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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 97 KB, 834x834, 1598241989440sqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4821272 No.4821272 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make /ic/ a better place.

Answer stupid questions here!

>> No.4821577

Is there a place where people dumped all the /ic/-made good image guides and charts and all ?

>> No.4821584

What are the signs of GMI? I'm sure I have them all, but just to be sure

>> No.4821587

If you have to ask then you ngmi

>> No.4821611

>I'm sure I have them all but just to be sure
It's clear this board is for visual art and not literary works as evidenced by reading comprehension, but I'll say my piece anyway. I think it's
-a sense that you've been wronged and desire to prove the world wrong, that you're the best
-enjoyment in drawing
-high level of coom energy
-high IQ
I have all these and more, so GMI

>> No.4821621

How important are the methods in Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson? Being self-taught at art for far too long I've gotten used to spending like 90% of the time staring at the paper drawing the subject than on the subject itself.
When I stare only at the subject, I draw like a fucking toddler with my lines all over the place with proportions that are retardedly exaggerated.

>> No.4821629

wrong, these are the proper signs:

Do you practice drawing every day, for several hours?
Are you healthy? Do you care for your health?
Do you sleep properly? Any chances of dying in a car crash in the near future?
Are you good to work with? Do people enjoy working with you?
Do you keep an orderly and efficient schedule?
How often do you tab to 4chan?

Being professional and orderly is far more important than IQ, talent, and coom energy

>> No.4821646

>Do you practice drawing every day, for >several hours?
somewhere between 2 and 5 depending on circumstances and motivation
>Are you healthy? Do you care for your >health?
yes, currently in middle stage between twink and chad
>Do you sleep properly? Any chances of dying >in a car crash in the near future?
I sleep great thanks to fitness
>Are you good to work with? Do people enjoy >working with you?
I'm good at making people like me, at least for show
>Do you keep an orderly and efficient schedule?
I try to be extremely consistent day to day
>How often do you tab to 4chan?
(You) got me there, but once I make it, I'll be off painting and drawing great art while having cool sex with your crush

>> No.4821660
File: 38 KB, 540x540, 923c0cf6b240dfdfcdf7c291d3db06da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you, my crush is fictional

>> No.4821902

book rec for drawing mecha?

>> No.4821903

You are in the wrong side of the dunning kruger graph.

>> No.4821909

and more importantly

any book/video suggestions?

>> No.4822058
File: 952 KB, 927x1232, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu said in his drawing manual that his 4 steps gesture process should take 10-15 seconds on average and 30 seconds maximum. I just started doing gesture. Should I try and do them right and go over the time requirement or just start to get used to it right off the bat?

>> No.4822138
File: 38 KB, 720x987, FB_IMG_1553529215696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make lines this clean? And what pencil did he use?

>> No.4822154 [DELETED] 


>> No.4822162
File: 45 KB, 448x570, 1550375960270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you'll be behind at least seven proxies if you're going to go looking for the sauce.

>> No.4822164

found it nvm.

>> No.4822167
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>> No.4822196

What's the hard round brush in CSP
Currently using the opague watercolor but it's too soft

>> No.4822199

You have to make your own

>> No.4822259
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any excersise to control my values?
I'm doing the 5 value system for figure drawing but my values are so inconsistent.
I don't understand to I try to memorize how much pressure I'm pressing on the charcoal/polychromos pencils?

>> No.4822264

Value Scales will help you most. Take your time with them, one could take a couple hours. Don't put bold lines in between each patch of value.

>> No.4822305
File: 285 KB, 582x630, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight anon thanks, any book/vid go over this topic you recommend ?

>> No.4822311

The only course i know that goes over it is Vilppu's Drawing Essentials class. You can find it on rutracker in a big vilppu bundle. But its a pretty common exercise, just do your best to keep each "step" of value consistent to one another, and keep the patches of value very flat.

>> No.4822454

Thank anon i will check it out one last question what do you mean by
>and keep the patches of value very flat.

>> No.4822504
File: 113 KB, 500x500, 1483159857239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Vilppu will explain all

>> No.4822543

how the fuck do people draw faces symmetrically? Whenever i try it's always looking slightly to the side.
is there a trick to it?

>> No.4822546

It's very hard, one of the last things newbies get ahold of. Even pros have to flip the canvas to get it right.

>> No.4822568

yeah no kidding, i flip it back and forth1000 times and it still never looks right

>> No.4822703

is CSP good?
What's the different between pro and ex?

>> No.4822711

Is color correction really necessary for digital painting ive saw a color meter for about $5000 should i go for it

>> No.4822727

You're not supposed to stare only at the subject dumbshit stare at the subject and then look at your paper. Then repeat. They literally tell you this.

>> No.4822740
File: 14 KB, 218x326, 152349587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because global situation I get work from home. Workplace got me share account for full Adobe license. Can owner track activity or files I´m making? Not saving anything to cloud, but I´m still little bit paranoid. I wanna try out new version photoshop and make personal art.

>> No.4822745

CSP's good. It's all I use.

EX has a comic page management system, so if you plan on doing long comics like graphic novels it'll help a lot. It also lets you do unlimited animations. Pro is good for just illustrating and drawing, if that's all you plan to do.

>> No.4822746

Watch speedpaints on YouTube, you can find different artists and see theirs process. Bucci’s YouTube videos on painting were pretty helpful as well.

>> No.4822748

Would you say it's worth it to buy CSP or pirating it is better?

>> No.4822757

Not him, but I recommend buying it. If you buy it dodging a sale you can get it for $20 and the interface in the new version is pretty similar to photoshop. I’m not sure if I just looked on the wrong places or something, but I couldn’t find the new version for free. I think it’s a lot easier to navigate csp in the updated version, and the drawing experience is mode enjoyable. Pirate it if you find the recent version though.

>> No.4822760

>dodging a sale
you mean during a sale?
How often is the sale?
I can wait until then i suppose.
$20 is much cheaper than a video game.
And it's one time payment.

>> No.4822770

Sales are like twice a year (i think), but a month long each. There was just a sale 3 months ago. So probably in half a year.

>> No.4822791

Thanks for the information.
I will wait for the sales then.

