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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 638 KB, 1243x1223, howtomakelivingartskills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4825121 No.4825121 [Reply] [Original]

Found this in an old /ic/ folder. Is it still valid?

>> No.4825126

Whoever created that image has a high probability of still living in his mother's basement, so no.

>> No.4825143


Considering the fact that you replied within a minute, I think that actually applies to you lol. Opinion dismissed.

>> No.4825153


>> No.4825162
File: 98 KB, 750x728, 9392657D-E655-4DFB-83E7-B529B192DBB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts thread
>currently active user replies
>”I was not talking to you”

>> No.4825163

You left out furry porn.

+High pay ceiling
+no skill required
+Steady stream of patreonbux

-you are debasing yourself on a fundamental, spiritual level in such a manner that you may never recover

>> No.4825164

everyone here lives in their basement lmao

>> No.4825170

is it really more soulcrushing than working a shitty cashier job tho?
A job is a job, I think i'd be way happier drawing foxes fucking each other than having to deal with retarded customers all day

>> No.4825171
File: 1.55 MB, 480x270, 1598324569181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My house doesn't have a basement

>> No.4825172


I made that image...

>> No.4825175
File: 261 KB, 512x512, 538a4072493e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low barrier of entry
>High demand
>Hard to scale
>Highly exposure dependent
>Business market experience

>> No.4825177
File: 128 KB, 1280x1280, 74834C89-2461-4B2C-ADC9-722BC829E291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. To the guys who think furshit is soul crushing, have you seen what it’s like out there anon? Do you ever actually leave your NEEThole? Everybody just yells and screams at each other, nobody’s CIVIL anymore! No one ever thinks about what it’s like to be the other guy...

>> No.4825179
File: 171 KB, 840x839, pepelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're still here? Never made it bro...

>> No.4825181

I'm so honored to meet a veteran

>> No.4825184

every single of these categories are highly competitive, if you want to avoid that find a niche no one has dipped in yet and be the first to pave the way to mainstream if you want a big following/bucks/name or keep it niche for as long as you can

>> No.4825199

gee OP idk if that meme image containing pretty evident information with no insight is still valid to this day

>> No.4825269

drawing anime girls getting fucked in the ass is the future

>> No.4825288

You think artists like sakimichan ever think what it's like to be someone like me with 10 followers? To be somebody but themselves? They don't.

>> No.4825403

If furfags didn't prefer such ugly artsyles and/or I was into bara porn I'd probably do it desu.

>> No.4825410

How much you guys get paid per commission?

>> No.4825446

Why not learn abit of programming and make videogame urself? Alotta people have done it on steam

>> No.4825487

Because no one buys them

>> No.4825503

What kind of work and, more importantly how many commissions are you getting?

>> No.4825507

But muh floppy bird

>> No.4825516

It's soooooo hard to make any money making games. You have to be extreamly lucky.

>> No.4825553

And on top of that. You can work for a year on a project that most likely noone will buy. Thats why small studios work on a few projects at once, they hope that at least one of them will make any money.

>> No.4825706
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 1596301665718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But most of studios make souless games, it shows on the game if it was made to extract money. Money money money, thats all there is in this world.. my advice, make game , make incredible art/animations, put all the tears in it all the sweats and then money will follow believe me, i can almost guaranteed that solodev lads who maked games consistently and never gave up, made money sooner or later

>> No.4825714

It's more soulcrushing than being a cashier for sure, but the pay probably makes up for that

>> No.4825719

How is that wrong?

>> No.4825720

Absolute cope, do not fall for this meme. Don’t waste your life, there’s easier ways to make money with art

>> No.4825723

This is only true if you keep going, I have seen devs that made it through a beloved game when their previous game was just as good.

>> No.4825729

>-you are debasing yourself on a fundamental, spiritual level in such a manner that you may never recover
I think some people are underestimating this part, can you live with the fact that you might be responsible for turning a normal human being into a furry? And with that maybe also into a tranny and with that into a suicide victim? You will never know what kind of blood might be on your hands.

>> No.4825731

easy game idea, BR pong, make a large circle, each player has a small area to defend in the circumference, multiple balls are added overtime, ez money

>> No.4825737

Lmao drawings dont kill, thats why there are adult platforms and platforms for kids

>> No.4825739
File: 62 KB, 768x740, 1588773782135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who does Editorial Illustration, I would knock down "entry level pay" from 'Decent' to 'Low'. Getting your first published work and working all of the smaller publications does not pay very well. The pay gets decent when moving up to more mid-tier publications.

