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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 657x647, 1591108873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4795350 No.4795350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Japanese people inherently better at drawing?

>> No.4795353

That's actually a really simple drawing once you get started

>> No.4795354
File: 248 KB, 450x504, 1535000314095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare you to go to the 2ch /ic/ board and post the very first drawing you see on the front page.

>> No.4795356

They have fun and use it as a form of escapism.

>> No.4795359

westerners are just lazy and depressed faggots with low int. Just like OP who probably bitches about everything and victimizes himself.

>> No.4795360

Show us your work

>> No.4795362

how about i show you deez nuts

>> No.4795364


>> No.4795365

If I tell you yes what difference will it make for you? Either quit or do something productive instead.

>> No.4795367

this, they all start like anyone else, some japs have talent others japs doesn't, stop putting the japanese and anime style on a pedestal

>> No.4795368

I just thought it was an interesting topic, not trying to cope or anything

>> No.4795371

are non asian people inherently retarded?

>> No.4795373
File: 141 KB, 301x301, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he gmi?

>> No.4795374

>has talent
yeah talent is real.

>> No.4795375


>> No.4795377

I would've taken 7 hours just to draw those perfect hands

>> No.4795381

talent is real, but only very few people have it, accept that you have no talent and that you have to work hard to improve like any other human being in this world and stop looking for excuses to justify your mediocrity

>> No.4795388

Yea, drawing isn’t meant for you. You’re too handicap for it, just quit before you go to the vent thread everyday.

>> No.4795389

but what if the amount of work required would far exceed my lifetime?

>> No.4795393
File: 27 KB, 565x510, tM0Zl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, they're so much better.

>> No.4795395

110% Soul

>> No.4795400
File: 24 KB, 308x302, 1472413881635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that soul
>those hands
Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Asian genes are real theres no point im NGMI EVER

>> No.4795423

then quit drawing, you are not going anywhere with that mentality not only in drawing but also in life

>> No.4795425


>> No.4795438

Imma check.

>> No.4795445
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1585485011531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh??? these look good

>> No.4795446 [DELETED] 
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First thing I saw

>> No.4795449
File: 18 KB, 480x269, khhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna hear it

>> No.4795450

western art education is just shit and a lot of very unhelpful ideas are basically beaten into you for 12+ years until you believe them. it's even worse if you are passionate about animation.
basically compulsory public education and walling off basic tradeskills that your grandparents learned when they were 9 behind a college education is a total disaster that only serve middle managers and mediocrities.
10 year olds are into 2hu?

>> No.4795451

I do think there is something to asian writing systems being embedded into their hand-eye coordination at a young age enabling some kind of enhanced ability. but obviously, you won't be "good" without studying.

>> No.4795452

I know a lot of crabs will give you shit for this question, but the thing with Asians is their languages are extremely visual.
Remembering 3000 kanji really trains your visual memory, which is half the battle in drawing from imagination.
So they're not really inherently better, they're just more socially adapted to visual things because of their culture.
Your parents could have done the same thing, but they're probably black.

>> No.4795453
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>> No.4795458
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>> No.4795457
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who is this semen demon?

>> No.4795459
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>> No.4795460

there's something inherent about Eastern folk drawing that goes far beyond the technical aspect, something that cannot be learned or acquired by practice

>> No.4795465
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1572135670780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is their secret?

>> No.4795470

They literally have to memorize and be able to correctly write 2000 unique pictograms just to be considered borderline literate. Of course thats gonna carry over to art/practice-grind based pursuits.

>> No.4795471


>> No.4795472


>> No.4795478

yeah, I'm not disagreeing.

>> No.4795481

who is this apollo of swallow?

>> No.4795483

theyre surrounded by art. we shun it.

>> No.4795488

>copying from reference means drawing skill
I won't deny Nippon is better in general, but this smells of day 1 /beg/ trying to cope out of the hobby without feeling guilty.

>> No.4795490

No, they just have a culture of craftsmanship and artistic endeavor and drawing in a generic animu style isn't hard to pick up. That said, kid's got skills.

>> No.4795506

talent not skill. how the hell would anyone hit very accurate proportions the first time they draw?

