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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 305 KB, 1118x1510, trad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4824702 No.4824702 [Reply] [Original]

the old one died, and in it's place a furry general popped up. do you guys want to be artists or are you just all focused on being lazy e-celebs?

>> No.4824704
File: 242 KB, 1261x943, 97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something the absolute state

>> No.4824705
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i've already made it that's why I don't come here so much anymore. Don't need crits if the paintings sell, but at least I can start the trad thread to keep the dream alive that one of you might listen

>> No.4824712
File: 290 KB, 1331x1041, 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really sad how "together" 4chan makes their users lives out to be and then you come to /ic/ and see the actual depths of mediocrity that all of their negativity and ignorance breeds :(

>> No.4824731

I'm just not sure what I can post here that would be better posted elsewhere. Can't post in both places cos then I'd be recognised as being on 4chan.

>> No.4824735

/ic/ isn't 4chan, nobody knows this board exists

>> No.4824754


You live with your mommy and daddy on their coin because you never held a job at the ripe age of 27. I don't think you are in any position to tell whether or not other people have their life together. Also you art is terrible.

>> No.4824770

>I don't think you are in any position to tell whether or not other people have their life together.
sure i am

>> No.4824811

begone cumfarti

the only case of genuine dunning kruger that i've seen here lately

>> No.4824854

/ic/ is a hidden board

>> No.4824865

>Don't need crits if the paintings sell
Your end goal with art is just selling a few paintings?

>> No.4824867

My paintings already sell, I don't know what to post here anymore.

>> No.4824868

I’ve sold 80 paintings in the past 3 months

>> No.4824869

That isn't what I asked.

>> No.4824876

it's to live in a big house by myself and die one day

>> No.4824878


then stay away

>> No.4824879
File: 251 KB, 1029x1391, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd rather you all leave so actual artists can post here instead of the doomer shit hole this place has become

>> No.4824888

So all you care about is money? Then try accounting.

>> No.4824894


Brian thinks he's an actual artist. Kek.

>> No.4824946

OP here, that is a pathetic response.
And so is this.

I want my paintings to sell, it's miserable as fuck having a load of trad pictures that no-one wants. Besides, I'm using the money to pay off the mortgage, on the side of having a job I love. The aim is to build up the art side of things and make enough money to really live comfortably from it.
This is stupid, why should taking years to build up a skill mean you shouldn't benefit from it?

>> No.4824957

>This is stupid, why should taking years to build up a skill mean you shouldn't benefit from it?
all the good artists quit after they learn to draw, duh

>> No.4824990
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>> No.4824994

Who the hell buys this shit

>> No.4825003
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Fuck, if you can do it, I can do it

>> No.4825004

i thought digital anime coomer commissions, "the industry", teaching, and video games was the only way to make money as an artist, why did /ic/ lie to me?

>> No.4825016

No I think the general idea is you have to sell your soul to make money and you've definitely ticked that box

>> No.4825018

>you have to sell your soul to make money and you've definitely ticked that box
how? I paint exactly the same way I've always painted except now I make money at it.

>> No.4825029

>I paint exactly the same way I've always painted
i strongly suggest that you reconsider this as something desirable

>> No.4825039

Beats me.

>> No.4825044
File: 3.95 MB, 2835x2870, 20200601_125217-kopi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a few short, single session paintings

>> No.4825050
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>> No.4825052
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>> No.4825055
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>> No.4825056

>why should taking years to build up a skill mean you shouldn't benefit from it?
I never said that, retard.

In your mind, how does the crab meme apply to this conversation?

>> No.4825067
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>> No.4825072
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>> No.4825078
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>> No.4825082

Such a shitty attitude, why do you even bother posting? Just leave. Do something better with your time, as it's just boring for all of us.

>> No.4825084

>In your mind, how does the crab meme apply to this conversation?
You're saying making money is bad, unless it's done in the proper, /ic/ approved ways, and it's better for someone to quit art than make money doing something that people on /ic/ wouldn't like.

