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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 102 KB, 1238x645, 7qcO5dsBbGbYicxEyZkU5JoCHn1s7NDBoFM48c5GzUI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4755622 No.4755622 [Reply] [Original]

i'm sorry but I can't take draw a box seriously when the author's art look this dogshit

>> No.4755626

good thing he isn't teaching appeal but rather something completely unrelated

>> No.4755637

how does a cat own a store? what is she buying? who is the guy on the right?

>> No.4755640

Same thing with Nicolaides.

>> No.4755641

How do you know the cat is the owner?

>> No.4755646
File: 516 KB, 2048x1583, hektor_design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough for me

>> No.4755649

is this the new meme word after soul

all that visual cluster

absolute shit looks like a michael bay transformers

>> No.4755651

There's a blanket with a cat symbol, implying that the store is the cat's
The woman is the one giving gold
Usually there isn't a guy behind the cashier dude

>> No.4755654

No, appeal is not meme and definitely not like that retarded soul shit. Creating appealing is a skill like good design.

>> No.4755728

The perspective looks... off. Isn't the point of drawabox to avoid this kind of thing?

>> No.4755735

redline it

>> No.4755760

the cat is fucking giant

>> No.4755783

The problem is not the perspective. It looks off because the compostion is bad. Look at it through the rule of thirds for examle. The middle right is cluttered for example.

I get what he tried to accomplish with the piece though. He tried to make a scene were the hero in the 1st plane is withnessing the transaction from afar. But I don't like his execution. The hero is dark and just a vertical shape. The big vase messing with the hero's body (two vertical shapes) are not interesting to the eye. The lady's arm don't create interesting forms that lead the eye anywhere interesting. And the potions in the bottle look off, mainly because he chose to use pure white as glass shape. If you look at glass, you'll see that it's not a pure line of white. He confused white highlights the glass sometimes reflect when direct light is shined upon them, with the shape.

The brushes are meh. I could say it looks unfinished but it may be style. Though he should expand the range of his values and create more decent lighting. For example the light is coming from behind the lady it seems, but there is shadows in the back of her dress?

Anyway, I think he'd do better to imagine less and study real light more and try harder at creating interesting compositions.

>> No.4755855


>> No.4755958
File: 480 KB, 690x452, 1594340425315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawabox teaches incredibly basic construction principles, basically construction 101 for babbies. He at least does that right, you can feasibly go through the course and come out the other side being able to construct 3D objects.
The issue with his artwork isn't with construction or the technical side in general, but rather with effective stylization and appeal, which is a completely different subject of study entirely.

>> No.4755960

You need to break yourself of this fallacy or you will be unteachable.
You don't need to be skilled in a topic to teach it, and the best art teachers are almost never the best artists

>> No.4755965


shitty wonky forms and shapes
stiff gesture on the woman
perspective issues
bad values
muddy colors

literal /beg/ painting

>> No.4755969

No, the perspective is pretty off here. Break the image down into perspective planes and you can see that it doesn't line up. Look at the shelf on the left, and the pot on the right in particular.

>> No.4756054

That cat just works there. The owner is a different cat.

>> No.4756102

>the best art teachers are almost never the best artists
They don't have to be the best artists. They just have to be good.

>> No.4756279

redline it

>> No.4756290


>> No.4756303


>> No.4756304

>crabs crabbing on someone whose art looks better than anything they will ever create in their lives
never change, /ic/els. less competition for me

>> No.4756309

>better than anything they will every create in their lives

>> No.4756310

So we can laugh at your beg scribbles which are miles worth than op pic

>> No.4756318

>Bad artists can't recognize bad art.

>> No.4756323

Well, if by that you mean that most of IC won't be able to pull off a half baked, wonky fantasy illustration, then you are probably right. But that's not much merit to him either.

>> No.4756325

Those hands suck

>> No.4756326

His art is dogshit. If what you're saying is true, people actually should give up.

>> No.4756358
File: 202 KB, 960x659, page01+02_full960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's from 3 years ago. Maybe he has improved since then but this is really bad.

>> No.4756364


>> No.4756366

Pyw. His work is better than 99% of /ic/

>> No.4756371

redline it then

>> No.4756378

Imagine taking drawing lessons from a guy who can't draw.

>> No.4756380

Yeah can't imaging taking lessons from you

>> No.4756391

Pretty sure this is the drawabox guy. No one is autistic enough to defend art this bad.

>> No.4756403


>> No.4756405

Post your recent work, Irshad. Time to prove you're not a shitty artist anymore.