>> No.4795510

Reminder that only the good art from nipland makes it to the west. They have their fair share of absolute /beg/ tier art, just like the west.

>> No.4795511

First submission =/= first time drawing you mong

>> No.4795517

>4th grade
>30 minutes
there's no way it's hard work

>> No.4795519
File: 89 KB, 500x500, 1556538743817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not sending their best anon. they keep it all to themselves

>> No.4795521

Please tell me this is from a real show

>> No.4795527

>A child making an objectively mediocre animu drawing in 30 minutes? Literally impossible.

What level of crab are you on?

>> No.4795528

lol cock head

>> No.4795536
File: 539 KB, 779x586, 1594545958040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist are giving a solid path forward should they choose to be artist were as in America the path forward is virtually non existent if you're not in a family of other artists, or live close enough to an artschool as a kid or teen and are good enough to pass the entrance exam. Mentorships are fucking dead. Don't get me started on the fucking highway robbery that is artschool which will siphon all your cash, than leave you SOL because surprise suprise the only internships they ever have available it slaving around the campus instead of a reputable establishment that's germane to you fucking major- AND YES I'M FUCKING MAD I'VE SEEN TO MANY PEOPLE GET THREE KNUCKLED FUCKED BY COLLEGE FOR HAVING THE GALL TO GET A CAREER DOING WHAT THEY TRULY, HAVE THEIR DREAMS CRUSHED, $200,000 IN DEBT AND CAN BARELY GET WORK, AS SPAT BACK INTO SOCIETY AS BROKEN, DEFEATED PEOPLE. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT!

>> No.4795537

ok imposter syndrome fag

>> No.4795538

Schizophrenia is no joke, kids.

>> No.4795547

No. In grade school they often get further teaching in their art classes, so they learn more straight out of the gate. While most westerners get taught by hacks who are into post-modern conceptual shit, kids in jap middle school are taught to draw with their eye. While kids in high school in the west are doing pottery and mosaic bullshit, nips are mastering perspective. So a western kid who gets out of high school will be at a preschool level or a little further if they drew outside of class because they won't get any help with that, while an high school nip will be on course to becoming a master.
Expressionism and avante garde fuckery ruined the west

>> No.4795556

this is right on the money. it has become completely verboten in the west to tell a kid they are bad at art so art classes just avoid anything resembling fundamental knowledge or skills, it's all about copying soup cans and (((expressing yourself))) while at the same time being told that art isn't really something you can do so you'd better drop it and 'get serious' about school so you can go to college and program facebook ads like a good bugman

>> No.4795681

Why do you commishits the concept of talent so much? Not everybody is the same and some are just inherently gifted

>> No.4795697

you sound like the biggest faggot in the universe

>> No.4795704

>While most westerners get taught by hacks who are into post-modern conceptual shit,
Struck way too close home. We were getting lectured on how fucking amazing and out of this world cubism is in middleschool. Obviously, 0% of us actually understood what the fuck was the teacher saying. The mosaics came right after. Art lessons in europe as a kid are utterly retarded.

>> No.4795705
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>> No.4795707

Japan doesn't have jews running the colleges

>> No.4795710

This, art classes in school never taught you how to draw, if you could draw from outside of school then cool, if not then it meant you're not talented and shouldn't keep going, classes were all, here's some deep abstract word and now go experiment, what colours should I use? Idunno just experiment, not gonna teach anything, no useful critiques just critiques about your ideas not being original enough. where as my cousins in china were grinding still lifes every class and drawing people from life and getting critiques on the accuracy of the drawing and the forms.

>> No.4795726


I dont know where you grew up, man, but even our hick town taught basic perspective, rendering and portraiture. I've honestly never seen that abstract shit in anywhere except grade school.
Most teachers tend to skip right over modern and post modern art unless they want to teach about print-making , teebeeaytch.

>> No.4795727

I haven't learn a single thing in art class in Germany. The words perspective or rendering were not even used once during 13 years of school. The teacher always just said "do this" and then sat back and read something, ignoring everyone. This was the same for 4 different art teachers.

