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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 307 KB, 860x1025, 5A03A006-F554-459A-9DC4-8312E9170C11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4818173 No.4818173 [Reply] [Original]

I see no beauty in humanity. Nearly two decades have taught me there is no beauty to be found. Everywhere I go, all I see is disgusting, pig like creatures, caricatures of what men and women should be. All they’ve ever caused me is misery and rage, a vile emotion that I can’t possibly be at fault for, because how could I have known just how terrible the world is?

This is why I draw. The small hit of pleasure I receive from laying down lines far outweighs the meager enjoyment I get out of entertaining people, 99% of whom are beneath me. I was a sort of “class clown” back in school, and all it taught me was how awful others are. No difficulty in making friends, I just hate them mostly.

The pleasure I get from making a long, elegant curve for the legs, or the sharp turn a raised shoulder makes as the deltoid tapers down into the mass of the arm. These things give me joy, more than any form of human relationship ever could.

Also, I admit I just wanna prove I’m better than everyone else. I want people to understand they’re inferior to me. I’m thinking of starting a blog now desu ka, I’ll probably post a decent amount of coom but that will only serve to draw people to my ‘story’. It’s only a rough draft and I have barely anything written, but I believe it’s the most important ‘story’ in human history: https://pastebin.com/VR7sZpPf

>> No.4818185

Be careful to not crash and burn with your vendetta. Just ignore fags and draw whatever you like.

>> No.4818205

I don’t think I have a vendetta, at least it’s not lacking justification for it if I am. I guess I should just draw coom since my favorite shit to draw is pretty people. I’m sure there’s other people on here who draw out of spite or resentment (though they’ll never surpass me). Still, drawing is good cope for how awful and gay existence is, I’d still do it regardless

>> No.4818239

Sometimes when I finish a particularly good drawing I imagine friends and acquaintances praising it. It is a selfish thing to think. But mostly I draw for myself

>> No.4818245

Lol at this edgy faggot

>> No.4818268

I draw because i always wanted to, also how old are you kid?
Pyw as well, you sound really confident

>> No.4818270

Lol at this seething faggot, hows it feel to know no one will ever care about the shit you do or who you are as a person

>> No.4818285

lol pyw loser

>> No.4818284
File: 121 KB, 1382x772, 57F310A4-F0EF-4721-8886-525710EB827F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 19, and I’m someone who ‘knows’ himself to be a ‘central figure’ in the world. Pic related are some sketches, two from reference and two without

>> No.4818288

my most negative reason to draw is so that people will look at my work and admire my skills for it because i like (positive) attention.

>> No.4818291

I don’t get why you guys always harp on and on about this, even my worst shit is still better than 99% of this board
That’s not too bad

>> No.4818298

Those are really bad lol

>> No.4818302


>> No.4818303

Why am I seething? I’m laughing at your life if you’re sincerely this edgy. You mad cuz covid won’t let you hang out at hot topic?

>> No.4818304

>>The pleasure I get from making a long, elegant curve for the legs

>> No.4818306
File: 151 KB, 1009x1450, 024c8822d86d33a636ae8b1e9901860f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot you still a kid. Wait ti'll you 25. Also time to fire the belt and give uncle Loomis a hug. You need to sharpen your fundies kid if you wanna hit the top.

>> No.4818310

The best artists I’ve seen on this board aren’t edgy coombrains like you faggot. You’re probably bottom tier trash.

>> No.4818319

>better than 99% of this board


>> No.4818322

This has to be bait

>> No.4818327

>everybody sucks
I can't argue with you on that point, but why does it make you so angry? It is what it is. Just mind your own business and treat everybody with respect and integrity.

>I'm someone who 'knows' himself to be a 'central figure' in the world
What does that even mean? Check your ego. Your art isn't as great as you think it is either, though I'm glad you're having fun with it.

>> No.4818328
File: 10 KB, 235x215, 511C0FBE-B210-4371-B9E4-1F6ED8F3CA11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I’m sure you’re a true Picasso too
I don’t like emos, I’m the most honest “edge lord” if you insist on calling me that, you’ll find out more in my memoir
Yes, I do
I’m not too afraid of not getting good, it’s the human condition that scares me. A hopelessly brutal and unbeatable enemy. As a youngfag, my greatest asset is time, and the fear of what could happen if I fail to use it is far worse than the fear of failure. I have no lack of confidence that I’ll one day surpass everyone, but what will await me there...?

Good luck with your work kids

>> No.4818340
File: 56 KB, 542x450, 8648A156-E443-4944-A784-407B2EA7E2A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s true
It’s not
Because i don’t like getting punched in the face repeatedly, which is all life really is. That would make anybody mad. I’m done with perusing this board for now, I’ll go draw.