>> No.4822802

I know learning fundies is important.
But should I learn how to copy first or tracing in order to improve observation/hand-eye coordination before moving on to fundies?

>> No.4822920
File: 191 KB, 2048x1037, EcYpePUU0AAJkmY (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eventually move away from the stuff I currently draw, but I feel like my following wouldn't appreciate it if I did so and the art I currently have on my twitter might concern new people who find me from drawing different subject matter. Does anyone have some advice for how I should move away from what I currently draw? Pic related is my art. I want to move onto general fetish porn with OCs and the occasional fanart. I have many fetishes I like to draw, should I pick a few that work well together or just draw whatever I feel like?

I would advise against tracing but copying art you like to study the style is very helpful if there's something specific you want to learn from someone

>> No.4823288
File: 4 KB, 193x147, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what anime this is from?

>> No.4823300

It's the chuunibyou anime

>> No.4823422

where is the Pen Tool is csp? to make selections

Kyoukai no Kanata

>> No.4823615

how the fuck do you make a visual development portfolio? i wanna draw characters and backgrounds etc but I cant come up with any story or theme ideas for the portfolio

>> No.4823622

then do your take on a public domain IP like cinderalla/alice in the wonderland/etc.

-your take on the character designs
-turnarounds, technical drawings behind the clothing, props
-mood pieces

>> No.4823650


Thanks! helpful

>> No.4823800

I starting out and I wanted to know, how long did it take for you to be somewhat satisfied with your art?

>> No.4823837

some people are never satisfied. But you can make money at it in 3-4 years if you're dedicated enough.

>> No.4824041

Is there a good YouTube channel that focuses on watercolor? At least something on the same level of quality as Draw Mix Paint.

>> No.4824050

James Gurney

>> No.4824056

Where should i go for a community that draw as hobby?
/ic/ and discord just seems too competitive and toxic to be around.
They are good for getting advanced resources, but the environment is absolute shit.
I just want to have bunch of people that enjoy drawing and having fun drawing.

>> No.4824058

Yes, reddit.

>> No.4824063

somewhere without le upboats?
If i just want to suck the dick of the best drawers around while getting completely ignored by others, i would go back to discord.

>> No.4824072

There’s no where else, anon. You either move to reddit or stay in /ic/

>> No.4824075

Anyone have any guides on how to use those dry watercolor blocks?

>> No.4824215

Does anyone here actually pay for Bodies in Motion, and if so what do you think? I'm trying to find a high quality gesture drawing resource because I've been sort of let down by how artificial some of the quickposes stuff is.

>> No.4824252

Do you ever worry if your NSFW commissions would effect you in the future? Like keeping you from working in certain industries where public opinion matters.

>> No.4824257

With the cancel culture going on and the doxxing issues?
I'm not even going to work in the industry and I'm afraid of it.

>> No.4824420

Seconding this is color correction really need for drawing

>> No.4824561
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to get gradients like in pic related? I see it all over the place in 80s nastolgia-bait art, particularly in the stuff used for synthwave youtube videos. What do they do?

>> No.4824730

How do I paint faces? Even the most simple faces have colouring on them that gives depth. I'm using digital painting, id like to know what the technique is

>> No.4824758

I think you're looking for how to paint planes of the head

>> No.4824884


>If i just want to suck the dick of the best drawers around while getting completely ignored by others

So you're saying you want asspats but don't want to have to give asspats?

>> No.4824943

No, i just want a place where people share their interests and happiness with drawings.
Instead of a place where people keep reminding you that you're not good enough and should just give up.

something like the pixel art thread before the schizo retard destroyed it with his constant shitposting of eye polluting "drawings".
Anybody even know where that guy came from and why is he doing this?

>> No.4824974
File: 238 KB, 534x486, bffe3786860794de6865b594212015f35d65c75267be636fa3b74c8eba3bc212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants as much attention as people who've invested their entire lives into their craft
>Doesn't want that attention to be suggestions for improvement
>Just wants completely unwarranted ass pats
Incase you didn't know this is what causes every single cancerous community is cancer. Reddit, Tumblr, DeviantArt or Furaffinity.
You have 2 choices. Go to a cancer community or Gitgud. Even if you gitgud trolls will still be able to smell your fragile personality and thin skin, though. So you probably will have to do both.

Also Discord is aids.

>> No.4824976

>fragile personality
Meant ego. Your problem is ego. You have too much of it and nothing to show.

>> No.4825008

You just don't get it, do you?
I'm not gonna waste my time to explain to you anymore.

Gamers can have a community to play games together without needing to go pro.
Hikers can have a group that talk about hiking without needing to go for Himalayas.
Fishers can have a forum that talk about fishing spots without needing to get some record breaking fish or win any competitions.
Music lovers can come together to play some musics together and just have some fun jam session.
But somehow in drawings, when i try to find a similar group to have fun drawing together with, i'm trying to seek attention.
And somehow it translates into me not wanting suggestions or improvements.
And somehow it means i just want some asspats.

Let me just put it straight.
You're cancerous and there's plenty more of toxic ass brainlets like you around.
I just want to go somewhere else without fucktards like you.
Wherever it is, It's definitely not here.

>> No.4825398

Proko 2.0 is coming out soon ;)

>> No.4825409

Even if I hadn't read the other posts you made, this post alone would cement you as a sensitive faggot.
This is a place for people to improve their art. If you just want to fuck around forever and don't want to improve, we have /i/ as well.

>> No.4825595

why are shadows more saturated than lights

>> No.4825697

Are they??

>> No.4825865

Best case scenario, after this covid shit is over, is look for local classes. You don't have to go to college full time to take drawing classes at your local community college or 4 year school. In my area there's an adult education program that hosts art classes as well - but those tend to be mostly seniors and housewives.

It's a lot easier to talk and be social drawing in the same room with a group of people, than over the internet.

>> No.4825868

Faces in real life aren't symmetrical. Most real faces are lopsided - nostrils can be different sizes, one eye higher than the other, etc.

Perfect symmetry in the face leads to uncanny valley.

