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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 456 KB, 1162x716, m4366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4867603 No.4867603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does he have a point?


>> No.4867612

>prager "university"
Think i'll skip on clicking that

>> No.4867613

Because you have no argument.

>> No.4867616

I can form my own opinions on art, I don't need some neocon shill retardation for zoomers to tell me what to think.

>> No.4867617

But you literally have no argument, idiot. You're worthless.

>> No.4867622

>engage in a political discussion with me reeeee
Anon this is a board about art. Fuck off. We already all agree that modern art is trash, go still your shit elsewhere.

>> No.4867623

This is also a thread about art, and evidently a discussion you're too big of an idiot to part-take in. Again, you're a worthless moron, you got nothing.

>> No.4867624
File: 80 KB, 512x282, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his art by the way.

>> No.4867627

this is gayer and daintier than the people they criticize

>> No.4867631

He has no point. There are many modern and contemporary artists with extremely high level of technical skills, reactionary idiots just ignore those because they want to make some argument that seems like the past is better. If you're interested in art history I suggest visiting a museum, or your local community college for some classes instead of watching propaganda channels on youtube.

>> No.4867633

>There are many modern and contemporary artists with extremely high level of technical skills
So why aren't they in the California Museum of Arts?

>> No.4867635

>prager "university"

>> No.4867637


Yes, let's listen to the well-connected jewish media personality about the reasons why the west is failing. This is sure to go well.

>> No.4867638

stop letting california live rent free in your head

>> No.4867639

>So why aren't they in the California Museum of Arts?
Because there is no such institution?

>> No.4867640

Ok then, Los Angeles Country Museum of Arts.

>> No.4867644

There are many technically impressive pieces in the collection at LACMA

>> No.4867650

Ok, give one example.

And explain why one of the main showpieces is a rock.

>> No.4867652

Here's an example of a very skillful realist landscape, I don't know why one of the main showpieces is a rock, I'm not a curator at the museum or an expert on modern art.

>> No.4867819

>Prager U


>> No.4867824

Yeah he's right, based.
Moderncuck without skill are seething

>> No.4867825
File: 596 KB, 1570x818, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol as if prager "u" has an argument here either. Take a look at this incredible, data-driven chart.

>> No.4867826

cringe and photocopierpilled

based and artpilled

>> No.4867852

Anyone got the post of the anon who carved a dinosaur and they placed it next to a guy fellating himself?

>> No.4867855

Hard hitting criticism right there.

>> No.4867866

you wanna tell me what contributed to the rise of 'standards' from 1800-1825? How did they even measure 'standards?' This video is 5 minutes of a boomer crying because art is about more than photorealistic life drawing now. If that's what he wants, then cameras and a healthy serving of photoshop are much better suited to the task.

>> No.4867869

What the hell happened in the 60s? Most art innovations that led to "modern art" happened in the late 19th and early 20th century. That graph literally makes no sense

>> No.4867870


>> No.4867876

it's pragerU. Of course it doesn't make sense.

>> No.4867884
File: 451 KB, 922x1486, postmodernism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't watch prager jew
but why is modern art so bad?

no logos

moloch reigns in people's hearts

and the art reflects that

>> No.4867889

Are you just asking me because you are incensed and I happen to be nearby? Or did you somehow mistakenly believe I was not being sarcastic when I called that hard hitting?

Besides, the real criticism of modern art is not that it is about "personal expression", rather, it should be that much of the modern art movement is focused on responding to artistic movements that are no longer recognised or well understood by anyone other than artists since the exaltation of the avant gardè has diminished the prominence of the rigidity of style and standards regarding the nature of art and what is appropriate to consider art and taken centre stage for itself.
And so art becomes increasingly obscurantist as the target of art is the critic, who values art that is a statement about art.
"Personal expression" my sweaty balls. No one thinks a banana taped to the wall is an astonishing gesture if personal expression, shit like that gets hyped by art critics because it is making a statement about art, not about the artist.