>> No.4825093


you're supposed to paint on the other side.

if that's oil it's gonna eat through the canvas so i hope you have nothing you treasure on the other side.

>> No.4825117

if im gonna look for fabric to stretch do i just search 'canvas' or 'cotton'?

>> No.4825123

You're not supposed to do anything. I like the properties of painting on unprimed canvas and if it deteriorates the linen so be it. It's not going to happen in my lifetime anyways.There's a whole bunch of gesso on the other side which should keep it together for a good century or so.

>> No.4825130

cotton can vary a lot in quality and weave so look for a thicker cotton canvas. IKEA apparently has cheap rolls of cotton that works just fine as canvas, and you'll get to feel the fabric which is important. Linen has different properties which I personally much prefer over cotton.

>> No.4825138


yeah your art is pretty bad so whatever

>> No.4825156
File: 2.91 MB, 2898x2785, 20200411_231956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you maybe use a few more words to explain that? It's hardly representive of my oeuvre, pic related is something I did a few weeks prior. I'm trying different things out which is necessary to develop, and while I'm not blind to it's flaws, something beyond "your art is bad" could at least give me something to think about.

>> No.4825173

What attitude are you talking about?

>You're saying making money is bad
No, I am not.

>unless it's done in the proper, /ic/ approved ways
Where are you getting this shit?

>> No.4825174

Second part is meant for this bizarre, insecure gibberish:

>> No.4825176

You’re implying it instead of just saying it and being wrong

>> No.4825180

No, I am not.
Stop guessing wildly, if you don't understand what someone means by something, you should ask.

>> No.4825183

It's not going to deteriorate, it's going to rot and it will happen in your lifetime.

>> No.4825210


If you like unprimed linen you should just buy a roll of it. You're very wasteful. And yes, the fibers will rot and it will fall apart within a few years, as you say the gesso is on the other side. Gesso creates a film that can't be penetrated by the oil in the paint. Do some research, man. Goes for your art too, it's clear you have no idea what you are doing.

>> No.4825248

>he likes canvas rot

>> No.4825249
File: 248 KB, 1072x1373, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work, or go back to the furry thread

>> No.4825315

I do plenty research. Maybe you should too. How do you explain oil grounds? It is claimed (and there's a whole beautiful story about how this came to be) that a thorough oil ground - soaking the fibers in oil, a process which would make the time between preparing the canvas until you could start painting on it span minimum 2 years - is the single best way of preparing a canvas in terms to longevity. It's a stale meme you are reciting and perhaps I would be inclined to consider it if only you had some credibility and were not as easily prone to regurgitate sometging you've once heard and accepted as gospel.

>> No.4825320


>> No.4825324
File: 1.68 MB, 1053x1406, 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yes, the fibers will rot and it will fall apart within a few years
I sold this painting for $330 and it's painted directly on unprimed sackcloth, and the buyer knew that, and still bought it. Sometimes art is seen as more valuable when it's ephemeral, and there are certain effects you can only get out of paint when you paint on unprimed materials.

>> No.4825338

art is seen as more valuable to retarded normies when you paint neon colors in a faux painterly pretentious style. people buy trash every day doesnt mean it has real value

>> No.4825342

Dumb schizo.

>> No.4825350

Who's hating on Bacon for painting on raw canvas?

>> No.4825368

>art is seen as more valuable to retarded normies when you paint neon colors in a faux painterly pretentious style
then FUCKING PAINT THAT! holy shit, do you fucking want money or not.

either you're an idiot or you're a beginner pretending you could do better. I hope it's the latter.

>> No.4825377


Ever heard of rabbit glue?

>> No.4825387

Yeah, and in relation to my example the glue rotting in humid climates was considered the leading cause of paint deterioration. Also, what makes you think I didn't glue the canvas?

>> No.4825388

As, usual, the thread devolves into Brian shouting at everyone.

