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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 874 KB, 990x698, anime_head_study_ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4868740 No.4868740 [Reply] [Original]

/beg/ here.
Whats the best way to study anime faces?
Should i only focus on symbols or should i break up the form.
I am already doing studies on all of the fundamentals.

>> No.4868755

try asking /asg/. but i’ll hijack this thread to ask why loomis doesn’t draw the cranium. is supposed to be only a /beg/ thing?

>> No.4868759
File: 1.64 MB, 800x450, 1582643529784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

applying construction to something that makes no sense in 3D is certainly not the correct way

>> No.4868769

So the best way is to study the same few angles every artist on pixiv is using and wing it when it's something more inventive?

>> No.4868798

pretty much

>> No.4868806

why don't you start with a real human face instead?

>> No.4868812

I also do studies for human heads. I am going through Hampton course.

>> No.4868815

Using loomiss to draw anime faces is so retarded.

>> No.4868824
File: 389 KB, 560x315, 1597859577150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868832

Changes faced to many times
The form is ok though

>> No.4868834
File: 88 KB, 600x600, 8e4r74198gr78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868835
File: 50 KB, 550x825, Sexy-Saber-Swimsuit-Figure-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study anime figurines. Because it's a physical object they obviously can't cheat anything, and they had to figure out a way to make it still look like the character from every possible angle. It'll never be EXACTLY right, but it's a lot closer to anime than an actual human skull is.

>> No.4868837
File: 27 KB, 560x315, frame_03_delay-0.04s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see frame by frame how the facial features does not make sense.

>> No.4868838
File: 28 KB, 560x315, frame_04_delay-0.04s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868840


>> No.4868841
File: 27 KB, 560x315, frame_05_delay-0.05s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868842


>> No.4868847


>> No.4868850

3/4 angle and past doesn't look good.

>> No.4868852


>> No.4868855

that's what asses are suppose to look like you gay nigger

>> No.4868857

Super cute boat!

>> No.4868860

Why you think people avoid those angles in portraits, independent of it being anime or not.

>> No.4868867

99% of anime drawings are in 3/4

>> No.4868878

meant further than that, 3/4 is completely fine with those dolls, redline what is wrong with it, because i'm not seeing it

>> No.4868904

/asg/ mentality, that's what you get if you model a flat face instead of a proper one

>> No.4868906


>> No.4868914

Master Loomis heads and you master any head

>> No.4868917

if you wanna copy, try to learn the construction method of whatever you're trying to do.
if you wan't to create your own style, go study real faces and stylize.
most of the time it's something inbetween. people play with proportions, lean on the structure of real human skulls and take small bits and pieces from other artists they like.

either way, if you can draw a real human face (it doesn't have to be masterful, just to the point where you don't make major mistakes) then you'll have an easier time understanding anime faces as well.

>> No.4868920

Seamus please, all hips and no ass is trash.

>> No.4868929

You can do exactly the same shit with normal human head retard

>> No.4868964

false fucking retard.

>> No.4868966

Do not even worry about style if you are still /beg/. Trying to train style before you have a firm grasp on the fundamentals will just reinforce bad habits.

>> No.4868969

we don't care about nigger heads

>> No.4869042

He said the meme

>> No.4869050

Then it's true

>> No.4869097

Pyw, masters.

>> No.4869104
File: 29 KB, 459x442, 97846613a358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4869110


>> No.4869116


>> No.4869327
File: 121 KB, 760x900, toloomisornottoloomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww jeez you guys now it's starting to seem like Loomis is just a really well loved version of the same cranial / facial mass concept we've had for hundreds of years. Maybe the biggest difference between Loomis' ball and face and anime is just his opinion of proportions and the quality of his teaching materials.

>> No.4869351

Naaah, didn't you see >>4868759, it's impossible to use construction for anime faces

>> No.4869358

Fuck you're right, I didn't see that. Now what're we gonna do?

>> No.4869364

This is the main difference between western and eastern artists. If you praise construction and form in Japan you get openly mocked. If you want to be a true nippongo artist you need to throw away these ideas.

>> No.4869369

I hope these aren't serious, knowing how retarded /ic/ can get sometimes.

>> No.4869448

No you don't retard

>> No.4869594

Please teach me the esoteric teaching of Nihon artists.

>> No.4869597

Y'all know he's joking right?

>> No.4870049

>studying to make faces look like shit
why do people do this

>> No.4870051

I wasn't joking. Cope.

>> No.4870059

Wanna explain why the specular in her far eye floats towards the middle of her face instead of staying in the eye like the specular in the other one?

>> No.4870073


>> No.4870699

This is the correct answer, what people dont seem to get is that anime in general is its own thing. Hence why the second method wont work because youre not trying to come up with a new style.

>> No.4870731

just copy shit man.

copy everything you like, copy, copy, copy

anime is just a shit ton of copy over copies, thats how they do it, thats how you should do if you want to be like them.

>> No.4871141

I've seen this before, and I strongly get the feeling that the artist completely misunderstood the angle the face was supposed to be at in the first place.