>> No.4867943

t. braindead commie

>> No.4868029

Haha holy shit how do they come up with this

>> No.4868035

are these guys the fox news of academics?

why are they even talking about modern art, that shit ended in the 70s

>> No.4868059

Boomer doesn't realize that we can create what took painters months, in days with powerful apps like Procreate, we don't need to work out angles, perspective or posture as we can use people as models and photograph them then scan in the result to paint the picture

>> No.4868088

>are these guys the fox news of academics?
>fox news
Why do you idiotic commies screech about fox news all the time? you think they're the only sensationalist mainstream news outlet? do you single them out because they conflict with your political beliefs?

>> No.4868104
File: 123 KB, 736x552, 1_fzQdce2vu8HijcnZ_sas-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does he have a point?
>Muh impressionists
>Naked emperors
He is confusing malice with stupidity.
He still believes the people who pay millions for the bananas and pollock "paintings" are stupid, but they are not, they are evil.

This whole circus is ran with purpose and intent to push the concept of EQUITY into the general culture.
Equity assumes that everybody deserves the same regardless of whether they are smart or retarded, talented, or dull or even if they work at all or just collect the wellfare checks.

Look at this picture, seems nice at the first glance, but did the retarded midged deserve the box? Did he do anything for it? No the tall guy earned the box, but the retarded genderfluid, disabled midget got it from him because equity.

>> No.4868109

I like how he thinks tricking students and forcing them to answer a question the way he wants them to is proof abstract art is shit.

>> No.4868120

If i was asked to analyze a pollock painting I would straight up write that this is a piece of pretentios garbage that nobody dares to openly criticize because muh naked emperor.

Trick or no trick abstract art is objectively, factually, quantifiably, shit. Or to be more accurate garbage.

>> No.4868125 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 530x744, degenerate_art_pppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ normie conversative talking points. The truth is that jews took over art in the early 19th century and they have disgusting tastes.

>> No.4868130
File: 74 KB, 530x744, degenerate_art_pppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ normie conversative talking points. The truth is that jews took over art in the early 20th century and they have disgusting tastes.

>> No.4868132


>> No.4868136

How else do you explain the sudden shift? Why is drawing white people seen as a bad thing? It's just jews and a rising percentage of colored people who want their ugly goblin faces to be represented in art.

>> No.4868137

>How else do you explain the sudden shift?
Like this.
Equity is the integral part of the cultural marxist doctrine.

>> No.4868139

Close but no cigar. Look up Pollock and the CIA.

>> No.4868149
File: 195 KB, 728x310, 33120142154160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868150

Cultural marxism comes from the Frankfurt School though and that was just jewish intellectuals. Cultural marxism is a way of thinking that comes naturally from the jewish psyche because they are a wandering people who have spent most of their history living inside of nations where they feel like alien outsiders. They develop this "if everyone sees everything as exactly the same then I can't be discriminated against" mentality because that benefits them. If you're a small alien group inside of a nation then you want that nation to not even be able to correctly differentiate between themselves and the other that lives amongst them. You see this with basically any immigrant community in the world, they all kind of think like jews, it's just that jews are smart enough to turn it into a whole philosophy that they can then feed to their host nation.

>> No.4868160
File: 24 KB, 620x420, globaltemp_trendsbydecade_620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox news graph bad
>climate change graph good

>> No.4868162
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>> No.4868182

People who bitch and moan about modern art have never created anything significant. Prove me wrong

>> No.4868191

Well I took a shit today, if art has no objective standards then that turd was a masterpiece worthy of display at Louvre.

>> No.4868204

i dont think europe wants your shitty american art

>> No.4868295

Ironically Adorno has a better criticism of "cultural marxism" then what you fuckers can ever come up with

>> No.4868373

>has a good point
>"muh Prager wont watch"
Okay fags how about this one

>> No.4868395

Adorno is anti-fun and negative dialectics is utterly dysfunctional as a philosophical position/practice.
For a plausible theory of the function and significance of art, read Hegel's lectures on Aesthetics, Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy, Schiller's Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, or just go with Aristotle.
>b-but muh culture industry, don't you see you're alienated you vile bugman?!?
Capitalism has been incredible for artistic expression, especially now that we've moved from mass media to a nodal framework. Now shut up and listen to some Jazz.