>> No.4756410

I didn't even know his name or like his art very much, I just recognize that he can draw which is more than can be said about you

>> No.4756412

Sure thing, Irshad.

>> No.4756418


>> No.4756421
File: 22 KB, 474x258, dezu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO the red arm wrestling hand. Oh no no no no

>> No.4756432

He's a software engineer by training and I feel like this picture somehow expresses that.

>> No.4756436

True, true. Everyone has a bored and distrustful expression. Literally none of his characters seem lively.

>> No.4756506

i fucking love bayformers so this is fucking amazing to me i love your work anon unironically

>> No.4756533

Irshad, I hope I become known by my art one day, so I can have my brand on google alerts on IC so I can hop in and autistically defend myself when I get called a hack. That's living the dream.

>> No.4756536
File: 186 KB, 960x659, 5924A0A0-1C26-43F0-BA15-BD1CC3AA588C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea about anatomy but just doin a quick shit in /ic/‘s toilet, thanks.

>> No.4756549

Who is the king of shitty artists turned art instructors? Irshad is terrible but my vote goes to Kimon Nicolaides.

>> No.4756807

I might tomorrow, but not right now.

No they don't. This is a fallacious way of thinking and will only serve to limit your growth. It is very important that you abandon this mentality if you want to learn.

>> No.4756835

What a dumb crab you think that Einstein self taught or something?
Or do you think that teachers are always the best? But the student can never be better, so it's all downhill from the best teacher ever back when the earth was born?
Dumb retarded ass

>> No.4756936

What the fuck are you talking about, you spastic?

>> No.4757000

Well Vilppu is barely above /beg/ but everyone on ic sucks his dick, so I don't see the problem

>> No.4757047

>the perspective is off
>redline it then
>I might tomorrow lol
It literally takes a couple mins you lazzy faggot Dunning Kruger crabs

>> No.4757049

This shitpost are boring dude, please find something else to do with your time, and have a (you).

>> No.4757059

two cowards

>> No.4757123

And if I feel like spending a couple of minutes on it, I will do so.
And it's "lazy".

>> No.4757139

>resorting to correcting spelling mistakes
Oh no no

>> No.4757150


>> No.4757165

If you make a typo while insinuating that someone else is stupid, then you're damn right you'll be mocked for it.
And since you bitched about it, I'll mock your lack of punctuation too:
You need a comma before 'you' and a period at the end of your sentence. Dunning-Kruger is also supposed to be hyphenated.

On top of that shit, you called me a crab despite the fact that I was telling the OP not to disregard good advice just because it didn't come from a skilled artist. It's pretty clear that you're just a moron all around.

>> No.4757214

I didn't post >>4757047, you absolute schizoid.

>> No.4757220

Then why did you reply, you retard?
And what difference would that make anyway?

>> No.4757224

Because resorting to correcting someone on their spelling or grammar is a pathetic way to try and steer the conversation away from the fact that someone called you out on your obvious inability to redline.

>> No.4757227

If you call someone stupid while making a typo, you brought it on yourself. Don't start shit and there won't be shit.
I have already responded to the other claim as well, so once again I will call you a retard.

>> No.4757293

Your art is garbage, Irshad. Go away.

>> No.4757347

Who the fuck is Irshad? Paranoid retard.

>> No.4757640

redline already you massive cocksucker, you wasted a couple of mins arguing with others instead of redlining the mistake you "saw" on the pic

>> No.4757655

Then don't use drawabox then?

>> No.4757660

Fuck no. At this point I would much rather continue laughing at you. If someone actually wants to learn something, then I might be inclined to demonstrate the varying perspective planes in the image, but if it's just you being a dumb crab? Yeah nah, I'd rather call you a faggot.

>> No.4757683

Okay tranny, post one finished work by Vilppu which is actually good

>> No.4757688

You're won't demonstrate anything because you're a low /beg/ who can't draw, admit it and stop dancing around coming up with excuses like a cowardly bitch

>> No.4757694

Irshad can't draw either so they have that in common.

>> No.4757695


>> No.4757696
File: 300 KB, 309x461, 1594736983885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks "i can redline but i won't"-schizo for making my day. you've actually got to be a retard or a troll.

>> No.4757697

Nah you're a cunt, I'm not doing a damn thing that you demand.
You are a moronic crab that actively lowers the quality of the board. Kill yourself and improve the lives of everyone here on /ic/.

>> No.4757700

I was fully planning on redlining it today, but since you retards sperged out, I can't be assed.
Enjoy your insults, faggot.

