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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 135 KB, 752x920, 59820495820349p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4850952 No.4850952 [Reply] [Original]

1. Don't post nudity or revealing works.
bare chest no nipples is a no-go. I think 2 or 3 anons got their posts deleted, hopefully they're still around
Bikini seems to be fine though.

2. **No Porn**.
no, not the retarded "anything with a body in it is porn" standard or "i see her underwear, MODSSS!!!". But use common sense.

3. Due to the PPH (posts per hour versus the ratio of artists posting work) of this general, please wait until page 10 to remake a new thread or let the general fall off the board entirely before making a new one. Use warosu.org to retrieve the old threads.
Q/A: https://bin.privacytools.io/?b193b8e19721e47c#7zOZNmqXs+vthRt8kR07gKCR6x0Y3T+i+jHoM0phD/8=

Previous thread: >>4840861

>Resource Links:
>General Resources
>(How to draw Moe (Basics) - Most 'loli' like book - book 1)
>(How to draw Moe (action & expressing emotion) - book 2)
>(Young girl anatomy book - very "loomis-y")

Any other resources/references you are willing to share are will be added onto here. Especially any material that focuses more on this general's subject matter.

>> No.4850959 [DELETED] 


>> No.4850964

You people are sick and should burn in hell for all eternity for thinking of diddling children! I believe they’re our future! We should teach them well and help them lead the way!

>> No.4850966

i love how the moralfags seethe and cry with this thread and the fact that they can't do nothing more than troll on the thread makes it even funnier

>> No.4850987

just make it the /fag/ general, and drop the straight sexy loli stuff already
you know that's what you really want

>> No.4850990 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 940x529, 1599503609823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas tongue my anus

>> No.4850993


ok retard

>> No.4851001


I love how most lolifags are so retarded and insecure that they seethe at the mere sight of the word shota.

>> No.4851006

based. pedos can't do nothing against us

>> No.4851017
File: 47 KB, 511x645, 1531436651563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor acceptance emails can't come soon enough. Remember to report & ignore.

>> No.4851018
File: 68 KB, 640x480, deb (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post refs guys
>post art that inspires you guys
>post comic pages you like guys

>I have a project in mind
>what is your project about anon? maybe we can discuss the storytelling
>it's porn

>so let's discuss art career, how do you go about entering the industry
>just draw porn lol
>draw porn! everyone loves porn! you can draw gay porn, furry porn or loli porn, there's a lot of choice

>post your figure studies guys and let's share critique
>anon posts porn
>wow nice porn omg I want to jerk off so much I can't stop jerking off
>meh tits too big
>meh tits too small
>cute omg
>qt grill!!!!
>add dick pls
>it's not my art lol, it's by shojuchi himewada

>I think this art board is overrun with porn, it's hard to discuss art when everyone just wants to post porn and comment on porn.
>*soi wojak post captioned with strawman/projection*

>> No.4851021

Do I even want to know why you have this image on your hd?

>> No.4851035 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 625x469, C37AB38E-CF50-4678-9FE4-83640B9EC168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4851036

At least find some new images of our boy Flanders to keep this copypasta fresh

>> No.4851041

At least the "moralfags" don't want to diddle children freak!

>> No.4851043

fuck off

>> No.4851050
File: 76 KB, 407x405, 1599351603804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread
trannies are already seething

>> No.4851051
File: 443 KB, 710x902, Oppia_rori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post art

>> No.4851054
File: 894 KB, 1920x1619, 1492223413240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851055

So you admit you want to fuck children

>> No.4851060
File: 374 KB, 776x1700, 1593581032505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too sure where to improve.
maybe line weight and coloring.

>> No.4851063

are all pedos this retarded?

>> No.4851064


>> No.4851065
File: 276 KB, 396x304, 4376192faafca54d9cfd88cd59966602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Ned Flanders tribute thread.

>> No.4851071

>last thread
>317 replies
>49 images
>half of them are memes/reaction images

>> No.4851078
File: 86 KB, 1096x897, size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4851079

Yes you are :)

>> No.4851089 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 520x772, cuh.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunnybros ww@

cute loli pits

>> No.4851091
File: 151 KB, 500x195, YNPUeWw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this thread even exist? Is there going to be a general for every fetish on this fucking board now?
Fuck off to /trash/ or /b/ if you want to post your shitty pedo coom art.

>> No.4851101
File: 231 KB, 430x430, 1460228187565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/trap/ generals when?

>> No.4851103
File: 325 KB, 477x1386, 20200907_164845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's tall she's cool and have freckle

>> No.4851116

Literally no point when /SALT/ exists.
There isn't a large enough demographic of lolifags to justify this being here in the first place and I prefer it stays that way. I'd rather not have a loli general here attracting a bunch of lolifag coomers because they are obnoxious, disingenuous shitheads and they're irritating as fuck. They're like autistic furfags on crack.

>> No.4851119

You know part of the reason why these threads exist is because of faggots like you who go around policing an obscured corner of the internet getting off on a power trip.

>> No.4851121

just draw a girl with no boobs and a penis

>> No.4851131
File: 12 KB, 583x526, 1596014214300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're having a tantrum because everyone else is skeeved out by your creepy little girl fetish? Holy shit, this is the fursecution bullshit all over again. I fucking called it, you guys really are like autistic furfags. You can't stand the fact that nobody fucking likes you so you act like an even more obnoxious faggot, and iirc that's the whole reason that furfags are ghetto'd in /trash/ and /b/ to this day.

>> No.4851138

It's sad how non artist tourist swarm this thread. I'll post some loli tomorrow.

>> No.4851145

No, the point was maybe if you shut up and quit bitching and moaning about fictitious matters that have no affect on anyone except for giving you a hemorrhoid from the increased blood pressure by seething at cartoon drawings maybe these threads would cease to exist but it's people like you that give fodder to a dumpster fire that would normally be put out on its own if you just let it be but no you insist on creating problems on a non-issue. Go be a sperg somewhere else.

>> No.4851193

I don't believe that I'm the one who's either seething or sperging here.
I really find it funny that lolifags will beat the "IT'S NOT REEEEEEAL" dead horse when no one ever is actually focusing on the fictional characters or some silly shit like that. 'Kinda strawman bullshit you on, homes? We're not boomers on facebook. We've seen fucked up shit before. We aren't triggered by the art, it's the creepy, subhuman fucks making it who we don't like. You're legitimately fucked in the head, like zoophiles, babyfurs, and other degenerates on that level.
Despite the waters being muddied by normalfags and popular anime culture, lolicon was and still is a genre primarily produced and consumed by pedophiles. It's art of prepubescent girls of an erotic or sexually explicit nature. No amount of IT'S NOT REAL BRO HAHA WHY ARE U GETTING MAD AT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS BRO is going to hide that fact.

>Your next line is:"Y-you're only here getting mad because you're a closet pedophile!"