>> No.4825879
File: 434 KB, 500x373, 1589833391442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest with me anon do need the approval of other artist so badly? Your post reads as if you don't have goals, nor aspirations, and I don't know if you are aware, but any serious artist would find you to be a distraction at best and downright insufferable at worst because to them you're just some shitter dicking around while they're busting theirs to actually be good at their craft. What the hell do have to ofter to them? what will you actually willing to give to them? Actually, I got a better question- why do need people validate the work you do when you're just some hobbyist in it for fun? Why isn't your own feelings about your work not enough? Why are you even here?

>> No.4825883

A $5k digital color meter is a professional tool you have no business owning, and won't have the rest of the tools and environment to make it not pointless.

AT MOST, a SpyderX or i1Display that run around $170 are all a small time commision artist or student would need. AT MOST, you just need to neutralize your screen. Color correction beyond that is pointless unless you have a specific path for publishing professionally.

>> No.4825884

Add water. Literally, just add water.

>> No.4825898

>I want to eventually move away from the stuff I currently draw, but I feel like my following wouldn't appreciate it if I did so
Fuck em. Theyre there to follow you. You're not their servant. Do what you wish. If they hate it they can leave. If they like it they will stay.
>the art I currently have on my twitter might concern new people who find me from drawing different subject matter.
Fuck em. If they give a shit about that then I doubt they'd be looking for fetish artists to follow in the first place.

>I want to move onto general fetish porn with OCs and the occasional fanart. I have many fetishes I like to draw, should I pick a few that work well together or just draw whatever I feel like?
Draw whatever you feel like. Whatever you're the most into. That's the only way to do fetish or sexy art. As a viewer you can really sense whether the artist is into what theyre drawing or not. So only draw what you want to draw.

>> No.4825907

Forgot to add, I'm not at all into the stuff you currently draw and probably won't be into the fetish stuff you end up drawing. But I like looking at your work because I enjoy your style and skill. Don't let your work become passion less because you're getting tired of the subject matter. Keep the soul alive.

>> No.4825926

Bitch I'm not here looking for approval I'm here looking for critiques. Even hobbyists need to have someone look over their drawings and say "yo that anatomy is fucked why does it look like he is shitting out a leg shaped turd" when theyre looking to improve their skills. Its not like hobbyists aren't allowed to try to improve just because they aren't trying to make it, dumbfuck

>> No.4825961

They aren't, universally. If they pick up ambient light/reflections of a similar hue to the one the object reflects naturally they can, or if there's subsurface scattering they can.
People with light colored skin should have some saturation in the shadows due to subsurface scattering.

>> No.4825969

>I'm here looking for critiques
Not according to what you've said. Looks to me like you're experiencing cognitive dissonance because you understand that critique is a good thing, but having your flaws pointed out upsets you.

>> No.4826013
File: 100 KB, 500x382, 1589885600307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so mad and so deeply in denial it's actually hilarious. I'm not even going to give you elaborate response, I'm just going throw own words in your face to show you how much a sensitive crybaby bitch, and failure at life you actually are.
>Bitch I'm not here looking for approval I'm here looking for critiques.
>No, i just want a place where people share their interests and happiness with drawings
How gay, pick one.
>Even hobbyists need to have someone look over their drawings and say "yo that anatomy is fucked why does it look like he is shitting out a leg shaped turd" when theyre looking to improve their skills.
>Its not like hobbyists aren't allowed to try to improve just because they aren't trying to make it
That's a laugh consider you also said-
>Instead of a place where people keep reminding you that you're not good enough and should just give up.
>I just want to have bunch of people that enjoy drawing and having fun drawing.
You are megafucking faggot, eternally NGMI and you never find people that will kiss your ass for being a shit tier l-lets all be friends,guys preaching doofus. God you are fucking loser.
>inb4 i was petending to be retarded
>inb4 that's no me
Kek sure thing bitch, suck my dick

>> No.4826099

why do people say westerners can't draw anime? I've never tried it before and im interested in why people say this

>> No.4826102

/asg/ has a explanation in there OP

>> No.4826396
File: 1.62 MB, 1785x1730, holo27082020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i render holographic materials like the ones on the right?

>> No.4826410

Irridescent is the word you are looking for, and you just have to study the effects until you have a firm grasp on how the color refracts.

>> No.4826485
File: 266 KB, 1024x1075, jacket27082020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do

>> No.4826515

aw cool thanks for the response, man. will check them out!

>> No.4826517

Exaggerate more.

>> No.4826521

I would think the light shapes would have to follow the form more, wouldn't they? The colors you picked look fine but I'm not convinced with the structure of the clothing.

>> No.4826522

How do I darken blonde hair? What are the most used color values for blonde hair?

>> No.4826669

Putting the color zones closer together will make the effect more pronounced. Do a larger polygon of yellow-green, a thin band of cyan-blue, and then medium strip of red-magenta.
Get them all up in each others faces, and have those sections separated by wide patches of greys.
Actually just do a color study of the bottom right jacket here >>4826396, that will give you a much better understanding of how things change than any amount of reasoning or verbalization.
You can even color pick if you need to, but really nail down the shape relationships between every color zone, and how one color transitions into another.

>> No.4826684

how to use hard brush with opacity to overlap?

>> No.4826717

Which rpg horror girl should I draw?

>> No.4826730

Don't think of blonde hair as being yellow, think of it as being a yellowER brown. All natural hair is basically brown, but leans one way or another. Red hair is actually just reddish brown hair, black hair is actually just dark brown hair, and blonde hair is just yellowish brown hair.

>> No.4826759

So, orange? Also i've been told that for shading white drapery and fabric you use blue, why is that?

>> No.4826765

Hue wise, yes.

>white drapery and fabric you use blue, why is that?
Should be more cyan than blue, but you do this because shadows pick up ambient light, and when outdoors during the day, the sky is a huge source of ambient cyan light.
It bears noting that this isnt actually CORRECT in all lighting scenarios, especially indoors, but it is how our brains understand shadow, and it gives it more life than just using straight grey for the shadows.

>> No.4826781

to people who draw everyday/are really productive and ENJOY being productive... do you use social media at all? if you do , with what purpose? or do you instead just spend time in a lot of other websites that help you improve in your art or get you inspired??? do you not use internet at all?

