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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4855785 No.4855785 [Reply] [Original]

Vent your artistic sorrows here

>> No.4855803
File: 38 KB, 524x480, 1540435121882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get no appreciation, only shit flinged at. Deal with crap like this for a couple of years and you can't help but be cynical and completely bitter at everyone. Fuck you.

>> No.4855807
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I love making art but I just lost interest idk what to do this was passion

>> No.4855809
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Started a new job. When I arrived and saw the losers there, I smirked inside. Those ‘people’ are just a bunch of worthless cunts and I couldn’t have a greater disdain for them than I do now. I’ll have less time to draw, but I’m certain I’ll make it. I realized that most other humans are just worthless little wastes of space, nothing but oxygen leeching cunts that have no worth. And so, as the decades pass and the people i saw will gain weight, deal with what little attractiveness they have fade, and settle into a miserable little loser lifestyle, I’ll strive ever higher because I am nothing like them. I’m the definition of greatness, and I’m surrounded by losers sure, but I’ll never let these bastards weigh me down into their mediocrity. Ciao, I’ll read mango now.

>> No.4856070
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>post in draw thread
>"go back to /beg/"

>> No.4856072

i got carpal tunnel bad today
my arm hurts like a mf

>> No.4856076

Fucking idiot. This is why you take frequent short breaks to do carpal tunnel prevention stretches.

>> No.4856078

i couldn’t stop, my brain wouldn’t let me stop :(

>> No.4856089

I think I might kill myself soon.

>> No.4856091
File: 491 KB, 1200x1200, IMG-20190529-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My manager at work is an incompetent bitch who keeps accepting every task under the sun just to delegate it over the moment any work needs to be done through the most shitty excuses over and over. Stupid bitch royally fucked up a release twice and every other higher up is totally ok with all of this despite multiple people raising these issues constantly. I went from being able to balance work and art to being absolute drained due to all this fuckery.

>> No.4856093

It's not ethical to say this, but you might honestly be happier that way. Think it over carefully, there's usually hope. But if not, who can stop you?

>> No.4856096

Yeah. Everything is so temporary. Every time I think things are okay, they turn to hell again. Nothing bad is even happening anymore. I just don’t have the will to carry on.

>> No.4856098

i wish L was my boyfren

>> No.4856099

Permanent solutions to temporary problems are stupid.

>> No.4856107

Doesn’t matter when you’re dead.

>> No.4856109

>post in draw thread
>no (you)s
it's a shame we don't have the ability to just like take a nap for like 3 months. i wonder how many less suicides there would if people could just get away from their brain like that for a while and reset.

>> No.4856116

My art looks like shit.

>> No.4856121

that's why you're here

>> No.4856130

me too

>> No.4856141


I want to give up I can't do this anymore. I'll never be good enough. I'm only 18 and I have no other choice but to go into an art career cause I fucked up in school, i have a high school diploma but my grades suck. What to do? I'm tried of grinding and shitting out mediocre pieces.

>> No.4856171

High school is way fucking easier than making it in art. You need to grow up or give up

>> No.4856177

Twitter fucking scares me, i miss tumblr

>> No.4856262
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I can't do any drawing when I'm so lonely

>> No.4856285
File: 90 KB, 720x707, 1598226827594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit down for daily study session
>tape paper to drawing board
>touch pencil to paper
>brain immediately starts conjuring up all my worst memories and all my greatest fears
>blasts it in my face like an exploding septic tank
>try to focus while brain screams at me to kill myself and reminds me of the futility of all my efforts and existence in general
>doesn't stop screaming until the pomodoro timer goes off

i don't know why my brain is like this

he's such a rude little cunt

>> No.4856349


>> No.4856388

I had a dream I cummed into an old landline telephone when speaking to a lady and then the cops were on the other line and the cum got all over them and then they said they were coming to arrest me. So I was running from the cops. Despite the story being so retarded why couldn’t I wake up sooner? It turned into a nightmare and made me sleep longer than I should have which results in less draw time.

>> No.4856399

I wish i had more people who told me I cant do what I'm trying to. It's harder to take things as seriously as i should because of all the yes men.

>> No.4856527

I'm just not improving no matter how much I practice. My drawings show no difference than 6 months ago when I decided to take art seriously and self-study. I found wonderful video lessons that make things so easy for me. I incorporate as much as I can into my drawings, yet they still look no different than before I started studying. It's do demotivating because surely there must be some kind of improvement, yet I don't see any.

I'm such a goddamned fucking brainlet and the only surefire way I'll learn is by going to a structured environment to compete against other students. But, Art school isn't financially realistic for me and I'm getting too old to be able to ditch my current situation to learn art for 4 fucking years.

>> No.4856853

i do this and my hand still hurts. what do

>> No.4856861

You cant do it idiot give up.

>> No.4856864

If youre not doing 5-10 minutes of stretching every 75-90 minutes, then you're doing it wrong and you need to rethink your life.

>> No.4857088
File: 751 KB, 1310x1000, IMG_20200910_114225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to improve like this in 3 years
Why I did I stop drawing in 2017
I could have been this good now

>> No.4857116

art i do has lost all soul

>> No.4857159

I'm someone who doodle in his free time,and have to studying in a field I don't actually like,that shit take a lot of time.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.4857162

Take a bathroom break every hour and do a five minute sketch on the shitter

>> No.4857185

you would have stagnated anyway. you have no talent

>> No.4857199
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>> No.4857213
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I really want to draw my fav musicians, but because I look up to them, I get nervous while drawing and it never turns out right. The drawings always look similar to who I want, but different enough where it seems like a random person. I hate that feeling of being so close yet so far.

Then I obsessively keep trying to fix it and it only looks worse.

>> No.4857258
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>already 4pm
>haven't even picked up my pen yet

>> No.4857291

why dont you just do a study on the pic on the right until you figure it out. it wont take 3 years.

>> No.4857321 [DELETED] 

So, as a kid, I used to draw and paint, I always loved art. I remember that the first thing that I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a "painter". I don't remember at what age and exactly why I stopped drawing back then.
As teenager, early youtube days, I watched some shitty anime drawing video and I was interested in drawing again, got some book on how to draw manga and went along with it for a bit, but my level was just super low and I really couldn't follow it. I got frustrated and lost interest again.
10 or so years later, I find out about fundamentals, art communities online, Loomis, actual good content on youtube and I discover tons of artists that now I admire. My desire to learn to draw was bigger than ever. For the first time I had some good instructional content and the internet to answer my questions. I start practicing and keep at it for some months, mostly drawabox/fzd exercises, tilting boxes in space, quick gesture drawing, loomis/hampton and stuff.
I made some progress, but my level was still very low and I was starting to get mad at how bad I am, only getting more critical at myself over time. Then I had the realization that drawing wasn't something that I did for fun. I only drew for fun when I was a kid, it was drawing for the sake of drawing. But now, the act of drawing wasn't fun, and I knew how much time and effort I would have to put to get to where I want. I came to the conclusion that if the act of drawing wasn't fun to me, It was better to give up. I mean, why draw if it isn't fun? I would only draw for practice, to get better, just doing exercises, studies. Attempts to draw something would only end in frustration to me. So I gave up.


>> No.4857337

So, as a kid, I used to draw and paint, I always loved art. I remember that the first thing that I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a "painter". I don't remember at what age and exactly why I stopped drawing back then. As a teenager, early youtube days, I watched some shitty anime drawing videos and I was interested in drawing again, got some books on how to draw manga and went along with it for a bit, but my level was just super low and I really couldn't follow it. I got frustrated and lost interest again.10 or so years later, I find out about fundamentals, art communities online, Loomis, actual good content on youtube and I discover tons of artists that now I admire a lot. My desire to learn to draw was bigger than ever. For the first time I had some good instructional content and the internet to answer my questions. I start practicing and keep at it for some months, mostly drawabox/fzd exercises, tilting boxes in space, quick gesture drawing, loomis/hampton books and stuff.

I made some progress, but my level was still very low and I was starting to get mad at how bad I am, only getting more critical at myself over time. Then I had the realization that drawing wasn't something that I did for fun. I only drew for fun when I was a kid, it was drawing for the sake of drawing. But now, the act of drawing wasn't fun, and I knew how much time and effort I would have to put to get to where I want. I came to the conclusion that if the act of drawing wasn't fun to me, It was better to give up. I mean, why draw if it isn't fun? I would only draw for practice, to get better, just doing exercises, studies. Attempts to draw something would only end in frustration to me. So I gave up.

I wasted a lot of money on traditional media material, a tablet, hoarded 200-300gb of books/vid tuts, spent dozens of hours reading and watching stuff about how to improve, and got nowhere, of course. I gave up.

>> No.4857341


I still think I really want to draw, it might seen stupid, but when I see someone like Krenz who just seems to be super good at a lot of stuff, I have a weird mixture of feelings of envy and admiration. It might sound stupid, but sometimes I see artwork that I find so good that it literally makes me tear up in bitterness.

Seeing someone who can make nice quick sketches looks like fucking black magic to me. Seeing Watts quickly apply some tone to a figure sketch and instantly giving so much form is amazing. Being able to do long studies and being super accurate with values and everything else? Amazing. Drawing dynamic poses in perspective? Amazing. Artist with good and easily discernible styles? So good. Using color? Line Art? Good ero artists? Vilppu? Traditional animation? 3d Modeling? Sculpting? And so on...

I have a lot of appreciation for this stuff... and kinda want to do a bit of all of it.

And here I am, almost 26yo wanting to draw again. Thinking about focusing on something specific. I want to get really good at copying. Training observation and accuracy, so maybe I get better at proportions and just being able to draw what you see and just copy stuff that I like. Gonna do bargue plates, Dorian Iten accuracy training, something like that. I'm gonna do digital and fuck it. Guess, measure, compare, correct and repeat. Over and over, that's my plan.

I say all that, but the last few days I have done nothing but procrastinate. Life is complicated right now but I still had so much time that I could spend drawing. So still not sure if drawing is for me or not. Good luck to you guys.

>> No.4857345

Turn your dreams into inspiration by making a one-shot about your telephone cum story.