>> No.4851199
File: 318 KB, 949x720, certified pedoshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By your logic, a figure derived from proportions that are deemed to be the cute and the adorable must coincide with real children therefore you are automatically a pedo because not only do you find Betty Boop to be a likeable figure you also consume in the Betty Boop merchandise that are clearly catered to pedos because of her oversized "child" like head.

>> No.4851210

Wow. Someone finally made a weaker counterargument than
>iF LoLi MaKeS mE pEdO tHeN wHy pEePo NoT gO sHoOtY aFtEr PlAy GTA?

>> No.4851222

Go back to redit you sperg

>> No.4851225

It would be much easier to just admit that you have a double standard and if you do not like a certain genre you will cry wolf and the pedo boogieman. You're just like when a W*man has had buyer's remorse and cries rape when she doesn't have her way.

>> No.4851227

haha based gibs pepes plz

>> No.4851230

Ah, so you're a pedophile because you bought into the bogus incel rhetoric of "false allegations"
Good to know

>> No.4851246

just admit you want to fuck kids and go. it's not that hard senpai

>> No.4851248
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1560486917786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-aha! He's just admitted to hating W*men therefore he must be an incel! - that'll show him! Heh...
Not an argument. Look at what happened to brett kavanaugh as a prime example and the #metoo movement. You have no basis or support for any argument here other than your feelings.

>> No.4851253

And I should feel bad for a certified Trumpbot why?

>> No.4851256

>And I should feel bad for "x" why?
>Your rights end where MY feelings begin!
Again, not an argument.

>> No.4851259

>b-but false accusations are very real! men getting exposed for their creepiness and cowardice is the fault of ebil wimmins somehow! #metoo is soo scawwy guys!!

>> No.4851262

>not an argument
If I keep say this over and over, the evil wimmins will go away!

>> No.4851269
File: 355 KB, 500x491, 1568670278051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has no argument and retorts to name calling and insults like a petulant child
Thank you for reaffirming that W*men are basically overgrown children, will that make the next guy a pedo? Fucking kek.

>> No.4851275

Is anatomy even necessary to draw loli shit? I was scrolling through some loli and childlike anime characters and I notice that the arms and legs are like just cylinders attached to the body, like the contour of the muscles are so small that they are nonexistent.

>> No.4851278
File: 769 KB, 567x563, image0-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851279

Box forms and cylindrical forms at its basics are all pedoshit, real Wahmmenz have curves.

>> No.4851281

Then what is your argument, hm? That you really want to jack off to little girls but don't like it when people call you the "P" word?
Oh, I forgot. It's acktually "ephebephebephillia"

>> No.4851285
File: 97 KB, 1152x721, 1599028847542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851288

>"it's just a drawing bro!"
A drawing of what, though?

>> No.4851292

You do understand how an IQ bellcurve works, right?
Probably not since you are at the bottom left hahaha

>> No.4851296

The argument was, like the Betty Boop example these figures are fictitious and present to real problem other than a popped hemorrhoid from having a sandy Bagina on an underwater seaweed farm online forum. Now if we want to discuss about real problems, the LGBTQ(P) is actively indoctrinating real children and introducing them into gay sex and go as far as having kids identify themselves as being gay. How do they know that they are gay? These are the real issues but instead here you are getting your Bagina filled with salt over cartoon drawings.

>> No.4851297

Way to dodge the question! I'll ask you again since reading comprehension is oh so hard.
"It's a drawing, bro!" Why yes it is. But what is it a drawing of?

>> No.4851299

nigga you dumb

>> No.4851300
File: 60 KB, 530x542, That+was+my+favourite+part+_4541e2a99ca6bf543bffffaa721f30d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bY yOuR loGiC my ass, that's literally what lolicon is by definition you fucking retard.
This is exactly what I meant when I said lolifags are obnoxious, disingenuous shitheads. They run around in circles with this weaselly semantic bullshit, never give you a straight answer, always dodge the core issue. Don't play coy with me, you stupid cunt. You silly motherfucker. Where the hell do you think we are? Do you really think that the people here in anime autism central, in the fucking art board no less, can't tell the difference between the stylization of Betty Boop and prepubescent children drawn in animu style? Come on now.

>> No.4851303

The assmad this general creates is quite funny. Where are the lolis at, though? 2 pieces in 3 hrs. I'd consider it if I weren't a horrible /beg/.

>> No.4851304

If you're going to try to "own the normies with FACTS and LOGIC", at least try to brush up on your English and don't try to drag your blatant homophobia into it next time k?

>> No.4851306

Wrong answer
What is it a drawing of?

>> No.4851310

Psst! If the come at you with "it's just a drawing", ask them "a drawing of what?"
Pedos seem to REALLY hate that question lol!

>> No.4851312
File: 176 KB, 332x332, 1516811637457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little girl

>> No.4851315

An honest lolicon? Has hell finally frozen over?

>> No.4851316
File: 69 KB, 500x629, 1597904836450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851325

Again, nobody is getting triggered by fiction. We just don't like you, you pedophiliac numbskull. You get shit on because you are a pedophile, a retarded, subhuman freak of nature. You aren't any better than those other mentally ill freaks. I don't want them here and I don't want you here either, simple fucking as.
Get a big enough group of you sick fuckers, and there's bound to be an actual child molester who will come along to hide amongst the stuff and seek refuge and acceptance with other people like them. It's a definite problem in the furry community, after all. Those dumb fucks will shelter animal and child abusing monsters for the sake of protecting dA FuRrY CuMmYoOniTeE and you stupid fucking loli autists aren't any different. Fuck you.

>> No.4851328
File: 7 KB, 279x181, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting.

>> No.4851329

Lmao I think you missed your dilation time

>> No.4851338

>those faggots are the real child groomers, not us "lolicons"!!

>> No.4851339
File: 14 KB, 231x340, 1598786444072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post loli

>> No.4851344
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x1888, 1599366678039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851345
File: 1.03 MB, 850x1273, ashi_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4851347
File: 13 KB, 287x89, 1591226972277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm hitting the mark when all you have to say in return are trite insults and buzzwords like "pRoJeCtInG" and "dIlAtE".

>> No.4851350

>no sources only tweets and memes

>> No.4851351
File: 535 KB, 639x745, brave new world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So brave and powerful, how progressive! If you don't agree with the LGBTQ(P) you're a homophone and an intolerant bigot!

>> No.4851357

>uses trite and insluts and buzzwords
>haha I know I'm hitting the mark when everyone else replies to my retarded post with more insults and buzzwords!

>> No.4851360

>I have no witty rhetort, so I just greentext what the other guy says in some sad attempt to make him look bad!

>> No.4851363

"Haha! I may be a pedophile, but at least I'm not GAY!"

>> No.4851365
File: 413 KB, 1388x1105, fran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wholda thought that that upside down Picasso exercise actually works.

Right is mine (obviously).

