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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 480 KB, 597x637, sil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4764344 No.4764344 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here? Why were so many people mad?

>> No.4764345

what is the problem

>> No.4764349

A lot of people were mad at the rendition of Sailor moon.

>> No.4764351

what's wrong with down syndrome representation?

>> No.4764354

asian-americans have the deepest self-hatred and cultural insecurities and will rail at anyone for drawing asian features on cartoon characters, or white people making asian food, or anyone ""appropriating"" asian cultures. It's probably because they know they don't have the same racial issues as latinos and blacks, and need to compensate online.

>> No.4764355

>claims to be a fan
>completely fucks up the style to look nothing like the original or even attractive.
Yeah shure, they always claim to be fans.
Somebody call him out on culturally appropriating blonde hair and blue eyes from the white people for lulz.

And before you asked there's a bunch of actually good artists (Norve Watanabe) that draw anime characters to look like asian cosplayers and they look fucking good and hot. This is some bullshit lefty with his identity and shit.

>> No.4764365

>"bullshit lefty"

>> No.4764370

It's funny because the artist is actually an asian.

>> No.4764373

A bunch of wokescolds thought it's a racist caricature because she doesn't look like a kpop idol, which is in itself a ridiculously racist statement, and pointing that out made the situation develop into a bigger drama. Something like that. People who complain about drawings should be sent to reeducation camps.

>> No.4764376

>reeducation camps
gas chambers*

>> No.4764381

How does it feel to be so full of shit?

>> No.4764382

>>completely fucks up the style to look nothing like the original or even attractive.
As ugly as it is, pretty sure the point is to depart from the original. I'm really not sure but maybe a closer examination of the hashtags might affirm this radical train of thought.

>> No.4764383

Just butthurt gooks and elevens for an artist daring to depict a phenotype found within their populations. Go to the comments and you'll see hilarious insecure comments saying "our women don't look like that!".

Funny thing is the artist based it on his sister who is Asian.

>> No.4764385

>drawing a Japanese 14 year old to look like a Japanese 14 year old is bad

For fucks sake this is the same argument whether anime characters are white or asian. Usagi is Japanese and it's just the anime style which makes her look like that, the artist used a realistic style to present his work and people are acting like he drew the racist character of a squinty asian instead of making her look like a pretty asian girl.

I'm tired of this SJW culture.

>> No.4764387

Oh look it's another twitter drama thread.

>> No.4764388

am I the only one who actually thinks it looks good and the girl is cute

>> No.4764389

>s ugly as it is, pretty sure the point is to depart from the original.
Check out Norve Watanabe he's fucking amazing at that.

>> No.4764390

...We could be comrades, bro. I'm sorry.

>> No.4764391

i agree

>> No.4764392

Nime characters are abstract. There's no etnicity with pink hair and huge eyes.
Just like the yellow emoji doesn't represent specifically a white person the anime characters are often something anybody could identify with, some are japanese, and some live in a fictional country in another world.

>> No.4764393

This fucking board is a twitter repository now.

>> No.4764394

when you samefag on these threads to complain i hope you at least sage them

>> No.4764395

by that line of logic is would still be good to redraw them as asian since the purpose of the "redraw" is to draw her in anyway you like? by that logic everyone who drew her as a black woman should be "canceled" because anime characters aren't black either because anime characters are "non specific".
bet u gonna tell me that simpson characters are "non specific" even tho there are african americans, indians, asians and characters of other races that are made to look like said race (while all of the white people are conveniently yellow)

>> No.4764396

I'm >>4764373 and I agree.

>> No.4764398

You guys, this is very possibly the biggest gift you could get as an artist right now: massive backlash because you drew a black character slightly too lightskinned or drew Sailor Moon with epicanthal folds or whatever. We should all be doing this. Drawing fan-art or pron might get you some views, but enraged mobs of Twitter SJWs is an instant ticket to name recognition.

