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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 499 KB, 1440x1440, 6CDEC17A-53A5-4193-905C-BF6548103A18-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4761025 No.4761025 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have the weston course? I missed the whole event, sadly.

>> No.4761042

This thread should be interesting.

>> No.4761075

you will a c t i v a t e the autist

>> No.4761083

I can smell the cheetos dust from the discord trannies already

>> No.4761129

Use your noodle and search the archive.

>> No.4761145

Just go to the book thread and download Hampton's book.

>> No.4761151

good luck op, ever since we gave women rights we can’t have nice things anymore

>> No.4761158

All the links I tried are dead

>> No.4761212

That book sucks

>> No.4761317
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>> No.4761679

These is some on cgp. If someone got more please link tyty.

>> No.4761713

This is the most overrated video course in history.

>> No.4761811

If it sucks as much as you all say, then it just goes to show that hard work and practice is all that matters :)


>> No.4761884

>Hampton's book
Draw the rest of the owl

>> No.4763589
File: 192 KB, 1080x1080, 3142F681-A88C-4164-B71D-BF6889C41992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really not. You are wrong and your opinion is bad.

>> No.4763592

What meme did I miss?

>> No.4763605

Its only missing the composition one.

>> No.4763614 [DELETED] 

Some fuckhead with a shitty, entitled attitude got super fucking butthurt because people whompaid for the course wouldn't rip it and give it to him for free.

>> No.4763617 [DELETED] 

Some fuckhead with a shitty, entitled attitude got super fucking butthurt because people whompaid for the course wouldn't rip it and give it to him for free.

>> No.4763648

Some fuckhead with a shitty, entitled attitude got super fucking butthurt because people who paid for the course wouldn't rip it and give it to him for free.

>> No.4763665
File: 74 KB, 650x873, 1593253235429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for one is /beg/ as fuck and need all the help i can get, would love to see this.

>> No.4763682

A bunch of discord trannies got pissed off like this queer >>4763648 because they bought it and wanted to hog it, but based Chad bought it for /ic/ and btfo the trannies

>> No.4763697

>based Chad
>buys shit for retard niggers

>> No.4763738

Well you’re in luck because its on CGPeers.

>> No.4763910

the seethe I can taste it

>> No.4763918

Loved how a group of discord trannies tried to flex on people by hoarding this shit course, then some anon who had it just dumped it on /ic/

It wasn't even that good. Just a more colorful Hampton.

>> No.4763969

I have it nigga. DM me on twitter

>> No.4763984

You forgot the frog :^)

>> No.4764428

>Just a more colorful Hampton.

>> No.4764547

Still seething. Give up and move on with your life, lol.

>> No.4764701

defend your position

>> No.4764923

What do you mean you “missed” it? If it happened here then it has to be on the archive.

>> No.4765046


well memed /pol/ack

>> No.4765080

Defend why it *isnt* the most overrated course in history?
Talk to this faggot about his stupid statement >>4761713

>> No.4765094

lol course is dogmeat

>> No.4765221

>using the word autist
Fuck off femanonfag

>> No.4765496
File: 2.29 MB, 500x348, 1595037507418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone in a non shitpost sort of way explain briefly it's shit? I don't want to waste time looking for it if it's legitimately substandard.

>> No.4765868

It's the same shit everyone teaches
different flavor
he makes stupid claims as well like hes the one that brought the ribbon to animation and figure drawing lmao no
typical jew trying to take credit for concepts that existed for centuries to net more Sheckles

>> No.4765871

He said he’s known to teach/make clear the ribbon technique to students which is left out in many textbooks not that he invented it you low IQ 3rd worlder.

>> No.4765921

I like how this thread became big yet no one was able to provide shit. Better luck next time WHOREDER.

>> No.4766242
File: 2.66 MB, 180x180, 1593967490431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish someone would actually post it as I couldn't care less about this tranny vs crab faggotry.

>> No.4766249


>> No.4766254

So is anyone gonna post it?

>> No.4766276

Overrated does not mean bad. Its a fine course and you can learn from it, but its not that much different from any other like some people are saying.