>> No.4857348
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>tfw someones rough sketch looks better than your final

>> No.4857362
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It bugs me to no end, as a resource hoarder, that normie Discord servers (or wherever) demand sources on everything.

It's not that I don't understand it. Providing credit is great. But I'm not sharing the resources and claiming it's my own thing. I'm sharing it so everyone in the server can learn from it and benefit.

Faggots can't even be bothered to learn how to source images. I'm shown zero appreciation for providing 90% of the useful resources. Then they come around, apparently pissed I'm sharing free knowledge without sourcing every damn image.
Are you kidding? I have thousands upon thousands of resources and you want me to source every single one in case just one person wants a source?
I even provided information on how to find sources. I spoonfed them the know how so I don't have to do the fucking work for them every damn time. But they can't even do that.
That's why they'll forever be /beg/ tier losers crying about how their art doesn't get enough attention.

Bonus vent:
Servers that have a rule of "comment on the art before you before you post if they didn't get any attention" are fucking stupid. What? You want me to throw a soulless compliment every time to stroke egos? If they don't get attention, they need to figure out ways to improve. Not making it a fucking rule and paint anyone that doesn't do this as an asshole. I just want to post my art. Sometimes I'll emote react, but that's apparently not enough. You need to fucking earn praise, not make it a rule. That's how you stay stunted as an artist.

>> No.4857372

Instead of focusing on just one, instead force yourself under a timer. Draw as many quick sketches as you can. Only focus on whats really needed. You'll only get better at drawing a person/character the more you draw them. It's easier said than done, but don't let yourself be swept away and focused on the bad ones. There is always more time to draw.
You could even erase the parts that are "bad" and post it without them. Art is what you make of it, maybe you'd get away with it.

>> No.4857379

I'm not getting any new followers, how do I get big and make it

>> No.4857393

Porn and/or pander to the current trends and mainstream shows. Works every time. But don't always do that shit, slip in the content you actually like to do here and there. So the new eyes will still see it as you grow. Then, when you reach a decent enough level, you can slowly take away the porn/pandering if you like and focus more on what you want. You'll lose some coomers, but by then you should have enough interactivity that you'll grow regardless of the loss.
Also draw often and try not to take too big of a gap between posting. If need be, draw a bunch in advance and then slowly post them as you draw more. I do that and it helps a ton. Means I don't have to draw every single day. Sometimes I sprinkle in random posting of sketches/WIPs, but my schedule is roughly 2-3 times a week, every other day. Before I started, I had about 30 decent drawings saved up over about a month. On my main days, I don't always post my good shit either. Just one of the lesser, decent draws.

>> No.4857415
File: 4 KB, 225x225, cattosad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NGMI after all.

>> No.4857419

Channel it into your art. Just let your pencil move.

>> No.4857424

I just really want a job as an illustrator, or an internship at least. Or for someone to commission me. I've been trying to get gigs at upwork but no luck. I feel like no one needs the kind of illustrations I like to make. Ugh.

>> No.4857434
File: 146 KB, 1200x1184, IAmBread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm brand new to drawing (been trying to take this seriously for only 2 weeks, of course I'm shit), and have been studying art for at least 1 hour/day, every day. Slowly I'm adding more time as I fall into a schedule, but whatever.

I've also seen a few unrelated personal projects of mine fall apart and wonder if my art studies and attempts to draw will fade away in time.

I'm not that old and already my libido's basically gone, I barely go outside, I barely talk to people, and now I wonder whether or not, if I ever get good, if my art will ever mean anything.

>> No.4857439

Take longer breaks and turn prevention exercises into a habit. See a doctor and check if there are any other issues besides carpel tunnel.

>> No.4857586
File: 72 KB, 600x766, 1467658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One guy that is 100% not a bot likes my drawings in the first 3 seconds as I post it.

>> No.4857608

>Servers that have a rule of "comment on the art before you before you post if they didn't get any attention" are fucking stupid.
I understand how you feel however, instead of a soulless compliment it's pretty easy to simply mention something they did moderately well (even if you don't like the image as a whole) and then something that they didn't do well and need to improve on. Or do they not allow critique in that server or something?

>> No.4857611

He just has notifications turned on. The bigger you get, the more this happens... Doesn't make it feel less odd though.

>> No.4857617

Do people really do nothing but scroll twitter all day? Jesus

>> No.4857624

Oh I don't mind leaving actual concrit at all. I love to give concrit and advice and I try to bring out positives, along with the negatives, no matter the skill level. Because there will always be a positive somewhere.
What I have issue with, is how they frame it and force it upon me. I want to give advice when I want to. I want to post my art when I want to. I don't want to be forced to do both every time. When I post my art, I'm okay if people don't comment on it. Yeah, it can be a little bummer sometimes, but when there are a ton of artists, you can't expect every single one to get attention.
They also make it out to be that, if I just want to post my art and I don't comment, I'm an asshole. Despite how much I may do for the server, it's an "asshole move" just to post my art. I don't need that sort of guilt tripping manipulation to compliment someone and it makes me want to do it even less.
I also don't like throwing concrit at people when they don't say they want it. Purely because I've had shit flung at me for doing so, even though I tried to sugar coat things as much as I can with touchy people like that.

It mostly boils down to one of the admins being really insecure over his own art. It's not a rule for the community, but simply because he feels underappreciated for what he posts. That's not even speculation, he said it himself in a side chat.

It's not that I don't understand the desire for validity. Far from it. But guilt tripping me into doing so, and thus forcing fake, soulless, minimal compliments left and right... That shit isn't going to help anyone. It just encourages me to post less. I don't want to participate in the hugbox circle jerk. I just want to post my art. I don't need the added stress of complimenting another drawing every time I just want to share the hard work I did.

>> No.4857626

This. I was this person for many people. But I've turned off notifactions since because I barely get any likes on my drawings and "like" notifactions on my posts only remind me of my lack of success.

>> No.4857628

It's more like people just having their phone on them 24/7 than just Twitter. But I wouldn't doubt some people are just on it 24/7. Or at least on their phone. Try to take it as a compliment if you can. It's the best you can do to try and understand it. Just means people like your art enough to jump at the notification when they get it.

>> No.4857654

Art is not a skill that is learned. Artistic ability is a natural talent that only special people are born with. I hope all Japanese mangaka burn to death. I'm an advocate for an arson attack on every anime studio. They were born with everything I ever wanted, but cannot have. Artistic ability is a privilege, not a skill.

>> No.4857657

I mean advocating for a serious horrible crime that happened is a bit much...
Unless you're born lacking physical things like your hands, I say anyone can learn. It's just more frustrating the older you are. Try studying in a different art medium. Maybe the one you're working with just isn't for you and you could go back and try it again later on.

>> No.4857677 [DELETED] 

KyoAni deserved it. A group of Asian swines took everything from me. I tried in vain every day to draw like my idols, and could never draw anything while they plagiarized everything I made. I hope more than just hiroshima is destroyed next time.

>> No.4857685

They literally have zero connections to you. That's pretty extreme anon. I don't mean this as a jab or anything, but please seek therapy. If the therapist you get isn't good for you, it's okay to request another one. Sincerely, please seek some help so you can live a happier and healthier life. I'm wishing you the best.

>> No.4857688

People have their phones with them at all times. If you have a "superfan" (I consider a superfan somebody that really likes your work. You're one of their favorite artists) they might have tweet notifications on. Anything you tweet, will alert their phones.

It's fucked.

>> No.4857692

All Asia does is steal and plagiarize the work of their western peers. The Japanese stole from my favorite creators and I can never forgive them

>> No.4857705

Could you list some examples? If they're purely taking inspiration, then I don't think you should count that. People have taken inspiration from things all around the globe. Westerner's get inspiration from the Easterner's all the time. And vice versa.
Nothing is ever truly original anymore. What you need to plan for is just that your personal touches and experiences will show in your projects and stories and those will help you stand out.

You're hatred is very misplaced and feels pretty dangerous. I agree with >>4857685 that you would probably do best getting some much needed therapy. No shame in it either. Therapy can be an amazing thing.

>> No.4857710

I could never draw, and all the talented snobs kicked me while I was down. I've been trying to learn how to draw for the past 4 years. All I wanted was to make a comic. I just wanted to draw beautiful women akin to Disney or anime shit, but I can't even draw a stickman or a cube, no matter how hard I try. Then, a Japanese corporation decides to steal all of my ideas, everything that I poured my entire life into while everyone calls ME the "ripoff" when I was there long before them. Fuck Japan. I hope they all burn.

>> No.4857724

Sharing comparisons between my pitch and the media that stole from me would break my anonymity. I can't share anything.

>> No.4857730

Just continue to make your idea anyway. Even if a bigger studio had a similar concept, just adjust yours and keep going. Wishing death upon people and stewing in your own anger will get you nowhere fast.

>> No.4857740

They should be the ones forced to change their content to accomodate, not me. They got a free pass for being famous and get showered with free fanart every day while I didn't receive anything. I'd sue them if I could

>> No.4857753

The fact you couldn't sue them and win is a big sign as is. You are one man. They are a large group of people all voicing their opinions and ideas. Why should they bow down to you? They produced the idea first and you have to get over it.
I thought about the entire concept of AI-chan and V-tubing years before it took off. Never got the funds to achieve my idea. Now look at it, it's booming.
Thinking the world should wait for you is ridiculous. They're famous because they worked for it. They weren't just handed their fame on a silver platter. You're being irrational bro.

>> No.4857765

>They should be the ones forced to change their content to accomodate, not me.
Troll confirmed.

>> No.4857797 [DELETED] 

They were, and if karma won’t remove them, then I will. I am not a lazy person. I worked for years, and was “rewarded” with nothing. Everything was taken from me. I only continue to live to see the day they suffer. If with absolute certainty that won’t happen, I’ll take my life, and hopefully them with me.

>> No.4857799

i'll be your frenn lonely anon

>> No.4857802
File: 14 KB, 425x424, 1597628346040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if karma won’t remove them, then I will.
> I’ll take my life, and hopefully them with me.