P.T. Barnum famously told newspapers that they could say whatever they wanted about him as long as they spelled his name right. He understood that publicity is the key to success, and there's no such thing as bad publicity. We should brainstorm good ways to piss off the mobs. It can't be too obvious: no painting Black Panther as a white guy, for instance - it can't be obvious trolling. The SJW blood thirst is for well-meaning artists who don't realize what they did wrong until the mob screams at them for it . What are some good things you could draw that will start getting thousands of enraged hot-takes but that won't make you look like an actual nazi?

>> No.4764399

The people complaining the most were probably the same people who see a picrew avatar saying "if you're attracted to a pregnant woman, you're a pedophile" and immediately believe in that 100% no questions asked.

>> No.4764402

Yeah, I think she’s super cute too. It makes me sad.

>> No.4764407
File: 39 KB, 640x628, XbF0A-JrohQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not why NPCs were mad.
That's how it went:
>silverjow draws her as Asian instead of anime-race
>suddenly NPCs realize that every other fanart of Sailormoon in existence was whitewashing a Japanese girl
>cancellation and hilarity ensues
Welcome to clown world, please follow me

>> No.4764408

Those dumbasses think every anime character is white.

>> No.4764410

Anime race

>> No.4764411

If that's your intention then sure. In the modern day of identity bullshit it's hard to say who means what. Was it a leftist post, was he mocking the leftists, was he for real, who can tell?

I actually like that sort of thing.

>> No.4764413

It's weird to me that people assume anime characters are white. Japs are so fucking xenophobic and muh race pride it doesn't make sense they'd be anything but fair skinned japs unless it's some sort of social commentary on whiteys

>> No.4764415

It's not any more or less Asian than what everyone else drew, he just drew her with tiny eyelashes and thick eyebrows and pink eyeshadow so it looks more like the stereotypical white people's idea of traditional Asian makeup, instead of what most other people drew and what actually fits the original alot more which is more like what Asian women's make-up these days look like and what Twitter cosplay thots do

>> No.4764416

>Japs are so fucking xenophobic and muh race pride
Is that why they draw themselves with colorful hair and huge, colorful eyes?
Doesn't seem like they take much pride in their black hair and tiny brown eyes broski

>> No.4764420

its all just one big larp

>> No.4764427

I wish twitterposting was bannable

>> No.4764430

how does it feel to cope like a faggot

>> No.4764431


Keep reporting these shit threads to at least get them deleted

>> No.4764436

well he made her like that because its was a mix beteween sailor moon and his sister so yeah...

>> No.4764437

What, so we can have another /beg/ or /asg/ thread? At least the Twitter bait threads are entertaining. There's nothing funny about watching ngmi begs draw the same shitty loomis head everyday it's just depressing

>> No.4764438

more liek

silverjew xD

>> No.4764440

>haha i am gonna make an out of the ordinary thread on this shitty board

>> No.4764457

When I first saw that painting, I think it was on Artstation. Had no idea there was any drama about it? I just thought it was some artist trying to be woke or some shit. You know, the usual.

You need to get a decent following at first. They don't take down the smallest of fish. Your drawing has to reach the right lunatics for it to take off like that too.
"White washing" characters right now is going to bring you heat I'm sure.
There's so many BLM lunatics right now. Doing Black Panther would be too obvious and it has already been done. Any other black character would do and make them light skin, or even a "what if they were white" sincere take. Any "black erasure" could set off the mob. Also "gay erasure". Draw canonically gay characters in straight relationships, during pride month if you can.

>> No.4764461

>twitter drama.

>> No.4764465

I don't see the problem.
I stand by artists being able to draw whatever they want.....except for lolipedoscums

>> No.4764476

The bitter irony of this picture being shit by SJWs and self hating asian is that is only enforces asian feature as ugly. A shame because she really cute here.

>> No.4764491

>only enforces asian feature as ugly.
This is a real problem when it comes down to it. Nothing wrong with her eyes but only those looking at it.