>> No.4826784

Great, thanks, where can I learn all the properties about those color combinations you mentioned? To be able to paint from imagination

>> No.4826794

Study life, and look at other painters' solutions. A lot of conventional knowledge about painting just comes from simple solutions that have been shown to work out well, as opposed to being EXACTLY how light works. It's not like you can trace every ray of light and track how it will be absorbed, reflected, and refracted on every surface and material- just study the macroscopic effects of light and progressively piece together a general idea of how it wotks.

>> No.4826795

I'm not as productive as I would like to be, but I draw every day, and normally for at least a few hours.
No, I do not use any social media apart from 4chan.

>> No.4826805

Any good examples of artists works? (With heavy use of color properties)

>> No.4826832
File: 128 KB, 725x1024, 1598598163185m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For shading like this, you use a lot of masks right?

>> No.4826835

Just a plain old lasso works fine, but yes.

>> No.4827508

what do you guys use to get paid for commissions? buymeacoffee, ko-fi, paypal.me?

>> No.4827513

If you're not using the hard round brush you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4827630

What size do you guys put comissions for? Was thinking 8.5x11 or reverse with 300dpi. Honestly i dont know what would be appropriate.

>> No.4827664

How to avoid a twitter mob? I recently re started posting there but sometimes it seems there always a shitstorm on something.
I never have problems before but Im into drawing mild violent imagenery (bruises mostly) and monster stuff and sometimes im afraid people can take my work out of context and beat the shit out of me.

>> No.4827668

Ah thanks anon i nearly gave up digital art and art in general after hearing that most monitors dont display colors accurately it is a deep rabit hole

>> No.4827702

Seconding this question, what are the most popular sizes for digital art?

>> No.4827850
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 57gsakjg32i21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get off /ic/? I've been here several hours now.

>> No.4827911
File: 37 KB, 480x360, fuckyouwhiteboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any OTHER good app where i could sketch up drafty looking stuff while away from the comp?

and anything other than MediBang please, fucking app crashes too much.

>> No.4828004

Honestly I've never had an issue. I generally post my kinkier stuff to other sites though - I try to keep twitter fairly vanilla.

>> No.4828006

pay me i'll make one

>> No.4828009

Block it on your router

>> No.4828010

Heavy paint

>> No.4828016

Make it as big as your computer can handle comfortably.
8.5x11 is pretty small, you should really shoot for at least 11x17.
Remember, you can always downsample a larger image, but you can't blow it up without losing resolution.

>> No.4828023

how is it?

>> No.4828031

Adding to what that other guy said, you don't need color correction at all as an independent artist. Your monitor's colors are assuredly wrong, but even if you do have a color corrected monitor, none of your viewing audience will. Add to that the wildly different colors you'll get if you try to make prints and you can drive yourself crazy worrying about it.

>> No.4828104

How the fuck do I place characters in an environment/room with sound perspective rules?

>> No.4828108

i just mean a face looking directly forward

>> No.4828122

still applies

>> No.4828129
File: 115 KB, 525x353, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I think in 3d?

>> No.4828132
File: 10 KB, 762x444, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm training my accuracy of copying stuff, using basic angles and lines (so I can get gud at blocking ref to copy and draw).

Is there a way to understanding 'scaling' when you're using digital pictures on the PC for reference? (from PC screen to picture)
I apologize for the incoherent question because its so cryptic to me that I can't put it in words myself- but I have some feeling that there's a reference/lesson that knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.4828152

You just do

>> No.4828156

im mostly a new lurker but what's up with the loomis and hard round brush meme

>> No.4828163

Loomis is not so much a meme as it is good advice.
Hard round is essentially for telling beginners to stop worrying about tools or searching for some secret technique, and instead to improve their own skills through plain old hard work.

>> No.4828237

Thanks for the tip. What about dpi? I dont want it to be blurry

>> No.4828247

300 dpi is standard printing resolution.

>> No.4828274

Is building a color palette necessary? I'm accustomed to pick every color/value on the go, and I've just started noticing that some people have some big color palettes

>> No.4828282

Not really. Any color works with any color. Every rule of color harmony is broken a thousand times over every day by great artists.

What’s important to the mood of the composition is value. Whether you want to paint a dark stormy night, a bright sunny day, a dingy interior, etc. value is what matters most.

Color theory is mostly there to teach you to replicate effects in nature, like picking proper skin tones, etc

>> No.4828284

I'm sorry, but Loomis is exactly a meme.
It's not for absolute beginner that have zero knowledge about drawings.

>> No.4828289

hi what do you think about Radiorunner's Curriculum for the 'Solo Artist' https://imgur.com/gallery/RXJ2nmH
is it good? can someone who follow this curiculum and spend 8 hours a dayon study becom professional artist?

>> No.4828290
File: 170 KB, 1632x1224, 1598445253103_compress55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that could get added to the sticky. Loomis is great if you know the basics and want to get started with figure drawing, but he's not gonna teach you how to draw simple forms. The book starts with "draw a ball and cut off the sides" and most beginners I see can't even draw that step right, let alone turn it into a complete head. The problem is he gets skilled *too early*.

>> No.4828298

Thanks anon, im going to do the same

>> No.4828301

No one said it was for absolute beginners.

>> No.4828303

>No one said it was for absolute beginners.
Fuck off.
Whenever someone came here and asks how to start drawing, people point them to the sticky & Loomis.

>> No.4828340

Mad /beg/.

>> No.4828409

Why can't I draw with a pencil, but I draw way better with a ball point pen? I feel I get values and line work more correct with a ball point pen (especially blue ball point pens), pencils are aids...

>> No.4828412

this is such a non-answer
just is there a trick to drawing a front facing person and not 3/4 or looking slightly to the side

>> No.4828429

Draw boxes. Draw cylinders.

>> No.4828432

How do you use references correctly? How often should you use them? Does anyone have any infographics, videos etc. on the topic?

>> No.4828451

thank you

>> No.4828571

Is there a trick? No, you just have to get better at drawing. Sounds like you're symbol drawing, which id the whole problem. If I had to guess, I'd speculate that you're drawing noses at a profile in every image.

>> No.4828734
File: 55 KB, 823x562, lp29p1qegsi31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most fucked up things you've seen an artist say about someone else's work?

