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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.25 MB, 2976x2976, IMG_20200822_000725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4810689 No.4810689 [Reply] [Original]

How do you differentiate beg/int/adv? I'm new here
Where does pic fall in the spectrum?

>> No.4810696

It doesn't matter

>> No.4810698

you really can't tell an artist's level from a generic anime headshot.
show his attempts at gesture.

>> No.4810700

Philosophically we would slide it into the category of 'Objectivist'... lacks a certain necessary Will To Power.

>> No.4810701

>matchstick neck
safely /beg/

>> No.4810708

you can be /beg/ at somethings and /int/ at other things, etc. it doesn't matter just draw. the /beg/ threads were started for the same reason the sticky was started, draw threads were filled with people repeating the same beginner questions with the same beginner problems.

>> No.4810723

Beg desu, you can tell just from your lines. You either lack confidence in your strokes and chicken scratch alot or you spent barely any time training your hand/arm. both are mostly newbie problems.

>> No.4810724

Don't worry about site meta labels.
Just go to the drawthread, you clearly understand that you are drawing 3d objects and not symbols.

>> No.4810727

That isn't chicken scratch and that looks like it's on a tiny spot of paper making the use of the wrist very valid.

>> No.4810734

It is chicken scratch when you use 6 lines where one would suffice

>> No.4810738

Why do so many people on /ic/ just not know what chicken scratching is?

>> No.4810739
File: 53 KB, 734x589, 1597187723798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it

>> No.4810756
File: 613 KB, 1853x1068, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh chicken scratch
Biggest meme out there used by dunning kruger larpers just because they think it sounds "right".
it literally does not matter how many lines you use if you can end on a good result, and artists who are better than 100% of /ic/ do it all the time.
only then they call it "line finding" to save face because they're popular.

>> No.4810760
File: 421 KB, 833x1019, Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this

>> No.4810820

int, understands 3d form

>> No.4810834

BASED int saber chad

>> No.4810839

Int beg based off what you've posted

>> No.4810844

Based I don’t get why I wouldn’t chicken scratch like fuck when I’m gonna end up inking over the sketch anyway which is a completely different motion to sketching. When I place a bunch of lines my brain sort of automatically sees the right one and it makes inking easy

>> No.4810866

an “int” is just a delusional /beg/

>> No.4810873

Less than 3 months worth of gains until you're fully out of /beg

>> No.4810883

Where did you learn gesture?, Those look nice.
And in how many minutes were those poses draw?

>> No.4810887

>t. Eternally/beg/

>> No.4810899

post a proper pic, AKA a finished artwork and without those book lines.

>> No.4810911

ok, newfag
you retarded little nigglets keep coming up with new subdivisions of /beg/ to make yourself feel better about being garbage, see how far that gets you

>> No.4810912

Sure thing pretend oldfag. You can continue to stay in /beg/ for the next 10 years.

>> No.4810917

weak bait, maybe twitter is more your speed

>> No.4810918

I think around 1-2min. I watched YouTube videos about figure drawing and applied what felt more natural to me

>> No.4810920

I'd rather stay anonymous for now, and that's my sketchbook

>> No.4810934

let me clue you in since you’re new
using “int”, “adv” or anything besides /beg/ makes you instantly recognized as a newfag
“int” is a 2019 retarded meme by people too butthurt they couldn’t get out of /beg/
now they’re pushing retarded shit like “high beg”
not that it even matters, the entire board is garbage now, compare draw threads from 2013-2015 to now, it’s literally just another /beg/

>> No.4810936
File: 16 KB, 640x286, 45B58421-E97E-4D94-81EF-8F6BCE4F2B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is a new fag and old fag, I’ve been on here a pretty long time, like 4 months, what does that make me?

>> No.4810937

Quit projecting your frustrations, /beg/tard.

>> No.4810940

beg is someone that started
int is someone that is still beg after 6 months
adv is someone that uses his time to crab here
made it is someone just making good artwork often as hobby or is getting paid to make them

>> No.4810941

High newfag or low oldfag, depending on how many memes you know.

>> No.4810949

>mfw i don’t even draw and i’m considered adv

>> No.4810955
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, B8866E9A-8909-4A5D-B3CA-5986EDFA2058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny Pepe meme frog says Loomis rights, also hard round brush to keep away discord trannies, talent is needed to make proper yellow people jeans, SEEETHE harder or pyw done nig krueger

>> No.4810960

mid oldfag confirmed, if you got that far in 4 months you’ll be an ancientfag in no time

>> No.4811130
File: 35 KB, 574x372, 1571214084291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /beg/ with you

>> No.4811135

/beg/ cope

>> No.4811138


>> No.4811143

not argument.
artists who chicken scratch all the time made it. and you're here crabbin for the rest of your life.

>> No.4811153
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 1596181590558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good anon! May I ask what guides you used?

>> No.4811174

Post your work, /low beg/

>> No.4811177

>implying I didn’t just drop a fire piece and am working on several more

Feels good to pee into the crab bucket every now and then

>> No.4811180

The issue isn't that you pointed something out, it's that it's fucking incoherent and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
You're like those retarded redliners who to criticise other peoples' drawings without knowing anything about anatomy and embarrass themselves. Pure dunning-Kruger.

>> No.4811188

He probably used the first video that showed up on YouTube if you look up "anime facial construction"
Just use any guide and apply it practically and work it daily and you'll make it anon

>> No.4811193

Calling someone /beg/ without seeing their work is peak retard

>> No.4811197

>larping instead of making an argument
reminder that there is exactly 0 empirical evidence that chicken scratching hinders your drawing in any way and is not some /ic/ meme.

