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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4831934 No.4831934 [Reply] [Original]

I can just about create an image in my head but it only ever lasts for a fraction of a second before it disappears or fades away - before I can see or add any details like most ‘normal’ people. I can’t imagine motion or any more than one single frame of an image.

Is this something other people experience, and does it mean I am aphantasiac or just on the really low end of visualising? I really wish I could visualize better so that I could leverage that skill for art

>> No.4831947

do the people in this timeline not know what daydreaming is? I thought most people can visualize a faded movie playing in their vision when drifting off into space. Is

>> No.4832412

I dont really 'see' anything. I imagine it or daydream it like >>4831947. For example I can imagine walking into my parents house, starting from the front gate, walking through the front garden, approaching the front door, and so on. To me it feels like I know what I am supposed to see, without seeing it. I am also able to manipulate this imagination (eg change how the gate 'looks', how the plants and trees are atranged, etc.)

>> No.4832418


>> No.4832425

I don't know man I cannot imagine things in my head so I just draw

>> No.4832430

That's a bunch of NGMI right here
I literally do my thumbnails while I'm in the shower with the perspective and everything then once I'm dry I sketch them.
Does this mean that you guys can't fap to your imagination?

>> No.4832433

I swear you fags will come up with every excuse under the sun to not draw
Absolutetly N.G.M.I.

>> No.4832434

Why would I fap to my imagination when I can just use your mother?

>> No.4832438

Yeah, that's how imagination normally works. People delude into thinking they see the details, but once they actually try to look at them they won't be able to. You don't need to visualize stuff too much to draw anyway.

>> No.4832484

>nonexistent imaginary mind
>nonexistent originality in his mind
oof actual NGMI material right here

>> No.4832507

This board needs me to make new memes. It’s sad. I bet I can come back here 5 years later and you’re still using these stale memes.

>> No.4832523

Why would you need new memes? the few we have are concise enough to describe your nonexistent chances in this field.

>> No.4832528

Why is this lowlife still responding to me? I forgot to unwatch this kuso thread.

>> No.4832530

as long there are people who are not gonna make it, they will be told that they are Ngmi.

>> No.4832532

very unhealthy mentality to harbor

>> No.4832563
File: 1.12 MB, 600x384, 1598836781227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to believe that all these shitty threads are being made by jannies to increase engagement on this shitty board. I heard that the jannies of /b/ started to get paid recently, and that's why they started to ban all the porn threads so suddenly. I guess that just reduced traffic to the board and that's why they gave up on that. Anyway, perhaps the jannies of this board also started to get paid and that's why now they're bombarding us with shitty threads like this to keep their jobs.

>> No.4832578

If the janitor wants engagement he needs to get rid of some generals.

>> No.4832634
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The condition is called aphantasia.

I actually learned about it from this video

>> No.4833045

You’re so full of shit. If you can only see what’s on the right, how come you were able to draw what’s on the left?

>> No.4833156

This thread again..?

>> No.4834188

This anon is right. Thats how normal imagination works. When you just see things you don't actually see them in detail. You won't see the number of window on a building just glancing at it. When you imagine something,you're just imagining it's essence. When you try to put it on paper your knowledge bridges the gap. If this wasn't true you'd have a lot of people drawing accurate faces right off the bat,but they need to study construction.

>> No.4834320

>I can’t imagine motion or any more than one single frame of an image.
>One good way to train your perceptions is to take a look at optical illusions. They will make your brains go in limbo, when it tries its best to make sense of the image. Optical illusions make you aware of the true state of things, which allows you to gain invaluable insight. Once you have the understanding, you can have very accurate visual images in your mind, which are much more easier to put on canvas. That said, I find that perception is as much about the ability of imagining things visually in mind as it's about seeing the physical subject.
This help me a lot

>> No.4834335


>> No.4835553

he did not draw it

>> No.4835685

>I dont really 'see' anything. I imagine it or daydream it l
This is the case for literally everyone that doesn't have a severe case of schizophrenia or something similar. Aphantasia is mostly a meme.