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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 1280x1600, 1597448569932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4836969 No.4836969 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 25 am I too old to draw? what should I do to start? how did you start?

>> No.4836971

Start with the hard round, unironically

>> No.4836972

READ THE STICKY for some guidance:


>> No.4837044


>> No.4837129

I did start at 25

>> No.4837133

It's the perfect age.
Read the right books, do the right exercises, work on your shortcomings and most importantly set a goal.

>> No.4837228

Of course, drawing is like anything else, put in the time and get good results. Now being creative, doesn't matter how old you are, you have it or you don't.

>> No.4837237

Yes, don't bother, by the time you're good enough to get a job you will be so behind that it won't be worth it.

You will be taking shit from artists ten years younger than you all because they started at the right age.

>> No.4837245


>> No.4837262

Yes, don't bother, by the time you're good enough to get a job you will be so behind that it won't be worth it.

You will be taking shit from artists ten years younger than you all because they started at the right age.

>> No.4837269

I used to have a coworker who said your 20’s are the worst decade of your life. You are thrashing around, and don’t know who you are. She said your 30s are better because you’ve discovered who you want to be and what you want to do. But she said your 40s are the best decade of your life because you have achieved mastery of what you wanted to do. She was excited about her 50s because every decade kept getting better and better

tl;dr 25 is the perfect age to start since that entire decade is fuck all. I’m 33 now and she was definitely right

>> No.4837283

>Woman saying her post wall years are the best

LOL massive cope

>> No.4837286
File: 471 KB, 466x470, 1598231768587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope things do get better. Age 20 has been the worst year of my life.

>> No.4837292

STTOOOOOOOP IIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. I'm so sick OF SEEING ALMOST EVERY DAY " insert any age above 18 and below 70* AM I TOO OLD TO DRAW??????????. IF YOU CAN THINK USE A PENCIL, YOU CAN FUCKING LEARN TO DRAW. Seriously, there needs to be a dedicated thread for people that feel the need to ask this.

I don't mean to blow up on you OP, you have a right to ask the question, but damn.

>> No.4837295
File: 163 KB, 655x633, 1597098770961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High five mate , all this hype about being 20 and when i reached it ,it fucking sucks

>> No.4837318

Yeha Agreed, dont spend your twenties clubbing, drinking and partying, you will regret it in your 30s and 40s when you have no discernable skills.

>> No.4837343

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4837346


>> No.4837357


>> No.4837364

oh yah? well you are a dorito!

>> No.4837374
File: 382 KB, 295x514, 1584103958616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you win

>> No.4837375
File: 13 KB, 184x184, 3d20f0fa303e694a66dc3fa8d4094e6b4a4e3c12_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats right, now you gotta go draw:

50 boxes
50 triangles
50 spheres


>> No.4837424

Fuck off talentfag

>> No.4837427

I don't think there's and age for drawing,even if there was i think you are still young,it wont take long until you start drawing pretty stuff.
Regarding how i started,i made faces and bodies from distinct angles over and over again,i had fun doing it that way but if you find it tedious don't. Do what makes spend 1 hour,2 hours or even more without noticing.

>> No.4837428


>> No.4837435

Only 9 more years of aimless life with no money, no experience, no network, no career, and no education to go

Enjoy that quarter life crisis around 23-24 when you should probably have a job, and all your friends are working and you feel like you are a failure living in mommy and daddy’s basement since your Talented, motivated, younger brother took over your room

>> No.4837463

If I were in your position and asked this question, nothing in the thread would stop me from trying anyway. Why you asking anon? You already know some people are gonna say "no it's not too late", and others will be crabs saying "yes it's too late ya old man".

So the question is, wtf are you gonna do? Are you not going to try? Do you want to be a 35 year old with 10 years drawing experience, or do you want to be a 35 year old wishing you started drawing 10 years ago?

10 years of drawing experience will make you an amazing artist and you'll only be 35, still quite young and just getting started.

>> No.4837464
File: 46 KB, 635x600, TmSdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, better give up now

once you reach the ripe old age of mid 20s you're brain is just too old to learn new tricks

>> No.4837471 [DELETED] 

Just a stupid question, but... are you Craig Mullins?

>> No.4837527

24 here and I strongly agree especially on the thrashing around part.

I know I've been getting better at making animu art and at this point I have a fairly good idea of who I am and what I want out of life, but damn sometimes I wish I could just skip ahead to age 30 already.