>Unironic thoughts and plans of terrorism

>> No.4857807 [DELETED] 

My dreams were destroyed by them. What I thought was my purpose in life is now gone. My only purpose in life now is to exterminate the Japanese monsters who took everything from me.

>> No.4857848

i remember being able to doodle rope/braids twisting and overlapping without it looking flat. now im trying again and i wanna die.

>> No.4857918
File: 462 KB, 2100x1181, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it isn't fan art then almost nobody fucking cares.

>> No.4857924

Only in the beginning brother... Only in the beginning.... Unless you get lucky and/or have connections anyway.

>> No.4857946

thanks dude. it's just really draining me lately.

>> No.4858130

no one gives a fuck about one-off pictures

you have to tell an interesting story

>> No.4858176

I wish I was even as good as the left..

>> No.4858278

I've finally realized what I was doing wrong all these years and how much time I wasted. I always drew for fun as a kid, but never showed anyone my art. Then when I started doing digital art, I decided I would start taking drawing seriously and spent several hours every day looking at my favorite artists and real life and photos, even cutting down on sleep to do so, because it was so fun to learn more and draw the things I'd learned. I got past /beg/ level within only a month. But then I decided I would start showing people my art online, and got caught up in the social media spiral of drawing more and more generic churned out crap based on what would get the most views. I became miserable and hated drawing, and stopped drawing for many years. It was painful to draw and I didn't improve one bit past my original level, which made it even more frustrating because I wanted to draw better.

Recently, I started drawing again but decided I would no longer care about what my followers wanted and just draw whatever I felt like drawing. I would keep my art to myself like I did before when I had the most fun drawing, but I don't have the motivation to finish difficult pictures unless I have some sort of obligation to do so so I continue to post online, but I'm keeping mostly to myself. Anyway, I'm finally enjoying art again, just like I did back in the day. And just like that one month where I improved like crazy because I was drawing all day, I'm constantly looking at things I like and improving a lot at drawing them. I can't stand looking at my art from the past several years because it's so soulless and bad. I've improved so much in the past few weeks and even my social media likes reflect that even though I stopped pandering. I just wish it hadn't taken so many years to realize this. So many years of pandering and years of not drawing. What a complete waste.

>> No.4858293
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm generic

>> No.4858457

Guys I had my first lucid dream in like 8 months an it was super wild and I didn’t break out my dream this time and gained control. It started out with me talking to God in heaven I was floating above an orange sky and we were looking up at this circular dome that looked gold and he said that platform might look small but it’s as large as the state of Maine on earth but its surface is completely flush and empty and that I can put anything I want there. A Gold dome in the sky floating with nothing on its land.

I don’t remember the rest but then I dropped down the sky and then he removed the sun from the sky and brought a moon very very close to the earth and it creeped me out so he quickly brought back the sun in the sky but then removed the sun entirely. Then there was a light that illuminated the sea and a great battle in the pacific with lots of boats and airplanes and these weird things humans were able to get on and pilot without wings. I was flying at high speed and bullets whizzing everywhere and explosions. Not sure who I was fighting but everything felt so real and so strange.

I woke up at one point and went back to bed and had a normal but strange dream that I was the daughter of a very talented fashion artist but I didn’t like my life. Then eventually the dream changed and I went to a fair and had a sister who got in a booth to change for some game and the booth attendant was peaking into the changing area and I noticed and hopped over and beat him up, accusing him of being a pedophile. The cops were called and reviewed the footage but I was still taken to jail and the pedo was let go. But anyway the lucid dream was cool.

>> No.4858464

Also I was surprised because normally when I do lucid dream I would wake up paralyzed with hallucinations but that didn’t happen this time.

>> No.4858578

My art is better on a technical level than a lot of more popular artists, but stiff and lacks motion or appeal. I get so fucking mad when I see people with worse art getting more views and likes but I get that their art has soul while mine doesn't.

>> No.4858607

YW, P it

>> No.4858652


>> No.4858657

What a neat artistic sorrow. Thank you for blogposting.

>> No.4858686

having dynamic art / appeal + complexity is the biggest technical skill. it's easy to have general 'technique', the hard part is complexity + soul. the more simple your art is, the easier it is to give it soul. don't buy into your own bullshit of 'i'm great, i deserve likes', you don't, you're not as good as you think, complexity does not = good art

>> No.4858687


>> No.4858699

I used to draw almost daily but now I think I may have IBS and the pain is so severe I can't get shit done, it's awful and apparently no cure for this shit, it's like tinnitus but for my gut.

>> No.4858716

i'm a 25 year old neet living with parents, un-employed, skilled enough at drawing that i can get decent work, but i consistently choose not too. Also recently broke up with my gf of 3 years, it didn't really hit me hard maybe because we've been long distance because of covid but also just generally being numb to feelings. i feel like i should cry or something, i've even tried too but it just doesn't happen.

i feel like my life is fucked, i have no motivation to change it, i can't even play video games, i just sit around re-freshing social media / youtube over and over for most of the day, only leave my room when i know i won't run into my family, i'm gonna be surprised if i make it to christmas

>> No.4858722

i remember when terrorism meant violence by a government.

>> No.4858727

>Servers that have a rule of
imagine if deviantart had this rule across the entire site.

>> No.4858768

>apply for job
>get a phone interview scheduled
>sorry Anon but I’m too busy right now, can we schedule tomorrow
>agree to schedule tomorrow
>next day, still no phone call at promised time
>recruiter now ghosting my email
Tired of getting fucked over.

>> No.4858956

Just imagine a comment point system and you need X amount of comment points to start posting... Oh wait, that hell already exists over on Reddit.

>> No.4858978

Haha are you me? Besides the breakup, haven't gotten there yet, this sounds like fucking me.

Anon. Right now, you are your own worst enemy. I know depression is a bitch and maybe you can't really understand why your body just refuses to move... But all you need to do is take the first steps. Make a journal to keep track of what you eat and do. Maybe take up yoga, it's improvement you can still do in the comfort of your room. Start eating a little better. Talk to your online friends some more if you can.
When you hit the point you can no longer even enjoy video games, it's the time where you need to just start doing new things. You need to break the loop you have right now and try to improve. Start going on walks maybe.

I know it may be hypocritical of me to say, considering we're practically in the same shoes, but it's what has to get done. You probably now it too, right?
There will always be tomorrow. There is time to improve. All you have to start doing is take the first steps and stick with them. Seek help even. Talk about it with your family if you can. There's absolutely no shame in wanting to seek help.
I suggest therapy above all else too, if you can.

You CAN make it out of this loop anon. We both can. We just have to take the first step. And you and I both know that we can.
It's time to take a month vacation.
It's time to change anon. Let's make it out of the loop together.

>> No.4859010

Start animating. Even if you don't plan to post any of it, just trust me. It'll help loosen you up, but you can't do shitty flash animation. Go the traditional drawn-by-hand animation and make sure to apply squash and stretch.
I found it helped my friends get out of the stiff pit.

>> No.4859012

imagine going through the MET and having to leave a comment written on a slip of paper for each room you enter.
i agree with the other anon, if a piece doesnt make you feel like responding, then thats that. maybe someone else likes it more. maybe no one likes it. maybe the whole server is shallow and only enjoys sailor moon fanart. i dont know. forcing comments is silly.

>> No.4859049

woah dude, you cant actually be that based, absolutely gmi dude

>> No.4859157
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I've lost almost all motivation to do anything. Anime, games and art were the only things that I had to escape my problems but I can't even enjoy them much anymore because I feel like something is missing. At most I still enjoy learning new things for a period of time but it doesn't keep my interest long. I just want to draw but something this empty feeling is stopping me from holding up my pen for long. I just really don't feel like doing anything.

>> No.4859163

Try doing new things. Take a break. Pick up a new hobby. Even if just for a little bit, you need a change of pace. Take a couple weeks or a month away from drawing. Draw if you want, but try not to let it stress you out. You need a break in routine and you'll hopefully feel a lot better.
Get therapy if you can. Absolutely no shame in seeking help and, to me, it sounds like you're depressed anon. I think therapy would help you a lot.

>> No.4859180

Start drawing awful memories.

>> No.4859230

Your dealing with under age retards that just copy the opinions of z-list artist. The sooner that you realize your probably dealing with a ton of 14-17 year old faggots on discord, the sooner you'll not take as seriously.

>> No.4859249

I'm well aware of that don't worry. It's still frustrating and a damn shame I can't help teach the young artists because of the vocal minority. I'v straight up just stopped posting resources there, even when prior I would take requests for X tutorial or Y art book (etc.). It's practically dead now, with some people occasionally posting Youtube videos and occasional shit from Twitter.
It's just sad... And frustrating. I just can't comprehend how they'd prioritize sources (Which I literally spoonfed them multiple times the knowhow of) over valuable information to help them grow as artists.
It amazes me, really. It looped past frustrating anger to amazement.

But the situation that happened is a little old by now. It's just always been on my mind and I needed to vent about it somewhere.

>> No.4859271
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They where virtue signaling anon, that's why they where so insistent on it. I bet it was during that time that Elon Musk posted that Neir Automata art without sourcing the artist. Everyone got in a frenzy about how your always supposed to source the artist no matter what.

People virtue signal because its an easy dopamine rush because "I'm doing a good thing". Unfortunately you where on the receiving end of that and it often does ruin a good thing more times then not. You where doing a good thing at the end of the day out the goodness of your heart and got chased off, its they're lost. Same shit here but for the opposite reason, spite, where retards bark at people that actually enrich the community here until they leave. Shit sucks, but go where your wanted. 4chan and discord aren't really conducive to a learning environment

>> No.4859297

Spent 9 months learning to draw with a teacher. Spent shit ton of money and time. Literally no free time after work anymore. Get good only at copying real life stuff and photos. Everything that comes out of my mind turns out to look like a child's scribbles. My only "friend" tells me that 9 months is a ton of time and people who are talented would become pro in this time and I am certainly not. Tells that my drawings are shit. Losing interest in drawing after all this time but can't stop because too much time, money and effort spent already. Getting depressed on a daily basis because it becomes a second job basically.

