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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4853881 No.4853881 [Reply] [Original]

My goal when it comes to art is simply to be able to make my own manga/comic.

The problem I have is that I'm an American.

My problem isn't about "westerners can't draw anime thing" but I'm concerned about being able to make a decent living fallowing this career choice. The American comics industry is very different from the Japanese one. Even though lots of mamgaka don't make it or work horrendous schedules, there is still a greater potential to make a decent career and full time living, and more creative leeway.

The American industry often does not have original works written and drawn by a single creator with a story in mind, and often have teams of people working to produce comics that are usually more akin to promotional material or short stories. I know there are probably exceptions to this but it seems that most comics are like this, and often treated like collectors items. I'd rather not get paid pinnies on the dollar working for capeshit companies.

I've heard of one french guy getting published in shonen jump with radiant, but I can't think of any other examples asides from him and I don't know the specifics about that.

I'm not trying to be all gloom and doom. I'm just wondering how exactly I can make a living making an original regularly updated comic in America. It's not about money for me or having an easy career, I'd have no problem working 10 hour days. I just want to be able to focus on it full time and be able to support myself so that I could update it regularly, I want to be able to do a long running series one day and would to actually get through it before I die without having to work a full time job on top of that.

I'm just want to know what my options are, if I even have any.

>> No.4853883


>> No.4853885


>> No.4853890

I don't get what you were ranting. You wanted to draw manga in the states or you wanted to move to japan and work there?

>> No.4853891

hard round brush

>> No.4853895
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I'm not nearly good enough yet, and won't be for years. This is my eventual goal that I'm working towards which I know will take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. I've only seriously started putting my nose to the grindstone this earlier this year.

I know the response will probably be "don't even worry about making a career until you can draw" but this question has just been nagging at me. I kind of want to just know what I'm getting into early on and what to expect to get out of all this effort before I dump years into something without knowing if I can even achieve my goals. I don't want to love under delusions or false expectations.

>> No.4853906

Here, let me give you advice.

Just quit. If that's what you're bringing to the table then you can forget about being the next Toriyama or Oda. Jesus fucking christ how delusional can you get. You start scribbling for a few months and thing you can make the next One peice. The sheer arrogance of your fucking mind.

Even if you were born in Japan and your uncle worked at jump you still wouldn't fucking make it. There are literally thousands of more talented artists than you who scrap by off penies and you come here with garbage like that thinking about making a full time career. Fuck you.

No seriously fuck you and fuck your art. Keep drawing for fun if it gives you a bit of joy, but don't come here posting shit like that thinking you'll ever amount to anything serious. Leave those ideas for talented driven people who can actually draw a circle you dumb price of shit.

>> No.4853913

how old are you

>> No.4853917

I'm 23. Ive always drawn shit sense highschool but never seriously studied fundementals sense this year.

>> No.4853925
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>I'm 23
>Draws sense highschool
>Posts that >>4853895

Holy shit Anon I actually feel semi-bad for you jesus fuck

>> No.4853929

>Ive always drawn
You’ve never drawn. You doodled rarely.
People thinking “they’ve drawn their whole life” is a meme here, see >>4851970
Read the sticky, stay consistent, and maybe start thinking about comics (by which I mean making a shitty comic no one will read for practice) a year down the line

>> No.4853930

It looks like you still haven't studied fundies, it will take you years to get good
I wish you good luck though

>> No.4853942

homestuck,rwby,pennyarcade. all long running media with a strong following when they were still doodles/cheap animations. gather a fan base then you will get funding for other work that you really want to do.

If you want to be a mangaka in the east? give up. There are tons of other Japanese who work 16 hours a day/7days a week just for a chance to submit their draft to a major label. Even then they will be grateful for the chance to be turned down. It's that fucking cut throat over there. it's a shit job because you would get paid little and still have to work to death.
tldr :learn how to fucking draw first before you want to make a living

>> No.4853948

There’s a manga general you could have posted your question into. They posted a few publishers you might look into. There’s self publishing and crowdfunding available able to you as well.

Yes, it’s daunting and there are no guarantees. But, if you want to make a manga, just do it. Prepare to grind your way up and study writing as well. It’s a good time to stop doodling and start studying with a purpose.