>> No.4868403

post your work.

>> No.4868419

Your mom must be so proud of you finally using your education to anonymously post rebuttals on a Chinese basket weaving forum

>> No.4868428

Oh, let me guess. Is this a /leftypol/ thread with a weak right-wing bait OP that's intended to function as a strawman and thereby funnel people into "reading theory" and toward your movement?
You politicals are manipulative creeps.

>> No.4868430

as expected you cant even draw lmao

>> No.4868432

you show me yours I show you mine

>> No.4868473

>kitsch trash
it figures

>> No.4868539
File: 26 KB, 328x475, KITSCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Address some of these arguments and I'll be willing to listen. It's too easy to make a 'fall from grace' argument in the Arts.


>> No.4868563

are you a fucking /pol/ tourist? have you been lurking here for less than a week? nobody here likes "modern art" you fucking retard, if you want to bitch about it go to >>/pol/

>> No.4868607

I dont entirely disagree, but this video is gay. Watch this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcjVXBXn7b4
Also pinning the downfall of beauty on the impressionists is a mistake IMO. Most impressionism is very closely related to realism. Zorn, for example, is very loose and impressionistic but by no means inexact or clumsy. The true death of beauty is not rooted in aesthetic standards, but in moral standards. Traditional painting exists to portray universal truths. A romantic painting aims to represent the human condition in all its glory. Modern art (expressionism) is the same. It is a truthful representation of a godless world, ruled by narcissistic insectoids.

>> No.4868624

>Traditional painting exists to portray universal truths. A romantic painting aims to represent the human condition in all its glory. Modern art (expressionism) is the same. It is a truthful representation of a godless world, ruled by narcissistic insectoids.


Have you been here for longer than a week yourself? This isn't /pol/ material, it's typical /ic/ baiting.

>> No.4868688
File: 36 KB, 628x360, duckmanlistjpg-0d7ba9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yer a stupid idiot moron, you got nothin, yer worthless hurr durr
You must be 18 years old to post on this site.

You know, I'm all for being a toxic motherfucker on nigerian bird watching forums. I call people faggots, niggers, niggerfaggots, and I can write some pretty creative insults if I do say so myself, but for the love of Mike, if you're going to do that at least have *some* fuckin' class. Coming at people like some punk-ass teenager with your mongoloid-tier name calling is pathetic. Acting like an internet tough guy is as absolutely cringe as a human being can get. You're a complete embarrassment to this site, your parents, and the entirety of the human race. I sincerely dread the thought of you breeding, but judging by how much you're overcompensating right now, I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

>> No.4869099

>no argument
no problem

>> No.4869109

The work Pollock is most famous for.is literally more aesthetics driven than the great masters. His most iconic pieces are paint, on a canvas, applied in dynamic ways in order to create layers of colour and shape to create something visually interesting and (hopefully) appealing.
Whereas the artists you prefer rely also on communicating with your intellect through the use of symbols and historical reference to moments, people, places, and most importantly, ideas that you recognise. Pollock eschews communicating with your intellect and presents you with pure visual aesthetics. You fucking monkey.
No one can command you to enjoy Pollock, i don't particularly, but your retarded rigid notions of what counts as art is exactly what got this kind of shit popular in the first place.

>> No.4869124

Imagine defending Pollock and and the bs art we have in 2020

>> No.4869126

imagine getting your panties in a twist because you don't like someone's art

>> No.4869136
File: 236 KB, 1024x763, gauguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art isn't a fucking jewish conspiracy. Use your brain. Artists spent centuries learning the techniques & science behind drawing realistically. And then the camera was invented. Now the world could be captured with the click of a button. So artists naturally started trying out different shit in order to stay relevant; fast forward to the modern day and we have many different types of art that are all cool in their own way. Draw or paint whatever the fuck you want to paint and stop inserting faggot politics into it OP

>> No.4869154

I read your entire post in the voice of Duckman. Very entertaining.

