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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4865493 No.4865493 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread >>4856037

I went through fun with a pencil and got myself a small wacom intuos.
Thank you for all the support last thread, without you guys i don't think i'd have put in the actual work.
For those of you who don't know i've set up and intensive study program and plan to be hire-able at somewhere like Blizzard or toei animation studios in 8 months.

pic rel is a redraw of my old drawing

>> No.4865497

d/ic/k btfo'd

>> No.4865506

Why is he white?

>> No.4865512


>> No.4865515

hope you're not getting too close to your actual drawing ability bait-kun

>> No.4865517

you drew it too well
copy a shitty artist from insta for better bait next time

>> No.4865534

Told you guys i had a great base. Now you’re trying to crab me by saying I’m drawing too well.
Fuck off crabs youll never stop me

>> No.4865540
File: 47 KB, 718x1024, 615EF4FE-FE2F-4C7C-BE3B-50FB6107A745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in 8 months, op. Wish you all the best.

>> No.4865543

so far you're doing good...
keep us updated

>> No.4865564

You're just hiding your ability you massive homo

>> No.4865565


>> No.4865607

i mean at least he isdrawing something

>> No.4865615

>be a pro
>start a thread claiming to make it in less than a year
>post your 11 year old beg drawing
>gradually post them for each thread till you arrive at your current works

>> No.4865617

Why aren't you white?

>> No.4865619

Cuz he is amerimutt

>> No.4865620

The real question is why

>> No.4865625

Because I’m not a racist bitch

>> No.4865664

Yes you are.

>> No.4865666

I wouldn't worry too much about a specific company, especially either of those, but keep it up. If you dedicate yourself to your studies and you are actively trying to improve, you can make a lot of progress really fast.

>> No.4865670

only racist people post on 4chan

>> No.4865676

Racism is prejudice + power. You literally can’t be racist against cumskinned pigs because yall are oppressors

>> No.4865693

Better only draw just niggers and trannies then

>> No.4865700

but im not white

>> No.4865706

stop being tapdancing uncle tom then

>> No.4865709

its a good shitpost desu

>> No.4865728

>Racism is prejudice + power.
Doubleplus good newspeak, friend.

>> No.4865774

The fuck r u even saying poltard

>> No.4865785

Google it, retard.

>> No.4865819

no one cares bout your incel slang get the fucck off the earth you racist pos

>> No.4865822

didnt you call whites cumskins a few moments ago? hypocritical cunts, the lot of you.


>> No.4865824

Kill yourself, you uneducated phillistine.

>> No.4865844

What kind of brainlet accuses the age old definition of racism of being newspeak?

>> No.4865850


>> No.4865855

Fuck whitey

>> No.4865857

>age old
If your age is around 6, maybe.
Racism is prejudice on the basis of race. The "prejudice + power" meme is a modern twist specifically designed to excuse racism against white people.
Go look up the definition of racism in any dictionary, you won't find that rhetoric anywhere.

So yes, when a group of people intentionally tries to force a new meaning on an old word to further their goals and interests, that is newspeak.

>> No.4866260


>> No.4866316

im trying ok just be patient

>> No.4866448
File: 433 KB, 420x410, 1597963575883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some advanced shitposting

amerimutt feels

>> No.4866457

Going by dating site statistics, I'd say pretty much everyone agrees with this. Everyone wants to fuck whites and east asian women.

>> No.4866557

Believe me I'm trying.

>> No.4866564

shoo nigger

>> No.4866588

Op unironically already mogs me, talent is everything

>> No.4866602

Early bloomers stall hard later on.
Also pyw am sure you’re better than him

>> No.4866669

lmao was that supposed to be anime

>> No.4866715

You should be ashamed to get jealous over such a small improvement.

>> No.4868174

ikr schizos are so unskilled that this seems unreasonable to them lol

>> No.4868228
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, 50FD37EF-6E04-4A9A-BFD3-6859220703DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868305

I have a hard time believing this was progress made in 4 days, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you're not trolling, I wish you the best, and keep drawing.

>> No.4868368

actually based

>> No.4868371

based? based on what?

>> No.4868404

i mean it's not a great leap but he might be just starting out slow.

>> No.4868407

>the bait from Op keeps going
yawn bro you cant learn shapes/form and get a good face in 4 days just give up nobody believes you

>> No.4868423


>> No.4868597

Based on SJW Twitter rhetoric.

>> No.4871470


>> No.4871562
File: 196 KB, 720x932, 20200916_181613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4871564 [DELETED] 

>ooga booga bix nood fug whitey
Ok nigger ape

>> No.4871568

This is obvious bait, there is no way this person learned even this mediocre rendering and coloring in such a small amount of time, everything improved in an impossible way, if it had been a month I would believe it, but a week it's impossible.