>> No.4853951
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I get what you're saying and agree completely. When I say I've "drawn a bit from highschool but never seriously" I was pretty much meant I was occasionally doing doodles. It's why I dont really count it in my mind.

People always say it looks like I dont studies fundies. But I've been studying them for over a year. Clearly I'm doing something wrong in my application. I get my stuff isn't good but people keep telling me it looks like I haven't studied at all. Here's a more recent example with my drawing of The World. I tried to apply some shading, I used a lot of construction to make this and tried to forshorten. I tried to make it also not a direct copy. Even that CSM drawing I tried to apply what I've learned. I get the faults on my end, but I'm trying to apply the stuff I learn to my drawings but I get the response (looks like you haven't studied). Am I that much of a retard?

>> No.4853954


>My goal when it comes to art is simply to be able to make my own manga/comic.

Then make it? You're asking questions about money before you even have a book to sell, already off to a bad start. You don't know if you even like comics or just the idea of making them for a living. You know how I know, because you'd be making them now instead of coming to /ic/ for permission to start.

>I want to be able to do a long running series one day and would to actually get through it before I die without having to work a full time job on top of that.

If you're starting out from zero it's HIGHLY likely that you either have to work a dayjob or have someone support you while you make comics.

>> No.4853964

stop drawing cartoons and study from life, retard

>> No.4853965

Sorry if I come across as whiny in this post I don't mean too. I'm just wondering what I'm getting fundementally in my application.

>> No.4853972

Why are you people encourageing this retard. It's clear he's not going to make it and is a talentless delusional retard, so don't give him false ideas about being an actual artist lmao. He can't fucking draw.

>> No.4853974

>He can't fucking draw.
Funny. For shit like manga, you don’t even have to draw that well. But if he can’t write, that’s another thing all together.

>> No.4853985

yeah no, if you think the writing bar is higher than the art bar, you’ve read single digit manga

>> No.4853990

Anon i believe you can make it. Read the sticky, keys to drawing, and make your comics right now. Ignore the haters and naysayers. Actually start doing your comic right now and improve your art if you so badly want this. Do it anon

>> No.4853996

He asked and got an answer. What OP does with it, I will never know and likely forget I said anything in the first place. However if OP makes good then I would rather that then nothing.

>> No.4853998

lesson 1, don't come in here gushing out your dreams, people will stomp on that shit like a cockroach
your best shot is crowdfunding, but you'll have to make something spectacular for people to actually read it. That doesn't mean just art fundamentals, your writing and storytelling is going to have to be even better.

>> No.4854016

Didn’t say the bar was higher. But, one is more forgivable than the other. OP never stated who his target demographic would be either. Or what genre he’s interested in.

>> No.4854020

there is an anon who used to here with complete /beg/ work and it took him full 4 years effort to get where he wanted. He was also going to school studying as a STEM fag on the side. think hard about it, 4 years of hard work.

>> No.4854036

You have no idea how the manga industry works, it is very clear from your post. I suggest you learn about the manga industry and how it functions before you spout off baseless assumptions and other nonsense

>> No.4854042

>step 1: make webcomic
>step 2: get popular
>step 3: either self-publish or get an agency to do it for you
>step 4: profit

>> No.4854051

He's not wrong in that it is easier to get published in Japan as opposed to America. They have a much larger readership and the diversity of publishers is insane, they have one for every niche. In the US you have the big two cape publishers, Image comics and then a handful of smaller very selective publishers.

>> No.4854058

Nice projection crab san

>> No.4854074

>I'm just want to know what my options are, if I even have any.
I’m sorry anon, but this just isn’t going to happen. You don’t even speak Japanese and you want to try and break in to the market of that country? I want you to try and think about the logistics of that. That’s just for starters.

Secondly, every manga artist you know trained in an academy and had to pass entrance exams to even be allowed to study art there when they were young. It is not as simple as a freelancer became successful after pitching an idea, this is the kind of market that you’re competing against. It’s not just about even being able to draw, you have to learn how to write, how to design, even things like the language of flow and panel layout is extremely important as to how readable your comic would be. Have you considered that and just how much you need to learn?