Next time put catbox.moe in the OP so people know where to link uncensored images.

>> No.4851368

Being gay is unnatural and a sin

>> No.4851369


>> No.4851370

So being a gay pedo is perfectly ok?

>> No.4851371
File: 32 KB, 500x484, 17edd49dad2b259985217ecadd31a60d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And would you look at that, they're posting their meemees where they try to deflect with whataboutisms and false-cause fallacies. Could it be that's, say, "not an argument"? Because it sure isn't flying in any airspace besides your little circlejerk, faggot.

>> No.4851372

Seethe pedo

>> No.4851374

You will never be a women

>> No.4851375

>avatar faggot
I pray everynight for corona to take you

>> No.4851376

You will never fuck a woman

>> No.4851377

>he screams into the void, "NO U", but the void does not answer.

>> No.4851378
File: 548 KB, 750x702, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851379
File: 125 KB, 489x475, 1572468689597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those "memes" have more basis for an argument than your own feelings you stupid cunt.

>> No.4851382

Oh dear... have we hit a sore spot for you that all you can resort to is petty name-calling?

>> No.4851385

I need to find more rape/ryona loli doujins
I'm not into guro but some punching, choking, and screaming is always nice

>> No.4851386

Yes, because two can play that game bio-cunt. It has become clear that despite offering you facts and details you refuse the information like a demoralized useful idiot so one has to retort down to your level and basically call you a retard so that maybe the message can get across.

>> No.4851387

Aren't Ryona and Guro both R18-G, though? Not saying they're the same, but they're both torture aren't they?

>> No.4851389

Since when did memes and NO U count as facts?

>> No.4851390

>I don't believe that I'm the one who's either seething or sperging here.
>We've seen fucked up shit before. We aren't triggered by the art, it's the creepy, subhuman fucks

Then why the fuck are you even in this thread if you don't give a shit about the art? Are you here on your high horse, on an anonymous image board no less, just to show everyone how much of a "righteous" faggot you are?

You claim that these artists are insufferable when all they're doing is creating a place to post their work away from the other threads. Meanwhile you're being an insufferable cunt by going out of your way to post your diatribes in a thread which has nothing to do with you.

Admit that your real problem is that you don't like the art and you don't have anything better to do. Now fuck off.

>> No.4851391

Bullshit. They're pure deflection. They imply that everyone that gives you shit is a ClOsET cHiLd MoLeStEr, because da peepo in da meemee were actual chomos that reeeee real loud about pedophillyers, so dat mean all people that ree about loli are chomos too haha gotcha!
But of course, causation=/=correlation, and you're an intellectually dishonest piece of shit that is intentionally using a logically fallacious meme for your own ends.
And if you think my argument is so flimsy and feelings-based, why don't you try actually addressing it instead of skirting around it, c u n t?

>> No.4851393

I said even memes have more basis for an argument than your own feelings. It's late, not spending an entire night trying to explain the difference between a cartoon drawing and a real person.

Stay stupid, /ic/.

>> No.4851397

Why lose sleep over people calling you the dreaded P word, anon?

>> No.4851399

I understand shotacons but I don't understand lolicons
Boys and men are actually distinct in many ways. Males develop as they age and are much different as adults than they as kids.
Women and children are basically the same. Same lack of mental capacity and same lack of self sufficiency. Don't give me the purity angle either since most developed anime females are pure virgins anyways.

>> No.4851400

>Uhm acktually everyone who calls us degenerates are the real pedophiles, not us!
>Source: Uh... have this meme!

>> No.4851401

And where your proofs that people who like loli are actual child molesters? So far that accusation only relies on your own perception of lolicons, you have absoluetely no proof but "because I say so"

>> No.4851402

They're merely crying wolf on a non-issue.

>> No.4851404

Can you faggots stop baiting a d fighting and just talk about and post loli art?

>> No.4851406

Show us the proofs that lolifags diddle real childs then :^), and thoose are not memes but real events, where are your proofs?

>> No.4851407

See? This right here. You didn't actually address what I said, you just said it was "stupid." In other words, you have nothing to say and you're absolutely seething right now.

>> No.4851411

Please re-read my previous posts starting from >>4851145

Now shove that unused stylus up your ass, and hold your breath. Goodnight retards.

>> No.4851414

I thought you said you were tired, anon.
Why is it so important for you to have the last say?

>> No.4851417

I don't think all lolicons are pedos but there is a strong correlation. Anywhere loli is allowed to be posted cp, borderline cp, or photorealistic 3d model cp is posted. That's why moot removed the /l/ board and why 8chwan was moderated heavily and crawling with glowies (outside of pol).

Not all furries are zoophiles but there are a lot of them in the community. It's the same thing. You cannot deny there is an overlap between lolicon and pedophilia.

>> No.4851422
File: 230 KB, 564x656, 1595561118618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's where I have you, you stupid B I T C H.
Because in not a single one of these posts have lolicons been accused of being child molesters, only pedophiles. You're intentionally conflating the terms because, yet again, disingenuous shithead. You of all people should know best that child molesters are people that have actually molested a child. Pedophiles have not necessarily done so, they only have a fucked up sexual fixation on children.
Child molesters are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles have molested children. Quit playing your games of semantics, I can see right through that shit.

>> No.4851425
File: 983 KB, 1920x1200, 1451848158738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way loli discussion is full of hot drama, join with us.

>> No.4851428

Also catholicism so what?
You can't ban those faggots

>> No.4851431

I don't care I just get tired of lolicons denying that pedophilia is intertwined heavily with their fetish.

>> No.4851432

There's that whataboutism again

>> No.4851438

Just wanna say that lolita complex refers to girls that look 15 year old and younger.
Only on 4chan does loli refer to prepubescent girls.
Go anywhere else on the web and even japanese sites and they consider JCs as lolis. The creators of lolicon; the one that made it popular in japan and the one that wrote the book lolita say that it includes 15 years old and younger and the second says it's from the ages of 9-14.

>> No.4851440

I already read and responded to them. Don't fucking act like reiterating your posts is a valid rebuttal when you haven't bothered to actually respond in any meaningful fashion, you trick-ass bitch.

>> No.4851445

... and the "it's actually ephebephilia"

>> No.4851447

pedophile = lolicon
pederast =/= lolicon
gay/transexual = mental illness
pedophile= mental ilness

it's not that hard, these faggots are still craving for social acceptance because deep down they know that they are as mentally ill as pedophiles, they don't give a shit about kids, they just want to justify their mental illness shitting on other sick people.

>> No.4851450


>> No.4851455

Too lanky

>> No.4851458

>"The Lolicon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a degenerate, an autist, a child molester, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pedophile and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out."

>> No.4851471

What are you trying to say? That being gay/trans = lolicon?

>> No.4851476

They equate jerking off to cartoon pictures to...cutting your dick off and getting fucked in the ass...
Don't try to argue with the mindless. Just glance at them, then carry on.

