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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4845731 No.4845731 [Reply] [Original]

>started too late (mid 20's)
>no teenage art gains
>zoomers are actually taking advantage of their youth, getting good, and BTFOing your boomer brain

How the fuck are you supposed to cope with this?

>> No.4845739

You don't. You made your grave, now lie in it.

>> No.4845742

Remember that you’re all ngmi including the people who wasted their youth hunched over a sketchbook in a dark room

>still though, this is assuming you didn’t waste your youth hunched over a nudie mag

>> No.4845744

>>started too late (mid 20's)
holy fuck can mods just ban faggots like this already

>> No.4845783 [DELETED] 
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I don't know your situation OP, but doing this helped me a lot

Take classes (but with a good professor who are good artists and knows what they're doing)
The social aspect and feedback from both your professors and fellow students will help a lot

>> No.4846072


Average FZD student is mid 20's

Drawing 17 hours a day they can go from /beg to employable in 6 months,

Congratulations you're employed you made it. Now if you are searching for excuses of course someone with talent will wipe the floor with you, bad news papa wont be proud of a loser you will be abandoned by your entire family for not being literally the best artist in the world sorry dude just give up you will die alone

>> No.4846105

daily reminder that age crystallization theory is literally 50 year old soviet demoralization propaganda

>> No.4846251

you deserve your shit life

>> No.4846266

how many of this threads are we gonna have?

>> No.4846799

>How the fuck are you supposed to cope with this?
By not being a whiny little bitch about it. If you don't like your current level of skill, practice and get better.

>> No.4847955

Honestly, dont worry about anything thats going on in your life until you hit like 28-30. Before that shit doesn't matter and honestly if you are a man your brain is still in gorilla mode so the consistency and learned patterns of things you enjoy doing aren't there completely yet.

Who cares if you are in your early twenties and are still unsure of whats going to go on. You might be drawing this year and climbing a mountain next year. Figuring out your shit takes time. Making lifelong commitments when you're that young is a real dumb fuck maneuver.

>> No.4847963
File: 151 KB, 500x281, 1E1F3164-51AB-4D69-8C68-BFD28E5B9684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you’re really mature for your age and want some form of success and power above all else? Asking for a friend.

>> No.4847966

I didn't start masturbating until I was 18. I thought I was too late, too much of a virgin, too much of a loser. In a way, I was, but I kept masturbating day and night until I caught up with every one. I then realized life is not about masturbation, it's about who you masturbate to. Art is very similar. Age doesn't matter, just do what you do, and don't compare to others, otherwise you'll end up with a bruised penis.

>> No.4847980
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You're not supposed to cope, you're supposed to work.

>> No.4848002

Yeah well you can be the most mature person for your age but you still aren't going to overcome 200000 years of genetics. Share your work if you are proud of it, success and power come with time. You aren't going to magically snap your fingers and become Rembrandt overnight because other people your age aren't as developed as you.

Should work on a more realistic perspective

>> No.4848048

>realistic perspective
>"don't try too hard because your potential success might make me feel insecure about wasting my youth 'figuring things out' because muh genetics"

we truly live in the age of weak little faggots.

>> No.4848105

No we live in the age of you aren't going to pick something up and be as good as the guy who has been doing it for 15 years so don't expect the same amount of success and wealth that they get. You could be the hardest worker who's been painting for 1 year no matter how hard you try you will never compare to like Monet in that kind of time frame so its unrealistic to compare your work to his.

That's what I mean't by get a realistic perspective on things.

>> No.4848169


spoken like a true /ic/ NGMI faggot.

the drive to be as good as the people you look up to and to succeed them in how fast/well you do it is part of the passion that fuels someone, dumbass. nobody legitimately thinks they're going to be fucking monet because they want to get good fast. when quitters like OP come around whining about how they feel like their endeavors are pointless because somebody did it better or they're being held back, the last thing they need is validation to stop trying so hard and to become lazy because it's 'out of their control' and they should just settle for whatever mediocre shit they produce because they're a beg.

the difference between a true NGMI and a GMI is this;

>NGMI sees artist much better than him
>gets upset because he's not as good and feels like he can't achieve the same things as them, settles for mediocrity and probably debates quitting
>GMI sees artist much better than him
>more fuel to work harder and achieve their goals while learning from the better artist, keeps their eyes on the prize and actually enjoys their journey

>> No.4848198

>How the fuck are you supposed to cope with this?
Just draw. You can’t change the past no matter how much you regret it.

>> No.4848217

>started at 29
>Drawing for 4 years
>since covid, been getting random gigs from all over

Even if you started as a kid, given your mentality you would still suck.

>> No.4848282

That's based, can you elaborate your experience/story more???

