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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4796314 No.4796314 [Reply] [Original]

Why do artists lay down so many unnecessary, wavy lines?

>> No.4796318

chicken scratch

>> No.4796322

to feel the form

>> No.4796323
File: 340 KB, 1448x816, FBC3DE03-9C65-4C48-8D68-BAA45783DD30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna feel your form

>> No.4796325


>> No.4796338

if you use lots of lines, eventually some of them will conform to the proper form of a body, and your brain starts to recognize it as a person, and kind of filters out the rest of the badly drawn lines that dont actually contribute to defining the body shape. for some people, they see that using multiple lines for every part of the body makes the end result look better than their normal work, so they get into the habit of chicken scratching everything.

>> No.4796346

shut up beg.
this is called line searching and is normal for a sketch. the artist is looking for the correct line and usually inks the right one after sketching like that. nothing about it is chicken scratch (that means unconfident lines). I am so sick of begs talking shit out of their ass. shut up.

>> No.4796387

im not talking about sketching. if you need to use this technique on your final pass on the drawing to make it passable, like the artist for the OP image did, then uh, its kind of obvious they arent comfortable with their drawings, i.e. unconfident lines, i.e. its chicken scratching. sketching to get a sense of what you want to draw is obviously outside of the scope of my post, but you ignored that to babyrage in your cringe, laughably hostile post. that said, you are probably a beg if you have to "line search" you sketch as much as the op image does in order to make the sketch good.

>> No.4796389

the OP image is literally a sketch are you retarded

>> No.4796400

shut. up. stupid.

>> No.4796405

yes or no, that doesnt change anything i said. if you need to "line search" this much to crutch up your sketches or your final drawings, you should try and make an effort to practice without using this technique.

>> No.4796420

this is like 90% of the people in the weeb industry when sketching, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.4796438

well thats not saying much when 90% of all artists are intermediate-tier or less
not to mention that i very rarely see a sketch as messy as the op pic, even from begs

>> No.4796441

they're still making more money than you will ever see so they must be doing something right.
stop being an ass

>> No.4796443

soooo fucking STUPID BRO. please, for the love of god, think before you post. just a simple "is what I'm saying true? am I speaking nonsense? do I actually know what I'm talking about?" if you answer 'no' to any of these then do not post.

>> No.4796446

Why do /beg/tards have the highest confidence?

>> No.4796447

stop being an ass, says the babyrager. good lord man. and now you move the goalposts by lightyears.
besides the fact that most artists have an abysmally poor income, and most still dont use line searching like this, their individual successes dont actually prove the technique is actually good or not a crutch, it just goes to show that anyone can make it even with mediocre art. look at ONE.

>> No.4796450

>"is what I'm saying true? am I speaking nonsense? do I actually know what I'm talking about?" if you answer 'no' to any of these then do not post.
wait, is this true?

>> No.4796458
File: 261 KB, 1119x1214, 1597302682882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking the op drawing somehow validates chicken scratching

>> No.4796470

How many of these fucking threads are we going to have?

>> No.4796493

cause its fun


>> No.4796504

how beg do you have to be to think chicken scratching is fun

>> No.4796530

I do it because It gets me something quick and I'm too lazy to make my sketches look clean.

>> No.4796582

Retarded loomeme shitter back to plebbit you commitrash

>> No.4796606

Why has it become a meme to shit on sketches for not being perfect and clean? Have you dumb niggers ever seen a professional artist draw anything? Every single of them will start with a bit of a messy sketch that will get refined later. I don't know where this whole "your lines need to look perfect the moment you put them down in the sketch phase" mentality came from but I'm about sick of you retards parroting it.