Begone Cumfarti, etc, etc.

And I'll get "rent free", yada yada, because it's all a big troll, always has been. Mods, can you guys reclaim trad threads from this gutter it's been turned into by a malignant narcissist?

>> No.4825393

i think you will see some major colour shift before too long if you dont size it first.

>> No.4825395

I don't know who 'Brian' is, but OP is clearly a spaz with mental issues.

>> No.4825533

Just ignore the /trad/ threads coomfarti starts and make your own. He has a mental illness where he thinks even negative attention is good.

>> No.4825768
File: 261 KB, 1096x652, аква пустыни.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4825771
File: 268 KB, 1215x1560, демоны пустыни.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And oil. I might posted this peace already, i don't remember, but just in case i didn't.

>> No.4825839
File: 1.94 MB, 4149x2752, 20200818_200706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4825842
File: 1.91 MB, 4177x2752, 20200826_223345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need critique, been painting for less than 2 months

>> No.4825846
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>> No.4825853
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>> No.4825854
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>> No.4825860
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>> No.4825867
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>> No.4825892

I generally do avoid them, because art rarely happens, just him shouting at people and being a complete narcissist. That's why I would prefer he not be allowed to start /trad threads. He prevents actual discussion of traditional art to happen - when he's not shouting at other people about how RBY is the worst thing ever and everyone should be using CMY.

Half the time I think he's just an elaborate troll who's stealing someone's art off social media and has educated himself on some subjects just enough to sound credible - because there ARE trolls that dedicated to trolling on 4chan.

>> No.4825894

Pretty good, I would work on brush variation and technique.

>> No.4825908

He's the CMY wanker? Figures....

>> No.4825915

Im normally not a fan of aquarelle but these look great

>> No.4825934

There is more than one person advocating for using CMY, retard.
OP may be a spastic loony, but if he really has tried to get people to use CMY, he's completely right about that. Broken clocks, etc.

>> No.4825942

Meant primarily for:

>> No.4825945

For fuck's sake

>> No.4825956

I fucking hate this brian fag so much, constant shilling of his own work, narcissistic personality, he's like a jimmy 2.0. He always makes /trad/ threads and then just spams his horrible mutilated female torsos, fucking d i s g u s t i n g. I've seen his fucking sales graph at least 3 times already.

If any mods are reading this please ban this faggot, he is bringing board quality down massively, even if it's just /trad/ threads, he massacres them with his lame shit. Actual discussion is stifled because of this deranged retard. Range ban this fag I implore you.

>> No.4825979

You going around calling everyone 'narcissists' is just as annoying as the retarded OP.

>> No.4825997

are you seriously defending the guy?? you ignored the rest of my post. And yes, flooding every single thread you come upon with multiple variations of someones shit art and turning the whole thread into an attention seeking prop is narcissistic. Hijacking a staple of /ic/, the trad thread and shilling your disgusting shit art is as well. You know what, fuck brian and fuck you as well

>> No.4826004

These posts are both Brian trying to get more attention

>> No.4826007

Why not get unprepared canvases then instead of painting on the back?

>> No.4826011

>are you seriously defending the guy??
No, you retard, I'm calling you annoying.

>you ignored the rest of my post
The rest of your post isn't what I find annoying. You squawking "NARCISSIST, NARCISSIST!" at every poster you don't like is the sole issue I have with this post.

>flooding every single thread you come upon with multiple variations of someones shit art and turning the whole thread into an attention seeking prop is narcissistic
Cool, but expand your vocabulary a little. I've also seen you call people narcissists just for arguing with you about something.

>> No.4826020

Wouldn't shock me. OP seems obsessive and this is obsessive behavior too.

>> No.4826035

why are you doubleguessing the credibility of the 'he is a narcissist' statement? I stated my reasons for thinking why this should be the case.

Did someone in your life call you a narcissist once and you have bad memories about the word? Okay, he is self-absorbed then.