>> No.4848306

no, go back to drawing

>> No.4848327


>> No.4848359

There is literally always going to be someone better than you no matter what. Those zoomers you perceive as amazing are only going to turn out to be hobbyists 99% of the time and don’t even know fundamentals themselves.
Stop comparing yourself and stop caring so much about other people. Time will keep moving whether you do or you don’t anyway, all you’re doing is being defeatist when you could be working and improving.

>> No.4848370

unreasonably based

>> No.4848429

There are plenty of instances of people changing careers in their late 20s.

Fuck off 4chan, and start reading more books jfc

>> No.4848436

durrrr I’m 22 it’s too late for me to start my heckin thicc girl art career. gone are my dreams of making $200 a month ok patreon! what a hopeless world and what a dire fate

>> No.4848462

Zoomers are fucked, they are all using photoshop and disney style art, they ngmi.
They dont know how to draw and dont have with their own style, they are only editing disney's sketches. Everything look like the same sanitized shit. Poor lads. No personality, no talents, only copy past editing.

>> No.4848477
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Ok, sir/mam!

>> No.4848950
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you can cope with it by going on tiktok, seeing 13 year olds that are posting work 8 years ahead of you in skill, and then blowing your head off on livestream because you cant catch up

>> No.4849007

I dunno dude, the average human only lives about 28-30 years, and your brain undergoes a chemical process at around age 16 that turns the rubber strands in it (which make up your neuroplasticity) into play-doh, so I think you're fucked. Just like the other 16 thread starters who asked this question this week.

>> No.4849159

hahahahahaaOK brother say it again but this time don't cry

>> No.4849185
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who do you masturbate to?

>> No.4849198

>started last month @ 29
>purely self study
>made gains in one month more than I did ever.
feels good to be talented

>> No.4849210

At what point did art gains become a race. I started the early thirties and I know I'll most likely never get job at pixar or universal. It still hasn't made me throw in the towel because 'others are 'ahead' of me!'

>> No.4849212

>average age 28-30
Are you one of the six north koreans who has internet access shitposting again?!

>> No.4849223

life in general is a race for younger generations now because social media has everyone comparing eachother to the best of the best outliers

>> No.4849248

>made gains in one month more than I did ever.

When you have made 0 gains previously this statement has no value.

>> No.4849261
File: 189 KB, 1200x1800, 'David'_by_Michelangelo_Fir_JBU002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Angelo made this when he was in his late twenties.
Surely you can do this, right?

>> No.4849266

Literally just draw if you really want to, but I guess you won't and you'd rather cry about it like a little bitch.

Enjoy regretting not having drawn while you are in your mid 20s when you're 30.

>> No.4849366

its just a figure study

>> No.4849383
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I'm mid 20's and I'm having fun learning art, it's like learning weightlifting or boxing all over again. Quarantine has been very fun learning, even if I'm bad maybe one day someone will like my stuff. Hang in there bros :)

>> No.4849568
File: 1.56 MB, 320x240, oh yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You based son of a fuck

>> No.4849665

why aren't you using the hard round brush?

>> No.4849911

How do I know if I have talent

>> No.4849915

when you put 30 years of training

>> No.4849936

Only if you're asian

>> No.4849954
File: 141 KB, 1038x229, JUSTFUCKINGDRAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4850046

/beg/s don't get accepted into FZD, you gotta be at least /int/ to even start there. Those people usually drew their entire life and then went to FZD in their mid twenties.

>> No.4850047

>someone with talent will wipe the floor with you, bad news papa wont be proud of a loser you will be abandoned by your entire family for not being literally the best artist in the world sorry dude just give up you will die alone
No lie detected

>> No.4850053

If you haven't made any substantial progress within 2 - 3 years of learning to draw, then you have no talent and should just do something else.

>> No.4850055

I haven't made substantial progress within many more years than that and I'm still not giving up fuck you

>> No.4850059

Post your work

>> No.4850073

You have no talent.

>> No.4850108

have you seen the video that the anonymous user whose thread reply you opted to reply to has meticulously copy and pasted into the relevant textbox? that is still beginner level , my friend. feng also mentions that they care much more about your having a vast visual library and being motivated to draw than they do about your portfolio .

art school seems like a waste of money but yeah You are Incorrect :3

>> No.4850112

if you think it's about age you were never meant to make it

>> No.4850225

why is /ic/ so obsessed with age?

>> No.4850431

just do acid and draw

>> No.4850435
File: 8 KB, 229x250, A95B1E35-6C1D-4F6F-BE4D-17EC277B68E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s making sure I’m young enough so that I can maximaize the quantity of art hoes I’ll be able to stick my dick in. Like, I don’t care if it’s easy as is, I want to fuck ALLL OF THEm.