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4830992 No.4830992 [Reply] [Original]

>majority of professional concept artists and illustrators are just privileged children with rich parents

>> No.4831000


So even if it is true it is irrelevant
Feel free to never ever again pick up a pencil. No one appreciates people like you who have loser mentalities

>> No.4831002

stay mad crab

>> No.4831644

It's true. And the kids with non-rich parents will disappear into obscurity even if they get gud. Look at most famous artists through history and this is the case.

>> No.4831646

>Look at most famous artists through history and this is the case.
social media on a global scale didn't exist for most of history

>> No.4831652
File: 286 KB, 363x509, 1560615496076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that is true, please quit drawing all together so I can have less competition.

>> No.4831655

Being an artist is a privilege not a right.

>> No.4831662
File: 260 KB, 1125x1182, Your life is your own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have this knowledge, now what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.4832893 [DELETED] 

yes, the only people who get to be artists are people from rich families who supported their interests when they were young

if you're a

>> No.4832899

yes, the only people who get to be artists are people from rich families who supported their interests when they were young

have fun competing with rich kids who had the means to get education when they were young, and didn't have to worry about getting a real job to pay bills

>> No.4832934

extremely true for Feng Zhu.
-mega rich LA Chinese family
-sent to expensive Art Center down the street
-meet Scott Robertson, perfect mentor

>> No.4832938
File: 788 KB, 793x749, 1576036717315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think you can't make it as a concept artist because you're not rich and priviledged then make yourself rich and priviledged.

>> No.4832960

>if you think you can't make it as a concept artist because you're not rich and priviledged then make yourself rich and priviledged.
with any luck you'll get to that level before you're 30
but then you'll always be behind those young kids with all the early education and connections

>> No.4832964

you will always be behind hundreds of millions of people no matter what. if you're going to let that fact get to you everytime you pick up a pencil might as well quit right now

>> No.4832970

it doesn't, but world sucks bloo bloo but still don't take away my right to complain about that
it would be better if freshmen art students weren't such dickheads

>> No.4832976

it also gets me heated when art fags are such liberal faggots who call out people for being privileged when they lived the most privileged lives

>> No.4832981

maybe, but the majority of actually good artists come from poor backgrounds, like mangaka or the top chink artists

>> No.4832986

>maybe, but the majority of actually good artists come from poor backgrounds, like mangaka or the top chink artists
lmao wrong

>> No.4832992

who cares?

>> No.4833004

low quality bait thread.

>> No.4833008

>say something wrong
>who cares?

>> No.4833224

This is true. A lot of people I meet or heard about all come from money. You need money to get really successful in art. This isn't to say that it's impossible, but having parents with money or an SO with money helps, a lot.

>> No.4833290

Doesn’t this apply to literally everything except wagecuck jobs, and that’s only because people with money don’t do them? If someone with money even did a wagecuck job they’d have the advantage there too and would quickly end up as your boss

>> No.4833569

people from money have:
1. a position in life where they can dream of and focus on being an artist instead of thinking about what will pay the bills in the future since becoming an artist is a huge gamble
2. rich parents can afford to send their kids to art schools
3. even if you're poor and have a loving family they typically are very limited in how they can support your development. rich parents are more likely to send you to places when you're young that you can support your dreams

>> No.4833575

>If someone with money even did a wagecuck job they’d have the advantage there too and would quickly end up as your boss
i don't see how really

>> No.4833619

you basically have no hope as an artist if you are poor and from the middle of nowhere

>> No.4833649

Because people who don’t need their jobs don’t need to be grateful to get treated like shit. Plus the confidence that comes from growing up financially secure gives them a massive advantage socially. They’re more likely to be more popular with your coworkers and their managers. They’re more likely to have money to attend events with staff and buy people drinks. Just knowing you can walk out of a job at any time gives you a massive boost in how you get treated at work. Try making it obvious you desperately can’t lose your job and watch your manager abuse the shit out of you if you don’t believe me. There advantages in literally every area of life for someone with money, the world revolves around it. Obviously people with it do t bother wagecucking though, why would they. The guy with more confidence, better health, better clothes and more freedom than you always has the advantage on you. Obviously they’ll rise through the ranks significantly faster than you. This isn’t a cope, it’s a fact. Money makes it very easy to be pals with anyone including your bosses

