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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4814187 No.4814187 [Reply] [Original]

How's art school treating ya, anon?

>> No.4814211
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i can't even get into art school

>> No.4814212

dropped out ages ago

>> No.4814213


>> No.4814227

What's stopping you?

>> No.4814235

Imagine paying dozens of thousands of bucks to learn to draw!

>> No.4814239

>to learn to draw
You go to art school to build connections and a portfolio, not to actually learn to draw

>> No.4814266

My art school is /ic/

>> No.4814279

My art school is NMA so it's good but I think I've set a hell of a schedule for myself and am starting to burn myself out. 8 hours a day 7 days a week of studying is too much, probably should take at least one day off a week to recharge.

>> No.4814294

>Imagine paying dozens of thousands of bucks to learn to draw!
I always heard it was cheaper because highly subsidized in Britain. I can't imagine that it's expensive in Russia either but I'm sure the top academies or universities are.

>> No.4814295

will start in around 2 months
thankfully I am not ametican so my debt will be minimal

>> No.4814298

Yeah it depends on where you live. In burgerland you pay $80k+ to hang out with hipsters whose finals are absolute masterpieces like - bow ties nailed to plywood, a cross sitting in a jar of piss, and a collage of the American flag but the stars are all censored call girl titties. Doesnt matter if you want to put in actual effort, they will get higher marks than you because they are so bold and brave with their bullshit statements about their work that they made up the night before. You really get to network with the best in burgerland. Oh and the professors are either shit tier or shit tier and jealous and will tell anyone who knows how to draw to quit.

It's seriously not worth it here unless you go to a technical art school or atelier where you gain actual skills.

>> No.4814307

I couldn't even imagine living in the states let alone going to school there.... Britain seems to have a much more sensible way of doing these things.

>> No.4814319

i hate it. i learn more in the internet than this god forsaken art school

>> No.4814325

you're supposed to make connections there

>> No.4814331

You don't build any connections in some literally-who college that offers hobby classes with teachers that can't draw shit. It's inexpensive for a reason and most likely a waste of your time.. Don't go there expecting to be at FZD drawing 23 hours a day just to keep up with the curriculum.
Research your teachers and contact people who graduated there.

>> No.4814402

>the real education is the friends we made along the way

>> No.4814407

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.4814408
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based redditor

>> No.4814437

Is he dead?

>> No.4814452

>hasn't posted in over a year
>has a chronic ear condition that likely implies that he just took a break
Hopefully he's doing ok

>> No.4814602
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im learning more by myself than from my professors as expected
but to be fair im studying a major more suited for general media and entertainment than strictly the arts

>> No.4814712

is going to an art school for animation worth it? i'm gonna have to move if i wanna go to a decent one in my country

>> No.4814787

The Proko video on pros and cons of art school convinced me it's an absolute meme on par with wimmenz studies degrees unless you get into a top tier school and find a great instructor who personally mentors you and cares about your career (aka nepotism), so I won't be attending. I've already seen enough worthless bullshit high school art classes to know what I'm likely in for, it's just a more gassed up and expensive version of that.

>> No.4815060

College is a scam. Don't waste your life on it!

>> No.4815158
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>wimmenz studies degrees
>mfw everytime that I was reading this on social media I thought that it was absurdism
What the fuck I thought this was a meme all along, I just googled it and it's real.

>> No.4815194
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Never went, I learned engineering like a normie and now I can't draw for shit.

>> No.4815266
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Is art school worth it for anyone?

>> No.4815296

>art school

>> No.4815298
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>> No.4815356

I didn't go to art school. I went to art.

>> No.4815357

I went to study CS :) I might actually get a job some day :)

>> No.4815362

I wish I had a chance to go desu. Might have been fun to study together with other people.

>> No.4815614
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I paint like this and they rejected me. What the fuck?

>> No.4815616


>> No.4815649

I wish i could draw like this. Blog?

>> No.4815770

It ruined my life. And I had to start from scratch, to reteach myself.

>> No.4815843

(((they))) rejected you right ?

>> No.4815857

just kill them too

>> No.4815905


>> No.4815906

H...Hitler is that you?

>> No.4815910
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>> No.4816439

>reteach myself
How did this happen? Did the professors push you towards a certain style or something?

>> No.4816470

Dropping out was the number 1 thing that improved my artwork the most.

