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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4809335 No.4809335 [Reply] [Original]

Is anatomy really important? Proko studied for years and can't draw from imagination at all, but epic nips can shit out anime girls easily. How do they do it?

>> No.4809342

Proko actually can draw human figures from imagination, you even see him do it several times in the anatomy course. Anime girls are highly simplified shit

>> No.4809364

Lot of professional manga artists use references/3d models for drawing figures. And have assistants to take care of the other stuff like objects and backgrounds.
Stop thinking all asians are Kim Jung Gi.

>> No.4809366

You don't need anatomy to draw anime girls. In fact, it works against you in most cases.

>> No.4809369

>tfw Kim Jung Gi is just an average asian in terms of skill

>> No.4809406

Figure drawings and copying works of others, they already shown what matters and what to focus on. Knowing the big shape is enough if u wanna become a coomer,

>> No.4809476

>from imagination
No. The way courses work is the teacher meticulously practices every drawing or painting he will be making prior to even starting, this is standard practice. Many also have references off to the side and you can see them glancing over as they work.
Every single time Stan’s put on the spot or goes off script, he fucks up. I’m not saying anything about his artistic ability, it he couldn’t improvise his way out of a paper bag, and it doesn’t stop at art, any time someone disagrees with him or says something that runs contrary to what he’s been selling to his audience, he freezes up and starts stuttering.

>> No.4809490

It's nice to know the basics such as where the major muscle groups connect and landmarks, but going autistically into anatomy is very useless for anything that's not an extremely realistic muscular naked man.

>> No.4809495

>extremely realistic muscular naked man.

This is the only thing truly worth drawing.

>> No.4810019

stop trolling people with misinformation and go draw

>> No.4810024

Stop leaking out of your containment, asgtard.

>> No.4810322


>> No.4810331

Look man in the hand lesson he tells you to draw 5 hands from imagination as an assignment, which he then demonstrates. Look it up before shit posting ignorant retard

>> No.4810333

>How do they do it?
asian genes

>> No.4810358

If your into the anime side of it Mikeymega tutorials on youtube have a good balance of proportion/basic anatomy versus the style.
You don't need to memorise the name of every muscle group

>> No.4810378

Proko was trained in the classic atelier ways where drawing from life, and sight drawing are placed above all else. Anatomy is extremely important, but being able to visualize a simplified 3 dimensional mannequin, and pose it is even more important, and is something I don't think Proko can do.

Construction based drawing, perspective, and drawing from forms are the foundation of drawing from imagination, and it's the main reason its what's emphasized at concept art schools, and art schools in Asia.

Mikeymega has been a godsend when it comes to drawing figures from the imagination. Him and Krenz.

>> No.4810393

What part of him not actually drawing from imagination do you not get, retard?
Again, this is standard practice. Bob Ross didn’t shit out those paintings from imagination, he painted them in preparation to filming, then painted the same painting again for the camera.
The worst thing you can do is go hurr durr I’ll wing it on camera and then waste time, delay the video and get flustered when it doesn’t come out right when it’s time for production.
Stan is shit at drawing from imagination.

>> No.4810427

Those drawings weren't from imagination, he clearly looked at a hand reference, and broke it down into forms afterwards. Proko can't into imagination.

>> No.4810566

Jesus christ proko literally teaches you how to pose a simplified 3d mannequin, and he said the goal of his anatomy course is to get you to a level where you can draw figures from imagination. Do people actually get more stupid the second they visit this site? I can't fathom the stupidity i come across every time I look on 4chan. I hereby vow that this is my last ever post on this site, I think if I stay here for even 5 minutes longer my mind will deteriorate beyond repair. Goodbye assholes

>> No.4810573

if you wish to draw complex humans poses from imagination then u need to understand them yes

>> No.4810581

The absolute state of /ic/ is baffling to me. I listen to the Draftsman podcast constantly with Proko and Marshall. Ive listened to the interviews he has with Miss Jisu and Kim Jung Gi. Proko even shows some master copies he has done of other great works to sell as a younger adult as commissions. The man is a fiend of anatomy knowledge and a fantastic teacher.

>> No.4810593

you clearly forgot this podcast then.


>> No.4810601


>> No.4810625

Fantastic construction, and visualization skills. The man clearly knows his stuff when it comes to drawing from imagination.

>> No.4810626

>he said the goal of his anatomy course is to get you to a level where you can draw figures from imagination
so what’s stopping him then?

>> No.4810637

Quick reminder, the kangaroo shenanigans starts at minute 41.

>> No.4810663

He even admitted early in the video that he trained and practiced observation based art for nearly a decade, and is still relatively new when it comes to drawing from imagination.

>> No.4810666
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>> No.4810707

Nothing he is doing it dummy

>> No.4810719

Is there supposed to be something wrong with this image? Oh and by the way you can see in your screenshot that he doesnt just copy the reference but constructs it using forms, which is what enables you to eventually draw heads from imagination

>> No.4810721

have some dignity, stan

>> No.4810735

>t-the proportions, angles and likeness are supposed to be wrong because he’s constructing it!

>> No.4810744

Being able to breakdown references into forms can only help you so much if you continue using references. He never stopped using references and it shows in his only Livestreamed drawings from imagination.

>> No.4810863

I hope this is bait, the perspective of the cylinders of the first drawing looks awful.

>> No.4810884

i wouldn’t be surprised if it were him getting butthurt again

>> No.4810903

I was being facetious. Your average student at a concept art or design school has a better intuitive understanding of these things than Proko.

>> No.4811628

Except theyre not wrong you beg, learn to look

>> No.4811880

>but epic nips can shit out anime girls easily. How do they do it?
asian jeans

>> No.4811886

It's the black jet hair and eyes