>> No.4851591
File: 548 KB, 1903x2459, 1568221908797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here bro.

Good work Touhou fren.

Just going to post what I'm drawing right now since not too much people are posting their work. Any glaring flaws before I continue?

>> No.4851601

I honestly believe that people are so mad that they cease to make sense.

>> No.4851605
File: 102 KB, 830x1090, r9lnxgtqx2711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebephilia is normal, pedophilia isn't.
Lolicon is in between and refers to girls that look 14 and younger, and sometime 15. JCs are technically lolis.

>> No.4851606

Why is there are a topic for pedophiles? Die you subhuman scum.

>> No.4851611
File: 92 KB, 666x1000, 3c1baae61a2061398bde2f203df3b6b6-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got loli discords? Ideally the link to tst?

>> No.4851612
File: 235 KB, 715x1000, 1599456022936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does learning an artist of a loli I like isn't Japanese make me like it less?
Pic unrelated

>> No.4851613
File: 338 KB, 1280x1816, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk about other lolicons, but I'm perfectly fine staying in this closet.
Idk why you'd want the world to know.

>> No.4851615

Shit wrong tab

>> No.4851618
File: 35 KB, 1208x864, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851624

3d children are not lolis

>> No.4851635

>The most tumblr of boards has a dedicated loli/shota general
To be hones this is based.

>> No.4851637

Probably won't last sadly... I want to draw here, but there's too many kiwifarm tier fags here I wouldn't want to deal with the bullshit off site. Too much headache.

>> No.4851638

They realize that Null is a shotacon right?

>> No.4851639
File: 33 KB, 1271x864, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4851646
File: 153 KB, 860x1214, IMG_20200526_115408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are few things that top lolis in school swimsuits.

>> No.4851647

This. It'd be easier to just play innocent and claim your flat chested "non loli" drawings are 18+ and pretend it's just "my art style" making them look younger. Posting to a thread without this veil would be fantastic, but brings too many annoyances for anyone that plans to make anything out of their art off site. Especially those with more unique art style quirks.

>> No.4851649
File: 730 KB, 1000x1333, __elin_tera_online_drawn_by_emily_pure_dream__9ed1746e3da47dbd7dd2aae453b7f56e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who knows nothing about drawing, how do make wet clothes? Like when it's pressed against the skin and becomes translucent

>> No.4851650

Give me a little bit, I can do a quick example for you maybe. It's not too difficult.

>> No.4851651
File: 816 KB, 1080x1920, vuyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the rcmp ever decide to get me one day for importing loli manga, I'm going to spend my days in prison learning to draw lolis, that way they can never take them away.

>> No.4851654
File: 251 KB, 1879x1275, 1587628757085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll thank you in the morning, it's 5am and even for my neet ass that's too late/early.
Good night

>> No.4851671

Night bro. Don't expect too much, it's something I haven't practiced enough. It'll probably end up little off, but should at least point you in the right direction.

>> No.4851687

Take this lolishit off /ic/

>> No.4851692

I wonder what that feels like

>> No.4851722

Extremely painful

>> No.4851732

she's a big girl
speaking from experience?

>> No.4851740
File: 284 KB, 836x1200, 1598415652021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for deleting my work tranny mods

>> No.4851744

what has this board becomed....

>> No.4851749
File: 1.37 MB, 1696x1464, shitty wet fabric tut 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... Sorry, it's too late and I'm too tired to make something nice. Not sure how helpful this will be, but I hope you can get some use out of it. I just tried to deconstruct-reconstruct part of the image... At least it was decent practice for myself, though I know I can do better.
I'll have to redo this sometime.
Maybe we'll both be lucky and another artist will come along and do us one better. Night bro.

>> No.4851756

the red lines are a bit confusing, but otherwise nice

>> No.4851769

Just the red lines or also the text with them? I agree the red lines themselves are a bit messy, but I'm too tired to care too much about them. I can try re-wording the text if that's part of the confusion.

>> No.4851786

Maybe because you might think that if it's not Japanese it's not authentic. It's just a guess, but I think it might be the case since westerns can often need up and fail to draw anime properly, but this person seems to know what they're doing. Even if their style was different, if you like it you should just shamelessly try copying/study it anyways.

>> No.4851812
File: 228 KB, 849x1200, 221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is so bad about wanting to draw a fucking kid? No one came here to masturbate,all the pedos are in /b/. It's tiring to always draw a grown man or woman and now i want to use references of a child but you reddit faggots won't stop flooding the thread with pointless crying.
I can't take a picture of my own work but i think this image is a good reference.

>> No.4851816

Don't bother, it's always like talking to a wall. They're argument is going to boil down to "you can draw children, you just can't call them lolis or do them in loli focused threads" because they refuse to use more than two brain cells. OP even stated no sex or (most) nudity and they still threw a fit purely because they saw "loli" and were blinded with rage over drawings.

They'd rather rally up against drawing, encouraging censorship, than trying to actually defend and protect real children. It's just easier for them, despite how many CSA victims say it's more of an insult than anything else.

>> No.4851902

tell that to those retards drawing naked kids and putting a useless fucking censor bar expecting to not get their art removed

>> No.4851910

>tfw you're an adult with a loli body type and you use yourself as references so you naturally draw loli looking characters
>So every time someone screams "Its a child!!!" you can't help but feel weird because it's based off of yourself, an adult
Not that I hate loli at all, but feelsbadman

>> No.4851912

You’re just looking for simps to ask you for pics, tranny.

>> No.4851913

A shame people can't even vent about this shit without people like you jumping at their throats too. To make it clear, no, I'm not posting pics and didn't intend to faggot.

>> No.4851915

we don't fucking care

>> No.4851923

post work you faggot

>> No.4851926


>> No.4851928
File: 166 KB, 638x825, 20200906_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sm/ artist reporting.

>> No.4851930
File: 297 KB, 724x900, EhU_LXgUYAETq_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on the thread for cute drawings
This thread's a disappointment

>> No.4851939

If you're so fucked up you think everyone against pedophilia is trans and not the normal working man you're doomed

>> No.4851944

Fiction =/= Reality
Thought crimes aren't real crimes
Pedophile =/= Child molester

>> No.4851956
File: 189 KB, 589x800, 249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My phone was stolen by a brown person anon,i can't.

>> No.4852068

why the uncalled racism?

>> No.4852080

what racism, is saying color racist now?

>> No.4852100

You could have just said your phone was stolen. You’re just bringing shit from another thread,

>> No.4852108

i could, but i didn't, he was wearing dark blue jeans too

>> No.4852112
File: 1.18 MB, 848x1200, 334b3ad196b4d07a2d23873bcc58db459f8eb1367b1a908d2d234cc7584df92f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every artist have to be respected

>> No.4852116
File: 75 KB, 720x544, 7420062790_1136bc4835_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4852121

I didnt say anything racist. Also,someone impersonated me

>> No.4852133
File: 2.89 MB, 1131x1603, __shizuku_original_drawn_by_kantoku__87460b0b915248e5deeaad8e118b8a18RS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who made that series is such a lolicon it's great

I wake
Holy shit saved, that's great.