>> No.4871575

coloring and rendering to that level can be learned in 4 days no issue, it’s the drawing that is the problem.
A /beg/ can’t learn planes out of fun with a pencil.

>> No.4874804

Does anyone even draw everyday? Specilly 17 hours. If i do it for three days in a row and an hour per day is already too much.

>> No.4874958

Are people actually falling for this blatant troll post

>> No.4874971

I do 6 hours everyday, but I’ve done 8-12 hours too. Just draw what you like and have fun and the time really flies by.

>> No.4875020

kek, the attention to detail in the folds of the shirt being “just right”,
the foreshortened perspective, and the cool and warm tones used for shading all point to a dumbed down drawing with a deliberately ugly face. it’s just too many things that you get an eye for from years of experience and subconsciously noticing characteristics in life, and 4 days of study doesn’t get you there.
ur too retarded to craft good bait, OP

>> No.4875022

like come in what page in “fun with a pencil” is handling refracted light in digital painting on?

>> No.4875026

Been drawing daily for like 3 months now, all day.
Recently my wrist is really hurting though so I might have to take it slower

>> No.4875029

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4875042

So no black person is able to kill white people? No black person is an employer that can use his power to discriminate against whites?

>> No.4875051

I think ‘in’ should be ‘on’, but it makes sense to me anon

>> No.4875073
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x2000, torsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me if I'm /beg/? Seeing this thread I'm not sure anymore.
Thought I'm not at least?

>> No.4875082

Honestly it's a decent hustle

>> No.4875096

Come on, man, you know the answer to that.

>> No.4875101

definitely not /beg/, going just off this pic i'd say mid way intermediate, if it was more careful with consistency in anatomy, clarity and some proportional errors this would look pro. there's a lot of appeal in the image, but some technical aspects sell it short as a piece made by a professional

>> No.4875111

you need loomis

>> No.4875145
File: 31 KB, 280x420, B36F08B3-318C-490D-952D-BB8BE50BB0D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not complete beg, you’ve learned to make a drawing look good by hiding your flaws to non artists. I mean having loads of shit going on that looks impressive to a normie. The reality is that your fundamentals need work. Let’s even just focus on the main figure at the top of the pile, that arm is long as fuck and your composition makes it look like that other tiny arm next to him is his arm

Your whole drawing is designed to make it look like you know what you’re doing but you obviously don’t. This pile is a big mass of what, a tree? Body parts? Both? It’s just a thing that looks good enough to make people say “that’s cool”. This imo makes you a beg. You have a fantastic foundation should you choose to actually study and work on your fundies but it’s up to you whether you do that or just keep drawing can show other people for attention

>> No.4875271

>in the Year of Our Lord 2020 people will bite this bait

>> No.4875288

you are legit retarded if you really believe that image is beg

>> No.4875290

Beg is a mindset

>> No.4875293


>> No.4875295


>> No.4875298

beg means beginner artist. stop trying to meme more retarded useless words here on ic

>> No.4875302

I stand by my point. If I’m wrong let’s see some more drawings OP, ones that aren’t just big meaningless masses of organic looking stuff

>> No.4875306

I would like to see some of your work

>> No.4875358

People always say pyw like it’s some sort of big gotcha. Quite frankly my work is irrelevant. It’s an art crit forum and I criticised his art. You dont have to be a chef to say a meal is good or bad or suggest what a meal needs more or less of. Even so I could post phenomenal art at this point and you’d just call it beg out of spite. I’m assuming you are the guy who did the drawings anyway considering how invested you are in this. too fast responses for some random anon. Just take the advice, it was a compliment if anything

>> No.4875373

ok shitter
draw some more instesd of using words you dont understand

>> No.4875387
File: 23 KB, 224x224, 2D76A33E-ACAE-4E37-B30B-801CCCF7D4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stagnate and draw more mushballs faggot I tried to advise you. How are you gonna come to an art board and ask for criticism, then when you get advised to practice better start wigging out? Calm down retard, you clearly don’t have the stomach for this if you can’t handle a simple anonymous criticism. The fact you’re here asking if you’re a beg implies you’ve been having no success. Hope you enjoy this low level you’re choosing to stay at

>> No.4875398

I am not him. I am sick of reading your retarded defintion of beg. either pyw to back up what you write or shut up. enternal ngmi.

>> No.4875422

>You dont have to be a chef to say a meal is good or bad or suggest what a meal needs more or less of
No, you need to be a chef to suggest what the meal needs. If you suck you can only intuit whether you like it or not and give very vague reasons.