>> No.4869168

>art should have recognisable symbolic meaning
>it should also only be the meanings i approve of
You see anon, your prescriptive notions about art, quality, and meaning are not any different to actual artists than the people demanding art be about black bodies or the struggle of being a dyslexic paraplegic or whatever. "Art should reflect MY world view or it is bad" is cancer and is one of the driving forces behind why so many artists rebelled against established styles and techniques in the first place.

You are part of the problem anon, you just don't understand because you think everyone else's heads are filled with opinions while yours is filled with fact.

>> No.4869180

That's unskilled people's talk.
Lower the level entry for art's industry and you'll get shittier art in galleries

>> No.4869193

The target audience of painting had never been the common man, it was initially the patron, but had since shifted to the critic. While i do think this has had negative consequences for the way art is taught and understood generally today, that doesnt change that the primary intended audience of painting in any form has never been the man on the street. The critic wishes to see art that is "new" and "challenging", and as such artists will always be in a process of rejecting whatever norms are placed created for them in order to gain more attention than their peers.

Art that has the common man as its primary audience are architecture and monumental sculpture.

>> No.4869270
File: 55 KB, 807x784, EEmma3pXUAI92yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when has contemporary art offered anything "new" or "challenging" though? Most of them are creating completely inane art pieces with some bullshit "deep meaning" and "symbolism" behind them. Like that fucking banana taped to a wall. Marcel Duchamp already made the point that art can be literally anything when he took a urinal, put it on its side and signed his name on it. And that was very cute and cheeky back then, but then damn near the entire fine art world took that horse completely unironically, rode it into the ground, and then beat its corpse into the Earth's core. All they're doing is rehashing the same bullshit tropes ad infinitum.
Maybe art isn't for the common man because art critics have their heads up their asses.
The way I see it contemporary art is about pretending you're a lot smarter and more interesting than you really are while having nothing of substance at all.

>> No.4869289

>Art that has the common man as its primary audience are architecture and monumental sculpture.
I've never really thought about that but its a good point. I just might ditch oil painting for sculpture.

>> No.4869332

>The way I see it contemporary art is about pretending you're a lot smarter and more interesting than you really are while having nothing of substance at all.
Epic. Then that means I will be the most successful artist of our lifetimes. Thank you /ic/, now I know I can make it!

>> No.4869341

He is 100% right, cue to SJW screeching.

>> No.4869360

You need to network, but if you are here you probably lack the necessary skills for it.

>> No.4869362

>Since when has contemporary art offered anything "new" or "challenging" though?
Rejection of accepted norms and exploration of new techniques, medium, and process. The move away from depicting concrete forms for the viewer to relate to intellectually, and in to pure aesthetic experience of the materials themselves, that is, an appreciation of the painting as a created artefact as well as a depiction of (exaggerated or stylised) reality.
Come on man, critics eat this shit up. Doing something that was considered forbidden or not a legitimate technique is, to the critic, making a bold statement about the nature of art and expectations of it, the relationship between the depiction and the depicted, the artist and viewer etc.
Of course that is the problem, fine art since the second world war has become increasingly a discourse between the artist and the educated art critic specifically, and that discourse becomes increasingly obscure and meaningless to those outside it.
So we get a sort of race to provide critics with something they haven't seen before and frame it as a bold exploration. Which to the outside appears little more than a race in to meaninglessness.

>> No.4869363


>> No.4869387

Schools really are nice tools for brainwashing

>> No.4869457
File: 91 KB, 450x300, offtheisland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Careful there daedelus; getting a little too close to the sun.