>> No.4757705
File: 20 KB, 373x373, 1548612768101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was definitively gonna redline it (i wasn't), but you guys were mean to me!!!!

>> No.4757711

Irshad is back to defend his shitty artwork.

>> No.4757714

You are a spiteful permabeg who can't draw and only shit on actual artists who mog you in every way, it's subhumans like you who ruin the board's image.

>> No.4757718

Irshad isn't an actual artist.

>> No.4757719

Mean? lolno
You are autistic crabs, so I'm not helping you do shit. If you want to act like this, you can look at the image and figure it out yourself.

>> No.4757720

Compared to him he is

>> No.4757725


>> No.4757726

Irshad is a permabeg self-proclaimed "artist" so he's even worse.

>> No.4757727

Cope and pyw

>> No.4757731

The /beg/tard is sperging out, kek.

>> No.4757732

Do you have any idea what my position in this thread is, you retard? How do you think I responded to the OP?

>and only shit on actual artists
Who did I shit on? All I said was that the perspective was off in one image, and I wasn't even the first to point this out.

No really, who the fuck is Ishrad?

>> No.4757733
File: 558 KB, 666x500, 1589614005869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep posting

>> No.4757734
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1574382040317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, that's what I've been mocking you for.

>> No.4757738
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1518387721435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.4757742

What, are you a fanboy or something?

>> No.4757744

Yes, it was very silly of you to repeat the very same thing I had already accused you of. Well done.

>> No.4757751
File: 186 KB, 316x317, 1589461225764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.4757761

Are you only capable of repeating things someone smarter already said?

>> No.4757777
File: 462 KB, 1440x846, abustlingtowngate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irshad is the shitty "artist" who runs drawabox.

>> No.4757782

>he’s still going

>> No.4757794
File: 13 KB, 266x220, 1511599646778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone smarter

>> No.4757804

As in the same guy that made the OP image? lmao, why the fuck was I accused of being him while critiquing the OP image?

I thought you wanted me to keep going? Make up your mind.

Which word was difficult for you?

>> No.4757818

>no I won't do one shitty redline because the person telling me to is a crab who "actively lowers the quality of the board"
>much better if we all just fling shit at each other for hours and not post any work at all

>> No.4757823

Trying to educate a dumb crab would be fruitless.
Making fun of a dumb crab is at least entertaining.

>> No.4757825

God I hope you are the "I won't redline"-fag. The utter lack of self-awareness would be hilarious.

>> No.4757830
File: 42 KB, 640x640, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which word was difficult for you?
Ah, sorry, I forgot your type of people have difficulties picking up social cues and implications. Let me spell it out for you: You're a retard.

>> No.4757834

You're not very bright, are you?

Are you only capable of repeating things someone smarter already said?

>> No.4757837

>I thought you wanted me to keep going? Make up your mind.
no, that was me. schizo.

>> No.4757841

I can't tell you retards apart, it's all just a big homogeneous pool of chromosomes.

>> No.4757845

The only way "pyw" shitters lower the quality of the board is by making it so that people like you don't post their work and act like that somehow proves a point, when anyone with half a brain cell would realize that actually DOING the thing the crab says you can't do is HOW you make fun of them.

>> No.4757847

Well he's better than me, but his paints have something off which i can't really tell, maybe the values and edges are not coherent.

I'd say he's a really impressive amateur and could score a job doing art in some generic android RPG or something.

>> No.4757852

>Spergs out when called out on their bs
>could have made a redline by now, but is too busy seething
>also a /beg/tard

>> No.4757854

>by making it so that people like you don't post their work and act like that somehow proves a point
What the fuck are you talking about? I've never done this or threatened to do this. I do not employ appeal to authority in arguments, because I am not a retard.

>actually DOING the thing the crab says you can't do is HOW you make fun of them.
That is quite possibly the dumbest thing said ITT yet.

>called out on their bs
What BS?

>could have made a redline by now
Yes, and I chose not to.

>also a /beg/tard
Is this supposed to goad me into posting the redline or something? Try a different approach.

>> No.4757865

What the fuck does appeal to authority have to do with what I said? I said nothing about you threatening to do anything either.

>That is quite possibly the dumbest thing said ITT yet.
Explain how. Literally anything is better than going "nuh-uh" back and forth for ages like every other shitposter.

>> No.4757868

>I do not employ appeal to authority in arguments, because I am not a retard.
>Ad hominem is okay though

>> No.4757878

>I said nothing about you threatening to do anything either.
You said:
>by making it so that people like you don't post their work and act like that somehow proves a point
This indicates that you believe that I would be inclined to post post my work to try to prove a point, which would constitute an appeal to authority.

