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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.95 MB, 2508x3541, astolfo sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4807657 No.4807657 [Reply] [Original]

I have a best-friend and we used to hang out and have legit loads of fun, but when it comes to art and particularly when I show a drawing I did on a specific topic. I clearly wanna talk about it, but he just goes on and critiques my drawing, like dude I'm not asking for critiques, I wanna have a good time chatting with you. And his critiques are cold and harsh too, I didn't even gave him permission to be that harsh to me, maybe I'm just being a little bitch?.

>> No.4807663

he's also an artist but still pretty much a beginner since I did motivate him to do arts cause he was also interested in it

>> No.4807671

grow up a thicker skin

>> No.4807673

He's suffering from dunning kruger. Tell him to redline it or shut the fuck up.

>> No.4807691
File: 827 KB, 800x940, aatrox_i_know_what_lurks_in_the_heart_of_men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is a thread about me, but from a year or two ago when I was really anal about drawstuff.

You'd be best off to actually just tell him "bruh, I don't want critique. I just wanna chat about art with you."

>> No.4807710

You are being a little bitch, your pal just wants you make it.

>> No.4807723

Did you try kissing your friend? I always do that with mine.

>> No.4807724

So you are in the custom of giving people 's permission on how to behave around you? You motivated someone who was already interest in doing it anyways? Go to a shrink for your insecurity issues and melodrama OP. And get you checked on those grandiose delusions in the process. Stops doing threads for this. And stop showing drawings, simple solution.

>> No.4807728

I love it when my art friend critiques the shiet out of me. It helps me improve. not only helps me, but it helps him also

>> No.4807738

did op strike a nerve lol

>> No.4807743
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1596027685209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call his bluff and tell that faggot to fix it, observating errors in a drawing is /beg/ tier and ultimately moot you lack the skills to actually correct the drawing. I bet he'll never do it again after you laugh in his face for being delusional

>> No.4807768

maybe he just hates it when you show him your fateshit animu garbage

>> No.4807769

I think you should give your friend the benefit of the doubt and assume that the two of you have different ways of communicating.
Like, he Probably DOES want to chat with
You but his way involves critiques and yours doesn't.
TLDR just ask him about it and see what he says.

>> No.4807793

I thought that was supposed to be Yuugi Hoshiguma until I read the file name.
That face and whatever is on/above the forehead doesn't strike me as Astolfo, to be honest.

>> No.4807803

>maybe I'm just being a little bitch?
Yes he wants you to improve
Unless you're a girl how do you not understand this?

>> No.4807824

I’d crit your work too, desu. There’s a lot there that you need to work on. From your post you kind of look like the type of person to brush off critique anyways. The simplest way to work around this is to not show them your art. Go talk about art and artists with them but try not to post your work. Or you could actually talk to them about it.

>> No.4807826

>maybe I'm just being a little bitch
Yes, you are. If your buddy is your best friend, why don't just ask DIRECTLY what's the case?

>> No.4807835

You too??? I thought I was the weird one but love between friends is really normal, huh?

>> No.4807929

I'm currently on a crusade against narcissits. If I catch a whiff of some gloves are off.

>> No.4807934

You are just being a little bitch.
You should be embracing critique, not getting your feelings hurt. He wants to improve with you, that's a good thing.

>> No.4807935
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>> No.4807940

You are obsessed with that word.

>> No.4807966

here's a no BS response because i'm fairly normie and grew up with all kinds of artists in my social circle.

he's grifting you, for sure. it's social etiquette to stfu about critiques unless you ask for it especially if he is being as cold and harsh as you say. as an artist, we are our own worst critic and friends are supposed to be there to help you feel inspired and motivated.