Third, there is no money in comics. It pays bad whether you’re in the east or the west.
So thinking about making a manga for Japan... just don’t even bother with that one. Not to be mean but that’s a pie in the sky dream for 12 year olds.

That all being said, I think you should keep drawing and I think you should make comics like you want. In my opinion you would be best off making a webcomic and working on having a social media presence so you can get popular and open a patreon/sell merch for it etc. That one is actually doable but it requires a hell of a lot of work too and will also take years but I think this could be achievable for you. Just understand that on this front that you also have to be extremely strict about maintaining your public image so no personal profiles or opinions and no ammunition that could give people reason to cancel and shit on you etc. It’s a lot of work to maintain everything.

Anyway good luck OP.

>> No.4854088
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The fact you're already hesitating about this undertaking because there's a very real chance you wont make it in the future tells everyone you're not all that committed in the first place.>>4853906 is right on the money in telling you to quit, >>4853972 is right on the money for saying you're not worth encouraging. You're not serious, you clearly lack the work ethic, you are a fucking faggot to boot, and being mediocre all you will amount to. Have fun with that.

>> No.4854095

>Secondly, every manga artist you know trained in an academy and had to pass entrance exams to even be allowed to study art there when they were young.
That's wrong. Plenty of mangaka haven't formally studied art. Takehiko Inoue studied literature at university and Tsutomo Nihei didn't start making manga until he was in his 20s. I agree with the most of your post though. It's best to make a webcomic or try to engage with your own countries comic publishers. Making a manga is possible but the odds are extremely slim and it's a massive headache if you don't even speak the language. There may be hope in the future though since publishers like Shonen jump are hosting international contests that are open to everyone. Other publishers may follow suit.

>> No.4854102

jfc calm down autismo before you have a stroke. it's been a hot minute since i've seen someone crab this hard and holy fuck that's some next-level coping.

ok first off OP, your biggest mistake was to post this on /ic/ instead of plebbit or deviantart because 90% of the regulars here are just stuck in an infinite loop of bait threads, crabbing, loomis memes with fucking pepes and wojacks around every corner. there is a helpful minority and a few successful artists that moved on from this shithole but trying to talk serious is usually not worth getting put on blast by some anon with a hate boner for /beg/s and 'muh glory days of ic'. something tells me you're a little too thin-skinned for this place already.

now for your dilemma; don't even think about trying for one of the manga powerhouses. not only will it be basically impossible considering you're a foreigner, the dealines will make any social life you may or may not have disappear. the great thing about the US right now is mainstream media is so fucked and boring, it's a better time than ever for indie creators and small artists looking to grow their presence. start your comic ASAP--get the story down first, beginning to end(you can add more detail as you go)maybe watch some videos on yt about storytelling by writers and do the 50/50 rule; 50 percent studies, 50 percent personal/comic works. don't worry about self publishing right away, you can always go back and redo beginning chapters but the biggest factor that keeps people from achieving their goals is just not putting in the work in the first place. make social media accounts and start posting ideas/pieces so you can gather a following. nobody's gonna hold your hand anon, so it's up to you to make this happen; any uncertainty needs to be completely stomped out if you want to get serious enough to achieve what you want.

oh, and don't forget to loot the fuck out of the art book & video resource threads.

>> No.4854116

You're calling people crabs for rightfully calling this retard out on his faggotry and retardation. He's shit and is delusion. Like >>4854088 said he's not serious and we are right to tell him to fuck off and quit with his delusional bullshit. He won't make it and he's a fucking fag. Everyone in this thread encourageing this loser are almost as retarded themselves.

>> No.4854128

Top bait

>> No.4854136

keep seething crabfaggot. it's always you NGMI autists screeching about people being 'delusional losers' when at least anon had the balls to post his scribbles.

>> No.4854165

Admittedly I was being hyperbolic more than anything and more just trying to emphasise the type of competition you’re up against when trying to make a living off a comic series. The point remains though that most of the ones able to actually live off their work did train, whether that’s in house (which is pretty much every mangaka who learn by studying under another as an assistant) or formal schools.
And yeah if OP wants to make their own comic they can just make a webcomic and a publisher might pick it up down the line if it gains traction online. That’s what I would do if I was them, webcomics are actually pretty big.