>> No.4869671
File: 197 KB, 500x365, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does he have a point?
what if we just took down the wood fence and replaced it with like
a wire fence or something
doesn't matter who has what box if everyone can see

>> No.4869687

what if the dad just put his son on his shoulders?

>> No.4869697
File: 11 KB, 388x296, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we know if they're dad and son though?
maybe they're strangers

>> No.4869700

then he should be with his father instead of hanging out with some stranger.
either way, it reduces the number of boxes we need to provide by 2/3rds and doesn't require rebuilding the entire fence.

>> No.4869734

urinal was 60s.

>> No.4869743

>I don't like someone else's art >:(


>> No.4869744
File: 2.72 MB, 2425x2325, 78aebd10f130809ee5d1af37b7d2330e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a wire fence or something
Then nobody pays for tickets, the sport collapses, the stadium is abandoned, thousands lose their jobs and can't buy fod, the abandoned stadium building becomes a den for a gang of dangerous hobo-junkie-gangsters, due to rampant vagrancy, collapsed economy and open defecation the area sees return of the plague and typhus cases. And forest fires because they don't have money for necessary deforestation.

Just like California.

>> No.4869763

>his father instead of hanging out with some stranger.

I think it's just a midget pigmy gnome who needs to recieve the box wellfare because he isn't capable of getting his own box.

>> No.4869857

t. brainlet

>> No.4870004

yeah but what's his point?
but then what? is just telling people not to express themselves your point?
maybe American education should give a shit about educating art skills into youth if you want better art.

>> No.4870019
File: 60 KB, 512x338, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a book cover but the rest of his shit is unimpressive diet impressionism and surrealism garbage

>> No.4870027
File: 70 KB, 640x629, S9aY_Dt-tVtxyklEuYif-B7Sf4u12S9O4u667uXyZmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe American education should give a shit about educating art skills into youth if you want better art.
Hijacking this point with no survivors.
I recall way back in elementary school, I tried applying for "Advanced art classes." I was told by all my classmates I was the best artist in the class and they all went "Wow cool!" When walking by me while I worked. So I tried applying and got told off because of two reasons.
1. My grades weren't good enough.
2. My family couldn't afford it.
Point 1? Arguably legitimate. Maybe I would have even bothered fucking improving my other subjects if not for the fact that point 2 basically said "No matter what you're not getting in here."
It's from this point early on you learn that people don't actually give a shit about art or artists.
Then in highschool I tried applying for drawing classes and oh, what do you know, immediately all full. Didn't get a single in. Why? Because art classes are dumb fuck easy and don't actually judge your skills to get in.
The worst part is Universities.
Recently I scoured as much as possible through the internet to find talent based scholarships.
Guess what. Not a single one. No where. In all these prestigious circlejerks not a single one said "We invite you to come in and practice with us if you're good enough." Why? Because they want money. These people probably know too many people would be applying for such a thing if given the chance. So at the end of the day not only is technical art skill sparse, it costs a fucking fortune.
And that's why art is dead. No one really gives a shit about you or your ambitions. They just want money, and if they can buy some low effort duct tape with shit spread across it by a chimp to evade taxes they will, actual skill and ambition be damned.

>> No.4870033

Do you actually believe this

>> No.4870036

What World do you live in? No one is stopping you from drawing white people

>> No.4870048

my university gave me a scholarship once I got accepted. Not quite a full ride, but close.

>> No.4870050

On the point of scholarships, at least in my area, a lot of art schools have their own private scholarship system where they'll have an art contest and winner gets a full ride or substantial scholarship for their tuition. Just putting that out there. A lot of real art schools aren't accredited, they're trade schools or ateliers (if they were accredited they would have to offer math/science/history classes etc and work off of a credit system and actually grade you. The good schools give out certifications). So it makes sense that they wouldn't really have any scholarship funds you could find by searching around for it. Instead you should ask the school if they have a something like a scholarship or something. Usually they do.

