he tried appealing to the admins to take it over the original owner.

>> No.4870820
File: 143 KB, 800x800, 841a61c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he only has two ocs (not counting his little sona) and he's already suffering from same face syndrome

>> No.4870861

use the box to represent ribs 2-5 (ie bottom of the box is the bottom of the sternum) and have 6-10 coming off of it instead of trying to butcher a single large box. glenoid cavity will be roughly on the top edges so you can shape your neck and shoulders on top of it.

>> No.4870865

that broken chin lmao

>> No.4870884

The reason the comics work is because they are setups. It’s not about the post, it’s about having fun with people in the comments. I can’t create a master joke, but I sure as hell can draw people and have fun with them.

Andre Rojas (SrGrafo)
whatever thing it is that you like doing — singing, painting, running, drawing silly doodles — if you keep doing it every day (every f****** day), and not because you want to impress someone or because it’s a chore, but purely because you enjoy doing it, then it’s gonna get you somewhere.

Andre Rojas (SrGrafo)
First chapters look bad because I was learning how to draw when I started it. But it gets better, I promise.

Andre Rojas (SrGrafo)

>> No.4870897

this guy explains how to draw it pretty well

>> No.4870921
File: 170 KB, 960x730, 1584955934002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's less skilled but he draws more appealing content than the whole board
clearly he knows appealing gesture and design, I picked the first pic of the reddit and look, can you find works from this board that have this appeal?
I guess drawing bargue plates, nature morte and loomis head doesn't help gaining popularity

>> No.4870966
File: 92 KB, 498x658, i lern lots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vary good i lern lots great thx for tuteral
i look forwerd to pt 2 with shins

>> No.4871006

crabs on suicide watch

>> No.4871022
File: 16 KB, 580x580, 15844804854963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4871047

>He's less skilled but he draws more appealing content than the whole board
I kinda agree. His skill level is around the average /beg/gar but he puts in soul and effort unlike most of us.

>> No.4871062

>how would you define the emotion in this expression?
sadly annoyed?

>> No.4871065

> emotion in this expression
Like somebody came inside her and pulled out before she could finish

>> No.4871081


It's embarrassing how much better this is than the original.

>> No.4871105

It is literally the absolute minimum knowledge of anatomy and the dude cant get it right. No ribcage, no pelvis, no lats. Were drawing humans here not pillows. If anybody follows these kinds of ez pz "tutorials" theyre just setting themselves up as a ngmi.

>> No.4871122

He's definitely better than your average /ic/ retard, but a good part of it is focus on body language, facial expressions, cuteness, and pleasing color palettes, something which I never see beginners on /ic/ care about *at all*.

>> No.4871125


I would argue that he's "made it" in the sense that he seems to have found his little reddit niche, but yeah, he ain't gonna progress further from there if he doesn't put in the time and effort to refine the drawings and learn proper construction and fundamentals.

>> No.4871128
File: 331 KB, 640x1454, 191bbd3hfty0xjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is he so bad at drawing tits? All of his characters look like someone stapled two of those falsies that mastectomy patients use to the torso of a 12 year-old boy.

>> No.4871134

Placement of the masses are more accurate, but I feel like anon's fix almost includes too much detail for the particular type of stylization, leading it to look like one of those weird porny drawings rather than something cute.

>> No.4871140
File: 149 KB, 1900x1900, prod_1852369312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no vacuum tits
>no C shapes from push up bras or costumes
i always hate these retarded points.

>> No.4871157

Torso actually looks like his though, good job

>> No.4871184

No, nipples don't look like that.

>> No.4871240

Also didnt he already have a big following before doing art(or dwell deeper into art), I think he drew comics and stuff that became memes frequently. Kinda a head start if you ask me. But I wont lie, his characters are appealing and cute, and his current skill level is enough for use in comics and such.

>> No.4871458
File: 96 KB, 768x768, 6gekbb4b3kn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our king has blessed us with more Chloeposting!

>> No.4871461

kill yourself grafo

>> No.4871463

Why are her arms always so short. I thought it was supposed to be finger tips go to mid thigh

>> No.4871473

Thats much better, grafo.