>> No.4766391

All of this gatekeeping is fucking cancer.

>> No.4767109
File: 149 KB, 900x900, 94EDBAE0-56BA-45E6-8340-475ABC2984C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u.

>> No.4767174

All those links are dead, I really just want some links, that's all

I really don't mind whether it's trash or not

>> No.4769873

Daily reminder

>> No.4770209

Is there anything about Weston? I know he deleted his Instagram

>> No.4770275

isn't he a rapist?

>> No.4770298

Fuck off.
He gave someone a playboy as ref material and got metood.
You are literal cancer.

>> No.4770327


yes, its why 4chin likes him so much

>> No.4770352

>He gave someone a playboy as ref material and got metood.
I know Weston is good but holy shit this makes him based as fuck.

>> No.4770876

fucking rapist this is assault no I cant belive he would do this no

>> No.4770890 [DELETED] 

Should I upload what I have? It's the $300 livestream that just ended. From what I saw last time the crabs here were ungrateful so I decided not to but that wouldn't be fair I think.

>> No.4770903


>> No.4770904

Ungrateful? Was there a thread I missed? Everyone was thanking the anon that leaked the courses and discord trannies were seething.

>> No.4770907

This is just Loomis.

>> No.4770927

he's a victim of the diversity push
white men are not welcome anymore
you're done

>> No.4770932


>> No.4770934

About time desu

>> No.4771082


>> No.4771120

Yeah there are few talking about how much of a coomer Weston is.

>> No.4771206

/beg/ here, since no one is sharing it i assume i should just move to the next best thing, what artists teach figure drawing in the most similar fashion? hampton?

>> No.4771208

it's in the file sharing thread my dude

>> No.4771211

oh nice, thanks, complete newfag here so i wouldn't know

>> No.4771219

How much you wanna bet its because some dumb bitch wanted easy access to nude models and got asshurt that porn and not pictures of fat bitches in black and white was suggested.

>> No.4771706


Grab it while you can guys, I'm killing the link 24 hrs from now

>> No.4771719

wtf dude this is ransomware

>> No.4771742

huh that's weird, the original one was over 20gb in size and was also the one i downloaded
unfortunately for both of us the composition classes haven't been uploaded yet

>> No.4771760

They have been uploaded, search in the old video course threads in warosu

>> No.4771862

thx m8, getting some use out of my mega lite

>> No.4771864

aww shiett thanks i'll take a look later

>> No.4771964

They have not

>> No.4771985
File: 211 KB, 850x617, sample_e511816ee5f53e1c3bfcfe17dbbeb5e04a61ad48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fucking crab, i bet you draw like pic related.

>> No.4772093


>> No.4772169

Can someone post backup of Weston's instagram?

>> No.4772172

Again? Ir has been posted 3 times already, fuck off why you don't downloaded it then?

>> No.4772175

Why would I seethe? I already downloaded and watched it. Vilppu and Huston are miles better.

>> No.4772204

Guys. Binge watching tutorials is useless.
There will never be a magic pill, sorry

>> No.4772206

Nobody cares, and most surely you don't know shit anyways so your oppinion is worthless

>> No.4772225

If you decided to answer this way, then post it or kindly fuck off

>> No.4772259

>keeps replying
>nobody cares
ok tranny

>> No.4774025

thanks anon for not being a faggot

>> No.4774038
File: 36 KB, 474x436, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sound
it's always something with (You) people.

>> No.4774090

throws an audio error with MPC but works fine with VLC.

thanks anon, had a much poorer quality version of the course

>> No.4774108


Like with the courses posted above, I'll kill the link on friday so grab it now bois.

>> No.4774152

thanks la. here's a meager offering in gratitude, the Vitruvian Portrait course. shit quality but better than nothing

>> No.4774233

Thank you, anon. But one question: why are you going to kill the link? Can't you leave it here for others?

Thanks, dude!

>> No.4774485

Definitely, closely followed by the Kim Jung Gi course.

>> No.4774497

KJG course overrated? No one even talks about that shit, like literally

>> No.4774980

Mega sends me a shitload of messages when I share links for more than a week, that's why I might make it a torrent but that might take some time.