>> No.4852137

>all the pedos are in /b/.
>he doesn't know about /tv/

>> No.4852145

how do I know if I have the loli drawing talent

>> No.4852148

I like your hair.
Heads slightly big for my taste but good job anon.
He has a emperors new groove feel to him haha

>> No.4852154
File: 181 KB, 520x738, (1) picture_pc_bde245bee0948d00da11ae7a6e55434a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll get better over time i'm sure
The loli threads on /a/ are still usually the best and high quality if lrd doesn't come around

go back

I love Sakuya Amano's work, right now I'm reading Konohana Kitan and she also did the art for Gosick, both great imo. She also draws boobs really well.

>> No.4852158

that's been the conservative narrative for centuries

>> No.4852160


>> No.4852166
File: 270 KB, 1301x1734, b88e51d5cab7c7f124601fd32f204448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I despise trannies and love lolis so clearly that's not the case.
Also from what I can from shitposting on CC the trannies and women there hate lolis.

Anon on /a/ who constantly argues about what is and isn't loli and that if you don't like real kids you aren't a lolicon, and are instead an ironic lolicon.

>> No.4852168

Thanks for the info

>> No.4852182

you can't
as this thread proves, unless you have the asian genes nothing good happens

>> No.4852183

kys pedo

>> No.4852184

A lot of headcanon and absurd assertions in this thread

>> No.4852192

How do I get this 'asian genes'?

>> No.4852193
File: 109 KB, 545x792, lolibooru 99 bare_shoulders granblue_fantasy hair_between_eyes ham_(points) medusa_(shingeki_no_bahamut) shingeki_no_bahamut simple_background white_background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you could use some loli

>> No.4852194

Via injection ;)

>> No.4852201

What the fuck. Who gave you permission to start this?

>> No.4852202

I'm beginning to suspect teh shitposting is ironic reverse trolling.

>> No.4852203

some pedo running the site obv

>> No.4852208
File: 2.88 MB, 320x240, Drawing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either that or samefagging
Either way I've been battered enough before I don't really care.
They can keep crying as I fuck my daughter wives

>> No.4852266


what's the name of the series?

>> No.4852274

It is, didn't measure as much as I should have.
Funny you like the hair, I want to change the style.

>> No.4852276

this image feels so human.

>> No.4852280
File: 2.16 MB, 4086x5936, 139fccdc80754ef07bdc21a58464b772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru
(This art club has a problem)
Despite her not being the main love interest, Colette (the blonde) is easily the hottest.

>> No.4852284
File: 420 KB, 1000x750, de2a474af7e6cba5eed3c06d9a71c39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she doing that?

>> No.4852286

Pretty sure Discord doesn't allow pedophilia

>> No.4852288

What adult unironically calls themselves "loli"?

>> No.4852293

She said loli body type, she wasn't calling herself a loli exactly. It makes sense if you understand what a loli body type is.

>> No.4852298

The ones that post on 4chan

>> No.4852299

How do you achieve such clear and clean linework?

>> No.4852300

Still pretty weird that a supposedly grown ass woman is comparing her body to a "loli" Almost as if she's just a dude LARPing as a woman...

>> No.4852306
File: 1.24 MB, 2846x3958, __kafuu_chino_gochuumon_wa_usagi_desu_ka_drawn_by_tsurusaki_takahiro__06981182557106285949b35fc4e22557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You single?

Didn't you know anon? We're all little girls here

>> No.4852307

>Almost as if she's just a dude LARPing as a woman...
Had me in the first half not gonna lie

>> No.4852309

Feelsbadman indeed, now post your work

>> No.4852313


>> No.4852325
File: 123 KB, 439x491, heheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use old pictures of myself and then change it so it doesn't feel weird.

>> No.4852335

This shit is going to hit bump limit before I'm able to post. Thanks a lot, fags.

>> No.4852355

It's almost like there's an infinite amount of threads people can make... Hmmmmm...

>> No.4852360
File: 1010 KB, 840x1182, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_misawa_hiroshi__7194ce6e2e5916b2d8bc6bacbc215028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can crosspost in the next Y'know

>> No.4852363

Yeah, but this is the third or fourth thread in a row that got swarmed with shitposts.

>> No.4852365

It's a loli thread in a board full of normies. It's going to take a helluva lot more than 4 threads for shit to calm down.

>> No.4852366
File: 135 KB, 851x1200, 0012_78508979_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll get better, just give it time. This is one of the more normie boards

Also I want to see more Y2K anime stuff like pic. I love the vibe

>> No.4852369

I dislike his stories, but love his art
Here's uncensored

>> No.4852370


>> No.4852373
File: 25 KB, 372x342, 1e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a river pedo

>> No.4852387

Imagine being neurotypical.
I can't even begin to comprehend the claustrophobic conditions in their NPC minds.

>> No.4852399

Imagine trying this hard for [ le based internet point] on an anonymous board.

>> No.4852400

Imagine being (you)

>> No.4852401

well it doesn't have to be a drawing of anything. Art is subjective, so if you think it's a drawing of a kid, then that's only saying something about you.
and i guess if you're wondering about what i think, then i guess i should say i see it as cunny, just like i see every other girls.

>> No.4852411
File: 178 KB, 860x1214, EcLlAMdU8AAng6F.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question is, if I draw a stick figure, then say it's a naked kid
Is that loli?
Where do you draw the line? ;)

>> No.4852428

Is a drawing of murder equivalent to murder? Is a drawing of love equivalent to love?

>> No.4852434

Imagine dodging the question this hard

>> No.4852440

>"i'm not the pedophile!!! y-you're the one who sees a child in the drawing, not me! i only see that delicious underage pussy!"

Nice deflection anons. Now answer the question

>> No.4852444

Imagine taking this much pride in wanting to fuck kids

>> No.4852447

Answer their questions first. They're asking you legitimate questions.

>> No.4852449
File: 858 KB, 1764x2508, __yakihebi_s_brown_haired_loli_original_drawn_by_yakihebi__a1496ed113b66733cb7f0be14e111887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice deflection anons. Now answer the question
It's a drawing of a sexy flat chested child
A beautiful little girl
I love it not only because it gets my dick hard, but because I seriously love and appreciate the art.

>> No.4852456
File: 590 KB, 758x1200, 244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the most based person in this thread. Here,a loli

>> No.4852458

You need some serious mental help

"iS sTiCk FiGuRe PeDo?"
"iF dRaWiNg MaKe PeDo ThEn WhY dRaWiNg NoT mAkE gO sHoOtY?"
Sure bro

>> No.4852460

I don't understand why you are so intent on "outing" people as pedos. What do you gain when people agree with you that they are pedos? On the other hand, what do you lose when they, as you believe, delude themselves into thinking they aren't?
What I mean to ask is, what is the purpose of this exercise? What would it change if they agreed with you and you won this internet argument? Everyone here is anonymous anyway.