And for the record >>4826004,
I am both >>4825956 and >>4825997. I am not brian, I just dislike his attitude, let's forget his art here for a moment. He is obnoxious and vapid

>> No.4826049
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1785, tumblr_nwbtdxJ1nu1t658edo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browse this board for 8 years
>Learn fundies
>Grind, grind, grind some more
>Classical training
>Bachelors in painting
>Grind, grind, grind some more
>Still grinding
>Rediscover ic
>Everything is the same .... but

>Everyone is worse
>No one even wants to succeed
>Everyone wants to magically walk into their own 'style'
>Their idea of 'style' is literally just anime
>People shitting on good / freely available reading material
>People can't handle criticism and respond with hostility
>Good advice is ignored / actively discouraged
>Literally no work ethic, save for a handful of active posters
>Watching Brian gradually consume himself in mental illness

>I should have brought popcorn

>> No.4826052

I like this a lot but maybe the guts could have more value range?

>> No.4826059


>I stated my reasons for thinking why this should be the case
And I have no interest in arguing that point. You really have trouble parsing that someone can disagree with one thing you say or do without being 100% against you on all topics, huh? I think OP is a faggot, and I think your habit of calling anyone you disagree with a narcissist is also grating.

>Did someone in your life call you a narcissist once and you have bad memories about the word?
Like I said, I see you calling people here narcissists all the time even when it doesn't apply to the situation at all.

>> No.4826064

okay, look. I did it only once before you called me out on using the word. I tried defending my points but they are of no importance because I am the one with issues because I stated my honest opinion on something?? Do you see how bizarre this is? Is this some weird gaslighting technique or something I honestly don't get it. You call me out on 'squawking' about using the word narcissistic? wtf

>> No.4826067


>> No.4826103

He can't use "rent free" because I called him out on it, so he's using sock puppets to attack the word - it's standard for him, and his abuse of sock puppets is one of the reasons I think it's all a troll, who's just farming (you)s. /pol is infested with that type - and "Brian" posts there.

>> No.4826112

oh I see. You mistook me for the guy. I stated that I am not him previously but okay. No worries man, we made a jumble of things... anyways good luck

>> No.4826131

>I did it only once before you called me out on using the word
I sincerely doubt that, but even if you're telling the truth, that just means you're parroting the retard(s) that do spam it.

>> No.4826136

Sock puppets? This is 4chan, not twitter. And no, I'm not OP.

>/pol/ brought up out of nowhere
lmao okay guy.

>> No.4826142

Sure, Brian. Heard this song and dance plenty of times before. "NoU, da sockpuppets no on 4chan". LOL. You're such a putz.

>> No.4826154

Paranoid retard.

>> No.4826161

I lurk 90% of the time and I think that this is the first time I've used the word 'narcissistic' on /ic/. Believe me or don't this is my last post I'm going to bed

>> No.4826183

That's fine, we'll go with that for now. Again, if that's the case, then you should be aware that there are like 1-3 obsessive faggots that just call everyone narcissists, possibly because they think everyone is Brian. Kind of like what that other anon is doing right now.

>> No.4826205

I like painting. I'm not sure this general is for me though, it mostly seems to be one guy who can't work out everyone hates him and everyone else feeding him attention.

I kinda like your stuff. Maybe you are just good at picking reference photos but the use of colour is pretty good is some of them. Everything is a bit samey texture wise which isn't a huge deal in a single painting but it sort of becomes more noticeable over several paintings, you should try find a reference with some nice sharp shapes and try some knife painting.

>> No.4826220

Yeah, that's your usual retreat, shouting insults. And you'll be back in the next thread and do the same thing.

>> No.4826237

This obsession isn't healthy.
OP is clearly mentally unwell, but looking for him everwhere like this makes you crazy too.

>> No.4826245

Heard this one a bunch of times, too.

>> No.4826268

Then take it to heart, you retard.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.4826274
File: 267 KB, 882x1054, Begone Cumfarti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst thread ever.
This is why we can't have a nice /trad/ thread any more.