>Explain how.
When a crab posts "pyw", they are baiting you to do that so that they can attack you for whatever you post.
Anytime someone takes the bait and posts their work, the crab will find some flaw to point to point to (big or small, objective or subjective) and will just hone in on that instead of addressing the argument.
It is an enormous waste of time and it is precisely what they want.

>Literally anything is better than going "nuh-uh" back and forth for ages
No, it isn't, because mocking them is at least entertaining. Falling for bait is not.

An insult is not an ad hominem. I'm not saying your arguments are wrong because you're a downie, I'm saying your arguments are wrong AND you're a downie.

>> No.4757891
File: 4 KB, 259x194, 14395785-D94E-47F6-A025-3C51FA3D9D04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just started draw a box dudes. Pretty pumped. What’s everyone’s thoughts?

>> No.4757933

You "take the bait" (who fucking cares?), the crab tries to nitpick you... and then what? You can just go on "mocking" them in that case, because you've made it even more obvious that they're a retard, and now something actually worthwhile has been posted. How is it a victory for the crab that, instead of letting them go on and on about how you "didn't do it well," you let them go on and on about how you "won't do it"? Either way it's a shitposting spree.

>No, it isn't
So you admit that this whole reply chain is tantamount to going "nuh-uh" over and over. Wow how entertaining. This thread is so much better this way. I can't think of anything more banal and insignificant than a troll trying to goad you into doing something, except pointlessly gloating about how you totally aren't taking their bait.

>> No.4757953

>You can just go on "mocking" them
Or I could just mock them the whole time, saving me the trouble and frustrating them because I didn't take the bait.

>So you admit that this whole reply chain is tantamount to going "nuh-uh" over and over
That is not what I said. You said "anything is better than going nuh-uh", I pointed out that taking bait is not better. I alternate between picking someone's words apart and being dismissive of them, dependant on which one will amuse me more.

>gloating about how you totally aren't taking their bait.
And where did I do that? I have mocked them, and I have stated that I won't take the bait. Never did I 'gloat' about not taking the bait.

Additionally, what is the purpose of your interjection here? You are bickering about bickering.

>> No.4757964
File: 41 KB, 499x570, 1565030019915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine sperging out like this in a thread for 24 hours

>> No.4757975

Imagine repeatedly dropping out of the reply chain to make these passive aggressive posts about this argument while pretending you're above it.

>> No.4757992

It is my mistake. I could not wrap my mind around someone entertaining themselves with something so mindless, so I rationalized it as someone who thinks they're better acting like a hypocrite. Now that I understand that you really are just entertaining yourself by shitposting against another shitposter, I am embarrassed to have gotten angry. Have fun.

>> No.4757994


>> No.4758010

It’s went from a cope to literal autism, because some retard got pissy for being called some mean words, and gotten over defensive through out the rest of the thread. And it all started from a bloody redline.

>> No.4758014
File: 456 KB, 1440x846, whatboxperspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Is that the guy that tries to teach perspective with boxes?

>> No.4758015

No, it all started from one comment about the perspective being off. Then you retards sperged out about that comment, and then sperged out some more when I said I might make the redline later.

>> No.4758112

/beg/ here, are the lines supposed to converge at a uniform point?

>> No.4758116

I come to /ic/ just to shitpost. Go to plebbit if you want serious discussion.

>> No.4758196

who cares, drawabox is just peter han lessons for free

>> No.4758202

your lines are wrong anon

>> No.4758236

redline the red lines or gtfo

>> No.4758243

>every building and roadway in the world is built parallel to each other
>every road in the world sharply turns at 90 degrees

>> No.4758281

His work isn't that good but this just proves how shit /ic/ is since we're over a 100 posts in and not even one person could do a paintover or properly redline it. It's just vague criticisms about something being "off" and never any specifics just like all the other threads. So even though the guy is shit, he's better than %99.99 of /ic/.

>> No.4758298

I think it boils down to "He's a good draftman, but not a good artist."

>> No.4758314

Yeah I agree and it makes sense since that's what he learned from Peter Han and that's mainly what he teaches. The Transformers drawing looks way better than any of the paintings.

>> No.4758330

>or properly redline it
Nice qualifier there, you fucking weasel.

>just vague criticisms about something being "off" and never any specifics
>Break the image down into perspective planes and you can see that it doesn't line up. Look at the shelf on the left, and the pot on the right in particular.
How much more specific do I need to be?