>> No.4875428
File: 254 KB, 700x394, 2195EA3E-AAF6-4911-9FA8-CD2E44E12C90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeeething where’s your work then if we’re playing pyw

>> No.4875431

The reasons weren’t vague at all and in this case I am more than qualified to criticise. Up to you whether you take the advice

>> No.4875436

Are you guys retarded? A single google reverse search is enough.


You are literally calling a bloodborne artist a beginner.

>> No.4875439

cool dunning kruger

>> No.4875441

tldr post work

>> No.4875443

It's just one guy and he is a fucking retard.
>beg is a mindset
says the dunning kruger

>> No.4875446

I didn't even read this thread, I was just talking about the chef analogy on its own

>> No.4875465

More proof that /ic/ is full of clowns that just want to talk other people down to feel better about themselves.
This guy is so afraid of posting his own work because he knows he will get called out on his bullshit. Take the effort you put into trashtalking others and calling everything /beg/ into improving your own art maybe.

>> No.4875474

posters like him are the reason this place is useless for critique. only good for the artbooks.

>> No.4875479

Because working on bloodborne means your art is perfect and flawless with absolutely no flaws at all. Oh and professionals that work on big projects all have mastered their fundamentals!

Are you stupid?

>> No.4875480

just shut the fuck up before you write more dumb shit hahahaha

>> No.4875481

Exactly, random anon posts one drawing and asks If they’re a beg, the criticisms still stand completely valid. Them posting that and asking if they’re a beg implies that it’s the absolute best of their work, and if that was the case as implied, then yes it could still use work

>> No.4875483



>> No.4875486

I think the point of that specific image is to break anatomy concepts, you know, to make it look more "frightening".
Of course no one is perfect but this is a professional artist who worked onto a game praised WIDELY for it's amazing artstyle.

So sure you can dislike it and find some mistakes or something. But how about you start posting your own work for a change of pace. Because if you think this painting is "bad" because of anatomy inconsistencies or stuff like that. Man I hate to tell you but, are you that delusional? Do you really think the person who drew that didn't notice that "the tiny arm at the top isn't the same size as the other one".
Fucking clown.

>> No.4875487

No it isn't. You are a fucking blind beg shitter if you cannot see that the work posted is beyond beg. Just stfu.

>> No.4875493


>> No.4875509

Oof that's an embarrassing thing to type dude.


What you're replying to was my first post in this thread, my man. I started checking in now and then when the pic was posted bc I found it interesting, I didn't post a critique but I've read what everyone had to say before someone pointed out it was from bloodborne. Way to assume who you're talking to on an anonymous board.

My point still stands. Professionals aren't perfect. Not all of them have their fundamentals down, in fact quite a few are severely lacking (go look at the concept art for bane from the dark night movie, some people in /beg/ are better than that). Professionals aren't infallible because they work on a big project. You are allowed to dislike their style. You are allowed to pick out anatomy or stylization mistakes. They make mistakes, they get lazy now and then, they shit stuff out effortlessly in doodles that look cool but aren't as good as they could have been with more effort.

I dont understand what posting my work has to do with making a general statement about professionals not being perfect just because theyre professionals.

>> No.4875510

>Way to assume who you're talking to on an anonymous board.
says the right one who assumed he was talking to the artist. oof.

how far is your head up your own ass

>> No.4875515

Did that come across as me talking to the artist? I highly doubt anyone that works for Fromm software is going to shitpost on /ic/ or post their old work here asking for criticism. Are you an ESL fucker or just retarded?

>> No.4875517
File: 25 KB, 630x351, the-dark-knight-rises-bane-concept-3-630x351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concept art for bane from the dark night movie
Holy shit you weren't kidding.

>> No.4875518

post your fucking work so we know you are not a beg
if you put out your garbage critique you should be able to prove that you know what you are writing. spoiler you wont because you actually fucking suck

>> No.4875532


>> No.4875539

I have nothing to prove because I am not talking out of my ass and spouting garbage that a professional artist artwork is /beg/. It is the anon who said it and the ones who agree with him. If you are right with the shit you say you can prove it here. Otherwise it is confirmed that you are just a shitty dunning kruger /beg/ who thinks he knows it all after drawing 50 boxes.

pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw

>> No.4875540

Yeah. That was done by an adult. I thought it was some kids fan art the first time I saw it.

Work on your reading comprehension, stupid. I'm not going to keep arguing with you through text if you can't even manage to read. Seethe by yourself or get a handle on the english language. How does someone as stupid as you even function in life? Jesus.