MOST artists you'll meet in real life are really polite about this stuff, because they know exactly how this feels. hell even on social media, a lot of artists are extremely polite and don't say anything unless you ask.

i've personally witnessed the attiude you mentioned in more toxic friend circles, and almost always the person being the most aggressive in critiquing others were also the most unlikable and didn't even apply their own advice to their own work. (that's the key here; don't say anything you wouldn't take and apply yourself as a critique) they were like this because they very badly wanted to be the "alpha" of the friend group to have a sense of authority; like as if you need to suck up to them and lick their boots to get any positive response out of them because of their "oh so high standards". this is just power play.

because everyone else around them was too beta to say anything about it, they just ended up going under her thumb but slowly phased out of that group eventually because no one actually likes these kinds of losers.

these are also the same people who talk shit about their followers and have a huge ego complex. you should kind of pity them because deep inside they feel like they can't improve their work and level up genuinely.

you can either confront him and say exactly how you feel, or you can choose not to talk about art with him anymore and continue your friendship as usual. just don't stoop to his level, be honest with him. you guys were friends before this right?

>> No.4807975

Be thankful you have a friend.

>> No.4807992

Jesus Christ, what a sensitive faggot.

>> No.4808009

Not that guy but how's it sensitive to ask people to be polite. I get this is 4chan but irl I expect people to be polite and not dicks if they're my friends.
Also toxic people are no fun so they can gtfo if that's what they usually do. That has nothing to do with criticism but more to do with manipulating somebody by using critiquing as a tool

>> No.4808012

You'll be fine. Probably.
Who? Sorry pal wrong number.

>> No.4808020

Please clarify if you're a woman

>> No.4808024

it's the truth. i dare you to call someone a sensitive faggot to their faces and see how they react. (you won't)

try going outside and interacting with other artists for once in your life and give them the /ic/-tier critiques. i promise you, you'll have difficulties cultivating friendships in art circles.

>> No.4808035

don't pretend this is female exclusive. (though this will always be a lot more bitchier) this happens between male artists too, a lot more frequently.

there was this one guy i knew who's grandfather was a famous sunday news artist and he tried to use this to be a voice of authority when it came to industry standards and practices as well as to critique others. his art was utter shit, and his friends quickly outgrew him and expanded their professional careers to a point where they are working with disney and pixar.

the shitty dude never got ahead and any time his name gets mentioned, the guys will laugh and roll their eyes. that dude will never get recommended anywhere.

>> No.4808038

>as an artist, we are our own worst critic
yeah, no

>> No.4808042

Anyone who uses the term 'toxic' unironically is a sensitive faggot. Critique isn't mean or hurtful and you shouldn't get upset by it.

>i dare you to call someone a sensitive faggot to their faces
The fuck does this have to do with anything? We aren't talking face to face, we are talking anonymously on fucking 4chan. As a result, I will tell you straight up that you are being a sensitive faggot.

>try going outside and interacting with other artists for once in your life and give them the /ic/-tier critiques.
What, you want me to go to art school again?

>i promise you, you'll have difficulties cultivating friendships in art circles.
Even if you are right, how could that possibly make giving critique a bad thing? Many artists, such as yourself, are excessively sensitive, and get upset at the most trivial things. This does not make the things you or they get upset about bad things, it just makes you and them cry babies.

>> No.4808050

>he tried to use this to be a voice of authority when it came to industry standards and practices as well as to critique others
>his art was utter shit

>> No.4808053

>"toxic" is a meme word

it was a word that long-existed before it became a meme, sounds like you're being the sensitive one here.

it's not about how giving critique is bad, it's about how it is used to leverage power over people.

of COURSE color, composition, and anatomy can always be better. you can say that about just any painting in the world, including famous ones like the mona lisa for example. but the type of people we're discussing here according to the context of the OP is that they use critique to make people feel small.

lets put it in this way; when some sjw calls you a racist because you made a character 1 skin tone lighter, is it because they genuinely think you are a racist? or is it so that you bend the knee to the sjw?

it's just a form of power play. it definitely does happen.

>> No.4808055

>maybe I'm just being a little bitch?.

>> No.4808056

dude never found work and his portfolio sucked, what's so hypocritical about pointing this out? maybe if he took his own advice he would be as far ahead as his former friends.

>> No.4808067

>"toxic" is a meme word
I didn't say anything about it being a meme. I said people that say it are sensitive faggots, such as yourself.