>> No.4764510
File: 596 KB, 773x768, escher2-183_twon_Symmetry-Watercolor-117-(Crab).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should draw sailormoon in the WWII anti japanese propaganda style. I'd do it but since I'm lurking here I actually can't draw more than stick figures.

>> No.4764533

wtf I like that redraw meme now?
Looks great

>> No.4764543

There’s a lot of factors to consider, because you don’t want to look objectively bad. Silverjow didn’t “whitewash” a character, he just depicted her looking accurate to her race and it set off kpop fans who have been brainwashed into thinking epicanthic folds are disgusting. Most of these kinds of artworks that garner the hate of a mob for an innocuous depiction are made earnestly, as in the artist was being genuine in what they were intending to portray so it’s difficult to replicate it without it coming off as objectively bad or try hard. Perhaps, drawing realistic interpretations of anime characters with Asian features or superheroes with realistic body types may yield similar results. I wouldn’t recommend whitewashing black characters or straightening gay ones as the other anon did, because sjws on twitter liken any slate or erasure against a minority group to nazism. You have to find a way to garner outrage while still appearing genuinely innocent and not worthy of the death threats that will pile up, so you have one side of people slewing hate and the other side creating defenses and arguing with those people. The defense side is just as important as the hate, they will clear your name and also contribute to or create the discussions on why what you did wasn’t wrong.

All this said, perhaps the best method is to draw nsfw of an underaged character. Probably best to stick to teenaged characters rather than actually children, or else the pedophilia accusations you’ll receive will have a backbone to it. The most intense fights I see on Twitter are regarding this because people are passionate on both sides.

>> No.4764598

I wish people stopped limiting what artists can do

>> No.4764611

I wish someone would post a screencap.

>> No.4764613
File: 210 KB, 760x2215, 1589042443073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-racism niggers are racist

I love squinty-eyed Asians, hopefully one day I can get witch-hunted and put all these double-eyelid-worshiping hags in their place, while getting the sympathy of cute epicanthus girls, so one becomes my gf.

>> No.4764630

even caucasian have slit for eyes when smiling like this

>> No.4764675

The only correct response is
"I did not draw the character as asian, why did you think it was asian??"
and proceed to call them racist for thinking yellow skin and squint eyes are racist.

>> No.4764727

>so one becomes my gf.
I don't think you need to worry about that incel-kun

>> No.4764735

i think just asking "why do you think she's asian?" is pretty good twitter bait

>> No.4764738
File: 64 KB, 494x583, F0B9B557-AD14-4751-B1E3-3491B73E3663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming incel-kun is white, and he likes noodle shores, there shouldn’t be any issues

>> No.4764742
File: 84 KB, 904x864, 3BA1FD64-6525-45CF-A18D-CC5CCB8E6355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*noodle whores

>> No.4764755

>out of the ordinary thread
>twitter screencap thread

>> No.4764763

noodle shores/whores?
I still have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.4764770

Those aren't people. They're faggots and no one cares about their opinion. Go back to bed Timmy.

>> No.4764774

they were probably mad that the fan drawing was depicting a chinese

>> No.4764809


>> No.4765153

She kinda looks pretty though desu
Still way better than the original as a drawing imo

>> No.4765165

>This is some bullshit lefty with his identity and shit

>> No.4765174
File: 185 KB, 1478x1108, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how you actually do it.

That guy just shoehorned realistic features on an anime face while keeping the anime portions and hit uncanny walley.

>> No.4765181

actually, it's probably because he used chinese/SEA facial features which are ugly as fuck compared to the japanese models like your pic

>> No.4765183

They have it worse. No one takes them seriously, no one cares about them, the system makes it harder for them to succeed, its socially acceptable to be racist against them, and more. But do the same to blacks and you’ll get cancelled, be blasted on social media and news medias, and have your life ruined.