>> No.4859434
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I wish I cared about money more than I do.

>> No.4859475
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I keep masturbating to my references instead of drawing. I probably never wanted to draw.

>> No.4859477

At least you're honest

>> No.4859508

Why am I so insecure about my art

>> No.4859526

Just learn how to draw from imagination

>> No.4859598

I've been seriously trying to draw for two weeks, feel like I've made basically zero progress, and absolutely suck.

>> No.4859602

try playing violin for 2 weeks without a teacher to see if you make any good progress

>> No.4859611

Yeah that makes sense. I need to be more patient in my life anyway. It just sucks not having someone to identify where and how I fuck up with tact. I'm looking over beginners art shit and drawing circles and lines until my arm hurts.

>> No.4859619
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>got hired via friends to be a cleanup artist contractor for this company
>been doing it for years and had fun
>company goes under
>don't want to go back to commissions
>no idea how to get another job with the skills I have since I'm not getting in through connections anymore
what do?

>> No.4859631

You faggot how about you make your resume and put yourself out there? Who fucking gives a shit the company went under. Unless all your “connections” died from covid it doesn’t matter. Have them put in a good word for you just like any other company. Do you think nepotism only exists in the art world or something? If anything it’s less pronounced there since you actually have work that you can show to employers.

>> No.4859681

Because they're
A) Better at time management
B) More obsessed in their hobbies
C) Have less friends so they spent more time alone, on their hobbies
D) Utilize their time, and use learn more efficiently instead of whining on 4chan.
E) Have less hobbies, do less things, meaning they spend more time on their one hobby

>> No.4859683

Make interesting original works, your original works probably just are boring.

>> No.4860166

School just started for me and I cant even draw anymore. Im on a scholarship so I really need to make sure I study so I wont lose it. Cant pursue art cause i need to be a doctor

Sucks to be asian lol

>> No.4860177
File: 52 KB, 640x638, 1537903244973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the commitment to get through my arts and I don't fear failure, but my life has a huge external problem and it can't be fix with just will power or therapy. My family had a fight again today, I hate it here but I can't escape it. Some time I just wish the world can stop so I can have the time for myself. I wonder what it's like to have a caring family..

>> No.4860183

Just pull an Osamu Tezuka

>> No.4860355
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thanks for the advice anon, it's massively appreciated, i hope you find your way out of it too.

>> No.4860449

Fuck bros I know the “git gud in 1 year” shit is a total fucking joke but I legit have one year. I wish I didn’t spend middle school and high school drawing cartoons and focused on fundies. I'm entering college now and I want to work in animation. I have freshman year to learn fundies, sophomore year to compile a portfolio, and junior and senior year to submit that portfolio for internships. Fuck bros AHHHHH tell me there's a less retarded way around this. I can’t afford those art school connections.

>> No.4860467

Bruh sounds like you have 4 years and if it takes a year longer who fucking cares?

You'll do great and demolish your peers if you:
A. LOG OFF - fuck modern dopamine addiction - if it was 1790 you'd come out of a 4 year school drawing, painting, speaking 5 languages and drinking laudanum. Your peers will be playing games, watching TV, browsing, doing art related shit that isn't practicing and getting false sense of accomplishment.


B. Do studies, not masterpieces. While your peers are drawing one perfected waifu that looks terrible you're gonna do 90 heads, 14 quicksketch figures, 200 gestures, jerk off, and then do 1 really perfect long drawing. Don't get bogged down on minutiae

>> No.4860504
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>> No.4860686

Drawing from imagination and construction are separate skills from life drawing.

>> No.4860787

I find it hard to keep my focus on one thing for an extended period of time. My mind is highly... dissipated, and distracted. However, I probably never really tried anyway, which is why it's hard in the first place. Thankfully I'm starting to see a difference the moment I make an effort, and while it' is mentally exhausting, it also feels extremely satisfying to be able to control your mind instead of being swept by the waves of distractions like video-games, pornography and the like. I want to be in control for as long as I can manage. I think it will be helpful for my art.

>> No.4860835
File: 8 KB, 236x176, 853FBF7D-3DFF-4CC2-B88C-9DD91D420162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those in a relationship or have been in one while being an artist: How supportive of you was your partner?

For me, It's not that he's outright unsupportive- he doesn't say anything ever looks bad or that I should give up or anything like that. But he also just doesn't ...care. Like I can draw for 7 hours straight and not once will he ask to see what I'm up to, ask how it's going, or give me any motivation if I'm clearly frustrated about something I'm trying to draw. I have to show him things as I work or after I finish if I want his opinion at all, which is never more than a "neat" or "cool" with no other input. I'm not sure. I guess it feels a little sad or soul crushing. I've been thinking lately of how "normal" that is, and if I'm just being oversensitive. I just sometimes show things I'm very happy with personally, or tell him ideas for things I'd want to create and I never get any reaction outside of general apathy. It's just making me second guess my ideas and plans. I just got a little upset and typed this up because I thought about how nice it would feel to show him a print or sticker idea and have him say that he thinks it'd do well or people would like it.

I'm not sure, this was really just a vent that people probably won't read/reply to which is fine but I feel better at least trying to type out how I feel.

>> No.4860974

Source? I love the render on the right one

>> No.4861279

I sold my soul to the cgi/video game devil. I applied to a popular local college I didn't want anything to do with, taking a college program that is about 3d animation and video game design. It is so monotonous, I wanna do 2d so bad. I came in thinking
>Well this will just be a couple of filler years and it'll help me get a day job as I follow my own dreams on off hours.
I went to this college so I could stop arguing with my parents over my dreams
I went to this college program so I could at least get some sort of day job
I thought I would at least appreciate cgi, but I've grown to hate it even more
I've been awake since 5:18am, my lips are dry and I've been viewing the same rectangle trying to fix the UV setup over and over, watching the same 2 minutes of a 6 minute tutorial video for 2 hours now.

what makes it harder is how 4 years ago I visited the college of my dreams in Canada, but my Dad's been saying
>Oh you can just go there for a graduate school thing, get your work in state
At least I got friends at the college, but if the only reason I like the college is because of friends and not the animation program, then that's a problem.

screw everyone who I let manipulate me to this spot, and screw me for letting them.

>> No.4861534

>wasting Asian jeans on being a doctor

>> No.4861551

I’m a trad fag that wants critique but anytime I go to the beg threads nobody ever responds to my posts. Either the pic is bad quality or something, I don’t really know. I just wish I had somewhere I could get critique

>> No.4861559

critiques aren't ever guaranteed. And most of the time they aren't any good. Even if they are good they might not awlays be practically helpful. There's a reason why people pay thousands of dollars for critiques from professionals.

>> No.4861563

Yeah that’s understandable. Should I just train myself to learn how to critique my own work as I develop an understanding for art and the fundamentals?

>> No.4861566

where/how do these porn bots even find your accounts?

>> No.4861581
File: 996 KB, 1244x706, sad man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/, I am sorry.
I am giving this hobby up.
I wasn't good enough, skill-wise, mentally, spiritually and in every way. I am a lesser human being. I'm going 3D. A fate I deserve. But a defeat I'd rather not feel.

I really thought I could make it. I have a cushy office job at a large megacorp. Spend 2 hours in the morning and 40 minutes before bed drawing or following tutorials. I just don't have it in me. The frustration was eating at me. I followed the schedule rigoriously, but never really kept my weekend schedule which was pinged at about 4 hours a day. Really doable. But I am a feeble mind. Easily distracted. Full of worries and doubt.

I give up.

>> No.4861585

You won't last in 3D either so see you tomorrow.

>> No.4861635

yeah, just focus on training yourself. Helps if you hone in on a book or a course.

>> No.4861841

Communicate this with him. It's not bad in any way to want more input and support from your partner. If he's not an artist, he may not know what to say and may not want to hurt you. I've heard that a few times. If he doesn't know you're upset about it, he won't even know there's an issue to begin with... But make sure to say you don't want him to just sugarcoat compliments, but actually want to hear his opinions on your ideas.
If this doesn't go well, maybe you could use a new partner. One that really supports your art, as I imagine art is one of the biggest focuses in your life and it's a must to have a partner that supports that imo.

>> No.4861848

man i dont know what i should be studying to get past my mediocreness, i dont do environments much so i could study that but thats not gonna help my main stuff of drawing anime girls really, and if i study figure/anatomy it just feels like im doing the same thing again and again and not ever improving

>> No.4861852

that sucks, maybe he doesnt care or maybe he doesnt know what to say or doesnt want to give advice while not being an artist, i show my art to my friend that i like sometimes and he can be pretty enthusiastic about telling me what he likes or doesnt like about it and what he thinks would work better etc but sometimes he says he doesnt know if he should be saying these things because he's not an artist and it could be wrong advice, so it could be that

>> No.4861940

Ngl, I wish I heard this 6 years ago...

>> No.4861942

One of the way to break out of the cycle is to draw something outside of your safe zone, but not entirely alien of your skill set. So if you like animu girls, then start drawing those girls paired with animu dudes more frequently

>> No.4862014

i love anime boys though it would be a little out of my safe zone i guess?

>> No.4862054

people are just fucking gains goblins they've only ever fucked me and hurt my shitty brain and i hate myself for wanting them in my life. drawing should be enough for me but it isn't

>> No.4862135

It's saturday night and i'm alone in my room just remembering mistakes and love shit and fuck man, suddenly i wanna cry but i want to draw so at least i can distract myself and not feel so lonely.

But i'm afraid that if i just ignore all of that im just using drawing as coping mechanism, not actually afronting my demons

Fuck man, sometimes i just ask myself why i couldn't be more normal...

>> No.4862165

Drawing is actually a very common way to cope and deal with stress. Many therapists I've met even suggest it early on. If you find some sort of relief in it, even if it's just you venting your frustrations out, go for it. It's a great way to understand yourself more and get some weight off of your chest.

>> No.4862277
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I wish I had the willpower to draw characters of flavor of the month anime/cartoon, manga/comics and games I will never play/read and feel happy. It just feels so wrong.