No, they’re right. What are you contributing to this discussion with these posts? Nothing. You are wasting not only your own time typing it but also everyone else’s who has to read it. If you’re not going to actively contribute to a discussion because you want to slap your dick around and insult someone because you want to feel good, at least do yourself a favour and go draw instead because this is a poor waste of your time and a distraction.

>> No.4854181

>simply to be able to make my own manga/comic
so... one simple yonkoma is enough?

>I'm an American

>I'm just want to know what my options
just draw a comic, or read above

>> No.4854200

Here. This is a list of America publishers:


Read comics, start to think where you could work, find a comic script, and build a portfolio.

You don't get work with pin-ups, you have to draw comic pages.

Use the books you will find in the art thread to get better at drawing your portfolio.

No offense, but you're still a complete beginner, you don't have a manga style because you don't have a style yet, so don't focus on that.

Again, try to read as many comics as possible. There is a whole world of comics you're probably ignoring, from indie American graphic novels, to European bande dessinèe. Take the better from everything and form your style.

Then, if manga is really your thing you can make web-comics and use social media to build a fan-base, making money with commissions, Patreon, etc.

>> No.4854202

I think a lot of anons are misunderstanding what OP is wanting to do. They aren't necessarily wanting to become a real works-in-Japan-and-published-in-Shonen-Jump mangaka, they're wanting to know if there's anything similar to the mangaka's career in the west, i.e. making comics in the way that mangaka do. Which unfortunately isn't a thing, and it's too bad because that sort of publishing model leads to tons of innovation in the market. In America the comic industry is almost completely dominated by the same old capeshit by the same two publishers. The black and white art of manga is pretty kino too, desu. I don't know why western comics haven't caught on to the fact that manga is wildly popular in spite of not being in color, you'd think they'd jump at the chance to save money on printing and paying colorists (who are almost entirely shit btw).

>> No.4854204

Chiming in to say that OP should read Scott McCloud's Making Comics and Understanding Comics, and should also read his comic series Zot! for good measure. Zot! was a pretty damn good comic imo.

>> No.4854213

I mean, he used a french guy getting published in shonen jump as his example. I’m pretty sure he is asking how to go about getting published in Japan itself like that.
I agree with the rest of your post though, I don’t get it either. I have nothing against western comics but there’s a lot of issues, biggest one imo is the accessibility is just awful in terms of what is/isn’t canon, what is good, what to ignore etc. Incredibly intimidating to newcomers. That and the lack of consistency in both writing and art which is why I prefer manga, there really is something to be said about 1 author making a fully finished work that’s more appealing. I guess it’s just such a hard market to break in to if you’re not doing the 200th reboot of whatever capeshit comic you got a job on. As far as I know though western comics aren’t doing very well right now in general.

>> No.4854229


>> No.4854241

>I know the response will probably be "don't even worry about making a career until you can draw"
It's literally the opposite. Start RIGHT NOW. Being able to draw is only a part of what you need, and the best and fastest way to improve at all the skills you need to make a comic is to MAKE COMICS.
If you actually want to draw comics you will need to come to terms with the prospect -- PHYSICALLY, not just intellectually, knowing that it's a lot of work is NOT the same as understanding fully how much work it truly is -- that you will be drawing day in day out basically for the rest of your foreseeable future and that it will be many years of soulcrushing failure before you spot the glimmer of success. The best you can hope for in the meanwhile is praise like "you're getting there!" or "you have potential".
Every single one of the people who inspired you toiled fruitlessly for a long, long time before they found any kind of success. Even those who were successful at a young age.

Basically, it's a long, long road. Chance are slim that you're not going to be hit by life and forced to give up even if you're willing to go all the way. I'm not telling you to give up now, just giving you words that hopefully will stick with you throughout your journey: Comics are HARD. The skill to create a good comic does not come easy. You will be a failure for a long, long, long time. You will want to give up many times. Don't.

