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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4866284 No.4866284 [Reply] [Original]

Europoor here
22k savings
Where do I go to live that's nice and cheap?
I will do 16 hour shifts a day:
Anatomy 4 hours
Perspective 4 hours
Composition 4 hours
Master Study 4 hours
4 Strength training session a week 1 hour/day
Oats and fruits and coffee
Rice and Chicken
Illustrator/Storyboard Artist

Don't care about parties or loud shit? Culture is important. Coffee shops. Museums. Art shit.

Where must I go?

>> No.4866287

Not going to happen unless someone opens up an art monastery. There is 0% chance that you have the willpower for this on your own, that's not how humans are.

>> No.4866294


How do you idiots expect to do 16 hours in anything when learning new information is also time consuming? It's not possible.

>> No.4866295

Here we go again

>> No.4866299
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Ok, based

>> No.4866363
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speaking as a dumb autist who does 16+ hour days a lot and grinds hard, it's really something you have to work up to and is not very sustainable. burnout will make you lose more time than simply having a sane working schedule and good balance in your life.
if you just wanted to grind fundies, go to an atelier. they will make you gud in 1 year, do some schoolism/cgma/gnomon/nma/whatever courses on top and you will reach an employable level

if you're truly deadset on doing the solo grind.
>1 hour life drawing everyday minimum
start with simple stuff that you can find in your kitchen & work your way up to more complex scenes. have a goal you want to focus on, values, edges, brush economy etc. find an artist you like and try to emulate their technique as you paint. a good starting point would be to learn to render the scene in 3 values. over time add more complexity to you life drawings, maybe add dresses or statues, maybe start going to museums.
afterwards, do at least a 30+ min imaginative drawing based of the shapes/colors/general lighting scheme.
>1 hour plein air/ outdoor sketching every day minimum
view this as distinct from your other life drawing. plein air is much harder and there's a lot of factors out of your control; light changes fast. however it will make you really fucking good and really fucking fast. go to bus stations, go to cafes, go to zoos put yourself in situations that force you to quickly interpret information on the page. afterwards, paint an imaginary character into the scene that fits the lighting. if you sketch people that day, take 1 or 2 of your drawings back to the studio and try to do an anatomy study based on it. if you can coordinate your outdoor drawing with your gym time & cardio you will gain a lot of efficiency, this will also help you avoid burnout

okay so that's 3 to 4 hours, what do we do with the rest of the day?
(in part 2...)

>> No.4866368

None of you faggots even reach 8 hours daily and even then you'll just kill your wrist.

>> No.4866372
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a few days ago another anon did this joke, not gonna work again fag

>> No.4866377

>drawing with your wrist
Found the beg

>> No.4866379

this, also all profesionals know that grinding 16 hours a days is not going to help you improve is just inhuman and the brain doesn't work that way

>> No.4866380


Enjoy the carpal tunnel

>> No.4866384
File: 577 KB, 2048x1107, 24tmag-vietnam-slide-UQJL-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend in Vietnam who says the expat community there is cool and the locals are nice. Cost of living is nothing and I can still work remotely and make the same USD. Honestly I wish I had my life together enough that I could be there now before the election happens.

>> No.4866387

If you have 22k saved up already just go to a good European art school, fuck I wish I had 22k

>> No.4866391

Why can't humans be like this? It's not that far fetched is it? Billionaires exist.

>> No.4866410

>brain doesn't work that way

>> No.4866413
File: 317 KB, 1280x921, zHPTI87LOIeczX67uDkd59Ie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it your goal to be putting out at least 1 illustration per week. do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
>day 1
sketch day & planning. figure out what you want to draw, do some rough comps that give you an idea of what you need to learn to be able to draw it. gather your ref, come up with a drawing timeline etc. this is your pitch day, you are pitching to your favorite & most valuable client: yourself. now you are on the clock, it time to start learning.
the rest of the week is pretty malleable. you'll get a sense of what you need and how much time it'll take. just as long as you are drawing productively it's all good. here's an example of how i'd do it:
>day 2
flesh out the composition and really get a sense of your figures. starting out this will probably be your biggest anatomy study day.
>day 3
drapery and misc environmental details
>day 4-6
painting, starting with overall lighting of everything and then working down to the specifics, doing studies as needed to figure out the things i don't get.
>day 7

being an illustrator or story artist really is not about being able to draw hands really good or how much loomis you've read, those things are valuable but what is more valuable is being able to scope your projects, learn on the fly and meet your deadlines. if you are doing those 3 things, there is work for nearly every skill level. good luck anon

>> No.4866416

If you think you're going to be getting as much out of hour 5 as you are hour 2, you're wrong. If you think you're going to be getting much of anything at all out of your 16th hour of practice, you're delusional.