>> No.4826287

>spends hours talking about himself and to himself online
>revels in any form of attention, positive or negative
>inability to see what everyone else sees in his work
>mentally breaks down and has family file missing person’s report

Nah, Brian is the prime example of mental health.

>> No.4826446

his shoulders are too big. learn construction

>> No.4826538


Don't forget about him stalking a webcam whore!

>> No.4826575

Really? Who?

>> No.4826583

ross draws

>> No.4826623

I wish we could have trad threads without them becoming all about Brian

>> No.4826673


Start here: >>/ic/thread/S4674435#p4681339

>> No.4826736

Would you prefer them to be all about how much you hate digital art?

>> No.4826754 [DELETED] 


Brian is even more pathetic than I thought

>> No.4826840

There are multiple layers of rabbit or fish glue in between the oil ground and the linen. This way the oil never touches the linen.

The glue is not what's rotting, it's the linen and the paint. The glue layer actually helps conservators to reline the painting if the canvas is damaged.

Anyways, I get it that some people don't care about longevity, but let's not spread wrong info for no good reason. If you want your grandkids to inheret some of your paintings or be taken seriously by collectors, don't half-ass the materials part.

>> No.4826854


Thanks for typing this all out, I really couldn't muster the effort to correct that retard who supposedly did so much research he is spouting complete bullshit. Shouldn't be surprised at that however considering what he posted as his work. I fucking hate /ic/.

>> No.4826904

Is it normal for raw umber to be dramatically stiffer than my other oils, or is it just because I'm using low quality paints?

>> No.4826907

Different pigments, different properties.
It happens with artist-grade paints too, even with watercolors some pigments re-wet easier than others. Some dry up smoothly into the pan and others start cracking up when they dry.

>> No.4826923


This. Titanium white for example feels much stiffer than other whites and most other colors, too.

>> No.4826935
File: 348 KB, 604x603, Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 15.45.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this again..
is it boring? I kinda like it as is but at the same time I feel something is missing idk

>> No.4826948

It could use either a little more detail or contrast in the face. But I'm a zero skill amateur so take that for what its worth.

>> No.4826969

I feel the same way but am afraid desu.. will do it anyways, she needs some more transitions between values on the face yes. Thank you anon

>> No.4827011

Be brave, its just going to bother you if you don't try to fix it. If it's acrylic you can always use some retarding medium to make it easier to change up what you are doing as you try to finish it.

>> No.4827012


It's very flat, basically pure notan, and very little things of interest to hold the viewer's eye. The biggest perpetrator is the big empty space you have going on. But I don't think you can salvage it with your current skill level, just go make something new and study more.

>> No.4827022

if Brian was a narcissist he'd have blown his brains out already because nobody likes him anywhere on the internet. It's not like he's some famous celebrity artist that everybody loves. And he's not a sociopath, the camwhore stalking is a red herring, if you ever see his posts outside of /ic/ he's been obsessed with some bitch he dated in high school for like a decade. He just purposely tries to trick people into thinking he's a rich playboy ass hole for no reason. He's fucking retarded but he's not a narcissist. Maybe you guys just don't get his humor.

>> No.4827036


He used to post a drawing of the camwhore nearly every day back in 2014. How is that not obsessive?

>> No.4827041

>if Brian was a narcissist he'd have blown his brains out already because nobody likes him anywhere on the internet
It has been pointed out that he values any attention, good or bad.
Whether this is true or not, I do not fucking care.
He's annoying, people obsessing with him is annoying, and his art is mediocre. I do not want to hear from or about him ever again.
I don't fucking care. Just go away, I don't care.

>> No.4827048

Hey, the thread managed 10 posts in a row without mentioning him just before, maybe things are looking up.