>> No.4852461
File: 175 KB, 1131x1600, 1592776051843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I need help? I'm pretty happy and fulfilled. and that's all that matters in the end

>> No.4852462

Then I propose a question to you:
Why is it suddenly so hard to lust over other adults? I'm curious.
Are you so scared that the icky wimmins will fAlSeLy AcCuSe you of rape?

>> No.4852463
File: 526 KB, 735x1200, 253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seething too much already. Consider going back soon,stress makes your hair fall off

>> No.4852465

Not him, but I personally am pansexual, so I enjoy traps, lolis, hags and everything in between (of course no trannies, but they don't really exist in good art anyway).

>> No.4852467
File: 1.83 MB, 1472x2400, 1599340123541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a school swimsuit loli no less, impeccable taste.

>> No.4852468

That's not helping your point. If you can't prove with your words that their questions are wrong, it's not a good debate.
They have a good point. If I love to draw being killing with blades, will it mean I have a desire to kill real people with blades?
If I write murder mysteries, do I want to commit real murders?
If I play FPS games, will I become a school shooter?
I'm not them, you should take a breather away from your keyboard. I'm not huge into loli, but it's all fiction, so of course I'll be anti censorship. I prefer fictional characters at least 16+, but moreso when they are in their 20's. I'm also happily married to a wonderful woman.
You're playing a strawman here buddy.

>> No.4852471

Fuck Tanya is so hot.
I felt that Soviet guy in the movie.

>> No.4852475

>I'm pretty happy and fulfilled
>posting lolicon to an anonymous image board

I don't understand why you need to feel so high and mighty about wanting to fuck kids

>> No.4852479

>I don't understand why you need to feel so high and mighty about wanting to fuck kids
What do you mean?

>> No.4852482
File: 554 KB, 1057x1500, -g-1727732-770b2ef2c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like 3D women in general, I don't hate them, I just don't want to fuck them.
I like both large breasted anime girls and lolis, mainly lolis.
You ask why, but you're asking why not simply like something you aren't wired to like.

>> No.4852483

These threads are going to need a Pastebin QnA. The normies are going to come in saying the exact same thing every time. May as well do it sooner, rather than later.

>> No.4852486
File: 25 KB, 500x460, 1595049225458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course, this place is a great place to gather lolis. Why wouldn't I come here?

Just give em this

>> No.4852490

There isn’t much you can do but either
1. Wait for them to get bored
2. Pray moderation cares about this thread

They can see the links clearly as is already. It’s not going to stop anything.

>> No.4852492

That's fucking retarded. You don't ask a Coprophillic man why can't he masturbate like a normal person instead of smearing himself with shit while stroking it. It's a fetish,you don't control it. Also pedophiles usually like adults and kids.

>> No.4852493

>"lol seethe"
Got nothing else to say?

Go back to tumblr

Maybe they should come up with new questions
>"uhm i'm not a lolicon just an ephebephebophile with a totally real wife but pwease don't call them pedophiles thx"
I'll buy your story bud

>> No.4852494

You're absolutely right! I'd recommend he get the help he needs to get his mental health right on track

>> No.4852495

>Got nothing else to say?
No, glad this is over. Have a wonderful day.

>> No.4852498

you too pedo :)

>> No.4852499

>Maybe they should come up with new questions
I'd really appreciate if you could answer a single one of them instead of avoiding it. And I said 16+ because a majority of anime gets set in highschools. Even harem anime. They're clearly fictional characters and most of the time they have ridiculous over mature bodies. My wife and I both enjoy them, even if they're trashy, and talk about which characters we like and don't like.
It's pretty normal if you consume any media. Or anime in general. You're just deliberately being obtuse.

>> No.4852502
File: 562 KB, 1440x2000, 1565709763374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duck is cute

Please ignore the shitposting guy

>> No.4852508

>"b-but IT'S FICTION! i don't want to fuck kids at all! honest heh! i totally have a wife who enjoys the same pedobait i do!"
I could fill out a whole bingo with your rhetoric

>> No.4852511

What is it if not seething? You're labelling someone as mentally ill for appreciating loli art not in a sexual way,just liking it. I have nothing to say regarding your retardation,it's inherent and you can't help it.

>> No.4852513

This is probably the most alive tread on this board lol.

I refresh every 5 min or so and there is 3-5 new posts.

>> No.4852514

Wanting to fuck kids is a mental illness but go off I guess

>> No.4852516
File: 389 KB, 6000x6000, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4852519

Please answer the questions I asked earlier.
I'm also more concerned for you because you can't seem to tell the difference between fiction and reality. Not trying to go as a jab, I genuinely want you to see if a therapist would be right for you. It'll probably help you plenty. I worry more abut you, the one that struggles to tell reality from fiction and may act on intrusive thoughts, than the lolicons.

>> No.4852520

Take a guess why other generals are completely slow at the moment.

>> No.4852521

Just because a majority of modern anime fetishizes minors literally doesn't make it okay

>> No.4852523

Go back to Twitter. 4chan isn't for you. I'm not even going to start on how stupid this post is.

>> No.4852524
File: 199 KB, 420x725, 242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4852525

Why should I give you pedos an inch if you're just going to spam the same copy-paste kneejerk responses?
>you need therapy, not the freaks here who want to diddle kids

>> No.4852532

>go back to twitter!!
Ooh good one! Call me a roastie or a tranny while you're at it!

>> No.4852534

Why this thread? Why not attack the furry general?

>> No.4852539

Please answer the questions I asked in the earlier post.
If you want to convince people, you can't act like a little shit. You need to try to keep your composure and endure when people ask you questions. If you want to make your cause seem just, you can't start foaming at the mouth, but you need to bring legitimate points to the table. Lolicons say the same things often because they ARE strong points. Points that they would love to see an actual response to and discuss further. But when you avoid these questions, then resort to name calling and mocking them, it only makes your points null. You also need to think about lurkers that may be around who may be on the fence for the subject. If you provide proper points, it's more likely you'll convince these lurkers that your side is the more correct one.
It's just how debates work. And I wish you'd try and have a discussion with me, because I genuine want to have one with you, but you're refusing to do so.

>> No.4852540
File: 725 KB, 1456x2047, c3b2a3de1917da975e52d85703a11f04 - shinotsuki shinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of her art is crazy cool too

>> No.4852541

Fine, then I'll answer your question with another question
It's "just a drawing", right? What is it a drawing of?

>> No.4852544

A human bean

>> No.4852546

A human being of what age?

>> No.4852547

They actually post art in the furry general.