>> No.4837543

Can you add a background? thank

>> No.4837555
File: 125 KB, 800x527, neuroplasticity-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain has already peaked. There's a reason most skilled artist become "good" in their late teens or early 20s.

Nothing stopping you from trying, but be warned that you will be fighting an uphill battle against cognitive decline for the rest of your life.

>> No.4837561

>m 25 am I too old to draw?
too old to consider a career with it. but you can draw as a hobby and get instagram good.

>> No.4837566

What a loser's way of thinking. Medical professionals and the like are learning the tough shit by their mid-20s and beyond, many people change career paths later in life. Some artist began in their elderly years of life. My cousin learned French in her 30s, speaks it pretty well "buT sheS nOt fluEnt"... ok then so she should have just never tried? Lmao. To say "you are not at peak levels of learning therefore it's going to be really hard" is very lame, but expected I suppose of most people to think this way lol.

>> No.4837567

Nah, he can definitely work his ass off and land an art related job by his early 30s. Some people have been able to do it already (according to the podcasts I’ve heard).

Plus 25 is relatively young. Its totally possible for him to be making fantastic works of art by the time he’s 50.

>> No.4837800

Yeah if you’re an NPC. Are you an NPC?

>> No.4837825


>> No.4837835

If a 3 minute graph and article is enough to deter you then you're definitely not gonna make it.

>> No.4837837


There's some old weeb man out there in their 90s or some shit taking his sweet time working on a single painting dedicated to anime tiddies and I guarantee it will be a masterpiece that's far superior to whatever garbage Millenials are creating these days.

Retard >>4837555.

>> No.4837845

i learned 3d modeling and animation at 28 and landed an entry level job at a small studio at 31.
and i hardly know how to draw at all, i just know enough to make a cohesive storyboard.

in otherwords,if that anon is serious about his work and wants to make a career out of it, age wont really matter.

>> No.4837847

I've started digital drawing few months ago at 32.
Because I liked drawing but stopped 20 years ago. Still working on fundamentals atm.

It also helps to make use of your creative part in the brain.

>> No.4837850

Honestly, older is better, because you can skip all the angst that comes from being an early bloomer who stagnates hard and actually know how to apply yourself to learning the skill

>> No.4837862

>I'm 25 am I too old to draw

For the people who ask it was too late the day they were born.

>> No.4837868


26 in oct and hope the fuck you guys are right.

Life situation has me comfortably living off the government but god I don't want that to be the rest of my life.

>> No.4837875

im 26, good luck bro

>> No.4837878

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now

>> No.4837942


Buddy. Having an adventurous, joyous life at your 20s is a commodity only reserved for normies. Judging by the fact that we are on this site, it’s safe to assume that we are all failures.

>> No.4837964

I'm 25 and I'm doing reasonably well. Get some art classes, learning by yourself is horribly ineffective, and a good teacher will help your motivation. Drawing every day is a meme, and so is grinding in general; although, it's necessary to push yourself on a regular basis, and deliberate practice definitely helps. Just use your brain and don't grind just for the sake of it.

>> No.4837966

what art classes do you recommend? CGMA and the like?

>> No.4837970


>> No.4837982
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, 32A71106-84D9-4964-AC9F-03D750AC2974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to a local art school run by a decent artist, can't recommend you much since I'm not American.
What I can tell you is that you really need to enjoy your classes, which is a bit hard to do when you suck at art. So the most important thing when choosing classes is actually the teacher, and maybe the general attitude/atmosphere if you're having group classes. Like, I can struggle and legit hate my attempts at drawing an object, but my teacher is a pleasant gilf who's legitimately fun to be around, so it works out fine. Thus, it's best if you meet your future teacher in person before you decide to attend this particular school.
I'm sorry if it's obvious for you, in my experience this is something most people don't realize.

My best work so far, feel free to bash it, I've only been at it for 3 months so ofc it's gonna be shit

>> No.4838005

>learned 3d modeling and animation
topic was about drawing!

>> No.4838053

>Enjoy that quarter life crisis around 23-24 when you should probably have a job, and all your friends are working and you feel like you are a failure living in mommy and daddy’s basement since your Talented, motivated, younger brother took over your room

Holy fucking shit, I did not expect to relate so hard to anything on this board and yet this is my exact situation in life.

>> No.4838067


I started at 30.

The key is to grind FZD homework.

Colourcow dumped her homework for FZD. You can also see FZD assignments on youtube.

Charles Linn also has tutorials.

Good luck anon.