>> No.4827052

yes, I use acryllic but will switch to oil once I burn through my stash / explore acryllics for making studies. Thank you for the kind words

It does have that unrefined, study-like atmosphere, I agree. I wanted to make a believable 'in trance' kinda female face and this was the second attempt. It looks like I will try to push this further to get some semblance of forms of the face and then maybe make the whole thing again when I have more knowledge and skill. Thank you as well

>> No.4827540
File: 320 KB, 1155x1492, 107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

landscape from imagination

>> No.4827554


>Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is an adaptation to a shaky self-esteem that originated in early childhood. The adaptation was the replacement of the child’s true self with a false (perfect) self that protects the child from the fear of not living up to his parent’s expectations and therefore being abandoned.

This false self stays with the child into adulthood. It is false. To give such a person the illusion that he is real, he needs constant affirmation from others. This usually equals praise and admiration. But when things don’t go as planned, those he depends on for positive feedback become a threat to the illusion. Once loved for their praise, these people suddenly become hated as enemies.

But for the narcissist, that’s even better than being loved. Now he has someone to blame things on. Whatever went wrong, it’s all the bad guy’s fault. The bad guy, by being bad, serves as a receptacle for all the anger the narcissist harbours against himself — his abandoned, shameful true self — and the world as a whole. The bad guy offers the narcissist a green light to dump his own frustrations and fears onto someone else. Devaluing someone else, after all, is the same things as building himself up. If things are really bad, the narcissist will indulge in a smear campaign. That to someone with NPD is a real ego trip! The ultimate power trip. An affirmation that he, the guy with NPD, is terrific while the guy being slandered is really the worst asshole in the world. (YouTube “Flying Monkeys.”)

I like to think of people with NPD as being infected by a shame monster. After all, NPD is the psychology of shame. For a narcissist, any means of avoiding the shame monster is an automatic high. He thrives on letting out his anger. A source of “negative attention” is a perfect target.

>> No.4827560

Brian if you're going to be so lazy about your work, you should just work digitally

>> No.4827564

digital is too easy.

>> No.4827570

Nigga wtf are you talking about I just paint pictures

>> No.4827581

Traditional is much more conducive to sloppy painting.

>> No.4827585

>Traditional is much more conducive to sloppy painting.
i mean sure, but it'll look like shit. Digital still looks good regardless.

>> No.4827693

My microns have been clogging and drying out i think it has something to do with the paper im using (printer paper) what paper goes well with microns

>> No.4827699

>he hasn’t seen Brian’s digital work

It’s just as shitty, anon

>> No.4827771
File: 901 KB, 624x897, gay dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my balls hurt. i was bending my dick around trying to see if it would reach my own hole.

>> No.4827803

It's a waste of oil paint if he never finishes his paintings

>> No.4828040

What a retarded thing to say.
No, if you are a sloppy painter, the inherent textures and qualities of paint can carry the piece to a certain degree. Digital doesn't have this luxury, as you have to work a lot harder to get similar effects.

>> No.4828073

mirin that dick topiary

>> No.4828075

Imagine coming into the trad thread and trying to convince them that digital is harder. Go back to your containment thread

>> No.4828181

You’ve got to be painting at a very low level if your traditional work relies so heavily on “the inherent textures and qualities of paint”

>> No.4828327


Uh yeah, that's what we're talking about.

>> No.4828587
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Anyone like John Bauer? I found his stuff recently and I REALLY like it. Even the name of the kind of art sounds cool - "romantic nationalism".

>> No.4828604

I like doing digital art. Saves me lots of money on materials.

>> No.4828823

Post work homo

>> No.4828932

Begone cumfarti

>> No.4830079
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Forest floor

>> No.4830736

Oil on canvas by the way

>> No.4830841
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ive been oil painting kinda tiny recently cos i paint more if i can lean back with a clipboard and a small bit of paper.
should i get a pack of those 'fine detail brushes' that are usually marketed toward homemade jewelry ppls? will it help me not make blobby faces at small scale?