>it's about how it is used to leverage power over people.
This is paranoid horse shit.

>the type of people we're discussing here according to the context of the OP is that they use critique to make people feel small.
And you base this on what? The only thing the OP even said about the critiques is that they were 'cold and harsh', which is a subjective, emotional judgment.

>lets put it in this way; when some sjw calls you a racist because you made a character 1 skin tone lighter, is it because they genuinely think you are a racist? or is it so that you bend the knee to the sjw?
Calling someone a racist is not a critique, you fucking moron.

>> No.4808077

In the first quote, you acted indignant about someone employing appeal to authority. In the second quote, you employed it yourself.
You are a hypocrite.

>> No.4808080

where did i talk about having any sense of authority other than being a normie?

you're cherry picking to pick a fight over nothing.

>> No.4808084

Read the reply chain again, you absolute brainlet.

>> No.4808089

>showing your trap drawings to your best friend
that was your first mistake here frien.
first rule of the trap lovers supreme gentlemen club is; you do not talk about it

>> No.4808093

what? you're mad that i called someone's art utter shit? it was to deploy a point smooth brain; that the harshest critiquers just don't take their own advice and apply it on their own to be employable.

again, you're just looking to pick a fight and it's retarded.

>> No.4808096

>I have a best-friend
So this is a brag thread

>> No.4808103

>you're mad that i called someone's art utter shit?
Once again you prove that your reading comprehension is at the level of a gradeschooler's.
Keep reading what I've said until you get it.

>> No.4808109
File: 9 KB, 343x147, 1597691659287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can't be bothered to defend my position

yeh ok

>> No.4808113

And a Wojak spammer on top of all of your other flaws. Time to kill yourself.

>> No.4808119
File: 529 KB, 2394x2394, 1597781601786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your (You)

>> No.4808135

Dumb Redditor.

>> No.4808148 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 454x516, d50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4808322

Your post radiates the impression of a 1st world big city kid.

>> No.4808331


>> No.4808590

>I think you should give your friend the benefit of the doubt and assume that the two of you have different ways of communicating.

Obviously encouragement is last thing on their mind otherwise they would be pointing out the good things, too.

>> No.4808593

It's better to have no friend than a shit friend.

>> No.4808681

>if he doesn't praise me when offering critique then he's a bad friend!
I can't imagine what being this much of a moody bitch must be like.
Legitimately kill yourself.

>> No.4808734

>I didn't even gave him permission to be that harsh to me, maybe I'm just being a little bitch?.
Yes. Imagine thinking people need your permission to have and say their opinion. What kind of best friend are you if it's not the default setting that you can say anything to each other?

>> No.4808735

Can you fucking begs stop calling your selves artists? Just because you wank off to some badly made anime girls you shit out you're not an artist

>> No.4808744

This cope left me speechless

>> No.4808746

They should be honest if they're friends, even if they scratch your sensitive little ego. You've all the strangers to be polite to you

>> No.4808751

so you're a girl after all lmaooo

>> No.4808754

But we don't know that for sure, if OP's
Friend isn't harsh most of the time it's
Better just to ask then to assume.

>> No.4808756

Meant to qoute

>> No.4808898

Yo guys OP here. As the little insecure bitch that I was, it was rare for me to come out of the insecurity box but I did confront him and eventually apologized for using critiques to bring other people down in our art circle. No, but legitimately though, it's just that he didn't knew he was getting a tad bit too rude in his "critiques" and literally adding ironic joke insults that barely looks anywhere near ironic. Ex. "That arm looks so incorrect even an autistic ape could pinpoint it" or "That head looks so janky that it makes autistic people look good". He really hates people with autism or maybe self-reflection? But seriously, thanks for the advice though, no friendship was broken, we still chill. Thanks and peace.

>> No.4808901

You're right. We are in 4chan though and most people here are autismos so it's understandable why they wouldn't comprehend social dynamics.

>> No.4809004

you're just a little bitch
he's probably just trying to tell you that you need to learn to draw better and learn how to draw hands

>> No.4809054

lol no