>> No.4871513

>the top of the pillow MUST be smaller
If you knew perspective you'd know why

>> No.4871532

From his drawings, he obviously lack anatomy & proportion knowledges.
If he study hard on those instead of trying to figure out how to invent new ways to draw, he would have had better gains.
I guess he's a good example of why you shouldn't invent your own drawing ways.

>> No.4871533

go do some figure studies for the love of god redtard

>> No.4871536
File: 523 KB, 1080x1920, P_20200916_153916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>draw egg shape for rib cage, use lithr lines.
>then draw a line across said egg shape as shown.
>then draw your character.

Remove box step, just use the method I showed you.

>> No.4871539
File: 107 KB, 403x845, fafagfagfagf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some help here

I always have huge trouble with legs

>> No.4871541

>can you find works from this board that have this appeal?
Several, yes.

>> No.4871553

What's wrong with the legs?

>> No.4871584

You’re the real tard

>> No.4871632

Lower legs too long and upper legs too short, move the knees down. Draw the plane she's standing on before the feet. Use a reference

>> No.4871659
File: 143 KB, 558x909, chloe .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a Chloe for fun. If there's things wrong, please help.

>> No.4872409

lol the left side of the pelvis looks like a superfat chode

>> No.4872422

w-what do you mean that my photorealistic still life doesn't have mass appeal?????

>> No.4872496
File: 329 KB, 234x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll be trapped in a cycle of non improvement for a very long time because he's too arrogant to use references. He might take down some potentially competent artists with him if this "imagination only, I'm a savant !!!!" attitude picks up steam

Also the character looks like a child, eww

>> No.4872510






>> No.4872513

Still better than giraffo

>> No.4872530

grafo? is that you?

>> No.4872614

He gets plenty of "practice". What he needs is guidance.

>> No.4873118

why are you fags obsessed with him?

>> No.4873129

Of course, you might have seen proko and others refer to it as the bean. Same principle.

>> No.4873140
File: 272 KB, 1088x855, 1559408370036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appealing gesture
>appealing design
because it's Kiki in a hoodie

>> No.4873142
File: 72 KB, 687x687, 1539040511607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self inserts himself with a cancerous avatar on every panel
>Me, me, me, I, I, I
>Muh OC
>Uses himself instructing the viewer with a fucking avatar using his OC making sure you know it's his OC
>Did I mention this is his OC?
>View muh OC on plebbit! Here's my OC's name on my Plebbit featuring my OC
>Regurgitates off other halfassed tutorials and calls it his own
It's all so tiring

>> No.4873143


Yeah, he regularly posts quick comics (basically one step above stick figures) on reddit, which helped garner him a substantial following before he started trying to delve into his Chloe posting.

As I said, and you stated in your post, his Chloe stuff is "good enough" for what he does, I just wish he would take the goddamn time to elevate it further. His current Chloe drawings seem "fine" at first glance, but it starts coming apart almost immediately if you look longer than 3 seconds.

>> No.4873146


Again, it's sad that a random anon on /ic/ doing a quick and dirty pic is already more on-point with fundies than Grafo himself. Like goddamn man, learn to balance out the fucking figure.

>> No.4873149

you put the boob on correctly
you're going places my man

>> No.4873204

It's kind of scary how most people that get very popular completely stop improving.

>> No.4873206
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 7EFD7CA2-E04A-45F4-B065-3BAF0970AC65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh style

The pillow thing really does make you accidentally draw short arms. I had to erase them and make it longer, but then it actually doesn’t look quite right. Weird discovery.

>> No.4873236


It's almost like we're not pillows, despite what Grafo claims

>> No.4873243

Because they need to pump out content regularly

>> No.4873247

says you, i'm gonna put my head on your lap.

>> No.4873248


What annoys me is that he puts all of those construction pics next to his "finished" Chloe drawings, in order to "teach" everyone else.

>> No.4873306




>> No.4873341


>> No.4873402

more birdgman complete guide to drawing from life or constructive anatomy

>> No.4873443

Not so good, arms are too short, boob is almost in the center of her chest. Proportions also seem kind of off in general.

>> No.4873561
File: 793 KB, 800x800, 4qeckia0arn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pillowposting for you guys

>> No.4873567

can this guy draw proper clothes?

>> No.4873631

the virgin srgrafo
the CHAD sr pelo

>> No.4873894

His art is awful but he's established a fanbase already and that's another skill you have to learn unfortunately. Just grinding your art all day and posting to nobody isn't going to get you popular.

