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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 15 KB, 286x404, 8350D4A7-93A9-40D5-9E05-1564F02E29FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4786579 No.4786579 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get commissions? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.4786591

Let me give you some i'll intented advices yo I can weed you out from the competence, and stay way from my territory

>> No.4786594

Big animay tiddies. Not drawing big animay tiddies.

>> No.4786635

you're not drawing porn and fanart and fanart porn.

>> No.4786639

>What am I doing wrong?
It might help to post a sample of your work.

>> No.4786643

Be me.

>> No.4786657
File: 308 KB, 1500x2000, 20257D53-8FD4-45AE-B2F8-5E4B91E3FEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my sheet. I'm not God tier or anything but I think I'm at least ok.

>> No.4786662


>> No.4786666
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1590661444908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commission sheets
Just give up now.

>> No.4786668

There is always someone worse than you taking commissions, you're just not networking properly or connecting to the right communities.

But seriously it's better to just do /beg/ now and make more money later.

>> No.4786671

>full color
>36 USD
You are better up turning patties at burguer king LMAO, since i'm pretty sure that horrible drawings take you several hours
Inb4 i'm thirdwolrder
That would explain the mental retardation

>> No.4786676

Most people charge more than that.

>> No.4786681
File: 3.70 MB, 1700x1753, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das rite, adn they dont even draw better, is just based on demand.

>> No.4786692

People keep asking me for commissions, will they get mad if I post a commission sheet with high prices just because I don’t want to do commissions?

>> No.4786696

Not using hard round brush
Better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.4786697

I intentionally made them cheaper to attract more people. I’m actually pretty fast when it comes to these, so it doesn’t take me too long. Do those people that charge more actually get business?

>> No.4786698

Just say no you mongoloid, feel grateful that someone thinks your shit scribbles are worth something, you may regret later.
>but I just draw for fun uwu
Whatever, same shit applies

>> No.4786704

The guy I posted here gets his queues filled within hours, yep he is pretty popular because is fast, despite his art looking like ass.

>> No.4786708

I got 3 coms from 1 guy and 1 from another and made some nice money, but I dont know either how to get more
I only have 140 followers

>> No.4786711

I know but I won't tell you because you are my direct competence

>> No.4786715

Then there must be something else to him. He’s probably really good at shilling and networking, but that sounds like a pain in the ass and I don’t really know where to start.

I’m definitely still working on improving, but it doesn’t hurt to make money on the side.

>> No.4786719

He has a server, he never shills on the site where he post, and he is a douche, the kind of guy who answers you with "yes, ok, no" because he doesnt care beyond the money, a cold hearted merchant of porn.

>> No.4786722

Ok, then how the hell is he getting so many commissions?

>> No.4786727

He draws FAST, and a lot, popular shit

>> No.4786728

You have any idea how tiring it is to say “no, sorry” to at least 10 different people every time I post a drawing?

>> No.4786753

How many followers do you have?

>> No.4786787

Not even a lot, under 1k which is why I don’t straight up ignore people.

>> No.4786821

You must be really good if you’re getting that many commission offers then.

>> No.4786836

Wow such tiring problem, I can't even imagine living like that
Grow some valla you spoiled first world faggot

>> No.4786848

As long as you're actually willing to do some commissions, go for it.

>> No.4786851

>the kind of guy who answers you with "yes, ok, no" because he doesnt care beyond the money
wow what a fucking douche, acting neutral towards his customers and all

>> No.4786853

Show your tits you bitch

>> No.4786861

Nah I’m mid at best, but I think it’s because I’m not big or anything, people expect I’ll be thirsty for commissions.
Some people aren’t trying to make a living off art and just like drawing and sharing art

>> No.4786868

In fact, believe it or not thats one of the reasons don't commission you again, I have seen poeple complaining about that in /aco/, complaining to me in the privacy of chats saying they enjoy working with me because i'm not a "douche", and the list goes on, nobody likes to work with an imbecile who will reply you with one liners at best, remember that most of commissioners commission shit as a form of socialization, otherwise why they would upload their shit for everyone lf their friends to see? Being a smug sperg on the art world won't get you anywhere, specially when just starting, nobody likes to work with people like that, and believe having recurrent customers is one of the biggest blessings an artist can get.

>> No.4786875

The writte somewhere "commissions closed" like any other normal human being, also people don't want to commission you because they think you need money, they do because they like your shit, holy fucks you sound so full of yourself, narcissistic moron.

>> No.4786883

draw porn

>> No.4786886

what stuff do you draw?