>> No.4758332

Wait no one has redlined this yet?
Do you...do you want me to redline it?
I can take a quick break and redline it if it's something people think will be helpful and not just a thing people are yelling at each other to talk shit.

The fundamentals on drawabox are solid and you'll learn from them if you're a beginner but Irshad is definitely better at sketching than he is at paintings like these. This looks more like a quick compositional sketch than like a finished piece, and I think that's all it is.

>> No.4758349

Someone has redlined one of his paintings ITT, but "t-that doesn't count".

>and not just a thing people are yelling at each other to talk shit.
That is exactly it.
You can if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it. People ITT have no intention of arguing in good faith, so it doesn't matter how good of a job you do.

>> No.4758360
File: 235 KB, 1323x699, Light redine 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucked up the light so much that my light redline looks fucking autistic

>> No.4758367

Fuck paint cropped my lower redline. It says "Light gradient why is here if the light source is to the right? (look at woman's shadow)"

>> No.4758372

yeah I was pretty sure, thanks

>> No.4758381

And before anyone says "It's double light source" Then the back of the dress and the bricks in front should have a lot more light on them.

>> No.4758387
File: 170 KB, 640x513, 296D805F-3946-472C-B78A-9CD66D182FB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are going to confuse beginners. Not all lines in the drawing have to conform to some uniform point. Only lines to the same vanishing points, essentially the same planes of a form going back into distance. You can have any number of vanishing points in a drawing.

This entire discussion is for people who never learned basic logic fallacies.

Let me spell it out. Someone can know something (eg rules and facts) without being good at it. Someone could even teach the principle of a subset of skills (perspective) and not be a great painter because, while the skills overlap to some degree, they are not all the same. All of this should be obvious to anyone with two brain cells. The opposite is also true, you could be a shit painter and a shit perspective teacher and shit drawer/drafts person.

So really, what you absolute idiotic, brain dead retards should be arguing about is the content of the course and whether it adequately informs and prepares its students to achieve the goals in the curriculum.

If it doesn’t, then fuck draw a box. If it does - then Draw a Box is a success.

Ive never witnessed such a moronic discussion between to absolute wastes of space. Pull your fucking shit together and draw. You both should’ve been tossed out on tissues from your father after a bad jerk session.

>> No.4758427

>Someone can know something (eg rules and facts) without being good at it.
I said this from the very beginning. But then I saw someone say the perspective in the OP image was fine, and I explained how it was not. Never once did I imply that this meant people should not use Draw a Box to learn perspective, but the anons in this thread flipped their shit anyway.

>> No.4758515

Not him but the perspective is ok. The real issue is how confused the lighting is (as another anon pointed it out).

>> No.4758539


>> No.4758548

The perspective is not okay, again, look at the wooden structure on the left and the pot of the right.

Cool argument, weasel.

>> No.4758549
File: 329 KB, 2224x1419, 2944B3A4-82E0-495E-8543-5C1204B38D9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4758550

>perspective is ok
t. blind

>> No.4758579

In short, the real money is in selling the shovels.

>> No.4758613

Redline it

>> No.4758619

Based and Gold Rush pilled

>> No.4758648
File: 1.24 MB, 1238x645, window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most obvious and easiest to point out.
The windows are made of parallel lines with zero vanishing point.
Either the perspective is wrong, which it is,
or we are too dumb to see that the window is actually made from uneven rectangle instead of a uniform rectangle.

>> No.4759892

Eveeything is so flat

>> No.4759901

That or the smut
Dunno what the analogy is tho. Maybe teaching is shovels and smut is straight up painting iron ingots gold and selling them

>> No.4759951

Back is heavy

>> No.4761072

His perspective dosent bother me as much as his figures and animals.

>> No.4761237

most of the art teachers are mediocre artists.

>> No.4761383

>You don't need to be skilled in a topic to teach it
This is such a retarded statement. Of course you need to be skilled in a topic to be able to teach it. How are you going to teach calculus without understanding math? Don't be a fucking moron.
Also you don't need to be the best, but you need to be good.

>> No.4761452

Dunning-Kruger dunce.
Knowledge is necessary for skill, not the other way around.

>> No.4761484
File: 145 KB, 952x960, 1584871221587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop muttering words you don't understand.

Skill is not necessary for knowledge when the executive part of an activity (skill) is separate from the theoretical aspect of it (knowledge). For example, I am very skillful at spinning a pencil with my fingers but have very little knowledge on the activity and the bio-mechanics involved. Likewise, someone might be very knowledgeable about pen spinning but not be able to actually execute it due to lack of motor coordination. Sports fall into this category and is why you have things such as coaches.

