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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4798480 No.4798480 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ic/ think about the trope of the tortured artist?

>> No.4798497

I don't buy it. As I've spent more time with art I hate most of the people who make art too. Most artists are pissbaby, spoiled, narcissistic attention whores. Professionals aren't "tortured" artists. Tortured artists seem to have some chip on their shoulder and insecurity from when they were a kid that they carry with them their whole life, never facing their problems but running further from them.

>> No.4798505

wrong place to ask. that tends to come with creativity. loomis heads arent that creative.

>> No.4798566

>tortured artists seem to have some chip on their shoulder and insecurity from when they were a kid that they carry with them their whole life, never facing their problems but running further from them.
How does that not qualify as tortured?

>> No.4798575

who tortures them?

>> No.4798581

It's cringe.

>> No.4798734


>> No.4798815

the industry

>> No.4798823

not really familiar with it

>> No.4798928

I think one reason so many famous artists had fucked up lives is because life in the past was just generally fucked up. If you live in modern western civilization from like 1950 on you can become a great artist and have a nice life.

Secondarily, being highly open and creative often puts them at the periphery of society in terms of tastes, preferences, idiosyncracies and so on, so they have fewer people they can relate to, and fewer connections means more mental illness.

Lastly, the best art, by virtue of it's value being defined by novelty, is one of those things where most of what's produced is irrelevant and only a few artists in thousands make any sort of impact on history, so again, all the artists we hear about tend to be kinda out there in general, and all the artists who try in earnest to produce novelty but fail are going to be doubly tortured by their failure. There are successful artists making boring stuff for established markets, who nobody is ever going to hear about, and they aren't tortured.

Perhaps some other stuff about the artist's personality being tied up in their success or failure in the market? Writers have all the same problems, honestly.

>> No.4798935


>> No.4798938

fake and gay

most artists i've met were socially awkward or delusional at worst. they are also usually shitty artists.

the best artists are usually the ones who are disciplined, calm and rational and not mentally ill.

>> No.4798971

Its toxic as it romanticizes mental illness. There is a scene in the movie American Animals where the protagonist doesnt feel like a true artist because his life is lacking some sort of tragedy or source of sufferig. Its dumb.

>> No.4799051

Because it's not tortured, it's something they relish in despite being perfectly capable to get themselves out of.

>> No.4799054
File: 22 KB, 696x659, 1AC8BD27-7769-4852-B554-DA2321B85AA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your suffering is inescapable and a direct consequence of how awful everyone else is?

Pic unrelated, I decided to start working on portraits if I ever want to portray my self properly

>> No.4799074

It's really troublesome to put an ultimate statement if it is bad or not. I do not accept romanticization of tortured artists and opinions like "yeah, we have to admire them, they are so depressed and troubled". No, it's not healthy for anyone. I hate so much that so many people joke about depressed artists and how fuckin sad we are. Even if someone is, it's not because they are an artist, right?

But what about when someone needs an urgue to caption his emotions? Art is about that, not only about positive emotions. I felt so good when I did a selfportrait right after a breakup. I was devastated and capturing my feeling and putting it on piece of paper felt really reassuring at that moment. Maybe i realized that I can and should cry and I shouldn't be afraid to show it to world? Not to make people ask why I was sad - to be honest no one asked, because of that sketch. I just wanted to remember that moment and fuck, it really stuck to my mind. Not sure if it counts as "tortured artist" moment tho.

>> No.4799106
File: 10 KB, 1539x50, 1584312660182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has never had a psychotic breakdown
>he doesn't have shizophrenia or bipolar disorder
>he doesn't even have a harem of tulpas taking care of your genitals as long as you draw 12 hours a day
I have been working for 15 years in the industry and I can safely say that if the qualifiers above do not concern you, you are the TEXTBOOK definition of NGMI.

>> No.4799253

the film "frank" tackles this trope
though its focus is on musicians i still think it does a good job

>> No.4799281
File: 3.93 MB, 1057x5895, guidetoflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im not afraid of the depths of the ocean or space

im only afraid of the depths of my soul

>> No.4799288

Looks like I managed to be a tortured artist without even being an artist, unless you count bad sketches as art.