>> No.4828946

"Need more loomis"

>> No.4828975

How the fuck do you draw/break down the way mouths stretch to make different expressions?

>> No.4828985

best brands for watercolor brushes? what to look for etc

>> No.4828994

How do people have OCs that aren't part of a comic or animation or written story? (I mean the artists' own project not their OC Zlonik El Horgehog.)

>> No.4828997

Characters tell a story through their design alone.

>> No.4829033

Plenty of dumb people are phenomenal artists. Andy Warhol had a low IQ

>> No.4829041

Hey those are my Loomis heads
Tell me what's wrong with them. I don't mind if you're harsh.

>> No.4829063
File: 63 KB, 1105x985, IMG_20200827_183146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being drawing on the phone (smaller than my hands) for 5 damn years in MBP and manage to pitch in get a display tablet.
However, my drawing/lineart skills can't seem to transfer to CSP as if i was starting out drawing.

Any method i show do to fully transit from phone-to-tablet and get back on the road?
Also: I setted my stabilzer to 15. Anything similar in CSP or do i need to train myself out of that

Please respond soon.

>> No.4829119

I was just looking for a quick example of /beg/ Loomis heads when I posted it. I think yours look fine, just the hairline curve is a bit off.

>> No.4829212

are there any books on how to make good character designs?

>> No.4829315
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 1598712469095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often sew that Nintendo dmcas work put on patreon so ive been staying away from drawinf their characters. But at the same time, I see people continuing to draw them for that site. Is there a sure way to avoid the dmca? Is it just done by not mentioning the nintendo ips by name and draw the character, why the retards who list the names are the ones who get bitten?

>> No.4829469

>often saw
no you haven't
either these are age old dmcas or the one from the fraudulent dmca troll that still exists.

also patreon is garbage, use SubscribeStar and Fanbox.
Also do not make a patreon dedicated to one project, just your general art stuff.

This is why Nintendo went after Alvin patreon but not his videos several years ago.

>> No.4829496

Display tablet? Like a Cintiq?
Why the fuck did you jump straight from drawing on a smartphone to a display tablet? Or are you talking about a smart device?
It just takes time to get used to a new tool, nothing really to say about it orher than that.

>> No.4829501
File: 12 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional artists as a mentor. I'm looking for patreon options primarily. I'm aware of Even Amundsen and the Resolution Art Mentorship. I'd like to get a list going of all the mentor options, so I can pick a good one that doesn't break the bank.

>> No.4829503

Huh. Also fanbox absolutely requires you to mosaic genitals. I haven’t checked out subscribe star because I know the user base is smaller so it’d be harder to advertise until I’m a better artist

>> No.4829716

turn off your internet when its loaded up

>> No.4829886

You can still share uncensors offsite (like a file service) or through an uploaded zip file (without mentioning its contents).
Pixiv doesnt give a shit about the former since its not abiding japanese laws unlike Patreon.

>> No.4829896
File: 27 KB, 720x509, EcFZY_oU8AA6Mey.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, although its a chink tablet but few of my art buddies recommended it out of their experience.
>Why the fuck did you jump straight from drawing on a smartphone to a display tablet?
Because i didnt have any money for a real tablet at the time?

>> No.4829957

You didn't have money for a a pad tablet but you could afford the more expensive display tablet?

>> No.4829966

What was that website where you could would draw a quick sketch and it would get posted in a gallery of other anonymous sketches? /v/ has a thread on it every now and then; I think the website name is a first name and then a letter, like chrisc.com or something.

>> No.4829976

Nevermind, found it https://garyc.me/sketch/

>> No.4830006
File: 239 KB, 1080x1080, vtg-paper-mate-mechanical-pencil-gold_1_a2a2b9ba3f658376e071d10532701368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was going through my late grandfathers things (he died in 1978) so it tells you how old this mechanical pencil is.
its a made in the usa paper mate, and its gold, idk much else about it, other than i cant seem to find any replacement rubbers for the end of it, do any of you know anywhere?

>> No.4830062

have you tried asking /diy/?

>> No.4830065

ill ask, thanks

>> No.4830173

Some time ago one anon claimed that my collages would get better if learned to draw. I starter drawing and its fun but i'm not sure how is it suposed to work lel

>> No.4830189

That means you haven't learned enough yet. Keep going.

>> No.4830196

Ctrl+Paint videos on brush control and blending, my dude.

>> No.4830199

If it was bad I wouldn't have recommended it.

>> No.4830261

is it weird to ask a family member to do nude modeling for reference? she's over 18

>> No.4830324

Only if she's your wife

>> No.4830330

Thanks will work on that

>> No.4830333
File: 670 KB, 1205x680, villpuu box forms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the landmarks of the pelvic box supposed to be? Why doesn't Vilpuu have the butt crack centered on the pelvic box?

>> No.4830343

I'm telling you, some of Vilppu's drawings are getting sloppy in his nma vids. Go for his 2004 dvds, they're much better in every respect.

>> No.4830345

What is a good program for making comics out of screenshots from a game?

>> No.4830669

Should I fix arts I've drawn for a client? The client hired me for a small indie project back when my style still aren't mature just yet, now that the launch date is getting closer, I feel like some of my past work aren't good enough for me. There's a lot I've drawn (more than 10) but maybe I can only fix a few that I dislike the most?

If I redraw, does than mean I'm essentially working for free? But if I don't, then my lower quality work will be showcased in the final product. Which may not be good if I'm looking for more work in the future.

>> No.4830721

click the air brush icon

>> No.4830810

how do you come up with ideas for illustrations/comics/animations. I can only draw furry and fan art.

>> No.4830826

Acquire more interests.

>> No.4830828


>> No.4830852

If that work will work on a CV or as a portfolio you should polish all of it. It's not working for free it's fixing your shit.

>> No.4830859


like what?

>> No.4830931

Is there a book specially for hatching/ a book with a good section about hatching

>> No.4830934

It doesn't matter. Learn to appreciate other things, period.
If you have more interests you will be able to put more into your art.

>> No.4830937

You might want to check out Arthur Guptill's "Rendering in Pen and Ink"

>> No.4830942

Thank you!