>> No.4818344

Get your head out of that nihillistic emo bullshit kid ,and start drawing and talking to people.There's still hope for you edgefag. There have been some great artists who used to be bitter in their youth but then began talking to others of their age and same interest and study art and enjoy life. And now they are top.

>> No.4818346
File: 295 KB, 498x479, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like getting punched repeatedly

>> No.4818357

Well get the punches or fall off the bridge ,snowflake. Those who take the hits like men will reach top,while snowflakes will fall ,try back up and fall again out of fear.

>> No.4818510

You’re not even better than 10% of this thread.

>> No.4818533
File: 118 KB, 680x958, df22c19e4a52a6b2b8e74dfa538e1263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see myself as a loser with no talent and if I can get as good at art as my heros I would have shit in the face of my fate. Art to me is still so mysterious as a skill and has never been natural to me so I jist want to prove I can learn something so fucking difficult

>> No.4818541

Even /asg/tards are better than this.

>> No.4818548

Art is one of the few pieces of optimism I have left. The moment I sully it with negative feelings, it's all over.

>> No.4818691

>Nearly two decades have taught me there is no beauty to be found

>> No.4818808


>> No.4818829
File: 2.71 MB, 3264x2448, 20200621_181624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also 19
>tfw my art is shit but it's still better than this faggot's
get fucked OP

>> No.4818842

Be more patient and precise with your hatching and your sketches will go from amateur to print grade.

>> No.4818849
File: 198 KB, 286x368, F23B0693-00F7-4A0B-9F55-EB93263CF13C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based guy responding on my behalf
>tfw random nigga tries to diss
>tfw petty attempts to one up in a Miley Cyrus cishet forum
>tfw still utterly unimpressed

>> No.4818850


>> No.4818852

>in a Miley Cyrus cishet forum
what did he mean by this?

>> No.4818853

elite knight armor is for fags with no taste

>> No.4818912

The entire reason I started drawing was so I wouldn't feel bad for a being a worthless neet. Honing a trade has made me feel at least a tiny bit less like a waste of space.

>> No.4818915

Is this the same 19 yo dunning kruger as last time or is it just another new one?

>> No.4818969
File: 287 KB, 907x693, 6B5C9968-E9D3-49ED-8194-E92039138A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m jealous
You’re not, just take a look at half the retards here and you’ll realize your true worth
I’m offended you would call me a dunning Kruger, I know exactly what I’m doing and I can explain why, you can find out if you’d take the time to read my memoir. Now I have to do gay college homework, ciao

>> No.4818973


Is this autism larping?

>> No.4818976

Great memoir OP, please check out mine, I think we have a lot in common


>> No.4818990

Fortunately college is just me pretednign to do course work while I dick around online until the last possible moment, but I'm holding myself accountable and will TRY to work after this
I already read the whole thing front to back bro, great writing, the part where you heard your sister with that spanish kid and where you got pushed off a building... vicious.
Nah, I only have a few paragraphs written so far, but I intend for it to be a lifelong, ongoing endeavor that I'll continuously add to, so I'm making good progress

>> No.4818994

>You’re not, just take a look at half the retards here and you’ll realize your true worth
unexpectedly one of the nicest things someone's said to me here, thanks

>> No.4819040

>it's popular so i have to hate it
Here's your contrarian points now fuck off

>> No.4819372

>Using elite knight armor ever

>> No.4819378

If I don't make I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.4819382

hundreds of combinations and unique sets and you choose the fucking elite knight set everytime you play through again i know how you think

>> No.4819418
File: 60 KB, 675x977, 36789C35-76EC-471C-8897-1AEAFE986880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De nada anon, anything to keep a good man going
I’m not gonna talk you out of it since it’s your choice, but let that drive fuel the fuck out of you in that case until you do

Pic related is a more ‘finished’ drawing I spent the last hour or so on, I’ll finish rendering it tomorrow (I know I fucked up the hair and get shoulder)

>> No.4819526

I'm extremely introverted and neurotic. As a result, I don't like being around other people because they find my lack of engagement and enjoyment to be rude and unlikable, or because my hypersensitivity makes me prefer the comfort and safeness of being alone. My family has always downplayed and made fun of psychological and emotional problems, and I don't feel comfortable asking for help or support from friends, since they have problems of their own. I've only ever felt understood through artists' works, lives and philosophies, mostly musicians and painters. Things have gone to shit in the last two years and I thought of killing myself, but I didn't want to do it without trying to give something back, talking about the ways I've felt like many artist have talked to me, and making something out of this pain and distress, like they've done as well. Maybe someone will be able to relate and it will help them feel understood and less alone, maybe whatever beauty they can find in it will keep them going, maybe it will just give them closure and peace of mind, make me feel like it wasn't all for nothing.
But then there's also that Bojack Horseman episode where Diane is trying to write her new book. I don't know, man. I don't fucking know. Fuck me.