>> No.4838088

>I don't want that to be the rest of my life
This is what motivated me to turn my life around at the age of 22. Now I'm 25, recently started learning art and starting uni in 2 weeks.

>> No.4838096

Yours 20s are for researching what to grind, and grinding. Your 30s+ are for enjoying the fruits of your grind.

If you do fuck all during your 20s, your 30s won't be any better.

>> No.4838104

Jama started at 25-26 and he does concept art on stuff like nu-Star Wars now. If that isn’t “industry career” I don’t know what is.

>> No.4838121

they already do art casually before that, probably at least 10 years. None have made it to industry tier starting from literal stick figures at that age.

>> No.4838130

The proper response to these questions - which pop up at least several times a week - should always be “if you have to ask, then yes, it’s too late.”

>> No.4838158

The example you’re replying to basically just did graphic design in an office after college at most though, and mentioned drawing kicking his ass because he didn’t know anything about it and assumed it’d just be the same thing. It is true a lot of those examples people cite already did art for a while, even if they were still /beg/ tier during the prior decade. Another example of “started from literally point zero in their 20s and got gud” is Hardesty, but he was at 22.

This. If you need validation from internet strangers, you will likely crumple under a lack of self confidence when trying to draw. Just draw.

>> No.4838199

This. Later in life you learn to grow up and stop self-hating since chances are you've managed to do things that you originally doubted you could. So you end up having the ephiphany of "Hey, I can actually learn anything I want to if I just keep working at it. It's not a matter of if, but when." and you learn to be patient instead of raging every time you make a mistake.

You learn to look at mistakes with curiosity rather than anger. This attitude rarely develops when you're younger, since you need to go through that to learn how to "learn".

>> No.4838333

Adults with fully developed brains can still learn. So long as one has a supportive environment with a routine that allows for efficient learning, adults can absolutely learn and develop habits to hone their craft. The brain is a remarkable machine.

>> No.4838484
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>> No.4838494
File: 120 KB, 600x976, RaikoART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4838512

I have to ask, where the hell did this line of reasoning even come from on this board? I swear that it was not here 6 or so years ago. It is the biggest cope for giving up on drawing that I have ever seen.

>> No.4838522

It’s a meme that I’ve seen around here a few times passed around by a guy who gave up and wants to drag everyone else down, or a crab that doesn’t even draw.

>> No.4838538

fucking van goph didnt start art until he was 27....

>> No.4838541

>they already do art casually before that

you can catch up on that 10 years easily if you grind hard enough tranny

>> No.4838553
File: 2.00 MB, 500x375, 1512560720_nanika-cry-alluka-zoldyck-39900756-500-375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having an adventurous, joyous life at your 20s is a commodity only reserved for normies
Please. Say it aint so.

>> No.4838784
File: 21 KB, 323x534, 34C1AA0C-3A97-4CB3-8502-AAC060E76DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started taking art seriously when I was 13-14 and I'm only upper int tier at best now

>> No.4838862

how old are you now? 15?

>> No.4838900


>> No.4839424

How are you fairing as an older artist? Im turing 31 and im falling back into studing and taking art seriously.
Also do you have any links? I never heard of this Charles Linn but I would to look at there stuff and how they and (even you) navigated learning FDZ.

>> No.4839429


>> No.4839663

To be fair this may be the only moment when we can experience these forums.
If the government forces us to all have ID when browsing online then this website may finally come to an end.
Clubbing has been around for centuries but anonymous shit posting may only exist in this generation.

>> No.4839703

yes, and I can tell that you are one as well

>> No.4839706
File: 635 KB, 1200x942, mb45fd36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he never got good

>> No.4839707

It's weird that you think that way. Whenever I'm here I always assume that a large percentage of users are glowing.

>> No.4839794

His drawing s have way toom uch western influence.

>> No.4839801

>23-24 when you should probably have a job
if you're a dropout maybe

>> No.4839819

Holy shit my brain just noticed that zeronis and reiko aren't the same person

>> No.4839823

My 13 year old sister is better and they're self taught.

>> No.4840157

>T. Seething pedo

>> No.4840173

U wot? Uni is over when you are 22, you should definitely be working at 23

>> No.4840352

Not that anon, but I started at 31 and now I'm in my mid 40s. I don't make any money. But I do it as more of a personal hobby and focus mostly on painting.