>> No.4873900

Why is he drawing his OC naked? If I did that I'd feel too rapey

>> No.4873910

>The pillow thing really does make you accidentally draw short arms.
no? you decide the length yourself depending on what you believe the proportions to be.

i don't think one shape can make you draw another shape in a certain way on its own..

>> No.4873936

Maybe she was created to enjoy it

>> No.4873940

oh wow it's almost like it's a garbage idea some hack got from staring at his pillowfu long into the night

>> No.4873987


It’s probably because i was drew it like a study and i drew from the negative space and fucked the arms. Then I made them longer, but it looks too dramatically different from the reference.

>> No.4873994

the idiot can't draw clothes

>> No.4874034

imagine being a comic artist for years and only knowing how to draw 1 girl and 1 minimalist chibi, if only those reddit points could feed you, can't even sell the acc because nsfw posts and recognizable username

>> No.4874212
File: 307 KB, 483x338, ahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why he even wants to try his fame with anime grills out of all things, his fame is for being a reddit funnyman that makes easy to edit comics and that interacts a lot with the audience, the best course would honestly have been following what shen/owlturd (the guy that grafo probably is following anyway) did and start setting up some sort of episodic little history ala LWM

>> No.4875891

This girl looks like pikachu!
I'll take 20!!!

>> No.4875898


Because he wants the coom audience on reddit.

>> No.4876348
File: 9 KB, 231x218, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kid version
>exposed back

>> No.4876702

I want a big reddit audience ngl.

>> No.4876993

people like srgrafo make me wonder why I bother actually learning art. I should just crank out stick figure scribbles with tits on reddit and laugh as the coomers feast on them like they do with this dumbshit. If he had any respect for the craft he would apologize and stop posting this garbage until he actually learned to draw.

>> No.4876996

How about you do that right fucking now instead of anonymously complaining on some art board like a fucking NGMI faggot?

>> No.4876998

I didn't know grafo was on /ic/, wow. Settle down kiddo.

>> No.4877003

This is the result of 'just draw'

>> No.4877008

Which is still a million times more appealing than what fundy grinders produce.

>> No.4877043

I have a lot of issues with artists who make “OC” without a story. There’s no point for your shitty perfect waifu oc to exist if she doesn’t inhabit a story you're actively telling. To me it just seems like pathetic lonely wish fulfillment escapism.

>> No.4877044

Idk, not him. But I did the fundies and have produced several appealing characters.

>> No.4877048


>> No.4877050


He definitely should using 3D forms if he wants to give advices.

>> No.4877059


>> No.4877091

Vilppu had a similar idea but using a bean shape.

>> No.4877102

That's true, but he's carrying an unnessacary burden on himself outright refusing to study them. Redraws in this thread look way better

>> No.4877652
File: 128 KB, 768x768, 2zoer24hcyn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy will never learn

>> No.4877655

reddit hugboxed him so hard he will never improve from this.

>> No.4877688

>VA for his OC
This nigga ego tripping so hard lmao

>> No.4877701

i like my little cartoons, but this guy legit sounds like he's in love with his oc. he's prob gonna make the va say all kinds of lewd things.

>> No.4877849

I get the feeling he’s actually in love with his OC. Like, romantically.

>> No.4877878

You call this being in love with your oc wait till you see what happened to lightning from ff 13 lol

>> No.4877883
File: 111 KB, 728x1296, srgrafoinanutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877890


>> No.4877892

incredibly based

>> No.4877893

Modern day Galatea kek

>> No.4877906

I feel bad that his women never have any hips.

>> No.4878038

my walled is ready to spill all of my coombucks on her

>> No.4878562
File: 404 KB, 640x480, 1600362421051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear is this man okay?

>> No.4878567

Underrated post.

>> No.4878571

>can you find works from this board that have this appeal?
Yes, just check the self promotion thread. There's a bunch of people better than this in there.

>> No.4879100

That anatomy is laughable

>> No.4879142


>> No.4879149

And "completely original" pillow technique

>> No.4879159

rent free

>> No.4879161

reminds me of humpton

>> No.4879701

That's been abundantly clear for a long time lmao

>> No.4879753

No it's not, look at the result. Do you want to draw like that?
Shoot for the stars and study from people who have mastered their craft, not some fag of average skill who draws the same girl over and over for reddit bux.