>> No.4819544

Nice blog post
you should either kill yourself or get /fit/!
Lifting heavy rock fix all problem

>> No.4819569

>I'm extremely introverted and neurotic.
Become innervated

>> No.4819715

I draw in hopes of getting an industry job so I don’t have to rely on my dumb family anymore. I’m not a neet but I live in a major city so it’s expensive to live on my own and I have no friends to get a roommate. This might not seem negative but I’m like 80% sure I’ll cut off 99% contact from them once I move away.

>> No.4819716

oh god it is this schizos thread again
of you only spend half the time you post your stupid garbage on your art your art lol

>> No.4819720

initially i started the journey to escape my shitty daytime job, i didn't enjoy working at all, and i always loved drawing and desiging stuff.

now 10 years later i'm still not there yet and family and friends are all doubting me, but i'm still confident i'm getting there, there certainly is no way back.

So the day i can stay on my own feet with art exclusively will be so liberating on so many levels.

But first i gotta beat the cancer i'm currently having lul.

>> No.4819765

Jesus christ op take a reality check

>> No.4820569

I have delusions of grandeur, in that I imagine once I make some comics, I would get a sizable fanbase with tons of fanart. I really need to remove this hubris of mine.

>> No.4820594

I miss being a dumb pseud like OP

>> No.4820605

Based but also a faggot for messing up photo.

>> No.4820640

I'm pretty sure learning to draw is the only thing keeping me from suck-starting my shotgun at this point.

The good news is that I've gotten a lot fucking better since I started, if only because I'm scared to stop.

>> No.4820708
File: 126 KB, 992x673, aaaaaaaauuuhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorta similar reasons minus the condescending attitude. I've been drawing since I was kid, with a odd fascination with colors and how they coincide with each other. As I grew older my "fascinations" grew too, I adored animation as an expressive medium and wanted to tell engaging stories of my own.
of course with growing up comes the painful reality check of pursuing creative careers, due to my own skills kinda deteriorating from an already amateur position. I wanted to be the best at what I did because I knew what I liked and what most audiences liked in regards to movies, video games, and anime/cartoons. but I just never had the patience and ability to ever fulfill that dream of mine. Sometimes i feel that burning desire flare up again but it never lasts long enough to make something worthwhile.

>> No.4820713

armchair psychologists of /ic/! what mental illness does OP have?

>> No.4820721
File: 53 KB, 969x622, what his problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4820722

being an edgy 20 year old with too much free time to spend on the internet

>> No.4820726
File: 1007 KB, 500x281, B0B1530B-251B-4E61-BCF5-961FD46A0B61.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, your schizo rant is impossible to make heads or tails of, but I think you have potential if you’re willing to put in the work and go lift like the other guy said
Industry is soul sucking from what I hear, I’d rather draw furry fetish Crap than deal with those cunts also
> so I don’t have to rely on my dumb family anymore
> I’m like 80% sure I’ll cut off 99% contact from them once I move away
Same, I’ve always hated mine, they just drag me down and I could accomplish more if they weren’t always getting in my way
I do draw though, besides, I liven up the board
Hope you make it, you seem more genuine than these other d/ic/ks
>reality check
I don’t know what that is, nor do I care to know
If that hajime nigga could do it at age 22, surely you can too
I also don’t know what this is, but if it’s negative, then it doesn’t define me at all
Keep going, if only out of fear
This one was just depressing, it’s shocking how many oldfags are here, but I won’t allow myself to fall down the wagie cagie rabbit hole, ill keep fighting until the last possible minute to avoid such a fate

>> No.4820729

*19, but I’ll be 20 in a few months. Get the facts right sweetie ;)
I’m fully sane and in my right mind, you’ll be able to see why if you read my memoir

>> No.4820736

I'm not an oldfag at all but it sure as hell feels like it

>> No.4820788

Nothing too "negative", but sometimes I wonder if I'm just helping to laud social contraventions. Like you're just earmarking things that are new in society or particularly resonant... which makes your work a sort of drawn scrapbook of ideas.