>> No.4831214
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Painted the Acropolis

>> No.4831453

Yeah different brands of paint also use different combinations of oil, some might use more safflower or poppy or sunflower oil . Just play around with mediums

>> No.4831468

>or sunflower
did you mean walnut?

>> No.4831510

New brushes won't help, but learning to paint will

>> No.4831526

>just git gud
i am learning. dick.

>> No.4831552

Use more paint friend. That white is going to tickle people's autism. Also, lets see some brush strokes, it looks like you're grinding the paint in.

You put all that effort into capturing light and space, but I still cant read the right side of the painting. I don't have the reference, so I can't just complete the rest of the painting in my head. Finish your painting for once. For someone who's trying to be prolific, it doesn't count if you never finish anything. At least clean up the bottom of the painting. I KNOW you can do better.

Your problem isn't your brush, it's your color and light. You don't need to be razer sharp to pull off what you're going for. Don't worry about polishing turds, keep painting and work on your forms.

>> No.4831713

Not sure if this goes here or the materials thread: Any scanner recommendations? The natural lighting in my room is shit, the actual light bulb is also shit (would love recommendations on that if there are any), and my scanner has recently started going to shit. I have to spend a good half hour in Photoshop just adjusting colors because it won't even mess up colors in a consistent manner.

>> No.4831717

He's giving you good advice, don't be so defensive.

>> No.4831831

I have a few tubes that list sunflower as one of the vehicles. Not sure how it differs from the others though.

>> No.4831866

Wow, rude.
That was good advice, tiny brushes are not required while you still have everything to learn first.

>> No.4831870

Never heard of such a thing, please tell us the brands.

>> No.4831873
File: 3.01 MB, 3024x3024, 20200830_152510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base layer wip. Always looks so messy at the start. Im so noncommittal oils look like watercolor. Hope to build up some texture and color richness next layer or 2. Maybe even try some glazing at the end.

>> No.4831875
File: 2.06 MB, 2997x2997, 20200830_152937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah geez, sideways.

>> No.4831880

I’ve started using finer brushes but you should learn how brush stiffness, shape and how paint is loaded and unloaded first. If the brushes you have can’t paint fine detail in a face try painting a bigger face. Watch how James Gurney uses a corner of a flat to get very fine points and lines. Fine brushes are a convenience but the overall technique of laying a stroke is more important to master.

>> No.4831885

Using solvent for that watercolor in under painting is a valid technique, but if you might also want to experiment with scumbling undiluted paint, especially for the translucent darks.

>> No.4831914

Hey just a hot tip furries pay premium for trad art because they see it as exotic.

>> No.4831989

Hey, thanks. I'll give that a go.

>> No.4832087

I don't know if exotic is the right word, but they definitely do pay a premium. I used to make these fursona badges (just a small Copic or watercolor drawing of their fursona on nice paper you can slip into a lanyard for conventions) and sold those for $75-$150 depending on character complexity. They didn't take very long to do since the size was so small (an hour max I would say) and were very fun to do since the designs and colors always tended to push me out of my comfort zone. Furries, man. They're good people.

>> No.4832272

>corner of a flat
I can do it with gouache but I can't with oils.

>> No.4832332


Andrew Tischler does it a bit in his vids as well.

>> No.4832720

looks wholesome, nice

>> No.4832772
File: 679 KB, 1412x1059, saddsadsadsadsadsadsadsa654654654654hgfhgfhgfhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique plz

>> No.4832775

Texture and contrast advances, learn to use that.

>> No.4832796

You’re getting there :)

>> No.4832799

its not my composition, was just copying something out of my 'things i like' folder

>> No.4832927

I want to keep my trad art in case I ever get good, so I have the journey saved. But I'd be completely embarrassed by anyone seeing my art while I'm still shit.

Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.4832969

why be embarrassed? everyone starts somewhere. why not just offload to parents/aunts/uncles etc? the one i painted is of a mate climbing a mountain in canada, so i'm offloading it to him or his parents kek

i mean look at mine. >>4832772

>> No.4832988


>> No.4833063

where and how do people even get commissions? I cannot figure it out

>> No.4833633
File: 883 KB, 934x1370, Screenshot_20200831-171849_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone my clay relief wheat?