>> No.4880569

What's wrong with hampton?

>> No.4880577

>because it's Kiki in a hoodie

>> No.4880583

this absolutely screams 2008 and i fucking despise it

>> No.4880594
File: 405 KB, 1440x2030, Em_in_despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these crabs ITT
lmao, skill DOES NOT matter. What matter is mass appeal and how it will grab normalfags attention. Pic related, an artist for a series that sold millions of copies. OP artist did the right thing not giving a fuck you people opinions. That's how you succeed. Do you people genuinely think normalfags gives a shit about anatomy? As long as it doesn't look too alien they will love it.

>> No.4880595

God I love the idea of women being injured in a POV setting starring me

>> No.4881558

if i saw that op image on my twitter feed i would scroll down without a like

>> No.4881617 [DELETED] 

Once I was trying to ask an artist I like more about his OC, he got mad at me for some reason; I assume it's because his OC had no background, but it felt like reminding him of this made him annoyied at me for some reason... I mean, usually people get super excited when you ask them about their OC, the guy's reaction felt really unusual.

>> No.4881620

Once I was asking an artist I like more details about his OC, because it looked really good, but he got mad at me for some reason. I assume it was probably because I acidentally reminded him that his OC has no background at all, it just exists, but why would he get mad at me because of that?

>> No.4882443

Is it common these days for artists to publicly share OC characters? I'm only familiar with this trend from furries and Sonic autists. Has it expanded in years?

>> No.4882456

You hate fun? Got it
Artist draws in ocs has a way to represent themselves on social media. Doing so makes allows the artist to create some form of community. You expect artist to be fanart machines?

>> No.4882461

I'm not aware of an artist that doesn't draw "OCs" if they draw any figures from imagination at all. The term might be cringy but the concept is very natural.

>> No.4882489

I expect artists to have creativity and actually build meaningful stuff with their art, not just bullshit wank material to make up for the fact you don’t have a gf.

>> No.4882493

Even wank material always includes some original characters, I can't imagine anyone only doing fanshit

>> No.4882501

So the definition of OC has expanded to literally any character portrait? It used to be about inserting oneself into a fandom with a personalized avatar.

>> No.4882511

Giving advice to beginners when you're a beginner yourself is genuinely cruel

>> No.4882541

There’s way more options to art than just drawing fan art and just drawing your shitty OC waifu no one cares about.

>> No.4882545

T.fruit basket painter

>> No.4882547


>> No.4882551

This nigger should be much more ahead, he legit draws every day.

>> No.4882569


The problem is that, as others have said, he is continually "working" to pump out more of these OC drawings to satisfy some random redditor's request (Chloe in XYZ outfit, Chloe doing XYZ pose, etc). So he's just going via rote repetition with no thought or reflection. As such, it's not that surprising that he hasn't improved much. Hell, when's the last time he drew Chloe in a more interesting pose or doing anything? Can Grafo even draw that? I highly doubt it.

>> No.4882694

>shoes only when going out

>> No.4882874

Lol so quirky and funni

>> No.4884159

This is so fucking weird. He's not even making an anime

>> No.4884250

Obviously he wants to record asmr for his own use, he is unironically in love with a drawing

>> No.4884304

>ok so I need you to tell me im a good little cuck
>for real it's what Chloe would say
>why are you making this weird just say it

>> No.4884307

Am retard, someone plz explain. I have no drawing experience. Should I start trying to draw sexy girls, or should I study sexy girls, and then try to draw them? How does this work?

oh god, literally no hip bones at all

>> No.4884472

Just draw is not a meme but it will not work for every person. That guy has at least 190# "drawing practices" and 5+ years of drawing chibi comics, I have made less drawings in 4 years and I draw better than him by "just drawing", observing, and learning from my own mistakes.

>> No.4885515
File: 299 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_20200921_065701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually making me feel good knowing that guy this popular is worse than me at art

>> No.4885533
File: 642 KB, 800x800, f761yepgrqo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the tits are in a somewhat right area for now

>> No.4885570

kill youself grafo, fuck you

>> No.4885589

Just pander and make a shitty webcomic and spread it all over reddit. Buy yourself gold once and watch them eat it up for literally as long as you can keep it up. They just stan any retard that seems to get a slightly positive response over there. Unironically sheeple

>> No.4886410

Easy way to make a following, use redditards to your advantage, no shame

>> No.4886583

I need money, so I will become a panderer faggot. If I make it someday I will report back.