Also... Philosophers use the word 'negative' and 'negativity' somewhat differently

>> No.4820814

>I'm fully sane
nope. at the least you have NPD. most likely you are suffering from early signs of schizophrenia. it tends to manifest in late teens and 20s.

t. had a friend who suffered from schizophrenia, ended up killing himself. your posts remind me of him a lot. he would say similar shit to you and we just played it off as him being edgy. eventually as he got worse he got professional help, but when the medication and therapy worked, he felt he didn't need them anymore and ran away from his support system. a few months later he was found dead in another state.

>> No.4820823

hey i'm going through an existential crisis in my mid 20s too, get lifting like the other anon said and put your blog post into a word document, add to it when you feel like ranting like that. honestly, you'll come back to it and learn.

>> No.4820834
File: 260 KB, 220x189, 22DD0406-297C-43BD-8B0A-DAF78FD473B4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time keep slipping away and I keep fighting to squeeze everything i can out of it.
Ngl, you made even less sense than what anons say I usually do. Although I’m flattered you think I’m a philosopher, because I do have ‘unconventional’ views on the world.
>tfw diagnosed by armchair psychologist online
>tfw some of what they say actually makes sense
>tfw never loved anyone or anything beyond myself
>tfw I’m a little fucked in the head because I get off on hurting women
>tfw went to therapy, barely helped, parents pulled me out
>tfw I’m just a tool for other people
>tfw my ‘predictions’ for my life are all vain and grandiose or depressing and miserable, and possibly a little violent
Well, even if that happens, I’ll still make sure to paint a self portrait before then. Well I don’t know how to paint, so I’ll use charcoal or ink or something, but by the time my skills are that good, my body will be better too. It’ll be the greatest work of art in the 21st century. Now I have to go do calisthenics.

>> No.4823286

>page ten
don't you dare die

>> No.4823296


>> No.4823297

>wanting the whole board to continue to witness your cringe

True mental illness.

>> No.4823301

Based for bumping my thread back to life, glad someone recognizes the true worth a god in their midst. When the insurrection happens, you and yours will be left alone, and you’ll have your pick of whores from the families of the anons who are judged.
That’s as good a reason as any, everyone needs to keep the small hat shekel addict off their back somehow.

>> No.4823303
File: 123 KB, 850x744, 061B64E0-2DBF-4B06-BAD3-78DA25BBD191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn’t me, just another based boy who sees the need to support the righteous

>> No.4823305

I'm sorry for being blunt but I think you might have the dunning krugers.

>> No.4823312

>dunking Kruger
There it is again, that word, you keep spouting it like it means anything. What I’m trying to get at isn’t that I’m necessarily at my prime just yet, but my eventual destination will be far higher than everyone else, though I do still think I’m better than most of you guys. (You) oldfags seem to have lost all sense of wonder and imagination after life continuosly beat you down, and so you take it out on great men like myself. That’s the reason for all the strife in this world, all the suffering I’ve endured is because of immature fools like you. I know life is hard and you can’t satisfy your women as well as me, but that’s no excuse for attacking an innocent man, no, a saint like myself. This is something I’ll need to address in my memoir, speaking of, I’ve added a few additional paragraphs.
I need to draw now, enjoy being a ngmi with that negative attitude you middle aged office worker

>> No.4823315

Post your destination.

>> No.4823321

I wonder how Brian feels about his “most delusional /ic/ poster” title being usurped.

>> No.4823334
File: 127 KB, 626x1020, E92918CB-6964-4F07-82DC-4F3AD3C4E661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga Mikey with the green skin, shell, and orange headband painted this thing called “The Last Judgement”, not sure if you heard of it, but as much as religion is gay for not worshipping me, I always thought Christian renaissance art was litty because of how “soulful” it was. Granted there were many “mistakes” but they only added to its charm, and I liked the overall ‘look’. I want to take elements of that aesthetic and combine it with say, the perspective mastery and visual library of Korean man to create epic scenes, starring me at the center. I also will lift continuously alongside this, so around the age of 26 or so, I will be a rippling wall of muscle with the technical artistic mastery of OG niggas. I will then create a line of magnificent heroic paintings depicting myself as a god amongst humanity. I’ll make them bold, brash, and also very very LARGE, so that people have no CHOICE but to give me the recognition and attention I am owed.
Pic related is literally (You) when you see me make it and I dish out punishment to (You) and the other fools who doubted me.

>> No.4823337

You are just an edgy teenager, you know nothing about life and where it will lead you. Stop with these philosophical tl;drs and go draw. You need a lot of training to become what you aspire to be. In the mean time learn some humility.

>> No.4823343

wait, never mind, don't reply, I just realized I'm probably just replying to bait...

correction to my previous posts: GTFO

>> No.4823344

You’re never gonna make it if you’re spending all this time shitposting.

>> No.4823385

wtf is this autistic shit lol go back to drawing something smartass