>> No.4852550

That's already been answered. Lolis are drawings of fictional children. They don't look like real children, don't act like real children (usually), and are clearly drawings.
Jus as if I drew adult women being murdered or discussed this dark media with my friends. We aren't murderers because we enjoy the fictional media. We understand the drawings of said men and women are fictional.

Now will you answer >>4852468 and >>4852428 ? Because you have yet to do so.

>> No.4852554

Eat something sweet,get the dopamine flowing through your brain and after two deep breaths read again because you clearly lack the ability to comprehend text.

>> No.4852557

Of a couple of floaty rock rotates

>> No.4852560

The furry thread doesn’t have autists arguing about why it’s okay for white women to fuck dogs. It’s stayed up for 2 weeks and is slow. That should be the case for this thread and yet here we are talking about pedometer and real children as if any of you fucking idiots will ever go near kids without getting your brains painted on concrete. This has been talked about hundreds of thousands of times and never reaches a conclusion.

All it’s intended to do is slide the thread in an infinite loop.

>> No.4852561
File: 240 KB, 1161x871, Closetfapstation (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow lolicons. I very much look forward to the art that comes out of this general.

>> No.4852563

Hard to tell since it's a drawing, but let's say 12?

>> No.4852565

They're still drawings of children anon

Tell me more about how "not mad" you are

>> No.4852574

Hello, notebook computer

>> No.4852576

This is the last time I'll reply to you and attempt to have an actual discussion if you do not answer the questions provided. If you cannot answer them, I'm going to assume you can't answer them and your points will be null. It'll just show that all you wanted to do was pitch a fit.
It doesn't matter what they are drawings of, they are drawings. I would much rather you provide support for real CSA victims and CSA prevention groups. It's actually insulting to CSA victims you want to put 2D images over their wellbeing.

>> No.4852579
File: 75 KB, 598x687, 243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me more about how "not mad" you are

>> No.4852583

>I would much rather you provide support for real CSA victims and CSA prevention groups. It's actually insulting to CSA victims you want to put 2D images over their wellbeing.
OP! >>4850952
It would probably help if you included links to support groups like anon mentioned.

>> No.4852587
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 71N2yEHDzlL._SS500_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4852589

>"don't call us pedos plz! we totally care about CSA victims!"
How about all the CSA victims who were groomed by lolicons? Who have had to hear "See? The little girl in the comic likes it. Why don't you try it? You'll hurt my feelings if you don't"?

>> No.4852593

They didn't pose questions, just gotchas.

>> No.4852595

The next line is

>"Predators groom children with literally anything"

>> No.4852600

Anything can be used to groom a child. You know what's more often used to groom children? Toys and video games. Should we ban Barbie because she was used to groom children by horrible people? I'm not saying erotic loli material hasn't been used, but anything a child enjoys can be used. It's just the fact of the matter. I genuinely encourage you to discuss with CSA victims over this subject to understand first hand if you must.
Sigh. Yeah I'm done. You don't want to have a discussion. I'm just going to leave and come back later because it's just talking to a wall at this point. I really tried, and really wanted, to have an actual discussion with you. But you just refused. I feel bad for the anons that actually want to have discussions because of people like you.
No, they're actual questions. If they're so easily proven false, I want to see it. Genuinely. Prove the questions wrong and bring up valid points against them.

Stay strong OP. Good luck everyone. Stay healthy.

>> No.4852605

I was groomed with porn made purely of adults for adults. I am a CSA victim. Really, what point are you trying to make here?

>> No.4852609

I'm pretty sure real CSA victims do not appreciate being used as shields by creepy pedophiles trying to justify their mental illness

>> No.4852611

Were you fucked? What age?

>> No.4852612

Real CSA victims want you to support other CSA victims and help support groups to prevent further CSA victims. Not pretend to do good by putting drawings at a higher priority than assisting real victims of childhood sexual assault.

>> No.4852618

So I'm not allowed to care about more than one thing?
Good to know anon :)
Now why don't you tell me how fiction doesn't affect reality some more as if the Jaws Effect was never a thing

>> No.4852622
File: 1.28 MB, 250x198, 188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were you fucked?
Your cover fell of you fucking faggot

>> No.4852632

What cover? Was I hiding something?

>> No.4852636

You are wasting time trying to rally against drawings. This is time you could be using to help CSA victims and prevention. Please go and talk with CSA victims about this. Don't just talk to them until you get the answers you want, genuinely try to listen. Most that I've spoken to agree that what you're doing just feels like you're spitting in their faces.
Jaws is a great example of precisely the point we make regarding fiction (relationship between fiction and reality is not a 1:1 mirror), and precisely the opposite point fandomentalists try to make with it.

- Jaws didn’t push mass hysteria toward sharks into existence. The movie (and before that, the book) was based on an already long existing fear because of documented real attacks, (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-shark-attacks-that-were-the-inspiration-for-jaws-15220260/))

If anything, more than fiction affecting reality, this would be reality affecting fiction.

- The argument is that people started killing sharks because of the movie. But the movie was literally about how dangerous sharks were, making the reaction people had something that went against the most simplistic direct point the fictional plot was showing. The protagonist barely survived. Yet fearless (read: idiot) heroes challenged the waves in search of this great manly rite of passage anyway.
That’s…not what the direct effect on reality would have been based on frollos’ theories. That’s in fact the opposite.

Change the example to a horror movie with a mass murderer, to get the contradiction: imagine a horror movie with a glorified and dangerous mass murderer. Based on frollos’ idea, that would brainwash people into becoming mass murderers themselves. Let’s apply the Jaws Effect now: people would go around looking for mass murderers to kill.
Does it make more sense now? If it doesn’t, that’s the point.


>> No.4852641

- Sharks have been killed before and after Jaws for other reasons than what the movie promoted as self-defense (intentional and vengeful hunt of humans). Up to 73 million sharks a year were used for fin soup, (https://wildaid.org/programs/sharks/)) lthough demands in China have gone down 80% by 2016 (estimates (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2016/07/shark-fin-soup-campaign-illegal/)) to be read carefully (https://qz.com/119185/why-it-matters-that-the-worlds-second-biggest-shark-catching-country-just-banned-finning/).). You know who else is killing sharks like no tomorrow? The cosmetic industry. Recreational shark fishing was popular worldwide way before Jaws came out (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5385669/)), and although Jaws gave another boost to the phenomenon, growing concern for ethical recreational angling also followed, making Catch&Release fishing an ever growing preference.

- Speaking of positive boost, scientific research owes Jaws a lot because before the movie getting funds for researching sharks just wasn’t easy as there was no strong interest in it. But following the media explosion, scientific advancement also got on board (https://thefisheriesblog.com/2015/06/15/thank-you-jaws-the-upside-for-sharks-40-years-later/)) (there are 3 links in the past 6 words, in case you were missing them).

Do you really want to discuss the JAWS effect anon?