FYI - Editorial can be a lot of fun, as you're often hired for your own unique style & voice. Whoever made this is 100% right, in that success comes from having a cohesive portfolio that exhibits a well developed & unique style (in addition to having good self promotion skills).

Illustrative branding & advertisement, or general illustration for businesses is left out of this list. Working those types of projects can be very lucrative and easy to create a stable stream of well paying opportunities coming your way.

>> No.4825769

Space invader pong, very original

>> No.4825777

that's br for you

>> No.4825782

What if I'm a psychopath who wants to hasten the end of human race? Guess I'll have to gid gud and convert more people into non-reproducing degens. Thanks /ic/, you're always an inspiration.

>> No.4825792

there are more efficient ways to do that

>> No.4825794

I can't get a gun, my country is not free enough

>> No.4825800

>Illustrative branding & advertisement, or general illustration for businesses is left out of this list.
How do you get into that?

>> No.4825804

work on getting on biological hazard research, release it, watch 2020 all over again

>> No.4826494

Seconding this, entry pay can be laughably low. I would also say the clients don't tend to be difficult. I'd be willing to bet that porn commissions and other personal commissions are more high maintenance. Art directors understand. Normies do not.

>> No.4826531

>had good idea for game
>start the project
>find out there's already a semi-competent indie game with the same gameplay I came up with
>it has only double digits number of reviews on steam
>immediately drop the project
Imagine being that guy. Spending over an year making a game just to get 200 bucks.

>> No.4826541

Imagine only caring about money instead of the satisfaction of finishing a product and giving it all to it.

>> No.4826745


>> No.4826770

This image is bullshit.

1. Go into furry
2. Make insane amounts of money

Ez, I literally know 3rd worlders living like kings because the $50 USD they get from a sparkledog sketch is literally a months wage.

>> No.4826802

cool, blog?
im studing graphic design, and the skill cealing, at least in my uni , is really low

>> No.4826833
File: 45 KB, 500x375, 1575823040259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Editorial can be a lot of fun
Yes, if you enjoy drawing soulless Google art.
>you're often hired for your own unique style & voice.
Yes, as long as your unique style and voice looks as generic and like every other quirky company out there.
>success comes from having a cohesive portfolio that exhibits a well developed & unique style
Yes, well developed to fit the editorial mold.

>> No.4826838
File: 51 KB, 250x290, refGlennVilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen what it's like out there, Irya-kun? Do you ever actually leave the studio?

>> No.4826843
File: 79 KB, 959x755, 1597163978863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just adress this post for a moment, shall we?


>>Low barrier of entry
The bar for producing hentai is pretty damn low my dude, just having decent appeal is more than enough to land you atleast a couple of coomms

>>High demand
There's just no debating this, coom has always and will always be in high demand, as long as the internet exists.

>>Hard to scale
Well, whilst this is the more debatable point, it does hold some truth. Most coomer stans just search for the best price/quality relations, which makes it hard to scale your prices up and get consistent engagement from your audience.

>Highly exposure dependant
This is just a fact also. Can't get money if people don't know who the fuck you are

>Business market experience
Here, marketing comes in very handy, Coom is all about finding a stable audience and providing a steady and constant stream of quality content. Half of which really benefits from knowing at least a little bit of marketing

TL;DR: I fell for the bait

>> No.4829062

Weak and blatantly inaccurate criticisms.

>> No.4829933
File: 249 KB, 1114x1080, 1582049660385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4833227

>Illustrative branding & advertisement, or general illustration for businesses is left out of this list.

I need to get into that.

>> No.4833263

>+no skill required
False, you need to be high tier int at the bare minimum

>> No.4833441

always has been like that, you just grew up in a sheltered fairy tale

>> No.4833476
File: 129 KB, 1246x286, 1505050307967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way you get into most illustrative opportunities: Build a stylistically cohesive, relevant & strong portfolio, and pitch it to businesses that can use what you've got. You can identify these opportunities by keeping a diligent eye on things you encounter in the real world. If you ever come across something and think something like "I could do that! / I'm better than this artist.", then there is nothing stopping you from reaching out and pitching your freelance illustration services to the business that published whatever it is that you've noticed. Breweries, design/marketing agencies, most businesses (big and small), organizations, etc. etc. can all use an illustrator in one for or another.