>> No.4875541

needs more meme buzzwords

>> No.4875544

>I'm not going to keep arguing with you through text
so you gonna find him and argue with him via voice

>> No.4875545

>Top 10 anime meltdowns

>> No.4875549
File: 62 KB, 605x413, 9BF79237-F915-482F-AE9F-12762ED590C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet not a single faggot in this thread posted their work including you

>> No.4875552

I want to see how >>4875145 draws

>> No.4875556

Lmaoooo got em

>> No.4875564
File: 68 KB, 860x711, 4ECE68F1-60B5-4988-B0D7-7806A6C3522F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is top seethe

>> No.4875584

me too but he probably is too embarassed to show that all he's got is floating 3/4 portraits

>> No.4875593

considering 2 of those that replied stated it's not /beg/ makes you retarded.

also concept art has nothing to do with technical skill, take a look at the mad max fury road concept art, looks pretty shit but does the job. being /beg/ is a lack of fundamental skills, being a concept artist is having good ideas. they aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.4875608

That artist has clear fundamental knowledge and is not a /beg/. What the hell is wrong with this board.

>> No.4875645

ahahahahahahahah dude how embarassing
>hurr durr being the concept artist working on a AAA game praised for its amazing artstyle doesn't mean he's not /beg/
This is the kind of drooling buffoon that pollutes /beg/ with misinfo and terminal dkrugerism

>> No.4875727


read my post again retards. i never said he was /beg/. There ARE fundamental holes in that piece, and the criticisms the 2 anons gave were 100% valid. they didn't call the art /beg/, and neither did i. I stand by the belief that it's an /int/ piece of art. look at the anatomy, bad sense of scale, tangents. Besides it being a nice looking piece, there ARE fundamental issues in it retard. not being able to critique the flaws just because someone payed for the art to be made is retarded.

>> No.4875749

inb4 seethefag says pyw

>> No.4875770


>> No.4875974

Retards like this is why it's pointless to ask for advice here

>> No.4875979
File: 41 KB, 400x428, 1596988752208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the end no one posted their work
This entire conversation is embarrassing.

>> No.4875986
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing 2 months ago(just finished FWP), am I still beg?

>> No.4876007

no you need some hampton

>> No.4876017


>> No.4876018

Nigger you didnt go from 0 to this in two months, stop lying

>> No.4876058
File: 235 KB, 1200x909, bbbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at these posts a lot of you guys seem like you might have more experience than me could you critique this piece I made a while back??

>> No.4876069


cmon guys

>> No.4876140

Still seething
Still no work posted

>> No.4876147

You’re not complete beg, you’ve learned to make a drawing look good by hiding your flaws to non artists. I mean having loads of shit going on that looks impressive to a normie. The reality is that your fundamentals need work.

>> No.4876163


Bro... This is fucking Moebius

>> No.4876204

Saving this pasta.

>> No.4876211

im trying to go from int to pro and boy is progress slow.

>> No.4876220
File: 109 KB, 1200x794, thinking_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the people taking obvious bait also baiting?
are the people responding to the people taking the obvious bait also baiting?
how many levels deep is this going?

>> No.4876229

In order to get /ic/ you need to have read and understood guttari deleuze baudrillard and derrida

>> No.4876934
File: 90 KB, 1420x946, ED37E0B1-92B4-4C21-ACEC-3C224D1050A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to prove because I am not talking out of my ass and spouting garbage that a professional artist artwork is /beg/. It is the anon who said it and the ones who agree with him. If you are right with the shit you say you can prove it here. Otherwise it is confirmed that you are just a shitty dunning kruger /beg/ who thinks he knows it all after drawing 50 boxes.

pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw pyw

>> No.4876953

This pile is a big mass of what, a tree? Body parts? Both? It’s just a thing that looks good enough to make people say “that’s cool”. This imo makes you a beg. You have a fantastic foundation should you choose to actually study and work on your fundies but it’s up to you whether you do that or just keep drawing can show other people for attention

>> No.4877007

imagine thinking some random anon posting their work would add any kind of validity. if you're anything past /beg/ the mistakes are obvious

>> No.4877013

Bro... This is a fucking joke

>> No.4877289

>this thread
>the bickering
>the butthurt
>the pettiness
>the obvious lack of knowledge

Can mods start banning beginners? They're too intimidated by art to practice so they argue with each other online. It's not even funny, it's just sad.

>> No.4877304

Imagine seething this hard and wasting so much of your time crabbing

>> No.4877314

Massive damage control

>> No.4877346

It's not wrong though.

>> No.4877426

The most idiotic thread on ic

>> No.4877473

thats some fantastic fabric for /beg/, especially without a reference

>> No.4877982

the most *based* thread on ic
your welcome