>> No.4854251

not listening to a tripfag ngmi. post your blog if not ngmi

>> No.4854255
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Read scott mc cloud book then do master study and write down fun stuff, that's what am i doing theseday, study 3d you will be super user

>> No.4854265

Radiant isn’t published SJ, idk why people keep saying that. Also, we have a general dedicated specifically for manga, with a madman who moved to Japan to make it, he posts there regularly, so your dream isn’t so unrealistic all things considered. You should pop by and ask for feedback and direction there rather than venting in front of a bunch of crabs.

>> No.4854267

study is just copying something? Does it actually help?

>> No.4854276

>I've heard of one french guy getting published in shonen jump with radiant

>I mean, he used a french guy getting published in shonen jump as his example.

By the way, Radiant isn't Jump. It's actually not even publishe din a jap magazine ala manga. Rather it's published in a french magazine, later picked up by a jap publisher the same way Viz picks up manga.
Do your homework!

>> No.4854282

I just quoted what the OP said, I don’t keep up with SJ.

>> No.4854341

The fact you made this thread is proof you wont make it this time. Maybe on your next little faggot epiphany if instead of coming here you'd just fucking start drawing

>> No.4854366

just do a webcomic instead

>> No.4854372

Somebody should make the OP post into a song.

>> No.4854395

jesus christ who hurt you

>> No.4854398

the romans mostly

>> No.4854402

OP is incredibly based for making the crabs seethe this hard holy shit

>> No.4854412

Actually this is a test for OP.
If he can't even endure the crabs here.
He won't make it against the haters when he create his own manga/webcomic.
It would be better to stop here while he haven't even started yet.

>> No.4854438


Here’s the thing: You either gonna make it or not, if you can’t endure on how manga business works in japan then you’re shit out of luck.

But if you truly want to pursue your ‘dreams’, then do it. you will fail tho as working there is a fucking DO OR DIE and I promise you you won’t last a day there

So study the basics and practice.

>> No.4854442

Being talented is important, but a lot of people get work in the industry by knowing others and having good people skills. You still need to make something that sells in the end of the day but that doesn't mean you need to be skilled and have god tier art.

>> No.4854485
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I live in Italy and the comics insustry here Is way smaller that It was in the past. Is learning french a good choice? Or Is webtoon enough?
Can western produced works get following in Japan easily as a cultural import? (RWBY is/was really big over there, while some modern western books series like Brandon Sanderson ones and Malazan are totally unknown and stopped the localization after 2 or 3 books)

>> No.4854506

OP is himself a crab

>> No.4854519

>Is learning french a good choice?

Yes, a lot of Italian artists go to France because it's better.

Doing comics in Italy right now is hard because your choices are 1) Realistic B&W for Bonelli 2) Disney style for Topolino magazine 3) Minimalistic graphic novel style for other publishers, that permits you to be fast and compensate the really small pay.

Read "Lezioni Spirituali per Giovani Fumettari" by Mammucari, it's a great practical introduction on comic markets around the world. (no, I don't have a pdf)

>> No.4854543


Calm down, anon. All he did was ask some genuine questions while keeping an open mind. He has a difficult uphill road to go, yes, but there was no need to go full blast on the dude.

>> No.4854566


Not that same anon, but part of studying is copying the works of those you like, especially if you're planning on drawing something in their general style. By trying to emulate their work, you can sort of get into their headspace. This helps train your muscle memory so that you pick up an innate sense of how to do things "correctly."

>> No.4854585

thats fucking dumb OP
manga is literally

you can like the art style but if it doesnt go forward it because you copy them so much that it looks bland, but well some people can make it work out like that.

being american is the best fucking thing to any modern artist trying to make comics or something

>> No.4854603

alright here would be my piece of advice anon
first, based 40k fag
second, start your comic career with something small. like 10 pages of a short story. it will be a training exercise and you will be able to learn from your mistakes early on before heading into a larger project that might span several months or years. plan out the story before you start drawing.
there's a board on >>>/co/ for webcomics with resources
third, while you're doing your first comic, study spend most of your time studying anatomy and perspective.
analyze the reference you are studying, break it down, copy it (don't trace), redline it and send it to your group of fellow artists so they can give you feedback.
then i would recommend you learn about color, composition and scenery.
do not wait until you feel you have enough talent or understanding to start your comic, that time will never come.
fourth, work on your comic every day. build your diligence up.
fifth, have fun