>> No.4786940


>> No.4788152

Make a webcomic.
I turn down commissions daily.

>> No.4788457

Post one page. How many followers do you have?

>> No.4788523

I don't want to make my case a generality, but as I've been on both side of the problem myself (being a /beg/ artist that also likes tocommission people), I can offer some feedback:
-as a commissionner, I reach out to people whose art I like. And based on the interaction I have with them, I'll commission them again or not.
Across the years I've commissioned about 40 different artists for a total of about 200 different pieces, and I can say with confidence that the artists whose art I liked most are pretty much always those I don't go back to, because they give the coldest answers. I guess since I like them the most, they must be the most requested ones too, but getting a cold answer is really a barrier.
Meanwhile, a few less talented but more open artists have been a pleasure to work with. Taking suggestions, having a little back and forth, feeling their interest in my wants, is very, very enjoyable... I even said to 3 of them "if you are ever short on money, reach to me and I'll 100% commission you again"

-as an artist myself, I've never taken commissions (I don't consider mydelf good enough) but my profile states that I'll consider requests if anyone wants something.
At first, when I was still a total beg, I was getting crazy stuff. People sending me 3-pages-long descriptions of their OC in totally absurd situations (to the point I was even wondering if there was a contest somewhere of "getting the weirdest delivery ever").
Then as I got better, direct requests became more rare. More "normal", compared to the autistic stuff I was receiving at first. Now I consider myself mid-/beg/ and the requests have dried out entirely, despite the "taking requests" disclaimer still being the first words on my profile, and having stated multiple times to people who requested (non-autistic) stuff that I was free to do more if they ever wanted.

TL;DR, social interactions are weird shit

>> No.4788554

So commissioners want interaction more than the pictures? That makes a bit of sense, actually. If all they cared about was the end result, they'd roam around the web and eventually find whatever they want for free.
I guess you could compare it to the difference between rubbing one out and paying a hooker to do it for you.

>> No.4788561

it's a bit more than that. Commissioners (at least in my case, I won't make assumptions for everyone else) want something personal. Something tailor made for them. Something that wouldn't exist if they hadn't asked and paid for it.
Getting cold answers from an artist is kinda taking that away. It becomes "insert money, type order, get your piece". While it is efficient, it feels dull and unsatisfying.

>> No.4788654

As a person who commissions a lot of artwork, I can tell you what I look for and maybe it will give you an idea of what others do as well. This month I have commissioned thousands of dollars worth of artwork from about 15 artists. I specifically look for artists in two ways:

1. They draw the specific character I like. I only commission this character and nothing else. If they already draw this character decently, I will commission with them no matter what. 5 of the artists were like this.

2. The others, I found on /ic/. I'm not an artist. I specifically browse this board to find artists I want to commission with. I really like supporting people here. If I like their art, I will always commission at least once, however, most of these artists will only get one or two commissions from me. I am very picky about artists I will commission more than once. I generally have 5 criteria:

1. For me to want to commission with you once, your art needs to be somewhat decent. I tend to commission lewd art of this character, but I commission plenty of normal stuff too.

2. I will only commission you more than once if you use Twitter DMs. If you have other contact information in your bio for me to contact for commissions, I will generally not commission with you. Or if I do, it will only be once. Emails for example feel so sterile and are so slow. And I hate using Google forms for commissions. Just use DMs.

3. If you have more that 500 followers, I will usually not commission with you unless I really like your art. I like when people have less followers because the price they charge tends to be lower.

4. Artists who use Patreon are ones I avoid as well. They've already made it and generally don't take commissions anyway. But even if they do, I'm not signing up to your Patreon so I can commission with you.

5. I have 2 artists I currently have decided to commission with monthly. These artists have been both pretty cheap, but also are very friendly and nice to work with.

>> No.4788659

>This month I have commissioned thousands of dollars worth of artwork from about 15 artists
>I only commission this character and nothing else
Jesus fuck.

>> No.4789085

100% autism. Do you make your commissions public somewhere?

>> No.4789098
File: 38 KB, 744x620, 1591907401267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This month I have commissioned thousands of dollars worth of artwork from about 15 artists
>I only commission this character and nothing else
Holy fuck, anon. I'm not even making fun - why? Why are you doing this? I'm genuinely curious; I really want to know.

