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4783147 No.4783147 [Reply] [Original]

>"I'll play some vidya for a couple of hours and spend the rest of the day practicing"
>"wait how the fuck is it already a nighttime?!"
How do you fight this
Inb4 delete steam, I'm too much of a pussy for that

>> No.4783150

>addicted to video games
i never understood this
do you feel accomplishment after finishing it? you feel joy trying yo defeat every single enemy?
im so glad i never got into video games
just time sink holes that stresses you out

>> No.4783151

step 1: delete your wojak folder

>> No.4783154
File: 27 KB, 300x415, koehler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use 30 6 25 5 dumbass

>> No.4783157

Based Pomodoro chad

>> No.4783160


>> No.4783169

You just don'thave it in you apparently.

>> No.4783170

You start by practicing, and then reward yourself with play afterwards.

>> No.4783177

how do people even enjoy modern vidya

>> No.4783185
File: 114 KB, 728x546, 1596433534869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent the last few days grinding Fall Guys

>> No.4783194

Practice before vidya, and set a goal for how much time you want to draw. Don't aim for the whole day, aim for a manageable amount so that you don't dread starting while getting into the habit of regular practice.

>> No.4783196


>> No.4783224
File: 208 KB, 1132x724, 1533405543610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing fotm games

>> No.4783226

Vidya bored me so now I draw
it's all the same shit, not a single new console or game excites me

>> No.4783362
File: 524 KB, 1105x1080, rpievqws1iq21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop playing games at all. I noticed how much more productive I was when I had nothing to play. My boredom fueled me and i could spend good 9 hours on drawing.
Of course I ruined it all when I bought Sekiro and wasted 5 weeks of my life on that game

>> No.4783365

i envy anyone that can still enjoy vido gams. i get bored in 30 minutes and go back to internet lurking.


>> No.4783370

I feel like after I will be comfortable with drawing I will look for a new thing. Is this life? Just looking for something to bother myself with before I perish?

>> No.4783373

>decide to only play when I draw at least 30min a day
>want to play a lot of games
>end up drawing all day because I cant stop

rip my pile of unplayed games, someday I will have time for you

>> No.4783376

Once I get started drawing I can draw all day with no breaks.

>> No.4783381
File: 7 KB, 772x74, 1584097364236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use your computer's sticky note function to make a checklist and put "Maximum 3 hours of video games" or something
set up a timer before you start a video game and try to be consistent with your marks
it's what I am doing right now

oh, and get a (in my case non-display) drawing tablet, having something digital to rely on helps immensely when you're too lazy to even take out a piece of paper

>> No.4783386
File: 125 KB, 760x1750, 1597021873638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art will always be my first priority and that includes weightlifting as that assists me in art, i can indulge in video games when the circumstances are right which are:

1: i accomplished my art/gym goals for the day/week
2: its thr weekend and i want to relax a little

>> No.4783391

I have this problem too lol, all i want to do is draw even if it exhausts me.
Although i want to get back into some vidya, i really enjoyed reading fate it gave me heaps of inspiration. I use vidya as inspiration

>> No.4785153

>can still enjoy vido gams. i get bored in 30 minutes and go back to internet lurking.
Same shit different pile. I've reached the point where videogames are a chore and I'm trying to get out of this place too

>> No.4785165

I'll get so frustrated with vidya that it's not hard for me to not play them.

>> No.4785168

Obviously you enjoy video games a lot more than art so you should just give up and play all day

>> No.4785170

Why do people enjoy videogames so much? It's not accomplishing anything, no one is impressed by it and there's no actual danger.

>> No.4785237

>that includes weightlifting as that assists me in art
i’m curious - how?

>> No.4785238

What games do you fags play anyways?

>> No.4785241

Lock up access to the things that distract you or change locations so that you won't be tempted in the first place.


>> No.4785244

He sounds more like a procrastinator.

>> No.4785333

what the hell? aren't you an adult? get a fucking hold of yourself man!

>> No.4785343

>Life hard
>Feel bad
>Play game
>Press buttons
>Bingbang Wahoo!
>Feel good

>> No.4785345

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

>> No.4785347

>still finding enjoyment in video games
Good for you, anon

>> No.4785351

why draw? why do something you dont want to do

>> No.4785361

Working out helps you learn and appreciate anatomy. You're literally feeling the form when you work out.

>> No.4785653
File: 141 KB, 781x1200, Ee17uBUUMAAvt1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that image is fukken saved. It'll be my standard answer to anyone who ask why I make such a huge deal about drawing daily.