>> No.4854604

you need to read and watch more things, to improve your character designs, and have a chance at making interesting scripts.

the idea of your chatacter is very similar to many warhammer and other old typical western tropes (heavy metal mag). not a bad thing itself, but not good if theres nothing new and original, script related.

that quality is common for highschool, so its far from the quality needed for comics or manga. keep your designs for reference, but better focus in learning theory and practice: thats the only way to have a chance. art school is not needed: the practice, the materials, the books and theory are. you can get hired without degrees if you are great. a degree can only help you to get work as a teacher.

you need to learn how traditional figure drawing works before you can become better at drawing.

anyone can be anything, as long as they are willing to spend the time practicing and learning. if you cant recognize your real flaws, you wont be able to do the work.

most fail, because most wont study and practice.

>> No.4854648

i dont think enough people read this shit for the amount of 'i wanna be a manga car' artists worming out of the wood.

>> No.4854745

OP should make a living by trolling since he seems to have talent for it.
If by some chance this is an authentic question then:
1) Patreon doesn't care where you live
2) If you care about employment there are other jobs
>can I make a living of ...
depends on how frugal can you get

>> No.4854943

Dont copy for the sake of copy, be picky about what you want to copy, it has to follow your imagination, desire, and that you study out of it. Japanese mangaka emphasizes on this from time to time, you shouldn't "grind" copies, you should "practice" work flow through other artists.

>> No.4855010

Just get a "How to draw manga for beg" from Japan and doodle from it, look at propostions and howare placed and exaggerated.It aint that hard.It's harder to attempt to draw a art classic masterpiece.

>> No.4855077

Image is actually quite a bit better than Marvel and DC because it's all creator-owned original IPs. There's some good stuff on there, like Invincible (which despite being capeshit is really good), Black Science, Oblivion Song, and Outer Darkness. Heard that Chew was good but I haven't got around to reading that yet. But yeah, the problems in the American comics industry can basically be boiled down to it being a near cultural monopoly by Marvel and DC, which are stagnating because all they ever do is rehash the same shit in the same shared universe over and over and over again. Everyone has heard of Batman and Superman, Iron Man and Spider Man but for a large percentage of the population that's all they really know, and mostly because of the movies, not the source material. I have a soft spot for capeshit, I have good memories of those characters and the good stories that they spawned but I really think at this point that DC and Marvel needs to either die and get out of the way or change completely. They're getting their asses kicked by publishers in Japan for fuck's sakes. The current model just isn't working but the Big Two will probably cling to it until they wither up and die.

>> No.4855103

Work hard on forming a habit. Draw every single day for hours, look around /ic/ for most important courses and get the right mindset. You can improve insanely in a few years if you’re practicing right. You say you’ve been practicing a year but I assume you were talking about a few hours a week at most, you need to draw multiple hours a day. If you get really good then you’ll be probably able to live off fans’ support, commissions etc. You say you would have no problem working 10 hours a day. Start drawing at least 5 hours a day (though with your level at 23, you should be honestly drawing 12 hours a day in my opinion) and you will see a big difference. Realize you need thousands of hours of mileage (practicing correctly and mindfully) to be able to live off your work. It all isn’t as easy as you think, but if you can start working heavily and rapidly improve then you can be a pro in a few years. However you can’t say you wouldn’t have a problem drawing 10 hours a day if you haven’t done it before, it’s much more exhausting (physically and mentally) than you think.

>> No.4855142
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lmao anon if you think every jump artist needs to be a Oda try reading pic related

>> No.4855178

the sad thing is even Indie comics aren't evolving much out of the poor legacy the Marvel and DC created. They are still stuck with the soul sucking format of having 4-6 people with different visions in one project, the comic composition for some reason still follow DC and Marvel's backwater formula. It's so sad I hate what the big corp and publishers have done to comics, after getting into Euro comics I realize most American comic have terrible pacing due to time constraint of the 6 issues format. Everything I read feel like a rush work despite all that polishing. Some Indie comics got it right, but those can stand on their own are thanks to having a unified visions under the same creator(s.) But most however, still follow the same old practice that refuse to move on.