>> No.4795731

I'm from UK and non of that was ever brought up either, the closest to theory was a 10 minute presentation about rule of thirds, everything else was, find artists you like and study from them, not their technical skills, but study their style, and their meaning, it was all about making your style unique, and also reiterating that you don't need to be good at drawing to get a good grade, and drawing skill isn't important, it's all judged on how unique your style and ideas are and how they explore the prompt given

>> No.4795734

hes not wrong you dumb lazy depressed faggot, pyw, if you dont then you proved him right

>> No.4795744

Burger here, I lived in a relatively wealthy small town and learned any of that til high school and it was half assed as fuck. Kind of sad. At least my teacher taught me to push the darks

>> No.4795750

Westerners never learned to work under pressure. They simply quit everything if things don't go perfectly. You see it time and time again here, fresh faces with all the enthusiasm who quit after two or three days of grinding.
They overthink everything, instead of simply acting.

>> No.4795756

what's even more fucked at least ime. is that none of those teachers ever asked kids what kind of art *they* liked or wanted to do, it was always a completely masturbatory exercise of some fucking boomer trying to flex their taste in obscure expressionism or the fauve and impose it on literal children who probably would've been happier and gotten more value out of just learning to draw spongebob. it's the equivalent of instead of teaching meter or scales in music class or spelling & gramar in english, just blasting slam poetry at kids for 12 years and then wondering why the chinese do words better.

>> No.4795759

You had a decent point (even it's just half-baked horseshit) until the last point. Rent-free, retard.

>> No.4795762

I want a chinky eyed gf

>> No.4795763

>Rent-free, retard.
that's because you live in goverment housing, jamal

>> No.4795764
File: 175 KB, 1200x782, fb4a51bc40e1dc5e2602f1035cf1388f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrolling through their /ic/ board
>90% is better than me
time for a dirt nap

>> No.4795767

i want to be a chinky eyed gf

>> No.4795768
File: 33 KB, 525x542, IMG_20200815_124512_781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm even worse than you

>> No.4795773
File: 40 KB, 400x500, 1593272831421[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all gods

>> No.4795775

very horny gods

>> No.4795783

Asian genes give soul

>> No.4795787
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1537538650107s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all

>> No.4795796


>> No.4795798
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1557179129740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if they're good they're good and if they're bad they're soul? that is unfair...

>> No.4795814

>disproves his own point

>> No.4795817

>if they're good they're good and if they're bad they're soul
this is how weebs operate here, yes

>> No.4795820

it is also true. I have yet to see a nip draw as soulless, talentless and skilless as people on here (including me)

>> No.4795825

fuck off, when you start browsing pixiv, any notion of japs being good at art disappears very quickly

>> No.4795827

are there bad artists there?

>> No.4795831

*bad and soulless
Of course there are bad nips, but those all seem to still have soul and potential.

>> No.4795833
File: 55 KB, 560x529, 1587671089611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average jap cocksucker apologist has no idea what pixiv is
color me surprised

>> No.4795841

I checked out the page and it looks good
Sorry I'm not that guy

>> No.4795845

> triggered by statistics

>> No.4795851

the average talent level on Nip /ic/ is still probably x4 the American /ic/

>> No.4795854

>west: this is the product of my passion and hard work.
>japs: rkgk

>> No.4795859

Pixiv looks good in the same grain DeviantArt looks good kek

>> No.4795860

>the American /ic/
/ic/ is not exclusively populated by americans

>> No.4795875

Man I got lucky. High school art class was
>fundies (draw what you see, gridding, lights and shadows, actual lessons in perspective)
>intro to mediums (ink, charcoal, chalk, water colors)
>art history lecture on fridays (sketching 3 slides of your choosing every lecture was mandatory)
This was 20+ years ago though.

We had a bookcase stocked with our teacher's personally owned artbooks and huge boxes full of donated magazines for useful references and literal paper-and-scissors photobashing. He would plaster the admin hallway leading to all the teacher/principal offices with our work. Every year he would enter our best works for a regional art competition with cash prizes (I honestly believe he was lying about this to possibly skirt education laws and was writing checks with his own money).