I’m surprised the issue with his sailor moon is getting him flamed. Thank god he isn’t drawing someone like Penny Proud realistically or his career will be over.

>> No.4765191

Nothing. Some retards got mad. No one in this thread even knows what really happened, which is how insignificant it was

>> No.4765197

Self hating asians are the worst. This bitch trying to white wash everything from depictions of asians in cartoons to her offspring.

Why can’t she appreciate the beauty of asian eyes?

>> No.4765207

Nah, not even SEAs have a tiny little mouth on the bottom of the chin.

Burger Asians are doing fine by every concievable metric but they envy the kind of special treatment, privelege and affirmative actions the niggers are getting at their expense mind you.

Instead of siding with the whites who just want to be left the fuck alone they screech "We're minority too! CULTURAL APPROPRIATION! We deserve gibs too!" which is fucking stupid. They are next on the chopping block after the left is done with the whites.

>> No.4765211

tfw right is cuter

>> No.4765234

I just checked the post and saw a bunch of comments saying "ignore the stupid comments and haters this is amazing" but saw no dramatic comments/hate.

Did they all get deleted?

>> No.4765237
File: 310 KB, 577x700, d064ed61bc247eaad6d539a2a0ee9d95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter hot takes end up being more racist, misogynistic, or whateverphobic than what the person was originally arguing against.

>> No.4765514

>white boyfriend
like clockwork

>> No.4765843

left looks fucking atrocious
this is coming from an asian in east asia and not some filthy haffu westerner

>> No.4765866

I remember this pic getting a shitload of praise and attracting a lot of people under some delusion that DiC forced the Japanese artists to whitewash Sailor Moon because they are all racist.

>> No.4765869

Well, if you look you will see he got 50K likes in the pic. Someone liked it.

>> No.4765878

Draw a black chick like that girl from Samurai Jack.

>> No.4765882

Attractive, and ugly people exist everywhere anon. You’re just a disgusting weeb.

>> No.4765909
File: 212 KB, 396x529, 1482855571025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if you ask, /ic/ probably can't draw realistic asian without reinforcing the slant eyes stereotype as the first impression too. It's not much of a different no matter how you put it. Slant eyes asian does exist, as much as round eyes do, but that's not going to stop people in the west to think about that every Asian have slanted eyes because they basically grew up and desensitized about the stereotype. There's nothing wrong, beautiful, or ugly, with slanted eyes or rounded eyes asian but people keep using slanted eyes asian with a negative connotation or as a topic of controversy instead for what it is.

>> No.4766071

>ts socially acceptable to be racist against them
Asian people are some of the most racist people out there as soon as you turn your back, You'd be fucking surprised at the shit they say about everyone in private, especially about other asians. You never see anything about it because they at least have enough brains in their skulls to either say it in their own language or behind closed doors unlike a lot of white people.

Like another poster said, they're doing well by every metric, successful in schools, having entire communities inside the U.S and outpacing everyone in wealth besides white people. They don't "have it worse". The idea that they're oppressed outside a couple of incidents is fucking beyond retarded.

>> No.4766140

>surprised at the shit they say about everyone in private,
this is nothing surprising. Every Americans are racist is the better wording here.

>> No.4766231

>ten thousands of faggots flagging you until you get banned or shadowbanned

good idea idiot

>> No.4766233

stop treating this shithole like your safe space faggot

>> No.4766282

> some of the most racist people out there
Only black people say this.
Everyone talks shit about everyone in there own language. The chances for an Asian to jump you or murder you for being a certain race, scream at you to go back to your country when you speak a language other than english, or make laws to keep keep other races from succeeding is practically none. Compare that to White or Black people who do the above to Asians and other people quite often, they’re actually the least racist people. Actions do speak louder than words after all.

And yes. They’re doing well because of the sheer effort they put in to their studies, and several states have implemented Affirmative Action measures that make it harder for Asians to get accepted to universities because of it.