Not saying to bail if you're in and having fun (get that degree if you can), but experiences and their usefulness definitely vary with art school.

>> No.4816667

>normie asses signed up because they thought they should pay $17,000 a year to JUST start learning
>I’m all about learning, but maybe start independently with the basics before taking the seat of a potential person who needed the degree more than you
>like, wait a single year to practice if you never picked up a pencil for this ever, like you only know how to write and legit only make a stick man
>but some people are like, I mean absolutely garbage. No brain cell reserved for how the human body even works at all
>this one only draw scalies for god sake, why are they here? They aren’t even trying to learn the human anatomy to improve their own fetish art
>so why
>because you’re fucking privileged and bored?
>hate the word privileged but it’s the only word to describe it

>> No.4816670

Like, no shit on anyone who want to improve and try
These people are the bottom of the barrel bad. I had no idea I would meet so many awful people there but...art major

>> No.4816786

chris watts why did you murder thos kids

>> No.4816829

Like, oh my God, totally, you know? Like Wow.

>> No.4816835

If anyone here is currently in art school on their own dime, I urge you to cut your losses immediately and drop out, especially during a global pandemic. If you're cool with spending money to learn, then literally just buy online art lessons for a miniscule fraction of the cost.

>> No.4816843

i wanna go home.....

>> No.4816911

Anon, the system is far from perfect, but this just sounds like you watched the Goldsmiths video for the first time

>> No.4816933

I spent 6 years at an art college. I didn't go with the intention of learning to draw because I had been quite competent by the time I enrolled, the courses I took were more about design, rather than drawing (graphic design, interactive media, UI/UX design). There were some drawing classes as part of my curriculum, but the lecturers were clearly very incompetent at drawing, so I learned nothing from this.
I would say that although I learned a lot about the specific subjects I took, and there were some opportunities for making connections to get some advantage in the world of nepotism, spending 6 years at an art college was not beneficial for my drawing skills at all. During my time there I actually drew less and less, and procrastinated more and more on my studies by hanging out with the friends I met, as well as finding a gf, to the point where I just lost all interest in drawing. Social skills are only good at getting shitty customer service jobs (and nepotism), whereas if I put more time into drawing I would have been able to make money from my art by now.
To summarise; don't go to art college if you want to make a living with your art.

>> No.4816939


>> No.4818403

I get paid to go to art college so the idea of it being a waste of money doesn't work. Great friends, connections and because you are forced to come in every day and draw or create it prevents you from wageslaving and working too much to create

>> No.4818422

I hate it

surrounded with SJWs of the highest degree but I have to hide my power level

>> No.4819083

Same. I can finish my associate's degree at community college, but I can't transfer to a higher school because my transcript has a disciplinay record.

>> No.4820097

ah shit here we go again

>> No.4820100

What country do you live in that they're that fucking stupid about shit jesus christ man

>> No.4820827

First day of artschool, classmates are better than most of you. Long live the top 15% picks :^)

I do it so I can get forgiven from my debt of a course I dropped out of. Long live europe life.

>> No.4820911

>Going on another course to justify debt caused by previous course
America is seething

>> No.4820963

United States. They require us to disclose felonies or disciplinary action.

>> No.4820982
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>> No.4821099

Pretty good - hard to adjust in terms of time management and being a social illiterate, but just from getting advice from professors and having things like figure drawing constantly in the schedule, I've been able to learn more in two years than I had in the five before it.

>> No.4822413

Not this shit again.

>> No.4822630

you shouldn't invade russia this time, also kill more gypsies

>> No.4822853
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>> No.4823031

i miss him....

>> No.4823522

I fucking wish I could go, but as it stands, I'm going to learn CS because I'm good at it(unlike art), and it pays well(unlike art). Maybe I'll go when I'm older and can spare some time for it.

>> No.4823657

>Animation school in France
While it is actually expensive (nothing compared to US prices from what I see though), all of my teachers expect one dude were great teachers who knew when to say my stuff was awful when it was. They were all working in the industry as well so their teachings were genuine, except that one guy who just made us do Draw a box exercises for half the year.
Made a nice number of friends who were motivated and serious etc, I like it, thought the price might bite in the ass in a few years if I don't get good enough to get money asap

>> No.4826650

You could just learn in conjunction with your CS studies, like when you have free time for example. Art school is only worth so much, and if you want to go to learn to draw, you're better off grinding on your own time