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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4764926 No.4764926 [Reply] [Original]

>just keep drawing, anon.
>practice will make you better, anon.
>remember to draw every day!

>> No.4764928

But the new one is significantly better, and it's clear this was accomplished without any mindful study.

>> No.4764933
File: 201 KB, 503x565, 10yearschallenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4764934

i like both of them the new one looks like some proper acid.org mid-90s amiga assets shit like in the http://www.acid.org/

>> No.4764963

ok, don't draw at all, fucking ngmi /beg/

>> No.4764964

Whenever I see something like pic related, I'm scared that i'm just mindlessly drawing with little to no progress

>> No.4764966

It requires critical thought, too. If you're braindead you won't get better.

>> No.4765000

Thanks for motivation
We need more threads like this

>> No.4765006

Jest keep drawing... with a teacher. That's how you become better. You need someone to fix your work, so you see where the progress should be made. Practice with a teacher

>> No.4765028

/ic/ constantly struggling with the idea that you have to be moderately intelligent to be able to self-teach lol

>> No.4765060
File: 676 KB, 1240x1200, 2009 vs 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I'm am just in the same boat as them
I was a fucking fool that took my ability to learn on my own completely for granted because of my retarded hubris and deep seeded insecurity and self loathing, and barely drawn for over 7 years, and now has this to show for. Do not be like me /ic/, study hard, draw you asses off, forgive yourself for you failures, forgive the people that you wronged in your live, and have wronged, and take your goddamn lives back into your hands to make the next ten years better than the last.

>> No.4765062

No one ever says the amount of time they spent drawing on those yearly progresses, talent is a pursued interest compounded over the long run. Don't discourage yourselves before you even touch pencil to paper, just get a routine going and have some fun but be critical of your own drawings to learn. Also try to "finish"things

>> No.4765070

Imagine spending years just adding numbers and thinking this will make you good at calculus.
Imagine spending years just dribbling a ball and thinking this will make you good at basketball.
Imagine spending years just punching a sandbag and thinking this will make you good at boxing.
Imagine spending years writing the same paragraph and thinking this will make you good at writing.

If you can't tell what the real problem is you are either too retarded to learn stuff in general (which isn't the case because you can read this) or just a coward trying to cope.

Go draw.

>> No.4765077

Same thing happened to me when I stopped drawing for years. You literally pick up where you left off. Drawing once a month is practically the same as that. The thing though, is just because you're bad doesn't mean you realize you're bad, because you only start to realize it by exerting yourself. Which if you never do...
Just be curious, engaged, and committed, and I promise you'll improve even if you never get all that you ever wanted. Self doubt is poison.

>> No.4765102

unironically soul

>> No.4765462
File: 125 KB, 768x768, atfeo7cqu8e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no!

>> No.4765469

Me hammer nail in wood for year, why no house yet?

>> No.4765520
File: 785 KB, 3264x2448, xa879l7tbr651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any idea the kind of retards who post there? pic related is something that was posted there a month ago

>> No.4765526

his studies are misguided but he still draws better than 95% of /ic/ despite that

>> No.4765552

I want to learn how to draw so I can lewd his oc until he gets a mental meltdown

>> No.4765557

Actually improved at least

>> No.4765571
File: 83 KB, 956x1328, 17nfu0enqlx31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure he'll be into it

>> No.4765624

Is the blue one the new one?
Is this some kind of mind bender?

>> No.4765718
File: 266 KB, 1080x1266, redditors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha shitting on others so funny

>> No.4765746

I mean that one isn’t bad. It’s only bad if in those 2 years he/she hasn’t gone beyond drawing heads.

>> No.4765758

> I'm scared that i'm just mindlessly drawing
There's a pretty easy test for this anon. Ask yourself: are you studying or are you mindlessly drawing?

There you go. You're welcome.

>> No.4765761

>are you studying or are you mindlessly drawing
Wouldn't the process be
>apply what you've studied in a drawing
>draw again until comfortable with results

>> No.4765771

Stupid people don't improve. If you aren't stupid, you'll be fine. "Talent" is code for intelligence. Think about it, how lacking in self-awareness do you even have to be to post these non-progress pictures?

>> No.4765780
File: 614 KB, 225x225, 1595738390615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren't stupid, you'll be fine
How do I know I'm not stupid?

>> No.4765783

Motherfucker basically didn't learn anything. You could "learn" in an evening. The hair is total shit too so really he didn't learn anything, just changed it up

>> No.4765797

Add rinse & repeat to that and you’re all set.