>> No.4799480

I get so many ideas into my head that I can't even focus on practicing. I also keep neglecting my sleep schedule, work, my studies, my family, friends and everything basically. I also hate it when people buy my works because it means I don't own them anymore. Does this count as tortured?

>> No.4799505

true unless female, in which case you spend all of art school getting passed around by the soccer players at the frat house bcuz you're still just a bitch and want the alpha daddy not another artist.

>> No.4799507

other people. then they have emotions that come out in the form of art. jocks don't draw. jocks weren't tortured.

>> No.4799515

go draw anon, you're ngmi otherwise.

>> No.4799696

love how this has become a dogwhistle for discord trannies. just because someone found more success than you don't mean your suffering is more valid. it just means they tried harder

>> No.4799696,1 [INTERNAL] 

t. rejected by Stacy and never recovered

>> No.4800013

t. rejected by Stacy

>> No.4800035
File: 670 KB, 2048x1536, 20200816_234252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone with schizoaffective bipolar type, and a very vivid imagination, and 5 followers on twit, 25 on Insta
just kill me already, my bed is covered in books and art supplies so I've been sleeping on the edge of my bed for a while and spending every waking moment in my living room drawing and studying japanese

unfinished art, I know it's too busy, it's detail practice, put as much detail as possible, next one is gonna be overly simple, practically enlarged thumbnail, and next will be balanced, but critique me anyway, is the perspective correct, is it shit, am I /beg/, etc.

>> No.4800038

give me your insta i'll give it a follow

>> No.4800043
File: 1.37 MB, 1511x2048, 20200817_033029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't want people to find out I originated from 4chan due to large chance of OPs fabled and all too common pissbaby retard artists
plus there is only 1 post on my Insta right now and it's related to music

rotated image

>> No.4800058

maybe that's why there's only 25 followers though

>> No.4800062

Well, once you view creating works of art as escapism then I think it starts to make sense. It's not that "tortured artists" are a result of their artistic pursuits or that a tortured soul has a greater affinity for greatness, I think it's more just that people who have shit lives or mental problems just naturally look for ways to escape that, and some turn to imagination.

>> No.4800064

in that case, I should have a lot more followers on twitter

>> No.4800103
File: 179 KB, 355x541, 1593303551925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to rain on your parade anon (assuming you made this image) but the PYW section really didn't make the rest of the infographic any more believable.

>> No.4800129

define capability

>> No.4800234

>other people
yeah I fucking hate it when people come up to me and say "wow you're talented"... BITCH I WORKED HARD I'm not talented... Why must society torture us..

>> No.4800438

define definition

>> No.4800438,1 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself

>> No.4801016

Nowadays it's called being on the spectrum.

>> No.4801328

>art school
>soccer players
Nigga what

>> No.4801330
File: 253 KB, 860x1161, 827042DF-E19E-4F41-BED0-0A822ED51891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, some artists are Chads. Like the guy making this post. Oh well, back to drawing

>> No.4801699

Feeling depressed or otherwise mentally unwell has never been anything other than a hazard to my willingness to work and my overall productivity. I can totally buy how the perspective gained from having endured severe mental illness episodes could affect a person's relationship towards the art they make, but actually being in the throes of a depressive episode makes it fucking impossible to get anything done.

>> No.4801741

It's just a little over a century of (((merchants))) abusing Van Gogh's terrible life as an excuse to not pay artists what they're worth.
And if you're too social and too awake to fall for it you just mysteriously overdose while locked in a closet like Basquiat.

>> No.4802069
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 1571812581756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just stop being depressed, bro.

>> No.4802118

Honestly? Imagine you have a clear image of what you want to draw, paint or sculpt in your head, it has all the details, all the color, etc. Now imagine you cant express that vision of yours in the real world, and when you go to sleep, its there at the forefront of your mind, mocking you, its creator. Now imagine this goes on for several years, you ty to improve but its just not enough, your attempts are flawed, incomplete, lacking that detail only you can see. It's maddening.

>> No.4802841

How is depression exclusive to artists? Are tortured artists basically depressed men?

>> No.4803331

Stop making it your personality.