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4824261 No.4824261 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4824262

with that attitude, yes

>> No.4824263

There's not really much holding you back other than your brain. It's not like suddenly wanting to become an olympian or something. You might be in your 30s by the time you make it.

>> No.4824286

Firez was 28 years old when he started and got gud in about 6 years, if you think like a loser you will remain a loser.

>> No.4824300

No, you are just lazy and pre-emptively making excuses for quitting when you don't improve at the speed you want to.
So like, stop doing that. Get some resources and get to learning.

>> No.4824304

yeah.... sorry.

>> No.4824316


>> No.4824321

Nonsense. I’m 32 and I only started last year.` haven’t made it yet, but then again I don’t need to make it but I’m happy with my progress.

>> No.4824327

Yes, 23 and a half is the latest you can start and make it

>> No.4824337
File: 35 KB, 198x234, 1557025505835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 26 and I started last year, it feels dejecting about my age but I'm having fun so it's alright.

>> No.4824348

Same age as you.
I want to keep climb the hill .
It's never too late faggot, i heard of people in 40's picking up art and GMI.

>> No.4824362

I started at 31. I'm 33 now. I'm still fucking bad despite regular practicing every day and already accepted I have 0 talent and that I might never make it, yet I still try, no idea why either.

>> No.4824372
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*wheezes* i t s n e v e r t o o l a t e t a t r y

>> No.4824378
File: 559 KB, 450x320, 24y3fb6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was exactly like you for like 4 fucking years wasting time not drawing because "oh it's too late, there are 16 year olds better than me, no point in trying anymore, etc etc etc. Just draw, dude. Don't think about it. Draw, see what's wrong, study, fix it, draw more, see what's wrong, study, fix it. over and over, forever till you make it.
Read "Mini Habits" if you're having trouble with discipline, maybe it'll help.

>> No.4824412
File: 169 KB, 1271x825, the-sleeping-gypsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist didn't start painting until he was in his late forties. There are tons of similar stories throughout art history. Didn't van Gogh start at like 27 or something? There are also tons of superstar young artists Prix de Rome winners who did nothing interesting in their lives and died in obscurity.
It's about your dedication and internal creativity. Young people (this includes you, I consider everybody under around 30 to be young in this sense) can pick up technical skills quicker but that is about it, the source of their success is usually just energy an ample time without external responsibilities. I'm 23 and feel sharper, faster, and more creative than I was at 18. Stfu and just start

>> No.4824425

aztodio started at 27, CSR also started at 27

>> No.4824434

Let’s see your work, gramps. I’m sure it isn’t as bad as you think it is.

>> No.4824490
File: 412 KB, 620x500, beach-boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Hughes also mentioned Goya as an artist who didn't really move beyond studies till he hit 40.

>> No.4824536

>coomer artists are late twenties/early thirties

I find it really disturbing these guys are drawing porn of characters that they are almost old enough to be their fathers.

>> No.4824639

What's the issue there, faggot?

>> No.4824646

Craig Mullins started at 24.

>> No.4824647

The issue there is this faggot feels bitter over drawings that are way more attractive than xir.

>> No.4824649

Are you the pregnant demon guy?

>> No.4824650

No, you’re thinking of someone else, anon.

>> No.4824659

How about dilating that wound

>> No.4824663

Your question shouldn't be "am I too old to make it" but rather "what do I need to do to make it". It's only too late if you're dead.

>> No.4824669

Nice bait, fag.

>> No.4824674

guys I'm 29 will i make it?

>> No.4824678

rasputin didn't even learn to read until he was 28 nigger

>> No.4824706

31 only took me half a year to get decent, drawing isn't that hard it's not rocket science.

>> No.4824711
File: 711 KB, 1240x1754, preg_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?
does he have a blog?

>> No.4824713
File: 3.22 MB, 3508x2480, preg_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ops I think it was loli

>> No.4824716

Stop it, holy shit. There's nothing wrong with you, you don't get to have that. If you fail, it's because you didn't put in the effort.

>> No.4824717

I started getting serious at about 21, and found my first job in a game studio at around 24

>> No.4825499

but I'm in the same boat and I'd just say, fuck it. if I didn't make it by 30s I'll quit.

>> No.4825617

One of few where age is coming irrelevant to making it.

>> No.4825618


>> No.4825634

>there are people who have only been drawing for 3-4 years and they're amazing
>hurrr am i too late to make it at 24

with a brain this small, yes.

>> No.4825652

imagine wondering if you're going to make it or not in your 20s
c'mon buddy, just doodle shit you want to do and eventually you'll want to do something ambitious. just study fundies so you'll be able to draw the cool shit you're imagining

>> No.4825815

pyw OP. We'll be nice.

>> No.4825841
File: 67 KB, 480x270, inLMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well leonardo di caprio was 40 when he learned to draw anime

>> No.4825886

who cares, if youre having fun then it doesnt matter

>> No.4825976

Is this true? Source?

>> No.4826014
File: 52 KB, 677x315, ceO3P9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He started his illustration degree at art center around 24-25, he was doing industrial design before that I think

>> No.4826025
File: 123 KB, 750x537, cjtyIwzR6uY8TDavgA90hg_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4826031

I'm 32 and I just started, all you need is the right attitude

>> No.4826060

Yaaas, it is totally yikes, creepy, and GROSS! How dare artists try to make a living in a way I find morally objectionable!
Btw, if you want to support Women Entrepreneurs such as myself, don’t forget to subscribe to my OnlyFans where I sell pictures of my feet to guys of all ages!!

>> No.4826155

why? There's no age where you have to stop drawing what they do.

>> No.4826162

nothing you can do about it...its gameover for you

>> No.4826165
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>> No.4826166

No. It's not too late and don't let people who are better than you but younger in age discourage you. They just happened to start before you did. Their skill level isn't unobtainable

>> No.4826172
File: 109 KB, 689x657, IMG_20200821_140956360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minute poses that I did using vilppu's spherical forms video. I want to make coom art for a living so that then I can learn traditional painting and move on into that.

>> No.4826177

ok coomer

>> No.4826192

>I want to make coom art for a living so that then I can learn traditional painting and move on into that
I'm not gonna dilate like some other users would at the coom art part, but this is pretty kek

>> No.4826239

Lmao 24 is still practically a child.
You have your whole life ahead of you kiddo, get to it

>> No.4826246
File: 84 KB, 568x510, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to make coom art for a living so that then I can learn traditional painting and move on into that.

>> No.4826303

Yes, we're all gonna make it anon

>> No.4826548

I started drawing
is it too late for me?

>> No.4826558

Based anon, don't listen to these degenerates.

>> No.4826565

I'm 28 and so far no one that has commissioned me has asked me for my age or id...no one care, dummy.

>> No.4826703

van gogh started at 28.

>> No.4826708


Van Gogh never got good, not the best example

>> No.4826918

I'm also 24 except instead of thinking I'm too old to make it I can't help but think if art was really my passion, I would've made it by now

>> No.4826949


>> No.4827198

If you’re not some underage fag then just give up in getting a job in the industry.

>> No.4827208

show us that it is possible

>> No.4828277
File: 1.67 MB, 540x601, tumblr_ojn5o2s4LS1twgfw0o3_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn quicker, but are fucking retarded at prioritization and lack an attention span

>learn slower, but possess greater focus and discipline

This is why most artists that have drawn their whole life make no meaningful gainz until their later-teens at the earliest. Use the advantages of your boomer mind.

>> No.4828296
File: 635 KB, 1200x942, mb45fd36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it shows

>> No.4828302

how old is aztodio now like 34?