>> No.4789125

this is only /beg/ level obsession by 4chan's standards.
i think it's probably loneliness, that drives people to seek romance someplace else, like a waifu. then they make it 'materialise' with pillows and comissions.... and WE CASH IN ON THAT SHIT OOOO YEA GIMME SOME COOMY MONEY DADDYOOOOOOO

>> No.4789135

I do, but I do not plan on posting it here.
I was not really meaning for that to be the focus of the post. I just figured I would elaborate on why I commission so much in that post so it doesn't sound like I am making stuff up since most people don't commission as much as I do. That was probably a mistake. And since I do not want the thread to be derailed more than it already is, I won't elaborate on why other than stating I have a waifu and I take my love for her very seriously. I won't respond to any more responses after this.

>> No.4789159

theres an autist holding a thread to commission some coom from Arthur characters, is that shit legit? thats how I do really cash in with art? it sounds kind of shady LMAO

>> No.4789239

>I have a waifu and I take my love for her very seriously


>> No.4789242

absolutely based man

>> No.4789778
File: 804 KB, 655x828, stogie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a waifu and I take my love for her very seriously. I won't respond to any more responses after this.
lmao. I haven't genuinely laughed out loud on this shithole website in a long time. God's speed, anon.

>> No.4789782

I’ll draw your waifu for free when I have time anon

>> No.4790116

What's your Twitter?

>> No.4790479

now I want to draw his waifu too...
but I don't use twitter

>> No.4790483

It's not a deal-breaker to not have one, it's just a preference. Post your blog or whatever it is. I've commissioned with people who don't have a Twitter account.

>> No.4790499

im always booked like about 3+ as of recently, im not even popular (2 twitter follows lol), ive met my regulars on this site.
the thing is that i do things differently.

1. i am willing to draw and learn complicated stuff like guns, etc.
2. i am willing to do redos, until my customer is satisfied
3. i treasure those who pay me, because i acknowledge without them i am nothing.

as what ive noticed, i see people waay more skilled than me still hanging out on job forums, i guess even if im a beginner, my customer service makes up for my lack of skill.
i dont even have to resort drawing /d/ stuff. i enjoy what i draw. hope this helps

>> No.4790509

I'm not interested in getting commissioned and I won't post my blog/whatever cause I'm a mid-/beg/ tier artist into loli stuff (though I don't mind drawing other types of waifus, that's just my preference)... I don't want to be torn to shreds by /ic/ posting my stuff there. I was just expressing some curiosity in adding my own stone to your waifu's temple
Maybe you can tell us who your waifu is instead?

unironically curious, do you have a comm sheet/blog or anything?

>> No.4790513

no i dont have a commision sheet because i might shoot myself in the foot (refering to people who are willing to pay hundreds). i do have a blog, but i dont think youll like what i draw (tomboys)

>> No.4790521

I'm always worried about posting about her in a non-waifu thread simply because it would be easy to find me. While I don't mind an artist knowing my account, I don't think I want other random people on here to find it. Could you use a throwaway email for me to tell you? I am legitimately interested.

>> No.4790532

Maybe try taking some of the money you're making from commissions and use it to learn some fucking English.

>> No.4790538

It's furry lewds isn't it? It has to be.

>> No.4790542

I get your concerns. I have a trash mail that is tshi.art0@gmail.com if you want to take the discussion elsewhere

a tomboy is fine too

>> No.4790548

Thanks for being understanding. I sent an email now. My throwaway ends in "@airmail.cc" which tends to get in spam folders. So please check there too.

>> No.4790570

Shut the fuck up virgin gringo, I don't care about your lenguage a single bit :^)

>> No.4790632

>I intentionally made them cheaper to attract more people.
Fatal flaw.

>> No.4790669

Also unironically interested. Even if I'm not into what you draw, comparing your feedback and your skill level would be interesting

>> No.4790675
File: 27 KB, 480x395, The_Boss_s_Hat_11x14_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not make a commission general/commissions thread?

>> No.4790678

there have been attempts to do so.
It usually devolves into people calling out each other out for being "too unskilled", "too cheap" and "whoring themslves out", while others will be called "arrogantly overpriced"

That, and /ic/ is not a good place to get customers. There are very few people looking for artists here, though the argument can be made that more would come if a commission general was a thing

>> No.4790682
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 1584685653361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So same shit that happens on /aco/? I guess jealous crabs wander every board to spit their venom, personally I think a commissions general would be useful, normies can come to get their stickers ir whatever they want and that coom artist can't do, I esa talking with someone the other day who needed a bsckground artist and was asking on the /aco/ server, top lol, but that shows you how people just want art but don't know where to get it, same for Warhammer 40k fags, dnd fags, and so on, and it would be puré winning for people here, imagine someone paying you for practice and try new things, it doesnt go against the board rules either since it's art related, here are good artist that only lurk so why not give it a try?