>> No.4833656

sounds about right

>> No.4833659

ps this isn’t to say you can’t be an illustrator. I’m just saying to the OP that the same applies to everything you do. People with money are better off and at the top of everything. Just because you can’t be at the top doesn’t mean you can’t make a living. You’re just not going to be doing dreamy jobs designing characters you like for vidya. You’re gonna do a lot of drawing shit you’ve got no interest in. It’s either that or fill a lot of spreadsheets you’re not interested in, or having constant phone calls you’re not interested in. You get the gist, pick a poison

>> No.4833687

Lmfao the majority of those kids will burnout young and never even do anything in art. I’ve seen this trend for the past 2 decades.

>> No.4833710

>Lmfao the majority of those kids will burnout young and never even do anything in art. I’ve seen this trend for the past 2 decades.
that's likely if they don't get a job immediately
but they still have more of a chance of getting a job than you

>> No.4833711

I think it’s half that, half the fact that they don’t have to commit to one thing and become masters so they move on to the million other options of things to do with your life. Poorfags have everything riding on this if they commit to artlife and can’t exactly bail half way down the line.

Richfags can say ok I want to learn, pay for great schooling/tuition, get average then say okay I’m gonna go ride jet skis in Barbados. They put up an easel in their second home and throw some paint at it once every 2 weeks and tell new people they meet they’re an artist

>> No.4833714

>Richfags can say ok I want to learn, pay for great schooling/tuition, get average then say okay I’m gonna go ride jet skis in Barbados. They put up an easel in their second home and throw some paint at it once every 2 weeks and tell new people they meet they’re an artist
kind of a cartonish way to view the rich and what it means to come from a better position in life

rich art fags are the people who don't need to worry about inhibitions

>> No.4833729

I’m not generalising all rich art fags into one specific literal scenario. I’m talking specifically about the burnouts previous commenter mentioned. I’m just saying I’m sure the majority of rich folks who jump right in don’t end up as serious working artists. The view sounded cartoonish cause it was basically a caricature of an example

>> No.4833734

those aren't the richfags who get into art we're talking about
we're talking about the rich kids who got interested in art at a young age and never stopped doing it because they had nothing inhibiting them and had everything supporting them and act like other people are lesser because it doesn't even occure to them that people could never have their opportunities

>> No.4833736

But nonetheless the same artists who jump in and drop out are inherently more likely to have more connections and opportunities in the industry should they choose to take them

>> No.4833739

I think we’re both arguing semantics and progressively getting into more specific cases to suit our own points and worldviews

>> No.4833745


>> No.4833771
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Chin chin

>> No.4833792

i find your response very shallow and pedantic

>> No.4833797

I disagree, I find them to be superficial and overscrupulous

>> No.4834056

Define “professional”

Define “rich”

>> No.4834084

Not all of them were born rich! Some of them married rich.

>> No.4834122

>Define “professional”
someone who gets a job in the industry
>Define “rich”
someone who can go to art school and feel safe doing so

>> No.4834157

>someone who can go to art school and feel safe doing so
There are some scholarship kids at art schools. They do usually live off campus in the ghetto though

>> No.4834209

art school is expensive and only rich fags can afford it
but even with scholarships there's no guarantee you'll get a job in the future
even with college being completely paid for people who aren't rich still need to worry about the future

>> No.4835252

ITT: crabs

>> No.4835410

pyw ngmi loomis hard round crabs

>> No.4835444
File: 106 KB, 1000x628, B1DD71E9-84C5-4D0F-B11D-8E87F546EE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to be rich to make it
lol? just dont be a poor white male and you’ll get headpats from the rich woke whites gatekeeping the industry.