>> No.4862322

If it helps any, what I do, is I just draw a pose/scene as practice and occasionally just slap some hair and details from X current trend characters. I try a quick sketch cleanup and maybe if I'm really feeling the drawing (not the contents per se) I'll slap some color on it. Turns my practices into Pandering(tm) without too much effort. I find it's at least easier than starting it and planning to draw some pander because then I feel drained the entire process. But if I'm just slapping some hair and details (sometimes full outfits) near the end, I feel less drained and more fulfilled... If that makes sense.

>> No.4862323

Plus, even if I don't know shit about the character, it at least grows my library of hairstyles and accessories? So there's still some benefit to it too outside of the pandering.

>> No.4862325

Drawing boys is fine if you draws them less often than anime girls. You just need some fresh perspectives to see what leads to your mediocrity.

Some dead dude once said, 'One is unable to notice something because it is always before one's eyes'.

>> No.4862326

>Drawing boys is fine if you draws them less often than anime girls.
That is some grade A mangled sentence. I need to get some sleep

>> No.4862345
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Anyone else get a problem where all of their art looks clinical, cold and just not any fun to look at?
Like, artists I admire make their pieces look like they came from the heart, while my shit just looks like some algorithm did it. I don't like to throw around meme words like soul, but that's what it feels like: my art is soulless. It's not creative, it's calculated.
I'm explaining this poorly, but it's the best I can do. It's especially bad when I try to color anything because that's when the true terror begins.
I think I'd do much better in some line of work that was the opposite of creative, maybe math or accounting or some shit, because I feel like I'm creatively sterile.
I don't even evolve anymore because looking at my cold lifeless garbage makes me depressed and I don't feel like doing any more. What is even the fucking point when it'll just look like some husk of a drawing made by a computer?

>> No.4862368

Go out of your comfort zone and try new mediums. Try to turn your brain off more and just let your hand go... Or maybe it's as simple as being more messy and using an eraser more to "carve out" a drawing so it's less predictable.... Or maybe try weed. Unironically, it's helped so many creatives boost in power, but don't depend on it.

If you're okay with manga, Blue Period might be a good read for you. I'd say it's a good read for everyone, because it's such a great manga about art that really hits some real frustrations and provides solid advice.

>> No.4862439
File: 49 KB, 404x483, Screen Shot 2020-09-12 at 9.01.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art looks clinical, cold and just not any fun to look at?

w-what are you talking about? i don't have that problem at all my art is soulful and original and full of all those emotions i totally have. imagine being a dissociated studybot with no goals or friends or direction how would someone even end up like that haha
you'd have to have like severe autism or something ha

>> No.4862461

>Anyone else get a problem where all of their art looks clinical, cold and just not any fun to look at?
The answer is unironically Gesture Drawing. Make your figures come alive and feel something.

>> No.4862484

Also try animation. Apply some squash and stretch. I find it really helps make your works more lively, because you'll actively strive for motion. Go the hand drawn route too.

>> No.4862497

You too >>4862484
Try doing more gestures and try animation. Just don't let the animation stress you out, don't focus too much on details, and just strive for motion.

>> No.4862525

I don't have a single clue where to start with animation, never did anything at all in that regard.
Plus, it's not really a matter of artistic skill, it's lack of creativity and that eye for appeal. I'm not joking when I say I'd be more suited to work on exact tasks, they come much more naturally to me and I'm a fast learner there whereas in art is like I'm trying to push a boulder uphill.

>> No.4862529
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1586033790921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a week since I last drew anything

>> No.4862531

Simply look up tutorials on Youtube. If you need set tasks, I'm sure there's beginner animation goal lists/charts around. RubberRoss does some nice tutorials and the like. It may be a good place to pick up if you feel like you're stagnating. At the very least, animation will help you realize whats exactly stiff and how you can improve it.
For example, let's say an arm looks very stiff and lacking motion. With some study in animation, you can understand it a little more? I'm finding it hard to explain through words, but I still think it's a fine route if you don't want to do gesture studies.
Because gesture studies and animation are pretty much the only two ways I know of to give your regular art more fluidity and less stiffness.

>> No.4862546

Stiffness isn't the problem, really. I can look at a tutorial that goes like "have motion lines" or "exaggerate more" and follow that, use different angles, line weight, perspective, all that shit.
The thing is it looks like a factory product. That's the big problem, and the thing I think I'm failing to explain. I understand the theory. Like, let's say you have a drawing of food. Some fruit. And it looks like really tasty fruit, you almost wanna bite into the paper.
If I drew that it would like those fake wax fruits. And just like in real life you can tell when something is fake, you'd be turned off from my drawings because they just look lifeless.

>> No.4862554

Nat the lich on twitter I guess

>> No.4862562

(Seriously check out Blue Period if you have the time)
I think you're lacking in the experimenting department? Really push yourself out of you comfort zone. Throw random colors into the mix. Maybe try throwing a monochrome filter over your drawing/screen so you don't know what colors you're choosing (great value study). You have to channel your emotions into your work. Perhaps try illustrating a story, push expressions and poses to really show more emotions. If you feel like you're comfortable with your skill and you're just lacking that Soul(tm) then I think it's just time for greater projects. Try to project these frustrations into your work, turn off yor mind and simply let yourself go. Pick colors on instinct. Don't worry about stray lines, weird shapes, or weird concepts. Just smash some shapes together and see where it goes. Draw a random squiggle/mess of lines, then try and see further into that mess and create something. JNTHED on Twitter does some good examples of this occasionally.
Not sure if any of this will help, but it's worth a try, right?

>> No.4862565
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Everytime I see the ilya kuvshinovs or the kim jung gis or the industry expert I get this semblance feeling of anger like wanting to get to their level but also this sensation of being blocked on all the options I have, it is so difficult to parse.

>> No.4862568

Channel the anger into energy to create. Let the spite fuel you, but don't let it take over.

>> No.4862570

are you making the kind of art you want to make or are you limiting yourself to what you think you need to make either because of audience or ability. i think it really does read through when the artist truly enjoys and believes in their work, and it reads even more so when they don't

>> No.4862574

This. Turn that energy into raw drawing power. Get on their level and then surpass them.

>> No.4862577

I have this too. My envy for people who are good or at least recongized is so strong I alienated a friend I had for years because he was so much better than me and I could not stand his fucking presence anymore.
Guy's doing professional work for studios now and here I am. Seething on 4chan.

>> No.4862578

Sorry, correction on my part, he hasn't done these studies since like Nov. 2018. I didn't realize he's been posting so much this year. You'll have to scroll back to around then, but they're there.

>> No.4862581

good taste anon

>> No.4862590
File: 111 KB, 1088x821, EhgSaziWsAsmsUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so fucking sick of no one noticing my work

>> No.4862593

You know, I also did this when I was a kid on elementary school, I fucking bashed a friend for working with references(comic heros), I know it is kind of a far past but today I cringe at that notion, finding myself drawing croquis cafe almost daily. Art on Internet has also managed to obliterate my retarded traditional>digital snob-ism.

If I had the chance to talk to him I would apologize.

>> No.4862601

It is a issue of marketing yourself.

>> No.4862602

I'm not good with feelings or expressing myself. This "just see where it goes" is something an instructor of mine tried to hammer into my head repeatedly, but it's just not there.
>Anon, you just grab a paper and pencil and draw, and whatever comes out comes out
That was literally his advice, and I could see it working for him because he did it right in front of me.

>> No.4862617

Then I'd really suggest trying the other things I mentioned. Especially the thing I mentioned JNTHED did. I find art is a pretty big think on the expression side of things... So if you can't pour your own emotions into it, maybe try writing a comic and trying to think like your characters would in the scenarios you put them in. Push expressions, exaggerate a little, and try exercises in creativity. Really, I can't stress the JNTHED thing I mentioned enough, because it really pushes your comfort bubble and forces you to try and think outside the box and be more creative with things.
Also find what YOU want to draw. What do you draw that brings you a sense of accomplishment and joy? What do you love to draw? Expand upon that and climb out of your comfort zone.
If you just sit there thinking you can't make it, can't do it, can't can't can't, then all you'll do is fall into The Cycle(tm) and nobody likes The Cycle(tm).
It is daunting to just go "Here's paper, pour how you're feeling down onto it." I feel you may just have to experiment some more and eventually something will click. Something you'll try will hit you just right. Once you break this hurdle you're stuck at, you'll be golden anon.

>> No.4862621

either your work isn't worth noticing, you don't know the tricks to get more engagement, or you haven't been at it for long enough

>> No.4862627

Pander more and git gud

>> No.4862631

maybe try taking one of your drawings that feels too stiff or factory-made etc and do a soul-pass right over the top. just trace over it and loosen everything up, add more character, more expression, more storytelling. start looking for the subtleties in the work of artists you like. not just technique or proportions or color but the superficial stuff we tend to overlook. like what is the character doing, what are they feeling? how is that conveyed in the drawing?

>> No.4862633

Real quick, just to make it clear for you bro, I'm >>4862617 and >>4862631 is another anon giving great advice. Saying just in case.

>> No.4862636
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 1597697890955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you guys will care at all, no body does.

When I was 7 I was sexually/physically abused by my father, at the same age made me sell drugs to people.

my father wanted to kill me and my mother, by driving past us and blocking the road and pointing a gun at us.

when I was 15 found out that not only he was still selling drugs to kids but I had other half brothers/sister who I didn't know, who were druggies.

I had to stop drawing because each time I did, I got angry and just wanted to stab somebody in the neck.

was depressed over the years; went to work, home ect.

2005 had a wife who at first was acting nice and loved me, then once we got married she changed, she was more abusive and destructive towards me, good thing I recorded everything because once I divorced her she wanted to get free money from me, I showed the courts the recordings or her being abusive, in the end she got shit.

in 2010 I stopped drawing/painting, moving from one place to another and worked more than one job at times to pay the bills.

I don't have friends or a gf that will share our hobbies, helping each other out in the process.