>> No.4831014

this has too many words for my monkey brain

>> No.4831016
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, ce5cd997e39fb69dc328240d3f9a6c24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you might look forward to Jake Parker's new book "Inktober all year"

>> No.4831091

Is there a way to find good references for drawing feet/the muscles, tendons and bone as well?

Just looking up stuff about feet always ends in foot fetish poses which are super un-dynamic and just. weird to look at.

>> No.4831213
File: 953 KB, 500x281, Katsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you lads know where I can find a screentone pack? a book is fine too

>> No.4831439

How do you guys search through schools in various countries?
Like I lucked out, found a cool-ass digital painting & animating program in my city, but I can't find anything of equal/better quality in other cities around the world

>> No.4831684

how do I study proportions? Utra bed shitter here, do i just copy loomis's proportion chart?

>> No.4831689

I dont have a tablet, so Ive started to draw with the tip of my finger straight into my laptop's touch screen. On one hand, this has taught me to draw with my shoulder, not my wrist, but I still wander if I'm fucking myself up in the long term. Any thoughts?

>> No.4831725

Literally measure.
Alternatively, yes Loomis has good info about proportions but keep in mind that he primarily talks about his own idealized proportions.

>> No.4831732

You might be messing with your muscle memory a bit, but 90% of drawing is mental.

>> No.4831763

not at all

>> No.4831811

Depends on where you live. Is it culturally acceptable to see family members nude in your area?

>> No.4831827

what's a good HARD ROUND BRUSH for CSP?

>> No.4831891

Make one

>> No.4831909

whats the deal with kneaded erasers? are they good

>> No.4831961
File: 129 KB, 1181x543, Giovanni Gasparro- HANDS AND POPES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How safe are the free, 3D anatomy apps on the Google Play store?
Are they full of adds or any malware? Have you noticed any suspicious activity in your devices after installing them?

Thinking about downloading 3D Skull Atlas to supplement some courses I'm going through.

>> No.4831991

It was under $275 my dude
bought it on sale too

>> No.4832031

>Why the fuck did you jump straight from drawing on a smartphone to a display tablet?
don't be so snotty, anon

>> No.4832109

Would it be unreasonably difficult to juggle like 7-8 different styles of artwork or would it probably better to focus on 2-3 at most? There is so much stuff I want to do

>> No.4832129

To me?
No, because i got talents.
To others?
Yes, because they have no talents.

>> No.4832382

newfag here, I need help. There was this youtuber who'd make all these inspirational, somewhat philosophical yt videos for beginner artists (like how to overcome procrastination and whatnot). It was basically him just talking while showing his own digital art, which was just a collection of thin, black and slimey creatures. They didn't have a real face or anything, their figure was really abstract and kinda slimey.
Anyway I forgot his name and I already searched through my yt history but I couldn't find anything.

>> No.4832396

They’re nice if you don’t want eraser crumbs or if you want to erase with a fine point

>> No.4832410

closest thing i could find

>> No.4832439

where would I even begin with transformers art outside of fundamentals

>> No.4832512
File: 34 KB, 499x392, Alla_Prima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book any good for non-trad artist? I've heard it recommended here and there but I am digital/graphite/ink only, dont have any irl paints. what can i learn from this book?

>> No.4832520

get a tablet

I'm using a $20 intuos 3 from ebay, there is no excuse

>> No.4832724
File: 1.22 MB, 2500x1744, 1516058324162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys who's this anon?

>> No.4832727

Do you guys know*

>> No.4832747

nice shitposting faggot.
Why don't you go draw instead of shitposting here?
fucking shitposting fucktard faggot piece of fuck crab.

>> No.4832755

Doesn't seem like that book would be of any use to you

>> No.4832768

I just find it baffling that you wanted to go straight from the lowest end setup possible to a display tablet , chinkshit notwithstanding.

Snotty? In what way is that snotty? I think you're just insecure.

>> No.4832873

Is there any actual methods for learning to be more creative with my drawing/painting?

For music you can learn theory first, and then there's legitimate courses to learn composition and songwriting.

I know you can't really learn soul, but I feel like I constantly have "writer's block" when it comes to drawing, unless I'm just copying a reference. I sit around for hours sometimes just browsing the internet and trying to think of something to create.

>> No.4833503

Display tablets aren't expensive.

>> No.4833560

How do you find people to follow on Twitter? Right now I just look through hashtags like #art or # digitalart but most of it is really beg. I’m used to mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and the concept of forming my own feed is kind of annoying

>> No.4833573

Find a good artist and see who he follows/likes

>> No.4833603

Already doing that, but still every time I open computer 10 background adobe programs running.

>> No.4833606

Thanks, I’ll try doing that

>> No.4833862

What a stupid thing to say. Display tablets are the most expensive type of drawing tablet. A Chinese display tablet may be cheaper than a Cintiq, and you may even be able to find a Chinese display tablet that's cheaper than an Intuos if you buy it second hand, but if you're willing to buy used chinkshit, a pad tablet is still much, much cheaper.

>> No.4833935

What a stupid thing is to say is to imply you can't jump from phone to tablet.
A more reasonable suggestion is to tell them to buy pencil and paper.

>> No.4833977

>imply you can't jump from phone to tablet.
I never once did that. I expressed incredulity because it is a large jump, but never suggested that there was anything wrong with it or that it shouldn't be done. You have projected your own insecurities onto what I've written and assumed I meant something different from what I wrote.

>A more reasonable suggestion is to tell them to buy pencil and paper.
No, that isn't more reasonable. That is completely unrelated to the topic at hand, and just as unreasonable as what you thought I was saying, because you are trying to control what tools someone use.

>> No.4834026

are all the courses on udemy complete trash?

>> No.4834074

>but never suggested that there was anything wrong with it or that it shouldn't be done.
>"Why the fuck did you"
are you ESL or something

>> No.4834099

Are you? A question isn't a command.
Going from drawing on a phone to drawing on a display tablet is a big jump, and therefore unusual, and therefore inspired incredulity. But unusual does not mean bad, and incredulity does not imply disapproval.

Try thinking things through next time instead of jumping to conclusions.