Pic related is a basic step-by-step approach on how to pitch your illustration services. Doing this is a skill in itself that needs to be practiced, just like your artistic skills. You will suck at first, but you will (hopefully) get better the more you do it, and you'll learn from your mistakes regarding what is and isn't working.

>> No.4833508
File: 21 KB, 301x339, A1235CFD-6E9A-4BA5-8145-48A3501AF137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drop into /ic/ every month or so just to see what everyone’s on about and since January my art “career” has moved a bit. I’m not “pro,” I haven’t made it yet, but I’ve moved the needle closer to “made it.” Hopefully this will help someone.
I’ve changed up my original style in ways that help me ultimately(still focused on semi realistic human subjects) but frustrate me in the short term. Anime illustrations make WAY WAY more hourly than freelance animation does, but my animations bring around a lot of illustration clients. Clients become more and more high maintenance the more comfortable they feel around you, but they also end up wanting to pay you more as you build rapport.
All my clients are people who are trying to create content themselves, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever had a client who wants a thing drawn just because. My best client found me on an animation discord, second best client is a friend of mine who has big dreams and has me doing a lot of character art, and third best client found me on Instagram.
The honest truth is that I’m itching to work on my own personal projects but my art doesn’t make enough money for me to be financially secure, so I’m stuck with a day job still. Very likely I’ll quit my ongoing gig after the next wrap to work on a personal animation project, which will put me in a better place to negotiate a higher price.

So my advice:
>git gud enough that you look competent enough to do a job for someone else: let the client find you
>run in the same circles as other people who have money who are serious about getting shit made, and upload your work
>take whatever clients you can at the beginning but continue working on personal work. Having clients will actually push you to work every day and work on things that people actually find appealing, it’s kind of a free market incentive thing I guess.
>do client illustration instead of animation, if you can. Clients underprice animation by a LOT

>> No.4834409

>let the client find you
Any business plan that revolves around the luck of being discovered is fundamentally retarded. Posting on social media only to sit around and wait for things to happen to you is way more ineffective than people think - certainly more so than being more proactive in your self promotion.

>> No.4834463

3D being artistically unsatisfying is outdated. It's on par with drawing or any traditional art now.

>> No.4834567

>This is just a fact also. Can't get money if people don't know who the fuck you are
applies to literally everything

>> No.4834616


>> No.4834872

thanks for the advice anon. I'm really nervous about freelancing, as I don't know anything about the legal aspects of the thing or how to write contracts, etc

>> No.4835414

It’s not luck, it’s getting good enough at your art that you can set your own price.
If you’re going to other people trying to pitch yourself and you’re a completely unproven element, do you think they’ll want to pay you what /you/ think you’re worth? Why would they take the risk?
Now if they came to you instead because they like your art and they’re asking you what your rates are, you have home field advantage to price your work according to whatever you use to quantify your own work.
I might just have a different angle on this because I’m at the beginning stages of my freelance where I can actually afford to be picky. Admittedly that’s not where beginners start.
That’s some stuff to google right there. That all depends on where you live too. There’s a lot of drafts for freelance art contracts, I’d google and take a peek at those. I will say that if you have access to PayPal in your country, it comes with some great tools for freelancers that make charging clients over invoices easier and in the long run make your taxes easier to deal with.

>> No.4837342

I've been so busy I haven't been able to do any personal work except for what I can sneak around my lunch breaks at my dayjob, but I will take this and >>4833476 to heart.

>> No.4837348

that's why i chose graphic design cause it's ezier and don't have to grind anatomy all day and you're still an artist

>> No.4837411

/gd/ is not art, it is project.

Good design is hard to enter, pays well and is high demand

Low skill cheap design is low entry, pays poor and will always pay poor, high demand but you will be fighting with indians that charge pennies. You will also be replaced soon by some app that makes your Photoshop shit faster and easier

>> No.4837413

Imagine being on /ic/ this long lmao

>> No.4837426
File: 29 KB, 317x357, 1422894048878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low barrier of entry
How? Apart from the expected shit like perspective, anatomy, and environments, you need to know character design, world building, dialogue, story structure, and page flow.

>> No.4840235
File: 89 KB, 700x284, jucika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you never looked at the comics section of a newspaper or any webcomic?
>perspective, anatomy, environments, story structure, world building, page flow, dialogue.
all of this is optional or can be covered at toddler-with-a-crayon level.