>> No.4765812

If you see your mistakes and try to learn from them so the next time you don't make the same mistake, you are not stupid. I am sure you are not anon

>> No.4765834

>that hand

>> No.4765840

how the hell you can know what you are doing wrong? that's a paradox, if you knew what was the correct way you wont had committed the mistake, you just know it looks wrong, not what is wrong much less how to fix it.

>> No.4765846

>plays soccer
>kicks the ball over the goal
>"I have no idea what I did wrong"

>> No.4765851
File: 370 KB, 1628x1268, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765889

post your drawing hand, unless you're beg then

>> No.4765902

You need to objectively evaluate your mistakes and try to learn from better artists. If you are following a course or book thoroughly and diligently, while correcting any mistakes you're making, then you have nothing to fear.
People who make no progress are usually drawing JUST for fun, and they draw the same retarded shit over and over in a vacuum. These are the types of people that say "it's just my style" or "it's intentional" in response to criticism. You can still have fun while also learning and progressing btw, they aren't mutually exclusive, it just takes more effort to actually learn new stuff.
It's the exact same as any other hobby. You will be absolutely fine as long as you are diligent and don't have some kind of measurable cognitive deficit.

>> No.4765917

As far as anime goes, they can't get any better.

>> No.4766034

It's the insecurity part that's killer. Being afraid your art will look back impedes you from doing anything. Even the old masters started awful, we just don't see it.Happy studying, anon.

>> No.4766188
File: 105 KB, 888x499, 6A7BD7F9-6E54-4DE4-BEF7-E82611ACCB62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t overthink it, anon. Have a goal in mind, have a few artists you use as pegs, and critically analyze what you did wrong each drawing and always make sure your next drawing is better than your last.

>> No.4766191

Not even that other anon but anyone can see that the hand in that drawing is way too small.

>> No.4766207

There's clear improvement here

>> No.4766260

Which is the before and which the after?

>> No.4766264

It's not about the correct way, but realizing the differences between what you drew, and what you wanted to draw

That's why it's so important to do studies from reference. This way you can notice anything that's off in your drawing.

>> No.4766318

My line art is messy, this art I like has nice clean lines, time to practice line confidence. My colours are grey and boring compared to this art I like, time to analyse artists who have nice colour to see whats different. My composition isn't evoking the right feeling, time to analyse art which has a similar vibe and figure out what works.

Getting better is just brutal honesty about where you are, conscious introspection on what you like, why you like it and a lot of trial and error and messing around in between moments of realisation. Stupid people are incapable of most of these simple mental processes so they cannot proceed.

>> No.4766319

Neither, they're the same piece

>> No.4766320
File: 9 KB, 234x216, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's next? You're going to tell me the bug eyes in anime aren't realistic?

>> No.4766328
File: 6 KB, 121x109, A896E64D-E5B4-486D-9C70-97858CEC9D4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah, the whole anime is unrealistic shtick is so wore out but do you see whole industries built around pic related?
Not defending anime, and neither am I saying the artist in question is terrible, but as a competent artist would you really defend pic related and call it a gold standard?

>> No.4766334
File: 8 KB, 212x237, dHbn5jha61gWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see anything wrong here. I think you're just being a crab.

>> No.4766335

that hand is hardly the worst part of that image

>> No.4766336
File: 57 KB, 640x360, 6C3F2D45-6F1E-4FF3-8D04-D5D1412A8504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a pic of best girl
You’re alright, anon.

>> No.4766338
File: 10 KB, 251x242, F86B45EC-3D39-47F4-9002-F0B68D021BDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I’m not as savage as the other anons here.

>> No.4766732

this can't be real

>> No.4766768

this entire thread

>> No.4767996

That's 2 days worth of improvement, not 2 years

>> No.4768434

well you know what looks shit so find the part that is making it look shit and change it till you get it right

>> No.4769140

You know you actually have to make a conscious effort to stretch your comfort zone and LEARN from your mistakes, right anon? You aren't just mindless drawing the same things over and over every day are you?

Honestly, to internalize the idea of building consistency and improving over time, I unironically suggest working out. Scour the internet, pick out a workout routine, and just do it for 30-90 days straight. You'll learn so much about experimentation and enjoying the process that you'll finally understand what "just draw" really means.

>> No.4770058

>consume the coom loomice challenge

>> No.4770200

>this is horrible!