>> No.4790691

I don't disagree that such a thread would be useful, but every time it got tried it turned into maximum crabiness

>> No.4790692

I have seen some people asking work here, a guy who wanted some creature design who made me waste muy time listening to his rambles and never decided, another guy who wanted a logo and the same story but through mail, that normie couple who wanted an image of them and their cartoon personas, another guy who wanted a character design and nobody replied, so people do strand here, I guess they would come more often if they knew a commissions thread is always going, but it seems someone feels jealous and what's to sabotage that real hard for some reason.

>> No.4790808
File: 139 KB, 1024x1405, 1572559245636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd commission someone from here. But most people do digital, animu, or only women.
I want a large traditional painting of two characters in oil or acrylic but I don't think anyone here will bite.

>> No.4790821

I know people who would do it (though most artists I know work with watercolors rather than acrylics or oil), but they are the professional kind of artist...
...which by that I mean they'll charge you $50/hour spent on the painting. Plus making you pay for furnitures and shipping. Ain't gonna be cheap.

>> No.4790823

I was thinking of 1000 max. Min 300. But it depends on the quality of their work.

>> No.4790828

I guess I can ask them if they'd be interested. I know at least one of them is currently unemployed because covid.
What characters would that be?

>> No.4790839

I don't wanna say yet. I won't lie I'm embarrassed about the choices. But it's two males and the art isn't sexual. If you can show me their work/blogs/etc I'll get back to you. I prefer using discord and PayPal. If they use either of those.
Honestly I wanted to find a d/ic/k artist to support some of you niggers here.

>> No.4790921

well, I asked them, and they both told me that "big" traditional stuff is just too troublesome nowadays.
One told me that even if he did that, it's just too time-consuming, and the other hasn't touched a real brush in years, he's so used to digital now that he would fear doing traditional pieces bigger than A5.
Looks like I won't be helping you anon, sorry. Best of luck in your quest to find a good d/ic/k to help out.

>> No.4791025

Link to aco server?

>> No.4791053

what type of lewd(vanilla, hardcore..etc.) are you commissioning?

>> No.4791055


>> No.4791056
File: 293 KB, 1148x1454, finished2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could commission me if you don't have a degenerate zoomer request for a painting that you expect me to spend the rest of my life on. Here's an oil painting I did last week.

>> No.4791059

Pretty normal, vanilla things. Sometimes just ecchi in nature and sometimes just normal sex or other things like handjobs.

>> No.4791300

What's the character??

>> No.4791437

I do oil paintings, you can shoot me an email @ p33n3rpan@gmail.com and I'll link you my portfolio

>> No.4791638

Cute but she looks a bit autistic, no?

>> No.4791689


Brian can't paint or draw an appealing face if his life depended on it.

>> No.4791696

>that hair

>> No.4791723

I wish his life did depend on it and then maybe he’d die.

>> No.4792167

>Here's an oil painting
Kek, I think he was looking for skilled artists

>> No.4793019

so this is what happens to people posting their stuff..

>> No.4793086

pretty much, yeah. You can immediately see why commission threads don't work here

>> No.4793163

Here's a hint: learn how to fucking draw first.

Yes I saw your shitty drawings and your shitty commission sheet.

>> No.4793175
File: 460 KB, 578x415, Heroes of Might & Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is modern art so complex? 25 years ago I could easily find a job with my level of drawing

>> No.4793560

Shut the fuck up Brian, this is what happens to spammers posting their stuff. If you weren't such a shithead people wouldn't respond like that. I'd never commission you based off of your attitude alone

>> No.4793685

Who is Brian?

>> No.4793706

Competition. The word you’re looking for is competition.

>> No.4793899

It's >>4791056 ic's residential retard

>> No.4793909

Dude when people say stuff like this they mean it in jest

>> No.4793920

> I won't elaborate on why other than stating I have a waifu and I take my love for her very seriously
Is it Baby Natasha from Sesame Street?

>> No.4793958

There is one. It's just in the /trash/ board.

>> No.4793994

>my customer service makes up for my lack of skill
I think this is so important when taking commissions. People remember your interactions with them and how you treated them. They talk about it with their friends, which might lead to more commissions in the future if you were friendly and kept them updated on progress along the way
Make it seem like you want them to be their customer, not treat them like they're bothering you. And if you can't (and don't want to) do the commission, say so early and don't waste people's time

>> No.4794023

I’ve commissioned a bit over the years and I enjoy the usual back and forth of sketches, figuring out details then the artist doing colour.

