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File: 49 KB, 473x502, 35E0F478-AC5D-4EFC-AB5B-7AAD873B934D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4781305 No.4781305 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on drawing with colored pencils?

Why do I rarely see people doing it? I’ve never tried it but I’m thinking I might.

>> No.4781309

its difficult, very difficult if you aim for realism
but my god is it worth it

>> No.4781310

I always try them and give up.
I find them much more technically difficult than gouache or watercolours.
i always end up with something that's too grainy and that feels like a 5 year old did it and then i regret trying them because i ruined a good drawing in the process.

>> No.4781335

It's probably the hardest way to color, and the one which requires the most patience. As a general rule, the darker a color is, the harder it will be to achieve a good result with a pencil

>> No.4781338

Slow and end result looks kitschy like the op pic

>> No.4781340

I fucking hate colored pencils because they are so hard to use and feel like you have to have the entire image planned 100% before you touch the paper

>> No.4781344

time and wrist consuming

>> No.4781731


>> No.4781732
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1572216134726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random eye
>Utensils next to signature
This may be the most pretentious shit witnessed to date.

>> No.4781741

because the only thing it's good for is achieving crappy soulless photorealism

>> No.4781744
File: 27 KB, 230x358, 7575A992-5606-4FB3-9737-0C6E5DDC9804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best way way of coloring in trad drawings? I don’t like the sound markers make on paper, it’s very unpleasant to my ears, makes me wanna kill myself

>> No.4781748

honestly i dont think art using coloured pencils ever really looks good.
there might be some that are really good but going through all that training for it to look mediocre against pretty much every other trad form of art? nah thanks

>> No.4781753

It is neither 2deep4u nor pretentious. As that other guy pointed out, its just kitschy.
It's the kind of shit you'd see at an arts and crafts fair.

>> No.4781754

Watercolours or gouache depending on your tastes. Acrylics if you want to get very bright colours but they are harder to work with.

Also Copics, if I remember right, and similar markers have softer nibs that don't really make much of a sound.

>> No.4781755
File: 83 KB, 203x209, D7CAAB36-244D-414D-A434-86E8C9628C2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based helper anon

>> No.4781759
File: 54 KB, 626x958, 1549617789385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a figurative pain in the ass and a literal pain in my wrist.

I've started integrating watercolor pencils into some of my art, but only as a way of adding detail and finishing marks that would be difficult to do with paint.

Doing an entire piece in colored pencil is a major pain.

>> No.4781762

I hate how they feel and how they function. They are far too meticulous for my tastes, and I assume many artists feel the same way.

For a less reasonable answer that may be just as common: since people often get colored pencils as children, many feel like colored pencils aren't Serious Art Tools™ and avoid them out of a misplaced sense of embarrassment.

>> No.4781763

Like >>4781754 said, copics are nice, you can get them with brush tips and they don't make the squeaky sound. There are also other brands of similar quality. You can buy ink refills too to save on costs.

Other than that, painting is fun to pick up. Watercolor and gouache dry fast and are easy enough to use. They also have the benefit of being relatively portable, so you can paint with a small kit in your bag and a water brush. Personally, I like the feel and color of acrylics more though.

Oils probably have the best color and commercial value, but are also more expensive, more difficult to use, and require more set up and space.

>> No.4781768

It is worth noting that oil also takes for fucking ever to dry, which can be a boon or bane depending on your preference.

>> No.4781771

It's also because you can't layer colored pencils like you can with paint, which limits a lot of what you can do. It's not really so much as embarrassment as much as it is that they just can't produce the effect other colored media can. Children are exposed to markers, probably even more than colored pencils, and those are used by professionals. It's just too time and wrist consuming to use colored pencils for most commercial work.

>> No.4781798

The only way to make colored pencils look good is to burnish the shit out of it, going over the entire thing with tiny concentric circles, with a moderately sharp pencil.
Takes forever.

>> No.4781847

theres absolutely zero reason to use only colored pencils past middle school

>> No.4781911

>you cant layer color pencils

Anon, use some basic Prismacolors, not Crayola's for fucks sake.

>> No.4781919
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too expensive and the results are not satisfying

>> No.4782098


>> No.4782120
File: 709 KB, 768x768, 20191101_120623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the noiselike effect of it, i wanna be able to do something like this but i am too /beg/ right now for it.

>> No.4782198

looks pretty typical to me maybe you should stop being an autist

>> No.4782200

>more difficult to use
oil painting is literally the easiest painting medium of all the ones you listed

>> No.4782233

Absolutely love it. Didn't know how good all this really is until I spent some real coin on quality pencils and belnder pencils, etc. But color theory is a must to do good stuff

>> No.4782360

It can't do flat coloring very well, and requires a lot more to do what a marker can with way less work
Can be nice as a stylistic choice

>> No.4782880

lots of normies cream their pants at photorealism and the fact that he shows proof it was done with colored pencils makes it even more appealing and impressive to normies because everyone tried them at least once in their lives and knows how technically demanding it is to get anything to look good with them.
So this isn't a case of pretentiousness, this is a case of an artist knowing his audience very well.

>> No.4782886

Then one can suppose that e-THOTS who think they're being creative by plastering their mugs with exposed cleavege next to a painting of x celebrity know exactly what they're doing too huh.

>> No.4782893
File: 192 KB, 757x816, colpen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun for sketches. i like having some colour in my sketchbook.

>> No.4782894

>Then one can suppose that e-THOTS who think they're being creative by plastering their mugs with exposed cleavege next to a painting of x celebrity know exactly what they're doing too huh.
Their primary goal is putting bread on the table through their art, and the first step to getting people to buy your art is getting your art noticed by them. and if they can accomplish that by using their "assets" why shouldn't they?
I don't blame them, i blame their audience.

>> No.4783360

no offence bby but you might have self-esteem issues if you immediately think all that upon seeing the OP

>> No.4783363

He means you cannot layer opaquely.