>> No.4811215
File: 137 KB, 1125x458, D4B827E1-7CB2-405E-A331-E613F4856A24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4811235

this isn't a finished piece tho.
OP is asking to judge based on this pic

if wlop posted that picture and said he was done, people would have a field day calling it scratchy garbage.

the real brainlet is OP caring about /beg/ /int/ labels from a bunch of NGMIs

>> No.4811272

If you seen on anime artist you seen them all, low post something bullshit study or some shit.

>> No.4811276

Nice indignation, now PYW

>> No.4811286

>twitter stats
why are so scared of posting your work when you are butthurt enough to post retarded twitter analyrtics

>> No.4811292

it does, you could take less than 0.5 seconds doing one line instead of 2+ seconds chicken scratching. and if you're line searching you multiply each of these by any numbers of lines you usually use to find the right one. so in the long term you'll waste more time with scratching
now go back to /beg/ fucking retard

>> No.4811297

My style is too recognizable but you’ve probably liked it.

>> No.4811300

firez is that you?

>> No.4811301

Not them but how much of a dunning kruger can you be? You're a frog in a well.

>> No.4811302

Not him but why wouldn't you post it?
If you're not lying you'd btfo him

>> No.4811303

Just post a cropped version you pussy. Besides if it’s sooo recognizable that posting on 4chan could affect you you could just claim it was one of your fans who pretended to be you. But you’re lying so you won’t because you can’t

>> No.4811304

Why are nighers so afraid to associate with this site, worst shot could happen is people will think you’re retarded

>> No.4811306

What if people don’t want to be seen as retards? I wanted my retardation be kept a secret.

>> No.4811311

Wlop does it all the time and still puts out complete pieces at a good cadence.
You also cannot prove that
>take your time to figure out where one line goes
is a shorter process than
>draw 2 lines, then decide which one to keep

keep seething crab.

>> No.4811317
File: 1.22 MB, 7654x4500, bride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, I'm the original anon that posted the picture on /ic/ tho.
but this is what the finished looks like, after fucking around the lines enough and changing the pose he decided to paint on it.

>> No.4811325

If you get in the habit of figuring out where one line goes, you get faster at it. Scratching is a crutch, and looks like shit and you'll have no hope of working in traditional media competently if you make it a habit. Try selling impromptu 2 minute sketches for $20 a pop with chicken scratch garbage at your next artist alley.

>> No.4811351

Yeah, yeah, yeah post a unfinished WIP

>> No.4811360

making 1 line is faster than 2 lines, unless you rush the 2 lines but then you could rush 1 line and still be faster with it. it's logical

>> No.4811483
File: 240 KB, 499x543, 1579279647298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the motivation anon! So by "apply it practically" you mean by using it with references and such?

>> No.4811486

Meant for >>4811188

>> No.4811622

That's not the main reason chicken scratching is bad tho. It just looks like shit if you sketch or ink with broken lines. Painting is more forgiving

>> No.4811685

Post in /beg/ and see if they want you out.

>> No.4812115
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1597783876113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply it to anything you do. But the most important thing is to understand what the guide is trying to tell you instead of just copying what the guy is doing. Understand the angles and 3D form that make up the face, and how you can use them to create a decent looking one.
Then repeat the guidr until you can make that face or angle from memory.
Once you do that, it feels amazing.
Proper application and daily study will yield improvement fellow SaberCHAD.
I believe in you!

>> No.4812120

>matchstick neck
Isn't that almost all of anime even on pro level? More of a style issue if anything.

>> No.4812122

there is no chicken scratch in painting, there is filling in the color and brush strokes

>> No.4812178

This man. This man is correct.

>> No.4812187

Not so much as hindering your drawing but it displays a severe lack of line confidence, which isn't exactly a good thing to show in your drawings.

>> No.4812191

How did you get this decent? What fig course?

>> No.4812196

It doesn't matter when you're going to paint over it or erase it all together.
all that matters is the end product.

>> No.4812200

Fair point. But tb.h I've never seen a good painter do chicken scratching before.

>> No.4812437

>there is no chicken scratch in painting

You haven’t seen Brian or Illustrat yet. Good for you.

>> No.4812443

OP asked to judge based on his picture. And people do sell sketches. Being a chicken scratcher means you won’t be able to sell one off pen doodles like superani artists.

>> No.4812633

It's not chicken scratch you beg. You can
use more than a single line to imply line weight,
foreshortening, different textures, or plain
ol appeal. No rules only tools, now go back
to draw a box

>> No.4813049
File: 152 KB, 416x520, 1504287612294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the advice Kirei Anon! I'll be sure to try my best to NOT let your words go to waste!

>> No.4813283

I’m ultra beg so I would call this int. If I could draw like this I would be very proud of myself.

>> No.4813288
File: 167 KB, 759x769, 1597279006679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's even more retarded. Anons who post shit
chicken scratching for every drawing they see usually can't tell the difference between actual chicken scratch vs finding the line also known as SKETCHING. Maybe people would know better if they spent more time drawing instead of posting on a basket weaving forum

>> No.4813350

Watch competent artists “find the line”. You become what you practice. If you practice chicken scratch, it’ll be a part of your workflow.

>> No.4814172

Now THAT's cope

>> No.4814199

Do you have good skills, but most importantly, can you finish a drawing instead of making everything a sketch? If yes, then you are /adv/.

>> No.4814208

This board is so fucking stupid. OP and all the people shitting on him are all retards. I’m a retard for coming to this board instead of drawing. Fuck you.

>> No.4814209

no, you can tell from the way OP drew the shawl/mantle or whatever that is that he can't draw bodies well.

lines are okay imo.
there are some other tells like the way you drew the mouth and ears and how the strokes in the facial features in general have less confidence in them.