Some of us were allowed to hang around during our study periods. I have pleasant memories of faffing around the studio and bullshitting with the teacher after the year had already ended, during that time of early summer when the school was still open but desolated since classes were dismissed.

>drop by to pick up my portfolio after junior year
>teacher hands me $35 "art prize", strongly urges me to attend senior year art class as I haven't signed up for it yet
>tell him I won't have the time because parents are forcing me to focus on AP STEM classes
>never pursued art after that
>even trashed my portfolio and sketchbooks before moving away
t. 40 year old sciencefag failure in life who still regrets this decision every day

>> No.4795899


>> No.4795900

>second post got destroyed

>> No.4795903
File: 34 KB, 603x500, 2273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking dumbasses do you think asians are somekind of alien or something stop asking this bullshit question and do something

Look i am korean and shitposting on this board. Don't have any difference with your's

>> No.4795904

they just draw

>> No.4795905

How do they know what to draw and how to break things down do they just trace and memorize, do they have specific non-western ways of breaking down drawings.

>> No.4795906

How much have you drawn this week?

>> No.4795907

they just do it bro they draw man

>> No.4795908

i try to put aside 6 hours every day for drawing i've been doing that for a month now

>> No.4795909

Post your work.

>> No.4795910


>> No.4795911

i have way too much anxiety to post anything pulicly but it's not good i have barely comprehended loomis

>> No.4795912

The people who think japs have some kind of godly spirit inside them that makes them draw anime masterpieces ever since they're 7 years old are retarded apologist weebs who justify shitty anime art with M-MUH SOOOOOUL MUH MOTHAFUCKING SOUUUUL NIGGA

>> No.4795914

post it

>> No.4795920

Not sure I'd have enjoyed art and had it as the only subject I paid attention to if it had been grinding. Grade school we had a special one-off where we were told to sit opposite a friend and draw their face. Oddly I did the worst at this, and I loved drawing between classes. Still sits with me how bad it was even for my age.

>> No.4795923

6 hours every day for a month is 180 hours. If you can't understand what Loomis is doing in that time then you might actually be mentally handicapped.

>> No.4795926

Loomis is a mediocre artist and a bad teacher

>> No.4795929

Yes, blame external factors, good way to go through life.

>> No.4795931

>europeans: this is the product of my culture
>asians: this is the product of my culture
>mutts: I just drew it based on some movie or porn I watched. I hate everybody that is better than me and make fun of those who are not
Mutts are the rats of this world, trying to larp as the european race

>> No.4795933

I don’t blame loomis, he reduces the competition which increases the quality in this field. Instead I ignore them and keep on drawing

>> No.4795935

That explains why you’re a /beg/tard.

>> No.4795937

Post your floating loomis heads you crabcunt

>> No.4795944

I’m not the one who made a retarded claim on a teaching source. You should be the one to do it.

>> No.4795957

Wow everyone is so nice on 2ch and the art is better too

>> No.4795958

we should just go and post there!

>> No.4795964

The autism contained here would just ruin that place. /ic/ is containment for delusional nip worshipers and talentlets.

>> No.4795969

>tfw artistic mutt in Germany
We have no culture around visual art, definitely worse than America.

>> No.4795970

>Are Japanese people inherently better at drawing?
No, they are just hardworking

>> No.4796098
File: 2.71 MB, 1202x1700, Timbougami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, I'd say the Krauts have some pretty skilled artists.

>> No.4796108

This is the correct answer. In Japan, drawing is not a hobby only for specific people, but a fun activity anyone can do regardless of skill. As a result, many more people do it, and more stick with it from childhood, so a lot of fantastic artists emerge. So the reason is not some kind of Asian specific thing, but the fact that art in the West is so heavily laden with baggage surrounding skill level and purpose and technique that people are afraid to just do it for fun. I think Japan treats art for art's sake as a kind of universal good, which is why so many more people there engage in it.

>> No.4796114

>it's even worse if you are passionate about animation.
Yeah, they'll tell you to study math in the West if you want to animate. Verrrry helpful.