>> No.4833723


>> No.4833791
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>> No.4834251
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did a figure painting

>> No.4834448


>> No.4834453

killed myself

>> No.4834551

im a different anon but you should check out benjamin bjorklund. treats oil paints more or less like watercolors to great success

>> No.4834635

Woah, gorgeous, thank you. Looks like he has demos up, too. Great find.

>> No.4834776

I'm a bad person to ask. For me, it was mostly word of mouth or people asking me if I'm open for commissions at conventions, and then building up a small but consistently returning customer base from there.

>> No.4834780

That's how most people do it, just networking. If you can become popular enough online, then you won't need that, but in order to become that popular, you need a strong social media pressence, and a healthy bit of luck.

>> No.4835361
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tried this technique in pastel

>> No.4835379
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are alcohol markers trad?

>> No.4835412
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yup, i'm not really sure what an alcohol marker is but if it's done on paper by hand it's trad

>> No.4835466

ummm they're just markers but they're alcohol based instead of water so you can blend them and they dry fast. Wanted to step away from the layers and undo button for a while.

>> No.4835514
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>> No.4836938


>> No.4837019

Fucking legend.

>> No.4837048

What paper do you use for them? I picked up some alcohol inks on a whim and I like them, but i dunno what to do with them.

>> No.4838016
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>> No.4838018
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Portrait of my sister. Sorry for the horrible photo
I've been doing coomer commissions for 2 years maybe,but I would like to start taking oil portrait commissions.How do I get into that?

Where do you sell your paintings? and for how much?
should I bother taking my work to art galleries?

>> No.4838039

its just the cheapest sketchbook. nothing special.

>> No.4838056

how many more times are you going to post this shit

>> No.4838060

i sold the first one this is a new version

>> No.4838090

Disproportionate from the tiny eyes to huge bottom jaw. The skin and clothing look nice though

>> No.4838091

That's pretty good. I think someone would pay for a portrait like that. Though I sadly can't help you on how to get there as I'm trying to do the same with not much luck.
Do you use social media? As shitty as it may seem, having active accounts and reaching out to people in your circles might help find an audience.
Maybe look into university galleries? They might be more willing to work with unknown artists than professional galleries. I don't know though.
I have no idea how to price paintings. If you're an unknown, even though you're good, you probably can't charge too much. That said, I'm always worried about undervaluing my work. Remember to consider size, cost of materials, and time you spent working on the piece.

>> No.4838144
File: 489 KB, 1721x2805, _20200902_093538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be a trad Chad.

>> No.4838301

Please not this again
A lot is good about your portrait, but the anatomy of the eyes is wrong, and eyebrows aren't painted on top of the flesh like that-make up is, but are you painting make up?

>> No.4838302

well still awful. I've sold a shit ton f dreadful trad pictures, normies will buy anything, but we don't want to see that here, that's why I don't put my stuff like that here....it's just crap.

>> No.4838326

damn nice work

>> No.4838334

those are great. especially the top and bottom right

>> No.4838368

this. people will buy literal trash, doesnt mean it's not trash

>> No.4838433

You know it your heart & soul it is, same as we can see it is.

>> No.4838473

just put them on ebay and someone will buy them. and as soon as you make money don't worry, because people like >>4838368
will shit talk you no matter what.

Best advice I ever heard was "If you wait until you're ready to have a child you'll never be a parent"... same goes for art. If you spend all your time working and never thinking your work is ready to sell, you'll never sell it.

>> No.4838678

That looks really dope

>> No.4838695
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>> No.4838808
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>> No.4838831


>> No.4838835

Are you that faggot who used to paint grotesque pictures of celebrities and was a total annoying ass in general?

>> No.4838885

If you’re talking about Jimmy, I think he killed himself.