The answer is 100% not do try to do 5,000+ hours in a year, it's to do maybe 1000 hours of legitimately focused practice on relevant material with proven study materials (or better yet... competent instruction).

For centuries there was a proven master / apprentice model of direct study over several years. Not saying it isn't possible to be self-taught in the age of technology but why reinvent the wheel and try to do it in a year?

It takes a few years to get good. Just accept it and get to work.

>> No.4866432

i draw that much because i am autistic & nofriends
the schedule 1 gave op is more like 7-10 hours per day. also look into the schedules of repin students you dumb faggot, they do a full couseload daily on top of learning russian and are expected to do their personal projects on top of that and deliver them.
>all professionals know
op isn't a professional he is a student. students work like dogs so that they can become professionals

>> No.4866435

>If you think you're going to be getting as much out of hour 5 as you are hour 2, you're wrong.
take 15 minute breaks and do cardio and you will.
hour 5, hour 8 etc also don't need to take as much mentally as hour 1-4, just use the later hours of the day for rendering and bitchwork and do the real studying before your brains turn into shit

>> No.4866436

ask any proffesional or any psychologist, i know it from personal experience, you would know if you started drawing

>> No.4866444

the drawings in your posts are yours?

>> No.4866452
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>> No.4866456

so are you tanaka kunihiko?

>> No.4866465

Who's the artist?

>> No.4866481

I find this grind-to-employment view of art improvement repugnant and stupid every time it shows up. There's really no words that can communicate how fundamentally it misses the point of art. Even if you *could* do a 16 hours a day, you still wouldn't be any good at the end of it, I guarantee it. Because you're leaving yourself no time to think, to experiment, to be influenced by other artists, to actually do and make art. Just grinding 'fundamentals' like a dull ape.
Maybe some people just need to crash and burn before they learn. The good news is if you can stick with it after that, that means you probably actually like it and have a chance of making it long term. But I'd bet money most just quit at that point, realizing they were never really willing to struggle unless it took only one year.

>> No.4866574

what is he getting out of this? even if he learns to render in a year what job is he going to get from it? if he wants to be a concept artist this seems pretty useless

>> No.4866583

Northern spain/ portugal or Croatia.
Very cheap. Lots of museums. Nice nature

>> No.4866610

Illustrator/Storyboard Artist

>> No.4866640

Humans can, but anyone who posts overly grandiose plans on /ic/ like this most definitely won't. This isn't a random assumption either, we've seen this kind of threads countless of times already and literally not a single one of them succeeded (see sadlawn for a namefag example that you can look up).
There's just this weird positive correlation between being extremely weak-willed and randomly coming up with poorly thought-out over-the-top plans in the spur of the moment that will inevitably fail in the long run like this.

>> No.4866677

>where do i go to live that's nice and cheap?
>Phrase not found

>Culture is important.
>Coffee shops
jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.4866679

Do you have a link to sadlawn gallery?

>> No.4866680

counterpoint: dave got employable in 1 year, so did hannes. sean sevestre did it in like 2

>> No.4866681


we have this thread every day

>> No.4866700

Remember when we didn't? Good times.

>> No.4866711

just like the golden age of /ic/

>> No.4866723


If youre doing 80-90% of your 1RM (or a beginner), you shouldnt be doing more than 3 heavy training sessions a week.

>> No.4866761

This. 16 hours is unreasonable and learning is the biggest energy drain. I can do max 5 hours straight of something I'm reasonably comfortable with. That time is probably cut in half if I'm trying to absorb and integrate new information.
Its very easy to dupe yourself into thinking you've done a 16 hour day when in reality you probably spent most of it fucking off. A good test for anyone trying to benchmark their actual productivity is to record/stream your work (make it private if you dont want to broadcast and you can basically use youtube as cloud hosting). My recommendation is to aim for ten hours split into two to three sessions. Make sure that your 10 hours are 100% focused and you will be in very good shape. Breaks give you time to process and reflect on your work.
Also as another anon said, finish projects and set deadlines. If you want something done set a date for it to be done otherwise it will forever be a "tomorrow project".