>> No.4796116


>> No.4796120

>westerners get taught by hacks who are into post-modern conceptual shit, kids in jap middle school are taught to draw with their eye. While kids in high school in the west are doing pottery and mosaic bullshit, nips are mastering perspective. So a western kid who gets out of high school will be at a preschool level or a little further if they drew outside of class because they won't get any help with that, while an high school nip will be on course to becoming a master.
This is the truth and it's an eye-opener.

>> No.4796139

says who? this site usually has eurofags

>> No.4796142

Yeah, maybe it has something to do with that. I only had two teachers in art class, but both of them seemed totally unmotivated, and never understood a shit. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were forced to teach us a lot of other things that were not only drawing and painting.
God, I hated painting and drawing, but now that I started on my own as a wizard, I totally love it.
School is a massive waste of time.

>> No.4796149
File: 77 KB, 479x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They overthink everything, instead of simply acting.
This goes back to the role of Platonic civilization. We're less attuned to atmospheric

Wow anon write that damn book or short story.

>In Japan, drawing is not a hobby only for specific people, but a fun activity anyone can do regardless of skill. As a result, many more people do it, and more stick with it from childhood, so a lot of fantastic artists emerge. So the reason is not some kind of Asian specific thing, but the fact that art in the West is so heavily laden with baggage surrounding skill level and purpose and technique that people are afraid to just do it for fun. I think Japan treats art for art's sake as a kind of universal good, which is why so many more people there engage in it.
Yeah in the West, art for art's sake was associated with Theophile Gautier and the Romanticist movement beginning about 1830....Japan must have absorbed that but also decided to take it further, into a sort of Arts and Crafts movement associating it with after-school Clubs and general collaboration.

>> No.4796150

*less attuned to atmospheric sensibilities and possess more of a corporate rather than a collaborative culture.

>> No.4796214
File: 1.01 MB, 2389x2328, under Acropolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more of a corporate rather than a collaborative culture
I honestly think this goes back to ancient Greco-Rome as well... the Temples in the ancient world were the source of prostitution, gambling and banking as well as worship. The corporate culture is the product of a Priestly disposition, and it is less able to operate in a cooperative manner. I don't know as much about Shintoism but it appears to be more 'noble' than the other forms of paganism which are strictly regimental.

>> No.4796217

good makima

>> No.4796218

You can find a handful of good artists in any country, that doesn't mean the country itself has an art friendly culture or a lot of people pursuing art.

>> No.4796221

yeah it is awful

>> No.4796223

They just actually enjoy it, so they end up doing it more, because they are not spending 7 hour days grinding.

>> No.4796229

Theyre better and focusing on what youre doing instead of getting distracted and shitposting on a basket weaving forum, which in turn makes them better at drawing if they are interested in it

>> No.4796289

Show us your work, you coping faggot

>> No.4796292

What makes you any different? All you do is seethe and bitch about muh asian genes on a basket weaving fourm.

>> No.4796302

Doesn't that mean he is proving his own point?

>> No.4796316

Mentorship is dead in the west in general.
I work a blue collar trade as a machinist and I cannot count anymore how many times i've asked how to do something and they insult me and my generation up and down the street but cannot tell me how to do it.

>> No.4796319

So cute

>> No.4796382

Maybe this is also the case because the average tradesmen have become stupider (probably because now everyone "needs" to go to university and do something in an office)

>> No.4796409
File: 250 KB, 604x638, Annotation 2020-08-15 112649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4796445

why did you post me

>> No.4796448

Where’s the neck beard?

>> No.4796490

just doesn't look right without a neckbeard

>> No.4796496

I'm an idiot.

How do you access 2ch /ic/?

>> No.4796497
File: 209 KB, 648x1023, Alfonso Lombardi-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, lads. Maybe I was just lucky? I admit, up until middle school in Texas (where I live), Art education is pretty spotty. But to be failing kids in high school pretty awful... And again, we are lazy hicks.
I'm actually kind of angry right now.
Where there any extra curricular offered near your schools?
When I got bored over summer, my parents got me into an art class for college students for a couple of months. Ironically, they did the same things we did in high school, but at least it was something to keep my mind occupied.
I dont know if they still have programs like that, but I feel like Arts should have more stuff for kids who are interested.