>> No.4840415
File: 803 KB, 3086x3508, Untitled_Artwork (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm 30 and started a few months ago so I hope not. Pic is what I'm currently working on, I was much worse when I started. Protip: counter sucking by just spending as long as you need on stuff, evel little details, to make them at least not look like complete dogshit. It takes me days to produce very mediocre content, but it's very fun. Good luck

>> No.4840422

Really? For starting some months ago that's pretty decent. Huh. I wonder in a year how dank it will look. Godspeed.

>> No.4840431

Thanks man. I broke up from the only serious relationship of my life and since then I'm just cooped up inside, sometimes drawing every waking hour. I guess it's paying off.

>> No.4840438

Everyone is miserable because we're all going to die Anon, don't worry about it

>> No.4840438,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just want to say you are not too old anon. You always have a chance. This is your life and keep try hard, keep doing what make you happy.

>> No.4840778

Van Gogh was 27 when he started

>> No.4841156

Some of the greatest artist in history started painting at 30

>> No.4841248

Why do you want to draw? What do you want to draw? You can do it, but it might take some time, up to 10 years to get decent results.

>> No.4841256
File: 334 KB, 556x556, 1599114564910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, give up.
These people,really...

>> No.4841258


>> No.4841265

1: no
2: start piece by piece, choose your route; traditional or digital, start by drawing symbols, when you're ready enough: search for tutorials on instagram, youtube, 4chan and read a book, piece by piece, line per line, and when you're ready enough become a professional if you want, but remember: do it for hobbysm at first

>> No.4841343

>joyous life at your 20s is a commodity only reserved for normies.
I'm 27 and this is starting to be truth for me.
I have nothing, a dead-end minimum wage job, no social life to speak off and increasingly nervous about growing old and not being able to build a family of my own.

I'm growing more sick and tired of the way things go in society every day, I want to do something, I want to do something to improve my situation but for the love of god I can't figure out what it is I must do.

So I draw.

>> No.4841350

starting older means you didn't pick up bad habits from youth

>> No.4841355

>and he never got good

yet hes a household name.
oh no!

>> No.4841365

i know you are going to give up, why? because if you really wanted to draw you would be drawing instead of asking these stupid questions, you are only trying to find excuses to don't draw, to give up before starting to draw.

>> No.4841373

Wew, I was going to make this same thread but I'm 30.

Whats the worst quality stuff that people actually pay for? To make things better, I'd love to start tattooing, been a sucker for tattoos my whole life

>> No.4842080

You can learn to draw but I can't guarantee that you will be in the same league as your favorite artists
It's simple math If they started at 16 or 17 they are 8 years ahead of you
So to reach the same level you will be 33 but the thing is your favorite artists or the industry guys in general are still evolving

Yeah sure you can learn and even become a great artist but I can't guarantee that you will work in the industry you got on one hand the Asians and on the other the artists who started earlier than you

>> No.4842699

If you don't know what you must do, you can at least know & list what you mustn't...

>> No.4843083

no it's not too late and odds are that starting as an adult means there's less of a chance of you picking up some bad habits that a lot of artists end up doing when they're kids or teens.

>> No.4844886

Yeah, I'm starting at the age of 27, and I wish I had the conviction when I was 25. I'm aware in this field, it's probably really commonplace to find 18yos shitting all over you with their amazing art, but who cares about that shit? What's important is you taking the first step to draw, and compare your progress from when you begin.

>how did you start?
Like a lot of people in their 20s, I just didn't want to end up at the age of 30 and regretting not picking up the fucking pencil 5 years ago.

>> No.4845006

whats that

>> No.4845031

>commonplace to find 18yos shitting all over you with their amazing art

Post names/artstation links, ngmi

>> No.4845236

Barely just started a month ago on the fundies, got nothing I can show yet.

That's not for you to say, faggot.

>> No.4845245

age is irrelevant, you needn't worry about it desu

>> No.4845252

>nothing I can show yet

I asked you to post names/portfolio links of those 18yos who shit on you with "amazing art".

>> No.4845268

People who are motivated to actually learn to draw later in life have almost certainly had a casual interest in drawing at some point in the prior two decades.

>> No.4845313

30 year old. Work a shitty IT job.

No gf.
No money.
Shitty career.
Live at parents.
No friends.

I draw with all my free time.

Not sure I could make it. Can't afford to go to FZD school.

I just draw anyway.

Life is pretty shitty to be honest. I wonder what it would be like to be a tall white good looking guy. Instead I'm an incel with nothing to live for.