>> No.4796615

>/Beg/ reads book
>Book tell beg to draw only clean line to learn confidence
>Beg think he have to only use clean line forever, magical book say so

>> No.4796620

most of this sketch is fine but that hair is chicken scratched to shit I can't even tell what I'm looking at
if this fucker was trying to "line search" he needs to keep looking

>> No.4796628

>what is a sketch
Imagine being this much of a beginner fucking shit. Serious case of dunning kruger

>> No.4796635

Let me guess, you’re one of those lineartniggers who think clean and precise is the way and only way to draw

>> No.4796701

this isnt about line searching being inherently a bad technique, everyone obviously sketches with at least a a
little line searching you morons. its about how it can absolutely be exploited as a crutch by begs who need to line search with a 1000+ chicken scratches to draw a single person. having messy sketches is one thing, the op sketch is a clusterfuck. it doesnt stop bring chicken scratching just because its a sketch. i can only imagine your own sketches look similar if you are this angry over being told this

>> No.4796705

chicken scratch are unconfident lines. OP pic is obviously doing long strokes.
fuck off goddamnit I wish begs would stay in their shitty thread

>> No.4796709

needing 50 lines to draw the chin is pretty much the opposite of what i call confident. long strokes are not confident because they are long

>> No.4796711

Isn’t this from horizon in the middle of nowhere? I wish Sunrise could adapt more chapters.

>> No.4796715

they are. please learn what chicken scratch means and check out some pros sketches

>> No.4796717

Shut the fuck up you cocky beginner, you sound insufferable.

>> No.4796722
File: 289 KB, 1600x1054, LBB-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubling down
shut the fuck up. i have to leave this board. this is the kind of person who critiques other people's work on here?

>> No.4796724

Alright, pyw time. Let's see those confident sketches.

>> No.4796729

yeah this is why I dont give a shit about the critique here. full of beg shitters I am sick of it. this place is only good for the resources it has. FUCK that.
>hurr hurr the lines are too many uhhhhmmm whats the word to use OH RIGHT CHICKEN SCRATCH hahah am I pro now
and yes. I am mad.

>> No.4796732
File: 378 KB, 1600x1343, milt-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4796739
File: 210 KB, 1600x1123, OM-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4796741

i really noticed how you avoided the op pic confidently drawn, because it clearly isnt. the one thing that separates chicken scratching from line searching is confidence, and it aint here chief. and yes pro artists, as in skilled artists, DO use line searching in their sketches, because they are not robots who automatically know exactly what they want to draw. they also make mistakes and drae bad lines. however, they are skilled, and do not need to spend 5 hours drawing lines until a person happens to appear out of the mess like the op pic. the op pic is not done by a skilled artist. stop using it to excuse your own chicken scratching.

>> No.4796743
File: 208 KB, 1600x1190, SQB-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4796746

just shut up.

>> No.4796748
File: 217 KB, 1099x1600, MB-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4796763

>posting other peoples drawings
hmm. but yes, i can see that these sketches were drawn by a skilled artist even though they use lots of lines to get there. it still doesnt mean its not exploited by begs to make up for lack of knowledge of anatomy and form. whatever the case, you all keep seething that i called the op pic trash

>> No.4796780

I exploited your mother, dumb beg.

>> No.4796788

Op pic is just messily drawn, but it aint chicken scratching and thats why everyone is telling you to shut the fuck up

>> No.4796809

its unconfident -> its chicken scratch. simple as. you and the other salty beg can keep eating my truth

>> No.4796820

There are like a dozen different people telling you you're by definition wrong, but I'm sure a /beg/ like you knows better kek

>> No.4796973

>by definition
ah yes, because merriam webster actually knows about the existence of the phrase "chicken scratch" and has conveniently defined it so that it exactly agrees with your retarded definition you autistically parrot - you havent even defined it by the way. and no, you and another salty beg samefagging does not count as "a dozen", sorry to say

>> No.4797659

Chicken scratched to hell

>> No.4797664

I don’t know, but it looks cool

>> No.4797800

Well in animation it makes sense, you need a good flexible foundation, fluid action and conveyance of emotion, and consistent mass before you finalize the forms and clean up the thousands of images.

>> No.4797801

No rules, only tools.

>> No.4798038


>> No.4798041

they are necessary

>> No.4798092

stfu dum dum

>> No.4798103

that kid was about to get laid as a squirrel and the wizard was all 'aw yeah son you gonna be a man boy'

>> No.4799709


greatest western artist