I get noticed by unwanted attention (bad people) at work because I actually do my job and they humiliate me because of it. Management will do nothing and HR. wont do shit. It's always like this, from one job to another.

want friends and all I get are enemies.

was diagnosed with schitzoaffective disorter depressive type.

I grown to hate people.

I'm tired, no support system, nobody to truly love and the psychologist are full of shit who only care how much you are paying them.

I feel empty and each time I want to have fun or enjoy myself I can't, it's just a endless void of hate and spite towards people, I plaster up a smile or a fake laugh but you could tell that I'm faking it.

I've picked up drawing/painting again, I'm trying to glue my life back together.

>> No.4862650

I'm rooting for you anon. Become the you that you've always wanted to become. You can make it, I believe in you. I'm proud of you for staying so strong and deciding to pick art back up again. Stay strong. Fight on.

>> No.4862653

That sucks ass. Keep up with the art and take care of yourself.

>> No.4862654
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>> No.4862656

Wanna be friends?

>> No.4862689


>> No.4863146
File: 26 KB, 640x691, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed my artist ex-gf un-blocked me from instagram after 6 months of no-contact, i don't miss her but it inflated my ego for a second thinking that she misses me

refresh the page, see her follower count increase by a couple, so i check out the 2 suckers accounts, both of them and about 20 in a row underneath all say 'follow back' on their accounts


>> No.4863165
File: 866 KB, 1504x1000, AstraTheFree2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked drawing these tiddies but I can't post them on my social media because I only draw fantasy and action stuff, shonen demographic pretty much.
Even if I covered them with a bra it's still too lewd, people would finally go
>AHA! I knew that since anon draws anime he's a pervert
and well they'd be right but I never show it. So this masterpiece stays contained here on /ic/ until the day I get tired and make another pen name to post hentai.

>> No.4863171
File: 397 KB, 442x496, gmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had planned out a semi-schedule. I'm now realizing how little time i have to draw between work, school and watching my siblings. Even with that I'm trying and hoping for more time in the future

>> No.4863187

thank you for the cringe

>> No.4863190

how much time do you have? there's a few out there that say if all you're doing is studying (not also drawing for work), 6 hours a day is optimum.

>> No.4863191

Why do you care about "followers" who aren't buying from you? You only need a few hundred repeat customers. Any statistics is just epeen street credits.

>> No.4863203

You either have to:
- stop giving a fuck and just do what you want
- make an alt account
Anyways, blog?

>> No.4863745
File: 105 KB, 339x338, 1325096211979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute /beg/ looking for advice, originally meant to post in this thread. Here's my history with art. Will post drawing timeline in next post.

>(October, November?) 2012, age 11; first dabble in art is copying a frame of Ataru Moroboshi from Urusei Yatsura episode 2. Lines when drawing after rough and concrete.
>(March 2013, age 11; Older brother introduces me to Macromedia Flash 8 and guides me through the basic process of animation; he helps me make a test cartoon of a stick figure being decapitated by a bird.
>Dabble with Flash once more to make shitty 2 second "animations" (basic shapes, frantic lines) and upload them to Newgrounds, only for the submissions to get immediately BLAMed.
>From early 2013 to May 2014, I would occasionally draw characters from anime I had seen due to the fun of creations derived from things I enjoyed.
>Passion wanes, drawing stops.
>December 2016, age 15: Start watching Miss Dynamite on Newgrounds and eventually find a timelapse video of the creator, Sirkowski, sketching the characters Eva and Blackie in Photoshop, showing him start with the basic shape outlines, using references for a gun in the illustration and eventually completing the final image.
>Think the process is cool, passion for drawing is rejuvenated
>2017 rolls around, consider starting to draw as a New Years Resolution; doesn't happen.
>Like the idea of drawing but don't act upon it, focuses creative energy on video editing shitposts
>August 7, 2018, age 16: desire to draw kicks in once more after finding /loomis/ on 8ch, download the resource folder full of tutorials, books, etc.
>September 2018; consider starting the Draw A Box exercises, don't start
>February 2019, age 17; Copying other anime artists pictures and try apply basic construction ("just draw simple shapes lmao," no lines needed to indicate where ball is facing) to these drawings.

>> No.4863756
File: 1.85 MB, 1942x1104, arttimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Occasionally glance at the first pages of Fun With A Pencil and and Keys To Drawing and don't proceed further
>June to August 2019, copy anime characters with no fundies learned
>August 2019, age 17; sketch the first few examples from Loomis then give up because I wanted to draw anime shit
One of my classes for this school year was Art I; I didn't like the idea of being forced to draw a specific thing, plus I preferred drawing with pencils as opposed to using paints. It was an okay experience. I've began using block erasers when drawing as a habit from that class.
>February 2020; get a sketchbook and start sketching from art that I think look cool
>Late August 2020, age 19; decide to give Loomis another shot so I can learn the fundamentals required to later draw the things I want
Whenever I look at the homepage submissions on Newgrounds with great quality created by artists/animators in their early-mid 20s, I can't help but think "what could have been" in an alternate timeline where I consistently drew from 2013 onwards with further exploration of Flash, like "I would have so much skill by now if I stuck with it."

Is it not too late for me to "make it" if I start now at age 19 and grind fundies/draw for a specific amount of time each day consistently? Due to my final year of high school being online, I have a lot more free time on my hands. Art III is also an elective of mine this year, with weekly assignments where students draw from still objects with shadows; the experience from that could come in handy.
I've heard some anons recommend dedicating three hours a day for drawing sessions but for now I suppose I'll start small with one hour then slowly stretch it out as I progress further.

>> No.4863762

why should we care about your sad history with doodling one picture a year? :DD pyw

>> No.4863825
File: 31 KB, 128x126, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loomis is a meme. You have to learn perspective and shapes in 3D before you start drawing heads, and it isn't something you do once and claim you've got. You should spend at least a month just learning persepctive and 3D objects. Also, learn better line quality. People hate drawabox because the 250 box meme but doing at least lesson one will get you started

>> No.4863832
File: 388 KB, 639x672, nSqGazu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4863833

I hate living at home so fucking much fuck this pandemic, fuck this quarantine fuck this

I JUST WANT A FUCKING JOB, I really want to leave my fucking house


My parents don't want me to do art because they made a bunch of stupid descisions in their life and now they're suffering for and it seems like they want me to be miserable with them


>> No.4863846

That progress is fucking awful. Do you even enjoy art?

>> No.4863855
File: 42 KB, 640x480, [BlueLobster] Captain Harlock SSX - 01 [480p].mkv_snapshot_00.55_[2020.08.18_23.22.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4863870

Just do studies. Mechanically. Like a chore. Just fucking do it, faggot. At this point you're like a grass in the wind, being tossed around by your fleeting passions and desires and never settling on one thing.

Learning to draw is a lot of fucking work. And it'll suck. It's not some way to escape life, especially if you're starting this late. Manage your time. Organize your life. Understand your priorities. And just fucking draw.

You can use this method of drawing with anything you want, humans, anime characters, mechas, whatever.

>> No.4864027

more followers = more engagement = reach more people = more buyers. don't buy into the 'followers don't mean shit' fallacy, the only followers that don't matter are ones that don't drop a like, because even likes boost engagement, and therefore your reach

>> No.4864041


Do you see massive engagement despite them having 43K followers and promoted by twitter itself for free?

>> No.4864462

You can replace every = with =/= in your post and you will be more correct

>> No.4864513



>> No.4864575

You realize saying just "wrong" and not defending your point does nothing for you... Right?

>> No.4864582

feels like a waste of time to explain it to be honest, a quick google search on instagram engagement and growth stats vs amount of followers will answer things

>> No.4864585


>> No.4864592

You realize a similar search will show you otherwise, correct? The amount of followers you have =/= how much interaction you get. Of course, a big number still leads to more people that have seen your work and could see your work. But this number will never equal just how much interaction you will get.
Literally look at any account with a large following. Look at their posts. You'll easily see that a big following =/= the same amount of engagement.
And depending on the site, the affect these numbers have to your "reach" will vary. The algorithms are different.

Of course numbers do matter to an extent, but not to such an extreme that is being said. If you focus on numbers, numbers, numbers, all you'll get is disappointment and probably depression.

>> No.4864595

literally same

>> No.4864606

If its simple, itll get criticized for simplicity. If its stylized, thats whats wrong with it. Most critics dont try to form an opinion. I enjoy it when a critic says something sensible instead of a npc like phrase for it

>> No.4864625

big following + engaging content = faster growth

obviously if you start posting shit that no-one cares about, there's every possibility your account can bomb, my argument assumes the opposite.

>> No.4864633

Of course, if you have a combo of the two, you'll achieve faster growth. But the odds of having both and sustaining both for long are slim.

>> No.4865104

Anytime I want to draw/paint something, I think about how much time it will take to make it look nice and I get discouraged and think there's better things I can do with that time

>> No.4865106

I fucking feel you mate. I got over it by realizing that if I wanted my future self to look back on something and remember, it would be this instead of doing something else in which no memory will be saved. Like playing another match of some game or some stupid shit.

>> No.4865885

It's been over a month for me.
I want to kill my self.

>> No.4865891

If a news headline is a question, the answer is almost always "no".

>> No.4865933
File: 52 KB, 300x300, more anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very hard for me to get 6 hours in, relatively uninterrupted, I've been aiming for two hours a day. I try for more on the weekends.

>> No.4866046

>survive off commissions
>recovering from a long spell of idiocy and not getting my commissions done
>after some therapy I'm doing great, getting things done, feel so ready to go every day
>work my way through all of them
>fuck im still behind on money
>just sitting here waiting for commissions
>fuck I hope somebody commissions me sooOOOON

>> No.4866057

What's your degree in?
How can your parents say they don't want you to be an artist if you already have a degree, whether it be in art or not in art?

>> No.4866062

at least you still have experience and probably a good portfoliio
you couldn't ask your company if you could use the work that you did in your portfolio?

