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4751250 No.4751250 [Reply] [Original]

Is Newgrounds a viable place to post things ? Twitter seems impossible to grow in unless you bother other artists and somehow they pitty you with a retweet. While Instragram has a shitty format imo and you have to upload things in a square shape.
Newgrounds at least seems like a place you can interact with other creators and grow popular amidst people that have a passion for creating content
Would any anons here like to share their experience with the site ?

>> No.4751304

They have art contests with actual money prizes and stuff, which seems pretty nice though I don't know if you art actually gets viewed if you are a total newcomer with no mutuals

>> No.4751314

Seems to me that unless you do a specific style(kind of edgy western anime) you're not gonna get traction.

>> No.4751318

Is there any active art community that doesn't emphasize anime?

>> No.4751326

I would say reddit, because anime work posted in r/art would never usually get pass 1k upvotes, while any other form of art would get 10k and above.

>> No.4751388

u need to get scouted before ur art shows up in the art portal, that means ur art ends up between the other 99999 unscouted artists with varying art qualities. u have to be lucky to be found but it goes pretty quickly tho.

>> No.4751464

Seems so, I got more attention posting some shit spam animation than I did posting on the void that are twitter and youtube.

>> No.4751752

What is scouting ? nice digits btw

>> No.4751808


>> No.4752054

when there's animator, there's anime in many cases.

>> No.4752655

Viable if you do porn or animations ranging form simple ones to more elaborated.
If you have a series you want to do, your best bet is still newgrounds.
For drawing, If you have no recognizable style or are a beginner, you might as well just not bother until your reach a higher skill.

>> No.4752941

Did you post some of your work there ? Did people actually see it ? I find the view system nice because it at least shows some people have seen you even if they didn't like or commented your art

>> No.4752989
File: 136 KB, 928x285, evenNGknows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i've used it for a few months, got scouted, got a good amount of views for a nobody, but never managed to to gain any followers and rarely got 5 or more ratings on a picture. This was on my sfw account.
I made a test with nsfw where i barely put any effort into it yet had better results. People would see it more, rate it and follow. Even when the work i put there was absolute dogshit.
All the big names with the biggest followings there are porn animators.
There are very nice artists there but they get overshadowed by the sheer amount of porn that gets uploaded.
NG got this monthly poll where if you're selected to participate, you take works, rate them and put them up to be frontpaged and even they say "porn doesn't need help getting noticed"
>pic related

So, all in all, if you want to go the porn route, go to NG.
Do animation loops like everyone else. Have your distinct style and pander to a niche and you're bound to succeed.

>> No.4753067

Why do you type like that.

>> No.4753240
File: 242 KB, 382x417, 1590716807859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a couple of weeks i got a message saying "You have been summoned" (i accepted) i don't have many pieces post it there and i'm new to the site
What it means been summoned?

>> No.4753771

If you're gonna join FA be ready for: 1) delicate snowflake userbase, faggot overzealous mods, and more importantly 2) be ready to draw porn and only that, no one gives a fuck about anything else unless you're really, and I mean REALLY talented

>> No.4753864

IDK I get as much attention there as on da and pixiv, it might be even growing faster.

>> No.4753910

been dumping my shitty furry porn on there for a few months, haven't bothered anywhere else since I'm using it more as an archive than a sharing site. It doesnt have the same userbase as something like Twitter so you might not go "viral", but i find it to be a comfy spot. Biased though, I've loved NG for decades, just never had an account

>> No.4753918

you get scouted pretty quick if you're decent, I lurk through the unapproved artist page, and trust me, you'll stand out among the MS Paint OCs and badly made inflation porn

>> No.4753920

your posts show up in the main art page instead of the unapproved page where all the incompetent autistics post their garbage

very entertaining though, like this guy:

>> No.4753959

they ban loli right?

>> No.4754012

Oh, I'm never touching that rabbit hole, but from what I've seen it has less anime than other art sites.

>> No.4754363


>> No.4754641

True, however it's a good place to rob autists blind with overpriced yiff art

>> No.4754647
File: 2.88 MB, 280x190, 1587956215467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.5k pieces of art
>Is all draw like that
How you people find this freaks?

>> No.4754648

I hate how the newgrounds gallery uses cropped thumbnails. Can't tell what the fuck the image will be until you click it.

>> No.4754703

You can crop the thumbnail yourself.
>dont know what it is until you click it
That's the point.
If the whole image was visible, you would scroll past it.
Of course, implying you have the attention span of a fly, which the average user has.

>> No.4755087

How Pixiv works ? I only ever see japanese artists I follow on twitter use it
Do you have to spam #tags to get any attention ?

>> No.4755092
File: 357 KB, 883x1493, 1338341_artistgamernerd_gotenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4755122
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, 1584656036320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4755148

>That's the point.
And it makes it a hassle to look through a gallery. Which is why I've only used Newgrounds to look at illustrations once.

>> No.4755163

pretty much everyone bans loli, except pixiv and baraag
*cries in loli artist
well, not like I'm good enough to get a following anyway... been posting every day on pixiv for 8 months and barely reached 200 followers

>> No.4755169

it's a much smaller pool and is kind of the best place to get started with a following.
there may only be a few thousand people who visit it but its way more likely those few thousand will see your art than a handful of the millions who access twitter.
start building a following there and then maybe join twitter when you have a already established following so you aren't just swallowed into the ocean of unknown artists

>> No.4755170

Good, now go to your containment, lolifag.

>> No.4755195

I'm actually pretty happy with the containment, to be honest. It's cozy an there's no real downside for me

>> No.4755228

so fuck off already

>> No.4755412

You're not really missing much because it's either
ms paint tier garbage
porn posted with the wrong rating on purpose to generate views from children and horny teenagers
degenerate fetish cringe posted with the wrong rating to generate views from children and horny teenagers
nude pin ups of current anime trend posted with the wrong rating to generate views from children and horny teenagers
beg fanart
beg fanart of porn artist OC posted with the wrong ratings
int fanart of porn artist OC with wrong ratings
And very rarely you get good, genuine stuff from good artists that have been barely noticed even though they've been years on the platform.

>> No.4755970
File: 9 KB, 348x108, Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 4.32.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol your art must be shit. its sooo easy to get followers on pixiv

>> No.4756327

To post? Yeah, it's good as an archive for your own works. You want to be popular? You wont be. Admins are frontpaging the same 10 people.

>> No.4756337

I dunno man, I got frontpaged out of fucking nowhere for a random illustration that came out well, and I don't even post on Newgrounds that much

>> No.4756346

I was frontpaged once for some skullgirls fanart and all I got were 17 new followers

>> No.4756353

are you enjoying posting there? is it a solid community/do you get a lot of engagement and interaction? do you reckon you could end up getting commissions off NG?

>> No.4756369

Nah as I said I use it more as an archive because it does not compress images. I got more followers on pixiv than on NG in the same timespan (4k vs 1k) and have like two-three autists who interact with every drawing I post. I'm not that quirky and probably draw fanart for a fandom that is not welcome on NG but not that I would care.

>> No.4756377

if you lurk the unapproved pages long enough, you're guaranteed to see either his shit or the guy who draws nothing but paw patrol art

>> No.4756438

Lmao is this the newgrounds equivalent of artstation's Sami Ways