>> No.4834244

Anyone have advice on recording traditional art? Hard to figure out a good recording setup.

>> No.4834268

Depends on what kind of traditional art you're doing, doesn't it? A painting on an easel is not going to necessitate the same kind of setup as a drawing on a table. This may be a topic for /p/, though. Personally I only have a loose understanding of camera operation and have never tried to document traditional with anything other than a scanner.

>> No.4834285

Inking, pencil, water color. I'll take it to/p/. Lighting has been my issue. Everything looks so warm. Thanks dude!

>> No.4834291

Probably a white balance issue. You might want to diffuse the light in some way too, but again, loose understanding.

>> No.4834296
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1585665749511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh, you got the wrong guy?

>> No.4834536
File: 2.92 MB, 1400x6521, 1503683992043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this

>> No.4834549

garbage written by a permabeg

>> No.4834571

wait why. it seems ok on the surface?

>> No.4834588
File: 85 KB, 800x800, shopnew175-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4834598

The guy can't even follow his own advice. Those guides are ancient and his current work looks the same.

>> No.4835035

Where do I post my art and just have casual conversation? I like doodling and not really interested in critique or art philosophy. There's so many threads I have no idea which one to use!!

>> No.4835065

If you don't want to get better, /i/ is that way

>> No.4835292
File: 405 KB, 788x604, karasuchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been experimenting and trying to find the brush used in this photo for a while now but i've found nothing. anybody know what it is / what to modify? csp btw

>> No.4835293

Unironically looks like hard round with the anti-aliasing turned off.
I have no idea if CSP allows you to do something so simple.

>> No.4835297

How do I develop the ability to know what I want to draw? I feel like half the time my anatomy and perspective falls apart is because partway through sketching I decide no no the man is standing rather than sitting and his arm is raised rather than lowered and now he’s wearing a hat and I’m rotating the perspective to here etc.

>> No.4835298

lol, real g pen without anti aliasing is pretty much it. god fucking bless mate

>> No.4835301

Do more gesture and silhouetting.

>> No.4835302
File: 24 KB, 269x400, GKwbPkA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this done in water colours or watered down acrylic?

>> No.4835305

inb4 hard round forced meme.

>> No.4835337

Now the brush is a meme? I can never tell what's a silly meme versus genuine advice on this shit board.

>> No.4835375

Hard round brush is a indeed a great brush.
but yes, memespouting retards turned it into a meme and mention it even when it doesn't apply to the context.

>> No.4835381

marker of sorts?

>> No.4835589

Are there any learn how to draw for someone that’s more experienced?

>> No.4835619
File: 196 KB, 900x900, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Wacom unable to develop proper Windows drivers?

>> No.4835626

How do I make bank without becoming a furry artist? I don't want to lose my soul drawing animal dicks

>> No.4835681

I'm sure people will argue with me but I think that the time requirement is more important. Reason being if you force yourself to do it faster you won't be able to think so hard about it and you'll be forced to just do what feels right instead of getting analysis paralysis. If you can't do it, go up to a minute for around 20 poses then go back down to 30 seconds, you'll notice a difference.

>> No.4835689

flip the canvas if digital, draw both sides together instead of one then the other, and use construction. Otherwise it's just mileage

>> No.4835690

They did a christmas sale last year iirc, so there might be one this year

>> No.4835739

you could do what you show in the pic you posted or just use a pencil (ideally something longer since I'm guessing your issue is that your paper isn't A4) for measurement. Ideally you won't actually need/use a vertical/horizontal line for measuring as much as marking the length/width of what you're drawing (I say this assuming you're drawing figures, I don't know shit about landscape) and then measuring relatively from there. If this doesn't make sense I can try to make an example to show what I mean; I'm not great at drawing but I remember somebody who was taught me a lot of life drawing stuff that should apply to what you're asking

>> No.4835769


unironically my favourite anatomy book. If you want poses to work from use line of action, over 100 feet images

>> No.4835773

just use sketchfab on pc, it loads the models in browser so you don't actually need to pay/download to use them and some people have uploaded scans of real skulls/bones.

>> No.4835775

Adam Duff I'd assume?

>> No.4835781

First off don't use twitter, use pinterest, artstation, MAYBE instagram since twitter artists are usually mediocre unless they're chinks japs zipperheads gooks etc, you get hte idea. Pinterest is good for finding art you like, arstation is better for finding artists imo since it's not used as "hey look everybody I'm following the trends!" and more as a portfolio. Instagram is between artstation and twitter imo, leaning more towards twitter

>> No.4835840

Don't listen to him, Twitter has really good artists. Its Instagram where all the same face is. Artstation is full of boring unimaginative elf/orc art. Twitter is where it's at.

>> No.4835878

any decent discords you lads know of?

>yes i know but discord can be ok sometimes

>> No.4835897

Who are you quoting? Dumb fucking tourist.

>> No.4835900

How do you go about finding the right reference for say, when designing a OC?

>> No.4835993

Yeah, but Twitter's more of a social platform than it is an "online portfolio" place, plus you gotta worry about being "cancelled" by spoiled brats and (wo)manchildren

>> No.4835995


>> No.4836096

If I just want to draw porn should I learn to draw realism or for the style I want to draw in?

>> No.4836166

What do you mean 'realism'?
You should learn anatomy, perspective, and construction. You should do studies from observation.

>> No.4836299

Am I ngmi if I tend to like real life girls better than 2d girls?

>> No.4836302

I think that's him but I'm not 100% sure. For some reason the creatures looked a little different in my memory. thanks though!

>> No.4836309

Who should I study to learn perspective

>> No.4836312

Nordling, then Olson. Maybe you can even start with Olson.

>> No.4836314


>> No.4836322

Don't want to draw anime or weeb shit. What can I draw to impress normies?

>> No.4836327

E thots, marvel movies fanart, videogame fanart

>> No.4836337
File: 801 KB, 861x1120, 1590350413245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4836410

Yeah, that perspective made easy guy.

>> No.4836442

I dunno man but that sure is hot

>> No.4836443

Draw cartoons

>> No.4836460


>> No.4837152

draw photorealistic eyes.