>> No.4855293 [DELETED] 

how old are you?

>> No.4855297

Just to clarify I'm not aiming specifically to work in Japan. In fact I'd rather not take that route if possible. I just wanted to know what my options were and if working in Japan would be the only way/possible way. I see from a lot of replies that I don't have to move to Japan to make manga/Comics.

That character is just a Chaos space marine that I made from imagination, it's not intended to be my original character. The rest of your advice is very helpful though.

>> No.4855425
File: 433 KB, 1904x2343, 1599248798716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this thread is too long.
I am going to ask the only question that matters:

Where are your comic projects? Why are you not putting out some interesting to read shit? Do you think you can just pull it off from thin air once you're "good at drawing"?

No, it's a skill you have to develop in parallel. I've seen uncountable good artists crumble once they began their webcomics because they underestimated the skills you need for it.

>> No.4855488

The manga artist for Dr stone is korean not Japanese, Ilya kuvshivnov is russian not Japanese. The point is that if you apply yourself you can get far just like they did or are still working their asses for. Keep improving anon, don’t just think about working on one type of comic genre, why I’m saying this? Because your art could be used for gag manga or other works, it’s just a matter of preference. Your art is not good enough for shonen or mecha manga/anime? Try something to else and get the experience! Just don’t stop trying!

>> No.4855551
File: 721 KB, 903x1839, IMG_7041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do have some comics that I post on social media. They're not great and I tried to make it very basic as a medium for gags while trying to have some more unique characters and setting. I basically use it has a way to try and refine myself.

>> No.4855564
File: 89 KB, 600x848, onepunch-man-one-5560297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not nearly good enough yet, and won't be for years.
Comic need good story.
Not good drawings.

>> No.4855569

That's a start. Flesh out a simple story and try to carry it through sometimes. A shounen mangaka shits out 20 pages a week. A regular one about the same amount a month, which is still a lot of work.

Watch Bakuman if you want to get a (romanticized) perspective of the trade, with all the metrics and pitfalls presented to you.

>> No.4855609

Just draw comics and study your favorite manga pages. Yeah, you’re shit at art right now, and your first 10, 20, etc. comics are going to be irredeemably ass. Who cares, everyone was shit once. Go practice or in 4 years you’ll regret not having tried right now.

>> No.4855624

>A shounen mangaka shits out 20 pages a week.
yea, with the help of their assistants.
you dumb fucks.
It's not a solo work.

>> No.4855632

this, most mangaka don’t fly solo, and when they do they’re bound to end up like Togashi or Miura. Some can handle it but most can’t.

>> No.4855688
File: 35 KB, 600x600, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mangaka don’t fly
That's true.

>> No.4855975

Holy fuck you're shit. Every single price of art you've posted has been utter garbage. Fuck off you giant faggot.

>> No.4855987

What do you get out of being an asshole to random people online? You're probably frustrated with your own art and, instead of improving yourself, you've decided to take it out on the OP.

>> No.4855997

One maybe not that good at art but his panelling is great.

>> No.4856004

Opinion Disregarded.

>> No.4856052

>The American industry often does not have original works written and drawn by a single creator with a story in mind
What the fuck are you talking about? Do any basic amount of research, blockhead, holy shit.

>> No.4856120

Aren't the vast majority of American comics team driven with different writers and artists.

>> No.4856256

They are, it’s a massive reach and denial to try and say western comics aren’t dominated by capeshit with this kind of work ethic

>> No.4856293 [DELETED] 

the strip got a chuckle out of me.
that being said, this type of hatching looks very amateurish. try to learn how to it properly.

to be perfectly frank, do not go into manga comics as a career with this level of preparation. you won't make it.
at your current level i suggest you keep it as a hobby and you might just improve improve if you keep at it.

>> No.4856297

the strip got a chuckle out of me.
that being said, this type of hatching looks very amateurish. try to learn how to it properly.

to be perfectly frank, do not go into manga/comics as a career with this level of preparation. you won't make it.
at your current level i suggest you keep it as a hobby and you might just improve if you keep at it.

>> No.4856347

Got any resources on proper hatching?