>> No.4866066

Dude me too.... I only recently started caring because I realized what a piece of shit I am. I don't care about money, but the people around me sure do and they may need it some day.
You might have to put your parents in a home some day if you dont want to wipe their ass, if you have a kid you might want to put them in some nice clothes so they won't get made fun of, if you have a significant other you might want to make their life nice and worth living, considering they'll probably be working a wageslave job and you'll be drawing for money. For once I'm saying, its time to git gud....for the money.

>> No.4866248

>put $1 in the vending machine
>get a 3 for 1 deal

I ended up giving one bag of chips to some stranger for free but why can't ATMs malfunction like this? It's not the first time; sometimes I get 2 items for $1 dollar because the springs in the machine don't register or whatever.

>> No.4866394

I would use my art to get dopamine. Like check various platforms on mobile every day for likes, follows, etc. I found amino apps the best for this. Then I didn't have time to make new art and it made me feel like ass. I switched to shitty phone games with lots of success animations and sounds and it's a lot more reliable source of hits. My actually art improved since then since now it's just a private thing I do.

>> No.4866401

Oh yeah I would also aspire to get commissioned because then that means I beat out X other artists for this person's business, hence more of dopamine for me. I don't need the money.

>> No.4866406

My art only started to improve when I stopped caring about likes and started drawing whatever I want. Likes are in range of 50-2k and I have a constant new followers stream and I feel absolutely nothing about it, I just post something and not opening my notifications for 2 days

>> No.4866409


>post in /beg/
>people say you're too good to post there are just posting in the thread to attention whore, go post in /alt/ or /int/ instead

>> No.4866515

How the FUCK do i blend and use color in digital to get that semi-realistic, smooth and clean look? Holy fuck, that reference piece is right next to me but for 45 god damn minutes i fail to even remotely grasp what im doing differently. FUCK.

>> No.4866604

think more about color shapes than blending.
shinkiro is a good example of this.
when you want to render, don't even think of it as rendering so much as refining edges. you're just adding soft edges to turn the inside edge of the forms
itto comes to mind as a good example of taking celshading & then adding some rendering.
>gay bara warning
for a more realism based example look at people like wangjie li and bryan lee

>> No.4866654

Now that I'm getting better at drawing I like drawing more traditionally than digitally.

>> No.4866737

>delete a drawing
>gain a follower right after
Talk about weird timing...

>> No.4866768

i want to smell L’s hair and lick his feet

>> No.4866828

Did you even announce that you were taking commissions or opening commissions?

Do you even shill your stuff? How can people notice if you don't shill?

Twitter is cancer and I'm sick of these random OCs and literally who Hololive characters popping up on my feed. Like who the fuck are these characters and why should I care? It's literally e-celeb garbage. I don't have time to suck up to the 3 day twitter fad only for the whole art community to move onto the next one. It's annoying as hell to see that.

I think I might just block twitter permanently and get that garbage out of my site. Too much hatred, too much fanart, too much "LOOK GUYS, I DREW THE FLAVOR OF THE MONTH. AREN'T I COOL?". Like holy shit, we get it.

You drew uzaki, you drew fallguys, you drew hololive. Here are your retweets and hearts from coomers that'll leave once the next zoomer fad comes along. It's all so tiring.

>> No.4867028

can i be frens too?

>> No.4867120

He probably doesn't shower a lot anon

>> No.4867123

same, I wanna do all my comics traditionally, but comic boards are so fucking expensive, like $2 a sheet. I'm looking for alternatives but there isn't a lot.

>> No.4867191

If I saw my favorite artist start deleting art, I'd start following too so I can grab them immediately before they disappear.

>> No.4867202

cannot overcome perfectionism. It's holding me back financially but I cant seem to just let go. I don't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.4867233

>drawing face
>looking pretty good
>draws nose
this is why i should stick to animu

>> No.4867352
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 1599951545051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think Im going to matter, I dont think people will notice me, be it drawing or music, maybe I dont have what it takes, maybe im always going to be irrelevant, I need people to see me, I want to matter, be someone, I need my name to be important, I live for that, I want to justify my existence, live up to my heroes but there are no heroes, Im in the fucking shit, crawling on it, Im no one and I cant take it

>> No.4867487

I am trying to code and make my comic at the same time, I think my boss is onto me.

>> No.4867502

Whatever you create, trust in your own message because no one else could.

>> No.4867509

Google 1000 true fans

>> No.4867531


>> No.4867601

I wish I had friends so I could use them for reference.

>> No.4867717

Actually super helpful, thanks.

>> No.4867794
File: 75 KB, 625x463, 1541976209687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've subconsciously given up
When I get up to draw, I know in the back of my head that it won't be good and that, probably, it wouldn't be good in the future either.

>> No.4867924
File: 151 KB, 448x224, 20200915_135504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Uni, studying math and I'm so fucking afraid that I won't have time to get good at art

>> No.4867976

I haven't washed my hair in two weeks and I have really long non-greasy hair. It smells funny but not that bad

>> No.4868165
File: 179 KB, 700x717, anglerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my degree but I don't want to work in business, it sounds so fucking miserable.
I got some saved up money and I'm thinking of moving back to the city, work mornings at whatever part time job I find and grind in the afternoons so I can become a full time fantasy illustrator.

Uni friends are going to get masters degree, some already have jobs as business developers. I know life isn't a race and you gotta make sacrifices to get anything worth, but fuck it's scary.

>> No.4868339
File: 121 KB, 614x518, 11657856867980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically draw better when I'm drunk but I don't want to intoxicate myself that much

>> No.4868356

>Be me
>On way to making it
>Gathering following
>Meet art grill
>Fall hard
>Becomes only source of real inspiration
>Cant think or work
>Tell her
>Ask her out says no because she recently got out of relationship but become good friends
>Do more work and work harder to impress
>Show her work based on her and she loves them.
>Still cant think
>Don't know what to do
>Don't know if she really is even interested
>Don't want to leave and do want to leave at the same time
>Deep confusion.
I miss not having emotions.......

>> No.4868372

Nobody crits work here anymore. Fuck you all.

>> No.4868388

based fellow filthchad

>> No.4868393

>in a class with people my age over zoomer
>everyone is rich, successful IT/business owner person doing art for fun and is good at it already
>meanwhile I'm just "me", living in moms attic still hanging on to meme dreams scraping every penny I can to make it

>> No.4868425

this but unironically

>> No.4868454

I still wash my body every 2-3 days tho, just not the hair, it takes forever to dry it

>> No.4868495
File: 338 KB, 1016x774, oksorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw no art boyfrendo

>> No.4868505

feel like im on the verge of an artistic breakthrough, like im so close. but when i draw i just hate everything.
i feel like i need something to push me further

>> No.4868511

I'm an art major in uni and Covid has fucked my experience of taking studio classes. I wish I could physically go to classes again. Fuck zoom meetings. I'm in one right now

>> No.4868548
File: 51 KB, 500x600, 1598837556427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish women were impressed by my art skills

>> No.4868555
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>> No.4868570

You two faggots should give each other reach arounds

>> No.4868799

Work hard today so you don’t have to tomorrow

>> No.4868805

Procrastinate today so you don't have to tomorrow

>> No.4868807
File: 70 KB, 782x581, 1482897399092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting anything to do with the 3dpigdisgusting
Want to know how to tell where your source of agony and depression comes from?

>> No.4869069
File: 312 KB, 1080x982, 154674575698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say "fuck it all" and start doing sfm porn
>t. former tf2 sfm animator

>> No.4869084

Try Loomis

>> No.4869541

They are liars

>> No.4869622

I am fluent in japanese and have been watching vtubers for several years now but didnt want to draw fanart at first because I thought it'd be disrespectful to draw something without watching them longer and before improving my art more but now every other weeb is drawing them despite just learning about them recently due to trends and not even understanding their streams and getting thousands of likes for it. Now that I am satisfied with my art skill if I draw them I also look like a trend hopper. Frustrating.

>> No.4869852

goal threads make me sad because i don't even have any idea of why i draw. it's probably escapism or some other stupid reason

>> No.4869884

Worst thing you can do is rope your partner into your art. I know that sounds shitty but literally no one cares. I've dated 6 different girls and outside of the first date and me showing them my art, they have never cared. Ive even dated another girl who did art as well, and all she did was get fucking pissed and jealous. Any constructive criticism i tried to give her resulted in her having a mental breakdown and fighting with me. And when I tried to show her my own art, again shed have a mental breakdown and say shit like "YOU THINK YOURE BETTER THAN ME FUCK OFF". Expecting your partner to give a fuck about your hobby is pointless, its equivalent to a child showing their parents the funny dinosaur they drew only for the parents to throw it in the trash when the kids not looking.

>> No.4869899

Sounds to me like you've just had shitty experiences. I hope you find someone that supports your art and the relationship.

>> No.4869901
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, EdZE8_VX0AE8epn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure if this is a vent but I have absolutely no idea how to make conversation or network. I'll get plenty of talented, more popular artists messaging me in my DMs and I cant understand what to say back if that makes sense. The most I can think of to say is "Thanks you too" or "I like your art" and it makes me feel like shit because I can tell theyre trying to make conversation and im making myself look like an asshole by being short with them.

>> No.4869908

Unironically look into tips and advice for socializing. Sometimes it's as easy as offering a question back or providing something you think they could bounce off of in a reply. Instead of just "I like your art" you could say what you especially like about their art or talk about a specific piece of theirs you like. It gives them the opportunity to talk about that piece and/or do the same to you. See if there's some common ground and go from there. The beginning of a conversation is typically one of the hardest moments. But put some more of your points into charm and you'll make it. It's not like you have to have a long conversation either, but providing subjects for one another to jump off of is important.
"Thanks you too" on it's own is a conversation ender. From there, the only option you'd have is to bring up some entirely new topic.
"I like your art" as already mentioned, is more like half a statement and you could put more into it.

All else fails, try to let them lead the conversation by leading the smaller subjects. If that makes sense. Don't be afraid to open up a little.
Also, I'm sure there is information/videos/etc on how to network. There are definitely ones for holding a conversation.