>> No.4837612

I'm studying perspective right now, and I have a question about measurement:
I know you can find the midway point of a rectangular plane by subdividing with diagonals. What I DON'T understand is how to work out precisely how much smaller something should get as it retreats into perspective.
For instance, if I am doing a perfectly straight railroad track receding into the distance in 1 point perspective, how do I know how much shorter vertically each slat must be on the page? For instace, if slat B is located halfway between slat A and the horizon line on the page, then how much larger is slat A than slat B? What is the mathematical proportion between A and B in reference to their vertical position on the page?

>> No.4837642

To clarify, let's say the angle of the railroad track is 30°

>> No.4837682

Not only does it help with the analysis paralysis it will train you to make better decisions with your lines that are the most relevant off the get go.

>> No.4837690

Well if you're painting in digital yes. Also the chapter where he discusses shapes and drawing could possibly be useful for you. Other than that and the good advice chapter not much will help. I would just take a peek and set it back down if you're not interested.

>> No.4837765

How do I make my art more eyecatching for social media without turning into a degenerate NSFW artist?

>> No.4837778

Stronger thumbnails, better contrast, better visual clarity.

>> No.4837824

Cuuld you post an example? Also there are sites like Twitter that don't even let me set the thumbnail how I want it.

>> No.4837838

No anon, stronger designs from the thumbnailing stage.

>> No.4837947

I want to be able to draw like this.
>inb4 loli

How do i go about learning it?
Do i trace and copy as much times as i can until it clicks?
Is there another method or way to go about it?

>> No.4837952
File: 112 KB, 850x847, 1584744342411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush is used here?
Mainly for her outlines. I really like them.
What's the closest to it in CSP?

>> No.4837957

I see. Not sure how I would go about changing it though.

>> No.4838270
File: 173 KB, 728x1072, innocent-rouge-8167369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wdym? weeb shit can be really fucking impressive. just avoid the shonen crap

>> No.4838623

How does shadman make money, and how much he makes?

>> No.4839272
File: 68 KB, 861x861, DpmbAtcVsAA-IT-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do u really need to go to college to get good at art? or is grinding fundies the better route whilst working?

>> No.4839567

Just grind. I went to college for a year and the art classes i took didn't teach me anything i could look up on the internet and learn on my own. If you think college will motivate you to learn more than try it. I might go back myself, but maybe individual classes like marketing and such, not a for a full degree.

>> No.4839575

Do i need yen to support a japanese artist on fantia or will my visa convert the money automatically?

>> No.4839653

Best gesture site for clothing? All the usual ones have a ton of skintight suits in the clothing category

>> No.4839770
File: 930 KB, 2037x1423, 1574084279490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could any color and light CHAD answer this

If you have a key light with the spectrum of the color wheel on the left lighting up a green object then the object can only get slightly grey green at best since the light doesn't have his strong saturated green properties to reflect to the human eye

But if we add a weaker fill light with the spectrum of the right color wheel does it combine with the key light on the left and allows the object to get greener?

>> No.4839836

What pdf viewer is recommended? I just need one that can extract images from a page so I can easily save it in my reference folder

>> No.4839892

How do i paint wood good

>> No.4839999

I do plan on going to college for like 2d animation and/or maybe marketing. Even though animation focuses more on movement, I just want my drawings to not look stiff and ugly when the time comes.

Been having fun lately grinding fundies at my own pace. I do at least one page of gesture drawing and another of just studies everyday to keep my workflow going. I draw more than that if I'm not too busy

I might just stick with that right now for like a couple years or less depending on how much I improve.

>> No.4840018
File: 30 KB, 266x353, scott-flanders-aoe-cover-sketch-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott Flanders has a $150 monthly mentorship on his patreon. It's currently sold out. Does anyone know how often this opens up or where I could go to find out?

>> No.4840327
File: 189 KB, 900x1280, 3aae6b66669c5164d2ec9d1582c04385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawing or painting two separate skills?
Can a digital painting be considered a illustration?

I want to draw like George Kamitani. Should I worry about lineart? And using multiple layers if its just one character?
I have a tendency to paint mostly on one layer.

>> No.4840365

is PS Cs6 much lighter than CC 2020?

>> No.4840543

First of all, use a color wheel that isn't skewed if you want to be able to predict how an object's color will change with different lighting conditions.
Secondly, if you cast a red-orange light on a green object, it will appear yellow in your vision, not grey. If you then add a diffuse green light, it should pick up some greener hues in the shadows.

>> No.4840553

>Is drawing or painting two separate skills?
Separate, but linked. For a painting, think of drawing as the skeleton and the paint as the flesh.

>Can a digital painting be considered a illustration?
An illustration is an image that tells the story, so of course it can.

>I want to draw like George Kamitani. Should I worry about lineart?
When you say lineart, what do you mean?
Do you mean drawing, or are you talking about line quality? Either way, Kamitami uses line in his illustration, it's just subtle, with a lot of lost line, and yes that requires knowledge of how to use line effectively.

>And using multiple layers if its just one character?
>I have a tendency to paint mostly on one layer.
Painting on one layer is fine, and makes painting a lot faster and more free. Breaking things up into layers and keeping them separate does have the advantage of making it easier to change one part of your image on the fly while leaving the other parts intact.

>> No.4840738

I feel that the lines are added during or later in the painting process to ass seperation. Not that it was done first.

>> No.4840739

Fuck me, Ass was supposed be be add.

>> No.4840740

how tf does sakimichan have so many patrons???

>> No.4840786

She's been at it for a long time. Her real golden ticket was genderbent disney villains

>> No.4840874

generally artists get about less than 1% of their followers to support them on patreon and such but she gets about 1.5% so where are those ppl coming from??
unless im underestimating how large her following is, idk how to explain her having so much more than everyone else

>> No.4841110

I'm telling you it was the genderbent disney villains. Those images where everywhere. I remember coming across them all the time on FB and Tumblr years ago. It was prime normies bait. She went viral.

>> No.4841247
File: 254 KB, 847x586, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody explain this shit to me in retard terms?
Its from the scott robertson how to draw book,I dont get this whole part at all

>> No.4841251
File: 201 KB, 903x606, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.4841252
File: 154 KB, 969x543, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally this

>> No.4841702

no green in the light?