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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4857360 No.4857360 [Reply] [Original]

Hiro allows 1 meta-thread per board.

I don't want to make /ic/ SFW, but there is too much porn. It's killing any remnants of creativity this shithole still has.

At the moment of this screenshot, things are "not as bad" as they usually are, but there are still currently 16 threads open DEDICATED to porn, anime titties and furfaggotry. I even pardoned some fetish-art OPs.

Not to mention threads that constantly get derailed by coombrains.
Here is a good example: "You favorite art" riddled with porn >>4846242

Several other generals that are SFW are also riddled with fat anime girls shoving their bikini asses on your face.
What could possibly be done? Can't /aco/ house these autists?

(Would post on Q&A but my IP range was apparently banned by lazy jannies over there.)

>> No.4857369

>nothing but dicks and boobs
>highlights around 20% of threads

>> No.4857385

You're blowing it way out of proportion. Most threads by far are not about porn, and even the "Your favorite art" thread that you pointed out is just one guy spamming porn at the beginning of the thread, and the rest of the thread is mostly non-pornographic.
The only problem here is that you need to learn to ignore things you don't like, or install 4chanx and filter it.

>> No.4857394
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if you don't like these threads, why won't you make better ones (or just hide them)

>> No.4857395

interact with the threads that don't have porn

>> No.4857472

>implying anything that isn't porn, pity parties or webcelebrities gets traction
at the very least porn is drawing something

>> No.4857479

Drawing is drawing even if you don't like the subject matter. Don't censor ic just because you're so easily offended.

>> No.4857523
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Like concept artist meme, the coomer 'goldrush' will be over in a few more years ask more fags get hard stuck as minimum wage commissioners and mass exodus from the NSFW path occurs because they did nothing to become truely successful/didnt see the money roll in, and severely underestimated stift the competition in market actually is. As for the absolute STATE of /ic/ yes its shit and repetitive, and it's best to treat as a rendezvous with someone you're cheating with: sneak in, get your fucking fix, get the fuck out. No screaming at NGMI, no constant lurking, dont hive give advice to hardheaded /begs/, stop taking the bait from crabs that want you to be demotivated and quit like they did, this place is a absolute time sink becoming a passing ship is the thing best you can do. Now get the fuck back to drawing or unironically go to reddit where SFW, and NSFW is completely segregated.

>> No.4857551

how do you take that long ass screenshot?

>> No.4857562

Fireshot browser extension. Pretty convenient.

>> No.4857840
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this, desu

>> No.4859362
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>You're blowing it way out of proportion.
It's everywhere, it's over.

>> No.4859368

Flandersanon where are you??!

>> No.4859384

What a surprise in this board full of figure drawings ,character design and furry art there is porn. :o

>> No.4859443

Did you get tired of posting the Flanders copypasta?

>> No.4859453

you sound very frustrated, chum

>> No.4860521

Rather, I was rekindled by him.

>> No.4860583

Every human being is born with genitals. Similarly, so is every imageboard thread so long as you allow for it, for they come from people.

Also, I guess your screenshot is "not as bad" because it doesn't have threads by that schizophrenic who starts literal porn threads just to crusade everyone who replies to him. The one who thinks porn is the greatest thing on earth and shouldn't be regulated but also everyone who makes it should be shot because they deserve it.
I can't be the only one who's realized the entire problem with porn and /ic/ is just one mentally ill anon.

>> No.4860594

Don't forget that the purpose of a forum such as this is built for the community.
If the majority is ok with and wanted porn on this board, then it's okay to let the board be filled with porn.
Meanwhile, the main problem i have is the crazy schizo fag in pixel art thread.
Nobody even want that retard here.
Can mods do something about it?
Perma ban him or something.

>> No.4860629

Did you fucking censor this image?
Jesus Christ, how did you become this big of faggot?

>> No.4860635

I'll take the schizo over the wojak spamming /beg/ any day of the week.

>> No.4860638

>I'll take the schizo
no you don't.
Why don't you go comment and feedback on every drawings of the schizo fag right now to prove your point?
you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.4860647

if i agree with you will you fuck me? im so fucking hard right now. post feet.

>> No.4860652

The schizo makes one thread at a time, the /beg/ Redditor floods the board.

>> No.4861091

I was going to post it on /qa/, as stated in the last line.

>> No.4861200
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I want to leave this place but there is no art community that isn't a sociopath infested normie hugbox.
>the coomer "goldrush"
Porn will always be in high demand.
The sooner you accept that, the quicker you can make peace with all this shitshow.

>> No.4861269

>want to leave this place but there is no art community that isn't a sociopath infested normie hugbox.
I'd drink to that.
>Porn will always be in high demand.
The sooner you accept that, the quicker you can make peace with all this shitshow.
That's the thing, i'm cool with porn, and I'm well aware that porn is a great hustle for artists. However coomer completely dominates the board to the point nothing else really exists, and the lack of variety doesn't make for interesting content imo.

>> No.4863464

>there is no art community that isn't a sociopath infested normie hugbox
True, I tried some /ic/ communities and these types are of course the ones who lead the entire thing, so it's pointless. The only solution is making individual connections and eventually evolving that into an organic network of people that click together, but that can take years.

>> No.4863538

I think there should be porn threads, but I agree it's really getting out of hand. Mods on /ic/ are all lazy pieces of shit that love to see us get mad though.

>> No.4863540

>I want to leave this place but there is no art community that isn't a sociopath
Goddamn I wish it wasn't so

>> No.4863544


>> No.4863545
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>However coomer completely dominates the board to the point nothing else really exists, and the lack of variety doesn't make for interesting content imo.
You shouldn't be here to consume content in the first place. Sure, this shithole is filled with porn because the average drawfaggot is a underage homogay, but you should strive and strike up conversations thus elevating the quality of the thread and by repetition, the whole board. Just disregard the porn or use the porn to get the retard's attention, because they'll be looking for any info about the image in your posts. They won't find any but at least they'll read it and the more they'll read the less retarded they will become.
>these types are of course the ones who lead the entire thing, so it's pointless
Yeah, you can't even genuinely be outgoing and take over and be liked because they're always the ones who will start rumors and drama because they know that the honest people are the biggest threat to them.
>The only solution is making individual connections and eventually evolving that into an organic network of people that click together, but that can take years.
The only solution is to actually do everything on your own. After a certain age, you won't be able to establish any organic or genuine connection, especially over the internet where everyone is just waiting for their chance at exposing everyone else for social media numbers.
I've accepted all this and i stopped caring.
The world can't end soon enough desu.

>> No.4864755

If they added a new board what would they call it?

>> No.4865278

we have enough red boards as it is

>> No.4865724
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>>we have enough red boards as it is

>> No.4865750

I fail to understand your logic
If the anons of this board wanted the same things as you do like variety and whatnot then wouldn't such threads be successful? But the rules of this imageboard is that threads that people give a shit about are bumped up to the top and the one that have low interest go to page 10 and die
Seems like you want to rework this place to make it appealing to you but you're the minority so it's kinda weird
Like yeah there will be a lot of anime and lewd content in here because that's what the majority of users care about

>> No.4865894

Subjectivity shield.
When it comes to anatomy, everyone will be able to tell if it's good or bad and push for improvement.
When it comes to creativity, most people are bankrupt without knowing, and since there is no push for it, people keep in their porn ruts. It's not a matter of general interest, but general blindness.

>> No.4865905

fuck you, i didn't come to this thread for these feels