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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4800390 No.4800390 [Reply] [Original]

How do I draw without external influence? I want to devlope my own unique style and techniques

>> No.4800403

Get off the internet. Or at least social media and 4chan. Find out what youre intrested in artwise and focus on that. Maybe aquire some books on the topic. Then just have fun and enjoy yourself.

>> No.4800408

>I want to devlope my own unique style and techniques
Then you will need external influence.

>> No.4800428

Your style comes from stealing and aggregating shit you like from other styles and mediums. You can can go out there and try and rediscover the wheel but desu your gonna wasting a lot of time trying to be "pure".

>> No.4800432

Leave society and hard round brush

>> No.4800433

By getting external influences from real art

>> No.4800475
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>without external influence
Travel back in time and become a caveman because creating art without external influences is impossible today.

>> No.4800516
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>reinventing the wheel
>i wanna be a snowflake but don't wanna learn the skills needed to do so
Unironically NGMI, do yourself a solid and just quit now and save yourself the trouble.

>> No.4800532

>How do I draw without external influence?
be raised by monkeys in the middle of a jungle.

>> No.4800551

You don’t understand what you’re asking for. Influences are necessary and impossible to escape.
All the quirky unique artists you look up to have copied, learned, and mimicked other people’s worK until they have figured out how they do it. Once you learn enough ideas, your art will contain elements of all your influences making a "unique" blend of stylistic techniques through your individual interpretation.
This is how art progresses, eventually you might be able to master so many different things that you can create a blend no one has ever seen before, but you won’t manifest anything out of a vacuum.

Pure creativity is a lie, a great trumpet player will never discover a new note for their instrument, but they will take the existing notes to create unique combinations and new sounds.
Learn how to play the damn instrument before you try improvising a solo.

>> No.4800608

Go blind yourself or stop looking at any form of art.

>> No.4800756

-Be you
-Take influence from those you like
-Draw a lot
-Influences combine
-You now have a unique style

>> No.4800757


>> No.4800795

“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn.

>> No.4800970

technically, the monkeys along with the jungle are an external influence

>> No.4801192

yeah, but in the context "influences" refers to "art". Since he wants a unique style and techniques, but says nothing about subjects.