>> No.4856353
File: 50 KB, 512x377, 1594046309036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not of the top off my head. just google it. it's not rocket science. you're basically just making a continuous pattern. try to be more deliberate about it and not leave so much white space between each "patch" of hatching.

experiment yourself and see what you like.
i'd say there is no right or wrong way to do it. but the way you did it looks very random and chaotic, and not in the good way.

>> No.4856456
File: 482 KB, 1040x1040, Tanjirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimetsu no Yaiba manga art is unironically peak soul

>> No.4856484

It's soulful, but peak? Hell no.

>> No.4856507

Webcomic is the future. Use webcomics to promote online and establish yourself online. It takes time but it ends up working out if you market and promote properly. Webcomics are still in their infancy so most seem very subpar but if done properly it can be an insanely lucrative and engaging way to do comics. Not to mention the sheer amount of freedom you have to do what you want in case you want to experiment. You can create print versions of books later on once you're established. It's amazing how few people do high tier webcomics. It's a great market to corner.

>> No.4856515

Webcomics were in their infancy 20 years ago. It's not easy to live off a webcomic nowadays, it takes real effort just to make it visible to your intended audience.
I agree that there are very very few "professional" grade webcomics though, and you can stand out by just being very good. But let's be real, if it were that easy everyone would be doing it. Realistically everyone TRIES to be the one the stands out but turns out mediocre at best and thus is just another voice in the cacophony.

>> No.4856520

What a meme, I know you are just baiting but Tezuka is a doctor and juggle multiple publication at once.

>> No.4856538

Crowdfund your own comic, it's that easy. Now is the best time to do it because the comic industry is almost dead and everyone is going indie.

All of /ic/ that want to be comic artists need to do it RIGHT NOW.

Or in 5 years you'll regret it forever.

>> No.4856604

There’s other publishers than DC and Marvel
But most comic artists aren’t their own writers so fat chance trying to be a one man army in the already small industry
Although it might help working with someone experienced

>> No.4856608

American loner comics are better learning from writers and directors not artists
No one gives a shit about high quality art in a comic if it takes a year a couple hands full of pages

>> No.4856610

You don’t need to be a good artist to be a good comic artist
If you have the mind of a director you can easily make use if your shit art in a good way. Look at ONE
The only reason you’d improve your fundies is so you have more options to direct

>> No.4856643

do you have a story you wanted to tell?

>> No.4856644

take it to /co/

>> No.4857178


>> No.4857230


>> No.4857370

What would you say is peak soul, then?

>> No.4857538

You can't really crowdfund successfully unless you already have a platform, and if you're going to start promoting yourself, might as well post your first comics for free

>> No.4857585

just start making comics and dont stop making comics. might not make money but you'd be living the dream

>> No.4857663
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>> No.4857674
File: 355 KB, 726x1100, Konjiki.No.Gash!!-v06ch000pg000a[Null].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Gash Bell.

>> No.4857689
File: 1.42 MB, 1727x2480, 019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gon too.

>> No.4857714
File: 177 KB, 718x1000, 1596600501343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody got anywhere by listening to people like you and just giving up at everything afraid of failure. Btw who hurt you?

>> No.4857894 [DELETED] 


>> No.4858007 [DELETED] 

I've always known that art is not a skill that is learned over time. Art is a talent that only special people are born with. Day and night, I've had cathartic fantasies of violently murdering Japanese artists and destroying successful anime studios. They were born privileged with an ability I could never have, and I want them to suffer for ruining my life. I was about to believe I could shake that mentality, but you've brought me back to reality. Thank you.

>> No.4858426

start by not copying other people's art

>> No.4858430

How do you stay anonymous while making manga like that girl who made beastars

>> No.4858435

Chicken mask. Clearly.

>> No.4858436

She's not anonymous. We know who she is, her name is on all the fucking covers. We also know that she's the author of Baki's daughter. She just doesn't parade her face around.

>> No.4858442

Patrician taste, desu.

>> No.4858445

Most mangaka use pen names tho?

>> No.4858461

Correct. So, to answer anon's question: Use a penname and don't parade your face around.

Anyway, it's been confirmed that Paru Itagaki is indeed Keisuke Itagaki's daughter. The source is her own admission.