>> No.4866766

you are weak. embrace the burnout

>> No.4866771

Okay, link me your 16 hour work stream tomorrow. I'll wait.

>> No.4866809

Counter-counterpoint: Hannes was being mentored by concept art pro Jana, and Dave literally couldn’t get employed even for wagiebucks because he was a criminal; he mentioned taking to drawing because he literally had no other options.

Neither of these are really the same scenario as “anon says fuck it I’m gonna git gud in 1 year” and drops all other options to grind alone in his room.

>> No.4866824

iirc hannes & jana didn't meet until after year 1. i don't know op's situation and i honestly don't care, this whole idea that you can't grind an get decent in 1 year flies in the face of all the evidence of everyone who has done it. maybe halfway through op realizes the pace is unsustainable for him & adapts to a different plan. so what? they'll still have whatever gains they got and be positioned well enough to at least do some low level freelance here and there. not everyone shares you lack of willpower anon

>> No.4866841

got any work of yours to post?

>> No.4866868

it's a modified & more open ended version of what you'd do at an atelier with some of the autism stripped out more of a focus on structured imaginative work, i.e what illustrators do for a living.
it is also based around the things that ime really fucking forced me to git gud. doing floating loomis heads or boxes or photostudies with no context is *okay* but that isn't really teaching you employable skills and it isn't giving you anything you can put in your portrfolio except for maybe applying to art school. it's also waaaaay too easy to only do that shit & be a copymachine and feel like you're doing the work when you're really just staying in your comfort zone as a student without ever becoming an artist. you see plenty of people like that in DAD or on conceptart or daggers. they have sketchbooks full of gestures and mediocre academic drawings, and... nothing else, nothing you that can get you even a bottom rung coom gig. working from life takes away all the temptation to learn bad habits. you can't just turn your brain off and copy 1:1, you have to think about what's in front of you and how to represent that with drawing. plein air is fucking hard but it teaches you better than pretty much anything else how to focus, how to simplify and how to paint really goddamn fast. most of your first outdoor drawings will be complete garbage, but what you learned from them will still hold.
life drawing will give you fundies & focus & technique, but what's really important is the next part: taking what you learn from those paintings and directly applying those lessons to imaginative work. that's what will bring everything home and what far too many people on /ic/ neglect. 1/2

>> No.4866873

imagine thinking that time is what's holding you back

>> No.4866876

structured imaginative drawing lets you learn those skills while getting rid of a lot of the uncertainties that waste time. you know your shapes, you know your colors, you know your lighting, you don't have to draw and redraw shit colors and basic bitch 1/2/3 renders with rimlighting, you just have to come up with the design. all of that fundie grinding is the smaller part of the day too. the rest is focused on producing actual work and learning how to think in terms of real jobs. atelier training doesn't emphasize that at all and i don't really see anons talk about it much but it really is the most important part about being about to do this shit for a living. that's what every single faggot drawing amawus with busted kneecaps and salami fingers has that you don't. their loomis is shit but they understand the job

>> No.4866883
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I was listening until the amawu buzzword that signals that you're "him"
let's see some work, shall we

>> No.4866886

Fuck off back to discord, Amawutranny

>> No.4866887

i'm still wating you to pyw, 16 hours burnt ass faggot

>> No.4866890

Only works if you’re Japanese. Japan is the greatest country on earth.

>> No.4867586

you only need soul to get good anon
studying for its own sake is meaningless if you aren't doing it to improve the range of your voice

>> No.4867593

I tried to get good in one year. I crashed and burned, but I keep going because I’m already an embarrassment to my family and my pride won’t let me give up. I’m only now, years later, finding myself as an artist

>> No.4867724

I do agree that sometimes it's good to take some time off and just focus on art, but where are you on your current art journey? If you are a total beginner then I think you shouldn't. You should take some classes on your free time. As you start to get used to creating art and getting more serious THEN take the time off to focus on working.