"video games" is too broad in itself. Some people do it for the challenge, some do it for the story, some do it for the social aspect... there are many types of gamers.
The only answer I consider "bad" is "out of habit". I you play vidya just because that's what you do, with no joy, then it's an addiction.
But one of the answer is "to create things". There's a positive hormonal response in humans when we create, be it something real (like, a drawing) or something simulated (like, a minecraft house). Of course, it is way simpler to create minecraft houses since there's no learning involved.

not the anon you asked to, but for me, there's 3 things:
-Mens sana in corpore sano. An healthy spirit can only live in an healthy body. There's just so much trouble you're avoid down the line if you exercice regularly and properly, without any need to overdo it.
-discipline. You set up a schedule and goals and stick with them, it's the best way to get long-term results. It's true for gym, it's true for art.
-being able to look at yourself in a mirror when you have a question on muscles. It prevents you from drawing muscular women as [pic related]. I'm always surprised during drawing sessions when I see how many art students don't even know what a deltoid looks like...

>> No.4785721

>video games don't inspire you to draw

>> No.4785723 [DELETED] 

why did you post this stupid fucking wonder woman cover again? like can you all stop with this? stop spreading this crap all over.

>> No.4785730

Instant gratification, get rush of adrenaline without putting anything on the line, another thing for men to gatekeep women and make them feel like they're apart of something for consuming a piece of art.

I think the process of making a vidya game seems very creative, but mindlessly consuming products? Not so much.

>> No.4785750
File: 145 KB, 1440x900, reality_by_eranfolio-d1aya5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you feel accomplishment after finishing it? you feel joy trying yo defeat every single enemy?
It's literally the same sense of accomplishment you get for actually accomplishing something. The accomplishment itself is false, of course, but the feeling is real.

>> No.4785766
File: 369 KB, 765x969, 782009247111_anime-naruto-triple-feature-collectors-edition-blu-ray-primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted (and not reposted, it's the first time I posted it myself and wasn't aware that others already had) for two reasons:
-to illustrate what I was saying. This cover is the best example of what laziness means. The art is lazy, the design is lazy, the colors are lazy, the lines are lazy, the pose is lazy. This is supposed to represent a character that is peak human perfection and it represents her in the laziest way possible, making her look unfit and sleazy. That is what happens when you lack discipline. That's what your art looks like when you play video games until you don't enough time left to do a proper assignment and replace it with a political message (the message being: perfection is overrated, it's fine being mediocre). It's not fine being mediocre.
-to remind everyone that laziness is not acceptable. The artist who drew it should be fucking ashamed of himself, but the editor that approved it should be slapped hard a couple times too. Same thing with this Naruto box et illustration, where the art itself much more competent, but the editor who approved it deserves to be fired, because it's so far from the original style that the contrast is comical. No wonder manga crushes western comics if western comics have gotten this lazy.

tl;dr, this WW84 cover is what OP is going to be: unfocused and lazy, and in the end mediocre

>> No.4785780
File: 128 KB, 239x372, 1596560112188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can sit down at any time to draw, get good results and enjoy it thoroughly every time.

>> No.4785796

Haha, I just started playing WoW. Kill me.

>> No.4785819

>just time sink holes that stresses you out
What the fuck does that even mean? It's a hobby like anything else

>> No.4785822

this will be the future soo- it's here. it's us. the drawing book is off-screen and the vr headset is every distraction that is supplemented by modern technology; games, videos, porn, etc.


>> No.4785854

Ok talentfag

>> No.4785897

>i never understood this
Addictions aren't rational

>> No.4785918

I'm actually okay with this. There are a lot worse things I could get distracted by than having limitless virtual worlds to explore.

>> No.4785991

>start of the day
>you currently have 100% energy, you wont have more energy than now at any moment of the day. Sure, you might be more awake, or more energetic later, but you wont be able to stay awake more than now
>make a list of the important stuff you want to achieve today, from the most important, to the least one
>when you are at 100%, start the most important stuff on your list
>when you are at 40%, start the second most important one
>at 15%, third one
>at 10%, 4th one
>at 5%, 5th one
>at 0%, go to sleep
rinse and repeat. Do not make a schedule: I am going to do 3 hours this, 3 hours this, and 3 hours this. You wont be able to do it, we are not robots. Make priorities, and put in each one as much energy as it is important

with your currently schedule, what I understand is that video games is the most important thing for you, and drawing comes second. Change that

I also do the same. Today for example, I started with video games, because theres some missions I want to do. But today I will end, and after I end them, I will do whatever I feel like. But tomorrow, I start with drawing, and later in the day I will do something else.

>> No.4786122

It helps with lots of things.
Not only just understanding anatomy and muscle mass better but also helping me move my muscles and stretch myself, since sitting down and drawing all day sifftens my body. Also helps with my focus and mental health.
Heaps of benefits for working out

>> No.4789202

Why do you post on 4chan?

>> No.4789219

It helps with depression, brainlet.

>> No.4789222

ok grandpa

>> No.4789433

Literally delete all games and just have an empty steam. Any time I feel like gaming I realize I need to download the game first which instantly kills my mood to play games. Get good

>> No.4790444

a thread died for this
worh it tho, you're laughable
lmaoooo die you pathetic ngmi