>> No.4845332

What the fuck is this thread.
I turn 25 in a month and I’ve been having this exact anxiety and all these posts read like my own thoughts.

I’m mortified to reach the midpoint of my 20s yet my art is still dogshit despite dedicating quite a bit of time into it for about 6 years.

All of you retards you all give great advice and i love all of you, even the spergs and the crabs.

>> No.4845748


>> No.4846095

That's not allot

>> No.4846199



>> No.4846204

You have a decent job, how do you not have some money? Maybe try getting the next position up or apply to better company. Or apply to teach language in random cool country?
Also there are fat ugly trans short niglet literally unemployed losers with gfs... you just are stuck in a mental box.

>> No.4846291


>> No.4847222

Don't listen to these faggots op, you still have time.

>> No.4847417

It's not about how old you are, it's about how badly you want it.

>> No.4849298

Nah, I'm just giving a hypothetical situation. Just saying it's likely often to find people much younger than you who can draw far more amazing than whatever you put out, but that shouldn't stop OP from drawing anyway.

>> No.4849535
File: 425 KB, 1733x1036, wallhaven-nepe3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see the forest from the trees homes
You have attachements that you cant satisfy at the moment of coruse, gf ,money, home,good looking you want these even though just by wanting em you set yourself up for suffering
You might fall into a similar trap with art, you might want to be as good as those you follow on artstation or what else...
what you need is to make peace with the present and focus on improving your thought process, be more aware, use your brain to figure out the why's of things in life and in your profession...
You can't be a "good looking tall white guy" everythinge else is fixable, you can get good at drawing,or IT, you can get money , and friends eventually
But first you got to accept that this is your life now, and the time you lost is gone which is indeed hard. Hoes aint shit, if you just want to fuck just hookup but if not , you should know what you want...
I can't teach you how to do this ,only suggest a direction to go for.

Start working out ,as meme as it is , its a better and more stable high you can get than an orgasm from fapping to porn
Eat well, cut bread , sugar , at least minimize em
Sleep well if possible
These things wont magically cure your depression but will clear your mind and you will be able to more conscious...and start figuring out shit, just being lost in negative emotions are not worth it
You think you want these things, but no, you want to feel better, you want to get some kind of control over your life , you just don't want to suffer

>> No.4849992
File: 243 KB, 567x499, kek_lab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. A precaution for those who want to base their life on some random graph (or on a "conceptual graph" as it states. Y axis measurement strength is how big it looks like). If you can't even track it to its first appearance maybe you shouldn't weight your life on it. Pat Levitt seems to be referenced as the author of the graph, most commonly "Levitt" or "Levitt, 2009" but there seems to be nothing on the internet clearly linking him to that picture, everything is a repost, besides, "Levitt 2009" is a really bad reference.

He has one work he contributed to from 2009 that sounds like the graph could be there "From External Regulation to Self-Regulation: Early Parenting Precursors of Young Children’s Executive Functioning" (4 mentions of plasticity). There is no graph, I also checked his work from 2010 "How the Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Influence the Development of Brain Architecture" (27 mentions of plasticity), still, no graph.

In titles of his works you can find following: aging - 1 match, plasticity - 7 matches, wow, autism - 55 matches (maybe anon will find better use for Levitt's work). As for other fun facts about Levitt, his research is focused on pediatrics and he, amongst other places, works at Keck School (based) of Medicine of USC.

I was too lazy to look at journals to track mention of "197" in citation. I'm not saying that the graph is fake, or neuroplasticity isn't significant factor in learning process, but, chances are, if you are reading this you don't know shit about neuroplasticity (definetly not as much as Dr. Levitt of Kek school), me included, and you don't even know what this graph was made for (Levitt - pediatrics? maybe some presentation about importance of early brain development in children?)

>But be warned that you will be fighting an uphill battle against cognitive decline for the rest of your life.
Add health decline as well. Since life is a roguelike it only makes sense that there is some difficulty scaling.

>> No.4850064

At least you're employed lmao
Lucky fuck

>> No.4850077

>got parents
>got job
>live at parents house
>still no money?????

>> No.4850107

yeah wtf. Maybe no money == I'm not a boomer driving S-class

>> No.4850116

Guy, I'm 25 years old too, I was art teacher, and trust me: your old to become professional.

But why not, if you're really on it (paint/draw is really tough.),
if you have time and some skills GO!

>> No.4850168

>hypothetical situation

Ok, clueless ngmi-forever-beg.