>> No.4886862

What's legit about it is the directiv line
no movement = pillow shape = boring
An S shape or an L will always be more interesting than that H/pillow shape standing position shit.
like this >>4870399

>> No.4887670
File: 265 KB, 768x768, blueline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4887931

Ngmi clown

>> No.4887933

Insane, unejucated people on ic, why are you there...

>> No.4887936

Oh gosh anatomytard, dude ffs...

>> No.4887944

You overrating ic fags... 75% just imagine...

>> No.4887951

Lol, are you brrainlet, cant imagine this shape in hyperangles tf, you ngmi bro

>> No.4887957

>hurr durr aNaToMy wRoNg!!!

>> No.4887958

You become what you pretend to be

>> No.4887970

You are insane, while this dude already making it, truly board of begtards

>> No.4887981

My fucking sides

>> No.4887987


>> No.4888013

how can a man be correct but still do it wrong

>> No.4888044

>If I did that I'd feel too rapey
what the fuck happened to this board that it got filled with the dumbest fucking normalfag pieces of shit on the planet. i'd say it was because it got filled with women but this board has always had women on it and the /ic/ oldfag chicks are all as disturbed as the most fucked-up wizards on here.

>> No.4888057

>if only those reddit points could feed you
ya finna seethe?

>> No.4888096

We do get normal fags every once in a while. Technically everyone here was a normal fag at some point before they started lurking here or posting and getting into board culture or whatever. Some normies get told to post their shit here for critique, idk if its serious or as a joke but it happens.

>> No.4888183

His stuff is way too flat, he needs to add volume to his method.
But then it wouldn't be as simple to understand and noob appealing, which they are just looking for a method to make something appealing without having to put in all the work that usually comes with it.

>> No.4888308

if making mediocre art is enough for you then sure

>> No.4888697

same reason every other trashy webcomic artist is popular, """"""REPEATABILITY"""""

>> No.4888839
File: 164 KB, 768x768, 1600294097665b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried redoing the torso, any thoughts?

>> No.4889019

You guys are just jealous that he has a subreddit where the entire front page is minimum 10k+ upvotes regardless of how terrible or boring his subjects or art is.

>> No.4889023

lol, op is just a beg asking about drawing method

>> No.4889032

Can you accept reddit karma?

>> No.4889059

>500 people
>1 buck per month for the base level
was expecting to be a lot angrier after going there tbqh.

art commissioning and normalfag financial decisions in general are baffling to me, but finding a few hundred people to spend a buck or two a month to belong to some meme club that provides no benefits seems par for the course.

>> No.4889062

this screams of early 2010s and i love it

>> No.4889065

i just like having something to draw when i run out of ideas

>> No.4889477
File: 429 KB, 768x768, 1600213969696_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889489


>> No.4890227

yikes. delete /ic lol

>> No.4892378

huh, cool
instant coom, reject the original

>> No.4892385

God I love the proportions. There's something very appealing how the head size fits the rest of the torso, despite not being particularly realistic.

>> No.4892389

Grafo could instantly fix his problems if he didn't draw the ribcage so low. That's all he needs

>> No.4892680


The hips are also kind of funky the more I look at it. Everything kind of does the more you stare. Grafo isn't one of those "knows the rules so he breaks the rules to get the style he wants," he's just drawing pillows and putting bobs and vagene over it.

>> No.4892687

so much fucking better, well done anon

>> No.4892723

someone send this shit to grafo

>> No.4892823

he'd have a psychotic break. that's his sonichu

>> No.4893214

I can't explain why but I find this whole thing interesting. This dude got 100k followers from simply drawing his own oc waifu posing almost naked everyday(does that count as cucking?). There's other people like that like NottyTiffy but this one feels more weird.

>> No.4893235
File: 27 KB, 736x506, iz08b613njs41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not why he is popular. He is the template "insert your opinion" guy

>> No.4893252


"What are you doing Chloe, get away from that hambeast!"
"You don't have to tell me twice but during the Stone Age...!"

>> No.4893477

Much better