>> No.4869946

you don't need to be buddys with people to network, just interact with them enough that they stay in your mind, drop them likes, share their work on your platform every so often, comment on their stuff, that's all you need to do, and if they like your work, you can have a good 'working' relationship, which isn't exclusive with needing to be good friends that talk all the time. Just consistently showing interest in each other's work goes a long way, and any conversations will form naturally if an opportunity on either side comes up

>> No.4869951
File: 89 KB, 498x416, 1578454438363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any books for learning to have conversations? Only real practice I get is 4chan

>> No.4869967
File: 122 KB, 1024x1132, nai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never finished a single artwork in 6 years.

>> No.4869979

working as a ‘software engineer’ turned me into an alcoholic. Probably better at art than you tho ;^)

>> No.4869981

draw from real life
the best knowledge i ever got was life drawing classes from community college

>> No.4869987


>> No.4869997

>life is 70 years
aint nothin bucko youre on here forever

>> No.4870012

all I really want is to be your bbububububububboybububububub boy friend

>> No.4870470

Gotta find those yourself anon. You'll also have better practice joining Discord servers. Plus, you can join servers based around shit you like, which should make it so much easier. There's countless art servers as well, so you can kill two birds with one stone.
Might help looking up videos/guides/advice on how to do small talk and then just apply that when you go out next if you can.

>> No.4870474

What would also help, just throw it onto your list of studying, is improv classes. Learning how to improv, even if it's just the basics, will help you a TON.

>> No.4870593

been drawing for a year and i can see the improvement but recently ive hit a stump and cant draw for shit, will probably past in a week but i fking hate this feeling

>> No.4870729

Someone told me if I want to grow in followers faster, I need to draw fanart of the current most popular anime series. But I don't want to do that and I feel like I'd be lying to pump out fanart of a series I don't care about, especially when 80% of my work is original stuff
Once I reach a ton of followers, then it would probably piss them off when they don't see me drawing fanart of the popular shit anymore. I'd rather just draw what I want now without misleading people

>> No.4870770

Do both. Then slowly do fan art less, but by then you'll probably be in the habit and won't stop completely. You'll have a dedicated following and while you will lose some, you'll still continue to gain.

>> No.4870809

there are so many shit artists doing artwork for MtG who are you guessed it, women

really gets the noggin joggin

hurts just a little bit seeing beginner artists getting praised on twitter because #drawingwhileblack and #visiblewomen

hurts a little more applying for hundreds of companies in a year and get rejected for unironically worse artists

yeah yeah i know, connections and all that but can we get a single profession where you don't have to suck a dick to be recognized at?

>> No.4870818

unironically, dedicate yourself autistically to drawing and painting and be the best motherfucking artist in the world, the better you get the more people will suck your dick metaphorically and literally

that's the classic male pattern to success - be so autistic about something that you end up being better than everyone else at that thing and people will suck your dick

>> No.4870825

Thanks, I do some fanart, but not for the big anime series (I was told to only make MHA fanart for a few months, but I said no). Are you suggesting to make fanart of big series and then just trickle down once I reach a follower count I'm satisfied with?

>> No.4870827

gesture is not the figure

it's movement


not form


>> No.4870832

everybody is shit, but every time you draw you become 0.01% less shit

>> No.4870839

i hate seeing people scared of this fake china virus that's litterally a forced meme

like people killing life as we know it because of a meme

of what worth is Kek if he can't save us from an evil meme?

>> No.4870872

Pretty much. Do both your original works and spice it up with fan arts. It doesn't have to be MHA, but really any mainstream series. Or even anime, as long as it's mainstream, it's what counts. Sex also always sells. What >>4862322 >>4862323 said might do you good too. Once you feel you've hit a comfortable following (you're looking for engagement, not number of followers per se) then slowly do more works you just want to do. If you're lucky, you may hit a growth spike and you could just do your originals. But typically, you'll want to just slow it down. Don't just stop cold turkey. I've even seen some people dedicate a day to doing/posting fan art (like "Fanart Fridays" or something). This leads your followers interested only in fan art to still expect goods, so they won't unfollow you right away. If that makes sense. But that's just an optional route.

>> No.4870878

Why do I have such a hard time starting a drawing? It's like there's a mental block in my head preventing me from getting started. I don't know why.

>> No.4870887

Thanks anon, that's great advice. Now I need to go find a list of current popular series. I don't really do coom art but I'll probably try sexy lewd stuff

>> No.4870889

Try making your starting canvas not white. It's a tactic many writers do.
You also just have to do it. Just block in shapes. Draw things you're familiar with as warm ups. Even if they don't come out good, that's what warm ups are for.
You could also get stoned, but don't get dependent on it if you do.
For anime, all you really need to do is use MAL. You could see whats trending on Netflix or Twitter. Could even draw for big internet creators. Sexy lewd stuff is fine too. I've seen many people get growth without drawing any actual sex, but just regular nudity or even "cute censorship" with their lewds. Combine it with pandering and you'll get growth for certain, but definitely keep it sparingly if you aren't interested in drawing NSFW content.
I've seen people go ham with fan art, but I've also seen people do mostly their original stuff and just sprinkle in fan art. Growth is slower, but I've seen it work out.
Good luck bro.

>> No.4870898

Don't forget nostalgia pandering.

>> No.4870900

Yeah thanks. You're probably right. I think if I actually start drawing regularly then a bad drawing will not discourage me the way they do now. (And since I'm a /beg/ they're all pretty bad.

>> No.4870903

Now is a good time to start doing fan art as the fall season for anime starts in about 2 weeks. What to look out for? Just go on youtube and find some popular channel discussing the top 10 most anticipated series, look at the comments of people and what they're looking forward to the most by measure of likes and you should get an idea of what to watch out for to make fan art.

Use MAL to check the first 1-3 episodes to make sure the series lives up to expectation or if people are dropping the anime because it's shit. This is for popular stuff...I'm pretty sure you'll still get attention for anything fresh out the oven.

>> No.4870905

There's always more time to draw more. Don't let bad drawings weigh you down.

>> No.4870909

>I'm pretty sure you'll still get attention for anything fresh out the oven.
This. Anything fresh and new without content? Dropping some material gets you instant growth because people will take almost anything. This goes for artist bandwagon memes too.

>> No.4870928

I literally just want to use photoshop elements 5 again.

Fuck windows 10, fuck modern photoshop, fuck corel painter, fuck krita, fuck all these bloated, over-designed, GARBAGE programs.

PSE5 was the one for me. My only love in life, and now it's gone.

>> No.4870930

>not using CSP

>> No.4870932

I can already tell just by looking at pictures that it's the same, clunky garbage.

>> No.4870937

You can customize your workspace however you like. It can be incredibly minimalist. There's also a shortcut to remove all docks and just show the canvas. You can make floating docks. You can remove docks and tools entirely. It's literally the ultimate program.

>> No.4870938


What are you talking about? You can remove all windows in photoshop and capsize them to small cubes. Photoshop CC is probably the least bloated in UI.

The only downside is I have to pay $10/month fo---
>why don't you pirate it!!!???
for it...

>> No.4870939

I have CSP EX, not sure if regular CSP has it, but it even has a built in 3D model thing. Pretty handy. Don't knock it before you try it anon.

>> No.4871010

Don't fucking reply to me

>> No.4871014

Senselessly aggressive much? Take a nap man, drink some water, take an afternoon to just do shit you like. You'll feel a lot better.

>> No.4871018

Oh...oh OH! Oh...............I see.

>> No.4871466


>tfw Im still using pirated CS6 in the year of our lord 2020

Im planning to install it on my next machine, too. And the original SAI.

>> No.4871471


Man, just go into a crowded shopping center or a church and take a big 'ole whiff. Its not a big deal.
Be the change you want to see.

>> No.4871492

i do it every day because i'm too old to fear the boogeyman

how about you? wear your good boy mask everywhere you go?

>> No.4871535

On one hand I don't believe in the kung fu virus. On the other hand in April I had a cold unlike anything I had in my life and it was difficult for me to breathe. I found relief by breathing into my freezer every so often and drinking lots of Vitamins but that really wasn't normal at all.

>> No.4871847

>anti mas
If this isn't ironic, how's it feel knowing if you got the 'rona you'll most likely die?

>> No.4871860

I’m back with an update that is the opposite of vent

>got two more commissions this week
>started to get more inquiries that could be jobs next week
>finished the one commission today in only about 24-48 hours
>got a 35 dollar tip!
>last week, got a 50 dollar tip and a 25 dollar tip!

To be fair, on the tips for the other projects I worked my ass off and my rate was less than normal..

>> No.4871904
File: 93 KB, 160x165, 1578873775584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw cringe furry porn
>very popular post on all my socials
>improve a bit
>draw porn of the same character again, but with better anatomy, gesture, and shading
>much less popular, engagement is significantly lower, people actually give it a lower score on Newgrounds
I know there's many factors that can influence engagement, but seeing it perform worse on EVERY site really makes me wonder what the fuck I did wrong. I don't want to repeat whatever mistake I made

>> No.4871906

Could easily just be bad timing lad. Your last post could've had a big name or two interact and it boosted engagement too.

>> No.4871908

Thats what I was thinking until I saw it actually was getting rated lower on NG

>> No.4871914

That's just one platform. You'd also be surprised at how a low rating influences people to also rate it poorly (just as if it has a higher rating, people are more inclined to go with the majority).
That said, I haven't seen said work, so who knows. Maybe it wasn't as good as the previous version. Maybe it was an improvement technically, but it still had things that brought it down. Wouldn't be able to comment on that until I see it.

>> No.4871920

Yeah I'd post if it weren't against the rules

>> No.4871922

Post it on catbox and link it? That's fair game innit?

>> No.4872443

hard to cope with the fact that you've been lied to huh

>> No.4872444

Covid has been the leading cause of deaths to my own relatives but sure, pretend it's not real, it'll only make it more satisfying knowing you won't last much longer in this world.

>> No.4872669

cool story bro call me when it kills more people than the common flu

>> No.4873181

It's pretty funny that you cannot comprehend there being more than one life threatening illness in the modern era.

>> No.4873405

new thread please

>> No.4873413

I could have just taken screenshots of my refs rather than looking at my secondary tablet. So much wasted effort.