>> No.4850279

I've seen neuroplasticity meme on /sci/ through years. ie. learn math before 25 or neuroplasticity will wear off.

>> No.4850348

Wait, how do you not have any money if you live with your parents and you have an IT job? What are you spending it on?

>> No.4850461



>> No.4850471
File: 30 KB, 352x352, 1559351885240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /biz/

>> No.4850729

You need to work on your reading comprehension, smooth brain.

>> No.4850761

I too like to squander my money on tits and crabs

>> No.4850763


>> No.4850773

Someone know the brush or software that mamimi use?

>> No.4850779

hard round brush, microsoft paint

>> No.4850783

thanks anon!

>> No.4850842

Anybody can be /fit/, get to it.

>> No.4851866

>started at 25 because i wanted to procrastinate my thesis
>bought shitty tablet
>no idea what to do
>stopped for 1 year
>be late 26
>give it another show, apply to beginner drawing course at random local place
>have some guidance and people looking over my head
>gives me direction, despite all we do is stuff you find in every tutorial or drawing-book
>first two months progress was slow
>7 months in and progress is quite massive

Tbh, no one cares about my shitty story, but the point is: Its a perfectly fine age to start. Your brain is developed enough to actually grasp the underlying concepts and structures of drawing/ painting stuff, so you´ll make much faster gains then some 15 year old that "drew since he was 4, lol." Just,draw, learn, post you work. Come back in 5 months and post progress.

>> No.4851982

>7 months, progress quite massive
So you have talent. That's it.

>> No.4851995

you type like an illiterate retard bro, you're probably twelve and still sucking on your mommas titties. 25 is not too old provided you have time available to practice

>> No.4852013

cut him so slack, he is japanese

>> No.4852831
File: 96 KB, 614x639, mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk i'm 26 and been drawing for about 4 months now
i know it's furshit but I see myself getting better so your brain can definitely still do it.

>> No.4852910

nice, seems like you are enjoying yourself!

>> No.4852918

That's real Fucking good anon
What courses did you take

>> No.4852998

Not everyone here is trying to be an industry fag. I’m just a hobbyist and already better than 99% of this board.

>> No.4853016
File: 112 KB, 552x380, 1587193659255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 isn't too late if you've been drawing SOMETHING since you were young and stuck with it, even if it wasn't remotely good
Doesn't matter if you've drawn nothing but shitty symbol art with no understanding of fundamentals, you've gained a feeling of how the pencil moves (since we're talking about drawing), you've gained the ability to put your mind to paper, and all kinds of other subtle stuff that takes years to refine; like I said, you don't have to have been good at all, just that you need to have done it for making a foundation for future learning
If you haven't drawn since you were 7 and suddenly wanna start now at 25, you're NGMI; if you've been doodling in every one of your notebooks throughout grade school and uni, you're GMI

>> No.4853021

>>4852831 same as >>4852918, I've been drawing for quite some time and I still can't get out of /beg/, Tell us your secret anon.

>> No.4855332

fuck I hate it that I can relate to this.

>> No.4855403

You got to fuck

>> No.4855821

Don't worry about this. Art improvement is not linear. Some artists get better faster than others and I have seen many make all their gains early on and then stagnate while new artists surpass them.

Time in the game isn't everything.

>> No.4856405

Van Gogh started seriously drawing and painting at 27

>> No.4856409

Why are you doing that to yourself, man

>> No.4856855

Yeah but he died miserable and poor.
Unless all you care about is postmortem fame, this is not an advised route to take.

>> No.4856860

Yes. "Seriously" before that he still drew and he had art all his life around him.

>> No.4858721

At 20 you want to live life, make mistakes and discover yourself. At 30 you are ready to settle down. At 40 etc.

>> No.4859134

The worst part of it that people never mention is the hearing damage and tinnitus from clubs and bars. Some of my friends are still in college and they're already fucked.

>> No.4860304


What makes an artist great is their visual library. I see a lot of young artist drawing very good but generic trash. I wish I started at 25, but I didn't . That being said asking a board of retards if it's a good idea to do a thing you should love speaks volumes about your mindset - you are a fucking retard yourself

>> No.4861998

people need to stop thinking about age and time matters for getting good
you can be drawing for 10 years but still draw chicken scratch
you can be drawing alone for 10 years but frustrated with not improving because you never studied or learned how to studied

>> No.4862021

nah its okay
but if you aren't getting pussy from clubbing, stop clubbing

>> No.4862021,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yes it's too late. You should be rich and famous by now faggot