Learn to build up the momentum, before plunging in head first. Otherwise you are going to spend a good portion of that year just trying to get used to working for that long if you are not used to it already.

>> No.4867731

NGMI thread

>> No.4867754

Counterpoint: You're not Dave.
It's possible, yes but can YOU do it? Don't lie to yourself. Keep in mind, Dave was working like 15 hours a day for a long time, he put himself in debt on purpose so he was motivated by fear which made him meet deadlines quickly. He started a stream and forum so he'd have an obligation to study. He also had the balls to ask working professionals for advice, Marko Djurdjevic gave him advice and he applied it over the course of a year.

>> No.4868152


>> No.4868157

i like how the faggot OP talks about doing 16 hours a day and then in the next breath he's talking about coffee shops and museums. this is literally the midget mentality of everyone who talks about how they are doing 12+ hours a day btw. i'm gonna snap and beat the next one of these slimes to a pulp through the internet

>> No.4868262

>this whole idea that you can't grind an get decent in 1 year flies in the face of all the evidence of everyone who has done it.
Who, again, apart from the guys who were mentored?

>> No.4868270

Ain't happening

But let's just play along. 22k what? EUR? USD? Some other local currency?
I'll just assume EUR for now. I'd say go to India or Venezuela for a cheap stay but neither of those places are really nice.
Coffee shops can be a problem because of raging rona but other than that, I'd say pick your country in Eastern Europe or Balkans/Greece. Greece has piss cheap accommodation but otherwise isn't that cheap (you can still make a more than happy living from 22k EUR there for a year). East yuro+Balkans are a fucking heaven if you have this kind of money to live out of. East yuro has more art/culture while balkans are even cheaper. The V4 countries are rather civilized, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria all have nice spots, mostly in bigger cities and/or seaside

But then again, you ain't doing shit anyway, because if this wasn't a bait and you did have 22k saved up, you wouldn't be a total loser who needs to ask for life advice on an intergalactical skating board, you'd know how to do your research

>> No.4868303
File: 58 KB, 600x737, EE3A8B96-61FE-4E81-BCDB-B23C4EEAC2F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy in the thread says he does 16 hours a day
>gives OP a laundry list of advice and claims he’s already made it
>anons ask him to post work
>complete radio silence

>> No.4870735
File: 103 KB, 1049x1382, likeomgyouguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen such a concentration of crabs in one thread?
Just chill and encourage OP to be courageous and take a chance.

Get a part time job, something that doesn't require a lot of energy expenditure.
Also 16 hour shifts are not necessary
Focused work in 2-4 hour shifts is much better, don't go over 12 hours a day.
Places, east euro like bulgaria or croatia
don't go to india or thailand, one gives you dysentry the other is full of distractions
good luck and let us know if you're doing this thing, we need more courageous NGMI to make it

>> No.4870752

Why not dedicate 4 month for one or two fundies first?
Jumping from perspective to master studies to anatomy is a bit too much.

>> No.4870845

I feel like saving up my money and just buy one of those old RVs and live in it until I am good enough to be employed. I remember a memory as a kid my dad had this mini van that had a small table in it, a TV, and a bed with a toilet inside.

Now that you can pretty much have a killer set up with just an Ipad or a wacom one, I can drive anywhere in the country and just rest at truck stops. My father is a trucker and I bet he enjoys the traveling and not having to be cooped up in the house. Rather than moving to 3rd world maybe look into RV/Mini Vans.

>> No.4870912
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>> No.4870972


>> No.4870974

>ctrl+f sadlawn
>search returned results

>> No.4872898

Great post.
>Get a part time job, something that doesn't require a lot of energy expenditure.
This particularly is underrated advice. Even if you only work a couple days a week, having some structure, coworkers, and something to take your mind off art occasionally is immensely beneficial. You will make better art living more balanced and you will have an easier time escaping from ruts.

>> No.4873045


this. /ic/ is just ngmi echo chamer. All the gmi's are doing the hard work out there.

>> No.4874198

I am about to take a 2 year sabbatical to dedicate all of it to my art. I am going to leave my apartment and liquify whatever I can so I can just focus on growing what I have and focus on getting more work.

In that time I am going to learn some new stuff and chase after every revenue stream I can. I am a bit nervous, but it's now or never at this point.