>> No.4870142

There are really good online services that are cheap compared to art schools now. I think becoming a good artist is easier than ever actually, think of all the potential michelangelos of the past who just didn't make it because they had to work on a farm all their lives

>> No.4870217

art is a luxury career path only for the rich

>> No.4870311

Duckman is the shit.

>> No.4870313

Which should tell you just how tired and hackneyed this shit is getting by now.

>> No.4870473

I mean a statue of a police woman urinating is much more interesting that a mona lisa tho.

>> No.4870691

art being subjective just means that each individual decide what good art is for himself, as oppose to one person deciding it for everyone.

>> No.4870782

It's ironic that in the case of modern art, it meant artist creating pieces that only a minority think are good.

>> No.4870895
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>> No.4870901

if you don't come from a family that's in top quintile earnings you should be banned from /ic/ tbqh.

>> No.4870991

not sure if it is ironic; modern art seems to be a pretty self-indulgent thing. They are probably proud of that.

>> No.4871783
File: 1.00 MB, 771x807, 1530700756091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing. No one is expected to give a shit about your ambitions. That's not their job, that's your job. Universities don't actually have to help you become an artist (most don't have the money allocated for this) , they just facilitate your own efforts. Think of every other major that isn't art. You get books, a lecture, and a test. That is all they are expected to do. You are an expendable piece of human meat that is meant to find a grinding wheel until one is dropped upon you, and you will work it until you die, in which case you will be replaced as quickly as possible and without just ceremony. The world economy runs on the blood and sweat of humanity and it runs lean. We as a species regard empathy and sympathy as a luxury. Such is the human condition.

The term "starving artist" was literal. It will continue to be literal but the only true barrier to high level art is time.

>> No.4872231

>The term "starving artist" was literal. It will continue to be literal but the only true barrier to high level art is time.
starving artist die in low middle class with no hope of going beyond
richfags have the resources and support to risk the high cost of art school and the very low chance of getting a job
poorfags can't take those risks

>> No.4872369

the problem is that poorfags literally can't starve to death in modern society, so we need a new system to weed them out.

>> No.4872427

that used to be true but now any rando can pick up a ballpoint pen and learn to draw like da vinci in a decade or so. That's why modern art is popular - the value of artistic proficiency has degraded as the field became more accessible.

When everyone around you is drawing beautifully rendered scenes, doing something different suddenly becomes much more interesting.

>> No.4872431

god i wish that were true.
it's depressing looking through art collections and seeing the massive fucking dive in quality at the start of the 20th century, even when people are tryharding.

>> No.4872528

anyone can cook but only the rich get jobs

>> No.4872568
File: 125 KB, 900x799, redhead_girl___ballpoint_pen_by_vianaarts_d5531ab-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people are doing art, so obviously there's a huge number of mediocre/bad artists at the bottom. The quality/skill level of professional artists is so much higher than a few hundred years ago, and there are a lot more excellent artists nowadays to boot. Some random person on deviantart did this with ballpoint pens, and it's not hard to find other people with similar ability.

>> No.4872572
File: 55 KB, 600x809, a1e05e0d1232587ed0de3b7a471a417e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point

>> No.4872620

>some dude copying a photo is the same as artists doing studies, compositions, transferring and layering a painting on a daily basis.
Kill yourself.

>> No.4872748

there are tons of fantastic painters too.

You're weird

>> No.4872765
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 1600266050119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that always annoys the fuck out of me is that most of the time I can basically agree with Good Old P.U.'s position, but then these retards tend to use the most stupid facebook-boomer tier arguments to justify it. It's maddening.

>> No.4873907

>somebody thinks this is high quality
fuck this gay earth.

>> No.4873919

>What the hell happened in the 60s?


>> No.4873921

Get a normal job then. You should still get your gains. You don't actually need art school. Trust me, I went to one. Just learn your fundies and read a bunch of art history. I assure you that the only factor in making a good artist is work ethic. None of my peers had it and none of them are professional artists, especially the rich ones. You are actually advantaged in being poor, as you will know what hard work is. Get hungry and grind.