>> No.4766290

You fags sure love fellating twitter

>> No.4767084

Nobody was mad, tho.

>> No.4767131
File: 68 KB, 206x180, shygg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to english harder my ESL friend

>Slant eyes asian does exist, as much as round eyes do

have you ever been to any of these countries or do you consider some one like kim's sister to be a round eye

>> No.4767134

>Compare that to White or Black people who do the above to Asians and other people quite often

I live in one of the most racist states in the US and I have never seen this happen. That BLM shit and minimal shit the Cantonese got in the 1800's is about the limit of flack Asians have ever caught here.

The only recent significant happening was the ivy leagues booting out commies from China who would disguise themselves as students so they could publish propaganda on campus.

>> No.4767173

too gooky

>> No.4767187


>> No.4767578

A good nnumber of characters aew unmistakably asian. Araragi, for example.

>> No.4767583


Did the post in the OP get the artist banned? If not, aren't you the idiot?

>> No.4767586

i mean yeah, there are racist americans, but europe also has bad racism. Im just saying, I have never seen an (american) football game where the crowd does monkey chants and the crowd is allowed to get away with it lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3EYjhHzLbA

>> No.4768368

This guy has literally two threads shilling on /ic/ right now.. Can you like not?..

>> No.4768768
File: 260 KB, 475x462, 1596401345664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime race

>> No.4768771

>try to english harder my ESL friend
Thanks for proving my point, but I'm not giving you (you)

>> No.4768781
File: 480 KB, 874x839, pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I honestly hate the zealots who doesn't acknowledge that not all art has to be a realistic depiction and whatnot. you don't like a style? fine, but stop pretending that everyone else is so willing to go with your restrictive bias.

like I'm not of fan of Steven Universe, but I don't grand-stand on twitter, preaching about how everyone who draws steven universe should have their hands broken (cancelling someone).

>> No.4768925

>tiny brown eyes
those are gooks and chinks though, learn the difference, it could save your life

>> No.4768948

there's no cancellation going on here, OP is making a mountain out of a molehill because of his outrage/drama addiction

>> No.4771052

You obviously don't hang around asians if you think anything you said is true. I love retards like you that's whole world experience is reading confirmation bias articles and webms on /gif/ /pol/ and "redpill" videos on youtube.

>> No.4771055


>> No.4771141

I believe anybody who is complaining about that image is a retarded manchild, unless they are complaining about some technical feature like her crooked neck.
Asian people look like that. Are they complaining that she looks ugly? I think she looks fine, attractive even. I genuinely don't know why anyone would sperg about it.
>completely fucks up the style to look nothing like the original or even attractive.
The point of the sailormoonredraw is literally to change the style. Why are you complaining that he changed the style? And this makes him a... lefty? Because only lefties can draw asians in a non-anime style (it's still got anime influence since her nose and mouth are tiny)?

See, a retard manchild right here.

>> No.4771178
File: 249 KB, 397x810, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? how can you be so mad that you have to like the post and then bitch about it later?

>> No.4772031
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 45jnkj35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in an area with a large asian population.

>I love retards like you that's whole world experience is reading confirmation bias articles and webms on /gif/ /pol/ and "redpill" videos on youtube

now you're just projecting.

>> No.4772036

Sounds like you're an expert at that.

>> No.4772077

>blond girl
>make her look asian as fuck
Also decent japanese girls don't even look that chinky.

>> No.4772114
File: 7 KB, 197x256, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn...that sucks

>> No.4772369

Fucking based, anybody got fullres?

>> No.4772373
File: 554 KB, 1150x1123, 1513222663205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4773797

Im half asian and all these gooks chinks and japs have little sideways pussy eyes

>> No.4773907
File: 43 KB, 379x512, ref girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Button noses only exist with asians

>> No.4773933
File: 260 KB, 720x505, 1589736700636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4775749

very feminine response there, anon