>> No.4852645

>words words words
I get that you want to fuck kids. I get that you feel morally superior for wanting to fuck kids.
But do you really have to write an essay about it? It makes you look desperate.

>> No.4852648

Yeah anon. Lets write short sentences to inflate the thread like this is a chatroom.

>> No.4852649

You brought up the JAWS effect, but you can't even defend it? I'm gonna head out, I made my points, and if you refuse to even read them because you know you can't defend yourself, then there's no point in my continuing.

>> No.4852653

Already at bump limit with almost no artwork posted. The idiots replying to the moralfaggots are more retarded than them, if they're not also falseflagging. Jannies can't come soon enough.

>> No.4852658

It's how it'll be for a while. Just keep making threads and eventually most of the normies here will just turn a blind eye. We'll still get autists coming in forevever, but they'll decrease in time.

>> No.4852661

I thought you were "done" ages ago, anon.
Why is it so important for you to get the last say?

>> No.4852663

I'm not >>4852600. I'm >>4852605. Careful with that paranoia, you'll hurt yourself.

>> No.4852664

Why is it so important for you to suck my cock?

>> No.4852667

See you next thread then.

>> No.4852669


>> No.4852687

>3 links in the past 6 words,
Fuck i forgot some. Let me fill in the blanks.

>> No.4852748

Brothers in arms, I have found the solution to defeating the moralfags. I shall fight on the sidelines.

>> No.4852750

Good luck brother.

>> No.4852761
File: 251 KB, 654x969, pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use anything special, this is the pen settings I sketch with (technically ink too, but there isn't an inking phase. Sketch -> Colour)

>> No.4852765

Not him, but I suggest zooming out a lot more and doing longer strokes. You'll ctrl+z more often, but you'll have cleaner lines.

>> No.4852772

>>(How to draw Moe (action & expressing emotion) - book 2)
You could upload it on another link, it seems that this link does not work or is broken

>> No.4852806

Let me know if this doesn't work either.

>> No.4852817
File: 339 KB, 1280x1474, 1594417935856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What actually determines an artists's work's "look"
Like doesn't the program they use to make their content also change the content's look.
Do artists change the program they use to make different looking art?
I don't even know if I'm making sense. Like I wanna know if this artist used the same program as >>4852456 would the whole look change?

>> No.4852818
File: 825 KB, 566x800, EKnEsXLU0AABCf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come for cute pics
>it's all arguing from seething r*dditors
It's specifically no-porn why are people upset?
Didn't think this board was that low IQ

>> No.4852822
File: 25 KB, 1200x435, owkgowjegpojwepogj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it still doesn't work.

>> No.4852824
File: 111 KB, 677x1068, 03060164120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is pretty normie tier relatively speaking.
Give it a bit and they'll leave. You have to remember there's a few different influxes. People coming because their shut inside, kids not going to school, and /tv/'s twitter escapade. All which brought in Redditors, twitterfags and moralfags

>> No.4852826

i blame corona for this

>> No.4852828
File: 118 KB, 1024x596, 29b3a819b373129c212f68805f9840c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even connect to it, try using a vpn of the same location of that language

>> No.4852838

>Twatterfags leave after thread hit bump limit

Don't fall for their tactics next time bros

>> No.4852841

It's in Swedish and I live in Sweden so an vpn would probably not help.
It must be some other reason why it doesn't work.

>> No.4852858

it happened last time too.

>> No.4852859

I use tor to access site
i'll dl it and upload it to a mega or something

>> No.4852865

Nice Thanks mate!

>> No.4852946

link expires in 3 days, too lazy to make mega acc rn
if you want to use an image viewer instead/can't open it then change the file extension to .zip and unpack

>> No.4852952

absolutely disappointing thread. try to avoid the bait next time

>> No.4852958

The program is just equivalent to the tools you use. I say CSP is top tier, but you can make amazing shit with anything if you know what you're doing. Just takes practice and some trial and error. Software tools, while most allow for custom brushes, if you just used what they provided then there would be different results. It could be similar, but... Hmm... Think about it like you're using two different types of markers. Oil vs water based. You could get similar results, but they will look different because you need to use them a little different from one another, even though they're both markers.

>> No.4852960

oh hey, a drawing

>> No.4852963

Cute, post in my thread

>> No.4852976

Thank you so much!

>> No.4853033


>> No.4853164

how long you been drawing for?

>> No.4853197

about 3 weeks. why?

>> No.4853201

Don't listen to the other anon. I just started this summer out of boredom.

>> No.4853213
File: 963 KB, 900x1272, 3e049722233c27cef20337ac4c612973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few years ago
>have instagram
>decide to try and find some smaller artists
>find small jap account posting cute blingee vibe lolis
>for months nothing but good shit
>suddenly a post with a warning
>don't swipe if you don't like blood
>it's guro
>O-oh ok that's a little...
>literally only posts guro now
Well it was good while it lasted

>> No.4853218


youre crazy good man.
was that done from imagination

>> No.4853221

Yeah, all from imagination. Reference is for suckers.

>> No.4853226

>talent isn't real they say

>> No.4853229

i like you man where can i follow you

>> No.4853238


>> No.4853260

>oldest drawing march 2016
>oNlY tHe SuMmEr

>> No.4853263

Don't ask retarded questions

>> No.4853275

kys faggot

>> No.4853288

no u

>> No.4853290


>> No.4853296

kys pedo

>> No.4853297
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1599183532384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The daughter/wife void grows everyday

>> No.4853303

legitimate low iq mongs

>> No.4853304

Did being outed as a retarded beg hurt you that much?

>> No.4853311

>you should be able to know how long someone's been drawing for by looking at it
the absolute state

>> No.4853317

There's not a single person in the world that can draw like that in that amount of time

>> No.4853324

youre not that good relax yourself dipshit
a hard working Jap could draw that in 3 months

>> No.4853334

I'm not even the artist, retard.

>> No.4853346

so then fuck off sperg. guy has nothing better to do

>> No.4853350

you seem buttfrustrated, beg retard

>> No.4853358
File: 216 KB, 1288x1734, 9ddc33e64721eae4018b2affd99b7298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop responding to them holy shit

>> No.4853362

Sauce me up please! I bet if you check back in a year or so they'' have another change. Probably sooner.

>> No.4853373

I realize
>>literally only posts guro now
makes it sound like it was recent but it was years ago, and my instagram is long gone.
I think I was searching hashtags using Japanese when I found them.

>> No.4853383

Aw bummer... I enjoy some cute edge.. There's probably the chance I'm already following them desu... Do you remember what hashtags at all?

>> No.4853388


>> No.4853403
File: 158 KB, 792x990, 22637396_368503800244988_534956778220158976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, I do remember some missing eyes. I remember their art was pretty amateur too, but cute.
Maybe like this style, but more pastel?

>> No.4853411

Thanks! I have a feeling I might be following them already... Maybe. I'll keep an eye out.

>> No.4854070

wait,you're the tranny right?