On the other hand, you have activities where there is very little separation (if at all) from the executive and theoretical aspects of it. Math is the most extreme example where being skillful at math is the same as being theoretically proficient at it. Art falls in this category. Cooking does as well. You wouldn't learn how to cook from a chef that only makes shitty food, just like you shouldn't learn how to draw from an artist that can only make shitty drawings.

Do not confuse this as me saying that someone who is good at art is immediately a good teacher at it, because teaching is an additional skill that you develop on top of your understanding of the subject. But you need to have that underlying understanding. Good artists have the understanding regardless of their ability to articulate it, while bad artists don't and whatever their articulation skills are won't matter.

>> No.4761488

>redline the red lines
only if you redline the redline redlines

>> No.4761495

where's the space between "lol" and "no"? And where is the period after that sentence?

>> No.4761557


The dunning kreuger study was actually poorly executed in an academic sense.

>> No.4762111

>Stop muttering words you don't understand.
Which word do you think I don't understand, retard?

>Skill is not necessary for knowledge when the executive part of an activity (skill) is separate from the theoretical aspect of it (knowledge).

>Math is the most extreme example where being skillful at math is the same as being theoretically proficient at it. Art falls in this category.
Incorrect. There is a wide gulf between the technical execution of art and the theoretical understanding of it. Art is much, much more comparable to sport than math in this regard.

>Cooking does as well. You wouldn't learn how to cook from a chef that only makes shitty food
This is also incorrect. While it is to a much lesser extent than drawing and football, cooking does require a sizeable amount of physical skill to be done well. I shouldn't need to explain that physical skill is not acquired through theoretical understanding alone.

>But you need to have that underlying understanding

>Good artists have the understanding regardless of their ability to articulate it
This is correct.

>while bad artists don't
This is fallacious.

You tried.

>> No.4762155

>he's still here

>> No.4762159

You mean "here again". Nobody just keeps an /ic/ thread up for its whole duration, the board moves much too slowly for that.

>> No.4762172

>Nobody just keeps an /ic/ thread up for its whole duration
At this point, you doing just that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.4762191

And you?

>> No.4762196

Retarded crab get BTFO so hard

>> No.4762221

Are you just popping in to this thread for the first time or are you just pretending you are?

>> No.4762228

>changing subject
crabs get BTFO so hard he went full retarded.

>> No.4762231

Nice dodge.

>> No.4762242

I don't think getting called out for changing subject is a nice dodge.
I was joking, but...
A-Are you really retarded?

>> No.4762244

Are you just popping in to this thread for the first time or are you just pretending you are?

>> No.4762251

And now the dumb crab became a broken record machine.

>> No.4762256

A "broken record machine"? lmfao

>> No.4762271

i hereby declare this thread cringe and yikes, and possibly oof

>> No.4762295

Agreed, minus the zoomer speak.

>> No.4762676

considering it's a scam and he paid money to people to advertise it when he first started his scam, that's a good thing you don't take it seriously

>> No.4762682
File: 296 KB, 780x768, escher2-174_twon_Man-with-Cuboid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cubes are so simple, basically impossible to fuck up perspective with them.

>> No.4762688

>literally free
How can one nigga be so retarded

>> No.4762755

You are too pure to be on this board anon. Leave and take all the resources you can :<

>> No.4763516

For me its that nothing really feels connected, its like the characters were drawn in a vacuum then put into the scene.

>> No.4763563

>Get Famous
>Either make money from advertisements or patreon or even donations
How can you be so retarded?
do you think that free to play games are really FREE??
That the companies are doing charity and let you poor fuckers play games for FREE????
You single cell brain dumb sea monkey!!

>> No.4764419

Why does it look so.. Noodely?

>> No.4764425

i hope this is bait or humans cant be saved.

>> No.4764455
File: 12 KB, 245x204, 1595966005195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it

>> No.4764496

This actually wins for dumbest thread ever. It’s a free course.

>> No.4764517

i don't care about drawabox or whatever but is this cherrypicked or old work or something? there is not a single properly placed object or box in that entire drawing.

>> No.4764756

>dude eat shit, it is literally free

>> No.4764779

yeah, it's a cherrypicked old turd. i mean the guy's not a craig mullins or whatever but he's at least mediocre. his artstation is https://www.artstation.com/irshad0karim, you can decide for yourself.