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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.93 MB, 1176x1371, wonkachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4771286 No.4771286 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4771288

Just draw what you want

>> No.4771292

Go into politics in twitter

>> No.4771293

Quite simple, really.
Just be one of the best.

>> No.4771300

there is shit fetish, draw your shit without fear

>> No.4771301

You can, just don't get asshurt whenever you see someone with half the skill have twice the followers as you.

>> No.4771303

Have good tastes

>> No.4771340

good replies thx anons. i would have also accepted *spam your shit all over reddit*

>> No.4771352
File: 687 KB, 1255x686, vf6s5wuc1sg41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be an attractive woman

>> No.4771363

imagine posting reddit thread on 4chan to show a point

>> No.4771366

I wish she was my gf Tbh

>> No.4771403


>> No.4771415

Porn or actually have a good personality.

>> No.4771532

Unless "what you really want to draw" aligns with mainstream tastes e.g. porn, anime, anime porn, fanart of anime, porn fanart, porn fanart of anime, tacticool fps vidyashit (does anybody still care about this? I think it only exists to show that as a 3D modeler you can sculpt intricate mind-numbing nonsense while pretending you love it), hypersexual furqueergendersonas, or Hot Topic merch worthy stuff (only works if you are a woman) your only chance is pretty much being born to rich parents and having nice contacts that will give your art a chance to exist if you suck their dick. Oh and your art probably needs to be in the top 1% but that doesn't matter very much because it's clearly proven that many famous people known for their skill actually can't draw for shit, people will literally ignore truth and turn your career-destroying blunders into a funny meme that will make you even more famous.
All considered that's actually quite a lot of variety, we really do live in the best times ever for art. You can draw fanart of quite a few franchises, don't tell me there is no Nintendo game you like. You can even get away with Metroid if you draw zero suit Samus instead of the armor. If you draw good figures and you are above 50 years old you can probably teach figure drawing to the coming generations of porn artists if they will still care about actually knowing how to draw since sloppily tracing camthot screencaps and 3D models gets you paid anyway. Maybe they won't even care about regular figures, maybe your role will be covered by all the lolicons and failed furry artists who will teach how to feel the form of a dog dick instead.
Welcome to art.

>> No.4771543

If you think something is neat, there are others that will think the same thing. You are not unique.

>> No.4771561
File: 1.55 MB, 2129x1208, wwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anons

>> No.4771617
File: 336 KB, 798x533, trudeaukun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is... is that justin trudeau?

>> No.4771634

Are you pineapplemikr or just postin his stuff. Cus his stuff is legit

>> No.4771718
File: 99 KB, 900x900, 9KcEqtE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4771907

Learn to be want to draw nsfw porn with no limits on fetishes etc.

>> No.4771919

Just draw stuff you want to draw. Anyone who follows you will follow you because they like what you create and not just because you did fanart of something they liked once.

>> No.4771971

You gotta wanna draw heug anime tiddi

>> No.4771973

Starting a new and drawing only original and diching fanarts completely got me like 25 followers on IG in a week... I think the biggest problem is the tagging, all the tags I use are flooded and i haven't figured out smaller ones yet where I might find my audience. Or maybe I'm just shit haha.

>> No.4772055

Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

>> No.4772167

By drawing the shit you want to draw. Depending on what it is you want to draw, it will be slower to gain a following, but you'll build a tighter and more interested fanbase this way.

>> No.4772286
File: 1.53 MB, 700x888, 158860045584221212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jist of it is that you can only "make it" if you're a brainwashed peak npc retard who can create product.

>> No.4772303

Sauce? Is it weird that I find this attractive?

>> No.4772375


>> No.4772381

thank ye

>> No.4772401

There's a lot wide range of popular enough stuff than you think

>> No.4772808

Get better taste :)

>> No.4773569

Idk this guy is a legit IG follow

I envy his ability and online style

>> No.4773736

>implying she enjoys some piece of shit game all "the boys" are enjoying
Her picture without herself is still attentionwhoring.

>> No.4773977
File: 655 KB, 1222x1421, 8DE2BE45-EE93-40A3-943E-4A9E34192825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i have a chance ;_;

>> No.4774000

You'll gain followers when you post one trendy art

>> No.4774355
File: 3.28 MB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Willy Wonka.

>> No.4774365

I don't understand why this is a thing with humans. It's as if the people commenting think this woman will give them her phone number or something.

>> No.4774369

on instagram/twitter? the lands of attention? not very well with that dude, sorry, but that looks so fucking boring I'd ignore it in a heartbeat. anatomy is a little stumpy and not very 'heroic' either. you've put a black char on a black bg it's literally not gonna pop out to people. you need to do some inspo-collecting of the stuff that you find really appealing and attractive and study it, study composition, colour theory, etc.

despite all that, you're better than 90% of ic. keep it up.

>> No.4774407

desu, why are women like this? especially in instagram. taking a photo of their work should be enough. why even show their face?

>> No.4774418

i think you're missing the point
if you had really nice arms and included them in your insta shots while holding your art, because you know that it gets more attention, wouldn't you? or is that losing too much integrity? is a social media platform, you're not just selling your work on there, you're also selling a personality. that girl's now gained a bunch of followers because they a) know she's a pretty girl b) have seen who the human being is behind the art is and feel more 'connected'.

>> No.4774457

>know she's a pretty girl
that girl is not even pretty.
She just have a vagina.
And that gained her vagina points automatically

>> No.4774460

Is... is justin trudeau the son of Willy Wonka?

>> No.4774486

>why would an attractive woman take pictures of her face and post them
why would you even ask this? why don’t you take photos of your face and post them on social media? is it because you’re ugly?

in all seriousness, i have noticed outside of art that a lot of women post their smiling selfies with “inspiring” captions and claim to want to spread positivity. i think they honestly believe that they’re spreading joy, that their smiling face on social media should make others smile. that their “beauty” and “insight” is something worth sharing with the world, and that to gaze upon them is a blessing. they really do believe that their own display of happiness should make others happy, that they’re god’s gift to the world. truly fucked up stuff. absolutely delusional.

>> No.4774664

have better tastes

>> No.4776410

just insist
if you draw shitloads of stuff and upload on the super regular you WILL be noticed,even if just to make fun of you for being an autist

>> No.4776542
File: 929 KB, 500x281, 143546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow she traced a still from a tv show. Impressive.

>> No.4776703

It's definitely because of the netflix Witcher

>> No.4776719

got em with the wolf emoji..!

>> No.4779326

Back then I went into art thinking that my sex, my race, or anything but my art wouldn't matter.
Oh naive was I, god damnit. I feel so stupid.

>> No.4781685

Why hasn't /b/ doxxed this stupid bitch yet?! I want to see her make a post about how she's afraid for her life and deletes her account and disappears from the internet.

>> No.4781758

draw a lot of what you like and don't have any expectations about how many followers you will get. just keep faithfully drawing and uploading and eventually the people who like what you like will gravitate towards you because of the sheer quantity of your uploaded art making your work more likely to be noticed

the person who passionately makes art about a less popular topic will eventually get at least a small dedicated base of followers and you can make more money from that than the person who, without passion, creates mediocre, trend-hopping drawings that he doesn't even care and gets a larger amount of followers who won't give him a penny

>> No.4781804

This is obviously false. You have to market yourself 100x as hard to get that "dedicated fanbase". Just resign that you will be just throwing shit into the void.

>> No.4782914

get friends
they come to you if you draw cool shit
then they'll come and shill ya

>> No.4782920

maybe with a porn artist following