The majority of artists I’ve contacted have been very friendly and are usually willing to make small changes free of charge, it feels very collaborative.

Others though have been pretty awful. I’ll preface by saying every artist has completed the piece to specification but they’ve felt uninterested, cold and unwilling to engage with me. The worst experience I had was this one guy where I sent my intial request and he said he was okay with everything I wrote. I was expecting the usual sketch, line and colour stages but instead, he just sent the finished colour piece with literally just the words “Here you go”. I felt I was just an ATM to him, just a faceless name to suck money out of as quick as possible. And then he didn’t even post it on his social media, I could tell he could just not give a fuck. He wasn’t expensive at all it but it was by far my most regretted commission.

>> No.4794202


>> No.4794209

Well, shit. And here I was thinking I'd finally found an autism-proof job for my stupid ass. But it can't be that easy, can it?

>> No.4794214

Start doing fanart of popular currently airing anime, tag it correctly, and post it to twitter.
After you've built a fanbase just say that you're doing commissions.
It's not that difficult, if you follow what's popping on twitter you can easilty spread your art and get noticed if your skill level is average or above.

>> No.4794216

it can, you just need to not go what is mainstream on the commission world, because only depressed retards who crave any social interaction is in there. find your niche, get good at it and be a copy paste one liner commissioner

>> No.4794237
File: 751 KB, 1125x2436, 0CEDBE66-9B8D-4F28-A24C-7684AB251A38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I?

>> No.4794244


>> No.4794255

do it fag

>> No.4794262

What is your character, maybe I can draw it

>> No.4794427

the responses here really surprised me i didn't expect such a demand for interaction.
when you buy commissions are you paying for the experience as much as for the art itself?

>> No.4794440

this is nothing new, a painters were known to for theatrics when painting portraits
nobody wants to pay you to autistically measure their angles as they sit in silence for 10 hours every day

>> No.4794448
File: 576 KB, 1920x2717, BFCF84C2-4D2F-4B67-90BD-FDA6F2000488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you value this as a commission?

>> No.4794456

you could get 300 for that or more easy

>> No.4794458


>> No.4794460

what is the point of this post. why do you just stir shit up out of boredom

>> No.4794464

Yea definitely a few hundred dude. This is fantastic work, good job.

>> No.4794471

It’s not mine but thank you lmao. I was just curious.
Why do you value it that highly? Not insulting it just wanna know what you’re looking for.

>> No.4794473

It's just not very appealing to me

>> No.4794481

It's just really well done, if anything I think people undervalue their art to an insane degree just to get people to pay them SOMETHING. The problem this has created though is people expecting that art should be cheap since "it's just a drawing bro" but this shouldn't be the case at all. That's why a lot of people on twitter have been upping their prices to what they deserve. Although I think the furry dude charging $7k for furry porn is out of his mind but hey if people pay it more power to him

>> No.4794495

People are paying him for his signature rather than his skill. That style is his signature, and people just mimic it.

>> No.4794499

You can smell the vitriol charged responses from a mile away, OP is not even good enough to guarant this much pettyness, but I guess /ic/ is overun by crabs that even basic tier stuff feels like a threat to them these days.

>> No.4794506

$1k only cuz artist is famous

>> No.4794511

Who is he? What's his twitter

>> No.4794563

No idea anon, I’m not a furry. But the guy was said to be really popular in the furry scene.

>> No.4794657
File: 584 KB, 1125x2436, 3184F7EE-B6CD-4DD2-BA37-C1E80588D5BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at Dave

>> No.4794662
File: 89 KB, 400x400, Momiji+might+be+a+wolfgirl+but+those+girls+are+the+_2c2ee8393aa6fa40a9f816e7d92c9f1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cold answer is really a barrier
what's a cold answer? in your opinion
Do I have to small talk you?
>"Hey buddy how was your day? finishing up your Sonic OC self insert character (great design btw) later bro!"


>> No.4794667


>> No.4794806

your pricing is weird, change the icons from $12 to $15
flat colors from $27 to $25 and full color from $36 to $35

you wont instantly have people lining up for a commission but it will help in the long run

>> No.4794810

yes, pretty much

>> No.4794813

Is Dave memeing?

>> No.4794863

What if I'm polite and professional but not do much small talk?

>> No.4794880

Just add something like “Feel free to let me know if you have any questions” or something upbeat. Hell, add a smiley face for the bare minimum.
Make it a positive experience for the buyer

>> No.4794961

Show us the character anon.